The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 17, 1888, Image 4

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uqwiqo. jrruicipaiiy vo asiuugxuo i
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a. iM f - 11 a. WWt LI l
a erriiory ana vaiuonua.
Nineteen horses were frozen to death
in Tine Valley. Nev.
Centralist, V. T., is to have a board
ol immigration.
Spokane Falls pays about $400 per
month for city printing.
1 he proposition to establish a
county iail at Montesann, W. T. failed
by seven votes.
Michael Brady, aged 57 years, was
struck by a train at Vaileio, Cal., and
crushed into an unrecognizable mass.
Charles Patterson, a switchman,
was thrown from a moving car and
almost instantly killed, at San Diego,
V. B. Burke, a restaurant proprietor,
was shot and instantly killed at his
restaurant at San Francisco, by J. G.
Crawford, a railroad engineer.
Mr. Toney states that his peach
trees are killed, every one of them, and
will have to be converted into fare
wood, says a Walla Walla paper.
J as. McEwan, an apprentice on the
British ship Ayrshire, fell from a stag
ing on the vessel into the bay, at San
Francisco, and was drowned.
Arthur Hall, a signal man on the
S. P. R. R., was killed at the railroad
yard near the depot, at San Francisco.
No blame is attached to the engineer,
Charles Wehrley, aged 35, a tanner,
suicided at Napa, CaL. He put a pis
tol in his mouth and blew out his
brains. The cause was temporary
J. W. riilhvge, (jaluornia hsh com
missioner, committed suicide. Testi
mony at the inquest showed that he
had collected money and failed to
turn it into the treasury.
Thomas C. Boss, a school teacher
recently from Oregon, has been com
mitted to the Stockton insane asylum
because he says he hears the angel?
. r. Kisley tell irom a derrick a
distance of seventy-five feet at Row
land's oil wells at Puente, Cal., striking
on his head. He died half an hour
A German laborer named Holm,
while employed with other workmen
in tearing down an old house at San
Francisco, was killed by the falling-
Wm. Sexton was ehot and killed at
Elk Creek, near Willows, Cal., by
David Pierson. Sexton was plowing
land claimed by Pierson, and on a re
fusal to quit, was fired upon with the
above result.
Jacques Dull, a two-year old child,
fell into a tub of hot water, at Santa
Ana, Cal. His back was almost com
pletely cooked, and the little fellow
suffered untold agonies, until he died,
two dayB later.
J. b. Jirackett, wmie in a somnam
bulistic condition, fell from his bed
room window at Petaluma, Cal., and
was fatally injured. He was 70 years
old and leaves large landed estates m
California and Mexico.
Franeisco Schwartz, while walking
alongside an empty lime kiln, near
Santa Cruz, Cal., slipped and fell a
distance of twenty-five feet. His head
struck a rock breaking his skull and
killing him instantly.
A fatal shooting affray occurred
near 8pokane Falls, in which three
men W B. Mills, Andrew and Henry
--Clarke were killed. The trouble
was the result of an attempt of the
Clarke brothers to jump Mills' land
AiDen scow, a stevedore, 66 years
old, was accidentally struck by a fling
of shingles on the eteamer City of
Chester, at San Francisco, and thrown
down into the hold, a distance of thirty
feet. He died in an hour from the
injuries received from the falL
While two men were digging at the
Aim ad en mine, near San Jose, Cal., to
place some timbers in position, they
struck an old blast. One of the men,
named Guiterag, was instantly killed,
and the other so shockingly mangled
that he will die.
Julian Ledon, a native of California,
22 years of age, was found hanged at
his ranch at Pea ridge, Mariposa
county, ual. lne tact that his hands
were tied behind him, and that the
horse he is known to have ridden dur
ing the day had been turned loose,
seemed to indicate that murder had
been committed.
iA fearful collision occurred on the
Central Pacific railroad at Gold Run,
Cal. A west bound passenger train
striking an east bound freight, demol
ished four locomotives, crushing a fire
man named Walker to death, and the
engineers Hoodley and O'Mears, Were
slightly injured. The mail, baggage
and express cars and a number of
freight cars were badly wrecked.
Thomas Edwards, a hack driver,
was shot and fatally wouneed by Offi
cer Harrington, at San Francisco.
xne latter tnougnt Hiawards was a
garroter, having heard a scuffle a few
minutes before "Edwards appeared
He eays he fired under the belief that
the man was a wrong doer, and was
strengthened in his belief when he
refused to halt.
The mystery which enshrouded the
disappearance of two boys C. F. Ode
neal and Vincent W. A pplegate who
left their homes m Duarte on Decern
ber 28, has been solved by the melting
of the snow in a canyon nine miles
from Monroira, Cal., where the bodies
were found. The two lads were lying
njA few rods apart. They evidently
becamer lost in a snow storm and strug
gled on together until they dropped
down from sheer exhaustion.
The King of Saxony has epeneo
at Dresden the first German exhibition
of water colors. All of the European
nations save the British are repre
sented in the 2.000 specimens.
'' -The cruel punishment of slow
death by hanging so as to stand on
the tips of the tors is still extensively
inflicted in China. The barbarous
custom of conferring honors on
widows who commit suicide is also
In a certain periodical it is stated
the Jews in Moldavia have a melhod
q! making honey into a lmrd white
spgar, which is employed by the dis
tillers f D.mlzic to make their liquors,
lbie process consists in exposing the
p.onoy to the frost during three weeks,
sheltered from the sun and the snow,
in a vase of some material, which is a
bad cond iictor of heat. The honey does
not freeze, but becomes hard as sugar,
transparent aud white. .. :. .
Epitome of the Principal Erents
Attracting Public Merest
Um or the Ahfrrom.
Montksano, W. T. Following par
ticulars of the wreck of the British
ship Abercorn have been obtained
from the three survivors :
They were out 125 days from Glas
gow, with 2,000 tons of steel rails con
signed to the O. R. & N, Co. They
took Pilot Johnson on board, as pre
viously reported, and stood out to sea.
