The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 17, 1888, Image 2

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    - i '.. -
I ho Lebanon Express.
1 KIDAY, I'F.HUrAliV 17, tsss.
.1. 1 1 . i-i-vx Is i i:ciitr.
In Oovernor Irabee" mossnin? t
the Iowa legislature, he states that the J
prohibition law has been so efik-k-ut in
.diminishing crime ami consequently
reducing the business tf the courts that
an-duction in the number of courts
can le made without inconvenience.
A Vermont cashier has just been pre
sented by his bank directors with a
gold rinjy, estimated to I worth six
dollars, as a reward for fifty-one years
of lionesty. Certain gentlemen living
in Canada will now see what tiny have
lost by straying from the path of recti
tude. IXlpli's hill to create a public park of
Crater lake and adjoining territory
has been considered by the committee
on public lands. The members are
somewhat opposed to making it a na
tional park as the care and expenses of
maintaining the Yellowstone park is
considered too great for the benefit af
forded. The committee is in favor of
making a park of Crater lake and some
of the adjoining land, provided the
state of Oregon will take charge of it
and maintain it as a public park.
A correspondent of the New York
Herald, democratic, has been going j
through the south and interviewing
the leading manufacturers, as to tho
effect of the president's message. The
general opinion among them seems to
be that it will cause a division in the
democratic party south. There can le
little doubt but that this will Ik- the re
sult, since the manufacturing enter
prises which depend so largely for suc
cess upon the protection afforded by
the tariff, are multiplying each year
; and contribute much to the prosperity
of that rmrt of the country.
. , . ,
A bill has already lieen lutrodueedin
the New York assembly providing for
the introduction of the Australian sys -
lem of votinsr, with modifications, in
ihat state. The modifications to judge
by a synopsys of the bill, are so radical
as to relieve the systen of the fatal ob-
jecUon of impracticability in this coun-
rv ith if nwnv eWtive officers,
The bill provides for the printing of
1 - 1 .
ballots for any political party easting
one-tenth of the rotes polled at the last j presenting the Senatorial Postofrice
; previous tleciion. Voters may also ! Committee's adverse rejKtrt upon the
write their ballots. A eomoartnient j dainty meanre, Chairman Sawyer
Into which voters may re to exam-! taled ihA t,,e ltomee iMmrtmeiit
. , .. . ! was not sflf-supifrting vet, ami there
.ine their ballots is provulod, election , u wfl 1)Qt Umv t ntmvt any
officer, challengers, and voters are al- j further reduction on letter postage.
; -lowed in the polliug places, and the j Senators lk-ek. Hoar Piatt and others
ballot clerks only shall have ballots in jcach believed in penny postage. They
it -,." t t , i arcuel that the people wanteil and de-
1 1 1 1 ?- 1MK:.1.H -KrtTllf r.T lilt1 CM" r'T, J- 11
I101l L'llI Illllll tiH'lltU IW
rr i li f i . I
inercsunsot me anai.s n ...incti-
.n t lwifii K lii iTtfH-il rprpnnp tiiiTVm
tlinws much adulteiation by some of
the brewers.
The Mormons are starting propagat-
... . , it
mg societies m some of the Soutnern
Statt. Their ill-racccK in that line in
1'tah outrht to lie sufficient to dampen
their ardor.
A strong effort will be mnde to have
the National Democratic Convention
held in San Francisco. It is paid the
'alifornians will offer unusual induce-
ments to capture the attraction.
T 1 1 -1 1 i 1 1 Vm f f r 1 t T t -r if 1 1 1
-1 - - " - ' ' - - "
mniM rfnrn t.. n-nrt. fiml Mini what
they ask others to give them.
Boh Injrersol says that the pulpit is
the pretense of honesty and the stage
the honesty of pretense. Having used
up his antitheses he must say, when
speaking of the lecture platform, that
it hr.s neither pretense nor honesty.
