The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 20, 1888, Image 2

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    Th? Lebanon Express.
,i . it T )- -i; t . i:. iirt 1 to !
inferring to an item In the Orrgon
t, about the unprecedented deinnnd
for fruit trees, and the penemr feeling
among Oregon fanners that It paid let
ter to more fruit and less wheat,
n well known Portland gentlenan re
lated to a reporter a conversation he
had with Setintor Stanford on the oc
casion of his visit to Portland, in which
the question of orcharding and fruit
shipment eame up. Senator Stanford
has done much personalty in advanc
ing that industry in California and the
Southern Pacific Company lias fostered
it by favorable rates to the East, The
Oregonktn1 informant was certain
that Senator Stanford could have no
objection to publicity of the conversa
tion and as what was altl was as perti
nent to Orcjron as California, he has
no hesitancy in repeating it.
The great trouble in California, Sen
ator Stauford said, has been a lack of
co-operation among fruit growers and
the uneven quantities offered for ship
ment. It was a feast or a famine. Of
tentimes the fruit reached Chicago and
2Cew York on a glutted market and it
was next to impossible to sell it at any
price. Often there was an over-supply
of one kind of fruit and the markets
were bare of what was in demand. It
was no rare occurence for more fruit to
seek transportation than the company
could handle followed by entire ab
sence of offerings. Finally the fruit
growers formed an association and
agreed upon concerted ac tion as to fruit
shipments. They desired very much
to be able to ship fruit every day. A
conference was had between the fruit
growers' committee and the rahway
officers, which resulted in the South
ern Pacific agreeing to send a fruit
train every day on passenger time, pro-
vHed at least ten carloads were offered
This summer a train has been dispatch
ed everv day, and as the varieties of
fruit which California produces in great
abundance were nearly a failure east.
the products of the Golden state have
met with ready sale and have com
nianded an unusually high priee
throuphout the season. . Hviwe the
fruit harvest in iSaliforoia was very
rich. It was an exceptionally profita
ble year.
But this fortunate ttate of affairs
cannot be expected one year out of
t wenty. With an abundant harvest at
the east, only the choicest California
fruits are wanted, and the priee must
be reasonable, else the eastern people
will buy the inferior eastern fruit at a
lower price. Hence, Senator Stauford
advised all horticulturists to be prepar-
.wi iw,:. l.
tw ui j ujcrii null ,j .-, uiai 13
to say, the product in excess of the de
mand from local canneries.
He further advised the fruit growers
to engage a first-class man to act as
eastern agent and correspondent, with
headquarters at Chicago. It should be
his duty to learn the state of the mark
et in every western city and during the
peason keep tlie Californians advised by
tell them the actual supply at every
considerable market anl the prospec
tive supply for the coming week
end thus in a great measure, prevei t
coast shipments from being unloaded
on a glutted market. For instance
IJartlett jears might be in demand in
Kansas City and St. Louis and not in
Chicago or Pittsburg. Grapes might
find a ready sale in Clevelana but not
in Cincinnati, and so pn through all
the varieties.
As trains run every day
about on passenger schedule, the agent
would know almost to an hour of every !
arrival of fruit. Ht could do still more. !
Suppose while the fruit was in transit, j
the state of the market should change.
The agent would have time to advise
the shipper by telegram and could or
der the shipment changed from its
original destination to some other place
where it w ould be more likely to meet
a more favorable market. In this way
shipments which, if not diverted,
would prove disastrous, might be turn
ed to profit, or at least to making the
shipper whole. In case all the eastern
markets were fully supplied, the fruit
growers would know it and then could
dispose of their ripe product to local
canneries, or dry it at their option.
The cost of sustaining the Chicago
agency would be trifling as compared
with the heneficial rpsnltH.
fenaior pranrora was impeiieti to
speak freely to the Oregonian' inform
ant, because he had noticed that the
farmers of Rogue river valley were in
creasing their orchards largely, and he
had learned that young trees haI been
planted by the thousands in the Ump
qua and Willamette valleys. ' Oregon
might not for some years raise enough
fruit to load a train a day, but he be
lieves even now that one train a week
could be made up. In one respect Ore
gon was better off for markets than
California. AVe have Montana and
the cold belt along the line of the
Northern Pacific as far as St. Paul to
supply, and no coast competition for
that territory. East of the Missouri
river Oregon was on equal footing with
California. He urges co-operation
among the fruit growers of this state,
and the establishment of canneries,'
which should also put up vegetables.
