JOB PRINTING. (mcD tvnr ruiDAT.) SB ANON J. H. STINK St CO, Publisher Ever? dsasrtptioa at terms or suascmprioH. On Year SI 8n Mouth, 1 Taree MouaUa. ...... ................ Payable la adTanoe,) TERMS OP ADVKETISISa. ( LJEOA.L ) 11 A Job PrinliEi Bone m Start Mice. Legal Blanks, Business Cards. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters. Etc, Executed in rood wtjlt sod at los-tat B bag Brieea. . On, iqiun, (rat faeerUoa tJ M Kuk sdilUloual uuertion .. 1 M fLOCAT.1 VOL. I. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1888. Local NoMoee, per tin ....Woenta NO. 50. KgUlr UttlUMIHnu lUtrua upon uuaxm. .win.. BOOIBTT NOTICES. UK BAT OX IIDOK. NO. 44, A. . a A. VL: Moot, at vnvtr new neii la muonie moos, oa aaiut-aay evening, oa or before tne ruu noon. J WASSOX. W. M. LXBANOIT LODGE, NO. 4T, I. O. O. T.: Meet 8.1 urJ evening of eeoh week, at Odd fellow Hell. Ktlu street; TtitUng brethrea eonUslIy Inrlted lo aueua. J. J. i;ujuu.iua, a. u. . BOITOR LODOK NO. 38. A. O. V. W., Mean, ins t the moots. Brecon: Meu every srst ana tmra toukiu even. r. m. roook. ; DR. A. H. PETERSON, SURGICAL DENTIST, Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty. LEBANON, OBEOON. Offloe In W. C Peterson's Jewelry store. tWXW work warranted. Charge reawnabl e C. H. HARMON, BARBER & HAIRDRESSER, ' LEBANON, OBEOON. BhaTtna, Heir Cutting, end ftnampootng tat the latest end BB8T ITTL88. t3T Patronage tespeetfullr eoHotted. Ct. Charles Hotel. LEBANON. Oregon. V. W. Corner Maia end Bberaan Streets, twe Block Xaskof R R. Depot. H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor. Tables Supplied with the Beat the Market Affords. Beanie and the Beet GENERAL. STAGS OFFICE.- I. F. CONN, Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Plana ftpeelBratlane Far-slake on Mkart Satire. ILL miS OF CARPENTER WORI ME And SatiafacUon Ooaranteed. tarPRICES VERY REA80r.ABLE.-ta Albany and LeVuo, Or. G. T- COTTOIM, SEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, C O N F E C T IONERY, ((aeenaware aad dasawar. Mala St. !. Orffte. Meeit Market BVHL e KELLEIBER6EB. Fraarletar. Fresh and Salted Beef and Pork, MUTTON, PORK, SAUSACE, BOLOGNA and HAM. hmni Lari always on Hani. Main Street, Lebanon. Or. Lower Galifobkia has been made a State of the Mexican Republic. Returns from the special Congres sional election in Michigan show the election of Seymour (Rep.) over Breeee (Dem.) by about 600 majority. "Free -Sou? has been a source of trouble in New York, and is no longer provided for the poor. It is found to bring tramps to the city and to aid the undeserving poor. The Amazon at its mouth is about 150 miles in width, and the volume and impetus of the river are eo great that it carries its fresh water unmixed into the sea a distance ot 200 miles. It is said that a number of old Cali- fornians, now living in New York in reduced circumstances, are actually dependant upon the bounty of Senator John Pi Jones, of Nevada, for the ne cessities of life. Texas is probably in the soundest financial condition of any State in the Union. There is a cash surplus of $1,000,000 in her treasury, and the already low rate of State taxation may be further reduced. The Director of the Mint has re ported adversely to the establishment of an assay office at Portland, for which a bill was introduced by S-nator Dolph. Senator Dolph, however, says that the Director of the Mint Is mis informed in regard to the business of reducing ores at Portland. He intends to appear before the, Committee on Commerce and show that since the construction of the railroad to the Coeur d'Alene mines and other mines, and the erection of reduction works at East Portland, the output of metal every year is largely increasing, and will increase much in the future. Tbb House Committee on Territor ies has considered the question re lating to admission as states of Da kota, Montana, Washington and New Mexico. It was decided to fi-rtuulate an omnibus enabling act for the four territories, and the preparation of the bill was referred to a sub-committee, consisting of Springer, Mansur, Hayes, Struble and Syraes. During the sion votes were taken upon ordering favorable reports upon Gi fiord's bill for the admission of South Dakota, and Bailer's bill looking to the recognition of North Dakota as a state. The result in each case was unfavorable to the bill. A Washington dispatch says : "If Representative Hermann's bill to plac- Winemale Ridole Cta the pension rolls, at the rate of f 25 per month, passes, it will be the first case in which the government has ever granted a pen sion to an Indian. Winemale was a member of the Modoo tribe of In dians, and when they attacked and massacred the commissioners sent out hy the government to negotiate a treaty with them, she found Colonel Meacham, desperately wounded, in the lava beds, and did all that lay in her power for bis comfort. She brought him food and drink, made him a tem porary shelter and bound his wounds, at the peril of her own life had he been discovered. As soon as Meacham had recovered sufficiently to be moved, Winemale carried him on her shoul ders several miles and restored him to his friends. For