The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 03, 1888, Image 1

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J. H. STINB & CO, - .....Publishers
Ereiy description of
On Year... J 00
Jot Printing Dene ca Start Katies.
n Months . 1 35
Thl Mouths 65
1 aall m adrauoai
( LEO AX.)
Legal Blanks, Business Cards,
Letter Beads, Bill Beads,
Circulars. PoeSera, BM.
Exaeatad ia fcd aod at lovart Brfaf axfem.
One square, first Insertion .... ............... -S3 00
lUMa aaaiJoual waertioa 1 4
Iax1 Watlces, per line IS cent
NO. 47.
Krulu- advertMenieuM inM'rtl upon n'nu terui.
LEBAimjT LOIX3R, SO. 44. A. fr. A. M : MU
at their mw ball ia Masonie Block, an Saturday
ranUif, on or before th full moon.
LBBAJTOJf tODGF, JTO. 4T, I. O. O. .: Meet! 8sU
onUj uini of ad twk, at odd tVUow Hall,
feJQ street; visiting srethren eorlially invited to
UMML J. J. fl.U.
Owx: Meeta wen arat ail third Tbura eTea-
mj ia to. monta. .-. aoow a. m .
sWOfflee la brick bonding-, over M. A- Mil
let a urng siora. -
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt
Collections and otttar easiness psusnptly attended to.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
Office in W. C. Peterson's jewelry store.
47 All work warranted. -Qiargea reasonabl e
BhaTinCi Hair Cuttlnc and Shampooing ta the
latest and
tiT Patronag. nspsctfolls' solicited.
Ct. Charles Hotel.
J.EBANON. Oregon.
T. W. Comer Main and Sherman 8treeta, twe Blocks
&ass eia a. epoa.
H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Table Supplied with the Best th Market
Bam pie Rooms and the Beat Accommodation for
Commercial men.
dealer nr
Groceries and Provisions.
Fcre!;n and Domestic Fruits,
iaeeaaware 51aaware,
La naps aast Lamp Flxtarea.
Hala BC Orffta.
Heat Biarket
IroprIe tr.
& Fresh and Salted Beef and
Eacca nl Lari all ays on Hand.
Main. Street, Lebanon, Or.
LCOWiK, J.V. RalfTtN, J. W. CI-8ICK.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banking
Account Kept Subject to Check.
. VTjr TnpV flnm Tnnnniene TM.41 .!
v- n 1 uu , oas 1 1 ttuuisuu, rurudim una.
. AIDany, Orejon.
Collections Made-
"on Favor
able Terms.
dealer rH
.HamnrAOTUaiKB or.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Waro,
All kinds of . Repairing
Alio keep
Dealer in
Alco Doors, Windows and Blinds.
El. A. TillLLER,
DrUgS. Medicines, Paints. Oils and Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Nxt Door to W. B. Donaca, Lebanon, Oregon.
Groceries and
Confectionery. Crockery, Gloss and Plated Ware, Pure Sugar
and Maple Syrups.
"Goods at Seasonable
Corner Brick Store,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
....DKALER IN....
fatctes, Cloch, Jewelry, Silrer
sxcpaxiuiK ( in
Specialty. feSUT 7B
' Iyer. C -f 1 .J (TBlriT. Sold
In.. 5 ob
o o e o e o rt
tea Don
...axae A.airr
I. F. & H. yu Singer Sewing
Done at Short Ilotico.
In stock
Oil UK ON.
Prices is my Motto.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Plate! Ware anil Optical Goods.
All Work
l DrtluMti
'alsuaiMowiia '
br aaeliulr. O O O O il O Q
Jeweler.), wtth a
Awta (teadln. .
eiu waaawf.
roa Tf..
Machines & Machine Supplies.
Coal in California recently solJ nt
$25 per ton, and btrawberrits in New
York at $7.50 a quart.
Thb United Slates produces $233,
443,356 of cotton and cotton-seed oil ;
British India, $83,121,980, and Egypt
gives $43,805,4(30 for ex pott.
The details of a gigantic pn-ject for
placing upon the market 55,000,000
acres of land in eleven states of Mexico
have just been published.
Sib Movkll Mackenzie, he physi
cian to the German Crown Prince, has
just refused a fee of $30,000 to risit
a patient in Michigan.
