ouuo'ii lixprrss. - ...FRIDAY, MARCH 0, 18HH. i1 ." . 1 t 1 1 m . i . . u " n i i i 1 1 LKIiAXOS' VXJrSTLY 1GX0I? :. Lfirn county la fortuuute In hnvlng junny business witter, ptvtty tvenly divided through the oounty, and ocat twed m thnt ticitrly every jxltit hns a murkct within a rcuohlle distant"1, uiut nil of about the tmnie 'value. Al bany, TaUKftit,' Shvdd, Hftlsoy, liar tllur)r, Hrownsvlllc, Selo and Craw, ftmteville are each fbrtunate In this re upeet, as well as a few other smaller railroad stations. We call attention to the fnvt that no other county In Ore iron has thrve rntlroatla running through It. Tut n spike In thi. ami hold it down, for It mean a lump of l?old to us. ThO more of a railroad renter a county In the fcreater Is the attraction for new comers. Add to this Idnn county's unsurpassed resour ce. Its splendid scenery, Its Intelligent citizens and Its fine climate, and we have a capital wo need not be. afhamed tf In advising people to locate among . Democrat. The Democrat, In mentioning the towns of Linn county, w hether pur iwaely or not, leaves out and entirely Ignores the town of Lebanon, situated in the very centre and garden snot of Linn county, second only In size and commercial Importance to Albany it self, and more Justly entitled to be Linn county's capital than even that city, which only the Willamette river keeps from Wing In lk-nton county. Forth Information of the Detnovrat man, we would state that Lei anon has more stores, more business, more man ufacturing Interests, pays more taxes and has a morj enterprising class of citizens than any town In the county, Albany only excepted. Lebanon is al so the Jnltial point or western term inus of the Willamette Valley and t'ascade Mountain Wagon Road, and the Albany branch of the O. A C. rail road, fcsodaville and Waterloo, two fa mous health resorts with their mineral springs, are In cle proximity to Leba non, while the flourishing community of Sweet Home, with its fine trade, purchases most of Its supplies at Job liers' rates from our Lebanon mer chants. The Deinoerat' subscription list In Iebanon Is evidently not so long as It used to bo. Jay Gould may toon llt;d h mself In the toils. He Is at present In Egypt looking at the things of the past, but the thing of the pat which troubles him mofet Is his crooked deal with cer tain holders of Kansas Pacific bonds. His friends tried to brtLe District At torney Fellows, of New York, not to present the case of the K. P. bonds to the grand jury, and Fellows "gave them away." This fact, together with the fact that the architectural shape of the Tombs in New York Is that of an Egyptian sepulchre, makes Mr. Gould look pensive. The Palouse Gazette says : rresident j i'leveland has sent ihe name of Leon ard B. Cornell, of New Yoik, to the senate for confirmation to the office of receiver of the land office in Spokane Falls. This Is unwelcome news for a number of aspiring democrats of the Falls City w ho think thetr services en titled to recognition. The president is not so overly dull, however, and knows that a plum thrown to an influential family of New' York, will yield greater results this year than scratching the hack of a dozen territorial politicians. The Montana Smelting Company hasetosed a contract with the Great Falls Water Power Company, of Mon tana, and will erect the largest smelt ing plant In the world at Great Falls, the Missouri. The company has a capital stock of l,5ot),00t which will ! Idaho, says an exchange. It probably tie Increased as required, and their I settles the question whether sheep can plans call for the expenditure of nearly j te herdod on ranS previously oceu . . , i pied by cattle. The attorneys on both $2,000,000 for the erection of furnaces . , 1,. i . i . -. u . .. ' since received word that it has been de- nd other structures. cided against the ratttle men. Just Developments in New York City j what ,in,ts the dIo,n uf . - I cannot be known until the text is