The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 02, 1888, Image 4

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Legislation PertniaiBg to tha Interat
of the Pacific Coast
Dotph presented a petition from cit
izens of. Washington county, Orcfton
asking for an appropriation ol 3,000
to improve the 1 ualatm river.
8tewart and Doiini also rroBfntoa
petition from citiaenti of Alaska, ak
ing for ft territorial form or govoru
nient. and also for amiable land laws
ptacticaWe to the condition of that
Mitchell presented ft memorial from
the Legislature of Washington lem
tory, askins that Congress appropriate
BiitUcient money to remove obstruc
tions to navigation in the Columbia
river near Vancouver.
The House bill making an appro
priation to carry into cflVct the law
establishing exnorimental stations at
agricultural colleges waa reported from (
the committee on appropriations and I
iHMsed. with an amendment approprt-1
ating money from the treasury direct, I
instead of devoting the proceeda of I
sales of public lands to the purpose. I
Mandersou. from the Committee on I
Territories, reported favorably the Dill I
to amend ine act setting apart ianu
at the headwaters of the Vellowatonel
river as a public park. "J
The Committee on Postofllces
norted adversely on the proposition tol
reduce the rate of postage on letters.!
The report said that it was thought I
better to wait until the department I
was Belt sustaining before any further
reduction of postage was attempted. I
Ti,. r,..i;..ii.;tfu iii,lw Ld
AIIO V UMIV'Iti 1 vviuwivvvu w I
rt a lM ki Ktwl th ikiM
preventing ex-Con federates from hold-
? . I
iug positions m the srmy and navy.
The Committee on Tublio Buildings
..w.v.v .v. ...v..... I
! Si.F,iC b,uKUng Ai Angele8
to f JUU.WU. I
Veat retwrted favorably the bill to I
appropriate !J.w,UUU lor the erection oi I
a public building at Helena, Montana, j
Cockrell introduced a constitutional
amendment providing for the election
of president and vice-president by a
direct vote of the people.
Bland introduced a till to prohibit
the coinage of f i gold pieces.
Bill by Thompson For
building at Eureka, Cal.
By Dunham Appropriating f 150,
000 to build an air ship to convey pas
Bengere through the air.
Bv McKenna From the Committee
on Public Lands, reported a bill giv
ing to California 5 per cent of the net
proceeds of cash sales of public lands
in that btate.
By Vandever To establish a harbor
of refuge at San Buenaventura, Cal
X . Bv Hudd A joint resolution pre
posing a constitutional amendment
extending the president's term to
eight years.
Bvoorhies lo increase the pen
nons of those who have lost a limb, or
two limbs, or both eyes.
On motion of Dockery, the Senate
amendments were concurred in to the
House bill providing for the appoint
ment of ekven division superintend
ents of the railway mad tervice.
Millikin introduced a resolution di
recting the Secretary of the Treat-ury
to make a thorough investigation o'
the so-called "eugar trust" in New
York city.
Henderson introduced a bill to di
vide surplus monev in the treasury on
the 1st of July, 1SS8, among the sev
eral states and territories, to be used
in aid of common schools.
ine twvs m one ot the iror, . X
societies have organized a Loyal Ten
poranee League, and mado it a branch
of the Christian Kndeavor coeiety.
The wisest man is but a clever in
fant. spelling letters from a hiero
glyphical, prophetic book.' the lexicon
of which lies in eternity. Carlyle.9
htens are beinsr taken to eieet a
chapel at Leatherhead, England, where
W esley s last sermon was preached, a
week before his death. A society re
cently organized there has now a mem.
bership of fifty.
Christ and his cross are not sepa.
rable in this life, but they part at
Heaven's door, for there is no room
for crosses in Heaven. Sorrow and
the saints are not married together;
but were it so. Heaven will make a
According to the Bolettn Comercial
of Havana, there will be 125 sugar
plantations which, either from having
been abandoned or for other reasons.
will not griad this season. Calculating
an average of 1,500 hogsheads of sugar
to each plantation, this represents 170.-
000 tons less In the total production of
Cuban susrar this vear.
rosTLAXU rRoncca m arkkt.
Fancy roU, V ft
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
Chicks b .
Eastern, foil cream
Oregon, de
Egss Fresh
Dried Fruits
Apples, qrs, sks and bxs. . .
do California
Apricota, new crop...
Peaches, un peeled, new ...
Pears, machine dried......
Pitted cherries
Pitted plums, Oregon
Fign, Cal., in bgs and bxs. .
CaL Prunes, French
Oregon prunes ..
Portland Pat Roller, tfbbl f
Salem do do
White Lily V bU
Country brand
Wheat, Valley, 100 lbs . . .
do Walia Walla
Barley, whole, if ctl
16 (3
32 J
8 &
10 &
3 50 aj
2 60
1 22J
1 15
1 25
1 20
1 124
do ground, if ton
Oats, choice milling bush
do feed, (rood tochoice.old
Bye, V 100 tt
Bran, V ton
Shorts, if con
Hay, V ton, baled
Chop. ton
Oil cake meal ton
Fbesh Fruits
Apple, Oregon, V box.....
Cherries, Oregon, drm...
Lomon-s California, bx..
Limes. 100
Riverside or&nes, if box. . .
Los Angeles, do , do ...
Peaches. 4? box
Dry, over 16 lbs, V lb
Wet Baited, over 65 lbs
Murrain bides
Vegetables -
Cabbage, K ..
Carrots. I? sack
Cauliflower, V dor
Onions ..:
Potatoes, new. If 1C0 lbs . .
East Oregon. Spring clip..
' Vailev Oregon, dn
20 04 25 00
47 50
46 (a 47
1 10 1 25
16 00 S17 00
18 00 gl9 00
al8 00
?3 00 25 00
32 00 g33 OC
1 50
00 4
10 1
I 00
1 50
14 0i
IB &
Demoted Pmcipall? to Wnalunjtoij I
Territory end California.
At Tulare, Cal., 0. V. Ncce, a brake-
man, wfto run over ana miiea.
Washincton Territory is larKr than
Maine and Massachusetts combimd. I
John II. Lannon was fatally shot
by an unknown person at San Fran
Moreal De Brevans fell off a train at
Oakland, Cah ahd was run over and
r,.l . . . f . I . ....... Places iniueo oi uuipo wuiuji
I I !.. !.....
rruuuvrvi mo
A man, name unknown, was run
over at Daviavtlle, Cal., by a freight car
and instantly; kllusdi'
reter Prtnlon, an old eituen, was
crushed to-death t Sau Buenaventura,
Cal., by a falling tree,
lilaine.-W.T., is now a United States
signal station, with. Dr. I). U. Dement
a the agent in charge.
