The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 23, 1887, Image 3

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    Tiiti Lebanon I'xprr. .-
i iUDAY, .1 'MM I'.lill '.'.I, 11
Contractor Mutc-ne Is stopping at the
i. I,
. . . .
S iKUr will ho issued frma this of- i
Lee next week.
Tin- unwelcome foggy morning are
prevalent : r.gnln.
Rentetrd'er the. Christmat tree at
I'nhm hull on to-morrow evening.
I. But kner and wife of rrovidettee,
p:ld a visit WtMnmlrty.
IMt Moittelth and Henry MeElwaln,
W Albany, have ln hi town during
thin week.
On Tuesday last the rM-rwtlon of
the hell tower tf the Fire department
m as completed.
Hilts are out for a grand ball at Soda-
isle on December 3tV. AH are cordial
ly Invited, &vh hills for particular.
The friend of the PSodavUl public
ri hool will tdve- a Christina tree, on
tn-tnofmw evening. All are invited to
participate. , -
The tdaushter in general merehnn-Oi-'e
Pttll rtntinnentChurchlll & Mon
ti Hh's. Such bargains lire seldom ott'er--d
to the people.
llemember the Christmas mrvlees at
the Academy by the M. E. HtmdttV
t-chool. All are cordially invited,
frVrvteoa at 7 o'clock.
We are glnd to know that Mr. Blank
the tailor Is doing well In hia luislnesa.
I le is a first-etas workman, and hence
la tieing well patronixed.
It is said that the tariff" question la
froiiijjc to Ik? an Important iaue in the
cotnihfr city election. To which will it
l con lined, wool of whiskey?
By reason of the near npptVwteh of
riirWnm and th nwwarv prepnra-
Hon far it, Frof. Clark lias Whhm1
Id, nve concert till 1 WmWr
t)n Monday bst Mr. 11. O. Klum
and wife, trs. Mundy and M iss Hims
-aile?l at Ieiwnon. tr. Klum has
'. suffering extremely from a felon
on his left thumb, He had it lanced
Avhile here on Monday.
Mr. H. W. Hereon has our thanks
f-r the proceedings of the Dtftriet
Teachers Institute, which was held at
Haly on Friday and Hatuntay of laxt
week. Mr. Herron Ij e among the
ablest teachers in the state.
Mr. Bufl. lllatt returned from the
tnoimtiuns on Thursday to remain in
town during the holidays. He says he
l. ft the cattle in fine pasture, and that
w eather is nicy and clear but slightly
cnhjin the vlelnity : where, be was
t 'll, T tsnlfti-rlic. rvf llllu ttAtt
livn appointed railway jwtaiclerk on
t lie route tiet ween W'allula Junction and
Dayton.' We congratulate our friend
t 'barley in the favorable distinction
f-hoxvii'hiTn in this direction; al.w the
service in securing such an agreeable
Kext week is holiday w-wk end as
f)ie changt are nutleijate1i on the
r.-xrins, we will adojit our usual cu
tnu, and not issue a paper. We have
Riven our readers mur
pH p one i
month's - allowance thia month and
w e ftl tfnt printers, as well as others,
need nttiv' .re ration, wtnle ewry
unc el.-? is having a gisnt time.
T!e amount of corrcpjwndence fm
tbiurent localities to the ..vrRKs is
Uvimitn w extensive that we will be
compelled to make more mom for th if j
very accept able class of nevs. It will j
it-innn-. in iiiv nunmiuiciuv xi''ii.j:iiK)ui tiicir unpieaJMiui pmiicaincnt.
if Linn county should nt fortret Hint Mr. liennett claimed that as he had
we produce more local news from dif- had no previoua experience with the
iVrent plaera thnmghout the county s Oregon Pacific Couhmhiv he wo en-
tl-.un any other of the papers published i titled tosoruesymathy,ut that Hunt
therein. - ; 1 who had been through, the mill, wan
t-.TZ tiM. i. I not entitled to anv.
