The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 06, 1888, Image 1

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Ktaty Aaaartpttua ol )
Jot Printing Dons cn SHort Mies, j
Iwvm Tt r.iv.
J. H. STtNB St CO.
Oaa Tw
Si Month , .
Vara Moatha
I rj-aM in Dlniiw)
( IMit.)
Lecal Blanks, Business Cards.
Letter Heads, Bin Beads,
Circulars. Posters, Bo, .
Bssctttad la good aty: u4 at fcvast Brtng frUm.
On aatiara, Srt InwHInn , .tt SO
aaoa addt.ionai uuaruoa. i aw
ImI Itotleaa, par Una IS aanla
NO. 43.
Ravular KdtottMmrnui laapnaa npnn unarai wraw.
tBBABON I.uTWIR. NO. U. A. F A. M : Marl
al tnwr Haw nan in umiM niuoa. oa B.umlnj
awuns, au or uaiura Hi. mil tuooa.
IB BAN ON l.onrtK, NO. IT. I. O. O. r.: Maa Bat.
vu-day aveutnf of ea'h vra. at Odd fallow' Hail,
ettand. i. J. CHARITON. H. a
ONOR W1K1S NO. SS. A O. tr, W , Labanon,
up in w nvnui. r . u. miavn. zbx. n .
ssfOfflce In brick building. ever M. A. Mil-
N jUtry Public and General Insurance Aft.
Collaatfotn and other baalnaaa pruaaatlj attaoaed 1.
(MM an Main atraa.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty
Offlee In W, C. Peterson's jewelry store.
work warranted. Charge rssaoatbl e
Starinc Hair Uuttinr. and Shampoo! a in tfca
tataat and
" Fatroaara ratpaetfullj auUaltL
St. Charles Hotel,
LEBANON, Oregon.
If. W. Oornar Main and Shot-man Btte-aa. tva Bliefca
Kart gftta. lpot
H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Tables Supplied with the Beet the Market
Baata Koaca and tha Brat AaeommodaMou for
Cjauuardai man.
Groceries and Provisions.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Qaeewsware aw fcilassware,
sasapa wad latas rixtare.
Ha I a UU, fcefcaaew, Oregea.
Heat IJarket
Fresh and Salted Beef and
Bacon ni Lar! always on Hani;
Mala Street, Lebanon, Or.
L. fc, J. M. Riun , 3. W. Ccsica.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banking
. Business.
cann's Kept SuVejt to Cheek.
ijtlsf Tort, San Francisco, Portland and
AlBaiy, Oretoa.
Collections Made on Favor
able Terms.
Lebanon, Oregon
Stoyes ana Tiuware,IroB,PnmBS,&c.
.MaNUFAeTUltllit 0P.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
is vis seoijt, isto.
All kinds of Repairing
Alto keep
Tlio -WOVIisIV
Dealer in
Also Doors, Windows and Blinds.
n. A.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils and Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Nxt Door to W. D. Donaca, Lebanon, Oregon.
Groceries and
Confectionery. Crockery, Gloss
and Maple
"Goods at Reasonable
Corner Brick Store,
Gk E.
....DBA ti.Ul IX....
atctcs,-Cloct!, Jewelrr, Silrer Plated fare and Optical Roods.
a o
BDecianv. nvri itf
L F. & H. A. Singer Sewing Machines & Machine Supplies,
Done at Short Notice.
in (took
and Plated Ware, Pure Sugar
Prices," is my Motto.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
and . Jeweler.
AU Work
o o o-o o
CkaM(iia .
aavT roK rmm.
Nkw Yuuk umbrfllas inunt be ex
IwiiBive. A lmly hna ued ti New York
merchant for 920,000 damages because
he accuBcd her of stealing one.
Tub FK rula crop of oranges this
year is estimated at 1,000,000 boxes or
200,000 lens than last year, but a laige
proportion will bo of excellent quality.
From (he lanj nuticea in a Western
Kansas nevopiier it sppt nrs that fully
one-quarter of the publication notices
are of farms taken up by women.
Ill Cambridge, England, butter is
sold by the yard, a pound of butter
being rollel out into a slick a yard
long and auld in sections.
