The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 24, 1888, Image 4

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la Itfjsto' tin rrkipal E?tat Koi
Attracting hblic htensL
Terrible Aeeldeat.
New York. A frightful accident
occurred in Brooklyn, which caused
the death of three persons and the iif
iury of a dozen others. Alone Broad
way a section of the Union elevated
road is now in course of construction.
A huge steam derrick which was used
in building it was pulled along the
pirdera as each section was completed
The derrick was started, and had been
pulled but a short distance when the
Kirders began to spread outward. Just
at that moment a street car was ap
proaching the section, but the'driver
did not notice what was going on over
head. The derrick passed through the
girders and fell to the ground, striking
the horse car and cuttinsr it in two.
The fire department was called out,
and an ambulance sent for, but owing
to escaping steam and the heat of the
boiler it was some time Infore any
thing could be done. Finally the de
bris was cleared away, and the dead
and wounded released.
The killed were: Frederick Thomp
eon, street car driver ; Charles Kirch
ner and Patrick Clark, two of tthe
iniuied, will probably die. The others
are resting comfortably. Collapsed.
Seattle. The warehoue of the
Fuget deund Mill Company, situated
on a wharf next to the Seattle, Lake
Fhoie and Eastern railroad track, and
adjoining the place where an engine
went through the trestle, collapsed. It
contained 300 tons of oats and a large
quantity of hay and potatoes. About
1,000 Backs of oats and 300 bales of
hay went through into the bay. The
warehouse is a total loss.
No lives were lost, as far as known,
although the wharf was crowded and
many were passing in and out of the
building. "
Near Eastman, Ga., a negro boy ten
. years old got drunk and murdered
three little ch Jdren, all ot the same
family, aged five, four and two years.
The granulating mill of the Austin
Powder Company, near Cleveland,
Ohio, blew up, killing Engineer
Wright. Not a vestige of the mill
A Grand Trunk train which left
Toronto met with a frightful accident
near Hamilton, Oat. Three employes
are reported killed and several passen
gers injured.
Five miners were badly and prob
ably fatally burned in an explosion in
the yommg colliery at ukesbarre,
Pa., caused by a miner ler.ving
lighted lamp in a breaker.
D. R. Locke, editor of tie Toledo
Blade, and author of the renowned
Nasby letters, died of consumption at
his home in Toltdo, O., aged 55 years.
He leaves a wife and three sons.
A chemist named Derby, his wife
and six childrjen, were found dead at
Manchester, England. The man evi
dently poisoned the family owing to
some distress of mind and then com
mitted suicide.
Mr. Lawton, U. S. minister at Vienna
, baa accepted from Harry Farber, a
rich American relative of President
Cleveland, who is studvine law at
Vienna university, an offer of fl.OX).-
000 to the American government, with
which to endow a university at Chi
cago on the Vienna model.
. Miss .tta bhattuck, the young
school teacher who recently lost her
lower limbs as a result of her exposure
during the blizzard, died at Seward,
Neb. Her suturing during her illness
was intense. The Omaha E fund,
which haa reached over $3,7 o0, will
probably be turned over to her parents.
During a drunken spree at Silver
Brook, Pa., six Hungarians were roast
ed to death. A lamp was overturned
and exploded. The names of those
roasted alive were : John Elias, John
Sedds. John Kobinko, V. Michael,
Jen Koirtch, Mary Maulick and Paul
Siskowitz. John Maulick and wife
and Peter Menksi were burned so
badly they will die, and their baby,
thrown out of a window, will die. Six
others were terribly burned.
A party of eight persons, colored,
consisting of Horace Carter and his
elcest daughter Eliza, and youngest
daughter Hannah, Pierre and Frissie
-1 Allen, Priscilla Smith, Cecelia Lewis,
and a boy named Ike Canter, crossed
the river from the LaBeusite planta
tion to Dymon'e Fairview, place near
New Orleans, in a skiflE. The boat wa
old, and the swells of a passing steamer
caused the skiff to go to pieces, and
seven of the occupants were drowned.
Ike Canter, the boy, saved himself by
clinging to a piece of the broken boat.
A violent explosion occurred at the
Dupont Powder Works, Wapwallopen,
Pa., and four persons were killed. The
explosion occurred in the packing
were stored. At Nanticoke and Wan-4
amis, chimneys toppled from the roofs
of buildings, and school children ran
in terror from the schoolhouses. Men
and women flocked towards the mines,
where they thought the explosion had
happened, and where members of their
families were at work. At Shickshinny
the glass in almost every window was
broken, and many persons were thrown
to the ground. At Wapwallopen al
most every building was damaged or
wrecked. The new Methodist church,
300 feet away, was completely wrecked.
No trace of the packing house was left,
not even the foundation; Rocks weigh
ing over 100 pounds were blown to the
top of the mountain a quarter of a
mile away. Besides those killed, over
forty persons were injured, fourteen of
whom it is said will die.
Heoovered His Property.
A gentleman crossing Broadway near
Cortlandt street, while getting out of
the way of a heavy truck, dropped
something, and Immediately begaa an
anxious search for it.
'Must have lost his watch," said a
pnsser-by, joining in the search.
Another concluded it was his pocket
book, still another imagined valuable
papers, and finally quite a crowd had
collected, and all were eagerly groping
in the mud.
"Ah, here it is!" said the gentleman,
fetching a sijh of relief as he picked it
up. It was a half-smoked cigar.
That cig ir cost me ten cents," said
the gentleman.
Then the silence became so great
that the roar of fhe street could be
plainly heard. 2?. Y. Sun.
When piety begins to droop it
should immediately undergo treat
ment. There is no time to be lost.
The wilting indicates trouble at the
root, perhaps; at any rate, trouble some
place, and tbe wise thing to do. and
the necetsary thing, is to have it re-
United. Fratuterian.
Devoted Priadpallj to uMngtou
Territory and California.
Garfkld eountys new court houne, at
Fomeroy, W ; T, will soon becompleted
The Tacoma Odd Fellows have a new
hall, with all the modern conveniences.
There are 22,171 more adult males
than adult females in Washington
The total output of coal from the
mines of Washington Territory has
been nearly 2,500,000 tons.
There are but eleven United States
prisoners tn the Idaho penitentiary.
The rest are territorial prisoners.
The body of a well ureeseu woman
waa lournl Moating in the bay at wan
Francisco. She was not identified.
The Masons of Ellenaburgh, W. T.,
have under consideration the building
of a temple to cost about f 8,000.
C. C. Sands, who drove a stage be
tween Ferudale and Petrolia, Cal., was
killed by the overturning of the ve
Leon Qerardot, a janitor, was found
dead in bed at San Francisco. He had
been asphyxiated by gab. Deceased
was 68 years old.
A logrer named George Frank was
crushed between two logs by the train
running inio an open switch on the
Gray's Harbor railroad.