Thb yield of the Drum Lummon
mine, Montana, during the year 1887,
was over $2,000,000. This was the
product of 75,000 tons of ore.
Johh T. Allen, formerly State
Treasurer, died suddenly at his home
in Texas. He bequeathed hi fortune
of $150,000 to the city of Galveston
for the establishment of an industrial
Thb oil field in McKean county,
Pennsylvania, has since 1875, produced
140,000,000 barrels, or B,9ft4,000,000
gallons of crude petroleum. This hjs
been the richest petroleum field ever
Thb value of live stock in the United
States is $1,279,600,190. Ruosia and
Great Britain each have $80,000000,
Germany, $60,000,000, and Austria
Hungary $35,000,000. In dairy pro
ducts Germany has $83,573,000; the
United States, $50,482,186.
Ovkb 35,100,000 ties were used in
builning new lines of railway during
the year 1887. Anyone who has seen
100,000 ties piled up in one place may
try to conceive the immensity of this
amount of lumber. And an equal
amount was used in replacing old tits.
Add the timber used in bridges and
trestles, and the total goes up to a
figurn enormously higher.
A sew census of Rhode Island shows
that the population of the State u
304,284. Over two-thirds of this num
ber 207,778 are grouped within a
radius of ten miles of the city of Prov
idence. The femalts outnumber the
males by 11,498, and there are still
199 Indiaus in the State, the remnant
of the once powerful Naraganett
Thb most obvious application of
Yolapuk is for international corrts
pondence, especially commercial cor
respondence, which is of the mt
impottance. It will require no argu
ment to convince the business world
that a common language, if easily
learned and once established, will be
sn immense facilitation of commerce.
Prof. Kerckhofls some months ago
estimated the numbea of persons who
have studied Yolapuk at 210,000.
Deleoatb Voobhebs has introduced
a joint resolution in the House, au
thorizing the Secretary of the Treasury
to permit vessels arriving in ballast
and trading in waters of British Col
umbia to anchor off Semiabmoo,
Washington Territory, when awaiting
orders, without either entering or
clearing at the custom house; pro
vided, however, that vessels taking
cargo on board at ports or places in
Puget Sound shall enter and clear at
the port of entry of the district of
Puget Sound, as now required by law.
Thb Interior Department, in ad
justing thtMights of settlers within the
limits of the Coos Bay wagon road
grant, at the request of Represeatative
Hermann, finds that the wagon road
company has selected and received
patents for lands outside of its limits.
The whole area of the grant is 99,819
acres. There has been patented to
the company 104,009 acres, and there
remains within the primary or granted
limits of the road 6,166 acres vacant
and subject to selection, making 110,
178 acres, or an apparent excess of
10,357 acres over the grant.
Thb highest mountain in America
must now be changed from Mount St.
Elias to Mount Wrangle, a little to the
north. Several of these mountains
have been newly measured. Mount
Hood, once "roughly" estimated at
15,000, then "closely" at 16,000, was
brought down by triangulation to
13,000; an aneroid barometer made
it 12,000, and a mercurial barometer
11,255. Mount St. Elian, estimated
by d'Egelot to be 12,672 feet, is trian
gulated by Mr. Baker to 13,500. It
now appears that Mount Wrangle,
lying to the north, rises 18,400 feet
above Copper river, which is in turu
2,000 feet above the sea at that point.
If this holds true Mount Wrangle is
at least 1,000 feet higher than any
other peak in North America. It li s
within the United States boundary.
A story Is ' told of the' late Rev.
William Drury, vicar of Braddan, Isle
of Man. to the effect that he was once
on the rocks with a picnie party, when
a sea bird known as a 'diver" was
seen on the water some little distance
from the shore. The vicar, who was
then about sixty years of age, said,
'Watch me catch that bird," and iu a
moment, without taking off any of his
clothes, he rushed to the edge of the
rocks and made a quick dive into tlte
water. The bird dived too, but the
vicar caught It under the water and
brought It ashore alive to the party.
Everything of General Interest In a
Condensed Form.
Glanders prevails anion e the horses
at Tula lake.
Ninetv-onn marrino-pa 1viV nlaM in
Jackson county during 1887.
