-it collie Lebanon Express. V"v Fltl DAY, FKBKUAU Y Tt7 ISSsT TEACHF.BS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given that the regu lar public quarterly examination of teachers will lie held at the court house in Albany, Linn county, Or., com mencing at noon on Wednesday, Feb. IS), 1SSS. All these desiring to pass ex aminations will please take notice and be lm sent at the beginning. 1. V. S. ltKin, Vo. School Supt. ANNUAL COVNTY TKACIIKKS INSTI TUTE. The Annual County Teachers' Insti tute for Liun countj Or., will be held in Albany, commencing on Wednes day afternoon, March 14th and contin uing during the loth and l(ith. 1). V. l?Klt Co. School iupt. PERSONAL AM) OTHERWISE M. E. Ilearn is paying the highest cash price for poultry and eggs. Dr. J. A. Laniltcrson is having the best of success with his typhoid cases. The Salem Sentry has passed into the hands of ex -State Printer Byars and E. M.Waite. . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ralston returned from an extended visit to Portland on Wednesday evening. The council on Tuesday-evening last, appointed George Feebler city marshal. A very ,cood selection. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Railway Postal Ciekks. An item to the effect that no postal cards or letters can be mailed on trains has lately been going the rounds of the newspapers, and notwithstanding a contrary statement has been published and republished, an impression has been made that the railway postal ser vice will not recognize such mail. Clerks on the various roads have been plied with endless quest ions since the above report was started. The result is that tho Superintendent of the Eighth Division of tlia postal service, San Francisco, has incorporated the following section in general 'order Xo. 14(1, just received by Chief Clerk Hen ry: "All chief clerks will ascertain if possible, the name of any and of all piistal clerks who have refused to re ceive mail matter at their mail ears. There seems to be an impression among clerks on some lines that an order has been issued to the c licet that mail mat ter should not be received at the ears tor mailing. Any information relat ing to the source from whence such re presentations came will be thankfully received, that it may be properly treat ed to the end that the service may not ! sutler by such reports." It is unneces sary to state that no such order was ever issued, and that mail will be re ceived on board trains the same as it al ways was. The sooner this becomes j generally known the sooner will the t.. , :..!. P.,- TWt- .-..v ..... lml will !f9vt Tlmrm. on Tiiesdavs. Thursdays and Saturdays. ( tovemor Fennoyer has regaled S. A. DeVancy, of Waterloo, with a Notary commission. A good selection. Mrs. Montoith, of Albany, has been vlsitims in Lebanon this week, the guest of her son, M. J. Monteith. The JfcrahJ, published a' Orecon. has been enlarged to a 6-col-l Spii-kr Fostokfick 1UIII!KD. O n Monday night last a number of regis tered letters were opened at the Spieer postoftiee on the line of the Narrow tJuage road, and the contents rocketed by some person or persons not the rightful owners. The amount is not j known. On Tuesday morning the ) nostmaster at that ltlaet thiiikimr he t TY-ivtmi. 1 : ... ... - --. , 11;Ul a t.iue to uie gum v party, nail a von ni' man bv tht ii:inn of Jam-wav umn folio, and greatly improved, every j arrosttfd alul ,)roujrht to this vacv for a "Ji" hearing on Wednesday. At tiie hour Miss Oda Coin-dock, one of Jackson j sot for the examination, the prosecu eounty's most accomplished and vivae- ting witness did not appear and the LINN' COUNTY PROHIBITION ' ISTS. Thry Organise for a Khirit Party C'mn paigtt In tta Coinlnfr Klfrtlon. A i.i:any, Feb. 14, 1RS8. The I.lnn County Prohibition Con ference met in this city Tuesday, ac cording to previous notice, and was called to order by the chairman. The conference was opened with prayer by J. M. Marks. A. Y. Pmith was elected secretary. It was suggested that the chairman appoint the central commit tee. The following were appointed : HaWyJ IT. P. Kennistoii; Orleans, A. Y. Smith ; Santiam, J. M. Collleld ; Lebanon, C. M. Talltot ; Scio, li. II. Ir vine ; Franklin Butte, John Bryant; Waterloo, J. B. (Jibheart ; Brownsville, Win. McCloud ; Sweet Home, Mr. Bur nett ; Harrisburg, It. A. Davis; Craw fordsville, John Chance ; Fox Valley, S. M. Mctiain ; Shedd, Wm. McCor mick ; Rock Creek, T. J. Butler ; Liber ty, Mr. Ingram. It was moved that the county convention lie held March 1-t. The motion was delta ted for and against and carried. It was moved that the representation be based in the county convention, allowing one dele gate for each precinct and one for every ten votes cast for !. M. Miller, or frac tion over rive, which carried. Itwas moved that the primaries bo held on March 10, 1S88. A communication from the Voice lecture department in regard to sending a lecturer to this state was read. It was moved that an effort be made to secure the lecturer at Alba ny, carried. It was moved that Rev. II. TOLD IJY CORRESPONDENTS ItOCK HIM.. February 13. We are having very nice weather again for the tinie-of year. Urant IVtdge intends to work over near Peoria in a short time. Mr. tlogue Parrlsh, of Sodaville, was seen in our midst last Friday. Mrs. Laford, who has been siek for some time, Is able to do her house work again. Samuel Wilson, of Rock Hill, spent Sunday visiting in Sodaville among his old frleiids. (irnnt Dodge and Sam Wilson has itecn very busy bailing hay the latter part of tin? week. A. Dodge lost iv fine pair of twin calves. IleHccmsto be the loser of a great deal of stock this winter. The fall grain, that is, the wheat, lie gins to look nice and green again, but the most of the fall oats are killed. W. B. Mills, of this place, took a bus iness trip over to Peoria yesterday, where he will remain for a few days. "Fnelo" (ieorge Khun, of Sodaville, was at Roek Hill visiting his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Klum, last week. Fnele Jesse Parrish and wife was called to Iebanon last Friday on ac count of their daughter, Mrs. W. II. Reed, being sick. William Laford is the first farmer that has started a plow this season. It ' looks as though it would be too wet to OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. P. Webb lie appointed n committee j plow any for the ground Is very soft. young man was released by justice Smith. In the evening Janewav yet lieen any evidence pointing to the conviction of the party accused, we ' defer further c miinent except to ad.l j ious daughters, is visiting. relatives in this city. The Linn County Democratic Con vention is called to meet March 24th for the purpose of nominating a full eour.ty ticket. Rev. Mr. Gordon, late of Dakota, will nreacli at Mt. Hone school house to-morrow, at 3. it. m.. and on Sunday "t Janeway was employed by the O next at in, a. m. J. A. Beard makes a good president of the council. It should also lie re nwnilered that as a druggist, Mr. Beard is very eomjiotent. The Railroad Commission have ex-j amincd the Narrow tin aire railroad Ite-! A Rare Coin. Some time durin to confer with the W. C. T. U. of Al bany with regard to securing the lec ture by them. It was moved that the convention request the W. C. T. U. to extend an invitation to Ex-Cov. St. John to deliver a lecture in Albany. Rev. II. 1'. Webb, J. W. Plain and J. II. 'Vow nsend were appointed that committee by convention to confer with the W. C. T. V. in regard to this lecturer. A vote of thanks was extended to the Albany Jfera'tt, the StatrH Right The heavy winds of Saturday night and Sunday done considerable damage by blowing down some fence which will take a great deal of work to put in shape again. Mr. and Mrs. Klum's little damrhter. S Josephine, is lying very sick at present s"-'1 "hi "'ore or less air in the mer with typhoid fever. It Is to Ik? hoped i l'l,r" tube- To tet a thermometer turn that slu- will recover soon. The eoun-! u lMe down, and if the mercury will Eroin the Itet Antlinrltlm on Farm Tolc. THK ItAIKV. First--lass butter cannot Ite turned out from cold uiiiklng-rooiii. Most dairymen prefer the tempera ture to be about GO degrees for butter making. Rich food makes rich milk. The Itest cow in the world will not give good milk unless she Is given food from which to manufacture it. At the Chicago fat stock show the Holstclns went to the front In the but ter contest; Hoist el n butter scoring 8!i Hiints, against 82 for Jersey. The milch cow