Six men were crushed to death by an
avalanche on the Canadian Pacific,
near Pallasor, a point in the mountains
some distance west of the Columbia
Milton Santee waa robbed of a satchel
containing flJ.000 iu bonds and a
number of valuable papers, in a sleeier
running between Los Angeles and ban
Bernardino, Cal.
The postofQce salaries of the four
leading offices in Washington Territory
are as follows : Seattle, 12400 ; Tacoma,
$2300; Walla Walla, $2100; Spokane
Falls, $2000.
The contract for the first five miles
of the Vancouver, Klickitat A Yakima
railroad has been let to Malone & Co..
of Butte City, Montana, and work has
An exchange says bat the commis
ioners of Cowlitz county, W. T.. will
tie treasurer Martin s bondsmen to
recover the amount lost by the recent
A W-lla Walla paper says that it
haa it from good authority that the
Northern Pacific railroad company h
no less than sixty branch roads in con
templation this year.
There were shipped by the mills of
Puget Sound to foreign, coastwise and
Atlantic ports last year a total of 200
178,673 fet of lumber, and five mills
fchipped 155,731,398 feet.
Six of the stone class buildings at
Leland Stanford, Jr., university are to
be up and roofed in by May 1st, and
nine of the buildings are to be finished
by July 1st. There are 125 workmen
now employed, 60 being stone cutters.
Big Bend correspondent of Walla
Walla Union : Twuyouug men named
Osbourn and Watson tired five shots
apiece at one another at short range
the other day, but no one except a
horse was hurt. Tne thooting wa
over an old saddle out worth six bits.
John Turner, aged 17, was acciden
tally shot by Clarence Cope, at Wood
bridge, Cal. They were hunting in the
tules, and jokingly pointing their guns
at each other. Cope s was accidentally
discharged, the shot taking effect iu
Turner's face. The latter lived only
a few hours.
Porter Ashe's celebrated racer, Ed
Cornean, ran away on lhe street at
Merced, Cal., with two men in a trot
ing wagon. Oue man jumped out un
injured, but the other caught his fool
in the wagon and was draged one mile.
When picked up he was dead. The
dead man waa a native of California,
about 25 years old, named John Kelly,
and a brother of Mike Kelly, fhe cele
brated jokey.
At Seattle the piling of a trestle gave
way under a locomotive, and it was
thrown into the water, which at that
point is twenty feet deep at low tide,
Ths coupling broke, and the cars in
front of the engine remained on the
track. The engineer and the firemau
escaped, the former leaping out of the
cab window. Both swam about till
they were picked up by a small boat.
The locomotive disappeared entirely
The piles were driven only four months
ago, and it is thought that their giving
way could not have been the work of
the teredo. They were driven in loose
earth, which had been dumped at that
point by vessels carrying earth ballast,
and as a vessel had been fastened to
the trestle for some time, it is believed
the piles had been loosened.
A special dispatch from Carson,
Nevada, says ' some two months ago
the contractors in boring an artesian
well for Mrs. Langtry, the actrees, near
the foot of the mountain where the
North Carson mine is situated, came
on a formation of rock which lay be-
tween Y16 c,lay Wal
ThiB formation
waa so hard that the drill bounced up,
and it required seven feet of drilling to
penetrate and reach the under clay
wall. When the debiis of the rock
same out it attracted the attention of
the borers. A few ouncrs of the rock
were.takea to the Bullion and Ex
change bank, where it was assayed'
The essay was $510 a ton of rich eilvi r
ore. Since then experts have been
making an examination seeking to
trace the ledge to its croppings and
determine the character of the enclos
ing walla. Discovert s .ltst week seem
to show that the ledge rnns all the
way from seven feet to J 20 feet thick.
The excitement over the discovery is
now great, and is piobable much of the
ledge runs through Mrs. Langtry's land
She bored for water and struck silver."
it pre is an actual case of a persoi
who either did not clearly understand
the meaning of the word "politeness."
or else considered well-bred behavio:
an undesirable accomplishment. II
was, and is yet, an officer of the cit
government in New York, and wa
stopping in Saratoga during the sum
mer. "When you come to the city cal.
on me," said he, "I'd like to introduce
you to my wife and children; and have
you make a good visit at my home.
You'll find no blamed politeness there.1'
The Washington Star mentions
that the White House receptions are
haunted again this winter by a well
known pension claimant, the widow of
a veteran of the Mexican war, who haa
oscillated for years between the execu
tive mansion, the pension office and the
capitol, and who carries with her a big
envelope which she tries to thrust into
the President's hand.
The catch ot Arctic and Okhotsk
whalers during the past seaaoi has been
one of the heaviest on record amount
ing in all to 41.300 barrels of oil and
nearly 600,000 pounds of bone.
Legislation Pertaining to the Interest
of the Pacifio Coast
The Senate passed the Blair educa
tional bill.
The Senate bill to provide for an
Indian school at Carson City, Nevada,
waa passed.
The bill to provide for oompulsor
education of Indian children was taken
from the calendar and disci'ssed at
much length by Dawes, Teller, Cock-
rell and Vest. Teller, who had intro
duced the bill, declared (in opposition
to the popular idea) that there waa no
instance in history where aborigine
were treated bo liberally as the Ameri
can Indians had been treated. Do-
where else had their right to the soil
beon recognized. Here their lands
had been bought and paid for. But
the American people had not been wise
in their dealings with the Indians. If
they had been, there would be no un-
civiliz ni Indiana to-day. Tbe Indians
would have been incorporated in the
body politic
Mitchell introduced a bill for the
sale of Umatilla reservation to the city
of Pendleton, Oregon, to be used as a
cemetery. I lie bill provides that the
land shall be sold to the highest bid
der, and authorizes the city to bid for
the land.
Also, a bill to provide for the con
struction of a military telegraph line
along ttie Oregon coast, connecting
l equina bay, Coos bay, Alsea bay,
suiblaw bay and Gardner on the U nip-
qua river.
Dulph presented a petition from cit
izens of Dallas, Oregon, asking Con
gress for the right to use an unoccupied
portion of the town for a cemetery.
Piatt introduced a bill to prohibit
members of territorial legislatures from
holding office.
Teller introduced a bill to authorise
citizens of the United State to return
estray ct-ttle from Mexico to the United
States without payment of duties.
Mitchell presented to the senate a
memorial from Portland merchants.
asking that a bill be passed to autho
rize the payment of drawbacks on tin
impored in thia country, made into
cans and exported, containing salmon,
fruits and other- products of general
Dolph called up his bill in the Ben
ate which appropriates half a million
dollars for the erection of a publio
building in Portland. It haa twice
niutftl thn KAllfttA. Tim firafc Kill aw.
propriated $250,000, and the second
w " - - - - - I
$350,000, but neither
of theme bills
were passed by the House. For the
third time Senator D.-lph has brought
up the bill, this time for $;00,000, and
has secured its passage.