The wreck occurred at half-past six
Monday morning, by the vt-ssel run
ning on a sand beach. There was no
cale blowing whatever, but it was
somewhat foggy.
Two honra previous to striking John
son sent a man into the cross-trees to
keep a lookout for lights at the mouth
of the Columbia river, suppos-ing they
were near that locality. At the time,
they were steering a southeast course
and carrying a light sail. The old
sailor was on watch. He says they
took souudinga only twice after taking
Johnson on board, first on Saturday
when they found eighty fathoms, and
again after stauding out to sea on
Sunday, when they sounded and found
120 fathoms. All the survivors agree
that these were- the only soundings
taken. The vessel struck seven miles
north of Gray's harbor, near Damon's
point. Immediately after striking all
hands went into the after cabin, as the
sea was breaking badly forward, and
while thev were there the foremast
and mainmast broke, and the deck
split. About I : JO p. m. a heavy sea
broke into the cabin. The old sailor,
who was first out of the cabin, could
not tell how many were drowned at
that time, but is eat is tied some must
have been. Those who survived as
cended the rigging of the mizzenmast,
and the old man saw Pilot Johnson as
he came out of the cabin, which was
filled with water. He then saw a wave
strike him, upon which he tried to
grasp the bar of the companion way,
but nursed it, when a second wave
struck Johnson and cairied him into
the ocean. The old man watched him
for some time in the water, ana says
he swam nobly, but as he was looking
back at the vessel and swimming par
allel with the coast, he did not appear
to be making for the shore, although
the sailor thinks if he had bad any
thing to assist him he could easily have
been saved. A little later the mizzen
mast gave way, and the ship opened
and let all into the sea. As the mast
was going, the old sailor jumped to
clear the side of the 6hip, and was
under water for some time. As he
came up the second time he saw near
him a plank about thirteen feet long.
which he seized and Bteered for the
shore. After getting on the plank, he
says his hair was hardly wet, showing
there was no storm.
The next survivor, a man about 25
years of age, came ashore with a piece
of plank under each arm. Both of the
men were in the water about half an
The boy who was saved is an orphan
and was one of the five boys from the
training ship, all of whom wore mak
ing their first voyage. He will be 17
next April, but like the others his
name is unknown. He also came
ashore with two pieces of plank, and
was the last to reach shore, having
been about an hour in the water, and
having drifted two miles up the coast
from where the others landed. He
was unconscious when found by Mr.
Mclntire and an Indian. The boy
says he paw several persons m the wa
ter after he had left the wreck, aud
was the last to see the captain alive.
At one time the captain was within
fifteen feet of him, and told him to
hang on to his planks and n' t to be
scared, and he would reach shore all
right. Then a heavy wave struck the
lad and that was the last he saw of the
captain or any of the ship's crew,
Shortly after the boy reached shore
a body was seen floating but a short
distance from the shore, but it sank
immediately after being sighted, and
although the Iudians and Mcltilire
and A. O. Damon rushed into the
waves up to their necks, it was impos
sible to recover the body, Wuich was
supposed to be that of the captain.
Sixteen bodies- are reported found
including those of Pilot Johnson aud
the captain, the former having been
recognized by a , note book found in
his pocket. All the bodies were found
from tlx teen to nineteen miles up the
The ship's company consisted of the
captain and twenty-four men.
On arriving at Hoquiam bay the
men were most hos-pitably entertained
and everything done for their comfort
Too much praise cachot be given to
the Indians for the manner in which
they ricked their lives to save the
drowning men, and the care they took
ol tne survivors.
The old sailor says
through many scenes
has gonr-
before, but this was the worst
he has
ever witnessed. Had there
life-saving station or a rocket to carry
a line to the vessel, every man might
have been saved. Ihe immediate ne
cessity of a station in that vicinity is
now only too apparent.
Advices from Shanghai say tha
nearly 2,000,000 prrsons are entirely
destitute through the lioang Ho floods,
Two men were killed by the explo
sion of the Standard Explosive Co.'s
mixing houise near Tom s River, N.
At Paris, a woman was pushed off
a bridge into the Seine and drowned
Arrests were made, and the fact de
veloped that the murder was com
mitted for a wager of a cup of coffee
One man has been sentenced to penal
servitude for twenty years, and another
has received a life sentence.
An iron Cuiuniu, 23 feet long and
weighing ov. r 6.00 J pounds, part of a
new lighthouse bein-r built, was re
cently landed at Bishop Rock, En
gland, and a storm coming up, was
left lashed by a half-inch chain at each
end to strong eyebolts. Three days
afterward the worknieu returned and
found that the column had been tossed
up by the waves 20 feet to the top of
the rock where it was swaying about
like a piece of tinibar. Two days
ufterward, when they were able to
land, the workmen found that a black
smith's anvil weighing 150 pounds,
which they had left in a hole 8 feet
deep and only 2J feet in diameter, had
also been washed by the waves com
pletely out of the hole.
loung Writer tiave yon read my
article in the current number of the
Every Other Monthly Review, Miss Pen
elope? Miss Penelope No; that pleas
ure is still in store for mo. 1 heard
papa say, though, that he lirxl read it
Young Writer Did he not think that I
treated my subject in a very exhaust
ive nianucrP Miss Penelope Yes, I
believe he did say something about be
ing tired. Harper' $ Bazar.
Legislation Pertaining to the Interest
of the Pacific Coast
Senator Dolph reported favorably to
the Senate, from the Committee on
Commerce, his bill to prevent obstruc
tion to navigable streams, which will
prohibit the dumping of garbage and
refuse, and anything, mtoany of the
streams of the country which would
tend to obstruct navigation.
A bill was introduced by Stewart to
amend the mining laws of the united
States by providing that no person
shall acquire more than one mining
claim ob the same vein, or relocate a
claim which he has previously located.
Also requiring that each patent for
mining lands shall reserve right of
way through or over any mining claim
for roads, ditches, canals, cuts and
tunnels for the purpose of working
other mines; provided, that damages
occasioned thereby shall be assessed
and paid for according to law.