this service it is be lieved she is entitled to a pension." The statement that "Winemale car ried him on her shoulders several miles," is probably incorrect, as Colo nel Meacham's weight at that time was about 200 pounds Senator Dolph has reported from the Committee on Public Ltnds a bill of great importance to the citizens of Oregon and Washington Territory. The object of the bill is to confirm the titles of widows, orphans and single women who took claims under the Oregon donation law of 1850 and am endatory acts, and made their proofs and received certificates. He says their are some forty cases in Linn county, Oregon, alone, and probably several hundred in Oregon and Wash ington, where donation claims were taken over thirty years ago by widows, orphans and single women, and where the land has been sold and transferred upon the strength of -donation certifi cates, which are now held under the rulings of Land Commissioner Sparks to be invalid, and a number of which have been held for cancellation on the ground that the parties were not en titled to take such claims for various reasons. The Commissioner holds that widows whose husbands, and or phans whose parents, died on the way to Oregon, were not qualified to take a claim. The Senator says that the law was probably very literall con strued in the early settlement of ; Oregon. ;. According to Fi-ofossor S. P. Lang ? lev. the well-known American astron omer, the temperature of the sunlit surface of the moon has been commonly over-estimated, and probably does not exceed fifty degrees centigrade. Mr. Richard A- Proctor, in his elaborate work oh the moon, says that, daring the lunar day, the surface of the moon burns, one may almost declare, with a heat of some five hundred degrees Fahrenheit, if the Inferences of our most skillful physicists and the evidence obtained from our most powerful means ef experiments can be trusted. OREGON NEWS. Everything of General Interest la a Condensed Form, A tannery is soon to be started In Milton by some Pendleton men. Douglas county expended over $22, 000 in the construction of bridges the past year. Five men announce themselves as candidal s for sheriff of Baker couuty in a Bdker City paper. Much prospecting for minerals will be done in the Cascades this summer, says the Silverton AppenL A quarry of monumental rock has been lately opened near RoBeburg, which is said to be very valuable. Fred and Harry Tern pie ton killed a large gray eagle near Brownsville that measured seven feet from tip to tip. Johnson & Sheldon, of 8c lo, have made an assignment in favor of John Morris, of that place. Liabilities $36 000. Archbishop Qmss, of Porttand, con templates' building a sister's school at Roseburg the coming summer, so says an exchange. Dr. A. W. Burg, convicted of black mail at Pendleton, has been sentenced to two years in tne penitentiary by Judge Walker. Geo. R. Justus, who was sent to the penitentiary for killing an Indian at Grant's Pass, has been released, after serving a few years of his time. A great many farmers report losses of small patches of wheat and oats by the recent freeze, says the Dallas Item izer. One man lost seventy acres of oats. Taking the loss of the whole county it will amount to a considerable sum. J. W. Graves committed suicide by han gin?, at his residence on Juniper creek, Umatilla county. Although quite wealthy he labored under the hallucination that he could not pay his debts. He was 60 years old and lived alone. The reward offered by the people of Monmouth and Polk couuty for the apprehension of the murderers of the Chinamen in that city recently am ounts to $700, and an effort is being made to have the Governor increase it to $1,000. Artic les of incorporation have been filed with the Secretary of Stat in corporating the Albany Street Railway Company. The capital stock is $25, 000. The object of the company is to build and operate a line of street rail way in Albany. Says a Prinevelle paper : A calf and colt belonging to J. H. Suoderly ber came buried beneath a large etrawstack rect ntly, and remained buried for a period of six days before they were missed. When uncovered both were alive, but the colt was unable to stand and soon died. Ashland TWin : Rev. C. H. Hoxic, of Medford precinct, will in a short time receive 200 pounds of sugar-beet seed from Claus Spreckels, of Califor nia, which he will distribute among the farmers of this valley when it ar rives. In this manner the soil here may be tested and its adaptability to the beet industry ascertained. Gov. Pennoyer has directed Hon. F. C. Reed, Slate Fish Commissioner, to give public no ice of bis intention to enforce the law forbidding the catch ing of salmon from the Columbia and its tributaries during March. The Governor suggests that prompt prose cution of offenders will put a stop to violation of the law. The prisoners engaged in cleaning up the rubbish around the Multnomah county buildings uncovered a large number of five and ten pouud cannon balls and a few small shot. A twelve pound loaded shell was also unearthed. Where all these relics of war came from or how they happen to be in the court yard