J The Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, MAltril 2, 188S. AN MAI. COVNTY TKACHEKS INST1 TV I K. Tlso Aiuuinl County Tcntlicf!' Iiitl lute for I.lim county, Or., will hp hrh iu Albnnv, i-omniem-hif? on WodiuH ilav aft rntHi, Mim-h Uth ami i-ontin uing Uurinsf the 15il an.) 10th. 1). V. K. Keu, I'o. School Suit. PERSONAL AN D 0T1 1 EKW ISE Br. Mark llnyter, Dentist, Lebanon, Oivpon. Dp. UUlK-rfc Uvturron Ppyvlogomy at Union ball to night. The 0. A. It. oncamyment at Albany lust week was largely atU'iulinl. Hemphill A Vine sans to a footl fliulieiioo at Union hall on Tuesday owning. M. E, Hearn, at the depot, rmyi the highest cash price for chickens, geese, duckixnnd ejrgs. .'''... Mr. A. F. lU-tml, father of Lehnnon'a oiterprit-lnc dntggUt, J. A. Heard, was In town on Monday last. F. J. llendrlekson's ehlldren have leeu pick with tho measles, hut are rv oovtrinc. Mrs. llendrlekson la also quite slek. Mr. J. IK Eddy, editor ofthe Pendle ton Tribune, Is mentioned aa a proper man for a place on the republican elec toral ticket. Feed your stock regularly three times a day and at the same hours, before six In the morning, at noon and before dark It pays to be systematic. t'i. V. Smith, K-stp, our enterprising Move and tinware merchant called at the count v seat on Wednesday, He Xrcporta thinjrs unlet down there. It ia understood that active ojera a tlonsforthe extension of the Oregon Pacific eastward will commence as soon as the weather will permit, under new contractors. Political talk i growing more and more "numerous." Talk away, gen tlemen, but be certain of your , candi date before you '"boom him.y Count all the holes in your skimmer. A California company is having the llat rocky plat opposite the sawmill at the falls of the Willamette sun-eyed to see if it will answer tor the erection of a 1,500 horse-power paper mill that will employ 300 hands. Mr. John Beard, who lives three miles cast of this city, was called to Heppner last week, on account of the Illness of his son, J. R. lieard, who has the measles. When Mr. Hoard left for home on Saturday, his soji was getting lieff er. Death loves a shining mark, but he will miss a chance of that kind in or der to get a crack at the young man who has a watch chain running to each vest pocket, with a Waterbury watch at one end and a bunch of keys at the othvr, ' Elmer Montague, our efficient rmet master, Is a candidate for the nomina tion tor county clerk. The "longett poll knocks the jiersimmon," and if El mer "gets" there," he will make au ex cellent "keeper of the records." His friends know this, t x. In Judge Hhaituck's court, Portland, Suturdav iiiorninjr in the case of Nel- eon Bennett against the Oregon Pacific railroad company, defendant's cdunsel moved to have the complaint denied, j Beunc-tt was present and his motion to verify Uie ccmpLdtit was allowed. Senator Dolph reports that the com mittee is opposed to saddling any more national parks on the country, and , Oater Lake will have to go. He thinks a "bill giving the park -to the -iHia'e of tsTgon will pass. If Oregon will put up for the keep of the park, who can have it. The life of a minister of the gospel is fraught with many disappointments, and if he wishes to have any pleasure iu the world he has got to play his cards mighty fine. A parson down in Ohio has just been suspended from the ministry for being engaged to three woxnen at one and the same time. ""Vlen a man puts cloves into his mouth to conceal tobacco or any other vile smell, he t doing a very foolish thing, as the oil thua expressed from the clove destroys the enamel of the teeth, and soon there is a month full of , decked teeth which all the odors of araoy tne oiest can nevei sweeten. We have received the initial copy of the Siismea Educator, & handsomely printed four column quarto, published at Portland, by A. B. Armstrong in the interest of the Portland Business College, an institution of learning that affords. young gentlemen and ladies an opportunity to obtain a first class, 'bread-winning'' education. The OrcffOttian's new stereotyping outfit has ailr been received and is be ing made ready for work. The new building will be completed and all oc cupied in two weeks more, and then the forms of