When Publie Printer Benedict pre- j
wnts to Congress a list of old soldiers
he has discharged from the govern
merit Printine Office, with his reasons
The reading strikers have exhausted I wl5 is lxin? fram Slu'h j Q o. Bi7 T' dicner ' P
, i care that it is expected to please the J 3 and are prevented bv Dys-,
their own funds and are now appeal- . , , . , .... i n.nsi ns ArUor'a n-ranorvui TiM.u
11 I whole c-ountrv, is nit f a radical ehtir-l rpsla' use Aciers i'vpepsia Aauiets. i ,
in.r in outirlf. 'Wmirwl l.ifw.r' for I . , ! They are a positivo cure for lvspeTwia. Iu- : I ias IWC
for each individual discharge, there ! ' he the aim of nearly every
will be music, and it won't be furnish- ! one to luh 11 P the sc in,lal a,Ml. ,lt r
cd by Benedict, either. i ertat strain, many uuintcrcstingeo.i
! vcrsations were held, merely to prove
The southern Pacific Company has i tiuit the mcmlicrs f the church could
made an important traffic arrangement ' arise above sensational gossip. Just lie
with the Mexican Central road, bv ! f the services were cW Bro. Kli
which it v. ill be enabled to do through ! Jah P" "krod arose and sanl :
freight and passcn-cr business between
casern cities ana tnose on tms coast
and the e;iy of Mexico.
' Ham Small says that "if there is an
nbination this side of hell it is the
church fair." That institution is cer
tainly an abombination, but an unpre-
judiced outsider wouldn't denounce it
in the superlative degree certainly not
as long its Sam Small lives.
Senator Frye, in a recent speech,
showed very. conclusively that a poorly
paid laborer of England could not com
pete, with-the still poorer con. ien sated
labor of Belgium and Germany and
hence tlie latter countries are under
selling England and driving herotera
rives out of the market It was an ex-
eel lent wieech.
On the 21fct of Jannary the thermom
eter at Key West, Florida, registered
72 degrees aliove zero, and at Chippewa
Falls, Wiseojisin, 6S degrees la-low, or
a difference of 140 degrees. The differ
ence in miles iietween the two latitudes
of tlte two places is only about l,(i00
milt. If this dtK'sn't show that
? a
T inted states is capsible of showin
variety f wcaHier, then we fail to see
li )v a better fallowing could be made.
Among tho lilllo Uiitistx nntl bljr
things that Inivo Int-ii hu tn l'otigrt-!s
Ilils wii'k I Mill lm-iiiinti that the st-n-nU
timuiimou! v nml without tlt-bati.
vrtod to suhstituU? tlu UOth of Air for
tht - 4tti of Muri-h as Inauguration day.
They also voted that the term of office
of the President and of the Fiftieth
Congress shall continue until the 30th
day of April, 1SS!, at noon; that the
Senators whose existing term would ex
pire on the 4th of March, 18Stt (and
thereafter), shall continue in office un
til the 30th of April succeeding such
expiration, and that the 30th of April
shall thereafter le sulstituted for the
4th of March as the commencement
and termination of the ofliciul term of
the President, Vice-President, Senators
and Representatives in Congress.
In the House end of the Capitol there
is on the calendar another constitution
al amendment awaiting a vote. It
fixes the day for the meeting of Con
gress on the first Monday in January,
and the time of final adjournment at
noon on the 31st of DceemlHT. This,
you see, would practically make a con
tinuous session for the two years' term,
interrupted by only such recesses as
both Houses should agree to.
The Senate has agreed to give a
200,000 public building to Nebraska's
thriving city of Omaha, and the House
has voted to favor with public buildings
Ureenville, S. C, Portsmouth, Ohio,
Asheville, X. C, Springfield, Mo., and
Monroe, I.a.
Prohibition bills, memorials and pe
titions continue to- pour in upon both
Houses. One of the latest and strong
est is the result of the yearly meeting
of the Socictj- of Friends in Baltimore,
which shows the Friends do not be
lieve in half-way measures. The x-ti-
tion calls for a constitutional amend
ment prohibiting the manufacture, ex
portation, importation, transportation,
and sale of liquors in the United States.
Petitions continue to be presented, also,
in favor of the proposed constitutional
centennial celebration to be held in this
To give you an idea of the demands
made bv constituents and other callers
upon the time of our lawmakers which
should Ie spent, during the daily ses-
j sion at least, in cttention to publie bus-
j mos;a) r wiu UK.ntioll that the door.