re- snows mat many oi mewiinese laun- dries arc dangerous dens of vice and places which young girls should not be allowed to approach. There is no as surance that they are better anywhere lse. These people have little in com mon with Americans and the demand for their further exclusion from the country did not take form any too soon. The death of W. W. Corcoran, the Washington banker, last week remov ed one of the most philanthropic of rich men. It was his custom for years to distribute thousands among the needy, and his public benefactions have made his name of national repute. Doubtless it will be found that his charitable deeds were not entirely con. fined to personal acts while in the flesh. The auctioneer's hammer will de- ftrnil xvitH titfiftvv tniiii in kitnft!iinii spring and summer. Whole counties mortgaged to an unprecedented extent to eastern loan companies, will be put p at auction. The rush of immigra tion to the Pacific coast during the eoming summer vill be great and grat ifying. If it is true that the Burlington strikers only ask what ninety per cent, of the railroads in the country are pay ing their men, the fact will furnish big leverage in aeVonmli.shimr their mir - 4 oe. - Oregon offers special inducements to Ihe officc-sw-kcr. - There is a ogmw- "jiual iKTsirjimru to knock this ycur. WASHINGTON LETT The Kenate having removed l Junction of Hcrresy from the FIs!k. treaty, the most notable thing done by that body this week was to riebato for more than ait hour the ''policy of con sidering the document with tin doors. Ho radical ft departure from time-honored precedents awakened bitter oppo sition from a number of prominent convert to the open session movement of late. It Is predicted that the sqcret sessionsexcept where aHlrmntive rea sons exist for sccrcsy, will Hot lust many months longer. Henator Teller made a vigorous pica for open sessions recently. He argued that no department In this Govern ment had any business to have secrets from the public, unless It were the Htate IVpartment, pending treaty ne gotiations, or something of that kind. Ho said every decision made by the head of a department, every adjudica tion made by the head of a bureau ought to bo an ojeii lxok for the o ple of the United States to read and examine. He held that secret sessions were un-republlcan ; that there was no more reason for considering the confir mation of executive appointments lie hind closed doors that for legislating behind closed dcors; that It was one of the essentials of a free people that they should know what their public, servants are doing, and he mentioned that even the Supremo Court publicly recorded the action of each JuhiIcc on each ques tion. Probably the most notable thlnnt done by the House this week was to defeat by a vote of 12 to 128 the Hoar resolution changing Inauguration Day to the 30th of April, and extending the short session of Congress to that date. It now remains to be seen what the Senate and House together will 1 with the Craln resolution providing that Congress shall meet on the 1st of January after the election. The deepest Interest and sympathy Is felt here over the condition of Mr. W. W, Corcoran, the venerable and belov ed Washington philanthropist, whose long and useful career Is rapidly hear ing Its eloe. No hop Is entertained of his recovery from his present illness, and ere this reaches you, you will pro bably know of his death. The coming Washington Constitu tional Centeunlal and World's Expo sition of and 1S'.2 have now re ceived approval and endorsement from the governors of thirty-seven states and territories, the mayors of fifty-two cit ies, the presidents of 153 boards of trade, from thirty-three state granges, from thirty slate agricultural soehtles, and various other bodies. The Central and South American republics have made known their intention of taking an aclive part in forwarding the Expo sitions, the Government of Spain has taken official action to