cA)Vi;u's cat r. ThimknWas It fittdt la tha JJcsioou's llouas. : armiitiqj 1:1-! 'f' -; ki ln A nt oiifl another U. !r. O.oM'r .r. I'm v'.v ftcroa me ui-ra-was voemtistiHS wcH (if SUOCtrSS ! V 1 t it ' in..' on.ittoit in hi luslnrss this t".!!, "Vis, my tlar." ho M, "we t r,t-t soinoihlit;; MMMsiml by way of lis t k;iu i'T oi.nlnj thU year. shV.l It h t" ' ll w nn h shall It btP IU-3W' ah1 Mm. C ret. , VtVU. nay a thaitiaml; ws can spare It well a not." '1 know what ll like ta do hare the rhurcU re-fresowil unit soma new r ! ji its r-ut In. That stained colling ami that worn path up the center aisle do distress me. Ev-t'l'sr thin in was fivsh a l shining;. spo'.Usl at home for Clrtvrr' horse Hor pyes wrre shabby thing stimftil, -.' Will. I'd Uka t beantifr the rlum-h," 8iid Mi. Oliver. I'll sieak t some of the cormUte after prayer mating ami tell them what we pro pv." . AVm they Ul n?" Li u? Well, I (jaws . A id Ut tis h-'vo s mte choice about colors ami varpeta. 1 hope?" "O you'll sees you'll hare It all your own wjM . Mi's. Ctver looked beatpln;?. In f:u t, two Tory happy people went to j rsvor-meetinjf that nl&ht "Nice folk' salt Kbeneef Grist, the at'Xtnn, as he saw the tu pass uptho n is o-; "but $omciime$ there's a leetle f the sirut and crow about 'em, in le, pol Mr. Cloror was that minute nvailitaitnjj a little Thankglr im; Bpteth in the mooting, which per ls :ips miltt hare had the echo of the row" only too audible In it for cap tions ear?. Eat the speech nerer was made; for Ise h:ul not bert fire minutes in meet In bf.-re theM eame some word ont of ihe Nw Testament which seemetl to pull his heart right down frt n Its place of tbitation and stick it full of thorn. A shadow tell orer his ruddy f.tre. and his wife, who did aot in the lHsi underatand It, immediately re-fl.-cttvl it in her own. TIm wonl which had this unhappy eiTi-ct were th.-sn: Thereforn, if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and ther rememlnret that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before tho attar, si-.d o thy way; first be reconciled to ihy bretlier, and then coma and offer thy git." . . ,.' And there sat, across the aisle, n'rrr the door, but still within reach f every uneasy side planes a brother who had something affrti tst Mr. Clover. It was only poor old Deacon Simon. Ilia face wan thin and severe; his hands shxk; his hair was white; his clothes were shabby. Ms had bsen made dea con because of his burning seal; but the . verity of his spirit had not made him poj ul:r in the obnrch. He was alien at odd with bis brethren. He e nted heresy In every braes v He ti-iournetl t-ver a church wh 'se mem-bi-rs a onetimes allowed dancing and card-plsying iiv their homes, and even took drives on the Sabbath. Poor Deacon Simon, who often stool alone tt-s ifying for old wars of righteous ness, and whosi sensitive spirit was so r.isned by the. indifference with wh cl his testimony was received! O dy last month he had objected to a children's Oetober Sunday. where thei-o should be autumn leave a d kindred frivolities brought into c'tirth. Then Brother Clover, wh" l.ked so gool-natiired, bnt had a choleric temper of Ins own upon occa-dons. had fired no and spken hasty words to the good dea co , words as rude as blow. They had been received in silence; they had never lxen apologized for: there had b'cn litle intercourse between two men since. 'I won't apologize," said Clover now to himself. 'I told the Mr. him be tr;it!i. and nothing else tvould have stopied his talk, and served our turn." "If ihy bvo:her hath anght against the" hummed the un welcome words in hi mind. - lie a as going to spoil a traodthlnjr. We couldn't stir ttn! 'or foot in this -rhn "Somebody didn't put down his domineering spirit. I in glad I did it." . If ihy brother bath anght against Hip,," re eitsd the echo. "He'd no tusinens to lay it np sga HSt n-e! He ought to thank me for telli-.'g hrm the downright truth." "L ave there thy gift before the a'tar" i-epeaUd memory again. Stop a good thing becanse I don't plese an old curmudgeon like Ihatf "F.rst be rec'uicile l with Uiy broth er" sana the inexorable verse. "There's no such thing! Might as well try to be reconciled with an old bear. There's no use wasting words with him." "Then then come " and offer thy gift." Pdiaw! pshaw! What a fool I am: 1 haven t lieard a wo' rt u, rar- ns has been saying. Now who's going to ofter prayerP Djar! if it isn't S'mon!" Tliere were few of the customary greetings between the Clovers and the'r neighbors when the meeting was over. Without waiting to see any member of the business committae, Mr. Clover hurried headlong out of the churclk His wife lost no time in asking fr an explanation. Oh, Tin all upset; I'm such a fool!" "What is UP" H ; knew he would have to tell her fn the end. an I bcatd1 w.n reallv a relief to him to do so. She asked some close questions. "Tell me just what yon said," she demanded. "Well, he said we were jnst teach ing tbe children to make play ont of worship. That made me mad. and 8'tys I: 'D.;aco:i Si oion, - if you'd been th to when they bfl.ight the children for Clirist to bless you'd have been one to rebuke them a-? sure as fate.' That's j ist vonr p"rit right throughF -. "What did he say?" "Not a word; though he kinder fl ibed np. Guess he was mad. Yon see. I wai Tho way I spoke was as bad as tho wor U " You v.3 rt to ask his pardon." "Yus." groaned her husband. "You might as well do it now. Til go the rest of the way alone; you go riht back and id him.1' "It won't be a might of nse. Ellen. T!.e niiiute he hear of the church bo i"g r decorated, he'll bemad again. II f. s'l fc'j d.