Mr. Hermann haa obtained an order
from the department creating a mail
tervice to end at Fossil, aud increasing
the service to three times a week.
This is the mail route service between
Fossil and Antelope: in Oregon.
.Representative Hermann submitted
a resolution to the House from the
Grange and the Knights of Labor in
Irving, Lane county, Oregon, oppos
ing the chartering of new banks and
favoring the reissuing of fractioual
ltepresentative aiclveuna haa pre
sented a petition, signed by the Gov
ernor of California and other Slate
officers, asking the Government to es
tablish and control a system of tele
graphy in the country.
Ui arret, irom tbe Committee on
Mines and Mining, reported a resolu
tion for an investigation of the ques
tion of mining debris in California.
Fancy rolL tb 43
Oregon IS
inferior grade SO SS
Pickled 7iua 30
California roll M!i
ao pickled . 4 &a
Eastern, full cream IS '4
Oregon, da 14 ft
Eoos Freeh ,
Dried Fruits
Applea, qra, aka and bxa. . . 0
do uaJirorma
new crop.
Peachea, unpeeled. new .
Pean. machine dried. ....
Pitted cherries
Pitted pi uma, Oregon . . . .
fig. Cal., In bga and bxa
Cal. Prunes, French
Oregon prunes
18 (m
10 &
lo im
port and Pat. Roller, bbl f 4
'Salem do do 4
White Lfly a bbl 4
Country brand
Wheat, Valley, 100 fba...
do Walla Walla
Barley, whole, cU
do ground, f ton
Oat, choice mllllnfr ? buah
do feed, rood tochoice,old
Rye. 100 tbe
ran, it ton
Shorts. If ton
Hay, V ton, baled
Chop. ton....
60 a I 75
co a 75
1 95
1 1M
47 as so
4S 47
1 IV A I 9
16 on &U 00
18 U0 (S19 00
6M8 00
oo oo
Oil cake meal V ton 3 00 33 0C
FRjcaa Fruits
Apples, Oregon, V box 1 2 & 1 CO
Cherries, Oregon, V arm. . .
Lemona, California, sf bx.. 4 00 4
Limes, f 100 1
Riverside orange. 4 box . . .
Lo Angeles, do do . . .
Peachea, y box
Dry, over 10 lbs, lb
Wat salted, over 65 lb
Murrain hides
7 3
10 u
Cabbage, tb
Carrot, frf aak 1
Cauliflower, r doa
Onions ?1
Potatoes, new, 1C0 lbs . .
East Oregon. Spring clip.. 14 a
Valler Oregon. An .. 18 &
Tile Eden M O ffor.l Sheltering
Home for Animals near B ston, has
on hand such a stock oi oxoorieui dog
and cats ( rescued tramps of the city),
that an ap e 1 is being made to fami
lies in want of a mouser or a ratter to
lake some of their reformed quadru
ped off thuirhands.
Carefully prepared statistics show
that there are 500.000 criminals in this
country, only- 50,000 of whom are
incarcerated. Of the 500,000 it is
estimated that one-third are under
twenty years of age, one-half under
twenty-one years of age, and a fraction
under twenty-two years of age. and
the chances are that-all of them will
continue criminals through the rest of
their lives. -
Blacksmith Miller, of Louisville,
was shoeing a mule the other day, and
diove a nail through the hoof so that
the point projected an inch and a half.
He was about to twist off the nail ana
clinch it, when the mule gave his hoof
a tremendous jerk and the nail caught
Miller's arm and completely severed
the muscles and arteries of the left fore
arm. Miller's life was saved with
Th ruminating St art f Frwntl by th i
Bio Fit. Id of ths Atl ntia thttas.
No fairer prospect exists In the wholt
realm of agriculture than the landscape
of a well-appointed rice plantation.
Whether viewed In early spring before
planting, with the tawny seams of Its
embankments Intersecting the check
ered squares, the yellow mold yet
steaming from the plow, and the whole
visible area apparently aa cleanly swept
and garnished as a parlor floor; oi
later, during the nursery reign of the
fostering "stretch water," eaeli square
a lake, its wavelets rippling under the
Iroali ana breeze, with the top of tbe
young plants iinrueraexl for forcing, In
long, waving lines of tendrils floating
on the wator, and the russet banks,
separating lake from lake, now paths
of emerald, their grassy carpet blowing
in the April sun; or later stui, during
the "long water," the entire landscape
one waving sea of green, broken only
by the crystal ribbons oi canals arm
quarter drains; or, finally, in the full
noontide of harvest-time, the level
rJi ltla, now lakes no moro, but vast
stretches of stubble dotted with stacks
of golden grain, as If an army tented
there. :
The wheat lands of Dakota are im
pressive, but their anoroaen, unre
lieved monotony is almost painfuL
The vine-clad hills of the upper Ohio
are novel and interesting; Hie velvety
lopea of the valley of the Roanoke
and Kentucky s blue eras meadows
pretty and attractive; but a study of
the rice fluids of the Atlantic deltas is
simply fascinating.
In other agricultural pursuits man s
effort are the sports of the elements.
and largely dependent noon the ca
price of the future. In this man works
ith uod. in tne very snaiow ot in
ftreaence, wttn tne intelligence ana
udgment regulating the wayward
fraaks of nature, grafting chemical
atUnlty and physlcial force, and direct
ing both to an end, reasonably oertain
if properly com passed.
The high plane of thought neoea tri-
ly traversed by the planter pursuing
this avocation from guwrdtion to gen
eration naturally induced a broader in
telllrence. orreatar elevation oi mind.
superior refinement and a more univer
sal and thorough cosmopolitan in than
has ever been attained either before
or since in any other kindred employ
Yet this Incidental saper-refinemsnt
was far removed irom enerninacy.
During the late war, whenever a eata-
vm stuck fast In the mu"l, the first vol
nnteer shoulder under the wheel waa
that ot the vounf rio planter, whoa
month previous had --ntilr aired him
self in hU spotlae 7ttita duck suit.
while Jake .'at, thj stevedore and
ditcher.' li. -.rlably -stood afar off'
watching the performance, nor lent a
Vae nd
except onder orders.
rice Is evidently of east-
em origin: Tamil, arisi; Arabic, artt.
latin. oryta.- Italian. ro; rrent-n. ra.
it is only second in Importance anion?
he cereals to wheat, ari'l forms the
grain food ot over one-third of the hu
man race.
Its ute by the inhabitants of China
and India extend as far back as the
earliest records of either country. A
(.'hinese classic describes minutely the
Jrainaze and irrigation works con
4 true ted by the kniperor iu on the
Yane-tse-kiang 4.M rears ago It was
ultivatel In fcirvpt fully nilv centuries
iri), though not the twine ipal food of
. , . . . i t : l , ! 1
tue latter country, rrwiueni muiicni
references to rice are found. Herodotus
ully describes it. as does Pliny in his
tn-atlse up m the food plants of India.