J keepers at the various entrances to the,
j floor of the House kept tally on last
; Thursday of the cards sent in to mem-
,Ulr5n thc ,,:l-v- win8 to thc l"m
i weather there hapiened to lie fewer
a, tw hat Uy thjm u
j ual yet 1:oo rard3 worv wnt m XJlirt
' did not include those sent in from the
(ladies reception room, which would
' nave mtmiterctl several hnmlretl more.
haJ m,ilrl sev
There was a little
ovor t,R, mw
le contest in the Sen-
i-nt ttostaire bill. In
j mandetl tVttt-r and cheaper mail ser-
I vice, that they had never asked that
(the Postortiee I.'partment should le
! self-sustaining, nor had they ever com-
plained of extravagance in that branch
of the fiovcrmeiit.
MU r.of the House generally fa-1
! -.... 1.-. ..f . 1
j letters, at least, to one cent. There are
j other hill on the siihjcet beside the
one snubbe.l by the Senate committee,
land others are being prepared which
j ,
j will le introtuiccd at an earlv daj-.
j I)urill? the nle .nt .ueuion Hena-
j tor lleek said he couhl not understand
t how the tiovcrnment could afford to I
'carry bonnets, harness and all kinds of
merchandise over the country for a
cent an ounce and not lie able to earrv
j the intelligence of the people at the
! suite rate.
It is said that the forth-coming tariff!
.l.iwi-Tn.r f. t- 1 n . -t i.n hi 1 1 ... .. ,
j . ........ . . , .... " . - . . . . ...... " . I . ' 1 . '
paries of life will he ldeased. it is
I in-Mi-jiin, mi me iiijii mil iiKiflo fit j
1 . . 1. a . 1 . ,i: . -. : l . r
wool, woolen goods, cotton goods, and j
sugar. .The Itandall Demxr:its will lie
placated with the duties of tobacco cut
m,,,, . ,-, .
Surne Sv?0 OtHl OOO vl.llf til. -l.iUfir ia v
me ?2..000,nno, while the whiskey tax
will not be touched.
Why He Needed Prayer.
The congregation of a church at Klk
iukw were niucn snocKwt um learn-
ling that their preacher had denarted
j under discreditable c i r cu m -
! stances. On the following Suiulav it
u a"1 we last
, ms to ,mve R Klwom ovcr this
j f.,mf,rirniimt hils We
' all much attached to our minister, in
fact, we loved him, and 1 now propose
that we oftcr up a prayer for the wan
derer." A sensational wave swept ovcr the
j audience. Another brother arose, ami,
i turning to Klijah 1. Brookrod, said :
"I am astonished that vou should do-
sire this congregation to pray for our
errmg minister
"Because he
-you above all others."
ran away with your
j "Yes, I know," Elijah replied ; "and
that is thc reason why I think he will
need our prayers." Arkanaw Trav
Two Remarkable Observations.
St. John says that the only reason
for the continued existence of thc Dem
ocratic party is the fact that "having
no soul there would lx no place for it
to go in case it should die." This ol
servation is worthy to rank With" the
celebrated remark of Senator Gorman
to the effect that "it cost like h- 1" to
i secure St. John's help in achieving the
i i,..,,. .-,,- i - .
tleuiocmnc national victory in l&4.-
Glnhr- Dnnoerat.
Siib;ierilie for Tiik Eai"KUk.-.
J It is said that the fort h-cominjr tariff ( -o
' acier. i ue revenue reformers wno
A Peculiar Case.
There has Ix-oll a meeting of old sol
diers in Covington, ivy., which lias in
view a most peculiar object. It was u
meeting of the gallant forty-first Ken
tucky Volunteers and they took the in
itial measures to be mustered out of
service of the war The story is a pe
culiar one, to say the least.