MoitR than half of the area of Maine
is t.orth f the northern line of New
llanipfhire and Veiniont. More than
half of Maine is still an unsettled
Tub cultivation uf the bamboo for
fencing lira begun in California. It
is said that an acre will produce pick
eU enough eaea year to make six
miles of fence.
Among the many practical reforms
needed on the fat m la the abolinhment
of cattle and horse abuse by hired men.
A man who will kick a horse or cow
idiould be dichrged at mic e.
Coi'NTR.Rt kit iMstMl-catda have been
discovered in rittsbttig which are so
shUfull executed that their detection
is very difficult. This is the first at
tempt to put ppurious iHfelal-cards in
Tub Grand Itahhi f India won first
prize at the ltothchild wedding in
Paris rtcently fur the greatest shuw in
diamonds. His exhibit was worn in
hU turban, and was valued at a quar- j
ter of a million. j
-r. ...j:-. j
Iiik Inland of Mjlokai. the IU-i
, , , . ,
waitan reserve for lepers, has received !
2.500 victims of this diteaaa during
the lat fifteen years, and contains a
constant population of 700 to 800
with an annual death rate of 150.
Thk wedth of th:s country ha its
priucipal source in lalmr expended in
agricultural pursuits, patient toil that
never sirmep, never vrganises wiji-uin, i
. . 1 . vj. r . lit. .1 n.i. I '' II.aI laitt). t
no time for mwcievotn devices.
Tub island f Arran, oft" the west
co. Bt of Scotland, is said to be o mil t
that palms and camellia thrive in the
e,en air, wuiiout uj-iry, in wi.aer,
although the latitude is that of the j niateiial is the use of the lately cheap
northern part of Labrador, on the con- .neJ aluminum for dental i late,
Archbishop Hbisb, of Milwaukee,
Bays that of the eight million Roman
Catholics of the United States three
millions are Oeinnn. Of the eleven
Archbishop and sixty Bithops, only
one ArchbUhop, Dr. lleiis himself,
ii'J eleven Bishops are German.
Tub scheme of building a tower for
the Paris Exposition one thousand
feet high is likely to fall through, it
being found impossible to obtain n
chanica and laborers to work at such
a height. It is said that the vibra
tions would involve serious mechani
cal difficulties.
A valuablr relic of the Mound
builders was recently plowed up in a
field near Dadesville, Ala. It has the
body and nebk of a duck or other
water fowl, and the face of a human
being. The image is made of soft,
green stone, and is exquisitely carved.
It has been sold to a Pittsburg col
lector for 250.
Trksidknt Eliot, of Harvard Uni
versity, who haa just returned from an
extended tour to Europe, speaks grati-
fyinglf of the common use of the En
glish language in all the countries
visited by him. lie says that not only
in France, Germany and those coun
tries in which the tide of travel runs
so strong, but in Spain, Austria.Greece,
and even in Northern Africa, he jour
neyed comfortably, using "no language
but English."
According, to A rchdeacon Wright,
leprosy is being spread ail over trie
world by Chinese emigrants. They
have carried it to California, New
Brunswick, the Cape of Good Hope
and the Sandwich lolands, where it
was previously unknown ; and either
ihey have brought' it into Europe
themselves or it has been brought by
Europeans who have been brought in
contact with them. All the specialists
in skin diseaee in Taris are said to
have lepers among their patient, sol
dierp,- sailors, merchants, sisters . of
charity, missionaries and others. Epi
demies of leprosy have broken out in
more than one of the provinces of
Spain, the disease having been brought
home by sailors. There are lepers in
the hospitals of London, Dublin and
Glasgow. ln fact the two points to be
borne in mind are themselves suffi
ciently tuggeetive of grounds of alarm,
the first being that the disease itself
has of late years increased in activity,
and the second that, in more or less
degree, it is to be found all over the
world. Any accidental circumstance
which might develop its virulence
would at once produce a world-wide
epidamio. The train is laid and needs
nly to be fired.
Uenkral (JitKEi.Y dot a net think the
North Tule can be re tched.
It is 250 yeara since the firat Thanks
giving Day was celebrated in thi
country. JKN.fV Lind gave tiiiict)-i1re con
certs in thin country, snd the apgrc
gato receipt were 1712,101 31.