Mitchell moved an amendment, by
providing that no Chinese shall ever
be allowed to buy public land in this
The Secretary of War, in response
to a Senate resolution, has sent to the
Senate a voluminous report made by
Capt. C. Powtll and Mai. agoner,
respecting the salmon fisheries on the
Columbia river, and how such fisheries
interfere with and obstruct the naviga
tion and commerce of that waterway.
There are quite a number of photo
graphs showing different styles of cap
turing salmon, canneries and soma ol
the finest specimens of fish.
The Secretary of ar concurs in the
reports of the engineer officers that it
is in the interest of commerce and
navigation that the general govern
ment should have supervision of ami
make proper regulations for the man
agement of appliances in use for the
capture of salmon on the Columbia
and its tributaries.
UapU 1 owe:l reports that there are
a dozen hsh w nee is below the unconv
pitted improvements at the Cascades
that do not now interfere with navi
gation, but that when the improve
merits are completed they will tend to
shoal the waters of the river. It is
recommended that the fixed parts of
these fish wheels be removed. Traps
and pound nets cause shoaling of the
Salmon seines used near Astoria do
not interfere either with navigation or
tend to cause the formation of bars.
but in the fishing season gill nets set
across the stream often mterefere with
the passage of steamers and sailing
It is suggested that the prevention
of gill net fishing on the bar of the
Columbia would result in a large sav
ing of life, as between twenty and sixty
fishermen are drowned on this bar
every season.
The House passed the bill to d
continue the coinage of three-cent
Representative Hermann secured
the insertion into the new land bill
being, proposed by the house com
niittee on public lands, of the main
features of his land bill, which allows
a pecond homestead entry to those who
fail to consummate their original en
try through any cause except aban
don ment of their entry or through sale
to o'hers.
Hermann introduced a bill for the
disposal or sale of mineral land on
Indian reservations; and also that the
timber on such reservations may be
used for mining purposes when com
pensation has been made.
Be llEit
Fancy roll, lb
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
Eastern, full cream
Oregon, do
Eogs Freh
Dried Fruits
Apples, qrs, ska and bxs...
do California
Apricots, new crop
Peaches, unpeeled. new ...
Pears, machine dried
Pitted cherries .
Pitted plums, Oregon
FipsGal., ln bgs and bxs. .
Cal. Prunes, French
Oregon prunes
Flour -Portland
Pat. Roller, bbl $
Salem do do
White Lily f bU
12 80
Z74& SO
18 3 So
16 80
14 0 16
a 35
18 88
1243 14
8 (J 10
10 124
4 Ml
4 00
4 yft
Country brand
Wheat, Valley, 100 lbs
do Walla Walla
Barley, whole, tf ct.l ,
3 50 3
U) a
1 21 m 1
1 1749 1
do ground, ton 20 0-1 323 00
Oats, choice milling t bush 47 60
do feed, good tochoice.olii 46 t 47
are, 100 lbs 1 10 1 25
Bran, ton 16 00 f217 00
Short. t ton
18 00 (kl9 00
Bay, v ton, baled
Chop. ? ton
Oil cake meal ton
Frkmh Fruits
Apples, Oregon, V box
Cherries, Oregon, V drm. . ,
Lemsno, California, tfbx..
Limes, 100
Riverside oranges, f box. . .
Los Angeles, do do
Peaches, box
Dry, over 16 Ihs. lb
Wet salted, over 65 tba
Murrain hides
Cabbage, ft..
Carrots, V sack
Cauliflower, dos
Potatoes, new, V 100 lbs . .
East Oregon, Spring clip..
Vallev Oregon, do
ai8 00
?3 CO 00
32 00 P. SS 0C
2-, O
I 60
7 3
. 21
14 a
18 3
A well-known writer of Boston
called at the Century office In this citj
tne oner day, and, when she went away
forgot her over-shoes. Frank Stock
ton, the story writer, saw them, and
at once sent them to her by mail with
this note:
Orncs or tb Cbntcrt Magatxnb, I
New York. f
Mrs. , Dear Madamr: Without ex
pressing any opinion ln rcg ird to tha llterar
merits of the inclosed articles, penult me to
say that they seom unsu. table for tba column
ot this mapaz ne. Respectfully yours,
Thi CEjrrCRY Compaxt, per F. 8.
Emanuel Gonzales, the French
writer whose death has just been an
nounced, owed his start in life to
Einile de Girardin. Having the young
man introduced to him, the famous
editor exclaimed the moment he heard
the name: "I would like you to write
a series of Spanish sketches for Lt
Fresse." "But," said Gonzales, "though
I am of Spanish descent, I know noth
ing of Spain and have never been
there." "No matter. Articles signed
Gonzales are sure to be read." So
Gonzales "read up on Spain and soon
wrote some Spanish stories which were
highly praised for their "local color."
Ivot firt Vathar's Beir-Pnasaaston Under
Trying Clreumstaneaa.
One of the Bixby children wm
seized with ft ol croup the other
night Bixby heard the llttlti fellow's
Inborn! breathiug. .and bounding clear
over the foot-board of the bod, yelled
out "Croup!" ln about the same voice
that the escaped idiot yells "Fire" at
the theater.
Then he tried to put his trousers on
over his head, but finally got them on
wrong side out, and tore into his shirt
with it wrons: side in front
"Jump! he screamed to his wife.
"there isn't a second to lo(S! Get the
sirup of squills! Put on a tub of hot
Water! Give him something to drink!
Get hot 11: nnels on his chest instantly!
Hurry! hurry! Don't Mo there doing
nothing while the child is choking to
death! Fly around!"
Mrs. Bixby Is one of those meek but
eminently sensible and practical little
women who never get a teuth part of
tho credit for the good they do iu this
world. While Bixby was racing up
and down stairs, declaring that no
body was doing any thing but hhnsi'lf,
Mrs. Bixby quietly took the little
sufferer in hand.