T. B. Allison, a laborer, waa killed
instantly at a stone quarry at Flag-
staff, Aruona, by a f Ailing derrick.
The ltolley system of water works
is to be put in for Colfax, V. T., to
pump water from the IXortn ralouse
- Beniamin Graham and John Stevens
wer suffocated in a eehoouer at le-
re-loarture bav. B. C. from charcoal
Bobert Distance, colored, proprietor
of a restaurant m San Francisco, was I
fatally stabbed by Wni. Thomas, also!
colored. J
The Republican Territorial Conven-
win .niKK. iw. i.aI.i t viiem. I
.av aa vviia aj w .' ' .'v saliva v w l
hnrir lav a Waahin.rt.ui Torrititrv
exchange. "
Xhere are over iq.OOO.OOO acres of
rublie land in Southern Idaho de-
" J. - - --
uacertible of cultivation. ,
The tug Dolphin sprung a leak and
pank just outside The Heads at SauWl.a w,r.ia.t n,i oii,i.1 and tUe.
r ranciaco. 1 he vessel was valueu at j
$25,000 and is probably a total loss.' I
I Six Italians were convicteil at I
Ketchum, Idaho, of unlawfully killing I
lish in W ood river by the use oi pow-1
uer. mey were sent to ju tor twelve
Jos. Li. Cappuce tell overboard In a
fit from the steamer Crescent City and
was diowned. The accident happened
while the steamer was docking at San
1; rancisco.
James Bradv, michinist, fatally
scalded his aged wife, at San Francisco,
by pouring the clients of a kettle of
boiling water over her head while in a
drunken rage.
Annie Kuprecht, it years old, re
cently from Switzerland, wa found
dead in her room at San Francisco,
from inhaling gas. She blew out the
gas on retiring.
The mail carrier between Calico,
Cal., and Bismarck is a dog. The mail
is fastened about his neck. In the
last three years he has never missed
a trip nor lost a letter.
At Anaconda, Montana, William
Martin, a hotel keeper, killed Patrick
Reardon. They were walking along
the street and had won Is. Martin
knocked Reardon down with the butt
of a p:stol and then shot him.
As soon aa the road through the
mountains in Sbkiyou county is in a
suitable condition for trains to pass in
safety at a high rate of peed, a new
lightning express will be put on the
California & Oregon. It will carry
mails as well as passengers.
ueorge iseison was mot and in
stantly killed while engaged in chop
ping wood on the summit, near Santa
Cruz, Cal. A Spaniard is Buspected of
the crime, but ho says Nelson s piatol
feu out of his pocket and waa acciden
tally diK-harged, with the above result.
The residence in East Los Angele.
of Ed. Dunham, was entered by burg
lars, who carried a safe weighing 200
pounds, out of the house, loaded it
into a wagon and drove off. The eafe
contained $1,200 worth of diamonds
belonging to Mrs. Duuham, and a few
dollars in money.
fifty families of Newfoundland fish
ermen have arranged to move shortly
to a group of the Queen Charlotte
Islands, off the British Columbian
coast, above Vancouver. Ihe waters
about the islands are said to abound
in fish, and one of the industries of
the colony will be sending freth fish to
the Victoria market.
A large mahogany log came ashore
on the weather beach a short time
since, and it is thought that a good
lb foot log could be cut out of it, says
the Oyslerville paper. Such timber
is a stranger in this part of the world
and has drifted all the way from South
America. It would make quite a val
uable stick of timber for some one to
pick up.
The largest Chinese mining camp
I m ue onnwest is at warren, Idaho
Hundreds of Chinese have been at
work there for several years, and each
year from fifty to seventy-five go back
to China with from 2,000 to f 5,000,
a fortune for them. Most Chinese
miners work over old mines, and are
expert at cleaning up every particle of
gold, but at Warren they are on new
ground, and their careful system re
sults in large yields.
B. Napoli, an Italian rancher, had
his arm crushed between the jaws of a
cow, at Dayton, Nevada. He observed
mat ine animal waa choking lrom a
potato stuck in its throat, and thrust
his arm into the cow s mouth and
pushed the potato down. When he
attempted to withdraw his arm the
beast closed its jaws and held Napoli's
arm with such a grip that only by
prying the cow's jaws open with an
iron bar could it be extricated. Am
putation was necessary.
-uennst, facetiously to young man
who has come to him to be treated in
the usual way for toothache "A good
many years ago, young man, the only
sovereign cure for toothache was to
kiss a pretty girl five times. But you
couldn't do that now, you know."
Young man sadly "No; there aren't
any pretty girls in town." Detroit
Free Press. He should come to Boston.
-gBoston Globe. There wouldn't be
enough of him to go around if he did
ao. Chicago Journal.
Teacher "Who is the laziest boy
m your class, Johnny?" Johnny "I
don't know, ma'am." "I should think
;ou would know. When all the others
.ire industriously writing or studying
jheir lessons, who is he that sits idly
in his seat and watches the rest, in
stead of working himself?" "The
teacher." Golden Days.
--vrranapa,- lnquirea Jonnny Kiiss,
"mnst everybody dieP" "Yes, my child;
every one in this world must die when
his time comes." Well" long pause
"what Td like to know is, who'll bury
the last man?" .
Deroted to
the iBtereatt of Fermn
and Stockmen.
II stockmen and dairymen here are
to hold their own against Eastern!
packing houses and dairies, they must
kP up with the times in respect to
feeding. Ensilage has been subjected
to all sorts of doubts and prejudice,
and has come to be considered in old
countries not only as proper method
of preserving fodder of all sorts for
stock, but of being a cheap and econ-
riiitiitil motlirul a a avoll Ik ia tint nttlv
" .
claimed llmt the product of an acre
tun be thus preserved at reasonable
cost, so as to bear comparison
well cured hay, but it lias the further
advantage of adding to the value of
the fodder by its fermentation, so that
it ltccomes more valuable as feed when
taken from the silo than when llrst
taken from the field.