the same end, aHd Italy has signified her intention of I lining in the celebration. The Jlorad of Promotion docs not ask for an appropriation for the expo sition of 1S!2 from Congress. All they ak is the use of the ground. When the time comes the statc-s and territor ies will !e asked to appropriate f 100,000 each to erect their buildings. The f 300,000 asked for in the bill for the Constitutional Centennial is to be de voted, it Is said, to the entertainment of the presidents. fliief-justlecH, and t, . . . , en Spank-h-Ameri- ministers or tne rmeen !pan can republics who w ill be here as the j aruesta of the covernmciit durlnsr the ! Celebration. As Wednesdav, the birthday of the "Fat he try," the United 8tatcs gave itself en tirely to patriotism. All other business was dispensed with for the reading of Washington's Farewell Address. This performance was executed In a very creditable manner by Senator In gal Is, of Kansas, the president of the Senate, while the Senate showed its respect by attending in unusually large number and listening attentively. By the time you read this you will know all about the proceedinirs of the Democratic convention held here dur ing the week to decide the time and place for the meeting of the Presiden tial nominating convention, conse quently it is useless to dwell on the subject. Important Dix-lsiox. A raise of much importance to stockmen has !ut ; been decided by the Supreme Court of; , -p..... Ida,m - 1:.w m:ltin. tl,.. herding of sheep on lands previously occupied misdemeanor. But this) case, MeGinnisset al. vs. Friedman, is j an action in equity. The defense, for t uiesiio'p man, maae iiic points mat ! tho proper remedy was by a criminal suit ; that the Idaho law was unconsti tutional, and that it made an unjust discrimination between two classes ot citp.cns. If the decision is Ikwh1 on the first point it will be tried again, as a criminal offense, and probably car ried up to the Supreme Court of the United States for a decision as to the constitutionality of the law. It isn't always the compositor's fault. The editor came hurriedly in primed with the latest information, and shout ed down the speaking tube : "Change 'ill to 'dead' in the Smith item." The iliter.al compositor obeyed orders and me iicm was printea : "uur esteemed fellow citizen, Simon Smith, is lying i i . . . i .. .i i ,, - The extraordinary popularity of! AVer's Cherry rectorial is the natural result of its use by all classes of people for over forty years. It Iihs proven it self the very best specific for colds, coughs, and pulmonary complaints. The political pot is beginning to sim mer. The bubbles are coming up around the edge and hand shakings are numerous. The prospective candi date is quite friendly. Take Aycr's Sarsaparilla, in the spring of the year, to purify the blood, in viirorate the system, excite the liver i . . .......... . . . . . J . i m j. . ,a," iuy ine ami , vigor torne wnojepnysicaimecnanism. Remember that quality, not quantity, constitutes the value of medicine. j T .. "T : , ( I ll l crnt inn an fur clmu. ilia fvnit tm arc H, good condition, and a large ; yiM is imth-fpatcd. . , o L ' -.'u,rd within. llt'era Kt or knife, by - v , Dr. J. A. I.AMHKRS ).N, Lebanon, Or. Who Is Your Best Friend? Your stomach if course, Why? lie- came If it is out of order you are one of tne nioKi miserable creatures living. Give It a fair, honorable chance and see if It Is not the best friend volt have In the end. Don't smoke lit the morning. Don't drink In the morning. If you must smokn and drink wait until your stomach Is through with breakfast. You can drink more ami smoke more In the evening and It will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest rlirht If you are troubled with Heartburn, Dlzr.tnrss of the head, coming up of the food after eating, llll lotisticas, Indigestion, or any other trouble, of the stomach, you had best use tl recti's August Flower, as no jmt sou can use It without