is simply a machine for making milk from food. The more of the sultstances to make goid milk there are in the food, the better milk the cow will give. . Six out of seven of the butter prize winners at the late New York dairy show set the milk deep and cold, while the seventh used a centrifugal separator. Men have been known to remove a portion of the cream from the milk they sent to a factory and then grum ble at the returns thev cot. Such frauds should be ostracized. Ureal yields of milk and butter are made by a system of -forced feeding. Poor results in milk and butter produc tion may often Ite traced to poor food, or an insutlicient quantity of it. At the Valley Cheese Factory at Hinesburgh, Vtn the cheese was made the past season at a Cost of only 2 cents a pound. The patrons got on an average 4j cents per hundred pauuds of milk. Eighty-seven ton of cheese were made. Have your thermometers in your dai ry accurate. A large (tuantit y of those Democrat, and Leltaiion Exi'iiKss for re- ! i-ml.tiMlimtr iwitiff-4 rf t1ii4 tiimtiiir If ii - . .... - - - - - - - - . turned to Spieer, where he was re-ar- ! was moved that a i-onv of the minutes rested bv U.S. Marshal Rolierts, and ! of this meeting lie tendered tothecoun-j weather. taken to Portland. As there has not ty.V"'; T 1.,",.!,0,lu A. Y. Smith, Secretary COUNTY COURT. try seems to Ihs full ttf typhoid fever at the present time. Most every one in the neighborhood tf Rock Hill has Im-cii sutreiing from an attack of a bad cold for the jtast two weeks, on account of such changable With the exception of one I case of typhoid fever the health of the community is exceedingly gtntd. A Rk k lliutn. You Certainly NEWXsUIT THIS FALL AND WINTER. Why don't you go to PLAIN, tlie Jjonder in Clothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES, From Eastern Factories. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. BARGAINS IN EVERY DE PARTMENT. We are confident of Pleasing you. All we ask !s the opportunity of showing you Through our Stock. WK AtSO KKitt IX STOCK The Celebrated Brownsville Goods. L. E. BLAIN, Lead ins Clothier and Merchant Tailor, Albany, Ohkoon. C. ). ROLAND & Co Albany, Oregon. NewStore, New Goods, W. D. DOJVACA, ji:ali:ii ix GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TOBACCO and CIGA11S, Conffttionerv, Cnxkerv, ( Jla.-?s anl Plated Ware. l'ure Sugar and Maple Syrups. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS -CONSISTING t)F- Countr' Produce taken in Exchange for Good "Goods at Reasonable Prices' is my Motto. CORNER BRICK STORE, MAIN ST., LEBANON, OR. rrocerdinRS of the February Terra. and hu.l his oHiee in the rame build-; Tlie application of T. I,. Dti-er for uigvrith the istotne. He is a ell n ,llM.tioll of tl!Xl Mas Uovvtd as to apix-arinjr young man, and it is to lie j toulrt v joVy ollly hoiK-d ue ha-s not nimle Such a fatal er- j T,u; Mpiiieatio of j,,,,, jMv all(1 C'KAWFOIillSl 1 LLK. glide quickly the entire length of the tube it is all right. When the cream foams in the churn and wi!l not make butter, it may In-, and iinu-t probably at this season is, due to too much acidity in the cream If the milk is set at a steady temitera tu re of CO or (52 degrees for two day, mid the cream is kept for two or three days longer at the same tenijierature, ! there tdtould lie no difficulty in churn- 1 in;?. If there is. the cow should lie fed ror. tlrtv others for count v road w.is read. land J. K. Knox, Ueo.Heisendorfcr and tween Cobursr nnd JBrawnsville. com- the year LSS6, says the Jacksonville j l lr,,lH Wl l"t' Plinieu viewers to hl.inMHvin,.'!. made that it was S. nt;,u !. E. 1 lend ru k-. of Annli-trate. l,UHt T- T. Fisher, surveyor, on Feb- irm.rt-roii. ! cut a la rare nine tree near his house and ru:ry 3th. F. II. Kosotc returnttl from Portland ; found in its interior a rather ancient on Wednesday evening. He informs The tree was a very lar- one, ns he Itomrht a fine stock of hardware, and his ax was not the first that had etc., whk-h will ue here in a few days, 1 1" Hed to mar its symmetry and Frank has our thanks for favors while ! gwee, for, eneirclel bv f trty-five rings in the citv . ! of pearly growth, were found eviden-es . , 4, i of a previous assault clear-cut marks .The blockade wraisel on the railroad j 1 . little eormnval onc-e or twice a da v. February 13. j Excepting Hie material of which the Valentiiu-a are the trder tf the day. j cht-cse is made, there is no ingrt-dh-tit Fall sown grain looks as w.