DUring the war a regiment was or
ganized in Covington people. They
were sworn in by otllccrs fully author
ized toin rform the duty, and were put
under the command of Captain Amos
Shlnkle. They went into the M ar and
served through it, being known as the
gallant Forty-first Kentucky Volun
teers. It is twenty-three years since
the last gun was tired, uml many of the
regiment are numbered among the
lead. Some were killed in battle,
others have died since, but not a moth
er's son of them was ever mustered out
of service, and no one has any patter to
indicate that he was discharged, al
though the regiment served in several
battles. Asa consequence, every mem
ber of the Forty-first Kentucky Volun
teers is entitled to pay up to the present
time, and the meeting in Covington,
was for the purpose of adopting some
means to secure their discharge and
pay. Mr. Amos Shinkle, who com
manded the regiment, is still alive, and
will lie with his men to see what can
be done.
Should the men's claim prove valid
and lie successfully prosecuted, each
man will lo entitled to $3,500, counting
from the close of the war.
Postoffice Regulations.
Tlie tollowiug-seetion of the 1. S.
Postal Laws and Regulations may lie
of interest to some :
Skition 47S. Loungers or disorder
ly persons not permitted in a postoftlce.
A postmaster must not allow his
lostofllce to ln-come the resort for loung
ers or disorderly H-rsotis, or the scene
of dispute or etaitrovcrsy, and when
ever necessary he should invoke the
aid of the civil authorities to expel vi.
lators of the rule He is required to
keep his postotlico at all times in such
a clean and orderly condition that it
may be visited by women and children
and ot iters without impropriety or
tmrassnu-nt. new n au.nonz.-u iknow ,nv friend Charlie
exclude the public from the lobbv 4f: .-.
lili ..ti;.-. A,,li,.r !.. .litpil.Iltimi ,T tlu 1 Vlll Wait Oil 1110. (U lltlO-
mail, but he may enforce the ole-crv-ance
tf gmsl order, and may prohibit
smoking there. When local authori
ties refuse to preserve 4rdcr in a fxtst
oftice at the rctpust 4f the jMit master
lie should close the oftiee.
Wrtat am I to Do?
The symptoms of Biliousness are un
happily but too well known. . They
tlitlcr in tiitren-nt individuals to some
extent. A liiliotis man is seldom a
breakfast eater. Tk fretpu-ntly, alas,
he lias an excellent apitetife for" liuuids
out none ior sou.js oi a iiwruii!g. tis iKKks ail balanced up in a
tonirue will hardlv lienr msiHi-tiou at j , . .. !
anv time; irit is not white and futrid, very short tune. hen you
il ;.1,rvmr!,T s,t.u" vvnX- , , J read this don't think it means
Ihc tiniest i vo svstcm is whollv out ! , i , .... .
of order and Diarrhea or Constipation jOUHMxMly else, tllOU art the
may lie a symptom or the two may l-jman." I need moilCV ami
temate. 1 here are often Hvmorrbtiiils ! r . .
or even loss of Hood. There may U-1 money I lllUt liaVO, and if
giddiness and often hcadaehe and acid- ! ytUl eVel' AVailt to lo C. l.
it v or tlatnlemt-and tenderness in ther . , . , " -.
pit of the tonia.-h. Ta correct ail thisi Montague a kindness, do it
if not effect a cure try '.Vwn' .1 ''' I ntv liv nflvinir vour nceiumt
Flntrt-r, it .cost but a tritle ami thoiis-
I and attest its efficiency.
I.kii.ynox, On., February 17.
Wheat 4e per bu.-hti.
Oats I'W- jht bushel.
Flour ?. . per barrel
Potatoes (UK 7-c h-t l.ushel.
Kgcrs i?N jx r tlozt-n.
Hutter 'Si- jH-r H.
Lard 0i-"12ic in r H.
Apples, green VK .T bushel.
Apples, drieil 7c bV -r Hi.
IMutus, drifl lOclIc H-r Pi.
Prunis, dried PVlSlc jkt lb.
Hams 1.5c per lb.
Shoulders tie're n-r lb.
Iliicon lfV- 12Jc in r Pi.
"iwl Oil $ 1 2-5 per . gtdlon can
! 2-5 per ease.
; JoMtinn IDntnlanv n t
! . . 1 - ,
! J. A. IJeanl, DrUifKit't.