Arri.Es aro so plenty in Norwich,
Conn, tliat a bam I filled with I hem
in worth no more than an empty one.
A rbmabk Ani.K rnuineering feat
has leen sticcearfully accomplished at
Qi kak, India, where the 750 hor
ower of three turbine is transmitted
Hy ropa gearing 730 feet away, the
first 31X) feet being up the face of a
perpendicular tliff.
Thk oldett Conful of the United
H ates in conlinimu service is Mr.
Horatio J. Ppragne, who was
pointed to the f-onsul ite at Gibraltar
in 1810, fuily-one years ago. He
went to be a fixture, but his oftVe in
apparently not a sinecure, for his sal
ary Is otilr fltJO a year.
Tub bodies of two of Dirnnm's
burned elephant, were cremated at
Bridgeport, Conn. In the stomach of
the sacred white elephant was found a
genuine Chinere idol of ivory, eight
inches long and elaborately carved.
It is ar-piKis-ed that the beaat swallowed
it while some of his devout attot.d nits
were worshipping.
Tub cen.-us of live stock in France,
taken by order of the Ficuch Agricul
tur.l Department, i numerates : Cattle
13.104,000, sheep 22G10OUO, swine
5.8SI.O00. horses 2.711,000, goats 1,-
4S3,Of0, mules 2:W,000, ases 3H7,tK)0.
This is an increase in all clasaes cout-
piirot wj,j, jast year. In cattle the in
. . .
crease amounts io i.oos.wju neaa.
A bocibty has leen formed in Mai
seilles to develop the trade in frcsen
GhIi, which are now imported into
France and 8 wit terlaud from various
parts of the Mediterranean aud At
lantic. A machine evaporating sul
phurous acid maintains a temperature
ro, in which, as experience
thown, fish can be kept f i r seven
ithout alteration.
experiments during the pat
y, ar celluloid has proven an x -client
h a'.binii for hiis. in place of corner.
jOTer whiclx it has some advantages.
,, . er new .m,l cation of a valuable
whith are Letter than rubler,
cheaer and stronger than gold.
CtKtoiR effects are known to le
often produced by colors on person
and animals. The sight of an obnox
ious color may induce an attack of
hysterics, nausea or a headache, or it
may cause a violent fit of ill temper.
The offending color is sometimes blue,
sometimes yellow, but oftener red or
scarlet. Scientific attention is being
directed to these phenomena,
Wb are the richest j-eoplo on earth.
In 1880, the Wtalth of the United
States was valued at f 43,642 000,000;
to-day it ia more than f 50,000,000,000.
Great Britain is the richest nation in
the Old World, and our wea'th excee 's
her by $276,000,000. The wonderful
fact about it all is our phenomenal
gain in twenty yrara. In I860, ou
wealth was valued at f 10,100.000,000
Since tint time a million producers
were destroyed by war, and not only
were two great armies withdrawn from
productive pirations, but they de
voted marvelous energy and ingenuity
to the work of discretion. Moreover,
during the same period, slaves, whoe
value was estimated in 1S0O at f 4,250,-
000,000, disapearcd fram the assets of
the nation. But, notwithstanding all
this, our wealth during these twenty
years increased 124,482,000,000. Our
actual increase has been ten billions
more than the entire wealth of Russia,
with its 82,000.000 population. W
could buy the Russian and Turkish
Empires, the Kingdoms of Sweden and
Norway, Dcnn-.a k and Italy, together
with Australia, South Africa and all of
South America lands, mines, cities,
palaces, ships, ro.ks, herds, jewels,
moneys, thrones, scepters, diademe
and all the entire possession of 177,
000,000 peorjle.
His Card: Servant gfirl (to mistress)
"There's a pcntleman at tha door."
Mistress -"Did he give you his name?"
"No, he gave me a kiss." "Oh, that's
my brother Tom. Let him in." Troy
A Montpelier (Vt) girl stepped np
to the post-office delivery window and
began flirting with the clerk when the
postmaster came out with the sugges
tion mat it was not lawiui u trine
with the males.