He thought it might be advisable for
Oregon fruit growers to send an agent
to Chicago next year to keep them ad
vised as to the state of the niarkt.
Grandma" Garfield, as President
Garfield's mcther is called by those
who know her, is ill at the old home
tead at Menter. It is said the very
aged, noble old lady realizing that she
is nearing the confines of the tomb,
says she wants to see "Jimmy," as she
terms her illustrions dead son. Tliere
j something pathetic in this desire.
and ll aiSO UIUHS mc uwir, wuwuuii i
faith of a mother and son who lived I
eonsistent to the teachings of the old'
family Kiwe trom wnicn james a. uar-
field w as eounseien on ins triumpnant
march from obscurity to the presidency
of one of the foremost colleges of theiin sulnmer under "arbors"-of fish-net-!
country, and on through the many i ting or galvanized wire, knowing by
inflicts of war and civil strus-glfs to expe,.ien 10w the moving shawdows? '.
the highest honor in the sift of the peo- of the twine or wire lower the temper-'
jle ff our nation.- ;atuie. - ,
The good old American fashion of
making New Year's calls is still preva
lent as ever in the Capital City, w hlle
it Is being abandoned gradually In most
of the other large cities of the country;
it will probably remain for Washington
to preserve this time-honored custom,
as the fact that the President of the
United States sets the example will al
ways make New Year's calling both
fashionable and popular In this city.
This year was ushered in by the usual
grand reception dignatariesand private
citizens by the head of the nation, and
many there were who regarded the af
fair as a hilarious occasion, not observ
ing the propriet les of dress and decorum
that usually characterize Presidential
receptions at this season.
The only unfinished business now be
fore the Senate isthe Blair Educational
Bill, and Senator Blair, who Is the
champion of the measure, will persist
in claiming the attention of the Senate
for his pet scheme until it is pressed to
passage. Itjs known that the bill will
be opposed both in the Senate and
House, and debates of considerable
length are antlcapated. " Senator Rea
gan will speak in the negative his op
position being based upon constitution
al objections. The constituents of
Southern members are bringing much
influence to bear in favor of the mea
sure, and other sections of the country
are using efforts in the same direction;
there seems little reason to doubt the
passage of the bill, though the pros
pect is that the President will veto it
on account of its paternal and central
izing character.
President Cleveland and Secretary
Lamar are exerting themselves, for the
passage of a bill, drawn by the latter,
to appoint a coiumision of three mili
tary officers and two civilians to treat
with the Indians for the purpose of get
ting them more compactly settled
moving the tribes to the eastern portion
of the Indian Territory with the ob
ject of opening twenty-one million
acres of lantl in the western part of the
Territory to the settlement of immi
grants. To this it Is proposed to annex
"Xo Man's Land," covering three mil
lion acres, and thus constitute a new
Territory about the size of the state of
Ohio. This is virtually a revival of the
project of forming the Territory of Ok
lahoma, which has been agitated a long
time, but there does not appear to be
much prospect of its sucks.
It? is probable that the Territories of
Dakota, Washington, and Montai a
will be admitted as States during the
present session of Congress, but that
they will not be permitted to have a
voice in the next Presidential election.
Mr. Seney, of Ohi, will re-introduce
into the House, a bankruptcy bill,
which has the merit of being the sim
plest solution of the vexed problem yet
proposed; it provides that, while a
debtor makes an assignment in trust
in favor of his creditors, turning over j
all his nronertv without reserve, hpraii !
apply to a United States Court for a re
lease which shall le granted, after it is
shown that he lias made an assignment
in good faith; after which the settle
ment is to lie made in the courts of the
State. It is hoped that some such bill
will pass, for a national bankrupt law
has long been one of the great needs of
the country.