Immediate re lief. TDK MAllKKTS. Lkh.wo.n, On., March 2. Wheat COo per bushel, tints ;Uc per bushel. ,Flour-&i fto per barrel Potatoes fioo ja r bushel. Eggs '2 e per dozen, llutter ittc per H. Lard DeH!jc s r lb. Apples, trn'en ittv xr bushel. Apples, dried 5H12o per W. Plums, dried UK'S 1 2c jKr In. Prunes, dried 10e12e Hr ft. Hams 12c per lt. Shoulders Ye So per ft. 11 icon UK tier lb. Coal Oil f I -" per A gallon can or ?u -j jh r case. W vv Of the good things of this vxvxxvv lifs mnt orrow(uUy l t slons on srnount of Prspepsis. Acker's PTSjiepnla Tablets will curs Dyspepsia. IaJIgfstion and Constipation; sola on a positive guarantee at S3 sad CO cents, by J. A. Heard, Druggist. Mourv' llalr Intl(rlor. This excellent preparation for the hair, may ls found on sale st the fol lowing places: M. A. Miller, Lebanon; Starr A Sianard, O. Oslioru and M. Jackson, Hrownsvlllc; F. A. Watts, Shedd; tt. tSray, Halscy. Sampte bot tlfs freo. Csli and ret one. 9Srvo Children. Taey are es- w"vv pwlslly llabl to audilrn Colds. Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc We guarantee Arker's Eagllah uemeiy a pnsnive ram. it saves hoars of snxloas wtchlnff. Sold by! J. a. lit-ard, Druggist. There Is nothing so valuable for throat and lung trouble, nud that can Ih taken without any injurv to the stomach, as "Mother Curv'sCiumtree Coiitjli Syrup." Try it and you will say so too. J. A. Heard, agent for LcImvihmi orp vO a. Wood Ellilr la tha only '' Blood Ketnedy gnarso. teed. ItisapositlTsearsfor L'lcrs, Erep. tionsorSyphilitio Poisoning. It rurlfiesths whols system, and banishes all Itheumstio and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. J. A. ltcarit, liruggixt. For a giod meal, goto the City tail runt AUmnv. Meals 5ii cents. Hcs tf Mother Carv'a (iumtree Cough Syr-' up ix's not MoKi'ii tne stomncti, or bind the Itowels, saf for a child or an adult, and will te fouml the Ix-nt prei sratioufora Cough, Cold, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough or Crup and any atVcction ot the thrat and tunes. J. A. Heard, itgcnt for Iebanon. thoaoanJs sn fieri ng from Aathuia, Con umniion. Coaebs. etc. Did yoa ver try Acker's EngUsli UnusdyV It Is tu beat preparation known for all Lung Troubles, ! .,. . ,itim ,.., .? iv. mv, J. a. Heard, Druggist, Insure your pron-rty In a homo eoin- ........ .1... l. ....w. lIm .ii f iw as U1 Insurance eompanv, f INirtland t)re r of his Coun-j ,. 4. IL Cyrus, agent, lA-lmnon Or. "My little son, thre years of nge, was terribly n filleted with wrofula. His head was entirely covered with wrofulous Kores, and his laxly showed many murk of the dinca. A few lottles of Ayer'n Sanaparilla cured him." W. J.'liccket, Hymera, Ind. rvYv e o. tnal are fretful, psorlali. uuu VT crrH,, or troul.W with Windy Colic, Tsethlng Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can txt relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Poother. It ' contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 23 cents, foil by J. A. Heard, Druggist. SUI3SC 11 1313 fjk tui;- EXPRESS! OXi-Y TWO DOLLARS A. YKAR IX ADVANCE. VERXISE ADVERTISE. "A good advertisement in a newspaper pays no fare on railroads; costs nothing for hotel bills; gives away no boxes of cigars to customers, or merino dresses to custom ers' wives; driiiks no whisky under tho head of traveling expenses,' but goes at once and all the time about its business free of expense." ADVERTISE. ADVERTISE. I JOB PRINTING OF EYERY DESCRIPTION NEATLY Ii;vI:CTJri2D C. U. MONTAGUE'S i.OMJMN. 1872. 