-! any thing new." 3 it you'll have done your duty. 1 M) i ft. I U "strut" m "effnv" In his tnannc-r now. 1I: looked quite cowed an I humbled. Deaeon S;uioi lived jtiltt out on the edii.t td the town, There he had In ht'iited a farm n:td hnmestoivd, II had to!U I hard over his stony acres, a id they had yielded hhn bnt a scanty living, yet he wu deeply attuhed to the oi l place, ns everybody knew. Mr. Clover surmised ns ho en tered the old-fashioned hall to ttnd th onrpet takon uji, and only a big pack ing box ready to bo uaid upstanding there In place of furniture. The par lor, too, was bsir. except for some chairs pllml nj two-andtwo a if foe removal. O ae of these was given him. nnd he was nked tii Walt for a f-w moment rreen ly, h heard the deacon's well-known voice at evening d 'votlons lit the next room. And these were the words that trembling old voice was speaking: O Lord, we thank Thee that Thou best blessed to its tho shelter id this home so long. Wow, go witn us. as ve jro from hence. Thy will b doae. O Lord, Thou linst been tur dwellinif- id.tceln all in all - and here there was a break, and. in the silence, the sound of a woman sobbing was audi ble - " '. A new Idea broke upon Mr. Clover's mind and greatly agitated him. ' 0 tn It bo that Martin hna foreclosed thai mortgage P" he thought. "Yes, it must bet I heard the deacon was hard pressed to raise his interest. Kuthlnz else would have moved hini out of hl oi l place. I declare it's too bad! It's nwfuir His errand was forgotten; he was In A fever of d slro to do something help-' fob When Hiacon Simon eame in, he went toward him with extended hand and such earnest sympathy in his face as no troubled heart could have re fused. "Brother Simon," he said. "1 hadn't heard wheu I came, but It's Justeometo me that you're going to elve np your home. "Yes; I'm obliged to. It's the Lord's will." Oh, no.".sa!d Mr. Clover; "I can't believe It vet Wait waits I want t- talk to von." Denomt Simon drew another chair from the corner, and seated himself. "I came," sail hi visitor, 'to ask your forgiveness tor the rude way 1 Soke at the meet lug last month. I'm asha-ued that I spoke so; ashamed that I showed such a temper. Do for give me!" . j The d -acon looked bewildered for a moment, then be seemed to recollect. D1. that." he said; "I didn't lay It tip against you. . I might, perhaps, il I hadn't had so much trouble siuce; but other thiusrs put it out ti my mind. I haven't any thing ajalnst you. brother; I'm nsed to find i it g the church folks differ from me." 11 1 looked so meek, worn and patient the old man who had been som- times stern and svere that Mr C over's heart was broken. "The L l forgive me!" ha said. "And too, too," said old Simon. "I know I've been too dogmatical vt;h , y 1 idgmenta, and tried th brethren. I can see it alb now I'm going to leave." "To Icavel You don tmcan you re going to leave the church? "Why. yes; w 're going np country to my if j folks, 1 r awhile, at least. We've lot our hwaie here, you know. and 1 don't see Just bow to begin ara:n. yet- I'm au old man to begin azain." "Bat we can't spare! We ean't snare vou eut of th church, s can't spare you out of the prayer m'ting. Deacon Simon looked sesrchlngly at Mr. Clover's honest, earnest facts and preently tears dim ned his eye. "You really mea-t l; you'rj saying Uinearnes !" he said. "Well, thank the L rd! Soems to me now I can g in peace. I male sure everybody would be gl il, and it hurt me most of all last now. I I have loved the church. Nobody prayed deeper out of his heart for it than L" Hot and 1 toil you we can t spar such praying:; we won't eilhor, if I can help It. C m. I want to talk this all ovr. I'vj JTi somi monev to is. vest. This is the very placefve be -n looking for to put it lu; near to the town; rising In the value every day. M irtlu's going to put -It in" tho market; I II bnyjt framilnm. if you ll i.Tf nor j and keep ft for me." Ihe deacon could not keep the light from rising i his faco, but he said steadiiv: TIe farm won t bring you the interest of your money. I've done my best on it and I anow." ,t "Never mind, it'll le trebled In alne in ten years for building lo's. and besides wouldn't It pay if there was some capital put In, you know- fortilizers, and new machine? Wouldn't I like to try the cxperi ment! B it I eouldn't do it alone. Won't you s ay and help me out In it?" Deacon Simon had been a protd ma-i. He had never asked sympathy or help in his l;f To have them ponred upon him nnasked in this hour of his desolation was very swtsot to him; sweeter than he had words to express. Hi heart dun? to the old place, could not refuse tho friend ly offer thus made to him. "What a Thanksgiving this will be for us! ' ho said, as he bade his visitor good night. "You won't mind. EiUm," said Mr. Clover to his wife that nisrht, "if the church is not re-decorated this year, will you?" "," she replied "it can spare the paint better than it can Deacon Simon's prayers.'' "Yon don't think I've fetched the gift off the altar changing my plan with it? No;" a-id presently she repeated: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." At E. Ben' nelL , "Xou never unnic or smoke, do yon, George, dear?" she said. "You know I could never marry a man who drinks and smokes." Geonre, in a broken-hearted ton of voice, admitted that he did smoks and drink a little, and turned to go. But a pair of white, twenty-seven-year-old arms were around his neck in a moment. "Never mind, George,'' said the girl; perhaps my wifely influe:ny will induce you to give them up." A. I. Sun. m m Customer in restaurant) "What is the matter wjta the cheese, waiter? It looks as it it might have been used to bait a rat-trap." Waiter "Yo' has got dat cheese turned upside down. sab. Dat's de side what's tended to be up. Now dat cheese am all right, sah!" ruck. "Do crocodiles keep cattle, pa?' u-pseu iuue &nnuy Mcawur.gen. ".No, r.-y s:t; v r.y eo you ftT ' "ijecsne ma niethmg a i. croe.o- -ir.'Ui:,..5i ruottt -ii siahhki. f KMi v roll. !b............ , W ! ia 13 a m 18 r go 14 (4 10 H & e e is m m m& it 10 40 1 ft V 8 (4 10 io (a m 4 8. 4 4 -6 Oregon lotnuir trade ., Ht ktd , t California roll tik-kled .......... Fm-iu, full erram. ....... Uieon, , uo ........ Catiinrula , ikons rroMh... ImiKU Kau its AptiitMt, m. nk and bxs.,. tin California ......... A urirnta, wis w crop I'eachea, utuieele t new ... ( HI (111., 1 1 I IRQ UWlK.vt rtued cherries. titled pluma, Oremm.i... rtu-, in w and bas.. CaL I'runes, French ....... Urt pr -n pruuee . noun -fori land Pat. Roller, 'bbl Sal em do do White I.llv V bbl Count rv brand , Suprt!ne t en a a 7n a to j 73 1 20 ffl 1 linati - W wn. Valley, 100 lbs... do Wai a Wall..,.... i is i nt I, ... . I I td! . . . I imriBj, wnuic, w vm. do Kroutid. ton, .4.. 1 10 80 00 do 25 00 4A us 4d . 4S M I 00 US I 10 Oaia, choice mllltnx tf bush do feeit.aMod tocliolee.oia Rre. tuo U I EE1 Hi an, ton. ia oo (sir oo is tO fttl 0 cctd oo ya ft) ta t Shorts. V ton Hay, v ton, baled..,,,.,,.. Chop, r ton Utt rase meal w ion,..,..,. 8a 00 n 33 Ut FREba enriTa A mile. Orviron. If bo . . , . . 00 ft 1 81 Cherrira, Orvson, tf Arm.., Urmoaa, LKitsoruva, f ui., LlnivR, KM).,, KlvcrKt oranaea. f boa. . . 4 00 O 5 00 I 60 Los Anttelra, do do ... teacke. If box 1 00 M 1 SS IIIUKS fry, over lofta, f lb. ..... . 13 ct saiteo, over to na...,. e - H 1 S3 Murrain bids telt 7 (4 10 W VwirrABi. CahlMtire, lb.. ...... ...... Carrots, if aaak 10P Cauliflower, dos. ........ Onlona es o Pntatoea, new, tp bush .... WOOL u m ie m i m East Ureiron, Sprins clip. . allev Unwoik, an Processes of Burglar. Burglary Is not usually classed among mechanical trades, but it Is neverthe less an industry" In Its peculiar way. and very numerously followed in cities and large towns. Some one a safe manufacturer, we believe has been at the pains ot compiling a summary of the processes which burglars employ In the pre .ient advanced state of the art. They are said to be: 1. The driving of wedges into door-jambs, by which the tenon is forced out of the packed groove, and explosives Inserted around and Into the rabbet or stepped flange. X The application of the drill on material represented as drill- proof ntetal (P). 5, The application of the Harris stripper, in peeling plates from their rivet and machine screw fastenings. 4. The application of the Burton pulling wrench, by which lock and Wit spindles are drawn out of doors. 5. The application of the Maon ripper, a late and ingenious Im plement of burglary, used on safes or vaults with iron surfaces. 6. The ap plication of the powder pump In forc ing explosives around the jambs of safe doors and into crevices created by wedging and In the use of jackscrews. 7. The explosion of dynamite on the surface of the door, by which the bolls and bolt frame are dislodged, by con- oussion. .Cotton fludgei. Maryland Darky How d'y boss? How many melons yon raised this yearf Gardentr About V00, I guess, Pete. How many have yon raised? Darky toity-two, sah (sside) oberyo fence! Buriington I rt itv. . The manufacture of solid carbonic acta gas is said to have become a Bcttled industry in Berlin. It is put In small cylinders and if kept under pres sure will last some time; that is a cylinder one and a half inches in diameter and two inches ldnr takes Eve hours to melt awar into iras. How much ratu iuuu tail In the coarse of the day to mnke it a rainy day in the meteorolog eal senseP TbM question has been dicusel a good d.inl by persona interested in weather science, not yet determined authori tatively- The weight of opinion seem to be that a rainfall amounting at least to thefire-hiindredth Pft of an Inch is necessary to make a lainy d;iy. A. Y. Leitjef. During the past season 3),r0".0O? cucurubcrs have been pickled in one f.tctory at Frederieksb.irg, Va. One acre will produce on an average 100. 