A case of such national importance
that it has been advanced on the dock
et of the Supreme Court of the Unitt-d
States, o as to le heard on the 9th inst.,
is the noted boycott trial of a number
of the Knight of Labor In this city,
in which the lower court decided that
a boycott is a common conspiracy, and
mat tne orremung person is subject to
I and imprisonment
It can te seen
prem vjart wi either etrengthen or
totally destroy the ereat oreanization
j known as the Knights of Iabor; hence
the wide interest felt in the ease.
. At the Ontario Agricultural College
an experiment with peas showed that
it required 35 ounds more of cooked
than uncooked to make 100 pounds of
pork, live weight.
Farmers of Minnesota and Dakota
will probably buy less pork this winter
than ever before. The cause is not less
cash, but more hogs.
The Dixie Farmer tells of a girl, fif
teen years old, who planted 17 rows of
strawberries, 60 feet long, from which
she sold $48 worth of berries.
Tests made at the Xew York Experi
ment Station confirm the results of
similar tests at the Ohio Station, in
showing that the planting of whole
potatoes is followed by the largest crop.
Horse-radish is grown from sets of
the old root, on ridges three and one
half feet apart; as a second crop by
planting the sides of the ridges with
early beets or spinach.
dose off those draughts of wind that
the horses and cattle appreciated in the
summer. If the cracks remain much
longer uncovered, they are likely to
bring pneumonia to the horse warm
from his exercise.
Farmers can get one valuable pointer
from "plow joekies;" they are always
careful to have a sharp plow when
showing up either good work or light
draft. Moral, always keep your plow
Progressive agriculture doesn't mean
progressing from fifty to one hundred
acres, Init rather a progression in the
other direction, by the practice of meth
ods which will make fifty acres have
the productive power of one hundred.
The potato buyers of Tioga and ad
joining counties in New York hae
combined to demand 62 rounds of po
tatoes for a bushel, and the granges
are passing able resolutions and taking
measures to resist the imposition.
A mixture of half a bushel of lime,
a half pound of copperas and one pound
of cheap glue has lieen found effectual
as a paint app'ied to the stems of young
fruit trees to repel rabbits in winter.
Slake the lime and when it cools add
the coperas, glue and sufficient water
to make of propor consistency. Apply
witn a urusn.
Mr. Thomas Meehan, the Philadel
phia botanisst, concludes that the use
j of the gpincB ju the cactus is to break
; the full oTCf of the 6Un on the leaves,
piant-flowers set out their treasures
For many years I have been a firm
believer In the truth of palmistry, but ;
I recently made an experiment which
has shaken my faith In the art of hand
reading, In a measure. For the benefit
of the public I have kindly eoneented
to relate my exiwrlenee so that the
matter mav be satisfactorily explained
if such a thing be possible. There are
a few contradictious in the result my
experiment brought out, which I am
somehow unable to reconcile. I will
therefore give my readers an opportun
ity to see what they can do to restore
the lost harmony.
A few days ago, after attending
a lecture iiHn hand rending, by Prof.
A. Stork Edward, the famous British
savant, at rickering hall, I bought a
book containing a key to a! I the lines
of the hand," defining thein and de
scribing their significance for weal cr
for foe. I then made an exact chart of
the lines of my hand, showing the pre
cise location of each lump on my palm,
and all the other distinguishing char
acteristics of its surface. Then I con
sultcd the book, with the following ex
traordinary result:
I am nervous ami sensitive.
I have a phlegmatic temperament,
and my feelings can never be hurt.
I shall live to lie nlnetv-seven years
of age, six months and five days.
I shall die liefore I am forty from
cholera Infantum.
I shall marry a rich woman when I
am tweuty-one.
I shall be the mother of twins.
My husband will have red hair and
a wooden arm. He will not be rich,
but my eldest daughter will marry a
rich Italian nobleman.
1 snail never tie a parent but my
wife will be a widow with eight father
less children.
I shall never marry, bat my second
cousin James will ro out west and be
a Mormon.
I have no second cousin James, but
if I persevere in living, I may have
one before I die.
I am best fitted for the ministry or
for bank bunding, and will make a
great success at either.
I am very talkative, but as I never
say anything of Importance I need not
worry about this sj-mpton.