1888. "lA'ad ors cunio atut "lentlfrs Hut tho old Wheel I Torso keeps on forever. Montague will as usual keep on the even tenor of hi way, selling gootln to the people of Ixlauou ami vicinity at his well known low price? for Cash or coun try produce. His stock at all times Will be kept aw full as tho market will warrant. Ev ery attention will bo given to serve the want of our custom er and friend. Should you not find the article to suit Vou in hi mammoth establish ment, he will get it for you if you with, by freight or ex press, with no exorbitant Drofit added unto tho Finn, in order to svstematize Collections I have given over that most wearisome branch of business to Mr. C. M. Talbott, with whom I exix'ct each and ev ery person indebted to me to .i . n t settle without say Dig "Well I know mv old friend Charlie will wait on rue." (Jontle- tlikll f fitllf tifat-f-a till' HIAIinV now. EverlHMlv that is debted to C. It. Montague is cordially invited to come in and settle their account. Don't wait to bo dunned, but come at once and pay up I am compelled to resort to a systematic plan for collecting all outstanding debts due me, and shall expect to have my books all balanced up in a very short time. When you read this don't think it means somebody else, "thou art the man." I need money and money I must have, and if you ever want to do C. 1. Montague a kindness, do it now by paving your account. Ho needs money and need it, badly Greater Bargains than were ever eilered in 1jo anon will le offered at the Mammoth Cash Store of C. B. Montague for tho next CO days for cash and all kinds of produce. C. B. Montague has twenty-five thousand" dol lar? worth of choice goods to be sold during the next CO davs at unprecedented low prices, to parties who pay cash or produce. Bring in your hides, sheep pelts, furs, of all kinds, butter, eggs and poultry, and Montague will give you more gwxls for them during the next 00 days than you have ever been offered be fore. I say just what I mean and mean wliat I say, and all who take advantage of thc above offer will strike a bo nanza. Tho only Complete Stock of clothing in Lebanon is at tho big Cash Store, of C. Ii. Montague which will be sold away down during tho next 00 days to ready-pay custom ers only. Great Variety of Boots and Shoes, an im mense stock at the Mammoth Cash Establishment of C. B. Montague, to bo sold exceed ingly cheap during the next 60 tlays for cash or produce. Miulrews & Itacklcmniis Tor. 1 WL.DOUGLAS' S3.00 SHOE tMARRANTED return our thanks to our cus tomer for their kind patron age for tho closing year. We hare had a splendid trade and appreciate their liberality, and now at the loginning of the now vear we hereby obligate oursclvesto give the best val ue in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, (tents' Fur nishing Goods. In fact every thing that belongs to the gen eral merchandise line that we possibly can. We AliE going to &tav right here in Iiobanon witli the determina tion to hold the title of tho licaders in tho general mer chandise business if honest goods at low prices has any thing to clo . with it. We claim to be aulhoritv in sav- saving that we carry the best ! line of Gents thoes to be seen in this country. Thev are the most extensively advertised shtx's in tho United State. This i saying a good deal but it is a fact and we are GOING to stick to.it. Wo allude to WI3 iil-lM10 - IKjwisIa $-CH) rfic.. tho W . L. Douglas $ UK) shoe is a hand sewed welt shoe oaoual to any $0.00 or $".) to lie had any place. The V. L. Douglas $2.00 shoo for bovs, wo claim that vou can get no better when price and quality is considered. TO i command a largo trade and; hold it you must treat people) right, and at tho same time! give them gtHxls at bedrock j i: nocs; that is what we always ; avo done, and will still con tinue to do. It is no trouble SELL a irson one bill, but you must sell it so vou can sell him MORE in tho future. Wo have a fine line of neck wear., silk handkerchiefs and everything pertaining to tho fancy GOODS suitable for Christmas outs in stock. pros- IN '88 we predict a prosperous year, j I lie MgiiH ol tne tune indicate it, and wo don't claim to bo better prophets THAN any one else, either. This is tho last "ad" wo arc going to make IN 1887, and wo hope every person in Lebenon and vicinity avIio read tho Exrurss will read it, OR if they don't take tho Extrfss borrow their neighbors'. Any way, just so they road our "ad" from this week. If you want a boot that will not rip, tear or BUST buy tho Buckingham fc I lech t, that is tho boot wo carry and OUR trade with them has been im mense. Isow one word to the ladies remember every pair of shoes we sell we always fas ten on the BUTTONS. W.LDOUGLAS? S3.0Q. SHOE r .r't dissolution notice. Ntlm h ItrfirSr rlv Hint th io.pnriiw'li(i hfri'lufitrv u!