Vh le wibbon considers that it was
uttivated in Spain at the time of the
Roman occupation. It certainly, as an
ndustry. attained bo prominence In
Europe until comparatively modern
Hues, and it is eenerauy nviievea to
lave been introduce! by the Moors
nto Auda'usia during the eleventh
;entury, and to have crusted from
Ipain into Italy about a oentury after.
Kice la now errown in nearly every
portion of the globe In Japan. BraxiL
Hawaii. America, Italy. In lis, but
irinclpally in China an I Burnish. The
Runu -se crop is nearly all exported.
the inhabitants sutfeUtinz on some
heaper food, aa millet or dourrha;
that of China is principally consumed
it home, though a good deal finds its
way into this coun'ry. Southern Mty
Haw On New York Wemaa Get Hand
some Yearly Ineoai
A noticeable feature of every auction
le. especially of household furniture.
a that the audience which attends and
listens to the gl.b tonguod auctioneer
is oora-Msed to a large extent of the
.ante persons. It is easy to guess why
he sec md-hand dealers, whose faces
are readily recognized, sho .ild be con
stant attendants, but in iny ot the reg
ular company are not dealers, and it
has alwars puszled the reporter to
classify them until this mornlnjr. Drop
mr into an auction salesroom ne learnea
that these people are engaged in an
occupation but little known to the gen
eral publ.o. iney are speculators.
Thev buv for a rising market, if an
article goes cheap they buy it in and
hold it for the next sale. Sometimes
they get as much ag-da for the piece as
they pal.l lor it iney always get
some profit over the commission which
thev are obliged to pay the auctioneer.
There is a woman in this city who visits
every house that hangs out a red nag.
Speculating in auctions is her sole
source of income. She has the reputa
tion of being a sharp buyer and active
bl Ider. She has been known to net
riftv dollars in a single day. If she
buys goods at a private sale she sends
them to an auction house at once. Her
purchases Include every thing from a
tin cun to a grand piano, one ni
never been known to rotke a losing
speculation. -V. Y. Mail an.t txprets.
questions oi political economy
will stray into the most serious mo
ments of young life. "Don t you
think. Evelina dear, that you er need
little er protection?" " f ossibly.
George. But I don t know as I am in
. . .......
favor of quite so ration raw material r
And theu he picked up hU hat and
went out into the damp fog of a re
lentless world. Hartford Post.
A wide traveler declares that the
best cooks in the world are Arab cooks.
who perfectly understand how to intro
duce good fruit to hot fire over their
little furnaces. The next best, he says,
are the farmers' wives of New England.
"The worst meals one sits down to are
those cooked by professional cooks.
whose skill is great by making eatable
dishes by concealing the unpleasant
ness of poor meat and spoiled vege
tables, but who also invariably destroy
delicacy and purity of good meat, fresh
vegetables and fragrant fruit,"
r iNotwtuistanding tne winter Is up
on us north here, rattlesnake stories
continue to come in from the sunny
south. These serpents are very abund
ant this year near Waukeenah, Fla.
The other day one was discovered carry
ing off a half-grown turkey. Two dogs
were "set on'" it. - It struck both be
fore it was killed, and both died. - The
turkey was released unharmed, which
shows that the rattlers do not poison
their own food. This particular snake
was six feet seven inches long and had
fifteen rattles. -
The Hew Itaee Which is Bln Itomloped
In tbe United tts.
Influences are at work in the United
States which are developing a new race
of people. The blood of the different
races of Kurope is being mixed here to
make in the years to come a blood
which will be distinctly American.
But while this Is true. It Is also true
that the distribution of population is
going on in such a way that the In
habitants of different sections will be
distinctly marked from each other.
They will all be American," but dis
tinctions between them will be readily
In the South It is probable that the
old type of the American will be
longer preserved than elsewhere. The
presence of the negro population kepps
out the foreign immigration, and the
fact that the negro will always consti
tute the laboring class will tend te
preserve in the white population of the
South more or less of an aversion for
manual labor.
But in the North all the different
classes omitting, of course, the small
percentage of negroes will inter
marry. For this reason what was
called American blood will be mixed
with Irish, German, English. Scuadl-
navlan, Italian, Spanish and French.
Of these the Irish, German and Sonnda-
uavlan will probably exert the chief
Influence In forming the character of
the people.
Figures taken from the census of
1880 throw some light upon the man
ner In which the race distinctions are
likely to appear In the future Ameri
cana ,
In South Carolina by that ceusus It
appears that there were 891,105 whites
and 604.332 colored persona. Of the
whites only 7.6G6 were of foreign birth.
The negroes will always to a great de
gree be kept distinct from the 'whites.
The few foreigners and they of differ
ent nationalities who are in the Slate
will exert but little influence on the
large number of native whites. It Is
apparent, therefore, that fifty years
hence the white opulation of South
Carolina is likely to be very much
what it is to-day.
On the other hand. In W Isronsin
1.809,618 of the population were white,
and only 2.703 were colored. Of the
white population 405.425 were of for
eign birth. Undoubtedly, therefore.
the population of Wisconsin will fifty
years hence be very different from the
American stock of South Carolina.
The large percentage of foreign blood
wilt of necessity change the character
of the people.
This shows that the American of
Wisconsin will, because of his foreign
blood, have certain phases of what we
ould now call a foreign character.
But It does not show what foreign
characteristics will predominate.
ilus U brought out by a comparison
between Wisconsin and Massachusetts.
In Wisconsin the number of persons of
German birth was 184.328 as against
41.907 who were born In Ireland. But
in Massachusetts there were only 16,-
872 Germans as against 226,700 persons
who were born in Ireland. It goes
without saying that Iu Wisconsin the
future American will be more German
than Irish, whereas in Massachusetts
he will be more Irish than German.
If we should carry this investigation
further it would lie seeu that in Dakota
the American of the future will iu
many respect resemble a Swede.
whereas in New Mexico he will have
characteristics which will show his kin
6ldp to the Inhabitants of Spain.
lhe tendency of these local pecu
liarities will grow more and more pro
nounced, just as a broad distinctiou
haa been devctoied in England be
tween the Inhabitants of certain coun
ties and the inhabitants of certain
other counties. But in each State
there will be the local or State Govern
nient by which the domestic interests
of the people will be provided for.
The whole will be held together by the
federal principle which makes the A
tional Government Denver (CoL) Be-
In Love With His Work.
' I never s.v a man who liked work
as well its that new clerk Smith seem
to." remarked A merchant to one ol
his salesmen.
He must have improved, for it wa
only last week that you were complain
Ing of him. You said then that he wa
Uie slowest man you ever saw."
"That s just It He lingers over hi
work as it he was afraid he might ge
through with it and have to part fron
iU" Merchant Trawler.