I shall never be president of the
United States, but the czar has it in
his mind to make me prince of Bul
garia. I had better not accept the posi
tion, though. Itecause the trident on
the mount of Jupiter warns me that
would suffer from cold feet if I ever be
came prince of Bulgaria.
I shall always be rich.
My will will beeontisted ova lawyer
with one glass eye and a sallow com
plexion. I need not worry aliout that,
though, for he wilt not win the case.
I shall die in a poor house ami intes
I shall be drowned in the Arctic
Ocwin while I am traveling there to
see my daughter, who has eloped with
an Esquimaux seal hunter.
This is all.
Do you blame me, eent!e reader, for
being suspicious?
Can you reconcile these contradic
tions? iVefc.
Doubtful States.
"The doubtful States," read Rollo
from the newspaper, ami looking up,
he asked, ''What is a doubtful State,
IapaT' "Your Uncle George was In
one when he came home this 4norn
ing," said a mild voice from the further
corner of the sitting mom, where Hol
lo's Uncle George's sister Was sitting.
"How doubtful?" asked Hollo. " "So
doubtful that he hung his shoes on the
hat rack and piled his coat and vest
neatly under the bed, and went to
sleep in the bathtub with his trousers
on," replied his Uncle George's sister.
"H'm," said Rollo, greatly perplexed,
"and were you also in a doubtful state,
Aunt Matilda?" asked Rollo, respect
fully, for Rollo's Uncle George's sister
was Rollo's aunt, and all the family
regarded her ?s such. "Not a lilt of
it," replied his Aunt Matilda, w ith the
air of a woman who had a dead sure
thing of it and knew it, "Not a bit
doubtful was I." And indeed she look
ed It, as Rollo's Uncle George, with a
heavy groan, walked to the window,
and, lookinir out upon the dark and
cheerless night, drummed with
nervous fingers a fitful tune upon
pane. From JiunJette.
Portland, Ok., January 19.
Wheat Quote Vallev. $1 2-U.l 2;
Walla Wall, firm, 1 io On 1 10."
Oats The market is light. Quote
47 f 50c.
Flour Standard brands, ?4 (J 4 'Si
country, S3 7-5 (a 4; brands, superfine,
2 50 ( $3.
Iard-Kegs, or 5 gallon fins, 81c;
pails loib, 8 Vr, 8jc
Rutter Dairy, 32J 0$, JKe per roll;
brine in rolls, 2i) ( 32c; wdid in kegs,
28 r:30e: store butter, 20 , 25c.
j- Poultry Quote cliickens,$2f 3 r0 as
to quality; ducks, 4 ;0 ( 6; turkeys,
10(" 12Jc. JXT pound.
Eggs Scarce. Quote SOc. per dor.;
eastern, 30c per doz.
Provisions Hacon, 10 (S 11c; hams,
12 ("i 13c; shoulders, 6 Oh 7c.
Hides Dry, 12 13c; green, 5 6c;
deer skins, 25 (m 2Hc.
Wool Valley, 10 15c; Eastern
Oregon, 16 O3 18c
Feed Hran, ter ton, $15 (S- 1(1; shorts,
S 17 50 (fi) 1; chopjHMl barley, $24( 2o.
liarley lirewing. per "ctl., $1 10;
ground, per ton, $2- 0 27 50.
Potatoes Market Heavy. Per ctl.,
75 (i 85; sweets sell at 21c ier pound.
Hops No demand. Quote 7(8c.
Fresh Fruit (ood demand. Quote
apples, 75c. (i, SI; pears, 7.5c. VA fl 25;
peaches, SI 00 i. 1 25; tomatoes, 6Je;
Sicily lemons, $7 50; California lemons,
S4 fi 5 per case.
Dried Fruit Sun driinl apples, 8c. ft,
10 per pound; machine dried, 11 fit. 12c;
Plummer evaporated, 12Jc; pears," 11 (V
12$c;sun dried pitlesa plums, I2ic; ma
chine dried, 121c; Italian prunes, 12
Lera von-, Or., January
Wheat rt4e jkt bushel.
Oats lOc per bushel.
Flour $5 50 per barrel
Potatoes 0c75c is r bushel.
Eggs 25c per dozen.