At first it waa thought the silo must
be a light pit, built of stone and brick,
and laid in cement: that the fodder
should be kept entirely secluded from
air. hermetically sealed, as it were, and
that all feed must be cut fine to pack
closely and be well preserved. Later
experiments prove that much leas care
j, necessary to secure good results. A
farmer in New England gives his ex
nerieuce in such ulain lansuace that
no better description of a silo and the
making of en-ilatre can be had. He
says: "My silo is in the barn opposite
the tie-up. It is 10x20 feet and 18 feet
deep, three feet below the barn Hour,
with walls of stone and cement, with
loose boards at the bottom lying on
hftrd gravel; above, the sides are
planed matciied noania. me wnoie
. ,
CtvSting JU. 1116 first year 1 pllt 111
w.hol without cutting, on July 10th,
I.l...aaft4 ba iklii l.vt.a e tuMt aa alia I m
V""' . " . VT" ' '172,
, " ".'..I
in. , ariwVi Utur I ia niror waa w-
mOTed to admit ten ton. more of
f.i.iP rn . ; wi;(la T!ia nuor
gjj0 opened in November. The cattle
wero greedy for the ensilage all winter
and no other mixture of fodder ha
given emial satisfaction either for milk
or beef. I should have fed from the
hole top, instead of cutting down in
sections, thereby causing some los
by heating. Last year I ensilaged
some clear rye in June, but it did not
give satisfaction aa a feed. The cover
waa removed and the silo tilled up
with fodder corn in September, and
then weighted with stone to the depth
of a foot. The corn was put in whole,
being laid as much one way as pos
sible, with occasionally a little acroes
the ends the other way to keep it up
level. It keeps juxt as well without
cutting as with, and comes out well
by cutting across the silo once in two
or four feet with broadaxe aud roll
ing it out. One of the disadvantages
of not cutting is that we cannot put
in quite as much as when cut up, but
the fodder is more expensive. It costs
less to put fodder into a silo than to
cure and house, even if in continuous
good weather.
v e gave, the other dav, the ex peri
euce of an Oregon farmer who made a
mere pit in the earth and laid in corn
fodder, stalk and all, and after a year
fed it to good advantage. But author
ity shows the advantage ot mixing
different growths, as torn, rye, oats,
clover, peas, etc., thei, by cutting
down, have this well assorted food to
give to stock.
The matter of feeding stock is of
such prime importance that no excuse
need be made for giving silos and en
silage prominence. The reader of
agricultural journals for a few years
back must have seen that ensilage is
considered the best of winter feed for
milk cows, as wi.h well assorted ensi
lage they give the richest of milk and
make gilt-edge butter through the
wont season ot the year, ilulter so
made has had all the fragrance that
spring food is alone supposed to give.
Besides this, it furnishes healthy win
ter feed for all kinds of stock, not
excepting hogs and sheep. nh rape
for summer feed and entjlage for the
winter, the farmer can go through the
year with comfort to stock and profit
to himself. .The imiiortant fact that
this feed is so cheipty made is a para
mount advantage.
There is no question but that to cut
the fodder is the best way, if the
farmer can conveniently do bo, as it
packs closer and is handled easier
a Lea cut before it is put in the silo.
In the absence of means for cutting
up fodder in this way, it is well proved
that it can be preserved whole.- Fort
land Orrgontan.
in Caiitoinia, prune culture is a
great success. Each tree bears ibout
100 pounds of prunes, worth about 11
cents per pound.
When a horre refuses to drink, and
coughs after swallowing a little, it in
dicates sore throat, or swelling of the
glands of the neck.
One hundred dollars worth of cheese
takes from the farm less than otio
se venth the fertility taken by $100
worth of grain, while f 100 worth of
butter if the skim milk be fed on the
farm takes nothing from the soil.
The wheat crop of the world for 18S6
is estimated at over 2,000,000,000
bushels. Of this enormous yield the
United Mates produced nearly one-
fourth. The time is not far distant
when this country will produce more
than half the wheat of the world.
It will pay to warm all slop or other
soft food given to cattle or hog. The
warm water not only stimulates and
invigorates, but provides warmth for
the body. Shelter and warm drinks
on very cold days will save more feed
than will pay for the labor incurred,
while the health of the stock will be
it a man coma only utilize the
diffused radiance he witnesses after
stepping on the electric side of a ba
nana peel, Edison would have to show
his bunting at half-mast Amencun
"There," nad Mr. Noseup, turning
from ins scientific journal, "it is sai
mere are no micro :es to De iouna n
tobacco." "That's where the microbe
shows his goed sense, Mr. Nose up."
Chicago Aews.
Buskin says, "Man should resem
ble a river." We do not know what lu
means, but suppose the reason is that
in order to amount to much in society
ne snouia own a couple of banks.
Lowell Citizen.
-xBoooian i care to marry a wo
man who knows more than I do," he
remarked. "Oh, Mr. DeSappy," she
nplied with a coquettish shake of her
fan, "I am afraid you are a confirmed
bachelor." Epoch.
Some one advised President Harri
son to get a dog to watch his premises
and take care of the fruit trees. Bet
ter get a Sunday-school teacher to take
care of the children," was the wise re
ply of the old soldier. "
A Harvard senior has thirty hand.
kerchiefs with lace on the edges nailed
up conspicuously In his room, each the
souvenir of a distinct summer flirta
The Very core of healthy and hap
py a.icipieahtp ia tne willingness to
deny se t and to lot the Master have
his way. This principle runs tnrougn
the deepest, richest experiences of the
consecrated believer. CuyUtr.
- Pi-of. Drummond and his co-labor-
era have induced a nana oi amipiie
young Christian men to devote them
selves to work among tho tenement
houses of Ixmdon. The professor
thinks that this spectacle will do more
to Inspire a belief In Christianity Hum
a whole library full of books on dog
matic theology.
At Hartford, one day recently, a
little child told his papa that he could
name tho first five books of the New
Testament without looking at the
Bible. They were, he said: Matthew.
Mark. Luke, John and Hatchet," and
then, thinking people looked quoer, he
hesitated ami added: "Well, hatchet
or axe. It's about the tame thing."
Two ex-presiilents of Y ale are still
living Drs. WooUey and roller. Of
the two. Dr. oolsey ha the greater
power of recollecting the names and
faces of Yale irraduatea, Ills memory
Is wonderful, and he often astonishes
an alumnus by recalling some trivial
detail of the pait which had entirely
passed from the mind ot the younger
In New York there Is one Metlio-
dltt Episcopal church to each 25,961 ol
population; In Chicago, one to each
16,504; in St. Lrfiul. one to each Zo.uuuj
In Cincinnati, one to each PX5O0; in
San Francisco, one to each 17,6tK); in
Cleveland, one to each 13.888; in Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, one to each 7,-
575; in Milwaukee, one to each 16.500;
iu Dotroit, one to each 8,760; iu In llan-
anolis. one to each 6.000. and In
Columbus, one to each 6,300. IStblit
-The Southern California Advocate
rt porta another magnificent donation
ot lands to the University ot Southern
California by Mr. 1). Freeman, the
owner ot the Ce:itlnella ranch near
Los Angeles 600.tX)0 in all given to
found a school of applied sciences.