-ll as I of so much importance in ehcese-mak-eversawit. ing as lennet. Xo matter how excel- Mrs. William Philpot lis Itecn quite ! ''"j Ini!k 5f tlw rcM1M"t is sick for some d,.vs. hut U l.ti. r t tl.w : nl r,-llt eswHeiiw ill the production Kurnisliing Goocl.s Hats, fapf, Hoots, Phocs, (lioice Select ions in Fancy Summer Neck Wear, Silk t'liderwear, Italbriggan Underwear, Fish, t 'lnrk t Flagg's t i loves. j FINE CLOTHING. Thr very IV st make of Hani Sewed Shoes, and the very Latest Styles in Mens' Hoys' and Youths' Cloth ing. All the Celebrated makes of HATS IN EVHRYSTYLK. oris j-riK-K txiNsisTs ok made of lmth Bright and and Oil Orain. and known everywhere bv the Trad- I Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found on the bottom of one i t Bright New Fresh GOOUS, j a eh pair. Zone genuine without it. Beware of imitations. And as hom-st, fair and square dealing is our motto, we ask the public to cull and get prices. C. B. Roland & Co., One door West Revere house, Albany. f you wish to purchase a Iio for your Ito.v or Oirl that will stand the wear and tear of every day usage, that is made of honest leather throughout, and on eo'iiuion-tjensc ideas, call for HENDERSON'S "SCHOOL SHOE," BT7X- C. M. II EN DERSON& COS line through from California. of cloth or paper containing a cooper I coin. Xo writ ing or other marks could ' Ite found on the covering to relieve the i curious in respect to this event. The (coin is altout the size of a nickle, is only in the Siskiyou mountains theoVt ritruction existed. The road is now all right, end mails come regularly. - narmon, m miic y.,, iHymv, Ofeopper, is dated 17 has 1 n. V. s. n.-J. twja.. brother of our efficient tonsorial artist, ; . , .. , , ,,.,1-,, : t?Tffirr-i;.-:.':i.7;- st niggling for the crown and on the other side a monogram composed Application of Walter A. Met Slice for reduction of taxes, was granted. Application of i. W. Khun for im plements for road district wasgrant-...l iiitlicniattiTori.linne!nirtliclund-i.,,-1 !li" tJ Albany kit t.i:...!....,x- C.....1 i- . ednes.l:iy, for the punto-e f having ii i iv l" it i ivi uiiiu is.,, oiiim i, i change ordered. of cheese cannot lie obtained. Much of the HHtr cheese is the rr snlt of ptor renin t. ami much cheese made poor by the bad handling of -the milk or from other causes is made tvorse by potr n-n-net. T. D. Curti. day She is going to Eastern Oivg.t TIlt. vidd of cream and butter from lor iter liealtn ami to visit relatives. time. Some of the lys rejvrt grouse plen ty, one young man having killed five in the last week. Miss Dora Derrick left hen- lust Mou- He now has CLAIMS AI.lAtWKIt. J. N. WiUi:imon. dr'j'Tttv tn-rin'i. (Vt S M. U. KV:w. examining InMine jerMHi J. ! Wallar'. Mir.tv.- I- J. Mttmnnyt. vinru- Anln- llsrkli -.n.-.ii. ni'i-'. fi-rixnc Twccl!c Jt Hopkin-s n-airii:s tin ntij. iv:-i5 iii Iamkuioii a few days aoro. Our! friend '-Bill'' Ieed has lee!i feeling quite "puny'' since Mr. Harmon "tip ped the Iteam"' with considerable more avelupoise. r Rev. E. T. Ingle, of the First Presby terian church, at Sell wood, is assisting llov (ieo. W. Oiboney in a series of meetings now Iteing conducted at the First Presbyterian church, this place. Th;?se meetings will continue until Sunday evening. Prof. Frank Rigler, of the Portland Park school, has Iteen acquitted of the It. A sn. n:l-e. fr inwtr.. Jultn ljit-'lv. liiiiiW-r j I 11 pfkntHn. k niNcn' uie iciiers . v. r . l ne ir-e iori on : n. u. ah-ii. td.i--. r.Ti.r the banks of Applegate Kiver, near one ! L,,' of the trails from Oregon to California. was a large tree in 1S41 and had held its secret forty-five years. Whose se cret did it hold ? Tjik R. It. Commission. The rail road commissioners have sent a letter to Chas, gonian Railway Co., setting forth that complaint, having Iteen made to them, C. "lTtrk A Sons. hnnlK-r... iti'! J. I". t.nibrrtitli. ci-rk fio . !'. s. Sntiih. ln-rirt' fce tV. K 1'itrl. ln'.-i...iitr" w.... SH-v.art A Sox. iiicIm' . Kntnk linker, priii'tnir :. W. Belt. Allv. IW" Mnrion Mintv, ,m?