Quits Another Thing. Young
Lady (to book-store clerk with his
neck tied- up) Have you got the
Newport Aquarelle? Clerk (reassur
ingly) Oh, no, Miss; it s nothing but a
common boil. Harvard Lampoon.
The Best Thin?
"Now, what 1 the beat thing about
Wherein la my sdmirablest charm!"
Then he said, as he placed
His arm 'round her waiBt
The best thing about you I My arm.
Sitter (in position for photograph)
By the way, what do you charge for
photographs? Photographer Nine dol
lars tha half doaon. Now let your eyes
rest naturally on that sign. "Terns
Cash, and look pleasant. -V. i. bun
Devoted Principally to Wath'ngtoo
Territory and California.
At Kifsons, Cat , there ia three foet
o? snow on the ground.
At Tacona, W. T, A. B. Nelson
almohl severed his hand witli an ax.
There are a number of cases of
incatles in II -ise City, Id.ho.
A man named Lifayetle lloeal
jinnpe-il from the passenger train near
D.on, (Jul , and was instantly killed.
William Schick and Hiram Jood
win were thrown out and (I odwin run
over and killed by a runaway team, at
Pomona, Cl.
The rnim rs of the Oomstock now
work ifti hours a day, receiving $4,
the prle formerly paid for an eight
hour t-hift.
VA. Emery, of Emery, Mack A
Wood, sawmill operators, was drowned
at Aberdeen, W. T. He wa aged 20,
and single.
A man named Johnson cut Ells
worth Benson's throat at Atusa, Cd.
Benson first th t at Johnson. Benson
diid from the effects of his wounds.
Kesaiio Arniola, an Italian woman,
was burned to death in her room, at
Han Francisco, by the explosion of a
cohI oil lamp.
There are bixty-four flouring mills
in Washington Territory, with an esti
mated capacity of 3,835 barrels per
Claude O'enn, 69 years old, died at
Tihachapai, Cal., from injuries re
ceived from a collision between a horse
he was trying to catch and one he was
Irwin, who with John fl. Prewett and
fourteen others conspired . to kill Dr.
A. W. Powers two years ago at IIol
liUT, Cl., has been sen'enced to life
imprisonment in San (Jttentin.
A bill has la en introduced In the
Washington Territory Ijegislature pro
hibiting ptrsons holding the offices of
Sheriff and Tre isurer in any county in
the Territory for more than two terms,
Eva Cox, 3-year-old daughter of J.
M. Cox, a farmer residing near Fresno,
Cal., whs scalded te death. The child
whs playing in the kitchen and fell
backward into a tub of boiling hot
wi ter.
Several young men of Moore 'a Flat,
Cal., went to Chinatown and attempted
to capture the settlement, Chinese
fired ten or twelve thots at their as
sailants, probably fatally wounding
IM.-n Sullivan, aged 21.
Wm. Campbell committed suicide
t North Bloom field, Cal , by shooting
imcelf with a revolver. Campbell was
rmerly clerk of Tehama county, and
until recently was held in high esteem
y Ins employers.
The San Jose (Cal.), council has
paed an ordinance prohibiting the
sale of tobacco to boys under sixteen
ears and making it a misdemeanor
or boys under that sge to smoke or
hew in public places.
Among the pawengers on 'he steam-
hip from 8 tn Diego which arrived at
Han Franciaeo, was Frank 11. Whet
more, in charge of !ice officers. was a partner in the firm
f Wurren A Co., stockbrokers, and
absconded some time ago with several
thousand dollars belonging to the Aim
While George Baker and Alexander
Goess were making some repairs in a
Uouruiff mill at San Francisco. A
arge mass of flmr and barley dust
was ignited by their torch and ex
ploded, burning them severely.
On his whaling voyage just ended,
Captain Baldry, of the steam whaler
Oiea, San Francisco, killed thirty-five
whales, stowed twenty-eight (all he
had room foa) aud brought into port
2,KK) barrels of oil aud 48,000 pounds
o botn the largest c tch on record
and Vflued at about f 206,880.
Governor Zuliek has perdoned Bar
ney Hugs, reiving a lite sentence in
the Territorial pribon at Yuma, A. T.,
on condi'ion of his leaving the Terri
tory. R ggs was the prisoner who
existed in keeping down the insurrec
tion of convicts some time ago, and in
raving the life of SuperinU ndeut Gates.