-The sh.uieTits of Iron ore from the
Lake Superior ports during the season
Just closed aggregate 4,372,167 tons, as
compared with 3,413.672 tons in 1886.
By ranges the shipments have been as
follows: Marquette range, 1.755,764
tons; Menomiue range, 1.132.611 tons
Gogebic range, 1,091,335 tons: Vermil
ion range, 3'J0, 467 tons. The Marquette
Mining Journal presents m statement of
the shipments by lake from twelve of
the larger producers among the mines
of the Marquette, Menominee and
Gogobio ranges, total being 2,377.166
gross .tons.
Llbby Prison Is to be removed to Chicago
lor an exnibition.
Cute"! he echoed. "Well. I don't know
aa the adjective would have ocrurred
me in Just that connection. But if you
mean th t tney do their work thoroughly
yet make no fuss about it; cause no pain
or weakness: and. in short, are everything
that a pill ought to be, and nothing that, it
ought not. then I agree that Pierce Pleas
ant Purgative Pellet are about the cutest
little things golngl
Frozen plants can best be restored bv
aipping in coia wat r.
e-ief t-f. IsaV
j- .r . t.j ii i t as
Its niDerior excellence nroven In million ot howtee for
mora than s quarter of s century It I used by tbe
United Statea Government. Kiidnra d by 'be heada of
tbe Great Unlveral lea aa tbe Strooeeet, Purest and meet
Healthful. Dr. Prloe't Cream Baluna Powder does sot
contain Ammonls Lluie or Alum. Hold only m ea
ruii'B riiwiiui mi. i
yaw yoaa, caicsuo, , lovvi.
Guest (wildly) to Arizona hotel clerk
Say, there's man under the bed In that
room you gave me. Clerk (klndljl -That 'a
al' tight: he'- dead. We just left nlm
tl.ere till his fri nds could come fi.r him
to morrow. Front! Two whiskies tor :W.
A waits that countless army of martyr, whose
ranks are constantly recruited from the vic
tims of n or to on n ass and nerveus diseases.
The price of the boon 1 a Sj stematlo eonrse of
Hosteller' Stomach Bitters, the finest and
most genial of tonlo nervlnrs, pursued with
rrasoiialile peruUtenoe. Kaxier, plrssstter
and safer this than to swash the victualing
dt-parunent witb pseudo-tunica, alcoholie or
the reverse, beef extracts, nerrs foods, nnroot
l", sedatives and poisons In dlMrulite. "Tired
Nature sweet restorer, balmy sleep," is tbe
providential rceupersnt for weak nerves, and
this glorious franchise beliifr usually ths con
sequences of sound digestion and Increased
vtitor. the great stomachic which insures both
is productive sum of repose at the required
time. Not unrelreahed awakens the Individ
ual who uses It. but vtirnroua. clear beaded
and tranquil. Use the iiltters slxo da ever
and ague, rheumatism, kldoey troubles, con'
stlpauoa and biliousness. ,
The Illinois corn crop of 1887 was the
smallest since .861. tbe total being 1&,
UH'.UOU bushels.
a I tha art and taats ot tita boat S'ttU aaena to bava
barn aomhliiad In tba maaiitflevut pactaa of Imp irted
Olensraptilo and Chromatic tanta which u bauif uttered
by th sail known arm of 'laauuc Krotnafs. of fats
buth, Pa
To ur.ieura thaaa alacant fmated and aatbt frinnd
eat da, buv s but of Dr. U. McLana'a Celebrated Liter
I'tili for eenU from voar drustiat sad mail the out
st! wraptwr with your sddrw (etaialv w Ha si sad
f'.ur eetiu worth tA atmie to Klemlnf brothers, Ptua
burah. fa ..a will be enrtr:ad and delichtad wlta
bwatti.f and verb? uf the earda vos will receive.
IIeneforth Mexican silver will be ac
cepted at the Cuban treasury at 80 cents
on tne dollar.
The newest fa h Ion In ladies' bat will
doubtless cause a Hotter of pleasurable
excitement anions the fair aex. Ladles are
Iwavs suscepti le to the thausea of
fashion plate and the more startling the
tie iart i re. th more earreat the Roasfp
over the new mode. Dr Plerce'e Favorite
'rescritiiiou is a positive cure for the ilia
which aftlict females aud make their lives
miserable. This sovereign panacea ran be
relied on in caes of displacements ana a'l
functional derangement. It builds up tbe
poor. haKxard and dragflced-out victim, and
gives her relieved hope and a fresh leas
t lite, it is tbe oniy n eaicine tor wom
an peculiar weaknesses) and aliment,
sold by drutiglst under a poa tlvefruaran
tee from tne nianuiactu-era. nat it win
give satisfaction In every case, or money
refunded. Iteaa prinfea guarantee on
bottle wrapper.
There are 3.00 - faith-healers In the Unl
ted States, it is said.
f aaasaetaa mm V as! Ins- la Call
d ren. Meets a fiatalalaaof Pure Cod Liver
OH with Kypopbosphltea. Is a most valuable
food and medicine. It creates an a pp. Ute for
uod. strrnirtaens tbe nervous syalem. and
bo Ida up the body, itease read: "I tried
Hrutt a Kinulalon on a youiis: man whom r'hyei
cisns at limes gave up hope Since be has
been nam the Kmulalon bis Cough has ceased.
gained flenh and aire' gth, and from all appear-
, i . i . , ,( . . i j .
um ui. ii i c win ue isruiufigcu u 11.11 7 jrwi,
ei'LLivaa, Hospital E lev. era, Al organza, a.
VsrvABiA relbrlnes
and. Or.
te Mlae K V Ilevteoa. p. 0 gox yju FurUand. Or.
aaataieruiaieutluspuaideiilaada. sties tiwVue. BesOle
Wake'ee'a vjuirrel and Gopher Kitcrml-
nator Try it. aud prove tbe heat t the
cbeaprau Wakelee ot Co.. San Francisco.
Ferao-ta who stay It door all the time
and lean over a counter or a desk, sooner
or later dleov-r that their lung are giv
ing out. Editor are often thus afflicted
Erastus R. Sutherland, editor of The East
ern State Journal, White fiaina, rsew
Vork, write-:
1 1 a ve used Awtxta PoRors plas
ters iu my faintly lure tr&X. la that year
1 had an attack oi pneumonia irom wnu-n
1 waa not expected to recover. My lungs
were left In a very v rak state. I com
menced using AL1.1-OCK a 1'orous Plas-
tsrh, weartnK tneru constantly three
months, two on tn '.ureast ana two on tne
back. The result waa surprising, at least
to me. The paina In my lungs had left tne,
and I felt like -'a glan' ref resued wi'h new
ncHrae rrun. -
Mvsrrows M uejtore: intenee nehlB and stlnclnc.