no one appears to know. Frank Snyder, who lives a short distance below Buena Vista, discovered a human body floating in the eddy in the Willamette, near his place. I) . composition had so far advanced that recognition was impossible except by the clothing ; but it is supposed to be the body of the young man who ws drowned at Corvallis during the holi days. At Long Creek, Tom Williams fired two shots at Peter Connelly, the editor of the Eagle, one of which took effect in his wrist and the other in his hip. The wounds are severe, though not con sidered dan gerous. After the shoot ing Williams attempted to escape but was pursued and captured by Ed. Allen. After a preliminary examina tion lasting six day., the prisoner was placed under $3,000 bonds and sent to jail. Gov. Pennoyer has addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, giv ing his assent, as far as Oregon is con cerned, In regard to the grant of money made in what is known as the "Hatch bill," it being an act passed at tbe last session of Congress to es lablisn agricultural experiment sta tion in connection with agricultural colleges in the several state, and pro viding a sum of $15,000 p-r annum for each state for such purpose. He fur ther designated the board of regents of the agricultural college of the state of Oregon as the proper board to which the fund should be paid. This board, by law, consists of the State Board of Education, Master of the State Grange and nine others appointed by Gov. Moody. Under the law $7,500 was available the 1st of last January to each of the states. But owing to the non-acceptance, as yet, of the college building at Corvallis, it is feared that only $3,000 will become available to Oregon for this year. The Sucict lor the Prarontlea at Cruelty to Ataituals has baM 4rcpajeV aiuca 16C4. Rympatnenc JTriend (to widow; "Your husband's death was a terrible one, Mrs. Bently." Widow (sadly) 'Ah. yes! Poor John was a kind hus band, but he didn't know much about buzz saws." N. Y. Sun. Brown "I lent you an umbrella esterday, Robinson, on the express condition that it was to be returned this morning." Robinson "I know you did, but. my dear fellow, it rained this monine. " Urate Magazine A RAILROAD. INTERVIEW. rtt. Man With a Think for larormatlaa and th. Moaoarllabla Lady. He boarded the train at Rochester and came to the only vacant seat in the oar. beside a young lady. This seat taken, nia'amf" No." "Wal. then I guess I'll sit down." Two minutes' silence. ''Have some peanuts, ma'am?" No, 1 thank you." "Jiiuiny, don't like peanuts? Just like my wife. My great holt is peanuts and bananers. Perhaps you'd like a bannner, ma'am P" 'No, nothing, thank you. Live up to Buffalo, nia'amf" "Yea" P'raps you know my friend Cap'n Jack Sloan; lives down in Elk street." "No, I don't know where Elk street is." By goll and you live In Buffalo. Why, I've sold butter on Elk street market nigh onto twenty years. My name's Johnson. Your name ain't Jones, is it?" No." Tain't Williams, or any thing of thatsortf No." "That's what I thought I don't s'pose now It's Brown or any o' them colors No." "Been far?" "Not faa," Syracuse, mebbe: or Albany, ehP No." "NoP gol! "Hain't been to New Yorkf" "Yea" "Jiminyt Pre nevea been there though I saw a pretty slick feller from there once. Them New Yorkers U regular goers, ain't they? Any rela tions there?" "lew." Gosh! Wonder K they know my cousin Jake. He's getting $10 a week Jest to walk around in a store and look slick. Your folks ever speak of Jake f" "No." "Jake and me bought some land out West last year. Erer buy any?" "No." Don't- Jake and me lost five hun dred dollars. It was way at the bot tom of a river. Ever been West?" "Chicago," - "Jee! you hev traveled, ain't you? Father and mother living?" Father." "Lire In Buffalo?" "No," Our folks all live togellier down to Rochester. My father and mother have been dead a lon time. My wife's mother lives with us. Her name's Martin. That ain't your name, eh?" "No." "I was Jest thinking you looked like a man I know in Buffalo named Wat ers. He ain't your brother?" "No." "We must be coming pretty near Buffalo. That there lot of tracks looks like it You don't happen to live on Main street?" No." "Then you name ain't Robinson?" "No," "You must have a curious kind of a name. Sura it ain't Sanders?" "Sure." "WaL. here we be; eaa I help you gettin' off?" "No, thank you." Oh, Is tliqre a door-plate on your house?" "Yea" "Name on it? "Yes." "P'raps you wouldn't mind tellin what the nam on the plate is?" Smith." "Golf TeoeA Sunday Herald. REASONABLE ENOUGH. What It Coat the Colonel to 0 Hla MaU Oat f the Poat-OOtoa. The Colonel had left Birmingham without being able to get within twenty feet of the general delivery window ot the post-office, owing to the crowd ot colored people, and when we got over to Anulston and found it still worse he went out-doors and sat down on a dry goods box and spent an hour in reflec tion. By and by he brightened up and made a bee line for a printing office, and inside of another hour a boy a golng about the street end handing out to every colored person he met a dodger re ailing: "Don't miss it! Prof. Elba