1100,000 fur building and apparatiif
and 1500,000 for endowment. The
buildings will be In the vicinity ol
Inirlewood. the new and beautiful
town on the Ualloua branch of th
California Central.
At the recent Episcopal Missionary
Council In Philadelphia one of the
speakers said that he knew a wealthy
New lork Episcopalian who paid fMOO
for an jpera box, and who In church
on bundayt unp live cents uuo ine
alms baslrt. The Christian at Work say
that this recalls the family who, aftei
making a trip that cost fSUO, and re
turning home because they couldn't
tske into the car with them their dog.
for which they had been paying (5 a
dav board at a hotel, eavo aa theli
united contribution f5 for foreign nils
Plymouth Church, Minneapolis. I
enlarging several lines of Its mission
arr work. Iu its Bethel Mission there
are two daily Indergarten schools
with four teacher, a day nursery and
a dispensary, a sewing school, beside
the Sunday-school and evangelistic
services. The young men are about to
establish a new mission, including a
Sunday-school and preaching service,
reading room, a coffee room aud an
industrial school for boys. Tho church
attributes a large share of the sepport
to the regular city mission. C'trutian
Justifying For tha llonvrabl
roaltloa art
Hase-Hall Ixpin.
A wirv looking man with a set expres
sion of countenance walked up to a hack-
man in front of La Fayette Snuare in
Buffalo, cailv tho other morning and
asked :
"You can call a fellow some pretty
hard names, can't vou?"
"Swear sonie,I s'posef"
"Yes. Once in a while I swear."
replied the hackman, wondering if he
had been struck by a Salvation Army
"Get smoking, howling, tearing
mad, rip people up the back, and make
it red hot, ail around your neighbor
hood, sometimes, don't youP"
"Well, I can make It pretty uncom
fortable for jteople when they don't
pay for this hack. I'm a terror tc
snakes when the- come my way.
"Yes, that's what I thought.
in on mo."
"What do yon meanP You don't
owe me any thing."
No matter, go for me."
"What shall I say?"
"Call me any thing; call me a liar."
"You're a liar."
"That's right; go on."
"You're a double-barreled liar."
"Good. Go right on."
"You're an eightcen-karat stem
winding, self-cocking prevaricator."
"Splendid. Keep it up."
"You're a mule-cared, dog-faced,
siiash-hcnded lying "whelp of human
ity." "Tell mel don't know any thing."
"You're a foid."
Make it stronger.'
You're a pimply, blubbering idiot."
"Come again."
"You're a crooked necked, wall-eyed
knock-kneed imbecile."
"Now kick me," said the determined
"What forP" queried the astonished
"No matter, kick me. I'll
for iU"
The hackman kicked him.
pay you
"Now grab me by the hair and drag
me around four or five blocks.
The hackman did so.
"Now rub mv nose in tho dirt, tear
my coat, jump on mo and throw me
over that fence will you?"
His instructions having been carried
out, the sctlooking man slowly
dragged himself to his feet and wiping
the blood off his face, and spitting the
dirt out of his mouth, gasped: "Is that
the best you can do?"
"I never treated a man worse In my
life," said the hackman, "I couldn't.
But who in the dickens are yon any
way, and what does all thin nieanP"
"Well, you see," said the set-looking
man, handing the hackman a dollar
for his trouble, "I have just - been
offered a position as base-ball umpire
for the coming season, and thought
before accepting it I would like to see
if I had the stuff in me to hold the job.
I guess perhaps I'll do." And the set
looking man limped slowly away just
as a policeman, who had been inter
viewing a peanut stand around the cor
ruer, came along and wanted to know
what all that row was about Drift.
A Man Who IJvimI t.Um m fan pur, But
! lAUo Kin.
Chailtis Sumner always lived within
his Income and never Incurred a debt
that ha had not the means of paying
atthn time It, became duo, says Ar
nold Buigns Johnson. Wl hilt Ida In
come he wa first Just, then gonoroii.
Dining his first term In the Sena'e he
whs dependent upon hm pay as Sena
tor and a Hi tie copyright money for
his support, although during a por
tion of that time ho ad. led somewhat
to the suiinort by lectures. In his lat
ter dav. however, he was rendered
somewhat easier In circumstances by
a small fortune that came to him
from the successive death of several
relatives. For much of his lifu he wi s
poor man In strnltemid circuit!
stances, but hri would never he
otillsrod lo any one for any thing but
kindness. He would not allow anotn
er to pay any expcue that lie incurred,
not even a homo-car fare, lit stumiK
Ing during the Proddoutlal election he
would never allow the Congressman
In whose district he spoke, aud who
was to lie bone filed most by his ef
forts, to pay even his railroad faro.
lln was no gift-taker; he would Inter,
chanire Kills as well as kind i lllecg
with others, but the balance ol the ob
ligation was never allowed to remain
on his sldo. His generosity to the
ervanls of the houses In which he
lived was proverbial. Sam Ward said
that he livud like a pauper, but he
iravo like a Kluir. No one cai won
der that tho servants even temporarily
in his employ were aU ached to h in
when his consideration for, aa well st
hia generosity to thum. Is fully under
stood. (nninopoliUtn.
A Jet-set man and a flfW t order
ut( thu other dav. and the old, old
quarrel over the old. old question, why
New Yorkers always sneer at tU
smaller State, was renewed. "Tell
me one taull the Slate has," the Jer
evmaii demanded. "Tell lue one thing
njrainsl New Jersey." "Oh. I don't
want to go Into details'" said the New
Yorker. New Jersey don't amount to
any thing, for one thing. Why, my
dear sir. even Bartholin's statue of
Lihertv turns her hack on Jersey.
Many persons use the phrase "In a trice
who hate no Id, a of lla meaning. A trice
la the sixtieth part of a second of lime.
The hour la divided Into aixiy minutes.
the minute Into alitv seconds, and the
second Into ataty trices or thirds.