.wt -1 ,lht: worae be aeratrhlns. If allowed to eue-
tmee tiuuura fern, sbtrb often bleed and slcesaM,
bseuades very www. astitia lutt avma saw
Ileitis and btMKUng. seals ulceration, and la ana
eaeee resiovea tne s Itaeunally emcexlona is
eurui sU Skin Irteewaea. DR. 8WAYKK a StlN.
Protinvtiwa, Psl-adelpbia.
ebtamea 1
I uf dnasstsu.
Seat by eisil fu W Oeata.
Sulohur sorlnkled in the dust f nrnlshed
hens at this season for bathing will help
to prevent lice.
Xf 1.1 U..I1.I., m..A k-I!n le Ttw fi.M.
Catarrh ttenu dy.
Chareoal ground to powder will be found
to be a very Rood thing for polishing
For Threat Ilaeeev, ('aarliw.
Cwlda, etc, eff, rttial relief is found in the
use of fhwn Uronchiai 1 rochea bold
only in boxes. Ha ci s.
Taa URKATK.-VT BUMiU-PtTRiriERand ner
vine iu the wotjd i ilobb'a Nerve-Tonic
To the RrMtor
1 tnaae inform year reader that I have a pc
Hive remedy for the above named die wssn By
tb. un
b en
send twobotUeaof my remedy VKCB to any of
yoiar readers who bar coostimption If they win
enua tae tnetr tJtpreas and f. u. aAtreas.
.. A. BIXICUM- AfTcT thl learl St. New York
TbvGkrmka for breakfast.
See Antisell Piano advertisement.
Oaiselllns hnproves and piuaumt tbe sosaslsaloa.
Aa Apparataa Whieh Redaeea Its Das.
gers tw a M iolmsm.
One of the most prolific sonrres of
the proportion of infectious or con
1 sgious diseases is. as you have more
thitn once pointed out, the house car-
tK't, which can retain the germs of
these diseases. But as the carpets must
Iks cleaned, and as the practice of beat-
infhem in the open air is considered a
iuuiio nuisance, M. Bunel, the prinrt
p.l architect of the Prefecture of Po
lice, was charged todevise some means
by which this nuisance might be re
duced to a minimum, or, if possible.
entirely prevented. M. Bunel submit
ted an apparatus in the form of a cylin
der to tbe Oouucll of Public Ilygenie,
In which the cariiets are placed, and
by a rotary motion the dust is dislodg
ed, lhe advantages of this invention
over the ordinary method had been ap
proved of; but M. Bunel soon di.-cover-
1 hat dust and other p .rticles escaping
from the carpets, instead of beinr
burned, as he thought they would be.'
were utilized in ndustry n filling cush
ions, and the liner particles were em
ployed for coating pnper-hangings.
whu-h give them their velvety tippear
ance. This highly objectionable prac
tice was soon brought to the notice o
the police authorities, and on the ad'
vice of the Council of Hygenie it is or
dained that lhe dust and particles beat
en out from carpets should be collected
in closed Kppnratus and burned; Lu
those who may wish to utilize them
shou l have them previously disinfect
ed and then submitted to a current of
sten ni tinker pi entire at temperature
above 100 J. . or of sulphurous acid.
wot a great wuue ago one man
told another that he believed he had
resorted to deception in the carrying
jut of his plans. This did net seem to
excite the accused. But the speaker
jvent 0:1: "I say you either resorted to
deception or you were outgeneraled.
As soon as he made this charge the
man was greatly roused. Ala-d bow
many there are who would rather be
recognized aa scoundrels than consid
ered to be fool. Chruiian Advocate
glHafiCOBS Oil,
1 n ' mask
aawef' ,
Misery. It is InrtnicUve to not tram the
catalogue oi nmeaxes tnai mne-icmiis 01
falsi caxes reach their chronic (tape through
a stupid indifference to a correct treatment
when lhe system is firat a.utiintl. It ieaily
shown that thousands of li vi could be saved.
SLKTOl'l PA ma.
Tarts re. For Instance: Sciatica, which so
sorely aflhcts the tinman family, arid which
la defined to be neuralgia of the sciutit
tierve, rheumatism of the hip-joint, or farts
adjoining it, hip gout, pains 111 the loins and
liija, even in 11s iuiUut form never seizrs
its prey without due warning.
Acute. Sudden and acute pains In the hip
and loins; rallies, swelling, leiidernew,
soreness, fever, laments and sometimes ex
cruciating pains. The disease rapidly devel
ops luto chronic or Intiaiiiiiiatory stage.
Csra-Rnb the parts allerfed thoroughly and
vigorously with br. Jacobs Oil; crude a
burning aenmtion by the friction of ruMiing
on the Oil ; apply warmth ; lbuwcls wruiis
putiu hot water.
Bold by Druggiit and Denim Etetytdur.
ely's Catarrh
C'leaaaea the
Xaaal Irm ag-r-a.
A Maya Palaaad
W 4eT T A e. M
Ileal the Meres.
KftUrra the
Meaaea ef Taate
ssa Maiell.
Try the Cure
A particle la apvHed into each aeatrO and la aareeaiJ
Price 10 eta at area late I mail, reaiatered, SV ot
ELY KKiTHKRli ZJ (ireeos-icb St. hew Tors.
CVM rKB wtakunr to enrace Is s Hint.
E. pleaeant, aod, perhana, profitable an-.nanmi rl
ean leeira tbe ark of Vmiulj Makio at none, and white,
giving emneement to tneu- frtenda and themaelvea, dla
eover whether they have a taaaa f s lbs work aa a bejel
rn . and tner-ty make a fair tiv.ns proSt t'trm a very
email Investment- Keeelpta. and full Instructions la de
taJL enmelent fe eeveral aaenna for the bsJiIdc of
twelve simple varteuee, and amply aufftelent fur home
be f,nd in anv kHchen. Addreaa.
at. a
sent few one dollar. Tuoia
m neeeaaary maj
GEO. if. FKK
CIVAU la Ellis Sweet. San rrsncueo.
have now ready their handsomely Ulaatrated
which contains moat eomnlef list of latest
styles in ( oat o roes, WraiM, Millin
Novell i
tn Dress Goods. Htioes. etc., etc ..both Foreign sad
U'mestie. which sr sold st each low nriees as to
make their name renowned throoghout the
union. ,
I his ostaJoans ts tee-ned for the benefit of nor
ma reaidina st s distance from Mew Vork c!itv.
and enables them to make their piirrhsats with
tbe sams f acilitf s an-i at tha asms low prices aa
th-rajrh theyemll ii in person. A copy of this book
will oe mailed r n f- T to any persoa npon ap
plication by ril LC postal card or letter.
aUoaaslagalsle Rrafhers.
liana fart re r. I an sorters. It r tall era.
I bird Avraar. tfw terk.