and his celebrated cundurango wll arrive at the depot at three p. m. this afternoon. Only one ever brought to this country. Colored people ean see it without charge.' At two o'clock I went with the Colonel to the post-office. There wasn't a colored person within a block of it and the postmaster was almost in a doze. At two o'clock we went down to the depot and there were seven or eight hundred colored people waiting around to Bee the spotted cundurango. How much did It cost you?" I ask ed, as he sat down on a barrel of apples to read his letters. "Only seventy cents," he replied, and I got twenty-two letters which had been trying to find me for three weeks." Detroit Free Prut. - . i i '- A drunken laborer named John Da vies, at Dowlaia, Eng.. on his way home lay down beside the railroad track so close to tbe rails that a train coming along, the engine ran over and cut off the heel of his boot When the train stopped and backed up the man was still asleep and was indignant at being made to get up and go home. A cat in P. Pearson's feed store at Burlington, Kan., attacked its master the other day and bit him severely In the leg. He ran out for assistance and brought back two men. who charged the enraged animal, but were routed and driven out after being badly bitten. The cat held the premises until the marshal came along with bis revolver and shot it A New York clergyman, who went to preach In a neighboring city, aston ished the congregation by saying: i must take the first train home, after the service, as I have a wife and three chil dren there, and have never seen ona of them." The people were greatly relieved en learning that the "one" that the cleryman had never seen had been born since he left home toe day before.- IT. T. ledger. SUPERFLUOUS DUTIE3. aw Many W.uu-a Make Hooa-Keajtas" a Terrlbl. Harden. A woman's Instinct of cleanliness is so strong that she will actually squan der time in unnecessary work. Just as a squirrel in a cage will store up nuts by force of his instinct of accumulation. If some house-keepers hud double the time at their disposal that they have ow, yet they would manage te occupy it with superfluous duties. But this is going farther than any semblance of a reason ean attempt to excuse. There Is no sense in working like this. A woman can be af ood house-keeper without taking ail her time te do her housework. If she can not let her after all be satisfied to be an ordinarily good one and take some of the time from her previously self-imposed drudgery for reading, education of children, self-improrement and for recreation. There hi no reason why a long programme of work should be laid out for every day, nor why it should be carried th rough at alt hazard. If each hour of the day U arranged for soma kind of work, one boar at least ought to be set apart for recreation, and that hour of all others rigidly ob served. These housekeepers whe are facing so much superfluous work every day, never think of doing sueh a thing as reading a newspaper or gathering In formation that will enable them to int prove the quality of their work. They do not know what Is taking place in the world, of wh'.ch tbey are so small a part They like to llston to other people's tales but never think of In forming themselves by resiling or ob servation. The children ask her ques tions that any one would be supposed to be able to answer, and are nt to somebody else for reply, or put off with no satisfaction at alL They soon coma to the conclusion that mother Isn't sup posed to know any thing outside of housekeeping. Tbe reader has seen the mora agree able housewife who is not always fur bishing up something and yet who has a houte so clean that no sen detects any thing unclean, the housewife who it a companionable sort of person, at leaat fairly well Informed regarding the events of the day as well as ber special daily duties, and who finds time to gel out of that everlasting grind f work that extingu:shea a manifestation of those womanly and motherly instincts that may mike, ber an adorable wife and mother, if they are not laid asiU for that perpetual cleaning and mult!, plying of work that m:ike erryone uncomfortable at home. Such a Vo use wife is by no means a rarity, and her opposite, the one who squanders time In superfluous duties, ouht to culti vate her acquaintance UuoJ House keeping. .THE QUEEN OF SPAIN. Baaalda Ufa af th. Waaaaa Wtta Ralee the Bpaalard. Bar Bar Bab- Soa. If Queen Christina of Spain were pretty, she would carry all before her; unfortunately, she has the sort of com plexion which English doctors term roseate a complexion which would ruin the effect of the most pci fectly modeled features. It's a pity that her hands and feet are so' long. Don't mind my saying so, but in their arms and the extremeties of both sets of limbs the House of Austria shows more than "traces" of descent from Darwin's common simian ancestor. I dare say it would be a vast relief' to the Qneen Regent if she could wear glove when she takes her public sea-bath. Fortu nately for her. there are pockets in her tunic. Into which she sticks her fingers, and so hides their extreme length and sinewy