Mnorr'K Hair InYignrator.
i Tins excellent preparation for thej
the fo'i-
I ,n,r' Iua: lw ""iV1 " at.
j lowing places: M. A. Miller, IaI
! . - 1 . ... ...
starr V StanardV o! VAVstrn ami M.
Jackson, Brownsville; 1'. A. Watts,
Shedd; (.'. Oray, Halsey. Sample Init- '
ties free. Call and ret "one. i
j CWaY nd reliable Medicine.! are tbebest
; ,,Srt, nWrilU forre. for .llirn -
' innonciiuuiNin. Acr.rr diouu iji-
. r.;tilnf ti.Rloo! Tnpvervformof Scrof.
' ulous. Pyphilitlcor Mercurial diseases, itis
I invaluable. For Rheumatism, Las ao equal.
invaluable. For Rheumatism, Las no equal,
j. v. j3caru, urtiggisx. l i t
' , ! jrive you more goods for them
There is nothing valuable for during the next 00 days than
throat and lung troubles, and that can VOU have CVCr heCIl ottered le
Ikj taken without any injurv to the;V. ... r , . r
stomaeh, as "Mother Cary'sr (Ju.nt.x-e j toro- 1 saVJUSt Avhat I llieail
Cougii syrup." Try it and you will j and mean what f sav, and all
.t. ,v.' it,.r.i .... r...-t,
KvAX TaT? h,?T
Aeker s
Soother at Laud. It is tlie onlr safe
medicine yet made that will remove all j
infantile disorders. It contains no Opium I
or IforpJUne, but gives the child naturtii J
j a5'w pain. Price 23 cents, gold by
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
For a good mciil, goto the City
taurant Albany. Meals 'Si cents.
Mother Cary's (iunitnt- Cough Syr
up 1h s not sieken the' stomikeli. "or
i hind the lxiwels, safe for a child or an
amiit. anu win ih round the in-st nron-
itraiiouiora uougii, v oid, uronelntis,
Whooping Cough or Croup and any
aucciion oi me in roar and lungs.
J. A. Beard, agent for Lebanon
V'NoW trifle with any Throat or
Lung Disease. If you have
a Cough or Cold, or the children ere
threatened with Crou p or Whooping Cough,
use Acker's English Itemedy and prevent
further trouble. It is a positive euro,'
and we guarantee it. Price 10 and COc
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
Insure your property in a home com
pany the Northwest Fire and Marine
Insurance company, of Portland Ore
on. A. 11. Cyrus, agent, Lebanon Or.
wfr"inte1' because it is the besl
I Blooa Preparation known. It will posi.
i tively caw U Blood Disuses, purifiesth
is warranted. i3 because it is the best
nu rifles the
whole system, and thoroughly builds np the
j constitution, lceiucinber, v. o guarantee iu
! J. A. Bcaiti, Druggist.
"Ijoailers" come and "loaders"
Hut the
old Wheel
keeps on forever.
will as usual keep on the even
tenor of ins wav, sell ins irooib
to the people of Lebanon and
vicinilv at his well known
low prices for Cash or coun
trv produce. His stock at all
times will be kept as full as
the market will warrant. Lv
ery attention will be given to
serve the wants of our custom
i i . i
ers ana menus, miouiu you
not find the article to suit vou
in his mammoth establish
ment, he will get it for you if
vou wish, bv freight or ex
press, with no exorbitant
profit adtled unto the sum
In order to systematize
I have given over that most
wearisome branch of business
to Mr. C. M. Talbott, with
whom I exjH'tt each and ev
ery person indebted to me to
cm-Little without saving "Well
men I must have my money
m w. KverlMwlv that is in-
debted to C. 11. Montague is
cordially invited Ut come in
ami settle their account.
l)nt wait to be dunned, but
come at once ami pay up 1
am compelled to resort to a
systematic plan for collecting
all outstanding debts due me,
and shall expect t4 have inv
, , ,l , ,
He needs money and needs it
Greater Bargains
fiiii rifViii-i ill in I t 1
until viv.Vl.JiVKlIllXAr F . , 11 t
anon will he ottered at tlio!"1 th ful"ro ,AW ,,ave.,.a
at.,.. ,....!. r f ihnc line of neck wear, silk
i H. Mont a true fir the next C0
.(lavs for cash ami all kinds of
B. Montague
ntv-five thousand dolT
i t
; lai
worth f choice coods to
he sohl lurinr the next 0
at unprecedented
prices, to parties wno
cash or produce.