Oregon's greatest paper ' will be stereotyped after the eastern tstvle lcfore going to press. It will take .ahout five minutes to stereotype one Z. B. Moss, one of Brush Creek pre cinct's best men, should, and no doubt will be nominated for county assessor on the democratic ticket. Mr. Moss " has served in this capacity heretofore, and his efficiency should bring to him the undivided support of his party. He is one of the well-to-do tax-payers of the county and is deserving of party The Oregon Pacific railroad comra tiy, through their attorneys at Albany, have begun suit in the circuit court against contractor G. V. Hunt to re- cover damages to the amount of 150,000. The complaint alleges that ' damages to this amount have been sua . ' fained by the nonperformance of his contract on the road eastward from I Albany. -' t. s Oregon Tacific steamcr.the Wm. inade the run from Salem to I in cigt hours and forty jni a dock to dock, making eleven -on -the way. This, it is said, "fcest tjme ever recorded for this ' Hoag is fast becoming the ger boat on the Willam- her speed and be ' -forth every effort people who LOCAL ANIMiliN LiKAL. Emjau Foley Himciws. Front a letter reeclwd by II. C. Humphrey from K. V. White, of Prlnevllle, dated Feb. 10, 1SSS, we learn that Elijah Fo ley, formerly n resident of ami well known In Lane county, eommltUd sui cide hi Prlnevllle on the 18th., ult. He had gone to Slekcl'a store and went to bed lit J he morning, and when some one went to wake hint a few hours lat er, he was found dead. He first at tempted to kill himself by stabbing in his breast, but this was unsuccessful, when he cut his left ami near the elbow severing the artery, when he bird to death. The fatal deed was done with a common pocket knife. The deceased had been drinking heavily for about ten day prior to the nud tragedy, and it Is thought that his reason was un seated. Mr. Foley was liked and re spected by all who were acquainted with him, and the tragic circumstances of his death oust a gloom over tho en tire community at Prlnevllle. ne leaves a wife and children. tuarti. KMocn.TiO Ci.cn. A meetinirof democrats was held In Lebanon Thurs day evening, February 23, and a demo cratic club was orpranlswHl, with C. It. Montague as president and M. A. Mil br, secretary. A numlut of commit tee were appointed on rules and regu lations, etc., to report at the next meet ing. Resolutions were unanimously adopted with great applause Indorsing Uov. Sylvester Pennoycr for viee-prts-Ident. Quite ft numler of enthusiastic speeches were made and the club ad journed. On Wednesday evening of this week the club met njrain, at which meeting the by-laws and constitution were adopted, and quite a number of members admitted. We are glad to see our democratic friends taking steps towards making the campaign lively in "Old Linn." We presume the re publicans will do likewise Hoop 'er vention ftr Ore-Tim will le held at Al bany on the 2Jd, 2fld, and 21th of May. The regular time of holding would have been In March, but the executive com mittee have thounght lst to fix the time to above dates. Representation from every Sunday school in the state is desired, especially reports of the Sun day school work' in each county are earnestly requested. All rtattstlcal re ports should be sent to Prof. Henry; Sheak,of Philomath, Or. Lot every Sunday school worker see that his por tion of the field has a hearing, sO that the coming convention wyi be the lost that has ever been held in oyr state. Teachkh'h Ij.'stitctk. The annual county teachers institute for Linn coun- ty, Oregon, will be held at Albany i commencing on Wednesday afternoon, j March 14th, isss, and continuing dur- i ing the l"th and bjtb. Eminent shak ers will lc present, among them: State Superintendent E. B. McF.lroy, Prof. B. L. Arnold, of Corvallis ; Prof. Thus. Condon, of the State University; Prof. Thos. VanS-oy, of the Willam ette University, and Prof. D. T. Stan ley, of the State Normal School. The institute promises to lc one of unusual Interest. The programme will 1 pub lished in a short time. CnooKKi.NKs. Receiver Barney, of the U. .S. land office at Spokane Falls, is three or four thousand dollars short iu his accounts, and the Tribtme of that city charges that