Ilutter 25c per lt.
Lard 9c312Je per lb.
Apples, green 50c per bushel.
Apples, dried 7cloe per lt.
Plums, dried 10eri24c per lb.
. Prunes, dried 10c12e per lb.
Hams 15c per lb.
Shoulders 6c 7c per lb.
Bacon 10cffl2le per lb.
Coal Oil f 1 25 per .5 gallon- can
2 2-5 per cae.
or i
What am I to Do?
The symptoms of Biliousness are un
happily but too well known. They
diner in different individuals to some
extent. A Bilious man is seldom a
breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas,
he has an excellent apietlte for liquids
but none for solids of a morning. His
tongue will Hardly liear Insjiectlon at
any time; if It is not white and fuirid,
it Is rough, at all events.
The ui ires tiro system Is wholly out
of order and Diarrhea or Constipation
may lie a symptom or the t wo may al
ternate. There are often Hemorrhoids
or even loss of blood. There may lie
faddiness and often headache and acidly-
or flatulence and tenderness In the
pit of the stomach. To correct ail this
f not effect a cure try (trrcn't AnguM
towrr. It cost but a trifle and thous
ands attest Its eftteiencj.
warranted, is becansa it is the best
Blood Preparation known. . It will posi
tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the
whole system, and thoroughly builds op the
constitution. Remember, we guarantee it.
. A. Beard, Druggist.
Moorf'l Hair laTlgorator.
This excellent preparation for the
hair, may be found on sale at the fol
lowing places: M. A. Miller, iA-hanon;
Marr A Stanard, O. Osborn and M
Jackson, Brownsville: F. A. Watts,
Shedd; O. Gray, Halsey. Sample bot
tles tree, call and ret one.
4? rkv would enjoy your dinner
VJ VJUVV and ara prevented by Dys
pepsia, use Ackers Uyspepsia Tablets.
They are a poaitire cure for Dyspepsia, Ia-
o ideation, flatulency and Constipation.
Tire eaarante them. 25 aad CO cents.
J. A. JJeard, Druggist.
There Is nothing; so valuable for
throat and lung troubles, and that can
lie takeii without any injury to the
stomach, as "Mother Cary's Gum tree
Cojgh Syrup." Try it and you will
say so too.
J. A. Jteard, agent for liCimnon
IT and reliable Medieine.1 are the best
VJv to depend upon. Acker's Blood El
ixir has been prescribed for years for al 1 im
purities or the Blood, in every xormoiocroi
aloas, Bypbilitlc or Mercnrlal diseases. His
invaluable. or uuenmatism, uas no cquaj.
J. A. Beard, Druggist-
For a irnnd meal, po to the City
taurait AHamy. Meals S cents.
.Mother Carv's fJumtree Cough Syr
up loes not sicken the stomach, or
bind the lowels, safe for a child or an
adult, and will le found the liest prep
aration for a Cough, Cold, Bronchitis,
v lioonin" Couarn or Croup ana any
a flection ot the throat and lungs.
J. A. Beard, agent for Lebanon.
rvvx Mna with an Throat or j
" v Lang Disease. IfyoahaToj
a Congo, or Void, or the cauaren ere
threatened with Crou p or Whooping Cough,
use Acker's English Remedy and prevent
farther trouble. It Is a positive core,
and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 60c
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
Insure your property In a home com
pany the Northwest Fire and Marine
Insurance company, of Portland Ore
on. A. It. Cyrus, agent, Lebanon Or.
SvrAvV always hare
Soother at band. It is the only safe
medicine yet made that will remove all
Infantile disorders. It contains no Opinm
cr Morphine, bat gives the child tintvral
MM from pai. Price 23 cents. Sold by
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
let that cold of vours run on. You
think It is a light thing. Rut it may
run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia.
Or consumption.
Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia
is dangerous. Cousuniptio.t Is death
The breathing aparatus must be kept
healthy and clear of all obstructions
and offensive matter. Otherwise there
ia tfftnlifo ltMwt
All these diseases of these parts,
head, nose, throat, bronchial tuUs and
lungs, can lie delightfully and entirely
cured by the use of Roschee' (tennaii
Sj-run. If jou don't know this al
ready, thousands and thousands of
people can tell you. They have leen
cured hj- It, and "know how it Is them
selves." Rottle only 73 cents. Ask
any druggist.