-hnlf of renairs ol' Jt-f. lV r.xn lrili.T CIS 4 Win. Brt-nuer. i-ll!:1U' fi-e '1 . J. M. (hmrnr. Uiuiljer, . 11 sv. A; Smiih, nnl- .. -J Til. i lot of teeth extracted. ; to gum It. j The Mong!tlian pheasants are get itingtola nuisance. The fqMtrtsmeil j around here seem to have poor success i bagging them. j R. W. Moses has lieen suflering from 'a severe attack of the neuralgia, also j Mrs. J. II. Scott has been suffering , from the same disease. ) Mr. Evans, a man that has Iteen ' working in the logging camp, fell one ' day last week, hurting himself serious , ly. He has In-en at the Oregon House ftr the past ten days, for treatment. w W. B. Olass met with a very painful accident last Friday. Wliib standing .- tt. -" !!. i IU. S ft). s .-.. 3 t. 5 HI. 1:1 "J. l "i tw. 1:1 :v.. I "t. 1 1 s.'. 2 M. l:w s. 1 7 . r. i. N. Scott, receiver of the Ore- i llHSi'VJ: 2s it. ; Jllsiker. Mint1 l!ltt. f, J K. S. siaiiun, lt--al )!!..) tV, ... .1 K.... ... ..;.. eiev -iiei"v of an assault preferert ngainst t ;vn M,.rri. k-,.i,s i.r i,;, I.V- tho trentof the bov. Webber, i Coburg was in a dangerous octniiition, lVi in nim- siva.i.,n Anny e.- - 1 . . -.' ' i who, it will lie rememtterea, mat rraiiK bnd to ehast iso ouite severely lor con-i - '.,1 1.?..,: .1. " 11... iu v.oouig, anu iiiiiiing ine roau oauiv r.I i. near a itony planer, which was in mo tion, the licit broke, one end of it strik- 1, I.;,., 1.1.1,' tl..A 1 ach. t lmt mi. Tit 4t. l:w :w. ! the commissioners have made an ex- ! animation of the line from Woodburn duct unlteeouiing a pupil. i. j Ke. MnTf v... J. -. ljtn i r r.I t. ' acil. ' The Olass Brtw. have Iteen making ! eoiisidirable repairs in their shop. miAi) siTKitvisoits Ari-oiXTKlt. ! l.asi w eeK nicy cicancu out tiieir uucii. The following road suncrvisoi-s Mere i Charley Banty, one of the hands ein- appointed, the reports of their suctvss-! ployed in the work, lost his purse con j milk should under most circumstances I naturally increase in proportion to the j milk as the amount of the butter is hs- j sened. A farrow cow five or six! month. after ? calving gives less but j richer milk than she does at first. But j what avails this to the butter-maker, ! i if he or she cannot Separate the butter , from the cream In which it is inclosed? ! Adding warm sweet milk seems to en-! tirely remove this difficulty, and has many other incidental advantages. These cold days make it hard for some people to get the butter to come, and hot water is often jtoured in the churn to get the butter. This makes it come sou anil white. By all means use the thermometer in the cream, and do not let the churn lie too eold when the cream is poured In it. Keep it in' a warm room for an hour before churn ing. Bring the cream to a temperature of at least sixty-three degrees, and little higher mav do Itettcr. This will j in need of repairs, and while noticing j rs being adoptetl and ordered paid : taining HO, and tqi to this time he has The runna eti tne posiomce iiepan- . - . ' , . . . . i that repairs are being made, the com- s lt. o. ineut that printed matter lieyomt the; . . 1 ., , .. , n I , , , ; . i missioners urgently recommend that! name and address of the sender of an3 i " J i " , , ,, . . . . , ail needed repairs be expedited with all yiostoffiec package shall not lie printed ; 1 . . , ... . II 7 . -iii i ltossible dispatch. The little road M ill, ! on the wrapper has been rescinded by-1 , , t- , , i o - probably be put m goo.1 condition dur- ' act of congress, and now a man can t .. .' r i j- a i mg the coming summer. ' p:;ste his picture or any disfiguring mi-s " u . j ages on the outside of anj postofiice j Ixformatiox Waxtkii. ScdgM'ick j package he pleases. j Post No. 10, G. A. It., Department ofj tir. Mark Havter, dentist, formerly j Oregon, at a late meeting, authorized: of Dallas, Polk county, has located ' their Commander to make, through j herein the practice of his profession. ! the kindness of the press of the State; Tlie dtx-tor is a young roan, and comes ) of Oregon and Washington Territory, j among us with "the best of recommend-! the following inquiry : Any informa- j Ktioiisfrom the business and profes- j t ion leading to the knowledge of the j sional men of Dallas. He may be whereabouts of Frederick and Alice1 found in the building formerly oecu- Aioiaer, cnuuren oi me late comrade piel by the Kxpkkss, on Main Street. 