"Do something quick?" screeched
Bixby. as he upset a pan of hot water
on the bed and turned a saucer of
melted lard over on tho dressing-case.
Here, somebody, quick!" he yelled.
'Can't anybody do a thing but meP
Run for the doctor, some of you. Uive
the child some more squills. Is there
any thing hot tt his feet? Give him
aconite! He ought to h:ive a spoon, of
oiL If he don't get relief instantly
he'll die, and here there's nobody
trying to do a thing but me! Bring
him some warm water with a little
soda In it He ought to have been put
into a hot hath an hour ago. Heat up
the bath-room! What's on his chest P
Git at lira vens! has the child got to die
because no one will do a tiling for
Mrs. Bixby quietly and unaided
brings the child around all lljdiL and
sits with him until daylight, after
she has qnii-ti i B xby down and got
him to bed.
And next morning he has the gall to
gay at the oilice:
"One of my little chaps nearly died
with croup last night, and 1 bad
mighty hard work bringing him
around all right but I did, after work
ing line a iroian an nignt. it s a
terrible disease, and scares women
nearly to death. They fly all to
pieces right oft A person wants their
wits about them Yon want to keep
perfectly cool and not fool awity a s c
ond in hysterics. That's where a man
lias the advantage over a woman in
managing a case of croup. It's mighty
lucky I was at home to take my little
chap in hand." Zenas Dam, in 2W-
Origin of a ttiraae la t'se Whorerer tha
Kng-t n lJtna;aaB;a Is Spoken.
This saying arose from a custom of
'Salting" mules, in South America,
the process being as follows: The
animals are collevted In groups of ten
or a dozen, each group being presided
.ver by a mare, who seems to have
trouble enough with her unruly fol
lowers. In order to keep up her
dignity and a proper respect for her
rhieftalnship. she allows no mule to
approach within the radius tommanded
by her teeth or heels, laying down her
ears and lashing out in all directiouj
whenever they show any inclination to
press too closely upon her. It is curi
ous to observe that the mules never at
tempt to bite or kick their foster
mother in return for her rough trcat-
iri. nt of them. Among themselves,
however, there is no such kindly feel
ing, but each seems to hate the other
with mortal spite, and frequent and
loud-sounding are the blows of jeal
ous heels on unwary ribs. When all
h ready the salt bags ar opened, and
the contents distributed upon tho
ground in several small heaps at suf
ficient distances a part. When the
battln Levins, all respect even toward
the foster-parent is forgotten in
the Intense eagerness of each
animal to reach the salt. TJte
law of the strongest and most
courageous Is paramount in the
wild medley that ensue. Now one
mule, with ears laid well back, and
with mouth wide open, will charge
Into the excited throng, and lash out
with tremendous force, fury, and rap
idity, clearing a complete ring for one
brief moment, during which it will
have the salt-heap all to Itself. An
other mule, rendered frantic by the
sight of the salt disappearing, will
charge into the circ'.e, and a savage duel
will commence, during wuich other aui
mals will slip in, and meeting each
other, all will again Dccome an liule-
scrible scene of fighting and tumult.
The blows given and taken are fright
ful to witness, yet, as far as one can
see, no animal exhibits any sign of
pain, but again and again each will
lvtum furiously to the charge. Th
keeper, who stands by and Watches the
contest, invariably rewards the most
sagacious and courageous animal with
an extra allowance of salt, which he is
permitted to eat in poace; while those
who have failed by timidity or other
wise to reach one of the bags are said
not to have "earned their salt," and are
consequently compelled to go without
The mule who "can't earn his salt" is
often made to feel the lash of his keej
er and has extra burdens or labor ini-
nostcd upon him. St. Louis G lode-
The Weignt or a Fly.
James Spencer hit on a novel way to
get at the approximate weight of a fly
His store is greatly pestered with flies.
and he recently brought into use tho
patent flv paper, lie put out 21 of
these sheets, being 12x23 inches each.
covering a surface of 336 square inches.
In th evening, when the papers wore
filled, he took them up to destroy them
and noticed the increased weight, and,
struck with curiosity, he put the papers,
with their load of dead flies, in a pair
of scales, and found that the 21 weighed
exactly seven pounds. He then weighod
21 sheets without the flies, and found
that they weighed four pounds and four
ounces. Thus on tho 21 papers thcro
were 4-t ounces, or two pounds and 12
ounces of flies. This number of flies is
taken probably two or three times a
day. "Now if you want to know how
much a fly weighs," says Mr. Spencer,
"you will find that there is an average
of 20 flies to the square inch on the
paper. On one paper, therefore, which
has 336 square inches, you have 6,720
flies, and on the whole 21 sheets there
are 111,120 flies; therefore, if 141,120
flies weigh 44 ounces, how much does
one fly weigh? It is a simple calcula
lation, and those who have a curiosity
to know can quickly find i out"
Chattanooga (Ttnn.) Tuna.
A New Home Treatment for the Cure of
Catarrh, Catarrhal Ieafneas and
liar Fever.
The microscope ha proved that
these diseases are contagious, and that
they are due to the presence of living
parasites in the lining membrane of
the upper air passages and eustachian
tubes. The eminent scientists, Tyn
dall, Huxley and Bcale endorse this,
and these authorities cannot be dis
puted. The regular method of treat
ing these diseases has been to apply
an irritant remedy, weekly and even
daily, thus keeping the delicate mem
brane m a constant state of irritation,
allowing it no chance to heal, and as
a natural consequence of such treat
ment not one permanent cure has
ever been recorded. It is an absolute
fact that these diseases can not be
cured by any application made oftencr
than once in two weeks, for the mem
brane must get a chance to heal before
an application is repeated. It is now
seven years since Mr. Dixon discovered
the parasite in catarrh and formulated
his new treatment, and since then his
remedy has become a household word
iu every country where the English
l.mgUKge is spoken. Cures effected by
him seven years ago are cure still, there
having been no return of the disease.