-!.lhitf lMiwntri tw. the iunlrriii "i.tliiif iMiwntri ton. the unlrrii!4.'Mw1. V II l!.i-o.-, M .1 M. ml. -Iili nil A. ' lni lull in Imnlwurr tin rrhniil., hi I.hiium. Orttf'HI, Uri i(pr ihi- firm lugeof F. It. liiw.i A Co., Inn llil Ih'i'H ilur iii(ilnni!)r i!lthr'l, hmiI lluit tin- Mll luithifw sill In tht fotore lm currt'il mi l)r lli kI1 A. ('. Uuirrhlll stoite, who will mvlvo awl 17 nil Uubln of the Into coimrt wrlilp. K. II. inform M. J, Wo.VTClTlI, A. CM II I KC Imiwl thla 2&I ilny of Fctmdirjr, tiwu. FOR SALE. 1(1 nrt nf IiiikI i uitif nmllmnl nt l-Uiiion: 2T rr fHrmliiK Inn. I: !i mi-m fwinrr: )c"l iirlnit; !mkI ilHi llitiK tiou and Imm. Fur fur-tlu-r uitrtli'Uluni, tall on I.. J. tRTKRMr!, IimixSi Or. a nv i: 1 mi. Brownavllla, Orag en. BLACKSMITHING. Horse Shoeingr a Speciality i iv R. C. Watkius, KWKKT iiomi:, - - OUCOON. Repairing of All Kinds at Rea sonable Prices. Hhoetng all around, new shoes, ft. 75. ,,vk Wated to stay I ask si thc ,,uh,,,! r' are of It. C. WATKINH. OREGONIAK RAILWAY COMPART. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Racelvar. fu ami ar Jan. I. I, an4 unlit further no lle irin in run tlalljr (t--r4 i-undii) a lot EAST SIDE. I'nlxim Mail.j r irt. land. STATIONS. Toward port land. l. 8 HO a. tn. Anrtn.r 1 rll (V II ! n.as MS II 49 1. 'OT J.VW7 IJ IJ 1J m f!4 IJ hi I n I 1.2 1 : 1 M 2 IS 2 fit 2n i i i.-a 2. M MKTI AM.f AW V iAr 1.30 p. In l.r !. Arr l. I si. rMi . rrrm-h t'niitl. i ri. j Wll.urn. ! Mrkr. ; biu-.m ! M. Ali. . LIS law ia.v 12 -D 12.11 1 2,'m 11 44 II. o ll a II b list in lo m 1H.23 10 20 10 II 10 ' ions ! ! 9 n 17 us Ia i SilT-rioo. Jnhnwn'i Mill. S Itttrrlaml. Fjmi smI Junt-tkm. Miaw. Aumille. Wv-i sim um. ;r-rH fit. O. I. fttrmitif, Sc'.o.liitie. W Ml trio. Tlimnas' Ftitk. I raMw, Silifr Tallnian, Iwmm, I'lmini t, w. I.tun. Pmm 'iivlllr, Iwtn Htillr. KuoUlid J'tht-lMmi, IMUIm.. 01 3:f t S.Vl 10 4.ZT 4 ') 4.M .11 s v a In 7 VI 7.11 M C4S A. It f. tA . OKI it CVUl'Il'. Ar, r.l.1 AR I.V (VflomiitaiWm TVatiat two rent per mile on ate at Matbm harluK Agf-ma. Train wllh r-rn)-r, FrelRht and Fpr. ruu M'fiarate from Freight. Fri'lfthl train fiwrn riirtland, Mnndar. Wintnea. iUy and Tliur-Jav. TutanU l'urtlaisl, Twa daya, 1 liunUay and Satunlayn. t'nnnivtlon al 1'av'n and Fuliiani I ndine with Stoamrr "I'llr ft Sliin" Ut Klm Mfrnday. rlneiilav ami Friday. r-tum!n from Halrm TurMlur. Thui-day aiid HtUimlaxfc, roiineilnff wlih Fa"l and Hrt M,V panccr iraln. Htram rr 'H'tiT f Half.ni nmkft lranf.T 1 itwren Kay'a and Ful)tiartf laintm.- daily, Sin.ly eicetcl. rilAJi. N. WTOTT. Kceeh-er. Ipncrnl OtTio-.. N. W. I'ortirr Firtt and Tine El'a, rirtlml. Orvgim. SCROFULA I do not believe that Ayrr'a Sarsapullla liaa an pquat aa a enra for Scrofulous Hu mors. It is plcaaant to-lakc. gives atrength to ilie body, and pro ducer a more, perma nent result than any medicine I ever nsed. K. Haines, North Lindale, Ohio. I have used Aver 'a Saraaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken fnittif ully it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible diaeaae. W. K. Fowler, M. 1., Greenville, Term. For forty year I have Buffered with Kryafpelaa. I have tried various remedies for my complaint, but found no relief until I commenced using . Ayer'a Saraaparilla. After taking ten bot tles of tlii, medicine I am completely cured. M. C. Aniesbury, Rockport, Me. I have suffered, for yeara, from Catarrh, which was ao severe that it destroyed my appetite and weak enod my ay at em. After tryine other remedies, without re lief, I began to take