Wretched men aud onen lon condemned
to suffer the torturts of dyteiia, are rilled i
with new hope after a few duses of Hosteller's
Stomach lllttera. This budding hope bkMtaouis
Into the frulUon of e. taint r. if the flitters Is
tM-rainted lu. it brtnas a reprieve toana-
KrpUi-soho sees its aid. fr lalulent-e, heait
urn. slnklna at the till of Ihe sUtmu h net ween
nirals, the nervous tremors and insoiiiuia of
which chronic IndiKrwUnn Is the parent, di
nimr with tnelr liaU-rul uroirrnttur. Aluat
beneficent of Mom tiu.' who caa womier uiM
in so nisnjr Instances il aaakeus arstcful elo
auence in tliim, who. benetllnl br IU ilnnk
voluntarily in Its nriisir. il requires a frrapion
- . .... . - -..I
-n to dt-acrtue the torments or utspepMia, out
many of the te-tlnionlals received ly the I
proprietor of the Hitler. Iheae are portravm
with vivltl trutlifulnewi. i oiiiitlon. kiiious
nexa. mum-ulsr drliilltr, notarial fevers aud
rbeuniaUMit are relievi d hy IU
New tins should tie set over the fire with
bollinir water in them for several hour
before food is put In'o them.
Ai Ihs srt uvt taot of tb bt U-U amna to bat
ttcwn ffmMmd In the aiaei.uVetil pmctmcu uf Imp rwi
OkMTlhle at 1't-e.tnane uli bH km heUia ..fferd
fe hm - rl! kuown arm of w MuUif l,nui. of 1 nu
hn rati. I .
buy a bia )f lr. I'- M I lrbrt.l 1u,m
t'tlla er U5 mm mm r-mkt il,iuMtt ami au&ll oi cut-
awl erarSM ellh ftnr adlr.. ttWJtily Hi ul and
ftar evtiu wonb of atatnua o a leniitia imtOMrra. rut.
banb. Pa V -e kill l an"ail ana .lelihul with
th beeuir wid vanity uf Ut cafua yua alii ih.
Henry Leiret. a lurber at lladdon field
N. J.. w ho deserted from Ihe (iernian aj
a year aim, has fallen heir to !l5,tkJ.
Oft olatcure the nail that leads to health,
Unmarked br board or slimr
Wiadom avails not. powerless la wealth
To sooth those aches of thine.
Hut do nt despair, with life there a hope.
I he c n ju conceals the sun;
ttb l'ierce s ravorite t'reecriution at
i our life a full course may run. hand
More truth man poetry in these lines,
t thousands of ladies all over the land.
now lil'-oiiiiiix with health, testify to the
great curative Dowers of lr. f ierces tar-
orite Prescription, adapted by much re
search and careful study to the happy re
lief of all those weaknesses and ail menu
peculiar to females. AU drtiKKhtta.
One pint (hfanea) of granulated euar
weigna fourteen ounces.
I'tBaaanillou aad Waatlwar In 4'hll
dreai, Hralt a Kwawlalwnuf I'urut.'od Uver
Oil with llvnoDhusDhitus. is a most mUuable
food snd medicine. It crestee an appi Ute fur
food, sirtnirthens the tirr.-ou syHtent ana
bu Ids up the body. 1'lease read: 'I trii
Hm, i. Kmtoiaa rouim man whom I'hvai
clane at tinira gave up hoiie Hlnue he liea
Devn usiiiK (lie r-muieion lue t oiiku naa ceaeu.
Kainel n'h and stre' icth, and front all spiiear-
ancee in uie win ne proiouKco many year.
J. Bixuvifi, lloepital eteward, jilorKauxa, I'a.
To the RiMtnr
I luaae inform vmir readare that I have a noa
lUvo remedy for the above named dieeaae. Hr
umeiy use thoueands of noprleea cases nave I
en DermananUv eured. I aJ.all ke arlad to I
eoral two boltloei tit liiy remedy rsn to any of I
jrutir nwim wno neve rwiiniuiiouoa u wf eui
auna me weir r.xprom and i: u. ennreea.
A. B LOCUM. ALU. thl iVtari 8C, New York
Habitual cohtivknkhh causes deraniro.
ment of the entire system and beads dis
eases that are hazardous to life. You will
never be troubled this way if you use
llobb's Little Vegetable rills.
TTMmnTAw relurtoua literature eent free oo senllea.
dnn to Mba R. K Ileriaou. P U. HlS P. rtl.nrt. Or.
w aahlngtno eorreapoodenta add. Mlaa at. IJeVoe, HewUle
TbtGermka for breakfast.
See An tinel! Piano advertisement.
Oamelllne Improve snd
th eomplexloej.
tuff err d from
catarrh IS yrars.
The droppings In
to the throat tcere
nauseating. ily
nose, bled almost
dailv. Since the
VTi'tHiVl DHV'., Cj J
first day's use oj
Hy s Cream Halm
have had no bleed
ing, the soreness is
entirely aone. I).
G. Davidson, with
thelioston Budget.
A particle la applied Into each noatrll and la aaeeahla
Price 50 cent at drusirltita : by mail, registered. 6 oanta
KLilT UKUTHKIUI w urarBvttl) Hlriet. ner im
Vl lUllOX& wishing to enfrtjkgo In a light,
X pleasAnt. And, pertmrM, pronuAiae AiuttMiwut.
nn learn the art of Candy Makinc at hom& and whiia
firing amusement to their friends and taeniae to, dift
eoTttr whel hor they havo a tante fur tho work aa a b mi
ne, and tber by malca a fair llvlnc prnflt from a Terr
tiUiU iureatmont. Koelpta, and full infftrtictioiis In de
tail, au i hcit tit for several leaons for tlte makinf of
tweiy ntmpie varieueH, ana am pi Btimcien xur noma
arausemeut, sent for one dollar. Tools neoewary mny
be found in any kitchen. Address, u.u. jr. xrtua.
CIVAL. 123 mils Street, San Franclsoo.
Be-MeltinsEollBr Comjosition
Printers' Supply Hons
inlwf Orewala IOWa.lhin,o
1 1 1 I IU artBaD.8..aaebealmat.PMaBa
1 1 1 I J il glee beet reaalia. Mew Cauloewe
" w mm mm rrae.
Iowa Seed Oa., Des Moinea
w - i n bach.
Gabler. Koenish
Piaooa; Burdett Oraaua. band Inatrumenta. Lwgeat
atook of Bheet lfuaio and Book. Band lappKed at
Eastern Frloe. MATIUIAa UnaVX
titrewt, 8a Fiaaoiaoo
uo., au rust
The tearcltv of notatriis In this countr
ban forced Ksstern merchants to tend to
Europe for a supply.