A EOOd minv rwarh trm-a in TTms.
tilla county were killed by the cold
Luke countv will nav 7 R70 81 at at
- rf X J T -
taxes this vear. more than houttln that
of 1887, siys an exchange.
It 18 Said the OakLind romrmnv
owners of the Salmon creek mines,
will emolov while labor exclusively
The fruit growers about Milton sav
that the recent cld snap will certainly
prove fatal to the peach crop and pos
sibly other fruits.
Congressman Hermann has notified
CapL Gray, of Astoria, that $5,000 has
been appropriated for repairing the
cable between Astoria and Fort Canby.
Percy Olmsted, son of Judge Olm
sted, of Baker City, has been tendered
a cadetship in the United States naval
academy at Annapolis.
Herman Kosmeter. of Woodhurn.
killed an eagl that measured eight
feet across the wine. It was an Am
erican or gray eagle.
Georee Lakin committed aniridn at
the town of Milwaukie, by catting hisj
throat during a fit of temporary in
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the stockholders of the Cas
cade G"ld and Silver Mining Com
lany. The capital stock is $1,000,000.
The different mines of Prairie City
mining district, Baker county, are
developing into exceedingly rich ore
bodies and the coming summer will
note great activity in that camp.
Judge Deady recently sentenced an
Indian to six months' imprisonment
for horse stealing. In the absence of
an interpreter the Judge delivered the
sentence in Chiuook, but it was en
tered on the records in English.
When the ice in the Willamette
river broke up, many logs were car
ried out to the ocean. Following is
a partial list of the lo-ers : Gov. Pen
noyer, $20,000; WeHler, $15,000;
Smith Bros. fe Co., $3,000; Jones fc
Co., $3,000; Hogue, $1,000.
The bridge across the river at Pen
dleton coll ape ed and several persons
were seriously injured. The disaster
was caused by a large band of cattle
crossing the structure. Six of the
animals were killed and a number in
jured. The bridge- cost $6,000 and is
almost a total loss.
A contract for building a new five-
story flouring mill at Milton has been
let to an Eastern contractor. Lumber
has been purchased and work com
mence!. These mills and a large
foundry on the same acre of ground,
ill cost $30,000. The powrr will
c-me from the Walla Walla river by
r ice and Hume.
Vm. Hawser, of Harney City, Grant
county, while hauling a load of hay
from the wand was frozen to death.
It seems that the young man had
stopped at a log cabin some distance
from the ro&d and his team went on
home. Search was made for the
missing boy, but it was nearly a wetk
before his lifeless body was found in
the cabin, his faithful dog still there
watching his master's remains.
The total number of commitments
during the year 1887 to the insane
asylum from Multnomah county was
65. Of these forty three are males
and twenty-two are f finales. The av
erage per month is a little over five.
During the first six months the num
ber of unfortunates was thirty-eight.
and during the hut half year twenty
seven, showing a decrease of eleven.
Their average age is about 33 years.
The inquest over the body of Au-
rilla Straight, the young woman who
was found drowned in Mill Creek, at
Salem, was held by Justice O'Donald,
acting coroner, and a jury of six. A
number of witnesses were examined,
but the testimony of all threw no new
light on the mystery surrounding the
young woman's death, except tint it
was evident that she deliberately com
mitted suicide for some unknown
reas n. The jury returned a verdict
that deceased had taken her own life
by throwing herself in the creek while
temporarily insane. The guardian
and relatives of Miss Straight were
notified of her death.
Tltomas S. Wilkes, in a communica
tion to the Orrgonian, says : My grand
parents are, I beliee, the oldest couple
on the Pacific Coast. Thev live at
Greenville, Washington county. Pey
ton Wilkrs was born in 1791, and so
will be 97 years old next May. He ia
one of the few pensioners of the war
of 1812. His wife, Anna Wilkes, is 91
years old, and they were married in
1815 (in June, I think). They came
the plains across in 1845, and settled
in Washington county in 1846. They
were both, born in Bed fold county,
Virgftm, eame to Indiana about 1820,
and to Missouri in 1839. So in fol
lowing the Star of Empire they, kept
ahead oi the iron horse until he over
took them at the "jumping off place."