Ayer'a Saraaparilla, and, in a few niontlia, was cured. Susan I. Cook, W Albany st., Boston, Mass. Ayer'a SaxsapariU. is superior to any blood partner that I ever tried. I have taken it for Scrofula. Canker, and Salt Uheum, and received much benefit from it. It is cood, also, for a weaK stomach. Millie Jane Peirce, S. Bradford, Mass. tt Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayar ft Co., Lowell, Price Sl alx botUea, S4. oittaiiicHl, ami ail iviUAj i.Li loixlcil lo ftr MOIiKKATt: .'KS Our oflioc Is rMnile I lie I!. S. 1'iili-nt Oilw. and o can ol In in I'nlfiitM ill l titu IIihii thoso mmte from w.tsiiixnro.v. s'u.t uudku mm irwc m I'llO'Ut nf tiiritulioi). Wo ail vise l intent nl.ilil v fn-n of rlinrvi! t wo nmfcu AO t JIJI.O'K rxi.kss r.tTKxr is .w i .:. For i-in'iilnr. attviisi, terms ami reft-rvnres to nctinil I'liftiis in .,iirvu Wwlir. tiMimy. t'Hy tr ton ii, riio lo I ,J w traXTTJ ?TTal CVj'ff 'i'S I'ti.Yu! f'X-cr, li'miiiy.'on, p I. rHuLQilllfjjl E. GOAN, UNDERTAKERS Lebanon, - Dealer In BURYING -:- ROBES Constantly on Hand. Also DOORS, WINDOWS AND BLINDS. . J. A. BEARD, Druggist and Apothecary, DEAI.EK IX Diiu(ss-:- and -:- 3Ii:dicim:s "-Paints, Oils and Glass.-. Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. PERFUM ERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Main .Street, Jebanon, Oregon. NEW -:- STORE! Fresh Goods! Low Prices! KEEBLER & ROBERTS, Prop'rs. WK IIAVK Jt'PT Ol'KXKn GROCERIES, COFECTIONERIES, rXlricoM ttiicl Oiari'M, ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc., ' Wblch f tiflVr to the Ic fjle of - a Lowest Living Rates for Cash, Hides Furs, and . all kinds of Farm Produce. o o 31 vts' x fs as xa u k. r Kccblcr & Roberts, Lebanon, Or. ; A. C. CHURCHILL. DEALER IV- General Hardware - Iron, Ktcol and Coal, M'noii Muterlul. Hope and Cordniff, I31tlcIMli(IlM KlippllOM. AVneroim and lSitg;(;Iew. GUNS AND AMMUNITION. OYERLAND TO CALIFORNIA OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections The Mt. Shasta Route. Ttm between Albany and San Ftancaco. K hours. California Express Trstns Daily. 4:00 r. M. Ijpx . IVirtTaod" ArriTe 10;40 a. r. m. Lm Albany LMrt; 7W t, X. 7:40 a. m. Arrtm Pn rraclapo Leave) J0 r. M. Local PiunKr Trains Dairy (ajiccpt) 8unday t.0n A. M. JjCave Tort land" Arrive' 3:45 p."). J J Wr. M. Leave Albany lieavejU 35 a.m. 2:40 r.M. Arrive Kupvne LeaTe 900 a. . Local PassenKsr Trains Dally (axcept) Sunday S:10 r. M. Leave Albany Arri-e'5:4.S a. m. :'i6 r. M. Arri- LelMtnon . Leave S-(!t a. m. 2: VI r. 51 . Leav. AUany Arrivei2:4.Sp,m. I3rip.ro. Arrive lA.rinon Lrvc;iK'p. m. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. EXCURSION SLEEPERS FOR Second Class rmnrcn on all Throogh Trains. FREE OF CHARGE, Thc O, C. R. R 'erry makes mnn-ttrn with all the rcfnilar I; oa the We iny. imu foot of r, atrccL, Wast Side Division, BETWEEN PORTLAND and CORVALLIS. Matt Tram Dairy ixcpt Sunday. 7-30 a. m. Leave 12aap.ni I Arrive l"ortUnd Corvallis Arrive 6;lip. m. Express Train Pally (exeapt) Sunday. 4:5o n, ra. I Lcavo t'ortlnnrt Arrive 1 3 DO a m . . I . ... ...... 1 . . r . . 8.-00 , I Arrive jic.Minviue jjeave n:w. m . At Albany and Omvallis connect iti tf-ins of Orvcon lScific railroad. -For full informa'Kvn recording rales, maps ; ctr.. rait on ccnr! s ajem. t K lvOLltl FK. r. P. FOfiER.. I Oregon. Kurriittire. -:--AND'-:- COFFINS OUT A C.-OMri.l-rrK L15E or Ix-ta?ion and vicinity at th AND - tVgTieultual Implements. Cnrpenter Tooln. 1 J niltlcTM'" Hardware. Powtlcr, Whot, etc. Giant Powder. HawM and .xoc I. F. CONN. a. Contractor, Carpenter air Duiiaer. . Plans 4 Specifications FUR'ISHEI OX SHORT NOTICE All Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Frlces Verj' Reasonable, ALBAXV &-LEBAXON. OREHOV. V. XC. CYRUN, Real Estate xg't and No tar Publicand GEN'L INSURANCE AC'T Iocs a General Agepcy Business, - ix(rij.vo Insurance, Agrloultual . ments, Doors and WlndoW ORGANS axd SEWIKQ M CHINKS. Give rt?P a Call Lj;BAt?N, - ;