Bring in
I wute l.I.loc clw tw.ltc f.,,-u
i - f. 1 ' ' '
j 01 a" KllKlS. Hutter, CJIgH aiul
, poultry, and Montague Will
''poultry, and M
who take advantage
ahove oiler will strike
I "za. TllO only
Complete Stock
of clothing in Ixdianon is at
the hig Cash 'iStore of ( .
Montague which will he sold
away. down during the next
00 days to ready-pay custom
ers onl v.
Great Variety
of Boots and Shoes, an im
mense stock at the Mammoth
Cash Establishment of C. B.
Montague, to he sold exceed
ingly cheap during the next
00 days for cash or produce.
Andrews & llacklemnn s Col'
f 77 ntmiw" CVr J
return our thanks to our cus
tomers for, their kind patron
age for the closing year. AVe
have had a splentlid trade and
appreciate their liberality, aiul
now at the beginning of the
new year Ave hcrebv obligate
ourselves to give the best val
ue in Dry Coods, Clothing,
Boots and SIkms, Cents' Fur
nishing Goods. In fact everj--thing
that belongs t4 the gen
eral merchandise line that we
possibly can. AVe
going to stay' right here in
Ichanon with the determina
tion to hold the title of the
Leaders in the general mer
chandise business if honest
g4ols at low prices has any
thing to do with it. We
claim to be authority in say
saying that we carry the best
line of Gents' Shoes to be seen
in this country. They are the
most extensively advertised
shoes in the United States.
This is saying afiood deal but
it is a fact and we are
Jto stick tt it. We allude to
(the W. L. Douglas sli4e,
the . L. Douglas $4.0) shoe
is a hand sewed welt sluie
eatpial t4 any $(.(M) r $7.0
to le hal any place. The W.
L. Douglas 2.00 shoe for
hoys, we claim that you can
get no better when price and
quality is considered.
command a larjre trade andj
1h11 it you must treat people)
ri!ilit,.and at tlie same timej
give them goods at liedroekl
prices: that is what we always
have done, and will still con
tinue to do. It is no trouble
a jerson one hill, hut
must sell it so you can
'sell 1
! handkerchiefs ami evervthiiir
pertaining tn the fancv
Isuitahle for Christinas
cuts in sttx'k.
IN '88
we pretlict a prosperous year.
The signs if the time indicate
it, ami we don't claim to he
hetter prophets
anv one else, cither.
the last "ad
we are going to
IN. 1887s
ami we hope every person in
Lehenon and vicinity who
read the Kxphfss will read it,
if lheydon't take the Expiu ss
borrow their neighbors. - Any
way, just so they read our
"ad'' from this week. If you
want a hoot that will not rip,
tear or
buy the Buckingham it Hecht,
that is the hoot we carry and
trade with them has been im
mense. Now one Avord to the
ladies remember eA'ery pair
ot shoes Ave sell Ave always fas
ten on the
7 f-'M
.Tito (iarttiprslili heretofore t-xIfHiiij ntuU-r Oh
niimc of JV. '. IVttTson S: 4 -it.. Im thM Kh day ol
iH-i-i-mlK-r, A. D. IHS7. rtlolvi-. y iniitiinl -iin-o'lit.
All llilHlue lilt.- old firm rf tiityiilplt- to
W. C. lVU-rauii. W. ". FKTKItSON,
W nt-rf-x of lfiml 3 tiill- wtithwe4 at Ix-1iioti:
'JTi u-n.'! fnrtiifTiff IiiikI: 15 actv inttipi': frKl
.tirint: tftxxt lvti-lliiiR liwiiic and bttrn. For l'ur-tnt-r
iuiriiciiliirx, cull uit
I.. J. PKTERSf )V.
Leliunon Or. '
Brownsville, - Oregon.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
R. C. Watkins,
REpairing of All Kinds at Rea
sonable Prices.