anatomy. She carries a sun shade that nearly hides her face. She gives it to the bather in the water, and he slings it by the strings on his arm. The marine attire consists of lint ahoee, stockings, pantalettes of the kouave kind, with deep frills hiding the ankles and a short tunlo. For the promenade after the bath and her Majesty Is frequently to be met like an ordinary mortal walking along with a baby Infanta clinging to each hand she wears usually a black cashmere skirt with horizontal bands of crape and a easaque trimmed with crape. Her veil is very long. She has a figuro that lends itself well to drapery, al though the shoulders are rather high. Wa near that she smokes cigarettes, having learned to do so as a girl at Vienna.' Her cousin, the Archduchess Matilda, who was to have been Queen of Italy, was a confirmed smoke--, and lost her Ufa through thrusting the cigar behind her back, on seeing an nnclo on the terrace under a window at which she was smoking. She forgot that she had on a muslin dress, which, oomtng la contact with it at once caught fire and biased up. This will explain why Quaen Christina has no objection to Ministers smoking in her presence at Aranjucz, The little King Is a Jolly sort of baby. He Is the Imago of Queen Isa liella. and enjoys being noticed and shown to the crowd, to which he blows kisses with a pair of little, fat handa Ha goes through this form of salutation with afl his heart, and his eyes Jump out of his head with glee. St. Sebastian Letter. a ivucxy Escape. Cousin Jack "Going to bed so early!" Edith "Yes. to get my 'beauty sleep, you know." Cousin Jack (fishing) "I'm afraid my beauty sleep didn't do me much good." Edith "But Just think what you might have bee n." fiorvard Lampoon. . i a e. Roast Quail: Draw the bird, wash quickly, season with pepper and salt cover the breast with a thin slice of sa!t pork and bake full fifteen minutes. Serve on toast with current Jelly. Farmer and Manufacturer. The woman who can control her own tonguo is greater than he who ruleth a city. Somerville Journal. That is not saying much in tba way of great ness if the average mayor is called the ruler of a city. N. O. Picayune. A bath-room should bo supplied with fresh towels every day, and thor oughly renovated to keep it sweet The industry of extracting oil from eedar boughs is growing to iarjo pro portions iu Ualaa. TURNED HER HAIR WHITE. Tba EObet of latenaa Fear sa a So at ber a Olrl la War Times. I happened to be in New Orleans a few years after the close of the wsr, and at a reception one night I met a young lady who could not hare been more than twenty years old, but whose hair was a pure silvery white. She was a beautiful girl, and with this crown of silver naturally attracted ev ery one's attention. I learned bow she en me to have white hair soon afterward. She was the daughter of a wholesale grocer In New Orleans, and during tbe earty part of the war lired with her parents in that city. Just before New Orleans was occupied by General But ler, her father, who was then an inva lid, took his family out to a small plan tation that he owned near Baton Rouge. At the same time an uncle of the girl I am talking about managed to run the blockade, and took with him a very large quantity of diamonds and other valuables for he was a Jeweler. lie reached England In safety with his precious cargo. The family enjoyed peace and secur ity for some months at Baton Rouge, until General Butler had hoisted the stars and stripes at New Orleana One night soon after that event a party of bummers, or camp followers, said to be attached to the Union army, but who, as I believe, may just as likely hare been thieves and cut-throats of Con federate sympathies from tha purlieus of New Orleans, made a descent upon the house at Baton Rouge. It was nearly midnight when the family wa3 aroused by loud knocking at tbe door. The door a minute or two later was burst In and five or six masked men entered the house. They proceeded at once to the room where a lamp was burning by the bedside o? the master of the house, who was very ill at the time. "I should have stated." said the lady, "that the gentleman's name was Ilythe, if I remember rightly. One of tbe masked men, revolver In hand, stepped up to Mr. Hythe and said: We want the diamonds and jewelry yon brought away from New Orleana' Mr. Hythe realized at once that the robbers had mistaken him for his brother, the Jew eler, and tried to explain that he had no diamonds or any thing of any par ticular value in the house. Tbey refused to believe him. and proceeded to make a thorough search of the house. Mr. Hythe's two daughters had been sleep ing in the room below their father's, but of course, were awakened by the noise. The experience of the tide of war mhich had swept over them once or twice be for enabled them to under stand the situation at once. By good fortune they were able to get out of the bouse in safety and reach a neigh Itoring eanebrake. where they hid. Meanwhile the robbers, having discov ered nothing but a little confederate money, tried to Induce Mrs. Hythe, whom they had captured, to reveal the whereabouts of the