( amp 1 Rr,-John b, ; Miller IVisU Mr Hont mU w uit f t
o. 4t, Xi. A. It., of this place will !llnv He had thought that after the
Jto!d a camp fire on Haturtlay evening way Sn which he had stood by the
next. The tire will consist of pork j company three years ngn and liclpcd
siiid ienns, and "herd tack." All old j carry them out of their troubles he
widiers and their fri-mta are Invited to niiglit expect ln-tter treatment at their
!; and bring their tin cujia, uponm? j hands, and did not think they would
and plaU-s.; i fool him again.
mi hick, manager for Kwong Tal
Hant.v Claxw at tub Nkw HAt.i t (.., has had a lot of men at work on
During the pa two daj-s a number j
.f the committee on the Chrinfmas j
-ladder !uve t n at work In Union
hall. When completed it will le a
very handstme altair, rctrienting
t"ireptacc and chimney, while the two j
1 i.U.-is are rovidtxl for Mr. Hanta I
to eain admittance to the !jim-
i:iy nown wuury-ue ut- iri" T
,'Hmi, itmn, t
!i uSren. i lie littie toiks anouiu tie
t time -to trive me out uinn n ciiruii
lirsiTOR's Dfxkjht. The following
new game called ''Editor's Delight"
1m vlaved in this wise: Take a sheet of
ordinary writing paper, fold it uj care-fullv,-
and enclose a bank note sulli
eien'Uv large to pay all arrears and a
year 'in advance. What adds im
mensely to the pleasure of the game
5 to send along the name of a new
nubscriber or two, accompanied by
cas-li. Keep your eye on the editor,
and if a smile adorns his face the trick
works like a charm. It now being
near the first of the year, it is an ap
propriate time to play the joke. Just
try it. . . mi '-----
Mr. J. D. Fvnton of McMinville has
completed the survey of the Grand
llonde Indian reservation. In which
be has been employed for the past four
months. The reservation is eight by
twelve miles in size, and contains
ninotv-six sections. There are several
donation claims included in its boun
daries, comprising four or five sections.
The survey has tieen made with the
idea of alloting lands in severalty to
the Indians, and forty-five sections
have been surveyed into .forty-acre
tracts. Some fifteen years ago a por
tion of the .reservation was surveyed
into twenty-acre tracts by Hon. D. P.
Yhonipson, and many of" the Indians
have since been settled on these tracts.
There is some anxiety among them as
to how the new allotment will be
made. It is probable that each w ill be
allowed to keen the tract he has im
proved and will be given enough else
where to make up his quota. Orcgo-
ti I an. : -
kk. We have been favored with an
outline pen sketch In black and Mrhiteyr.
of the irrand marine view now
prrinrea in nine colors, to oe given as
prcmiunT to every subscriber to The
11 '.s &hrc for 188a It will be on ex
tra heavy paper 17x23 inches in size.
This, with the many printings requir
ed, entails an enormous expense upon
the publisher, notwithstanding which,
everv subscriber -for 1888 will receive
one "free. The Watt Share enters its
i-uh vear with the January number,
jtk1 for 18S3 will be greatly enlarged
and improved in every respect. It is
t be only ljiagazine on the I'aeifie coast,
and is the best magazine in the world
pul Iished for ?2.50 a year. The prcmi
t.m pk-ture alone is worth the sub
icriition price, and is worthy a place
sn the wall of every admirer of. the
isi.''.iifiecnt scenery of the beautiful
y mLia. The magazine, with all
" 1 mms and supplements, will be
post paid, to any address in the
ed States and Canada for 2.50 per
- Volumes of The Went Shore IVir
handsomely louad in clotli,
Isif-k and gold eHilswsed.' exm
r c. 0 prup!., with more than .1.j0
.-it'icii of wi-nerv in the I'aciSe
f mitrai-tot on the Oregon rtKe Ite
fnaff to t'omln Oiiernltii--ttir-tM
t v tin Nrlann Mmnett and
it. XV, II.1HI Ihrlr
Kmrn the On ifitnlnn, r-tv. I!V,
Messrs. O. W. Hunt ami Kelson llcn-
w 4 I ll... .....It 1- ti n.itln.ui.l ii,.lifMun.
Itl IIl SUIT 1. Ill IVIIIill II Iflltl 1 I I'llllflU1
, . , , . . .
" ""' " ,v
11 ny. To an OrraoniciA reporter, w ho
called on them, they stated that they
had quit work on the Oregon PaeUle
railroad, discharged the men ettiploy
ed there and annullwl and rescinded
their eontrnet with the company. Mr.