000 cucumbers, and they sell naddy In the city at 80 cents pi r 1,000. They are usually picked whe not more than an inch or an inch and a half long One person can gather in 3,000 in a day. i The Pruss'an society for the pro motion of industry has effer.d two prizes, the competition for one to dos with 1887, and for the other with 1833. The first prize is nbjut $750, fot the most exhaustive critical comparison of all kinds ot existing bron&. tombac and bras all ys. used or recommended for machinery; the seoud is $1,250 for the beet work on light and beat radi ation of burning gases. HIT IT HARD. A Dollar Investment Frodnees (1,000. As noiselessly as the snow comes down did the magic number 69,363 ' slip from the wheel of The Louisiana State Lottery on the eighth instant, and as noii-elesaly were the glad tid ings communicated by the managers to the fortunate owner of the lucky number Mr. Thomas R. Miller, now it-tidinc: at 1213 Lawrence Street, in this city, that he hud drawn one t"nt h (if the second capital prize of $50,000 or in oter words, the handsome sum of $5,000on an investment of $1, which amount the company hold sub ject to his oider, and would be happy to remit to htm at bis plr&Kure. Coming as this magnificent prise did. without an effort, it may be pard onable if in the language of precious stones, it is likened to the topas No vember's jewel which, ao long as its owner nolds undisputed possession, is supposed to keep off had dreams, and in other ways brighten the sun shine of his daily life. A Arwa reporter desiring to secure a correct statement of the facts, actuated him to look Mr. Miller up, which he did yetterday morning, and found him as informed, at bis residence. 1213 Lawrence street, Mr. Miller is a first- class, industrious mechanic. 38 years of age, and holds the confidence and ret-pec t ot all tnose witn wnom ne is acquainted. He has been a resident of Denver for about a year, nd he is so infatu ated with the 'Queen City" that. 'tie has 30Dc!uded to invest his rnoney here in real estate, which wal "doubt- lees pay neaily as great & dividend as on his tve tdm nt of one dwUr in iln ixnj Jumna lottery. river a ;.) jw'b. FOR DtOOO. Ililt f Chlilrn t hHllane to aa In- uttlny Hural Kill tor. The following copy of a letter has been handed to the HViJ with A tluw to general publicity: ilf. Uenrya H'. Titt I, editor Cranberry Palladium Sin: My attention has just been called to a printed statement made over your own signature some time ago, In which yon spuke in a liurht and flippant manner of my li vlr. The remark was carefully worded, but cal culated to cast obloipiy and reptuarh upon me In the rye of the public. I Imve spoken to several friend in rela tion to it and they are of una opinion In the matter. They unlto In saying that the term "Mexican hairless humor ist" demands a challenge, to say noth ing of the statement that "while on honed a train : which was robbed in Nebraska" I succeeded in "concealing my jewelry lu my hair until the danger had passed." l or this, sir, I beg to state that my address is at No. 2.1 If Bite do Bowery, opposite the Place du llahway M valeric, and to ask that you will send me your own address. I forward this by the hands of a slow messenger boy, who will bring me your answer ns soon as he gets thoroughly rested. I need not add that he is Iny friend, and will act as my second should you refine to retract the statements referred to. You may also settle with him for this mes sage and your own. 1 will settle with you. I hope, sir, that you will exru any thing that tuny seem coarse or brutal In this challenge, for I desire only t take your life without giving yon any nlTense, and I want to be polite like other dnellsls. Mar I ask, therefore. that at your earnest convenience you will name a quiet place, as free from malaria as possible, where we may kill each other undisturbed? May I trouble you also, sir, to select two as dangerous weapons as possihli and also to bring with you the surgeon ho generally sews you up at such times. The Do Nves have always lwen a hot blooded race ever sini'e they l-ft Krance, and they can none of them brook an insult or bear to be tramped ou. When I first re ail your stinging in Biilt in the paper I liecanie delirious ith pnsnion, and although I am not related to the Knickerbockers my breath came In short paiita. The De Nyes are pleasant people to meet, but the man who Infm-intes one . .'... U liM to meander no th tHiuiH in an oblique maimer, t anion any tiling, sir, in this communication which may sound harsh or clash wifb the smooth and scholarly style of assas sination peculiar to the tknle. 1 desire to meet you tn mortal coin hat, but 1 want to io it in a polished way, ttnd t desire to word this note so that It will read well in print, like other chal lengs. I have consulted several friends about the prospect of our meeting in a duel at no distant day, and all of them seem to be highly gratified. It afford me great pleasure to know that I go into this thing with the hearty Indorse ment and godspeed of all, without di Unction. . If you would prefer to wait a few weeks, till the weather is cooler. so that you can lie in state longer. I will try to muzale my wrath, but would advise yon not to cross my trail In the meantime. Mr second will no doubt Inform you that I am an expert and deadly swords man, and will try to couvince yon that it will he best not to name the sword. Do not be too proud to heed hid ad vice. It my save your life and mine also. 1 hoM you will not treat this chal lei ge lightly, sir, and try still further to heap ridicule upon