Shoeing all around, new hhoes, $1.75.
Having hieated to stay I ask a share of
the publie patronage.
(Limited Line.)
CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Receiver.
tttt ml afl-r Jan. 1. anil nntit further nn-
tlf tmiUH will rtitt dailv u-xcvfit Suniiay) ua fol
on w :
'iitnirg Mail.j;
From 1'iirt- I
lntid. '
ILrtl d MU
i Towan! rt
lniul. l.v f.0 a. ta.
11. lit
11. L-fi
11 fi
12. -.7
Foot vf L4nroln s-t.
Kay'k tjuMing,
St. Pi!f.
Krvnch iTairic,
Mi' Kit,
M. .liwl,
Jtiii"ir Milt,
KaM Jum-tkra.
Wtt stnvtun,
tiravt-l lit.
North Sflntiam,
tl. I". frooinv,
Wet s-ii.
Tin milts' F rk .
t rt jl n-t-.
Ar p.m.
I.T 1.15
Arv i.Xi
I. 12
12..VJ 12. TO
1 2.:t7
II. 44
11. lo
III. ffi
S -2
. 17
7 11
2 23
4 I'l
1 iWSOtl.
I Jttti.
Twin Itutti-i.
Xltl iu;
r.y. AR
I.V: l.r.
Commutation Tickets at twoortit- rniik' oil j
Train-! with Pas--ttpprs. Frvight anl Exprcsy.
ntu M-mnte from Frviirht.
Kr-ic!it tnttn form Fortlnn't. Mmrlrfy. Wertrte
iny iiit-1 Triiir-dnp". Txnnnii lYinlathl, Te
ilajr". Tliurl ami Satiii'lays.
CotttM-etiiHi at Ray" nrnl Fulciiiartz ljirnlitir5
n -it h Stvanivr -1 1tr f Salt-in" for Sah-m Motilars
'-liH-fy ami Kriilay nrtinihur frmi Sa-m
Tti(-Nlays. Thorlays aiwt Sattmlays. r.itme-tinc
ith Kat aitl HVvt side nivt:trt-r trains. Steam -vr
"Cily o!" Salt'in niMkr! tniitsffr t-twtT-n l;ay
atil FiiliMrt2 I jtiiUinr ilaily, Smwlays t'Xr-plel.
riTAS. X. St-OTT, 15fircr.
tirti imI riffii-f:. X. X. rurncr Kir-t and Pitio Sfs,
I'nnlaiKl, im-.eon.
A Common Cold
Is often the beginning ot serious affec
tions ot the Throat, Bronchial Tubes,
and Lungs. Therefore, the importance
ot early and effective treatment cannot
be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral may always be relied upon for the
Sjieedy cure of a Cold or Cough.
Last January I was attacked with a
severe Cold, which, by neglect and fre
quent exposures, became worse, finally
settling on my lungs. A terrrble cough
soon followed, accompanied by pains ia
the chest, from which I suffered intense
ly. After trying various remedies, with
out obtaining relief, I commenced taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was
Speedily Cured.
I am satisfied that this remedy saved my
life. Jno. AVebster, I'awtucket, R. I.
I contracted a severe cold, which
suddenly developed into Pneumonia,
presenting dangerons and obstinate
symptoms. My physician ordered the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. His in
structions were followed, and the result
was a rapid and permanent care.
H. IV. Stiuipson, Rogers Prairie, Tex.
Two years ago I suffered from a severe
Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con
sulted various physicians, and took the
medicines they prescribed, but received
only temporary relief. A friend induced
me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After
taking two bottles of this medicine I was
cured. Since then I have given the Pec
toral to my children, aud consider it
The Best Remedy
for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and
Lttng diseases, ever used in my family.
Robert A'anderpool, Meadville, Pa.
Some time ago I took a slight Cold,
which, being neglected, grew worse, and
settled on my Lungs. I had a hacking
cough, and was very weak. Those who
knew me best considered my life to be
in great danger. I continued to suffer
until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this
valuable medicine enred me, and I
feel that I owe the preservation of my
life to its curative powers. Mrs. Ana
Lockwood, Akron, Tew York.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is considered,
here, the one great remedy for all diseases
of the throat and lungs, and is more
in demand than any other medicine of its
class. J. t Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. tt
Ayer's Cherry Pectora!,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co.,Ixwcll, Uan.