A distrusing accident occurred at
the Tahoma mine, at Mountain Home,
Idaho, whereby Oscar G ble and Riley
Bo-dwick were injured. While
in the mine some tiuit powder ex
ploded near their heads. How it came
to ignite ia not know. It had the ef
fect of destroying the sight of both of
Goblu's eyes and one of Bostwick's.
At Fresno, Cal., while Willy Buck,
10 years old, was trying to lasso a dog
with a long rope by which he was
leading a mule, the noose caught him
around the body, and the mule be
coming ingtiteneti, dragged him over
field, breaking bis back, and killing
him in view ol his parents.
j ne ooay oi a bui ir was found in
San Diego bay. A tub, in which was
a full sailor outfit of clothing, all clean
and carefully cared for, was attached
to the body with a line, and the theory
of the coroner wat that the jnan de
serted from the ship, put his clothes
in the tub and attempted to swim
ashore, but his legs became entangled
in the rope and he had drowned.
M. D. Babcock, inventor of the fire
extinguishing apparatus bearing his
name, died at the almshouse at San
jp raocisco, aged u years. The came
of death was roftening of the brain
At one time be was in leceipt of
110,000 a month for royalty on his
machines, but after selling patent
rights the money was soon spent, and
for some years he wandered about the
State in a d.stitute condition. About
six years ago he was admitted to the
al mi-house, where h remained until
his death.
At Benton, the wife of Wesley Roy
a farmer, bore him a quartette of boys
J - ' A . . .?
anu gins, two ooys ana two girls.
This is remarkable as it is the first of
the kind that ever occurred in this
State. All of the children and mother
are doing well.
M. Wilkins, commissary at the pen
itentiary, has received from Dr. Lane
the appointment as steward of the
asylum, vice W, J. Irwin, resigned
II. J. Ellis, chapel guard, will succeed
Mr. Wilkinsand D. D. Dickejre&pUin
of the guard; wm take .Jua o'
Everything of General Interest ia
Condensed Form.
A rsw M. E. chunh ia being built
at Gold Hill.
Centrrvillt has orgni"d a company
of Oregon National Guaid.
The yearly shipment of bullion from
Jieksou county a?'e $101,000
Saloon licenst a in Baker City have
increased from $300 to $400 a year.
The survey of the Gran 1 Roude res
ervation has been completed.
A pt rcupine was recently killed on
the mountains neer Weston. These
animals are very scarce in Oregon.
The Northern Pacific tuns a train
f)f seven or eight oars over the switch
back every hour.
There are forty-two patients at the
Spokane hospital, a number cf whom
came fn m outside the city.
During the past year there were 130
budnesa failures in this 8tJ, with
liabilities of $018,500; assets, $384,500,
Cattle are reported poorer and grass
ihorter this year in Harney vallej
than was ever known before.
Banger ha but three ladies, while
her male population numbers over
A company has been incorporated
at Enterprise for the purpose of build
ing a flouring niilL
Two watb-house Chinamen were
murdered at Monmouth, and their
bodies were thrown into a well. The
object was robbery.
John Glick was sentenced by Judge
Iron to eighteen months in the peni
tentiary. Glick is a Baktr county
horse thief.
Sportsmen hare been able to find a
few deer on the desert, but the mule
deer, once so plentiful in Eastern
Oregon, are becoming almost extinct.
The pupils tf the mute school at
8lem will soon commence the publi
cation o a small monthly paper in the
interests of the school.
At Medford the Episcopal Church
people have secured a handsome
building site, and expect to erect a
church thereon.
The city council ef Junction have
paed an ordinance compelling all
peraons engaging in the laundry busi
ness at that place to pay a license of
$50 per quarter of $200 per year.
The Northern Transportation Com
pany has filed articles of incorporation
with the Secretary of State. The in
corporators are Holt C. WiUon, J..
Delay. J. II. Steffen and Joseph Good.
Capital stock, $30,000; principal office,
The M. E. Church of Barns, Grant
county, has filed articles of incorpor
ation with the Secretary of State. In
corporators, P. 8. Stemyer, J. O. B.