They have three sons living, twenty
seven grandchildren, forty-one great
grandchildren and eight great-great
grandchildren living. Grandfather is
one of the boys yet ; at least be calls
my father the old man, and bids fair
to reach a Hundred, and l will say
that if they live to celebrate their
diamond wedding the old pioneers of
Oregon shall bo invited, and we will
make them welcome at the old home
stead If there is an older pioneer in
Oregon or an older couple in the Uni
ted States we should like to hear from
them. - .
Guest (at country tavern) "Have
yon any cheese, landlord"" Landlord
"Not a hit in the house, sir." Guest
"Not even a little piece?" Landlord
"By cum, there is. come to think!
Pete ran down cellar and fetch up that
rat-trap." Detroit Free Press.
Father "Ain't vou .troinsr . to
work?" Lazv son "Guess not" "J
don't understand how anybody can
loaf such weather as this. Why, it is n
real pleasure to work now." "I know
it, but I don't want to give myself uj
Uto much to mere enjoyment" Texa
Blf lings. .... .
new m RrfToI.tloni.rj- Hero Was Harfly
ftart toy Hla Hob.
Among the revolutionary stories
which are traditional in the old Polk
family of North Carolina is one which
will be new to our readers, and which
proves that the boy of 76 did not differ
very greatly from the boy of to-day.
The chief of thn family in that day
was Colonel John Polk, who from the
first outbreak took an active part in the
revolution. Ho formed a small com
pany arilong Jie neighboring planters,
and with them attacked and routed the
largo body of Tory troops under Sir
William Campbell, the last British
Governor of North Carolina. He
served nftorwards in every campaign
until the surrender of Corn wall is. when
he returned to his family with the rank
of General.
. Hi; had four mischievous sons, the
oldest of whom was about sixteen. He
fell Into the habit of incessantly telling
them alxiut lite dangers he had seen.
prompted to do so by a little pardona
ble vanity and no doubt, by the
desire to stimulate the courage of the
boys. As time wore on, the boys were
bored by the many-times-told tales,
and one day Charles, the eldest, re
marked: "I snppose a man's courage
depends on his arms."
"Not at all. sir!" replied the Gen-
end. "I would meet a foe as coollv
without a sword or gun as with them,
and so would any bra fa; man."
Ch:trles made no answer. Thateven
ug. his father was returning from a
neighboring plantation through a dark
lane, when a masked and cloaked figure
leaped out from the hedge and grappled
with him.
"Your money! Your watch!" he de
manded, fiercely.
The General felt for his pistoL He
had left it at home. Ho struggled, but
the robber held him as in a vise. Sud
denly he felt the touch of cold steel to
his forehead. For the first time in his
life, a chill of fear crept over him. He
was helpless In the crip of the thief.
To end here, like a dog, done to death
on Jhe highway!
Shall I shoot?" demanded the hlgh-
No. no, no! Here here!" pulling
out his purse and watch, a heavy gold
one. an heirloom in the family.
hen he reached home he found'the
1mvs gathered around the fire and told
his story amid great excitement.
'How many robbers were there r
asked Charles.
'I am ashamed to say there was but
one. But I acknowledge that I was
badly scared. The fellow had the grip
of a giant and there was a murderous
gleam in Ids eye
"O. father! father!" exclaimed
Charles handing him the purse and
watch amid shouts of laughter.
"lou dog! 'said the General, joining
in the lauzh. 'But remember. I was
nn armed and you pointed a loaded
pistol at my head."
"Nothing worse than this," produc
ing his mother's steel candlestick.
General Polk, who enjoyed a joke.
was the first to tell the story on himself
in the neighborhood, but he always re
minded his hearers that courage de
pended largely on circumstances, and
that there was a legend that Ctesar had
been frightened by a rat in the dark.
In fact, the General's part in the affair
is to lte commended; while nothing can
be said in defense of the young man's
joke. Touth's Companion. - -
How Soma of Oar Winter DcUeaelea Are
M anaractared.
A gentleman happened to be in con
versation with a man who makes rasp
berry jam on a large scale, and
asked him where the raspberries
were raised that he made his pro
duct of. The gentleman was in a posi
tion to warrant the confidence of the
manfacturer and the latter told him
"Y hv, we don t use any raspberries
at all."