So highly are these remedies valued
that ignorant imitators have started
up everywhere pretending to destroy
a parasite of which they know nothing,
by reaiedies, the result of the applica
tion of whicli they are equally igno
rant. Mr. Dixon s remedy is applied
only once in two weeks, and from one
to three applications effect a perma
nent cure in the most aggravated
Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet de
scribing his new treatment on the
receipt of stamp to pay postage. The
address is A. II. Dixon A Son, 303
King street west, Toronto, Canada.
Scientific American.
Kastorai Music.
Miss Delanev is musical, and when
Cliannecy Hoston called there the other
eveninsr she asked him to sinjr. The
poor fellow is biushful. but obliging.
anil he attempted to give her his fa
"Thou art near and yet so tar,
Ileau Iful star, beautiful star."
But she stood by the piano just where
he could look Into her face, and it must
have embarrassed htm, for he forgot
the words and this was how he rendered
"Thou art so far, and yet so near,
Beautiful steer, beautiful strr."
She won't Seak to him now, and
he vows to devote himself hereafter
to songs without words. Detroit Free
m m
Speaking from Experience.
Traveler (to negro) Will that dog
Negro Doan know, sah; better come
in an' see. Dog ain't had much 'speri
ence. Traveler gets over the fence and dog
bites hiin. "You trifl'ng rascal you "
Negro Said dat I didn't know. Ef
yer axes me now I ken tell yer. I
b'leln-R, sah, dat he will sorter bite.
Arkansaw Tiaccter.
Objected to the Price.
Miss Waldo (of lioston) Have you
visited any of the galleries since you
have Imiii in town, Fr. Wabash?
Mr. Wabash (of Chicago) Only one.
Miss Waldo, and I didn't stay very
long. I think ten cents for three shoU
is too higlu A'. 1". fiu's.
something Pleasant.
"Can't you say something pleasant
to me?" said a husband to his wife as
he was abput to start for his office.
Thpy had hail a little quarrel, and he
was willing to "make up."
"Ah, John," responded the penitent
lady, throwing her arras around his
neck, "forgive my foolishness. We
were both in the wrong. And dou't
forget the baby's shoes, dear, and the
ton of coat and we are out of potatoes;
and John, love, you must leave me
some money for the gas man." A". '.
a a a n
It is said that Julian Hawthorne Is
to give up writing to go into business.
About ?,BO0 words are all that are used
in ordinary talking and conversation, al
though there are some 5SU, 00 words in the
English language. Different authors vary
in the number of words they use, but the
difference in slight, Shakespeare found
4,(XKi words sufficient for all his works.
Awaits that countless army of martyrs, whose
ranks are constantly recruited from the rio
tims of nervousness and nerreus diseases.
The price of the boon Is a s) stematic conrse of
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, the finest and
most genial of tonio nervines, pursued witb
reasonable persistence. Kaier, pU-aaanter
and safer this than to swash the rictualing
department with pseudo-tonics, alcoholic or
the reverse, beef extracts, nerve foods, narcot
ic, sedatives and poisous iu dltiguixe. "Tired
Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep,' is the
firavidpnllal recuperant for weak nerves, and
his glorious frauehisa being usually ths con
sequences of sound digestion and increased
vigor, the great stomachic which insures both
is productive also of rrpoae at the required
time. Not nnrefreshed awakens the individ
ual who uses it. but vlirnroiis. clear headed
and tranquil. Use the llitters also In fever
and ague, rheumatism, kidney troubles, con
Btipatioa and biliousness.
Nine-tenths of the persons who suffer
from sleeplessness have celd feet. The
remedy suggests itself.
Walking advertisement for Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Hemedy are the thousands it has
In washing cotton goods with a sa'in
finish, use borax water to restore the gloss.
A TOHi-in liver and bid digestion bring
uu uiiJi-(mi, voiini.iprti.iun hick iieaua lie
and biliousness. Hobb's Little Vegetable
Pills act directly on the liver, and will cure
all the above complaints. (July one pill
a dose,
Oamelltns Improves and preserves the onmplexlna.
H ePVeS.-veryone of the thread-like nerrei
has each a latent power to cause excruciat
ing pain, the limit of which is simply the
limit of human endurance, and Neuralgia
has a few of these fibrous torments all puls
ing painfully at once.
Sobtlla Pain. Nothing is so subtile in its
approach ; nothing so flagrant, acuto and
distressing, and certainly nothing yet dis
covered so completely subdues its ravages
and so permanently conquers its pangs as
that above mentioned.
Symptoms. Nenraleia is defined to be a
nerve disease, the chief symptom of which
is an acute pain, intermitting, which fol
lows the cotuae of the nerve branch atlected.
Treatment. Apply St. Jacobs On. frequent
ly, gently rubbing the afflicted parts; apply
to the whole extent of the nerve soreness f
keep up a gentle friction until a burning
sensation is produced. .
' Sold by Dntggutt and Dealer Bvaywhert.
THE K6.RLES A. VQGELER CO., Btttlmora, Hi.
f-'T aw Miiaiiwili'
belief r&OM urotOKsrioTr.
221 Kkconu Ave.. Ksw York, Jan. 9, 188
I deem It my pleasure to testify to the
phenomenal effects of Bran ureth's Fills
upon myself, in eradicating from my sys
tem the most aggravated form of indiges
tion, the attacks of which were nearly as
severe as spasms. After a costly medic d
trratmeut two box s of Bkandrkth's
Ph-iji have put mo ln a better condition
than 1 have been for yt am.
Frank W. Gillett.
A mild sage tea with a little bay rum
added la one of the best of preventives for
hair falling out.
Come to the bridal chamber, Death I
Come to the m ther. when she feels
For the first time, her nrst-born's breath.
And thou art terrible.