1 Win. Morter, m ho died at Ogden, Utah, i,, I last May, will Ite gratefully received by Teachers' IxsfriTt TF. The Anna-! this post. Address Z. M. Parvin, Com al County Teachers Institute will lie i mander Sedgwick Post No. 10, Salem, held in Albany, commencing Wedncs- : Oregon. .... 7 13 i; it) 2:1 Ji 27 32 o7...... rs 42 4-- 47 A. T. Powell .D. T. Ritchford .Jerome Froinan Isaac Ohling I land. not found it There Mere four Oc-rmans through our country last M eek on the hunt of Thev Mailt to bnv lain! oiiomrlt ....Richard Cleadle j to settle a colony of tM enty families, ....R. A. Baniford ! which are going to immigrate from James Pugh ! Pennsylvania. There is any amount Thos. Nichols ' of land for sale around here and some .. Wm. Warmouth j that is very good. Kuoct. Paul Betts Ijeounrd Tveer j D. H. lierce ....It. M. Fletcher C. S. Mullan sure M ork Dairyman. and make better butter. HAMILTON C1CKEK. NCIO. SCHOOL 15KPOKT. State pajx-rs please copy. day afternoon, March 14. It is of im-j portaiic that all teachers in the county i should be preseiit. Supt. Ricd is ex-' Itecting himself to make this the most tsuc-eessful occasion of this kind ever held in Linn county, and we bespeak tor him the hearty co-operation of all friends of education, especially the .teachers. Prominent educators from throughout tl'c Mate M ill lie present. BrsiNKSs Poi.tkr5. Montague's larg-? store is now being filled up M ith till kinds of spring goods. His clothing department 1 especially attractive, as is also his extensive display of dress goods. The grocery department is al so complete. Call anil examine his different lines, especially boots and fchocs. . W. B. Donaca has added to his well ftelected stock of groceries and Fu rni.sh i ng goods, si m if spring at t Tactions. Re nieinltcr, Mr. Donaca' s motto is the latest and best 'goods at reasonable prices. Keeblcr & Roljerts stock of groceries, ' 'toltaivo, and cigars, is very fine. Their eon feci ionei -ies have lieen replenished, j V , with a very fine invoice of oranges, j .jfc yioiis, etc. Give the boys a cull. . -Jr ""And reus & Hacklemaa are display AnnnioxAi. Rkmaki. The re wards offered for the apprehension of the murderer or murderers of the two Chinamen at Monmouth, Polk county, a month or more since, now aggregates altout ?70O, anil the people of hwh- j mouth think that this is not enough, i They have drtuvii up a petition, to the j governor to offer an additional rcM'ard, j and it will lie presented in a few days by District Attorney Belt. The Polk county people propose to offer every in ducement to officers and detectives to ferret the mystery to the bottom and punish the murderers. SenSjbi.k. The sensible, marriage able young ladies, of a certain town in j Washington county, it is said, have I effected an organization, and have re- solved that they will not marry any one m ho is not a patron ot home news papers; for It is not only a strong evi dence of the Mailt of intelligence, but it is an indication that lie will prove too stingy to provide for his family, ed ucate his children, or encourage insti- 1011s of learning in his community. Report of the Eebanon Public School for the mouth ending February 10th, 1SSS. KIHST DEPAKTMKN'T. Number attending, 4o. Average attendance, .'50. The follow ing pupils Mere neither absent nor tardy : Louie Peterson, Eva Eoseoo, Eva Scanland, Joe Moist, Chas. Donaca, Eddie tiny, Walter Peterson, Chester 1 Ulll.1 OIIUI'H i-ll Illjiei , .JOllll UlitfSOIl. iliss Fannie tiimins, Teacher. SKi"OM OKPA l!T3l ICXT. Nunilter attending, 32. Average attendance, 24. The following pupils M ere neither ab sent nor tardy : Merton Burroughs and Maud Eaton. Not absent: Stanton (Joan, Edith Roland, Walter Miller, Jessie McCal- ley. Not tardy: Ora Andrews, Nellie Burroughs, James Walker, John Bus ier, Maggie Burkhart, Nona Miller, Ida Elkins, Uzzie Donaca, Jay Denting, Warden Cyrus. Chas. S. Hi nt, Prin. RomiKO Aoaix. Smith fc Ham mack's store M as entered again on last Friday night and relieved of about $S0 M-orth of goods. This time the parties had a very enjoyable February 15. Farmers are busy at