treasure. She conld only affirm what her husband had said. They subjected her to horrible indigni ties and finally set fire to the house. She escaped from the building. The girls in their hiding place- saw the torches applied; saw the r father, as the flames leaped up to the roof, come to the window of his room and then fall back into the fire. They dared not more, and when the neighbors found them. iiours later, the hair of the younger giru then about fifteen years old. had turned as white sJmost as hei cheeks, bloodless with fright. Her hair had been black as night before. ntlaburgh Dispatch. CHRONIC TEA-POISONINQ. CoadlUoas rader Wate Teat-Drink lag la PoettlTalr Harmful. - There is no doubt that one of the essential elements of tea. as well as of coffee, is a violent poison; but we ean not hence argue that all tea-drinkers are slowly poisoning themselves, for the action of an elementary sub stance is modified by its combinations. Still, tea-drinking is harmful under certain conditions. Dr. William N. Bullard. of Boston, read an article on the subject at a lata meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, which the society recommend ed for publication. A year and a half ago the author published a paper, giv ing the results of somewhat extended investigations on the subject These were that tbe poison Is not readily elim inated, but accumulates in the system; that its prominent effect is on the young and those who are in a depressed physi cal condition; that the average amount of Oolong and Souchong teas (medium grades) needed to produce injurious symptoms is a little less than five cups a day. and that the most common symptoms are loss of appetite, dyspep sia, palpitation, headache," vomiting and nausea, combined with various forms of functional nervous affections, hysterical and neuralgia These lesults have been confirmed by further investigations mostly among women who are accustomed to drink a considerable amount of tea daily, without taking adequate food, and when in an exhausted condition. The rigorous and well-nourished and those actively engaged In the open air are not often similarly affected. The nervous disturbance, due to chronic tea-poisoning, is of a peculiar character. Says Dr. Bullard: "The normal condition of the nervous sys tem is disturbed and replaced by a con dition of hyper-excitability, or of a less stable equilibrium. This is shown by their want of calmness, their general restlessness and irritability, and the desire to be constantlv moving, while. at the same time, there is a subjective sensation of a loss of self-control, and of inability to act slowly. Such per sons are subject to exaggerated efforts from ordinary Impressions: they are startled, jump at unexpected noises or sensations, or, in other wort is, react too freely to slight external Influences. 1 outh $ (Trtmvanion. ine bierra xaetaUa range might be called a continuation of the Cascade Mountains; but those are of volcanic origin, and the Sierra Nevadas are granite, though traces of voloanie ac tion are often found on the flanks and base. It commences at Mount Shasta, 14,400 feet high, andruusin a southerly direction to Tejoa Pass, where It Joins the Coast range not far from Uoant Whitney, the highest mountain in the United States south of Alaska. There are'but few passes over these mountains, and the Pacific slope Is very steep, the Central Pacific road descending 6,300 feet In eighty miles , lu$tH) Cpwwu. DUPLICATE PRESENTS. A Shea Wher. New Turk Krldea Caa Dim pas of t'nv.leom, Otrta. Here are thirteen lamps, seven clocks and six salad bowls. O, dear! What ever are we do with all the-e things? Why could not they have arraiged and given us each something different and something we needed?" The speaker was a young wife, and she was unpacking her wedding pres ents. Eighty -six presents had been sent to this couple. Of this eighty-six there were thirteen lamps seven clocks, 1 six salad bowls, five water pitchers, four silver tea services, ninese:s of: carvers, and many other articles, of which there were in a number of cases more than two of a kind. "At any rate," continued the bride. "We shall never have to buy lamps, clacks, carv-' era or a dozen other articles all our lives, even if we live to be a hundred years olL" Had the bride known a much as some observant persons know, she could have found an easy way out tf the dilemma. A New York jeweler and silversmith advertises that he, will ex change or buy duplicate wedding gifts. A reporter visited the establishment and there saw in a short space of time more brides than he had ever dreamed of. Some of them brought with them articles fhey wished to exchange, and i some wished a clerk to be sent to their home. The proprietor examined the articles, appraised them, and then showed what he would give in ex- j changa. Tbe silversmith said that there were many. He said that he often bad odd ; incidents in his business aud one of the oddest happened not long ago. " "I re ceived a letter from a prominent law yer to call at his office at a certain time on business. The lawyer received me, aud then having shown me a trunk full of silver asked