I do not hetieve th at
Avera Sarsapaiilla
has an equal as a rnrs
for Scrofulous Hu
mor. It is pleasant
to take, gives strength
to the body, and pro
duces a more perma
nent result than any
medicine I ever used.
E. Haines, North
Liudale, Ohio.
I have used Ayer's
Sarsn par ilia, in my
family, for Scrofula,
and know, if it in
taken faithfully it will
thoroughly eradicate
this terrible disrate.
W.F. Fowler, M.U.,
Greenville, Teun.
For forty years I
have Buffered with
Erysipelas. I have
tried various remedies
for my complaint, but
found no relief until
I commenced using
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
After tnkinir ten bot
Canker, and
tles of this medicine I
am completely cured.
M. 0. Araesbury.
Rockport, Me.
I have suffered, frr
yearn, from Catarrh,
which vrta so severe
that it destroyed my
appetite anu weak
ened my system.
After trvinz other
remedies, without re
Can be
cured by
the blood
lief, I began to take
Ayer's Sarsanarilla.
and, in a few months,
was cured. Susan Ix
Cook, 1)09 Albany t.,
Boston, Mans.
Aver's Sarsnnarilla
Is suiicrior to anv
blood purifier that I
ever tried. I hare
taken it for Scrofula,
Canker, and Salt
Klienin, and received
much benefit from it.
It is good, also, for
a weak stomach.
Millie Jane Peiree. 8.
Bradford, Mass. ft
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Preptrad by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Uam.
Price mil six bottles, 5.
Uninrtl, niKl nil I'AlhST JilftAhfi si
(ml(Nl l r.r HOHKK.tTK MK. Our oliiee is
.li!f the I'. S. I'nlciit Itflicu. nml vc enn ol
hi Viil)-!)!" In les limn llinn IIiom- rrmv fruin
.l.HI);rnX. St'H.I NODKK I'UA ll ),V i.r
VIl'tTti uf Invention. W ml vise l iHenl
nliilitr five iiml DiriiiuUAU UlAUUH
IWI.hss I'ATKXT - .".' J iAli.
F'ir elrvnlHr. titlvk'tf. lTtn ntiil Tefrretice to
nettitil I'lieiitM fu tttirii Male. Comity. 'uy or
Ion 11, uutu Ik
Cj'ixmlc i'utcul fWir, Wu'tijlmi, it t
Churchill & Montclth's Col".
Boots. Boots.
$0.50 Mens' Boots for ' $5.25
0.00 " " " 4.75
5.00 " " " 3.75
3.75 " " " 2.75
3.50 " " " 2.50
0.00 " Shoes- " 4.00
5.00 " " " 3.75
4:25 " " " 3.00
3.00 .'. 2.25
2.50 . " " " 1.90
2.25 " " " 1.05
2.00 " ' " 1.25
1.50 .. " " 90
Everything else Goes at a
like Reduction.
-O F-
No Foolishness!
We Offer our Iarge Stock of
GeneraL MerchandisE
This is no Dodge to Ueduce
8tock, but is a
LJwil ill 1 U lj 0.tLL.
shall Retire from Busi
ness as Bixm as our 8t'xk
is sold out.
This is the Onlv
Kver Advertiswl in .Lebanon.
WE willjiot Quote Prices,
but invite you to come in and
be satisfied that you never
had such an opportunity to
Secure Bargains,
Shoes. Shoes.
$5.50 Ladies Shoes $4.35
5.(MJ " " 4.00
4.00 " 3.00
3.50 " . " ' ' 2.80
3.00 " " 2.25
2.50 " 1.87
2.00 " " 1.35
Everything else Goes at
Like Reduction.
Must vacate
Building inside
of Sixty days
Churchill &Monteith.