' StlO rul A t'ATabOOll,
Should Tsks this Great
Hofeb's Nerve Tonle
Pills are eompoaed of
Just snch element ss
Kartch the Blood asd
strengthen the Nerves
ri vine the body thesprinc
and elasticity of youth.
Men anal Women suffer
from Uwcann-cnacnta of;
the Jtervea aad pover
ty ef the Bleed. Wesee
it In the whttenine; hsir.
tb nntimely wrinkles,
the loss of form in fart,
in all th siirn of prema
ture old see.
Mea, YwnnirMen.Old
Men, aad leans; Old
Men. Ton seed Uebbs
Wsrwe Tenia Pills. It IB Brain Food, it
iasmnscleinvicorator: bnilda nn tbe Waate
Plaeeai makes tbe weak stron and vlror-
ons. Are yon snfferinn In secret for past
errors t We will indorse for yoa If yoa try
tbe Nerve Tonle pills. Even if yoa are
weak and nervous with loss ef vital power
roar mannooa almost ned. lea vine; yoti naie
'sced snd hollow-eyed Ilebb'a Nerve
Ton le pills were made for yen. and all
person a wns in loiiswtareempiaiau,
via.t raiaitatioserihs Heart, natter-
lns.Trembllna;. Hysteria. Nervowaneaa
la any form, Nervens Headache, New-
rairia, voia naans or real, rain la tne
Back, r any other form nf Female
Weak nee a which we do not care to enu
merate. Try them, and yon wiU Join the
th on sands of happr men snd women who
daily bless Dr. iioub lor his great work in
weir oen a it.
Thev drive awav Plmnlea and Blateaei
from the akin, cause a dull yellow skin to be
replaced by a Clear Complexion, and leave
the brirhtness of Tooth. Thev are sarar-
soeted, and only one pill adoee. Price SO eta.
a Bottle. Bent by mail or all Drocrgists.
Hardy Northern Grown
From Minneapolis, Hinneaota, ate lbs best, peeress
they sr eariwr and ths most productive. Take a
other an til yoa try them, for sals by all leading
dcnU'te on tbe coast throughout ths country. Trad
supplied by
vESTCorr brothers.
Seed M erebants, 44M aad 0t Saasoms Street, Ssa
Frsncsseo, Cat.
When 1 say enve 1 de 4 mean aserely te stew tbeaa
or a tune and then save there i-sma Issis. I
OMlksJ eare. 1 have asade tbe d of FITS, kPOf
KpSy or FAlXlNQ SlCKEi8 a UfeJon etwdr. I
wwrrant my ressedy teewre tne vrovet eaeea. B n usiiss
ethers have failed h aa reaeon for ao now meevm a
anre. Rend atoaee for a treetiseaa a Free Bettl
01 air infallible remedy. Oive Ki press sod Pmt 0oo.
U. 6. KUUT,M. C1S3 Fearl St. New 1 srk.
The Oregon National Bank,
friaiiawas In If iinaiiaa1an Tsitia iTiank t
tutriTAt, nil) im,
Tn rasitsaO meal Bankarc
AnOOTTNTa kerjt subant to ebeek.
w un svitututnuEon
AK.K8 OlUHTIOVt fseia-aMe
f AX B DsLAsustTjrx oaj. B MAaaT,aV.
dsn. Tl l llssl lssS,
1 W. SRXBMAS Oaamav.
(XH 6,000.000 PEOPLE U5S
rl mralua ba to aU.
f CarOet.Fla4da'kwav
O. H. FEHR Yat30..Detre!t.Mletu
r-rsi .annual
I C',sXl JV-?L for 1888
I N4aV7sFJia'aBK vriE be wauled
aDXX FOr T 1 anpHoaaas. aad
f y Or I tebMS . as isnns
I e-iS aaaasdanas
I t-
as lie's
Karroos Prostration. Ni
Hewralgis, Narrwaa Weaknssa,
and Lavwr Rheumatism.
pcpaia,aad all affsttioos ef tba
1 ft ft ft Will be paid forewb and every (rats of exris-
1 o UU ouuu eiibetewrev fofuud in v ledum a Kebertifta.
aetnowteof rd tlte muet daligtitfui and 00 y rewiy
Banaicsa acute ertMie ever ikuouotO for beiat-yiii
and ereaerviiic toe eomplexiua, renaovlnc tea, em,btirs.
frecalei and ail i.U-mi,& sad ruuti-.ea of Uie akin.
i sod luiloraed by the ants of sxeietf and tns
fi e. hold by all anir&irte ar 60 eeote per bottle.
Wbiteacd Kli. Manufactured by W. M. WlblXjK
UU.. Cssnilrts, Portiaud, Oregoa.
i..!iiM -
a common Bloteh or Ertl
t'M worst SrrolBla.. aiii.rneaai,
rover - sores," aeaiy er noaaa
Skis, m snort, all aJsensi eausea ty oaa
blool are eouquered by this powetluL pttrl
fyiiir. ani InvigorBttng Ureal
MatTuc Vleera ntpl.Tlr heal nndc ts be-
nlgit liiflianoe. m-c"T JtaViaH
.is lyneticy m Z Jl- J l-. C
nlans rea and welllni HIs.
lolnt Ulatsar, W b I te H 1 1 n a e.
lioiire, sr 1 aica iti w
Clarad. rV-nd ttn cents in stamps for
inrire treatise, with tsolored llut-s, 00 rkln
the same ainoum tor a rewiuew
on HcTofi
tlntie AvTtl4tne.
utiik uianu 1 a tdif wit."
Ttiorriugliij eeitnse It btr iiwiik lr. Fleree'J
Golden iriedlral Evlaroverytand
dlaestiou, a lair sk lit, vooyant plr
It, and vital strcug tt, will beestaUiUeijed.
which at Rtrsfnla off (he Lanfa. Is ar
rested and cored hy this rt-medy. If tasen be
fore the last stajrt-S of tin- dlw-K- are reat-hrtJ.
From H niRrvfk.tis fwwer o i-r this trrrihly
folal dlst-nse, whr-n Itrst ntTfrliis; ttrtt now
oelebrsUsd remedy to the pwhlic. Ir, Pirara
tfaouglit eerhmely of calling It hi "Ceo
saaaptloit Care, but atsindonod that
name as too limiud for a tTW-du-tne which,
from Its wonderful combination of totrto.
etrens-tbofilng. eltfsllvv. or bUwl-clesnsing,
anti-hilioua. pectortU, and t.otritive prer
ties, ts anequaled. not mlr a rcmedT for
corMiimption, but for mil 1 lirottis Bls-
eascs 01 tne
Liver. Blood, and Lungs.
If JVT fed dun, drovrer. eMlltatd. bar
allow color of skin, or y liowili-t.mwn eirf
on tae or body, f rf-om nt h.-aiia-lnr or dizal
Beat, bad taste te month, fnumud heat or
chills, elaermitins; with lud flushr. low silrit
and gloomy foretxsimffS, im-srtilar spiK-tite,
--..1 AnaiAit ruia'tH.. rim are airfferifiar front
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid ,
tlver, or Billoasacss, In many
case only part of torso arm; toms are espo.
rleneexl. As a remedy for aU such ensr-a.