"Do yon mean to say that you make
raspberry jam without any raspber
ries?" "Certainly."
"What's the process?"
"Why, we boil tomatoes, and then
strain the product to get the seeds oat.
Tomato seeds are quite too big to look
like raspberry seeds, and, besides, are
not shaped like them. Then we add
about an equal quantity of glucose, and
mix in a little prepared raspberry fla
vor that we may buy from the chemists,
and also a quantity of hay seed. The
hay soeds look very much like rasp
berry seeds, and are besides very much
more nutrition than the raspberry
seeds nnd eonstitute a positive merit
in jam. With a little further prepara
tion our raspberry jam, made out of
tomatoes and glucose, is ready for the
market" Boston Transcript
oseph Hoffman, the infantile pi
anist, rules the whole family, as prodi
gies are very apt to do.. Happening to
tike a meal on an ocean steamer be
fore he started, ho refused to cross on
that vessel becanse the cooking did not
suit him, and his father had to have
the baggage carried hack to the pier.
Ex-Secretary Manning lives a very
quiet life. He is constantly nnder a
physician's care. The latter will not
permit him to walk any great distance
or climb a single flight of stairs. Mr.
Manning has, therefore, had an ele
vator placed In his new home on Fifth
avenue. He always rides in his car
riage to and from his office.
Women who can play the fiddle
are all the rage in' Boston. The Hub
folks now frown on the banjo, and the
squeak of the catgut is heard in the
land. Among the really good players
are Miss Belle Botsford, who has had
five years of training in Paris, and Miss
Nettie Carpenter, whose bowing is par
ticularly good. N. 1. Sun.
There are "about 150 Washoe In
dians atTruckee, Cal., who prove that
some Indians will work. The bucks
chop wood nnd do work of that sort,
and the squaws wash and iron. Ono
objection to them s servants is said to
be their extreme sensitiveness. Tell
an Indian to cut your wood and he'll
turn disdainfully away. Impart to
him, in a casual war, that you have
wood to cut, and wonder who'll do it
at such a price, and the noble red man
will, with the air of conferring a favor.
miimate that he wilL and he does.
A Xiaw York Kanortar HaI WltloU Is
Bnttar Thau a Not. -Book.
Ho said:
"It is wrth while to pause a mo
ment to consider the principle in
volved. It is as much the duty as it is
the right of Congress to make provls
rn for the commerce of the country
1 1 navigable waters, to construct
lighthouses, to dredge riven and do
Uiat which is dne for the promotion of
the general welfare."
"I beg yor pardon,1 was the reply,
"and I think I oaght to know."
"Why should yon know any better
tli an I do?" returned the first Speaker,
I have my stenographic notes of
die lecture in my hands. You didn't
-ouch pencil to paper during the en
Sire evening."
Two reporters employed, on rival
Biorning papers were returning to
their offices from a lecture in an up
town halt During their journey on
Hie elevated train a dispute arose con
cerning a certain passage which the
ij eaker had nsed.
. "That may all be true, answered
Jte first disputant "but I would rather
rust my memory than your notes. You
lon't know what was said withont re-
l-rrine to them. You don't keep a-iy
Srack of the subject in yonr mind. Yon
irorked mechanically over your note
Vok. while I recollect every word he
"Prove it"
I wilL Open yonr note-book.
The skeptical reporter did so.
Now follow me closely."
To the tmnsement of the former, the
tan with a memory repeated page
titer page verbatim, not only the lan
guage but with the proper emphasis of
tho lecturer.
-Old I know how you did It" ex
claimed the note-taker. "You have
beard the speech before and committed
It to memory."
T never saw him before to-niffhf.
snd I never heard him read a word of
the lecture before I went to the halL"
Then how did yon do itr
I simply remembered it"
O i! You've been taking a course
at one of the memory schools?"
'Yes, it was a memory school, but
not one of the kind you refer to. and
the course of study was the most pain
ful t can possibly imagine." .
What was the school?"
The sctool of bitter experience. I
was blind the first twenty-two years
of my life stone blind. Daring that
time I had to make my memory dj
tervice, not only for my memorandum
pad., bnt for my text-books as welL I
had a naturally quick memory, and
ibis constant straining so developed it
that I can easily recollect a whole con
versation verbatim without a single
note. I can't recollect what I read so
well nnlesS I read it out loud, as I was
taught to remember through my ears.'