dishonesty has also been practiced in the register's depart ment, the register being J. M. Adams, the renegade republican. Rotn were ; appointed at the instance of Delegate ! oorhces. Jesse N. Barker, the demo- cratic member of the late territorial council from Spokane county, is being urged as the successor of the defaulting S recti -cL!7iizct(e. New Fikm. Mr. Walter Yates, a i young man well and favorably known in this community, has purchased a half interest in J. A. Beard's drug store. Mr. Bear.d, the senior member of the firm, goes to Portland this morning, and during his visit there, he will lay in an additional stock. We doubt not the new firm of Beard & Yates, will in a short time, have cne of the finest stores in Linn county. They are en terprising and liberal. Call and see tup r at them. Robbkp. On Wednesday night last some sneak thief entered T. C. Peet-ler's bed room at the St. Charles hotel, this city, and secretly removed $75 in gold coin, ftvra Tom's pockets. Up to this time there is no clue to the fellow who did it. THE WEST SHORE. The current number of the West S'tore'is accompanied by a large, tinted supplement, Showing the famous Shos hone Falls, of Snake river, a cataract superior to Niagara iu many respects, though carrying smaller volume of water. These monthly supplements will continue a feature of the maga zine for 188H, and will make a valuable collection of large and spirited engrav ings of the most famous beetles of the Pacific Northwest. The illustrations of the number are devoted to the cities of East Portland and Albina, and the Quaker settlement "f Newberg, in the Chehalem valley. The literary fea tures are especially entertaining, con sisting of stories, sketches, poetry, and much valuable descriptive matter. In the March number will a-. p?ar the opeuing chapters of a highly interest nig story of thegreat civil war, written by James P. Shaw, whose service in the array during the entire period of the rebellion qualifies him to write en tertainingly of the scenes he witnessed. It is a romance of deep interest, as well to the younger generation as to those who participated in the stirring events of that period. The following note from a conspicuous writer of the Press will instance to readers how much the Went nShorc is praised : New York, January 6, 1888. Dear Sir : I spent this evening looking over the magazine you were so thoughtful as to send me, and felt a rt gret that I could not have seen them earlier. The people of Oregon ought to appreciate such artistic enterprise as yours, which is hardly matched any where in the East. AVith best respects, liEO. ALFRED I OW.VW.VD. j V , . ,ra), iff all tarifts, their rc-cuactnicot pros : Mr. L. Samuel, publisher IT o' 'Shore. pcrity,'' OBITUARY. Mlws Hattte Cnrothers, tiow residing In Salem, sends us the following obitu ary of her father, who died In this city recently, asking Its publication: Mitt hew Louden Cnrothers was born February 22, 1810, in Carlisle, Pennsyl vania. His father being a prominent lawyer, and a man of wealth and Influ ence, he hud every Advantage of society and education. Of Rcotch-Irlsh' de scent, he inherited a strong constitu tion, vigorous .Intellect, and a sturdl ness of purpose and upright honesty; together with a gentleness and purity of heart, which made him lieloved by all who knew him. He wan a consci entious and devout Chrlstaln ; though he tnmle no public profession of faith until he was about forty years of apre, when he united with the Presbyterian church, of which he has ever since been a sincerj and faithful member ; having at the same time, a broad and univers al love for all vhristains and for hu manity In general with a cheering word of encouragement for all with whom he came In contact. Ho had a perfect understanding of Masonry, in its highest sense, with pure ami exalt ed principles, though he made little pretention. Wing nearly all his life a member of that organisation. Through life, he acquired a thorough lyiow ledge of the law ; though he never made It n profession. A profound reader and thinker, though unassuming in man ners, his general knowledge was great. In ls;5S, he was united In marriage to Miss Elizabeth Wilson, also of Carlisle, Pa. ; and, in 1840, removed to