Embree, J. II. Pratt, Amy Bytd and
W. C. Byrd. The object ia ditine
Cook county exchange : For more
than three months Cook county has
not had a pauper to support, nor has
there been an indigent family tj be
supported by the charities of the peo
ple in Prineville this winter.
Mrs, Severs, who lives on thf Sandy
near Cherry ville, while in an epileptic
fit fall on the kitchen stove and wai so
badly burned that she died within two
hours after the terrible accident oc
curred. She was alone at the time,
and after recovering consciousness got
off the stove and went out of doors.
where she was fonnd by the neighbors.
As the road on the Siskiyou moun
tains is soft and in poor condition, th
railroad company will keep four staeee
there in case of accident. A slide of
earth may ccver the track at any time
so that it may not be possible to m .ve
it inside of several days. It is then
that the stages will prove handy.
D. R. Kiog, aged abont 60. boarded
the down train at the Pendleton depot
on his way home near Noli a. When
the tram reached the curve just across
the bridge, about a mile below town,
Mr. King, while attempting to walk
from one car to another, was thrown
headlong from the car platform to the
ro ks below, a distance of twelve feet,
and wi inrtantlr killed.
Governor Pennoyer has addres ed a
letter to the commissioner of the gen
eral land office at Washington, stating
that Co'. Elliott, special aeent, has
forwarded reports to that office of all
his examinations of swamp lnds iu
Or g mi, and Col. Shackle ord h s in
f rmed him that all of his reports will
be completed a d fo:w .r.led by the
1st of February next, and asking the
commissioner to act at once upon such
reports, and cause patents to issue as
to the state of all swamp lands so re
ported, on or before the 1st of March
next. He also informed the commis
sioner that the State relinqu'ahed all
claims to lands e.nbraced in list No.
38, rejected by the land effice March
21st, 1883, for want of proof, but which
landa are yet withdrawn from settle
ment in the local land offi -es, except
to such lands concerning which
supplemental proofs have been fur-
ni-hed, and asking that with these
exceptions the lands embraced in said
list be opened fcr setilcmsnL
"isn't it drendttii," asked Miss
Lilly bad. "to run over a man?" Yes,
indeed, mum," replied the stoker of
the express. "It jolts the engine np
wuss r.or a cow." Excftange.
Cnte Son "Say, pop. can't we
compromise this matter without com
ing to blows?" Pop "How so?" Cute
Son "Why. yon give np all idea of
ticking me, and I will give np all idea
of getting licked." 7'exu Siflings.
Medium "Are there any here who
would like to be put in communication
with departed spirits?" Toper (an
accidental intruder) "Yes! Just put
me in communication with the demi
john somebody walked off with last
night, while I was asleep on the Com
mon." Boston Budgtl.
Mrs. Breezy (to daughter) "Did
you tell young Mr. Waldo, dear, that
you wonld correspond with him on his
return to Boston?" Miss Breezy
"Yea. mamma, he has been so polite to
me while in Chicago, yon know, and
seemed so seriously in earnest when he
asked me if he might not hear from me
oslonallVr- that w- - .
Dssertptloa of tha Italia Patriot's lleua
at e'aprara.
The chief entrance at Garibaldi's old
home at Caprera lead directly into
the kitchen. A few bare rooms with
white crested walls Join it. and In some
of them beds have been put np for
Garibaldi's family. In the garden
grow only red flowers; it looks as if a
bloody dew had fallen from the sky.
Through the yard the rooms are
reached which Garibaldi inhabited to
the last In the little ante-room por
traits of Nullo and the two Cai roles
who fell at the Vitla Gloria, and a ateel
engraving of the Prince of Wales hang
on the walla. All have different
frames; the glass of some of them Is
broken. There is also a miserable
little oil painting representing Italia
thrusting her dagger into the heart of
the Pope,
In the small library the few books of
the man who had not read much stands
on two old. rickety bookcases. Some
of the books are turned upside down,
and there is no attempt at arranging
them. Most of the books are English,
among them Cobdea's works snd many
English translations of Italian books.