work. tiaidner? are getting ready for their seeds. Our crop of measles is about out, not for want of new subjects, however. Everything seems to indicate an ear ly spring, and if the O. P. starts up Moik soon, Me may forgot many things of the past, in prospect of a lively fu ture. But little of interest to eointnunirv in general, is transpiring just now, The general topic is the assignment or j w'n, move to Mt.lltlI11Ilf wUero w AlewMls Johnson .1- Noieltou rCli,u ' ' February 13. A. New-quest gave a social dance the latter part of the week. Dave Hare and Will Bruce killed 11 coons one night last week. Wolsey & Co., loggers for Wheeler's saM-mill, are putting in a fine lot of logs. Frank Cole reports mountain sheep plentiful. Deer are scarce in the moun tains. Nathan Fry, of Cedar ITatt, says feed in the mountains is good, and his stock is doing well. f. Dollarhide made n flying trip to Scio this week to settle some business in connection M-ith the railroad. Fall grain has withstood the recent freeze in this locality exceedingly M-ell. Vi'in. Riley's early sowing looks the best. Mr. Francis Bellinger is having a large tract of thulier cut on his vast do main this m inter, preparatory to sow ing for steek range. E. (J,Carr, McPherson & CVs. yard SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Dealer In Boots and Shoes, j THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, i i Bought Exclusively for ! Cash from the Manufac- j hirers. Every Pair Warranted. I FIXE iSI IOES, For Ladies, Misses & Children, j A SPECIALTY. j 1 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, On.! TRY HENDERSON'S SPECIALTIES. i Their 'Womens' Curaeoa Kid and Tampico Goat Button, to retail at 2.,V. i Their Womens Henderson Kid. French tanned, .Button, to retail at SXi . i The are stitched with Silk, made solid in every particular, and will make yoi.r-- feet look small and shapely. -FOR SALE BY OIi5it-. 1 5. 3outniio, Tobanoii, Oi. G. W. S 31 IT II, JLebaiion, O i"0!ron. -DE.VLEB IX- i 3 I-. E. MONTAGUE, -llKAI.KK IN Stationery OF A I.I KINH.S.- ALSO Foreign and Domestic Periodical S IiKHANOX, )KI'JOX. STOVES AND TiNWARE, Iron Pumps, Etc. -MAXl'FACTCMKR OF- Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Vare Goxk'to Fkisi-3. On Friday of last w eek, F. B. Ballard left this place for San Francisco, for Uie purpose of at ! tending the Cooper Medical Institute. Messrs. Johnson & Shelton. These two fji'iitieiuen in consequence of over-trading, or, over confidence in time checks on the O. V. It. It., have lieen compell ed to make nn nH.signmeiit to their cred itors, which will work quite it change in times, financially, in our locality, as they have a large amount trusted out. If all the merchants were to fail, where must we go to spend our cash ? We might not accumulate as much money in each individual's pocket, as our natioiml government has in her vaults, over which our congressmen are quarreling as to Itest ways to Ik; de vised to empty the money vaults, hut really, what could we di if we had no merchants to take our odd change. A nice little Mar yes, a lieighttor hood war, ha lately hrokc out not far from here, in which a gallant ollieer on has received a position as foreman in a first-class saw mill. J. (I. Reed has commenced prepnring his land for spring sowing, lie says the recent freeze has mellowed the ground nicely, and it is in a line condi tion for plowing and sowing. Mcl'hcrson & t'o. have just finished a steady run of several weeks sawing of Iumher, preparatory to closing their mill. They are sending their lumlier to Albany where they find a good market. W. II. Fahmkhs' t'oxvKXTioN. John Os horn, who was appointed hy Governor Pennoyer, delegate from Oregon to the Farmers' National Agricultural Con gress, and who was elected a vice-pres ident for that hody, lias called n meeting THE YAQUIXA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Oregon Development Co's Steamship Line 225 SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Tluin I'V ulty other Koine. First Clans Tlirnn I'liMenger Freight Line FROSl Knuii rnrtlmifl nii'l U Toi'its in tlie Williimette Valley to ami from Snit Frmieisi-o, t uL All kinds of Repairing done at Short Notice. -Also Keep in Stock- Willamette THK ' River Line of Steamers, WM. M. IIOAO." THK "X. S. HKXTLY," THK "THREE SISTKKS" I-eiive l'nrtluml ft A. M., MONIIAYS, WKItXKSOAY.S A XI) FKIOAYS Krmn Mwrs. Iluliiinn & l''i !'k. 2110 ml a Front striM-t. for ( inUi nnil luu-nnnlinte oints. tiiH k ior t-lttst' eoniH'ftion Ht Allia iiv hikI (.orvMllis with Tniins itf the OREGON RACIFK; RAILROAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays:) Albany, 1Hi p.m. I.v. l autism. fi:it . bi. I.v I.v. 