Hhelby vllle, Missouri, where he engaged In the mercantile business. In the midst of success ami p"isperlty, came the ter rible war of the relellion ; during which, as a strong Union man, In a state where feeling ran high, as It did, most particularly, in the border states, and even the warmest friends lieeame the most bitter enemies, his position was rendered exceedingly Irving. Be- ling an Independent thinker and fii ;ft:ltlAl lfll)finrla frrwti tlif riiwuitiv In business he lost heavily. Reverses f.d lowed reverses; until, In 1S4, Ulng greatly reduced financially, and lrok n in health, he, with his family, emigrat ed to Oivgon. The year previous ho had lost a son In the army, a brave Uy j of nineteen, who gave his life for his! ountry: this was a sad afilietion toi him as to the entire family. Rut hero, In the free far west, with unabiding en-' ergy, and his eldest son to assist him, i he began anew, surmountlngevery ob- ( sliiclc. For several years he engaged ; very successfully In farming. In 1MT0, j 1. 1 ... 4 11....... Y . I I ! uv viiio i nf .'iioiiii, w iiere ne i i -came a partm-r.in the firm of A. Car others & Co., in the drug business, of which his son .Andrew Carothers, was the head. Here he remained until ,s8 when, retiring from business he went to Dayton, W. T., where he resid-1 1 rf more than eight years. In l v4j he returned toAltwny, On gn, and, iu the summer of lVST removed to liba tion, near vhieh place he liail settled on first entering thestate, twenty-three years lefore. He expected to spend the remainder of hi life bcrc, though little he knew that the cud was so near, j He had led a busy, active life, and) now was resting in quiet and content-! men i enjoying tne commits ami en dearments of a happy, loving home, and to hint, on earth there was "no place like home," but a 4ew fleeting months and the beckoning augvl came to guide bint to a brighter, happier home than any eartli can give. On Sunday evening, January 8, lHS, the summons came. He fell asleep to wake in the glad morn of eternity. Drifting across the river from earth to heaven without pain or sickness. O what a j j beautiful death. O blissful change for j those upon whose brow Clod's seal is (stamped. And as he lay so calm and peaceful, serene in death, we grieved not as they without hope. Roveu'iitlv we laid him to rest feeling the Divine prcsenccdrawn so near, breathing balm into the Is-rcaved heart, and the"jKace that passeth understanding." He leaves a wife, five daughters ni a son, besides a iiunilier of grandehrl dren and many other relatives and friends to remember him with deep and tru? affection. May wc follow in his footsteps. A man loyal in princi ple, jflncere, upright, honorable ; devot ed to his family and home, warmly at tached to his friends, and having a trust and confidence in all mankind j leautiful to lchold ; while his rever ence for the all wise creator of the uni verse was .unlimited. Eternal Father prepare thou us so that when our sum mons comes to join the joyous throng above we may go with gladness leaving the world somewhat better for our hav ing lived therein. H. S. C. Bumskss Pointers. Andrews A Hacklemau received another invoice of shoos direct from Boston this week. Their spring stock of all kinds of goods is very fine. Drop in and amuse your self by looking at them. Keebler & Roberts invite the atten tion of purchasers to their increased stock of groceries, confectioneries, ci gars and tobacco. Prbx-s to suit the times. W. B. Donaca, is daily receiving new specialties in the grocery line. "Best goods at lowest prices." Remcmlicr "Bill's" motto. C. B. Montague has his shelves all filled up with the latest "spring and summer attractions. Clothing, boots and shoes, dress goods, and everything in endless variety. Oive the old gen tleman a call. It will do you good. Dr. Gilbert Tho eminent physi ogoniist, humorist and anthroiologist, will commence a short course of splen- nmiy illustrated, amusing and interes ting lectures on practical and scientific Phjiogomy in ljunion hall, Lebanon, this (Friday) evening. Admission free. AH are invited. Commence at 7:30 o'clock. Beans are good food for cows. The bean meal is probably ihe best form. But if the beans are boiled until soft they may