an old and mil elewed name by suggesting soft gloves or watermelons as weapons. Let us meet as inmtlcmcn,, sirflre and fall down, sttifS-er to our feet, lean heavily against a tree, mutter a few words in a hoarse volee,gap two tine in rapid socccKiion, put on our coats, and go home. 1 feci almost certain, sir, that yon will treat this. Jiote in SL dijrhtiiMr.elflij purify mnniier, but I beg that you will j md do so. tor tho sake of the Tidds, who wi-ro'nlwnys a plain but rather pleasant set of people, and for the sake of the De Nyes, whose only fault has Itecn their foiulncsd for fresh, hot blood, furuUbed by other parties; for the snke of nil our nncestors, sir, let me beg of you to assist in making this duel asticco-is. If I have been brutal in the wording of this challenge, sir, or violated the Code, or misspelled any words, will you please have it corrected In-fore you send it to the priuterP I ask this favor of you In all sincerity and In ns courte ous a manner ns possible, hoping that you will grant it promptly and that you will lose no opportunity to do all the good you can during he next few da vs. 1 have arranged all my earthly af fairs with the exception of paying my poll-tax. I have turned off the g;is meter and am prepared for any acci dent, though the police have promt sod to come in nnd arrest us at any time we may agree npon. In closing, sir, allow roe to express the hope that you will surely be at the duel and that you will bring your din ner. f My second will offer yon tho choice of wenpons, with an opportunity for re traction. If you enter into life and its enjoyments with real zest, I would ad vise you to avail yourself of the oppor tunity to retract, for, nlthough, sir, I would be a great deal happier with your heart's blood, the retraction will do me just as well, and you need not humiliate yonnself in writing it, I do not ask you, sir, to grovel. You can write a retraction which will not com promise you at all and yet one that will give me much pleasure. In the meantime, sir, I shall remain at the above address, awaiting your decision, and whatever It may be, sir, I beg to remain your most obedient an tagonist and well-wisher, . William De Nte, Formerly Duke of Sweetwater County and Referee during the Modoc War. N. T. World. a a i The Regular Thing. An old gentleman of Detroit was passing through the cen-.mony of takkig his fourth wife the other day. At the impressive climax of the good preaoher mau's part in the performance some body was heard sobbing in an adjoin ing room. My goodness!" exclaimed one of the guests in a dramatic whisper, who on earth is that crying on liiis festive oc casion?" That?" replied a mischievous r-'t- PANTINQ uer oi we expenon: f.i!ii!y; "tli it's ; - ! u! .'a $ Ix-cbo) ,. a i v ..4 it r i re . Git Av bnd Of the 400, CK 0 Ilebrsws cotnieiled to be In the United Stale. St least 1 5,0 0 are Mettled In New xotk. Anion ttwin are many millionslers. A .New Vorlt picr recently putniu'0 a ii-t or tiint-ien lirews In tbst city wIhm fori ones range IrtJiu f l.UW.WAl up to U,ii. nacU. A TAtVABLB JU DICAL TBKATIS. The elltlott fur lie 8 of tin strt Ue.u; MimIIdhI Animal known as tlutnttr'a Alnmno, t new MMutf , and mar b itiUltipd, trc of r.t. of tlriifc-Kl-U unit irim.rml t'lioiurf 1iM!nm In all of llm Uiiltwt l'te. -Niunif.,, nutl litcSMwi in .irr clvlilu'l imm tii.u vt ium ss e-u.i ti IIbhi- lnuhnro. i liU AIiiibsmo tirnt lw I u4 tl r 1 r!r at thn miitMitttiii)l uf omj i'-ir('if nrur onv-tii th of m omittiry It ri.n.ti.ii.-., wiih tha uiiikI. kt (i noiii al n.ltlrn r tl.ti tii't-t r -Un anil rtMtoiailon of lii-Hlili, a tnt-M" inotint of tntoriMtlna anil aiiiuiiu Huht r'in'tiiia. uml the cKlnmUr. Mlruiiuiiiii ul tmlutilnlloiDL olirn- KiI(m1u"I lUiiiis. rtn.. ie iir-awi woli gr-a.l rsra. n1 will bn fomni iilli-l "iiri, 1 no Iwiueof lloatetlor's AImiklho fur lm will )m.Ih bljr bi tlm lurifBHt kUHIioi of a hkmIIooI work r ixitillntied tu nf eiiiintrr. Tim mH- mi rweli't of atci M ilt mtou. ltl urard eni)r by mnll tn mijr pru U ounuut $iro- our ou in ma ueiKiiiKirnoixi. It Is eatlmated that slur-e ITU.!, 4,4:0,000 men have been killed lu wars. Ph, wad aome power the giftle (rle us, To ace ounelvrs as lihern ntm u"l Few women want to appear sick, and vet how many we see wlih pain written on every feature, who hsva aiitTer n in- mom iim rrom mutate tmiciifm, inn who could eally cure tiiem-lTis by the use of lir. liercem "favorlta l'reerip- tion. to be found at any drug atore. Hits remedy U a spM!l lie for w-r!i lm-ks, tier vous or neuralKlc pains, and all that class of diseases known as ' female complaints.' Illustrated, larjro treat Im on diseases of woman, with most auertuwful coura.-a of self-treatment, sent fr lOet-nta In atarnp. Addrfisa. World a UIstM-iisary Mrdlral As- aoclallon, 603 Malu Birmt, llutlalo, H. X. What is done cannot be undone, e pecially it it is a hard ladled eK. BX&S4CHI AHD DvtrPFll. No. Sll West 7th St., N.Y.. Juna 9, 18S5. I have been a martyr to bilious had- ache and dj pep I a. Any Indiscretion in diet, over-fatiftue or cold lirliin on a fit of lndIeUon, to be followed by a headache lastln two or three daya at a time. I think I mot hare tried over twenty tlltr- a ant rim(iia. wni' n "Pre rft-omiiiemi a aa certain eur by loving ftlt-iid, but it I was of no uae. I.Ike Ilia Iri-liman, 1 Rot no httr very fast. At last 1 thouuht II would Uke a simple eotra of purgation with HHAWimmis 1'ii.ta. tor ttia nrst WM.B- I iMik two t'illa everv nlirht. then una 1111 for thlrtv nlahts: tn that time II gained three pound In wdht, t.uA never I Uave Had an acne or a pain ai:.c . WILLIAM JV IwH'KWKlX. TBS "OLD HZlUilZ." Lewis Coa ty liw. extul.