-Do all blind men rememb r so
"No, not alL B it memory Is one of
the faculties which natura gives to
supply the sense of seeing, and blind
men. as a rule, remember far more
easily than those who are gifted with
all iheir faeulties. WelL here we are.
and next time you may aeeept my ree
rleclipn without, asljtng for proofs."
A SasaretslBa; Kxanxf aatlosi Wssless
Forth a Hsatlf Weleoaao.
A horseman dismounted before a
lonely dugout in Missouri, and con
fronting the proprietor of the place
asked for accommodations for the
night The farmer surveyed him crit- !
ically and said:
"Air vou selling a cure for hog
"No, sir; Tm selling nothing.'
Is that so? Well, p'r'aps ye mout
roost in the barn ef that's so. But say.
stranger, yer not takin ary subscrip
tions for the 'Life of Grant air yer
'No, sir."
"U that's the case I mout let ye bunk
on the floor of my dngout But yer not
sellin ary new-fangled oats, air ye.
that'll peri nee four bushels to one of
ary other kind?"
"I have nothing to do with oats, I
assure you.
"Wal, this beats all! m hef to try
an rig up a cot fer ye to sleep on, an
I guess I'll find room fer yer hose in
the cattle shed. But see hyar, stranger.
I want a sqnar deal. Ye won t spring
ary patent revolving churn on us ef we
treat ye right will ye?"
"I don't know a churn from a water-
"Now, this is sing'lar. Ye seem to
be a white man, an' I guess Til chuck
ye in the spar room -n' put yer hosa in
the barn. . But I want ye to look me
squar in the eye an say that ye haven't
ary condition "powders to sell; ye don't
want to flash out ary stove polish, er
French blackin', er harness ile. Do ye
Certainly I do. I'm not an agent
for any sort of a trap. In fact I'm ont
here trying to find and arrest a rascally
dealer in mowing machines who swin
dled a lot of farmers in our neighbor
hood." "Stranger, ye'll sleep In my bed ter
night an' me an'the ole woroan'U bunk
on the floor. Go in an tell her to flash
up the best grub she hea while I curry
an feed yer boss." Nebraska State
An Unpardonable Break.
"Mrs. Snyderly, my wife wanted me
to drop in and ask if you would kindly
loan her some reading matter?"
i "Why certainly; I have a perfeet li
brary of books she can have. .By the
way, Mr. Seacook, now that you're
here, I'd like you to see the baby it's
such a little beauty." -
"Oh, never mind; all babies look the
same to me." -
"They do? Come to think, I do not
believe there's a book in the house that
my husband would permit me to lend."
Chicago Time.
Meant What He Said.
"Didn't you say that the defendant
Donovan was a hard-working man?
asked the lawyer of a Hibernian wit
"Oi did, sorr."
"You know that to be the case?"
"Oi do, sorr. I know any number av
work in' men. and Patsy Donovan to
be-the harruqest wan av Uto lot"--
Two Bundle That Ware WoBderfolijr Bofll
and Looked Queer.
"It does not take much experience
to guess when a woman is trying to
smuggle goods past us," said Mrs.
Morgan, one of the women inspectors.
"If they try to look unconcerned fbey
overdo it but generally they are per
sons who have been to Europe ou like
missions before, and their nervousness
gives them away, to use rather a
slangy expression; They found more
trouble in getting their goods through
last spring than ever before, but
thought they would try some new de
vice and were nervous about it The
lady whom I have particularly in my
mind brought only about half a dozen
trunks, the contents of most of which
were duly declared, but in one were
articles of a description that could
have been omitted from declaration
only by design, and then I looked her
straight in the eyes. She colored, and
as I ran mj eyes over her, I suppose,
with rather a stern expression, she
fairly collapsed. I noticed how badly
her bustle sat and how singularly her
skirts draped. When my eyes met
hers again she knew she was detected,
and followed me to a stateroom with
out remonstrance. I told her she must
be searched, and she disrobed."
"Withont protest?" was asked.