Ik nnett had a contract for forty tulles
east from Albany, and Mr. Hunt had
a rontraet for the next fifty miles.
"What caused you to annul your
contraeis?" asktnt the reixrter.
Mr. Bennett said: "J teen use of the
company's lion-fuHHhnent of their
part of the contract, In that they failed
to furnish estimate of the amount of
work done under the contract. They
had a engineer A. K. Hehenk, who
was Incompetent and wnwrupulous
and s wllUustool of the tnanagers of
the company, who pv hi only a part
of the estimates, and the company did
tnvt even pay for the work Known by
his estimate.
Mr. Hunt Mid he had annulled his
contract lea use he had not received
any money fur nearly four mouths'
work ami could Ret no satisfaction na
to when he would pet any. Ho said
he, "I have paid on" and discharged
my men and selnded the contract.
As "Mr. ! ten net t ftate, our cftimatea
were always llow what they should
haw tieen, and we Were dealt with
very unfairly."
These gentlemen were Induced to
take contracts from the company un
der the most positive aurance that
they had ?2,0oo,xx) in their treasury
lmi'Rta 7 B ' tww
Hft - .01'0 nww nvnifttbi.e at any tl
i....... .i .. . . ... i i.. ..
J Hint were backed ty n syndicate with
Fracleo. On tieinjr clonelv nuentlon-
chI un to w hy tht rails were not dellver
ed on the road, It was iaid that the
company were negotiating with the
deuriment at WaKhinston to have
the rtdla entered to the cnnllt of the
port of Ynquina instead of Han an
cUco. The contractora say the compa
ny have furnUhet enough rail for ten
miles by tudnjr lot of short lengths,
and thi apin-urs to lie all the rails they
haw. There is said to be more rails in
Han Frsncloco, but they are held not
only in I mud but for the original eot,
Ikrth Mr. Hunt and Mr. lien net t are
rather inclined tone reticent a to the
extent of their claim against the O. I.
Campany and as to the'eounc they in
tend to pursue In the matter. Mr.
Itcnnett has practically AtdHhed pra
dinir thirty nifles of Uia contract, has
furniHlied timber, piles and Iron for
bridges and trestles.
Mr. Hunt haa graded alwut fifteen
miles, but he has been at enormous ex
Knso In petting stores and supplies
along the line of hU contract, and
building warehous.-, nvder liouws
and q'.mrters for his men. All the
tonu and tuatcrisl had to be haulwl
long distances into the mountains.
Both Mr. Hunt and Mr. ltenuett have
A bii lot of miDiillcs on tln Kiimmit f
tjie Cascades. Men innt le emplovcii
to take care of these all winter and it
wUl eost a great deal to cart them tut
In the spring. Ho It will be seen that
the value of the work done on their
contracts does not by au y mentis retire-
sent amounts they are out and lujured
iy mis aiiair.
Both irvntlcmcn scenieil cheerful and
rather inclined to Joke one another
the road. He tteenied quite happy to
"'I', " " ""I"1''""
l. .,.1 i .....a. : . v. iH i r . i
Mr' , 'J, ' fcV l "t'Z I
owed him J4m and Jim.
i West fall,
,V ej,5 ,vt
M;j! fr mv
Chines? contractor of Alta
Haid Ial Duck, "when I
fftit. .,.iirvo.- .u'....m.. ...
fmnr Xew-York.-- AU'? he
b rontititted
always." "
"company lie taiKee story alwav
Tliis last sentimvnt when much clab-
rated and put into the most rugged
Kngtisn imaginable, coincides with
Mesrsrs. Bennett ana Hunt's opinion
in regard to Messrs. Hoag, Hogg, Nash,
et al., and others of the Oregon" Pacific
company. .
Report of the Lebanon Public School
for the month ending December 9th,
18S7. -
Number enrolled during term, 54.
Average daily attendance during the
term, 39.
Number attending this month, 47.
A verajre attendance 41.
The following pup. Is were 100 In de- i
portmeut during the term: Evu Rns
coc, Davie Giliaon, Eddie Guy, Odell :
Peterson, Joseph Moist, Maggie Cotton,
Fay Donaca.