'ullVAI.I.Is.l :l Au. YaiiI'ina. rVI I.v. I in: v.m.i.is lti:-.Ha. m. An. Albany, ll:l" h. iu. O fi V Trniiif titmice! t AHxiny anil l'or-8!lis. The iiIhivi- Tniins ronncct tit Yaqiiina M ith the tirt'L'oii it-velonmriit ( oiniiiiy' l im-of Sti-musliii iK'twiH'ii Yaiiina aiil Sim Froiit-Ln-o. KAJMXU HATF5i: Kroiu S. r'. I r-rom KTK.AMKIt. VI11miH-ttf Valley I Tin-. V1 Kati-ni I irupni, Moll. " .... Williiiiu-ttc Vnlloy I Sun. " 1!i. 1 ..T C.....xmo ..P nw.in.fi nf U.ilotll rkll thl! I.'. ..,,., 1 Mi.i,.ii I Sill. Oll SllfO Willi ,1 Klllilll (ll-no nf fi,il tf - . time helping ,,',",:.;,..... Z.LZ 13th of March next for the purpose f themselves to a lunch cons st ng o i ' 1 J , T. . organi.iii"; a State Farmers Associa- . . . and carried away a valuable dog, wh ch ; ., oysters, crackers, etc. This it the third L,.0 ... . . .. . . i tion. ..I . ! 1J Vt IV. CO bS 11V I nilla JL 111 LI IX I m- I Sun., sun. Silt. Thr. Y(iiiua. ' l!i, " Mp!i.i'! " rXMIX3 WOVEX WIIIE X3XI. Lumber - for - Evervbodv. : . ". I c row have on tlie ground at r"iioi and are receiv ing every day, by Car Loais, . - The Celebrated M'Kinzie Lnniheiv Manufactured at the Coburg Milk. Genuine Mountain RED CEDAR POSTS, BOXING, SCANTLING, SHEETING, Etc Can iill Orders for . time this store has been robticd, and some of these nights something will drop down there, and the coroner will have a job. Frank has done well in adoittinsr the itig a nice line of spring goods, in con-. nrofe8s!on so UDjv adorned. by his fath- Hection with an immense stock of the j er aRj ,xh & youI)g man of excellent I , As a toilet article, Ayer'.s Hair Vigor u,ul TVttiH.-is shoes. L.....vi:,.. j :!. .i!m..: stands unrivaled. It cleanses the 1 " . tl iuaiiijcatjiiiin in iiiil ui'vv u"' i j iealp and removes dandruff, cures itc , . . f x. . .... W . ifipf li tr i ,;.i e 1.; i I. 1 . ..i?,. ..... 4 .. I. "- man s siock 'i juLiiiiun- i.- onty preuiei ior mui me in-wL tu i ing hutiiors, restore t lie original culir "--Hon, as anything in his line can j r?fiS, Wit !i a liost. nf his friends in thiu f to faded anrt gruy hair, and promo "' -i-ie verv lowest rates. i couiniunity, FrauK has our iiest wishes. its growth. oi i ne vierory a nait oozen men on one sideand a lone woman on the other. liut dogs are valuable, you know; or at least, our city marshall thriks so, as he has the dog question in hand just now. Scio. Money to loan, by t'urrau A Mon teith, Albany, Oregon, tf Thin 'iiminnv rvM-rvcs the right to chang! Sail- ' Iiik ilntm wilhout notifc. j I'iv-n."rin from 1'ortlnnil. anil nil Wi'.lnnirfto Yiill-v' ioiiit. fan iiinko elixf foiiiii-ftion hli tin Tfnliix of thf Yaui ina Hoctk tit Albany it M-on-iilliH. urn! if ili Miiu-tl to Sun FraiiciMn, fliouM No other spring medicine lias won j ,mW(. t urri-v at Yau.tib.ia the tveuins befuru for itself fftieli universal coiifldeiice as j thfiiatf of wiiiDx. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the most f PiixM-iiKfr ici l-"r-l:lt Hatt-si powerful com bi nation ttf veirctable al-i AIAVAYH THK LOWEST. ternatives ever otfered to the public, j - - and is acknowledged by the medical Vou ivtoumaticiv ' apply-to profession to be tlie best blood imrifler. f, ,f jiwki.i. r. iv;ve. uoi'I Kr t .V Pa Aif'l.- Act I icn I t: 1'. As t, iin-uo:i lit'vi-lotntu-iti l o, it. P. K. K. It. 1 in. ail Moniu'iiint-rv si.. t orviiiiiN BAKXS, 1I0USK RIDiES, AND SHORT NOTICE. FACTORIES, OX In fact, we can furnish anytliing in the Lumlter Rough or Dressed, that Builders or Contractors desire. Doors and Windows, at price that have not named in Linn countv. Lumler delivered to anv point at a i reasonable charsre. YVe sre here to stav and will make it ii Uercsting to our conijxtitors. line, Alsitj been' Dr. Marllhiyter, Dentist, Lebanon,! Oregon. -i'U 1 'ruln.'i-i.-if t'nl il. 1 HAMER BROS, Spieer, Or.