The untimely death which annually car
ries off thousands of human beinos in the
prime of youth, is indeed terrlb e. The
first approach of consumption is Insidious.
and the sufferer himself is the most un
conscious cf its approach. One of the most
alarming symptom of this dread disease
is, in fact, the lm-ramcable hope, which
lurks in the heart of the victim, prevent
ing him from taking timely steps to arret-1
the malady. That it can be anvsted in
its earlier stages is beyond question, as
thera are hundreds of well-authenticated
cases where Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery has effected a complete cure.
A niece of soft flannel is better thsn a
brush for removing dust from silk dresses.
In I . O "Brown's Bronchial Trochaf
were Introduced, and from that time their
success in Colds, Coughs. Asihma and
JSronchitis has been unparalleled.
To the Rrlitnr;
lteaxe inform your readers that I have a pos
itive retried y f or the above named disease. By
it timely use thousands of hopeless casus have
f -en permanently cured. I ebill be ftlad to
mkI two botUoa of my remedy rase to any of
your readers who have consumption if they will
bum me mcir rapreas and I . u. aooreaa.
. .. 1 1
V. A. 3 LOCUM, if. CX. lei PeaH St, New Tor
TTwrrAKiAS religion btmtora sent fna oo sppllca
ttnn loMlaK. F. DsTlxm. P. o. Vnx 530 FftUod. Or.
W uhlufUw oorraspoodeou ado. Mi M.. DeVoa, Boat! It
Canton flannel makes excellent dish
That great American jury, the people,
have rendered a unanimous verdict in
favor of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative
Pellets, the standard remedy for bowel
and stomach disorders, biliousness, sick
heathu-he. dizziness, constipation and
sluggish liver.
Keep flour aud meal in a dry place.
tar.Mamntlan anil Wastlsr Isj hll-
ires, Mrott'M F.nalsloa of Pure Cod Liver
Oil with ilvpophotiphites, is a moot valuable
food and n.tvlicine. It creates an appetite for
rood, strengthens tne r ervous system, ana
hn -lils up the body. Please read: "I tried
Hoott's Kinnlxion on a jonng man whom Physi
cians at timea gave np hope Since be has
been axing the Kinulmon his Congh has ceased,
gained rli-fli and stre' gth, and from ail appear
ances hi life will be prolonged many years."
J. Si'UJVax, Hospital Steward, Morguza, Pa.
TryGekmka for breakfast.
If afflicted with Bore Eyes, use Ir. Isaac
Thompson's Kye Water. Liraggista sell it 25c
See Antisell Piano advertisement.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher J-.x termi
nator Try it, and prove the best ia th
cheapest. Wakelee & Co.. San Francisco.
TfatvnpeH gTot!??ie trroTwa n. mCUam 4 eoom fat
mora tiiM aquwsr of crmtury. Jt tra nt-d or
l'attJSttM4oTffani8)fife. ImiorrwJbr the htri-tf tLs
Or--t lTalTerittr Ui0 fiuontfcpt. Pores'- ami &ti
UewlthfuL Dr. Frit tne onl Baking Pcnrder bat
HaiMiWtbxiw Amm)al tuiUC Off iUOU 6okl OOlf
jrrw TOKJt. chicaoo trr. ions.
a acriRioa rcmsdt ma
And all Thruat and Luna Troab'ea.
Said by all liragglnta far BO Cents,
J. ft. GATES A CO.,
417taanaeaaeMt fAX I'RASCISfO
VI' rCRSOSa wfehfaf to enrage In a Hgfat.
1 Dleanaiii. and. lertiai. profitable amnAemtfiit.
oan Irani the art of Candy Mak inn at homo, and wliiU
glTing amuaeraent to utetr memu ana wieuuieives, aw
niiv whet hur Ihrt have a tnsva fur the work as a buiri-
nem, ami thereby make a fairltvies profit f rom a very
small liireHtnieut. Receipts, and full instructions in de
tail, sulllcient for several lessons for the making of
twelve Himpie varieties, ami amply tumeienv lor nom
amuflenteiit, sotit for one dollar. Tools iweewy may
be fouud In any kitchen. Address. tituO. X. i'fcK
UlVAU 123 Eliia 8 timet. aa t'rancisea.
D I Uin II M I . KAt'll. Gabler. Hoenish
Pianos; Burnett Orsans. hand Instruments. LaiM
atork of She Music and Books. Bands supplied at
Eastern Priors. MATTHIAS UKAY CO., SUS Post
Street, San Franciaoo
To SiR a Par. Baronies worth tl.60, FRKE.
Lines not uador the horses feet. Write Bsrw.
SIS 13 BS.
Alfalfa. Onion Sets. Grass, Clover, Vegetable and
Flower Seeds. By far 'lis largest and mo complete
sfcick on the Paciflo Coast.
Large illustrated, aencriptlve and prised Catalogue
maiieu, ires, to ail applicants.
OS Front Street, Portland, Oregon
Or, 81S and S17Sansome St, San Francisco, CaL
24 Post St, S. I., CaL
Shorthand, Type-writing. Fenmanshtn, Book-keeptnt
ana t eiegiapay au lot si a.
lechaaical and Mining Ea
gineering. Surveying Archr
iteoture, Drawing ana Assay
723 Market St., San Francisco, CaL
y8end f or olranlar.
Big rj has given univer
sal satisfaction ln tha
cure ot Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prose ribs it and
feel safe ln recommend
ing It to all sufferers.
Deeatur, Ilk
Bold by Druggists. '
The beet PIANO on earth 1
Haines Bro. 's PI AH Of
PATTI'S PBsferenoev
Musical Department A- L. Bancroft A Co.. Ba
movad to 132 Post St.. San Francisco, Cal.
80RES AND ULCERS of foag
,171 Ii-j ouri by ILLkJl S CLCL1U.UU. . Itaevar
eia"') gs. aisoa py J. e . AJits. sy rsat
P. N. U. No. m -S. r. N. U. No, S88.
mm mi an i asuiestoawsr wm
jtjaraila 1
f f TO 6 DATS.VJ
t OaaraatMS sat n
f v saassSsrwaars.