-r it, lST. The '01d llellable" iiianufarturvd by Palmar A lt. ia an ideal lob ureas. It U the airoiireat sod moat durable presa In th market. There ia a le-r at the left nf ihn feeder connected wlih a complete device tor throw Inn oil the Impnsa-lon. it -III nHnta fnrni la the fJll raoacltr II the chaae. and all the parts are made imn.i and durable to endure ilia trftneu- dous etraJn. This press for simplicity of eoustrucllon excels an owiera lourstruiv. ' J. T. loKRBtr. Haw to Gala t sah aad Strenjrta. raaatM- aarh meat Mratl'a S.malalea mh llvntHilimnhllna. II lit aa u.iataon ....I I w itnreatiHl. Tfca raiiltlur ailb whit-h delinaita pwpia iu..roa vnn in dw wn.i-lerdil. t;a it and ti r oar w'lti Aa a rmilr r CVmauniniiiNi. I liroat att tlonaano Mwat Hcutl's fc.mlmoi tn a chUd ritflit mwitlta Unuu k ll. II la niiHiua u. ( !( rvau: l old with awd rraulla. lie nlo.-l I luur pxinm I f" ki-. k uj5 In a ei r snarl iimt -ihu. i i Alabama. Oen. Grant's widow vl-d'e the tomb In Riverside 1'srk every Sunday. Uneiualled -Dr. Sage's Catsrrh Ilemedy. Ooodasgold silver. Tay GstRMaA for braktaat. OaaMinna lanwa plow to Cure Skin&Sco!p Diseases with the CuticUra Remedies. poRTtmrNa DiSFtoumxo. rrcmvo, I -ala aud idmnlr dliaiaumaot the akln.aala. and bkiod with loae of hair, limit Infancy to pail e. are mired by IbuCuncea ltaancuifUk rrrirx;KA RicnoiLVEfrr.theimw Mood purtlw. alanaea the Wood and perariratkm of liiswwa ustaiotiax vjetiMnta, and Uoaa raawvea thm rHmarmi. the mat Fkln Cnra. Instantly altera lt tuiia; and lolumtnaoon. clears Uwakia ami erJo of cruaia, soaOa aud auraa. and ra- suireetbe lialr. --i.-nimA Hfiaan eamitaite fkln BeeutifUw. b UMilepenaabto to akin iiUMsawea, babf Uiswrs, Sain btemiai eS. Chp;ied aud o: akin. C'utkv'ha liMtuutthM are Um gTfmt a lila aMttfillMa. s Bokt evtirrwbere. Trloe, CriooaA, SOo.? Soat- fflca fUuM.VKV 1. Prefarwd by Uve VrrrHl)fvt tso diaatioat. (Iwum.Ma arHmd tor "Hrm to Hire fkln lrum. FTttTKl) with tlielovii atfbni-or uUioai.n 1 la battled dth ConoUMA Mswrmn Hoap. HALL'S 2PULMOMARY XI IXjQaJ&X. A imiwliii mail. a fnclplrnt Vflasaranlioa, Mt SUl aiaai aaa UUg 'I'raaMea fM ay an Dnagglats lor B0 Csnts. CatahrH Cream Balm SURE TO CU1XI3 Cold in Head QUICKLY. Easy to Use. .r-Tt- S. r . -G" a , A nartiele la aimttod Into each enatril and U wr-wwklil. yrtoa 6( wnta at dnigirtiiw, by mail, mrlw-rti. 60 arota EiY hkotheiui, uraenwion bu.mii, mw x ore LADIB SEND IN YOU R KAVES FGH OUR NEW CATALOGUE OomrAixixo 150 IixcaTKATiowa or Axi. Kimim or Fancy G-cocb, "W00I3 3 , Emfcrci&ery MatsriaJ. Mailed free oa appllcatloa hy SAMUEL WEITZ & CO., 143 POST SraCT, KHAR RANT AVENUE, SAX FnANCISCO. REWAHDI rill ha said ami. rr a- p!- i i 1 -prfT- 4 t Q T 1 will visit America ia the spring, . THOMAS CAEXttE. - the grpt .S-oti-h author, sufferi-d all bis bf tfliii dvt)ei) fa, Urh made his own life mis-ruble and eaumed hi Iwst and t-uext tu t a little pain because ot hi freifulueaa. Iyt-epiairB-Tany arl- from dl"-- f thn llvf.--. and as Dr. tierce's "lioloVn Medical l.ipov-ry" rur-s J IUc(in-a of this RTfat irlnocl. It follows that Jilia all cannot b Carlrlra. even wlih fl vKivpimla, ail cun ha free front the malady, while emulating his virtues. A ejetona at Mlneola, Teias. blew down a ball, and killed lire people. A Wore 'I'll rn. 4'ottsh or 4'old. If auOVrad to progress, results tn serious pulmonary aliectious.loftetiiliiie incura ulw, 'itrtywn Uront hint Troches? reah directly Ilia neat of thn diseaaa, and give iiiataut l-cHnf Itrnin tittta Is rwred by freouent sinall doses et lino's Cure tor Consumption, COKSTIMFTICS SCKE.LT CCK3. Tn li V.A.9 ( 1'leaaa inform veur rraaars tht I havs a ItJ to rmneiy lor ilia abo-ra aaatd lm-a-a. ktj iia timttlr um IIiiiiimhiiU of tmurlrM hare tH iTniii!iitljr cund. 1 abail ba alat to MUid tno uotOt-a uf tnr rnititdy fHU to any of yaur readers ht hv eunnnutittlon if tbey mill aead oio Uiutr r.tureM nl f. V. aauraaa. u..l........ii- T. A. EIXX.'UM. hi. U lai i'tarl Kew Tor ITaniiaiA-r rll1ta tMwatnni it fn na fIJa-. HB It MM K V l.l..u. f O !!. Ml, furtUod O. f waaiaoam viraiyKuiflia ado. aiaa i. voa, MUa Wakele ' Boulrr I and Uopher Eatarml nator Try 1 . and pro-a the beat la the cheapest. Wakelea k Co., Han r ntiflwo. Abcolutcly Pure. ThUi maih-r er vaWe. A luaj ict af laMtlr. ttranylji and w a-hniaaoRMoaaa. Mm aeoanmlrat than tHeunMnary kbx!a,aat ranim bo sold ia eon-ett. fciw!iatfe aailutuiis M vm . ""I snwm, alum. Of phon-hate wiiku -'f enly tn aaaa Horkh liAsuet'oaaca tn.. iuo ui Birtpci, a. 1. WESCOTT BROTHERS, flAEDr KOHTUER.t O BOW If ti 3 O 1 fS , Frnro Mlnnapulia. Mlnnmda, are Oie Heat, be iw Umjf era earllnr aad lb moat prodaetlra Take no iMlier nntU joa iry thui. l or sale by ail leaulna iiMira nn llnwwt Trade snnpl-vd h W hmilT BltOS. Dwt Menrlian'a, M and tos saiMucna But, hao rreaetaca, Cat. Ta tnjr. Saaiptao vrla rt.Sn. rare. Una not and tfca haw