me to buy it I asked him first where it came from and he said: We have just procured a divorce for a lady from her husband. She is unable to pay our bill and has sent i down all her wedding gifts to 'be sold. These are the gifts.' Rather strange is it not that a woman should sell her bri dal gifts in order to get money to pay the expenses incurred in getting a di vorce? V "Some time ao two ladies came to buy wedding gifu. After a great deal of thinking they decided that each should buy a silver i ilad bowl one to be placed at each end of the ' table. They thought that no one else would give a salad bowL Tbey were wrong; the bride received nine, and some of them were brought to me to be ex changed." How do you appraise the value of the articles brought you?" "U they are solid silver by weight. If silver plate by the manufacturer, de sign and kind of article. Old English silver is the most valuable." "What articles do you find the most common." -Salad bowls, clocks, tea services, cake baskets and silver forks and spoons. We exchange a number of these every day. Persons in making bridal gifts now usually say if they are duplicated thev may be exchanged." A". Y. Mail and Erpre. AN AVENGING GHOST. Tha riot of a Chinas Faro a Played a aa Oriental Stare. The hern, a sea captain, comes in and seats himself at a table to write; but he is heavy with sleep, his head soon droops, and he falls into a peaceful slumber. But scarcely has his nap be gun when he is disturbed by the hasty entrance of a breathlesss fellow who begins, with an ah- of great confidence, to pant out a long tale of not the slightest importance. The captain lis tens for a time with wide open eyes, but when he finds that the story has settled down into an uninterrupted sing-song which shows no prospects of reaching an early conclusion he tries to break the thread of the narrative. AH In vain, for the tedious fellow represser his interruptions with a deprecatory ware of the hand, and goes on' his monotonous way with head thrown back and eyes half closed in an ecstasy of delight at having secured a listener. After a time the captain, submitting to the inevitable, adopts the wisest course in the circumstances, and dozes off tc sleep again. The bore is so satisfied with himself and so engrossed iu his tales that he never notices this, and still goes on, seesaw, sinsr-sons. with never a stop till the audience, or, at least one of them, grows as weary as the captain. But a mysterious avenger is at hand. A limping ghost of horrible appearance, who remembers his own sufferings on earth, hops in unseen to befriend the captain. He squats silently behind tho chair of the story-teller, holding the club he carries in readiness to strike, while that worthy is still quite unconsciously j.ibbering his interminable nonsense. Once the club is raised threateningly over him, and twice, and yet he goes on; then a thundering stroke descends on his shoulders, which stops his voice so sud denly that it leavea him with open mouth in the middle of a word. In comical terror he gazes about in vain attempts to find out whence the blow came, then, in amazement seizes the sleeper and rouses him to tell of this terrible new affair. But the captain listens with haxy inattention, evidently thinking it some more of tbe same tale, and dozes off again inimcdia'ely. The bore, abandoned now to the tender mercies of the specter, runs hither and thither in horror, adopting first one plan and then another to discover or avoid his invisible assail int; but the ghost crawls after him wherever he goes, now clubbing, now clutching him, until at last the poor wretch makes his escape half dead with fright and the captain is left to sleep in peace, while the ghost curls up by his side like a faithful dose whose labors are done. Macmillan't Magazine. as Drier, ana stone are bow large ly used in Japan for building purposes. tbe government of that country de sires to take such measures a will be most likely to prevent their destruc tion by earthquakes, and to this end the Japanese Minister of Education has requested recommendations from various scientific bodies as to the best type of edifice to resist the shocks re sulting from subterranean disturb ance. In former times ' wood only was used as a material for the eon s', ruction of houses in Japan. iV, Y. Ledger. COLOR-BLINDNESS. A Oafaet of Vision Which Is Said to B Largely UoredJIary. The defect of vision known as color blindness is a very carious one. It consists of either iota! or partial lack of ability to distinguish color, while the sight may be faultless in every other respect Wboq total, the sensa tion of color is absolutely wanting, and the individual sees only different shades of white and black. These cases, however. , are. extremely rare. More common is partial color-blindness, where the sensation is defective in relation to certain colors, but not to alL This is of three kind red- blindness. green-blindness and vfolet blindness. Ca-tes of the last variety aro so seldom met wi'.h that the term color-blindness, as commonly nsed. ' has reference to either red-blindness or ereen-blindness. P rons hj are red-blind