Andrews & Hackleman's Col.
till nrti ini '
1 IK'S
r-V -V A,f
return our thanks to our cus
tomers for their kind patron
age for the closing year. " We
have had a splendid trade and
appreciate their liberality, and
now at the beginning of the
new rear we herehv obligate
ourselves to give the best val
ue in Dry ioods, Clothing,
Hoots anil Mioes. (tents rnr
nishing Goods. In fact every
thing that belongs to the gen
eral merchandise line that we
possibly can. We
going to stay right here in
licbanon with. the determina
tion to hold the title of the
leaders in the general - mer
chandise business if honest
goods at low prices has any
thing to do with it. We
claim to 1m? authority in say
saying that wo carry the best
line of Gents .Shoes to be seen
in this country. They are the
most extensively advertised
shoes in the United States.
This is saying a good deal but
it is a fact and we are
to stick to it. We allude to
the W. L. Douglas $3.00 shoe,
the W. L. Douglas $4.00 shoe
is a hand sewed welt shoe
eaoual to any $0.00 or $7.00
to Ik? had anv place. The W.
Ii. Douglas ' $2.00 shoe for
boys, we claim that you can
get no better when priee and
tpjality is considered.
command a large trade and
hold it yon must treat people
right, and at the same time
give them goods at ledrock
prices: t h a t i s wh a t we a 1 ways
have done, and will still "con
tinue to do. It is no trouble
'a ierson one bill, but von
j must sell it so vou can sell
in the future. Ye have a
fine line of neck wear, silk
handkerchiefs and everything
pertaining to the fancy
suitable for Christmas pres
ents in stock.
IN "88
we predict a prosperous year.
The signs of the time indicate
it, and we don't .claim to be
better prophets
any one else, either. This is
the last "ad' we are going to
IN 1887,
and avc hope everv erson in
Lebenon and vicinity who
read the Kxpkfss will read it,
if iheydon't take the Expkfss
lorrow their neighbors. Any
way, just so they read our
"ad" from this week. If you
want a boot that will not rip,
tear or
buy the Huckingham & Hecht,
that is the boot we -carry and
trade with them has been im
mense. Now. one word to the
ladies remember every pair
of shoes we sell we always fas
ten on the
sW 'A
. r i
Fresh Goods! Low Prices!
Which we offer to the People of Lebanon and vicinity at the ;
Lowest Living Rates for Cash, Hides Furs, and
all kinds of Farm Produce.
O O 3r 13 X. TV I 13 13 XJ f.
Keebler & Koberts, Lebanon, Or.
General Hardware
Iron, StiH'l and Coal,
Wagon 3IteriiI.
Itoiie and Coi-ilug-o.
IIlllflHlllIlM', fllffliM.
"Vtfon and liug-gic.
If vou visit to purchase a Slim for your Hov or Oit-1 that will ataitd
the wear and tear tf every day u.-ije, t hat is made of honest leather
throughout, and on common-sense ideas, call for
made of Imth Rrisht and and Oil (train, and known everywhere lv the Trude
Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found on the bottom of one of
a eh pair. None genuine without it. Beware of imitations.
Their Women' Curaeoa Kid and Tampieo Ooat Button, la retail at ?i-V.
Tlieir Womens' Hendersm Kkl. French tanned. Button, to retail at 3.0.
The are stitched with Silk, made solid in every particular, and will make your
feet look small and shapely.
OltfiM. . I $ . 3Xoiitnjarno, Xj;bhiion, Oi.
J. A. BEARD, .
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drug -:- and -:- Medicix e
--Paints, Oils and Glass.
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Strcri, IefHtintn, Oregon.
Lumber - for - Everybody.
We now have on the gumml-at Sii fci-, ami are receiv
ing every day; by Oak 'Ioads,
The Celebrated M'Kinzie Lumber.
-Manufactured at .the Coburg Mills. Genuine Mountain
-: Can till Orders for
In fact, we can furnish anything in the Lumber line
Rough or Dressed, that Builders or Contractors desire. Alo
Doors and Windows, at price that have not been
named in Linn countv. Lumber delivered to any point ff
reasonable charge. We sre here to stay and wilf lnakf&S
teresting to our competitors. tvl"-'
- HAMMER BRO-S, S'-ST'"; -
Agrieultual Implemeiits.
Uniltlot-' I Iardwaro
Powder, Nliot, ot.
Oiaiit lowli-.
Saws and Axon.