"WelL hardly." said Mrs. Morgan,
with a smile. "She first said that it
was worth $20 to let her go. Then,
seeing me grow angry, she said she
would make it $40. When I angrily
told her to disrobe she sat down on a
berth and pretended to get angry he
self, saying: You are trying to make
me give you more. When-1 convinced
her that she must bo searched she sub
mitted, although she was twice as
large as L and one by one the clothes
came off. Her skirts were made heavy
by festoons of lace and trimmings. Her
bustle was home made for the occa
sion. Its substantial part consisted of
g early 20 yards of splendid silk, heav-
iiff embroidered in gold thread. There
jrere several pieces composing this
silk, and between the pieces and in the
folds were 174 yards of lace of various
costly varieties. Thei eame several
boxes of silk dress protectors and
boxes of French hooks and eyes. Some
of the latter had been declared in the
baggage, and these tew boxes had
probably been left out by mistake, A
big mistake it was, for they furnished
the weight which turned the bustle
awry and led to the discovery. The
whole arrangement weighed about 10
pounds, and was worth nearly $1,009
dutiable value. The young woman
said she was a milliner, and had been
bringing in goods every trip without
difficulty. Her complaints against luck
were ludicrous, bnt it did make a cost
ly trip for her, for the intent to smug
gle was so patent that the goods will
surely be forfeited. " '
t.Y'H . 1 1 V. . 1 xl T j .
i u icu iuu awai a uuaue imuuiv.
said Miss McQuesney. "It was two
beautifully polished and mounted
horns, and inside of each of them were
fourteen cigars, which must have been
the best for each was wrapped in sil
ver foiL I suspected it becanse the
bnstle did not fit set straight yoa
know and when I touched it I knew
it was crooked. V
Several other inspectresses added to
the experiences. One had found a five
dollar bill on the top of a tray, which
was placed there evidently as a bribe.
It however, led only to stricter search
than might otherwise have been made,
and dutiable goods nndedared. were
found hidden in stockings, between
dress folds .and like sir places. The
other day a lady came ashore in two
stiff-looking skirts, which on search
were found to be curtains. Another
displayed a dress which she said she
had worn; but when each of the front
breadths was found to be composed of
half a dozen pieces of silk, the whole
basted together, it was thought worth
seizing. Duchesse point lace, lace col
larettes, kid gloves, dress shields and
like articles are found by the dozens
hidden away where the possessors hope
they may be overlooked. I Some may
be. bnt enough are found to give a
warning to those like disposed that it is
going to be very difficult to get dutia
ble goods past the lynx-eyed inspect
resses. N. T. Telegram. ;
Pine Needle Powder.
A powder of pine needles is now
prepared in Germany, and is becoming
popular for use in baths, A half-ponnd
or a pound of the powder is allowed to
digest in lukewarm water for a few
minntes, when the bath is ready. The
principles extracted act npon ' the kin
as a tonic and antispectie, and ttie
baths are prescribed for rheumatic
complaints, gout certain skin diseases,
and for invigorating the system gen
erally. The powder is also nsed for
fumigations in chest affections, etc.,
"or as an antiseptic a little may be
placed on a hot shovel and carried
about the room. Arkansaw Traveler.
Doors Made of Paper.
Feel the weight of this door." said
a New York builder to a reporter who
was looking at an unfinished apart
ment house np-town. The reporter
prepared to lift what seemed a polish
ed mahogany door, but it proved too
light for any wood. "It is made of
paper," ssid the builder,, "and, while
it costs about the same as wood, ia
much better, because there is no shrink
ing, swelling, cracking or warping. It
is composed of two thick paper
boards, stamped and molded into pan
els and glued together with glue and
potash, and then rolled through' heavy
rollers. It is first covered with a water
proof coating, then painted, and var
nished and hung in the ordinary way.
Few persons can detect that they at
not m .da of wood, particularly when
used as sliding doors." Stoves and
Hardware. '
A writer In the Kpock ,hinks Eng
lish girls are superior to the American
girls in the knowledge of housekeep
ing. The daughters of farmers are ex
cepted, and the remark is applied to
the children of mercantile ami profes
sional men. In England girls are
trained to relieve their mothers of many
of the duties of housekeeping. Board
inghouse life interferes with this im
portant matter in this country.