"She's the sweetest srlrl In school! en
thusiastically exclaimed one joui'K nilss
to another, as they passed down the street
toother. "J'.dtth Is so kind, and gentle,
and uiih1(1n1i, every one like her, Ann
he has lovely golden hair and pretty
eyes. Isn't It a pity her completion ia ao
biul; It spoils her looks. And then she has
such dreadful headaches I The Kirls
skipped alctiir, but It happened Edith's
nioiner nail nearu wnat tliey said, it set
her thinking What cnulu be done for
those headaches and the rotifth, muddy
complexion, that was such a trial to her
Kent daughter. Hlie recalled what she
hod read of Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical
Illscovery, and oh the spur of the moment
she sllped into a d run More and bought a
supply. Kdith b ok It faithfully, with the
result that it cleared her disordered blood.
relieved the headaches, made her akin
soft, fair and rosy, and now she la not
only the ' sweetest girl In school," but the
muni ueauiuui.
One tahlestHHinful (well rounded) of soft
butter welKiia one ounce.
rare lor Com a her fold. Asoonl
as there Is the sllithtest uneasiness of Ihe
Chest, wit h clllticulty of breathing, or Indi
cation ot I'oiifth, take during the day a few
"Ilrouix llrunctilal l rochrs.- to cts a Do.
Many miitueu'of Kold have leen drawn
up from a well at De lit. Aeb.
C-HO-O! C-H-O-OM C-H-O-0!!!
Don't aneece, aneece, hawk, hawk, spit
blow, aud disgust evrryliody with your
otleiiHlve breath. II you nave acrid, wa
tery dJsrharKea from ihe noae a' d eye,
throat disease. cauMiiiKchoklncr sensations.
cuuuh, rltiKltiK noise In head, splitting
headache and oilier aymnloina of tiaal
catarrh, remetnlier that tha manufacturers
of I'r, Sauea Catarrh Itemedy oner, In faith, f'xxi reward for a rasa of ca
tarrh whhh iliey cannot rure. I he rem
edy Is' sold by druKKlsta at only B0 cents.
Two tableapoonfola of powdered sugar
or Hour weigh one ounce.
A medicine that has been a household
remedy for over fifty years. and used in
that time by more than 18,000,00 persona.
must hare Rreat merit. Such a medicine
Is found In HiAJimKTH'a Plixs. This fact
Illustrates the value of these pills better
than anv staumeti of the proprietor. Jt
I .... ...... - . a.
will be observed that uie done required to
Icurelssina I. U eor two pills taken every
nluht for ten or twenty dsvs will cure o is
pepala roallveneaa, rheumatism, liver
complaint, all female complaints. ..ana
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher extermi
nator Try It, and rrovo the best is the
cheapest. Wakelee At Co.. San Francisco.
a srrsatos asuaoT ma
coughs, cold, mciriEHT coRBtmrrioii
And all Throat ant Lens Truulwaa.
Held by all lruglta far !.
f. R. GATE 8 A COM
4l7r4awaaweMt. HAS) VRAlVCIItCO
f The OLDEST KalUCUIE U the W01
I la Probably Dr. Isaaa Tkeapeoa'i
Uelebrated eye wateIU
Tt'li aHl-t lc Wl MrrfiiTt Bmntl trbraleiMi. Btre
t9itHta, Ktta i-rt in eon. nn i-r Bwt .
ontiurw , wmi 4niwifiiHAfittna Un mmtif oltr prpmn.
wmu uu Mi wmmm tnr i infer intiuiiri,u.
r ctttM mm l.dr.'WeMi will fii W partict.
Joha U Them i ton. Boot 4c..TliuY N. Y.
I . "a WITSJ TWa
'jrrrz:' iDtrriiinia iiifMtoiTno
with ras
urbinLumn inuuunivn
china Made.
3 Quid MU. I Rllver MedaL aa
IS t irat rremiaan.
llalrkeaall hladsefEggs.
Made la All alaea.
Write ea for bane Illustrated Cir
cular t ree, d-wrribtn laeubaaurs.
Browlera, II. use. ilw lo nuae Cnlcsena, ele.
jUrfrest, ftTAlUM HCU3ATTJ Ca, malum. Cat
Pieniluma. ts.000 ia m
years KataMUhed.
.tented ateel Tun.nff I
vice, in uae in nuuUier Piano, by which our 1mukw
jtaml in tun SO ear, good l, r loo ; not aftected
bv rlimate. No vniod to split, break, wu, annns.
crark. derev. or wear out: w guarantee it,
sant Hoeew.HKI leva, a atrinire, onuuw refeauna
a.iim! flnest Ivorv kevw: the rainmie A.NTl-r.I.U
t'all or write for Oataliarue, free. T. M. A VTISKl-L
I'lANOlti , MKnufactiirers, iMd Fellow' Uall, Mar.
tet and Heycnth htrevta, Han rranrtwo.
Hardy Northern Grown
Prom Minneapolis, Minneaota, are the heat, because
they ere earlier and trie moat productive. Take ne
other until you try them. For Bale by all leading
dealer on the coeet throughout the Country. Trad
supplied by
Reed Merchant, 4 OA and 4 Oft Sanaome Street, Baa
I'raaiclaoo, CaL
Ti-rfect dlirrstlon accom-
Vl-ahod J takinir llnlih'i
title Veartnlita I'illa.
lliis Wondnrful Remedy
rurvsHIck Ilradarlio,Iy -f
-ia. Indlicentitin. and
all IlliM-aaea of tne Uver
and ntomarh.
The folkiwina; symptoms
rcault from ditwasrs of the
I:rKtive Ortrsiis : Conatl-
faflcm, Ilea.larhe. 1'llea.
enrtburn. Had Taate In
lc,uth, Naneea, Moor
Mnmarh, t-on ted Tonarue,
Yellowneas of Mkin. t ain
in the Side. etc. Hobb'a
l ittle Tree-table Pills 111
free the system of all these
er.d many other disorders.
Titer arc nureljr vegetable,
ai. car coated, vary small,
rnsy to take, only one
I 111 a dose, but Uaed with
wonderful rc-suita. Try them
once. Bud forever after you
a aw
Will recommend them. Price 85 Cts. a
vlnl, or live fur 11.00. Sent by mall or all
druggists. Hobb's Medicine Co., rrop'a,
San Francisoo, Cal.