Names of those who were perfect In
dejortmenfc this month: Frankle
Burkhart, Mabel Italston, Carrie lin
ger, Jessie lialston, Ixswie Peterson,
John Gibson, Georjjie 4 Cotton, Ora
Harknoss, Chester Htringcr and Ethel
Miss Faxxie Grtqos,
-. - Teacher.
Number enrolled for the term 42..
Average daily attendance during the
term, 27.
Number attending this month, 39.
Average daily attendance 32-
Pupils whose deportment was 100:
Ora: Andrews, James Walker, Willie
Ionaca, Maggie Burkhart, Merton
Burroughs, Lizzie Donaca, Pat tie Gay
lord, Mary Taylor, Moilie Bityeu An
nie Brown. Chas. S. Hunt,
: Principal.
On Saturday last Mr. A. It. Cyrus
was called to the residence of A. P.
Nye of Liberty precinct for the pur
pose of assisting in the formation of an
incorporation under the name of the
Liberty Cemetery Association, the fol
lowing gentlemen are the incorpora
tors: A. P. Nye, G. W. Klum, Thos. Ar
nold, C. H. Bogart, J. D. Wood, Z. li.
Moss, Win. Ingram, John Powers,
Jesse Barr, II. G. Nye, Wm. Bhelton,
G. Vv. Willis, Benson Harris, H. W.
Moore, J. I. Matbx-k, and W. H. Noble.
A. P. Nye, G. WT. Klum, Z. B. Moss,
C II. Bogart and Wm. Ingram were
chosen as trustees, and they completed
the organization by electing A. P. Nye
as president; Thos. Arnoid, secretary,
and Benson Harris, treasurer, .
The Democratic voters of the city of
Lebanon are requested to meet at
Union hall on
Wednesday evening
tlie purnem of 310111-
fur Citv .'!! b, to be
Dectmbtr 2--- for
iii'.t'nrr a tukit fur citv ..'!'.Ci. to be
. Rl'lt'EH. -
Deeeinber 20.
Hplecr will have a Christmas tree.
Fall grain Is looking well In this lo
cality. There will l Chriwtmna wrvlccs nt
the school houwe. ,
W. F. Hpieer Is thinking of removing
to Fast Portland next spring.
Mr. Bryant has tb new church
bul'dtntr eneloneii. T h e Ulmctialous
are JxtS feet.
Frof. Walicr Met lliee. !as mirchascrf
ft lot on the corner of Het-ond and Mark
et Ht. and will licgin the erection of it
neat residence In a few days.
W. C. Feterson, Lebanon's iwnular
llueryman, paid Hpler a short visit a
few dnya since "Walt" reports the
livery business lively. Hs M-ffl da a
rushing hiiHiucsH the coming summer
and "don't you forget It."
There is some talk of tno school
lion) being removed to this place. We
think, however, that such a course
would lie unwise for the present, in on
much as the present location Is nearer
the center of the district. We say, di
vide the district first.
Mr. 'M. A. TV of the Albany Vm
ocm, had better "look a leetle oudt,"
how lie "hooka" corrcsimndence from
other papers. Thk Fxcrkss' corre
sjtoudeuts are aid for their trouble,
and If the Jtrmwrnt can't affbrd it, it
should at least have the honor to give
II. V. Hardman receiwd finm Rotith
BendTlnd., few weeks ago, one of
the celebrated "Sohd-CVnufort sulky
plows. It is quite a novelty, having
three wheels and no tongue. He has
pi ven It ft thorough test in diilbrent
kinds of soil, and all who have seeu It
work pronounce it a complete success.
Farmers should aw this plow lufore
purchasing. Mr. II. 1ms the agency
for Llnu county,
Book agents ore Incoming quite pop
ulous in tlds vicinity. The business is
umbHilitcdly an honorable one, but It
is to lie deplored, however, that It Is
very often abused by Indiscreet agents.
One of these stents, a frvr ilays nincee'
had the audacity to canvass a certain
gtmtlcman while he was engaged lu
pnrtaklnff of his dinner. The unfor
tunate victim yielded, lu order that he
might dine in ieace. Hiva No. 2. ,
c haw ronnsviLi.K.
Dceemler 10.
Hehool closeil last Friday.
Father Blackburn Is Just recovering
from the effects if a cancer.
J H. Hct4t, who has bi n 111 for a
few days, is recovering again.