see all red obj -cts as a shade of gray, and the same is true of the green blind as to green. A mixture of white and black in proper prop .rtions will give to the color-blind the same sensation as the different shades of red sod green. It Is somewhat singular that wiiile there Is no reason to doubt that color-blind ness is as old as man, it wa not dis tinctly recognized and accurately de scribed until a little more than a hun dred years ago. The first case on record is that of a shoemaker named Harris, who lived in May port, England It is said that his t.rst suspicion of any peculiarity of vision on his part aroe whan he was about four years old. Having by acci dent found a child's stocking in the street he carried it to a house near by to inquire for the owner. He noticed that other people called it a red stock ing, but eulJ not understand hy they did so. as it seemed to him com pletely described by, calling it a stocking. He observed, also, that while the children with whom he played could distinguish ihe cherries on a tree by some pre tended difference of color, he could only tell them from the leaves by their difference in sizo and shape. II ) found. too. that by means of this difference in odor, or in some way which he could not . understand, they could see the cherries at a greater distance than he could, thongh in cases where their sight was not assisted by the color. he could see objects at as great a dis tance as any of them. ' i This case was described In 1777." Seventeen years later the celebrated cngiiBU caeiiiisi, u.uion, uescriuea nis own case bo accurately And minutely that col or-blindness in general, and especially the form of it with wh'ch he was afflicted namely, red blindness has since been known as Daltonism. He says that he was never convinced of any peculiarity of his vision until he accidentally observed the color of .the flower geranium zonale by candlelight The flower was pink, but appeared to him almost an exact sky-blue by day.. By the light of the candle, however, it seemed to him not to have any blue in it being what be called red a color which frms a siiiking contrast to bine. His friends, to whom ha re ferred the matter, agreed that the color was not materially different from what it was by daylight except his brother, who was subject to Ihe same defect as himself. Two years after ward he began to investigate the snb j ct of colors, or color-blind less. Ha found that he conld distinguish but two, or at most three, colors in tha rainbow. These were yellow and blue, or yellow, blue and purple. His yellow included tne green, yellow, orange and red of others. This was the same Dr. Dal ton who afterwards, though a Qnaker and conscientiously opposed to wearing bright colors, when ka VfAil VwalwAjf t Vl A ut.ilal MP w n C I" L 1 . T, I - of a doctor of laws for presenta tion at court not only donned it with out objection, but also wore it for sev eral days upon the street in happy unconsciousness of the effect which he produced. Col r-blindness is largely hereditary, and affects males much more frequent ly than females. It exis s from birth, aad there is no means known by which it can be remedied. A temporary condition of color-blinduess is occa sionally met with, due to disease ot injury, which passes away with the condition which produced it The existence of color-blindness in persons occupying respoasible positions iu the railroad and marine services is a source of great danger to the travel ing public, and in most countries ex aminations ate provided by law, f r the purpose of testing the color-perception of all applicants for these positions. Golden Days. Personal Work. The duty of organ iza Ion is often pressed on us, and not -too often, for it is to be accomplished. . Bat in per forming it we should not forget the o'her duty that of personal effort put forth singly, without the joining of any hand, without even tha notice of any other eye. It is easy, when societies, etc.. are in fashion, to trust all to them and to loose our religious identity in the maB'.hat makes up the fraternities. Bjt it is at a sacrifice of culture and growth that we do this; besides, every causa needs individual helpers and can only prosper properly when they are secured ro it. United Presbyterian. . All the corkwood of commerce comes from the Spanish peninsula, where the trees abound not only in cultivated forests, but also grow wild on the mountains. The tree is like the Ameri can oak, with leaves similar to the oak and acorns. It takes ten years for the bark to become a proper thickness to be manufactured into bottle stoppers, life preservers and seine corks. When stripped from the trees it is to be boiled for two hours, cured in the sun for a week and pressed into flat pieces for baling and shipping. The denuded trunk, like a hen robbed of her eggs, doea not sulk and quit the business, but throws out a fresh covering for a fresh spoliation. One tree has been known to yield half a ton of corkwood. One pound of cork ean be manufact ured into one hundred and forty-fout champagne corks. Hie baled cork is sold to cork manufacturing centers. Point. OH and Drug Eeview.