TMs WKLT it egrsstra torts'
aaaala aamrvaalv for tba er
orasnt. Tha eorttintAOua traaa
of KI.KCTR1CITT pomcsattnc
thrttuah (ho ttarta momt Motors
thorn to ksli.s; MUoa. Do sot
KiDfDdihlavlih Kloetrio Bolts
u4vr4tBMi ta onro ml. Ills from
bsm1 to too. ittsror iim una
M spMtfle psrpoat
rff For olroalaro
II foimoUosvadlf
.11 trtA Co., )
L1 Buss. Cssssjs,
laro rrros fall la
fhimotlos a1irrarrirrTT KVoo
sea wsihisstoa
farawacs, uw
Bant Uarliara. Cel.. a place for e urine Diabetea,
Mellitua, SuKar in the Urtue, aniall other duieaee aub
isat to aure lr thne Hpriuge auch aa, affseUona of aba
Liver, Stomaeh, Bowel, Lwagn, eta. on the Carls bail
clan, umler tb Oireotina of DR. nCHNEE. the oele
braied Phraiciaii, who haaeuml theae allmeuteiaamoat 1
aatonianiD manner. a If M 1. 1 , M. l , fbraimaa,
S'irgeen and Accoucheur. Cor, fetate sod Oota Street.
When 1 mv mm I da tuit me morale to atoo these
for a time shd then have, then return ain.l mean a
nuliccJ oure. I have made the disease ot FITS, EPilj-
EFSY or KALL1.NU a Ule-lou atndr. I
warrant mv remedy lo cure th. wont caaea. Beeanae
athera have failed ia no reaeon for not now raeeivinff a
ears. Send at onoe far treat ise and a Fro Bottl
ot my tntaluble remedy. Uire r.xpreae and ran umee.
U. U. ItOOT, .11. C., I3 Pearl Mt. Now York.
Formal lor Solo.
EXI STtnPH KOK t'lBfl'liAH to M. ORIF
O UN, C'eUouwuod.bliaata, County Osl , fruit belt
"i L'Piwr rwainanto valley j or, to H. OKIF-IJJ,Toio,
jkmou jouiity, ur., center or Kogne tuver Vauay,
auui BuuMt aau proaueuv
H laaaaaMM.MSaBmBaatoieaaw
v ,T.LiLa
K 1
A Skin Without Blemish
ttverywiMte a aat work of odorifle duets, veins.
ami pores, tMt akin constantly ranees Itaelf, and
Bw4 only with Its eeaaeleas desusnistkn, hut with
Its natural fanetionsl action, stimulate all waste,
annimuUtlon and disease. Hence, a skin without
bletaiah means awre than beauty; It ensan health.
Cenccaa, the great skin core, and Cvnciaa
Soar, aa exquisite ekln beaatiBer, prepared from
It, esternaily, and Ctmoraa lUtaoLrziT, the new
blood pariflar. Internally, cure every spedae el tor.
turine;, diaafurinf, Hctibiff, scaly and pimply
oee of the skin, atejp end blood, wita loaa
el hair, frda pimple to ecrof ola.
I have been aflUrfed tar a great many year with
hsd blood, wbleti ha caused ne to have Jrea oa
any body. My band were In a aotlj sore for or at
a year. I had tried slmoet sverythbig I could bear
of, but bad girsa up ail hope of ever being eared,
when I saw the adverUseaml of the Cvncvkt
Rsaaifan. 1 weed one bos of Qmecu, one
bcUe of BaaoLvasT, aed owe cake of Roar, eel
am now able to do a!l my earn work.
Ma. raJISIE STKWART, Warn, ton, I ml.
Bold everywhere. Price, Ctmcvaa, toe.; Boar,
Be.: llaaoLviST. tl. Preiwred by the Poms
Dare as CasKicai. CO., Boetm, Mass
aT Send for "Mow Is fur gkia Irtwwaa,
pages, to Illustration, an J 100 testimonial.
D I DVO RVIn, era! p and hair
DAD I O t0d hy the sue ol I
i lVin, eeatp and hair preserved and beaav
i irncvs boar.
Br recent extensive purrl.aese we areenahled toeantlnfMonronerof Saretrarteoa tb same hherei I
I a h
es hervffnre: t mm, 'o.uo, pavshle !. ir
vr kt paraote ev.w
II X. A " I 4Ter baa Kew tfcen l.anttfe
HOeViXS.l'the paet three wee a, end has
to ell oureiieata Ti unoe
eno, California, all level, wuh water dltehee and
gt at from 14 to W teet. Kailroed to t'reeno nnw butleting through the 1
htate with uaeadvanta can be purcuased lr the
A TTome aecunil In I year. No Int. net on a
loathly aspfirounofl nm parmetiinaooeol iiteeeioieof iami.irreew.ved
at our fftl'-e prrr Wt Mert-h ITtn. IwiS. Til out the Coupon and eweleH It
lie-tner with uc In nteunn or P. o. order. atd you win receive by retero
mall mntrav-t with flnet pavntetil of fl.eo eerflorsed Ujereoa. This aotic
will onlv arpewr in itiM pnr one
tlllSM lli I
I Ana
To a Day. Sajnplr worth fl.M. FRIX.
Lines not ua tier the boraelee- Write Ravw.
mi l aarrnr Usis Houra Co., Holly ,TH leh.
T. II.
Analytical Chemist,
Laboratory, I OO First St., Portland,
VNALY9K9 made of a'l substances. Ratra
fur aauaying gold or silver, tljo. Keaireata
for testine; all kinds of ores and tuetala mano-
lactured and for sale.
I'l-on the receipt of 91 will furnish a recipe
for maktrur all kinds of metallie alloys: also,
recipes for soaps, dyes, pert umee. fluid extracts,
e aencee. llnimenta. oiutmenla aalvea. etc In
formation furnished on all kinds of cbemioa
composition. l'a( liaree sent by mail or e. press
prompt ly attended in.
Invalfds Hotel and Surgical Institcts
Patk-nts treated or at their bomea. Many
treatod at homo, throinrh cwrpauofidenoe. as
sueoosNfully as If bore in person. Come and
see us, or Bund ton centa in stamp for our
" lavsiad' Goide-Book." which sri vie all partio-
aitu-s. Aaurvas: n orld 8 liispensaht ,midi
Cai. AstKtctATiOR, 663 Main bt Uuffalo, N.V.
For worn-out-" " riin-5own. debilitated
chool teachers, tnllllnora, seaunetressea. bouse-
Keonra, ana overworfceo; women (reneraiiy.