be fed with profi. Waste beans on the farm, or damaged stock that can sometimes be bought cheap, should always be fed. Beans are rich in proteine or nitrogenous matter. The late Piter Cooper, than whom a more able or honest man has seldom lived In any country said : "The his torv of one tariff hK Iwon (ho 1-iii.fi- TOLD BY COKUKSroNDKNTS SCIO. Fettruary 20. II. C. Eplev Is home front Salem, on account of sickness of his mother. Mr. tic au has about completed his re sideuce whleht when completed, will lie the finest residence In Selo. The farmers are Improving the good weather. Alsiut two-thirds of the fall wheat will have to bo rosowed, and nearly nil the winter oats are killed by the Ireeae. ""The meeting conducted by Rev. Kirkpatrlek Is a'suceiss. The whole town ami surrounding country are thoroughly aroused In tht) matter of re ligion, und many have accepted Christ. A. M. TA I.I.M AN. 1'Vbruary 20. Koine of the farmers have begun to plow. It Is most too damp around here. Miss Emma Story, we are glad to say, Is better. She has hud a long ted ious sick spell. Tllmnn seems to Ih in the rear, when It comes to items, but then we think every one Is very busy, Improv ing this fine weather. Every one Is making garden. '"'Our school closed Friday ; we have had a very successful school, with Prof. Trulove as teacher. We would bvery fortunate to secure his services fur the spring term as lie is a good teacher. We had the pleasure of attending a party at Mr. J. 1L Smith's, on Friday evening. There were about thirty of us, and we sjient a must enjoyable even ing. We arc very grateful for the kind ness shown us. T .M.I.MAN. i KAWf onnst n.i.K. February 27. T. A. Lewis intends putting up u new building for a shoo shop. .1. F. Hunt has bought two lots on which he intends to erect a dwelling. The saw mill Ik progressing fine, they have the wheel hi and are insult ready to ,ut up the frame. Mr. Wiseman has bought two lots of Mr. Ohms. He intends to build a wa gon and blacksmith shop. We are all busy plowing and seeding this week, coii-h quentiy I have not la-en able to gather much news. Missrs. McDowell & Cochran have gone to Portland to purchase a m w shingle mill, which they Intend to run up near the headwaters of Brush Creek. Mr. Joseph Seely met with quite au accident last week while chopping: wood. He made a bad lick, almost severing the great toe of one of his feet. ! I have not learned which foot. j Knott, i R. R. STATION AND BRIDGE. Til Frfn In the Ylrlnltjr of Staytcn Marine Knrrstlcll j. A meeting of citizens was held last week at Mt. Pleasant, Linn County, to take preliminary Htejis toward asking the O. P. R. R. company to locate a de pot at the crossing of the wagon road U-tween the farms of H. Foil is and S. King, and also to ask the Linn county court to build a wagon bridge at Stay ton iu conjunction w!h Marion county, was held Jiere Friday. The meeting was called to order by W. Crabtree. On motion of Mr. Crabtree Alex. Down ing was elected chairman and E. Wed dle secretary. The chairman si u ted that the object of the meeting was to take sonic action in reference to loca tion of a switch and dcjsit on the line lietween the farms of 11. Foil is and S. King. After a number of enthusiastic speeches from the farmers, the follow ing preamble ant resolution was pass ed : Whkrkas, The O. 1. R. R. now un der construction along IbeKoUth side of the North Santiam river, and through the ftitvvt grain belt of the foot hllU Therefore lie it, 7o?!Vf7, That we atjk the said com pany to abandom the proposed switch or depot at Quceiu-r's, and locate the same on the line Utwccn Henry Follis and S. King, for these reasons : 1. That it will accommodate nine teutbs more farmers, is on a direct road lending from Stayton to Jordan and Bilyeu valleys on Thomas Creek, and also the only direct road that can be traveled with a load to Seio. 2. That the farmers of the Waldo Hills, and Fern Ridge country in Mar ion county, whose names accompany this, ask that the depot le located on the line bit ween the farms of Mr. Fol lis and Mr. King. 3. That the switch Is in a pond, and is impossible to get to in winter seasons. 