Or. Pleree'a ttolefeii Biedlenl lls
eovery Is unsurpassed.
Far Weak Lantt, v,ttln; ef
Blood. Shortness of Breath, Bros.
CMitle, Asthma, Severe tons lis, end
ktodred affections, It is an efilc-ft-rii renw-dy
Fold hr liBt'ooiarrs, at il.OO, or BEX
8end tc-n cents In stamps for Dr. PWce S
book on Consitmptlon. Addrv-ss.
World'' Irlspensary UleAlcar las.
elation, tea Mala Street, Bcrrsxo, M. X.
II is offered by tbe ptopik-'tors
I of Vt. Sare I Catarrh Bemrfy
f for a ease of catarrh which
f they cannot cure. If you
have a discbanre from tb
nose, offensive or otherwise, partial kiS of
melt, taste, or bearins;, -weak eye, dull pain
or nressure In nesd, you have Catarrh. 1 note
asmds of case terminate In consumption.
Ijr. Peir- Caijrhh Resent cures the wore
HHofCaMrrk, "Cold la the HeaV
sad Catarrhal HetSscha. so cent.
Oir.inilAI.Bt4H. Gsbter, Koenish
Ptaone; BuideU Oryana. band Inasrnoaeaas. lawawat
stork of Sbeet Mnsie and Books. Bande arpeiMid a
Esatevn Prwv. MATTHIAS li&AY CXJ.. Su Poa
ftteeat, San PraBeSaoa
Tho Van Iloiicircar
kLatzri-Wev asaened 1
and . tmtMKr wrh
sayAjs7 ht aBRaSsML a&Bas4jSBaf JeOaWW
'Mial, ieKasWDeaavataawataaa
sammw a or, Weak Kjna, 1 siar a
3. jT 1 EnanD, saw Blood leaal
Baa- Falfta
1 noes Tnioaa, TJavsrs, m
' laeas ea aveawKTy, assnaat Hast, Bars a
r -esTwsais letsig ana sane ttov aa
Bath etexea tssaslt jl!eBt?llT
OFFTOsV 189 s 184 TS1BJJ ST.
S E3 '3ES S -
Alfalfa, Onion Seva. Oraas. Ckveer. Tea-table and
Vlewsr Seeds. By far be aarseaS and ass waiissnts
aaoek ea the Pacific Coast.
Lane lllansreted. ata.ilSrs sad arlaeal Oaaali wa
avaiawi. owe, aw si
S Frest Street, rrtlsussf, Orrfeai
Or, SIS and 78ansoms 84., Baa Fraaseo, Cat,
Iarmaj for eSsal.. '
tJrUf twatonwood. 8nsaa Ooaaty. Cai. tod bafs
of Cener Baeraaiuiio Valley j or. to 8. ORIFfU . Tola.
jZtZTL'?!;,-:: ? a-r Blear TasnqV
Ts(rsst TesM.ieod Psnser, Arewiwr sad
ass ay a. r. rmel. Miss.
By retorn mall. Watt
sway's Mew Tafsse y
muvu x a
This eminent SpaeiaHst still eoavhiwe to linsi
with thessme soc ees as of old al KpeeMi, CarasL
Nervooaand Private lsnasia e both aexaa, Basil
for Uie " ldias Gnide to Beanh," aad hat bank ea
- Special oweases," which are free. Call anion a
tdrea P. KOSUOS McNLXTT, M. tl 11 Ksaras
Street, Ssa rrunea
J. Santa Barbara. Cat. a Maes for etane Piseeaie,
XeBitaa, Swear in the Urine, and aU ether - im sae
tot4 to eare ! 'toeee Svwinsa snob aa, aAewtaoesot taw
. Stoaaaeh.
etej ne the CwehitiaJ
saaa. ander tbe direesioa of IR. t H KK. tba
sraiea r-syateiaa, was aaaenred uieae unseats 1m
assoakwia manner. L. HOLT. M B , I hysiessn.
Snreeew sod Aeeonebenr, Oor. atate and Cots Streets.
Big- as has riven aatvt
sal aatisfactloa la tha
cure of Oeaorrbcea aadl
Gleet. I prescribe U ant
reel safe la reeoeaanewd
li( ft te all aafferera.
P.tsvar, la.
JalrwUI Vl ltTV.aaataV I
Tbe beat PI A SO ea eartkl
Haines Bra. PI AM Of
PATTT3 preferenee-
Mnaioal Department A. U. Banoroft A Co, .
moved to 132 Past bt eaa Vraneiaoo. Cat.
To J a Day. Samples worth S1.S0. TTtEK.
Lines aot nailer the horses feet. Write Batw-
sm's aarsTT KxuHouiaCa..IIolly,lf ieb.
p. v. t. us. tao r w. w. n. wo. t
PArxaCexnTCoarroTriro asltervsTonia
wtucb never fails. Coatauuner t'slery au4
Cora, tboaa wonderful nerve stiniuianta,is
speedily enres all asrvous aieordara.
Parim Cixxav Costrocirs iwniaes tbe
. blood. It drives eat tbe hw-tic acid, whir
. as.1 rebtorae tbe bkxa-
inakina- 01-rans to a braltby eondicioa. It as
tos true remsay 10c
PiTrTfTfrT---r',r nwins
the liw and kidneva to nert eet hesiri. ti. '
curative power, combined with its ikftrv
tonica, soakea It tba beat Innaedv for a?
kidnay eninfiaiBta.
avtOaaaaVfShs aUld tTUti that WrVC CsT ltl 4 '
tire oravitAV Ttua m r&j
ICS AJavleVaaaal
ranm iixrar aoamorso a s eatbsR
sic ,1 . awi p.uig evy ma Birurw
soairi; 10 tne beweia. aes-aiactr ana -tcwaasnee.
. aawj
Bnoaausaaded by yroft-mlonat aadhw
s .
Prfos fl ed.
3. neau
fur Uxk.
Soid by Drugs'
ciuitj-rtm, v
11 1
yp 1 Taw srtv- mt ti was a,
rwe ws I, ssji fw ts. mv i
sB?rrVitVvtva rTCTaicTTrwi.e
W)trS'SS "aa Iks sutt
anPfvrji w'fr- Fex1 sMitay msw.
VVrf1 J tV , a insiisul tkiswilk tsant Ssns
V f Ort ' f sSvertawd is eare ail Ills Irea,
s rja' T-T bssa s tea. It far la u
v f r laveeissaaressa.
I rVT" trtl f" elrsslsrs eVrlss wsfl m.
' I 1 ?-wsi';a.ail(MMCaCTsrSlse.
f f TO DATtA.!