feat, Writa Pi. araa a Sjrarr Hmw r.Ht). Ian. ta aiK-raeifiit epei atiaa aaca ffSfiS, anlffowtatnl bvaa ail aasnaoa at ma hoti, amawaaa ay kmiaiM Ma aad tradiaa; adarataia. tbi most rrarECTLt Bcnrrc school ef lu dm aa tba Cant, it eSf prima ea daaa imiTiKtHa, ar ana i..aa taraof ftaat tba Tar AniMMic, wntiac, UmMl i. Haok-aarainf p.itbUa, Sltorikaad.T)'p-minf . KuaiacaaMKl Lra-1 I orml aaa ail uam scaooi ittmacae Maioiii al all aaaa aad hot aeasa admitted am bna. Cataiflcao fraa. A-rtto. aad Waacau ftvnriatan. Study and Health. Mile. Lncle Hall, doctor at Vnsssr C-iUege, on going Into the question of hygienic Influence of hard study on rumen, with regtird to tho remark able diminution of large families In America, has come to the following conclusions, which deserve to be ex amlneilt U ie ttttnared and seventy six families proved en examination to have only an average of from three to two children. Now, out of those families th se ' who had the largest number . ef " clilliirca -.were found lo have highly -educated mothers, not to say educated above tho average. Dr. Hall's experience has proved to her that the health of the yonng people la particularly good. and even improves as the studies In cre.tse. She cites the following words of M. B.-uoora, Director of the Wiscon sin University: "The health of our young people in no wise diminishes whilst wiib ns; on the contrary, I nave long since noticed that a young lady wbo gives np society and take up reasonably with study at the universi ty is In fur better condition, as far as health is concerned, than the majority of her at x CAie iga 7 ribune. titreet-Uorner Philosophy. Somebody has said: 'When you se a man look at his watch and put it back into his pocket, ask him the time, and in nine eases out of ton he can not tell you until he has looked again." Thai is a fact. I hare experimented with several men on the street lately at the noon hour, too, when every body Is looking nt bis watch, if he has one nnd In every case the man who had just been looking hurriedly at his time piece, when asked the time, had tc look at it again before "ho could give answer. And did you ever nobce how the man who is always in a hurry look at his watch on the least occasion, ot without any occasion at all? For ex. ample, yon and he are baying a conver sation, and he will inform yon that to morrow he will leave town for the East or somewhere else, and. while doing so, impulsively takes out his watch. apparently to see if to-morrow is nea at hand or if he has time to wait for it to arrive. With many persons the act of taking out the watch is more a mat ter of unconscious impulse or hah than of deliberate intention. Chicag journui. . An Interesting Chamber. . The Supreme Court chamber at Washington was given over to freacoers last summer, and was ' a barren and desolate place enough. Dusty white bugs shrouded the busts of dead-and gone Chief Justices in' the niches around the sem:-circular walla, the floors were bare, and1 the high bench looked cold and lonely. Scaffoldings held tho painters to their work np an tier the high ' ceiling. . In the doom y looking clerk's desk was locked up the iMmtais court Bible an Oxford edition of 1799, first used when the court came to A ashington in 1S00. Since then every President has kissed it at his in auguration-, and every Chief and Asso. eiaie justice fca. tjoen sworn in upon it. just to ir;e. nana of the mam chambc s tf.e ttj n l.iced 1 'a room a which llorso tin. t 1 i:r si ph 1 n s t r u m e n I Gladstone ps ij r- r, S t A ... I . m f- t ' seiii 7 h ! t-wL -..1 Tlaira-l -rsw r-Ma te. asT'S'im-. am- t at t-t Him -r f ae .- ! i unl tit i I mw j - talc Mm -t I "1 b t hi-1 T ! I tunrr.i-4..'- tits Su-i- vo. '- " , - i.'iatal Ir. -a ' kli I v B.w r. noauia amin.mla. Luua ot Aluui- tka owj A CaHtAa . waMM BM.-aa-1i a f-.f tnr to a ;witj t. txt'tn BTL2Y A5TD LH1D CO. Baa Franelaco, OUCLL LAMBCRSOM, Cent Agent. T aitarsi t. PaMHSll. Or. oTritiwAY K ittiit'H B n. a I Cllt H A If UmMxr, Houib ltia: t-r de Orrara. band tuwrttmeata. Urjii-t Mock of Bhttm Maaie and ikxik. Banrta itr'W Kaatera firtaaa. M. mm ivi a rum mjaaa. aaa nawwm OLD at. S AD ULCERS af - eani 1 Ltl 1 1 n ' t a it. c lia-'-r taoa. bf Hit, tint. HmOm t. V. ika. aa. tmd. Htmm. I GOnG L78TCJ VThtm I ai ran I maaa aw if i' at-m mm fnraOMaad l- ha -a tli ain. 1 ta-yi il 1-nV It rf.U SH-t.VtJvHaillinaal;l-tr. t a ,-.r-t aia t -..-I to an. tis wr m mm. tnbm b'" H-iWii m ag tvmmm f-f B" fm j'!i a rsr. iH;aiMiiainrt t-stii6ami a t. . at aw at!lMa aamadr. Kaawwa aad lVattana. I.U.MOT,ii.i;lSdl-aajrli.ihew .aria. Tho Van Ilonciccar OYSPCflSAnY. aa FOBTLAMU OM la wt hpm. La (Myf aHw Biwrtl aew hm fU...'-a. -i r; i 1. I tmtf ra, a wvmz, 1 Sa TSir-A ry-f. sat faMia 4 Mi rt. t. I'iait'W Ttialilt ttrmi-B Frtaa tH. mci Ix-a. Olaa bo rii4 ai4 aaM r-Y U'a. fttatM kfira t mmumit aaa?f Bttatli o iniv A 1 t t. p'-r 6.000.000 Ean--sir.g ISUiiftCOl v iilaMaat. h-ai a- SEED ' iAnriuAL cl Par tsst - eat era aiwiaa It. Iivaiue l-t-?Bii. Av-wv pama aai Ceren loaer ' rr cr rt ci?ii D.KaFEHHYsVC,,i;Utit,MScn, tUk.Mt a. The Oregon National Dank, or to btlax n. ' IWudwaaai to MiaroinlUaa BaaSaaa Baat.t CArlTA L PAID tn, . . t.ajM Trtuiea a Onaa.ral fSant-rra Amors n i-mNhMuitni. KXCHAJSI.K . Saa rnectma aad Xvw Vork MAXKa,H-rr.Nl om faa-aaUa lm VAJI U I.eXAMlUtLrT. . Wlto. H MAKKIJS, ia.. IX W. SRXBMAK. Oaaaaw. 