4. That Henry Follis and Samuel King projiosed to. give ground for switch and depot purposes. On motion t ho chairman was in structed to appoint a committee of three to confer with the officers of theO. P. It. R. company. The following per sons were appointed as such committee : B. H. Irvine and Henry Follis, of Mt. Pleasant, and M. II. Hobson, of Stay ton. " It was movetl and carried that Alex. Downing' name be added to said com mittee. After the fifty farmers present had signed the preamble and resolution and bridge petition, the meeting was ad journed. K. Wkddlk, Secretary. Philadelphia erected more buildings last year than during any year of its history. The total was 769.5. Of these 7020 are dwellings. JYom these figures it is estimated that Philadelphia's gain in population last year was40,000. The estimate of the present imputation of the city Is 1,042,170. Tho consumption of mutton is In creasing in this country, especially in our large cities, and it has tiecome pro- j xhc senate has passed the bill intro fitableto supply thia demand. It isj duoedby Senator Mitchell to change proniauie, nrst, oceause tne price is re munerative, and secondly, because it is promotive of good husbandry, the im provement of the soil. The expense for lalior and fuel for evaporating 'apples Is ten to twelve cents a bushel, according to Prof. Ar- jTiold. The tame authority states ex ! pense for peaches at twenty-five to , thirty-five cents a biifrhel, and for rc-.pj k i Itcrri- f; half a cent a quart. VVAslllNtlTOM 1F.TT1CII. The weeks work III Congress, so far, makes a poor showing. Both the Sen ale and House hnvij accomplished less limn usual. Tlie District of Columbia j litis hud more attention than any other s-ctloiiof Utincle Sam's domain, und several bills of local Interest have been passed.. There has la-en no lack of in teresting debate however, In both ends of the Capitol. A quartette of Territories are knock ing loudly for admission to the sister hood of states, ami an enabling net will soon Imj reported, which will probably be passed before the session ends. An "enabling net" docs not enable, strictly speaking. As Mr. Hprlngi r says, (he Is the Chairman of the Committee on Territories) It Is simply an act of en couragement. Alter sucti c neon in ge inent, the Territory forms a State Con stitution, constructs the machinery for State government, prr pares for admis sion Into the Union as states, and de mands It. . The aspirants alluded to are 1) ikota Montana, Wtishlngtoii and New Mex ico. I did not mention Utah, who did not wnlt for Congress to give hvrthe In itiative. The ieopleof Utah held their Territorial Convention, adopted a State Constitution, and now now demand ad mission to the Union. This they had a right to do, Chairman springer says, only they will have to pay all of their own exenses, whereas, If they hud waited for Congress to pus.-aii eiiubllug aet, tlie United States Treasury would have paid all of their exjtetises. The Dhiine letter of declination creat ed quite a stir In vol ideal circles lu re. Interest in it was particularly Intense iu the Senate, fir quite n numbcrofthc Senators have had the Presidential Ue h:iziug around them. Senators Hawley, Sherman, Allison mid a few others were even congratulated, laugh ingly, that the pnth to the Presidential nomination had Ix-cit so happily open ed to them. General Sheridan's inont Intimate j iriemis Here take sieelnl pulns to re I present him til lit inly frie from tlie Presidential insula They say (hut the measure of his ambition Is filled with the office he now holds, and that be has no intention of plunging into politieal strife. If true, tlie pathway Is still more oM'ii to those who are will ing to endure tlie wear and tear of mind and Usly, tlie vexation of spirit j and siekness of soul that must come to j every man who allows the buzzing in- j sect io finer in ear, lor "l.illle I'liir would make a iwipular candidate. The Deuirtmeiit of Superinteiidem e of the National Educational Associa tion have U-en holding convention in tiiiseity, for the past three days and the meeting attracted prominent educators here from all parts of tlie United States The daily sessions and Ihe subjects dis cussed have Ihh'ii highly entertaining to all )ersoiis Inten-sttd hi educational matters. Sunday last whs nn unusually I usy day among the