6old by all Druggist, rrice 1 ; lx bottles, i.
oMiiineil, nii.l nil J-J'Ml ul
(en.lcil to r(r .WfK.M7: Mir tillii-e is
llite the t'. S. 1'iileiit Ottiee. nixl we en !
tain 1'iitenlM in Iikx Hum! tlinn tln- trt-MHile from
ll'.ts;.V(,-'y.V, eml MODH.. 1.M U7.V or
l-IIOTO of Invention. We mlvix- as to wtent
(tl 1 it v fnvof rlmme niol we ltisike AO 111AUUK
rxi.ksx t'.mx'f ' i:t:n.
Kor elri-nl.-ir. mlviei-. terms Hint TeferenoeR to
Itetttiil i-lienl in viiro ii SUIe. 'otinty. t'lly or
j 'low n, wrilu tu
Opposite 1'utCHt Vjfitt, WiutnuijtoK, It C.
Dealer in
Constantly on Hand. Also
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drugs -:- and -:- IMedicines
Paints, Oils and Glass
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
N E W -:- STORE!
Fresh Goods ! Low Prices !
Tobaccos nnd CirJii,
Which we offer to thc People of Leljanon and vicinity at the
Lowest Living Rates for Cash, Hides Furs, and
all kinds of Farm Produce.
IKecbler & jAoljerts, Lebanon, Or.
General Hardware
Iron, Steel and Coul,
AVtiffon 3Xtevil.
ltio and Cortlngc.
ISlil;lisiiiitlist SiiiiIios.
AVnroiis and Xtiijs-jf ics.
OREGON & California R. R.
And Connections
The Mt. Shasta Route,
Time between Allwny and San Francsco, 3T hour. !
California Express Trains Dally.
4 P. M.' I-rtve INirtlHtxl Arrive 10:41 a
A. X.
KKi-" P. M. I-euve AUmhiv Iave' 7t
7:40 A. M. Arrive !tii KntciM-o lxave: t::W r. m. j
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except) 8unday ;
SxtA. Ix-ttve lHirtlHiid Arrive 3:4-p. M.
12:4tp. . I-nve Allwny Iave ll:A" a. v.
a:4lp. M. Arrive Eugene Leave a.
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except) Sunday
S:lt r. t.j Leave AUtany
Kr'iti p M.j Arrive lA-lmiHm
J:"ni p. m.j I-ave Altmny
Iswp.m.! Arrive I-etntnon
Arrive i:4. a. 3.
1-eave ii.-tnl a. .
Arrive'2:4-" p. m.
Ix-aveiJm j. m.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second t'lass rjissensrers on all Through Tntius,
The O. & P. H. I?. Ferry makc-s conm-ction with
all Die trains on the East Mile Hit. from
foot of F. street.
West Side Division.
Mall Train Dailv texceott Sunday.
j 7-nna.m.: I-ave Irtlunt
l'JrJ:" p. ro.! Arrive
Express Train Daily (except) Sunday.
l:"m p. m. I I-ave IVtrtlnml Arrive 1 91 a. m . i
Wl',m. Arrive It-Minviile I-ave :4.-a. m. !
At Albany nnd CorVHHis connect with trains uf
i (Irejrott l-ril niilroBl.
JSs-for mil ininruintifMi regarding rates, tuur
11. KOL1H.K1;
P. Km;ki;..
i. r. A l'a. Asi-nt.
Agricultual Implements.
Oil r-joii t crs' Tool. .
Uiiiliisis'' lItnlvai-o.
J?o-wler,iliot, ot.
CJiant lo witi-.
!iia"ws and Axcij.
Contractor, Carpenter and
j Bllll.(lCr
j Plans &. Specifications
All Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Prices Very Reasonable.
Real Estate Agt and No
tary Public, and
Docs -a Genbral Agency
Insurance, Agricultua! Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
(Uve ute a Call at lr.
i,l:i;anon, - . -
lvwi-ii'! oi.r.