1 1 tn t-eai 'i iiinu aad i i ham Map of ruiiu pa sorra. ta ERXB. K.LAMIxa, roar SIM. F war anil! aattabia lor Onairaa, Lamoae, Otiraa, maaaoplae. ; Mariana a, atnarhaxnaa an4 aa-iy atfaaablaa. aaJaon kwur are.l t. S1.S5 toSS.00 net aere. M. SOLOMON, tjK- w- SJS fea. Aiajk'SS. 4 titrae, lit. SiRXD 10a taltaar) aad haaa roar a " i-or. Yo alii rcia raca D'ca. Bm-ta, ate-.tniai Srfaa want ac Aanm Di- mmf valfiahlo a.m. fat aal-w prt !,. M-irraraOu., uifoi-a. A uriia, Ik. . P. K. U. Na m-SL F. . V. Na a. 2 PI SHCTCUH CARTRIDGES J aiei'iia ai-d aa r i I ff ! 5 at iKm. mm I T IM to ' an ah" ;- wtt i 7f A x-,T MAKHuOD I I - j ( B-noa t..-T. ftanai I . ' , t N Vrt, - -J L-r I t 1 -j. ilaai l!lmMa 1 I a -t i ZJ -' II IT- oTfcaatfco. II ' m. jwa. era rn&wmM ta hatha I la i , ? Tjf. J Uarpaat taaawnts B " t i . 1 lun-aona. I ' -V,v r -Ra, 5. V . . y When you want a Power Prca, Lny a Country "Campbell" or CottrelL'1 They are the only standard UPrcceSe Cheap' Presses provo costly. AItthto address PAIMEE & EBY, Nos. 112 nnd 114 Front frnn ' i "fl1 GUHS ! CHEAP ! CEQ3AP ! To reduce No. ISO. MO. 57. No. 03. No. 531. No. 17G. No. 1 79. a a--. a aaaVAW awaaw Aa.ia.fji, AAMWU W aVaU a'lii, VaA'AafV-vaa- lug Shot Guns at greatly reduced prices: Lever under fore end action. IO or 12 ga. r $12 OO wm. Moone & Co., side snap action, bine steel, 10orl2ga. - - - - - - Wm. Moore & Co., side snap acticn. ttvist bar rels, 10 or 12 ga. - - - - . Geo. Fisher side snap J - a fenp aiiu reDounaing Goo. Fisher top snap action, twist barrels, pi ?tcl grip, extension rib. rebounding locks, IO or 12 ga. Geo. Fisher top snap action, laminated steel bar- i. rels, pistol grip, reboundiiis bar locks, exte:riics3. rib, lOor 12 ga. - - - - - Amy tftHre (.ana Mat C.O.I. mm thtrtat; If th t take tke 5 will b driartrS fraaa tfee not -Bteaey rerawtled len rirrrat chars?. et t re-larvi'ias Seal -t r? ilalls Willi eacSt (t, r- a - I.-.J L"i C w . -! f HtmStft ri-trfeew riprtewd aw ii3 fjtl 1 hfttsiata mam ALL C1"' f-'TI M f rr'.'-t-TV -y-, ,. 1 (,(.. i I rf 1 r I- " " ' ' f fl- I ijr-Ht I ) ,T -. S -':'. 1 I I f- I f . i I r , ta i. 1 - -k. ' .'- V i'- n 1 "nn ' , . tlliA-pill.. -, t f .ti.l f t... SI. J ''"-' 5"rf wr-rn-ir" ' T,itl'ir t B'4ifwd tia:H'ra, iivittti'-ra- fum 1.--.? b - f-r- a. a iiw-fworfi-l ' 't r --'-r Ir. I'k-i Incram fri " In J nf till r-r.?wtvi-.t-rr!f4. Hain't a ti--':. citjiwi..fl a f -.-a eft if t ir a -1 -t.'. - , . - r i ' - - ).., j V ' -j,'i n'll I -M I"-' ' ' ."! i, 'j a I--! t ' ' -v v rf iif-h tiW Inva-t-.W li..-l '' t. i -Rl !-. .'l'''f ' -I a V i flri " - .. -J lix s 4 f , a- ps i jf t-'- r I'-i"1, i- I r r v ra--"t r -r'- Llf I 1-1.4 li I . .!,, II...-, - - -4 t (a tH -t ff vn4 e-r -'-'-. V o tnfr 1 f( I . tin aii- t.', t-ti-i tt ie.t ii ...t. a i ta "iii. ' a a -rt'-T .1 1. ij-i iiiwriMi.' i - i . Urtt m-ri-i i-'.E t I vi.-'-v i a . to l!f- ttt! .--!. it Ci:r:a f f i'f i.-."h. bi"' , 1 I m "if, "- t- ', r-r'Hi pr--'n,. au- ffi. ti 'V f I $ ; i-nh-' wfi, i -1 if i' -1 i - ' t m' H'll tf on, . ' ..' r f- r t--...4 f isaru.'.tiHJ. trttttj -jt arointi t.- -.-. f. " rvnt':l L--f-i ;. a.w 1 o.oo. ft.---1 U (wi-1" I"! '-.rnr 1 t' T'lr. '; - I -' n.- v tm I -lei,--1 ti" -"'-'-tl t -' s rTr-!,'v-r-';i. A-j vf-"T-- ij- -j.'- ttitr it 'I'M. AxjUL iou, aj iutiu fcu'M,', K. V. . AC7CO XilVaUI ' r :tr - ViV(.VV-B UUWClVJ Arria72z-iot;a a CATUMtTSO. m'f a-a a aa a r " - i wm aa, .a. t.tii- lmlleetlH, i lid smtwoa wmtn.r eutd by ' 'iora-r'a fer' i jKnryaf I ve rel if uuis a viai, S1 Xrutaiiai. s rnno aa pt IPS 0ti 0fe ii L'MFastmiF, u. tborOttsd, Iy.T,,.'na. !! a"!-?!. Baok-iaeirfKJ aad imcctmhf aa lat $ i. OOF "nni -."7:7i-;l,r.''- . -yt'lljll awalnt a-rT., -V ft S tm-i--'l. isrvriur ault iumf- tue. 4SCRorr BflLMJiO. 723 Market 6t., Ssn rranc:eo, C&I. a v ajn,f,a H AII4X?. Tn -"-A Iweh rVr-jJ1!:, "!'' eftwi. loma Electric Celt tzzT.zj 171 Ffeardi 8t fc. Knrrtam al Tamsiin, ' Pnriiauid. ifmgaa. advice AK3 ttrotcrxs JCO, AM fs-aati axaaMaafbfla fea4. fa-aaaJn arf F-a l.'a a at .-..! r luww. , , jwfiii ail Jlvaa i- -t"t c a ---. it 1" fci -w-lii i i i at . :t t,.t t t r..ia.ttaii A a I t a. n-... i-hx-t v. h- e mtVKm. tnami tna.a i a t-mn I t c.- s. i smmiM f, A r Im "v.t I- im- . j, -i. tffcttto artMiaaanaa daf t.iuavflT f!.:;j a a.uat laaaslnautaaa. ?On af XZavetal IIas,aa. V!r.-. jU tftmmmrm, 'lata)aatiKS i'i 1 tear trrataS aamattailr, wiust a ar kaiir. aattattai fa ra -t-s a laila arr-rtl tt.-4 imm a.. j re-eaerai. H iJLt i mvm w m aaiai3.i-amaaa, i.- V!a SCI.T r Ivw.i) ai. iMfc y t fta.a .fife. s ' t " i ... . . f M L.CIftft.1 9 !l f mm i ft a-KatiT X aeaftw i rf,-ft, i' FOSt; W- I I i: , " , s .wni", i'.H.'ut,i v f f ajp-i'-p-iwa. ' I fej r At w. IT taal a a T Li Urn C a.ILvl "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." the Oritrtltal cm4 Oaily tbeatair-iA. ' wmm mm aw-y aHii. Fi".wr wrftiS.Mi 3w fc nihil .! , ... Paa Swta St i at at.ia atnn wl a a v i, . ra. S Wati. VS i ; I vo t tm, . ( yrtara . texntnrr rn. Ctaa e.a l.r . f tlia -ie- wl aw r:mm Sffc I-ncaAUa , OastanattJ'. 15 G 16 action, twist barrels, pistol w-v a vt, iocis, au or nz ga.. verrlvt af SS ta --' - f t .... ... tr-fiit I. .j v. z.i ...;t!i,j -i v