Dr. rioree's Favorite Preeorintioa to tho brst
of all restorative ton lea. 1 1 is not a Cure-all,'
out adrairahly fulfills a sinirloncea of purpoee.
beinsr a most rxitent 8ne-iflo for ail those
! Chronio Wcaktecsecs and Dincaaoa peculiar to
women. Tho treatment of many thousands
of such cane, at the Invalids' Hotel and tunr
leal Institute has afforded a large experience
Id adapting re medic for thoir euro, and
Dr. Pierca's Favsrite Prescriptica
la tbe result of this vast experience. For
Internal eoiiseetlon, Inflsasmalloo
aad mleermtion, tt ia a Specific It
ia a powerful jrenerai, aa well as uterine, tonic
and nervine, and imparts vigor and strength
to tbe whole system. It cures weakness of
stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak back,
nervous prostration, exhaustion, debility and
sleeplessness, in either aex. Favorite Prescrip
tion is sold by druggi8ta under our pocUitx
guarantee. Bee wrapper around bottle.
price $i.qo,
Send 10 cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's targe
Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages,
paper-covered). Address, World s Dispen
sary Medical. Association, o& Main Street,
Uuffalo, N. Y.
m tt , mm mrm. n x w u
w X xrxiia.
Billon Hesdseke,
ess. ueiiaiipae
ltd Bllloua Aftacae,
promptly oure or rj
Sar rat ire Pel I eta. S
oenta a vial, by Druggist.
p. n, u. No. ta-a. jr. n. u. no. sss.
I bare suffered stt my life with akie dlaasms of
different kktda, aad have never found I
relief, until, by the advice of a lady friend, I
your valuablj Ctmceaa iiSMtMs. J gave tbeta
a thorough trial, using tlx bottle ef b Geneva
Basotvaxv, tiro boxes of I crura, and eerea
cake of CVravoas Boar, aad the meuH Jo
what I bad beea toid It would be a eomplttt core.
BEU.K WADE, Itiebaeood, Ta.
Beferenee, O. W. Latister, fAruggtst, Eichaaood, Vs.
Have juat weed your Ctrnccaa Rcacerc oa
owe of my glrle, end toand it to be juat what I la
reeoaameaded to be. My daughter waa a3 bmkasj
out on bet bead aad body, and the beir lisi umd
to come oat. Mow she I as smooth aa ever he
waa, aad she ha ou!y aved one boa of Cvnctja,
one cake of CVnecaa Boar, and one boUie of
Cvnoi aa Baoivts-tv I doetored with qtiite
aumher of diKtur. but to wo avail. I ass wfia
to snake sffidarit to the truth of the atalaanead. v
CEORCE EJUT. Maeoa, Mjeb.
fat lb last yeir I nave bad a iim le ef itching,
scaly and pimply burner oa my face ta wbkb I
have, applied a great many anetaode of Irtalmant
wilhout ULL,iaa. aad whieb was speedfly aad as
tir! cured by the Irncwti Rtaisana.
, Maa ISAAC PnXl.r-t, lUvwaaa, a
rVtlPLE-S, Idarkhcad, ext. rough, ehapped and
I I 111 '? ekie pretenual by Ormsaa tear.
Celery and foca, the pratBinest h
grdie:iu, are ibe IimS aud aatVat
J-erve Tkim. It atrenrtben and
quk-u the tcrou sysu-ra. curing
frervtms Weakneas, Uyatetia, eUecp
luwni si. c
It drives oat the potesaous bmnorsot
the blood purify UMt end enrich hxr &,
and so overeumiug thoee dint sacs
resulting from impure or ioipove.
bued bloud.
A cttnsmlMiTbiit surely on the bowels
it cure babltual eunstipatkaa, and
pronvaesareriilarbaliM. lttrrtigtl
en the stomach, and suds digestion.
In In utm piwltkm the beat and mnat
active diureUnf the Meteria Mediea
efleritve rem.iies fur qiatatcs of tha
kblneys. It ran be relied on to give
quick relief and speedy cure.
n we4raarf taaain,wielv haveheaw raaetvad
fnee vrnmm wlv have ea.l tbie tiwmmkt Ht
wmti beaetu. Bond fa.! iii,ina
fail partiealaca.
Mae tl . SaU ay BracglaSS.
week. IV errea, tlwm, paya'le no tr
rev eaiia. I UN very unevva
4 hj ae.era.1 hundred wititaj
prevea eeainntly ataafctory
are tocaioe ro mnee we of
artewlaa well, ia riose prvxiniHy.
Well vatee cam be
i una. x iu i
So head m tha
BTIBr at 9W Telia rAtEat.
tred partnente. Thta foopon will be reoeleed ea fee
I ATIs)S. Set Market St. B. Osl.
24 Port SL, S. F, CaL
Bhorthsad. Type-wrHisat. rennduata
mA TJMikrfi. J1 t- ft?!k
O O U fl fl I Mecfcliu'aa1 li'liM
k BAXCBorr Btnuixa
723 Market 8t., San Francisoo, CaL
Ifla.1 fnralnmlae'.
A. VajmXB HAn.I.KX.
Tho Van nonckcar
WajLaVKQ, oa.
ti. tacteee BaMrted aaea
SM !kBOe wfta
Lost manhood i
eaaJbea.twuh Meaa
ere, WeasXaea, lank ef
s-i Keea, Le ef
-af1"- 1 "Fseis, wwiaaea
Saaa Tbjoaa, TJIaara. Ir
mmm "-- Ti.a.l.
rek Baec
nrreaa .TTrsea. Otani I ll. C iat WsieSj
-aenaaet iwlkeT anj
Both texe-a 0ai
It OeiwflelaattalTv
OfrriOhV- l&a d 184 THl&D fa a.
232 Kearny St., SanFrancisco
Soirta, IMderwear, SospeiMiars,
hoJery, Gloves, Nscirwear,
Collars, Cuffs, Elc
moetrsted Catakrac, with Kolas
tor Hell Jtiiawawiaiit, Mailed Frew.
te'299' O O pgppietisg ,
Ia - il TaeT-s . rai " a iw. w
areadmictee tabaita
Utraaet Seerteraeji
lr tr wood.
'ril'Jli'rrhw ','
For 188
ewheaasa maA
ta laeS aaamn'a '
eat aroariaa X
E E D Strii
o. ia. r ERR raco.,Detrott,M!Vctv,
1 1 vvT -rTt --A'''' -f
V Csro
auadiua oere art tLk- rt4l:kaMk C Itaevw f
fail. By Mail. tea. Aurta ay J. f. AiUaw aa. iaa, Miaa. '
The Oregon National Bank,
tiwajeusass so
caruAij rAiu
AOOOTJNTii aohaaaioobecL
aKS O "IXl iTI. .ns m ImvVeaaje w
lAd AA VUAbaaUiT
tlfinU Win he weia tor each sad '
SUUUU onoe aulmaare joaa-
aekaowladced the moat
banaleaa toilet article e
aad laiaea i lua to r '.
freeklaa and all
I'aeu and m