1 "Jvang Clsmloal Qa,
- '
Cod Bless the
The most distressing forms of itching and In
flammatory diseases of the skin and scalp are
instantly relieved and permanently cored by the
Ccticura Remedies, when all others fail.
Ccticttba. the Great Skin Care, and Ccti
cvha Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifler, pre
pared from it, externally, and Ccticcra Kb
bolvkmt. the new Blood Purifier, internally,
cure every form of torturing, disfiguring, itch
ing, scaly and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp
and blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to
old age.
I bare been cured ot a most unbearable itch
ing skin disease by the CtrriccRa Remedies.
They hare enabled ma to escape years of suff
ering. Ton may use my name as a reference,
and any one who wants to know about my case
may write me. inclosing stamp. W. B. BROOKS,
17 Grove Street, Providence, K. 1.
I am a canvasser, and one wear ago I wag
badly afflicted with salt rhenm, so that I wag
nnable to walk. I tried the Ccticcra Bkmb
dies, and they entirely cured me.
F. E. PERRT, Rome. N. T.
Sold everywhere. Price, CrrrtccRA, 50c.;
iop. Sac.; Resolvent, L Prepared by the
Potter 1 Iruo a ( d Ch em tea lOo.. Boston, Mats.
rySeuo. for "Ho to Cure Skin lhseasea." 61
pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
DT If HLESlact heads, red, roa(jb,chapue-l and
Fini oilv skin pr vented by frrriccBA Soap.
Perfect digestion accom
plished by takicg Hobb's
little Teretxltie fills.
This Wonilerfnl Remedy
cores Sick Headacbe.ItyM
;eiia. Indigestion, and
all IHseases of ths Lira
and gtosiarh.
The followinw STmntoms
UI aw?
RUJ SQ lipestiT
result from diseases of the
Festive Ortrans : Ccnstl-
Headache. l ues.
vH ater .ft ttesrioi
barn. Bad Taste In
nth, Nausea, Soar
i,;'ial F Stc
mars, f oatetf Tonrne,
ellovmess of Skin, fain
LI sufrar coated, very small
jy; fieasy to take, only one
fcT7 I fill a dose, but used with
gte s vowiermi rceniia. 1 ry inem
i ri once, and forever after you
will recommend tbem. Price s Cta a
vinL or fire for Sl.Ou. Sent by mail or ail
jrngsists. Hose's Medicine Co., rop's,
Bah Francisco, Cal-
Grr 6,000.000 E2Emgs
r sir. . ars a&nfttad to t tba
B. fa. ieibt co-s
For 1883
wfll ba axailad
appocants, ana
to last season's
eostomezv with
out ottering it.
verv paraoa aacaa
'Caroe. F kXd-Flowec
0. ia. PER R Y ACO.,Oetrolt,rVllCt.
232 Kearny St , San Francisco
Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders,
Hosiery, Gloves, Nsckwear,
Collars, Cuffs, Etc.
smsTs tFohdeii, II.
nitHtrated Catalogue, with Rales
for Self Measurement. Mailed Free.
1st Premiums. 55,000 in use,
SO years Established. Kcw
patented Steel Tnn;mr De-
Tke. in use In no other Piaao. bv which our Pianos
stand in tune SO years, good fur 100 ; not affected
by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
crack, decay, or wear oat ; we guarantee it. Ele
gant Rosewood Casta, S strings, double ret-eating
action; finest Ivory kers; the Famous ANTISELL.
Caller write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTISELL
PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows' Hall, Mar
ket and Seventh Streets, San Francisco,
This eminent Specialist still continues to treat
with tha same success aa of old all Special, Chronic,
Nervous and Private Diseases of both sexes. Send
for the ' Ladies' Guide to Health," and his book on
Special Ihseases." which are free. Call upon or
atchM P. Rose -OK Mc N ULTY, AL D., 11 Kearny
Sfreet, San Francisco.
VTWi 1 kjit mm I do n mean mersiv to stap than
fur s time and then have tbem return again. I wi
mnjcalenrs. I hv raads the disease of FITS, KPBV
iX&t or FALLING SlOKSESSaUfe-long stndr. 1
warrant air remedy as ears the worst oaeve. Because
ethers have tailed is a mason for net now leueijiug a
ears. 8nd at ones for a traatlss and a Free Bottle
ears. oeoa a. hk- m ' ' "
st mrtntAlhble remedy. CHce F.r
tiro. BOUT. 3SiC..lS9e,
earl St. KeTpr:.
Ths Orfarlnal avnd Only 3ewuin.
sarwarvaieas iiaji.niMa,
(nanip.) a. Sir paniralsr. utur by rrtara aaall
Santa Barbara. CaL, a plaoe for curing Di&beU.
Mallitua, Sugar in the Urtna, aottall otber diseases sub
ieot to eiua 1-y Uuwa Snnngx auott as, aifeeuona of the
Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Lung-, ate., on tha Carlsbad
plan, under ths amotion of 1R. SCHNEE. the eels
b rated Fhysiciaa, whohasenred these ailments iaasaost
astoniahing manaer. L. MOLTZ, M. B , Physician.
Bargesn and Aecoucheor, Cor. State and Oota Streeta.
Tsls BSIT ar
KM upnarir 1m tk. .are ef
aarmagamaesi ,f the geawaava
sinu. . b ooocsaaua tm mm
laraags u aartti waat raKars
ums ta aealtay aaaaa. C M4
mi fa .naialvwita tlrctrt. aali
advartltaa M aara an lila tram
Bead a tea, ItUfartaaOSS
aeetD. sarpeaa.
Far ctnalrt grrkg fMI la
fat maoea,addr Cbeevar gl
ma Belt oa., iss
mxxxet for t33Lo."