A volume of Petosi's poems translated
into Knglih attracts attention by iu
worn binding, and next to it stands
enriou and characteriffUe of the bero
of bloody battles with the child-like
heart "Paul et Virginie." Many a
volume on agriculture and "La Roo
ms ine Economlque" show that Gari
baldi was also a student of economie
q nost ions.
On the shelf, covered with dost and
cobwebs, lie the printed parliamentary
paper, from the library, yon enter
the sanctum of the house, the room in
which, on June 2, 1882. Garibaldi died
at the age of seventy-five; near the
Window stands the poor camp-bed, as
it stood at the moment of his death.
From It he could see his beloved set
and the coast of Vorsica. The parish
of Livorno has put a simple bronxa
railing round the bed. Wreaths lie oa
the coverlet. One of them bears the
inscription: "The Italian Free Masons
to Their Grand Master." On a round
table in the midst of the room are three
books, Dante's "Divine Comedy." an
album with the photographs of the
"7honnd." and Michand a "Cru
sades," with Dore's illustrations. The
walls are covered with many wreaths
and picture, among them the portraits
of Garibaldi's mother and youngest
An uneven path leads through the
high room to the place which Garibaldi
had hiruaelf selected for the cremation
of his body. On two ereat eranite
blocks he had built the fnneral pile
which should consume bis mortal re
mains. The view from this place is
magnificent. Ter the rough moun
tains of Sardinia, the little cliffs
islands, which, yellow as gold, rise oat
of the dark-blue sea and over the Cor
sienn hills.
To lie bnrned at this place was his
lat wih- The sons, who are not like
their father, hive left this wish unful
filled. Garilmldi's grave is at the
place where his two daughters are
baried, only nearer the sea, and ia a
cope of yew trees. His monnment is
a large rough block of granite, with
only bis name engraved into it. At
this grave the pilgrims from all parts
of Italy assembled; and the edges of
the banners of all those who fight for
truth and light touched the "holy
grave." Cor. Boston Qlobe.
A Qare Profraalaa Orls1S)t4 by a Taaas
Two young men who spend the day
and a large part of the evening on
Chetnnt street are paid to do so. They
are both well-known figures and gen
erally they travel together. They are
professional window grtzers. The
young men, in common with every
body else, know that to attract a crowd
to a window all one bsp. to do is to
stand and gaze into that window. Ia
a short time ten or si dozen people will
b a-azing with him. They were down
to hard pan on their oppera. so to
speak. Onaof them went to the pro
prietor of a men's furnishing house on
Chestnut street and told him tht for
so mn eh a week he wonld guarantee to
attract more attention to his window
than all the displays that could be laid
out. The proprietor was struck with
the idea and gave it a trial. As a con
sequence there wsts a crowd at his win
dow nearly all the time. The yonng
man wonld walk up to the window with
his friend and stand gazing there until
a crowd of a dozen or fifteen were
standing with them. To keep the
crowd moving he would walk away,
and that started the break in the
crowd. The performance was repeated
every ten or fifteen minutes. The
young man went to other stores along
the street, unfolded his plan and
pointed out the success of it. Ia a
short time he had the whole street from
Ninth to Broad on his beat, and be had
to take his friend into partnership, and
he makes plenty of money.
JI other window-gazers do not rt
onto the idea and get into the business,
these two originators will shortly estab
lish branches of the "Gazers" ia other
cities. Philadelphia Kewx.
"Ma, why does God make it rain?"
"So that the corn will grow, my little
girL" "But why does He make it rain
on the streets where there is no corn?
Tainfnl and protracted silence.
A t rencn instrument ior re-ominc
the rolling of a vessel at sea waa lately
tried on the vorage of a steamship
from Bordeaux to Brazil, and made a
tolerably accurate register of the mo
tion. Arkansam Iractler.
A company at Mobile are com
pelled to ran their large establishment
night and day making staves, barrels
and boxes for shipment North. The
time was when this industry was
practically confined to the North. -
A hinged lamp-post has lately been
devised. It has the advantage that no
laddtr is required to enable it to be
cleaned and repaired, and it can also
h lighted by bending it over, the larni- T
lightcr carrying a key for the purpos??
Elderly Spinster On drug store) i
"I declare to gohdness I'ye forgot w
I come ia fen' "'. it wasTer
tongne'a nd '-V '?""'-"'