Tcmpt-raiiev workers of Washington. Largo meeting were held and stirring adiln-sscs wire made in dlflierent pin ts of theeity. Notable among the sjm echos made for prohibi tion were those of Congressman Cutch eon. of Misourl, and E. B. Taylor, of Ohio. A Washington la n says that some bills iM iiding iu Congress In relation to the District of Columbia are calculat ed to create the inqmsnioii that parents in tills City desire the Federal Govern ment to tuke charge of their children. He was alluding particularly to a bill introduced by Senator Chase, of Rhode j Island, providing that tohai-oo shall not be sold in aify form to resident of the District who ore under sixteen years of age. The Blair educational bill w hich has bad sueh a long and teiiiH-stuous voy age through tlie Senate has at lust pass ed that lnwly again, by a vote of 3S to 20. The bill has occupied mueh valua ble time during three Congresses, and and has gained no convert iu tlie Sen ate, wing. A comparison of this last voKj With that of two years ap shows that the longer the measure ha la-en thought of and talked of the weaker it has grown. Every Senator who voted against before, voted against It on this last oooasHion, while some, including 'Senators, Kenna, Blackburn, Vortices and Spootier, who voted were iu favor of it two years ago, voted against it oil Wednesday. It is believed by many the bill will stand no chance of getting safely through the House. Senator Blair himself made tho clos ing speech on his cherished measure, and in it attacked the Jesuits for their opposition to the common school sys tem. I KTIKR LIST. List for in of letters reniainiiiK uncalled the ixiMtoffice at Lebanon on March 1st, 1WS. Hreshaw Wm IMnck Jnci.h llttrr Aarun Bilyeu Nnnolc t)Hvl W T RsrMi-tna Mr HlntH. J K HemltTMHi K P Kin. ll K-l MilkrS MilU-rLury Miller Bial McVny Delotr Miller Annie Nave II T rauknn J Powers Allctlia Pntne i A Ileeoe Mary J Swank J W Wat kins John Wanl Thoniiut Itmitun Jaimti llnrnhiun Irs V llxtin Jw;ih llimU y John lliiK-I-d Kinky R Kell chiw Mnrrum Johnnie Mntlien'K Mm I.ucin.lj Manflor t'lna Morris Iahs Xeihert Georpo Norton Kl.l M M (2) Philipn Mr I-mirn 1"oh-p11 James Rolicrui Thou Strong Lueindu Weyley J Waltrop B Wallace CJeontry Persona culling for the above must give date of advertising. K. E. Montauck, r. M. Almost miraculous are some of the cures accomplished by the use of Ayer's Sarsapariiia. intnecaseot n. 1j. tvinpr. Itichmond. Va.. who suffered for 47 years with an aggravated form of scro fula, Ayer's Sarsapariiia effected aston ishing results. the place of sale of the Umatilla Rcs- ervation. This la for the better. House will probah'y concur. ' The A jmrpatlve meditine should possoas tonic and curative, as well as cathartic properties. Thia combination of in ciWlipiifs mv he found in Avor'al'illa Thev BtreiiKthen and stimulate thrl bowels, calming natural action. r m-1 tfj Monov to loan, bv Curran Jtcith, Allwny, Oregon. Voir-:- Certainly WANT A NEW SUIT T1HH FALL AND WINTER. Why don't yon go to BLA1N, the Leader In Clothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES. From Eastern FaetorUs. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. IIARGAIXS IX EVKRY I)I PARTMKXT. We are confident of Pleasing yon. sVH we ask Is the npoit unity of showing you Through our Stock. WK aixo'kkki l.v stock Tbe Celebrated Brownsville Goods. L. E. BLAIN, Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor, Al.lUNY, Okkoox. C. 15. ROLAND & Co Albany. Oregon. New Store, New Goods, -CONSIKTINtJ OF Ki.irnistlilriK Goods llnti, Chjk, Hoots, SI km -a, Clmli-e j Select loiin iu Fancy Summer Neck J Wear, Silk Ciuk-rwi-sr, Italhriggan j 1'nderwenr, Fih, Clark A Fhigg's j tlloves, I FINE CLOTHING.! Tin- very JUmI mnkeof Hand Sewed Shorn, unit ! In- vi ry Latet-t Stybs III Menu' I toy-it' Htid Yoiitlut' Cloth ing. All the (Ylcl-rated mukeM of j HATS L HVKRY STYLIL ! or it stin'K I'ON.-'if Ts or j i Bright New Fresh Goods,; Ami n honest, fair and sqliare ' ileallDK ! our motto, we anK I lie public to call ami fret price. C. B. Roland & Co., One door West Revere house, Albany. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Dealer In Boots and Slioes. THE LARGEST STOCK IH THE CITY. Itought I!xclusivcly for Cash from the Manufac turers. Every Pair Warranted. KINK IS I IOKJS, For Ladies, Misses & Children, A. SPECIALTY. FIRST smF.KT, AL15AXY, Oit. A4AlA AuAAAAiOAaAAA4a4AUUiLAAAAAAAAp s i. K. M ON TAG UK. lKI.Ht IX Stationery OK ALL K1X1. 3 AIJi 3 Foreign and Domestic 1 3 Periodicals 3 IjEHA nn, Okkoox. 4 THE VAQUIXA ROUTE. OKKtiOX FAf llTC ItAILltOAU Oregon Development Go's Steamship Line 225 SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Tlmil 1" any lh-r RihiU-. First f'lasa TbrouRh l'aasrnfcrr FrelnUI Line FROM lriin INirtlnn1 nii'1 ll I'lilnls In Hip WlHnmcltc 'Hll'y to Hinl from ,Sn Fniucifvo, I a. Willamette River Line of Steamers, T11K "WM. M. 1IOAO." T11K "X. S. HENTLY," THK "THKKE S1STKKS" Ixuve lortlnncl f A. M., MONIIAYS, WKIlNfHDAYS AU FHinAYS FTfim Mi"i'. IHilmmi & '6it IHirk, 200 n -JT2 Fnmt Sirwt. tur iir-Hllii nl lntermortimc )intK, makiiiK !- niiniwtli at Allw ny m i' I C'orrallM itl TraitM of the OREC.tON PACIFIC ItAILIlOAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except 8unday:) Ai.raky, 1.(10 p.m. I Lv. YAuriSA. :) a. m. l.v. Vikvai.us.1:I p. m Lv. C'okvai.i.is l(:SSa- mj Ak. YAyriSA. fiiSO p. m. Ah. Albany. 11:1a a. in. O & C Trains rnunect at A Uinny and on-nllt. Tha nlMivw Trains iinit-i-l ot Ymjuina with tho Orvrtm IV'vi.lojmH-nt t'ompHiiy'i Line of i:aiushiw bi-twoon Yaciuina and tan Fruni-iM-n. paii.ixo iati: ktkamkiT j i'Mni s. F. tTtim Ya-itiiiii Willamette Yalloy I Tne. Feb. .... I Sun., Feb KaMern tlrepHi. Mon. " .... j Sun. " V.; " Willamette Valley I Sun. " lit. Sat. 2ft. ' Eufctem tlrojctm J?r. LTilr-X,?l,.uJ-!! Thin Ccminany reserves the right to change Sail ing dates without notiee. Passenger fnm Tortland. nnl nil Willamette Vallev jminra, ean make e! roiim-etion with the TrutiiB of the Yaqi'is Koitk at Albany CorvnUif. am! if declined to San Fraiwun-o. xhould Hrrnnpe to arrive nt Yao,uiua 11m evening beforu the date of yjilinir. luei(uKerarKl lrolulit Haten ALWAYS THE LOWEST. FOR IXPORMATIOX AVI1.Y TO r. ii. itaswki.l. : c. r. nonric, r.n'l Kr"t A- Hv AK't. Aet'e 5eiri K. I". As". Oremm l'evelopment i v.. o. J'. R. H. R. t'o., :jh MouiBcitw.il si., . t'-jrvolllf. San FraiKteo. I ul'u.' t - .-v-nn. - If you wish to purchases Nlioo for your 1 lo.v or OIrl (but will sfm. the wear and tear of every day tisnge, I hut Is made of honest leather throughout, and on omiuoii-scnsu ideas, call for ' IHiNDERSON'S "SCHOOL SHOE." made of Isith Brltrbt nod mid Oil Cirulu. and known everywhere bv Ihe Trad Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found im the is.ttom of one of each pair. None genuine without it. Beware of imitation. rail m TRY HENDERSON'S SPECIALTIES. Their Womcns' Curai-oa Kid and Tamplco CJoat Button, to retail ttJL. Their Womcns' Henderson Kid. French tanned, .Button, to retail ml 3.uu. The are stitched with Silk, made solid In every pnrtleular, aud will make your feet look small afid Mhiipely. FOR SAbB I3Y- CJIisim. 31iilmrii, liolmncHi, Or. W. B. DONACA, Dl'ALKIt IX GROCERIES ' AND PROVISIONS, 9 rr01iACC) ! C'onffctionerv, Crockerv, lilacs and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Cotinirj' Produce taken "Goods at Reasonable Prices," is my Motto. COKXKK MUCK CTOItE, MAIX ST., I.KHAKOX, OK. G. W. -l-KALKlt IX STOVES AND TiNWARE, I roil Pumpi -MASI FACTCREK OF- Tin, Copper and 11 kinds of liepairing done at Short Notice. -Also Keep Lumber for - Everybody. o Wc now have on tlie ground at iii?i and are receiv ing every day, by Car Loads, The Celebrated jM'Kinzie Lumber. Manufactured at the Cohurg Mills. Genuine Mountain RED CEDAR POSTS, BOXING, SCANTLLNG, SHEETING, Etc Can till Orders for- - , ,: . BAKX.S .HOUSES, BRIDGES, AND FACTORIES, OX SHORT NOTICE. In fact, we can furnish Rough or Dressed, that liuildcrs or Contractors desire. Also Doors and Windows, at price that have not Ixt n named in Linn county. Lumber delivered to anv txunt at a I reasonable charge. Ave sre here to stay and Avill make it in teresting to cmr competitors. HAMMER BROS, Spicer. Or. Birr C. M. HEN DEItSONA COB CtUSSATtO B0CT9 IVDJt '"'w CHICAGO. T, I COU9A7I0 BUTTS SHOE CHICAGO., jiiHl CIOAJiH, Plated Wart-. 1'uru Sugar and Maplo Pvruiw. in Exchange for Goods. S3I I T II, OCoon, ltc. v. Sheet Iron Ware in f?trxk- anvthing in the Lumber -liur,