JackaoD Countr. Or, enter of Kugue iuver Vl
a-. auto, siimaia ana nroaiictin
I'SII.!m Ittle Vegetable JPllls will
Mj free tbe system of all these
yvfy ,J'7 and msny other disorders.
ii - They are pnrelvTrretaMe,
m 11 srasl asaL-l tfMtlf ' S
Duke of Argyle
Two years ago I was attacked with eczema,
raji not tell yon what I suffered. I was U.e
most forlorn spectacle yon ever saw. Charles
Kennedy, of this place, showed me yoar pam
phlet on skin diseases, and among them I found
the description suitable to my case. I bought
the Ccticcra Remedies. I took seven bottles, ,
with the Cctictka and Soap, and the result is
a permanent eti e. I thought I would wait and
see if it would coma back, but it has proved all
you said it would do. so I will say God bless
you and yours. TH09. U GRAY,
Aieaveriown, tsiuu.
f, John J. Case, D. D. S.. having; practiced
dentistry in this country for thirty-five year
and being well known to thousands hereabouts.
with a view to help any who are afflicted as I
have been for the past twelve years, testify that
the Ccticcra Remedies cured me of Psoriasis.
or Scaly Skin, in eight days, after the doctors
with whom I had consulted gave me no hops
or encouragement.
.owton. is. J. juii J. JV3i u. it. n.
The Ccncciu Rkvbmes have permanently
cured me of dandruff and facial eruptions when
a) other remedies ban fallen, t or nine monuis
my head has been entirelyfree from the slight
est signs of dandruff, and my skin is as clear as
when I was a boy. iUC THOMPSON.
iew Britain, icnii.
tkift. white and free frou. ehapa and
ednesa. by nsinar ccrrjrgt yiAP.
ImraUds' Rote! ssi Scrgioa! Institfo
Scan of Eicnteesi Bxwerteweeal
fal rhraaesaaa an
Patients treated here or at their homes. Man v
treated at hornet, through correspondenon, as
successfully aa tf here la person, come ana
sne us. or send ten. cents ln stamps for our
" Invalids' Guide-Book," which gives ail pBrtic-
nlara. Address: worlds msPEifSART jiibp
cal, Association, 63 Main St., Buffalo, N.T.
lib ?Siafe
For " worn-otrt," ron-dovrn." debfHtaed
School teachers. miHinCTS. seamstresses, house
keepers, and overworked women generally.
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription Is the best
of allreatorativetonics. It is not a Cure-s.iL"
but admirably fulfills a singienoas of purpose,
being; a most potent Specific for ail those.
ChropJo Weaknesses and Diseases pee-oKar to.
women. The treatment of many thousand,
cf such cass, at the Invalids Hotel and Snrs
leal Institute has afforded a large experience
in adapting remedies for their core, and
Cr. Pierca's Faisrits Prescriptica
Is tho resnlt of this vast experience. Far
internal ceitgntien, inflammation
and nice rat ion, it Is a Spec! fie. It
ts a powerful generaJ, aa well as ubr-rfne, tonio
and nervine, and imparts vigor and strenanh
to the whole system. It cures weaknen of
stomach, indigestion, bloating,' weak back,
nervous prostratioa, exhaustion, dertiiity and
sleeplessness, in either sex. Favorite Prescrip
tion is sold by druggists under our posattrs
guarantee. See wrapper around bottle.
PRICE QI.OO, rcTolae
Ciena SJ eurs m stamps iur ur. riww s jargw
Treatise. on uiseases or r mrn iioo pages,
paper-covered). Address, World s Dispbk
sart Medical Association, 663 Main Street,
Buffalo, N. T.
ra t
Billons Head acne,
Diaxinews, CoBstipa.
tlon,' Inrlisreatton,
and Blliona Attacks,
promptly cored by Dr.
Itereea rlestsairiS
PwrttattweTPellets. 25
cents a viai, by Drussista,
The Oregon National Bank,,
of ioiitiaxi.
fPntocesissto Motnwuiavlsa Savhria3an.t
T - - nl r Ni s naihiisi ijina
ACCOUNTS kept subject to cheek.
SKLL8 JSXCHANOB oa San Fraaesno and New Tark.
JlAkrS XMLLF.-CTION3 fawwable trrms.
Acme Electric Belt Agency
171 Fourth St bet. Morrison asI TamhOL
PorUand. Oregon.
Aa PST ac?,,1,iT -eeted. Chronic and Far
voua 1 fuuh i.a a spaoMty AlneurnateHn, Nma-aaoa,
Ls Manhood eueeessry araated with ths aat of tba
C&xsoKATSD Acwc Kiai-mi- Bat and other eawtrie
appaaneea. Seaua. Diseases taken by tbe case at una
aoaouae rat.a, A xnuQeUn Ptyaao ani lie.
traaro la attendance daily -fr"-' "T rru
sfcsvmptonvasaeeuswwaspaataala Coneanoao
soacited. Ternaatraaasa.
Hardy Northern Grown
From Minneapolis, Minnesota, are tba best, bseanaa.
they are earlier and tbe raost productive T. aav
ottier until vou try them. For sale by all kauiina;
dealers on tha enaat uimnri, .i . .T
suppliedb .-7.
wrsTcorr brothers,
Reed Merchant 44 and 4H 3ansoma Street. Saa
Francisco, CaL
The Most Sueeessful IU.
chine Made. .
S Geld Vedala. 1 Silver Medal, awl
la First Premiuma,
Batches all kinds arKgsa
Made ia Ail .Mara.
Write as for Larse nisstrated (V
enlar Fwa . ar iKiif I nMiiauiK
Braodera. Houses. Haw to mas ltckana. et,
Addrtm, FCTaIOMA ISgHATW CI, Petaluma, Cat.
Tho Van Ilonckcar
and usbs saner vrttb
Nervosa Debut, Spersta- '
rjeaa tnal Juoaras .
an. Weak
- 8ia Iain I
i Kruntiona Hmbt alita
t Bona ratea, 8 waiHBw
jsaapBcna ataar
h s ffiuoaa. Itlaara.
a fast of Meanura. K-
MnM "rra-k. 1 Waaiim w
srnk awe itnas TJihaa fi iia. V
- aaa J
ai" aiumpt raoaf and aura for In a.
i&mtH rtr 1 ewelt Jr .