O. r. A brains and others have Iwen
doing some much needed work on the
' Mr. Geo. Gay received a severe sprain
of the ankle one day last week, w hile
running after a cow.
Mr. Moses has built a largr bulldiiitf
for the purpose of raising rahbits. He
ol it h! nix two small ones Wt summer,
and now has thirteen.
Althouse A (!o. have completed a
ImSiiii tw&r this place for the purivise of
sorting logs, as there are two other
companies on the river.
The new saw mill at this place Is
Iirogressimr slowly. The mot of the
lauds which have been working on It
have gone to the mountains to put lu
log. .
On iat Wednesday evening fifteen
or twenty of the young folks collected
at the Orcjroii House, after which they
marched in on Mr. Moses and took
him by surprise, ' and remained with
him until a late hour. Fvcry one wem
ed to enjoy It. Mr. Moses showed his
true southern lilicrality in the way of
confectionary, etc. Knurr.
DeccmiKr IS. "
Tliere doesn't seem to Ikj anything
on the docket here for Christmas.
T. A. Lewis was up here ftvm Al
Iwny on a visit to his family tlie past
B. Crawford, of Mabel, Lane county,
was In our village yesterday, visiting
his Hister, Mrs. Lew I.
Mr. Frlchs, from Hampton, lows,
son-in-law of Peter Chanct. arrived
xcrc wjth jg fHmiiy recently.
Janiw Derrick, brother of the
, of this place, ha. been down to
this place to visit his brother recently
lie uvea tn ivastern Oregon. ,
A. J. Hhanka, who hastjccn teaching
the Fern IUdge school, has clewed his
tenn tlwrw and tken a
tliree mouths
:chool at Hvvet t Homo, - and -moved to
that place, he is a pood teacher and dc-j
moved to
serves to meet with succcsa.
December HI.
The late rains have made the roads
good for teaming, ami farmers are still
bringing In their grain. The streets
are thronged every day with teams
loaded with the golden cereals of our
productive soil.
The amount of immigration to this
place is simply enormous, and causes
many old-timers to exclaim "where
do they come from?" and what speaks
well fur our eastern country is, that
wry few take their departure for other
places, aud so to speak, thev are well
pleased with our climate and produc
tive son. .
The building booni has not subsided
yet, notwithstanding during the past
season there has lecn erected fourteen
new brick buildings, and numerous
frame dwelling houses. During the
coming season there will lie two good
substantial brick hotels erected one
three-ftory and one four-story. The
work of excavating for the basement
of the latter is being pushed ahead
with dhqiatch by the owner, Hon.
John Gager.
Our new custom flouring mills ore
completedund receiving the machine
ry and will commence operations Jan-1
nary 1, 1&88. These public improve
ments are a great credit to our town,!
and of a nature we are proud to boast
of. Two electric light plants, and a
city levy one" mile and a half long,
which will soon lie completed at a cost
of $40,000, together with new ware
houses at the depot, Aill to their ut
most capacity with whent waitlng-
shipmeiit, wniclt is very slow owing to
the lack of cars to transjiort it to the
seaboard. The aggregated amount
handled bv our warelioue men is esti
mated at 502,000 sacks.
During the past week your corres
pondent had the pleasure to visit the
Malheur country aud eastern division
of the O. P. It. ft., which is under the
management of Mr. H. It. Clark. He
has about 100 men at work, mostly on
rock work, and the manner in w hich
the work is being pushed ahead is a
great credit to the- genial superintend
ent of this division, taking into con
sideration the number of hands which
has been employed. The present for
ces are caiujied about (31 miles from
Ontai io, on the O. B. L. R. It., on the
Malheur river. The weather has been
good; no snow to speak of, and very
little rain, the road to the camp is very
good, and supplies are freighted in by
large teams. The company have their
store houses well supplied with provis
ions and feed to lust them several
mouths. Tliere is a number of fami
lies in the camp and all are very well
nousea ror tne winter in aug-outs ana
other comfortable shelter. All spoke
well of their employee and treatment ! building, and the Orchestra and Sing
in every respect. One thing particular j ing Class for music, was adopted.
. : i 1 . l . . -. ,.jr i I-c . - , r i - 1 .1. v . . . . '
ItUllWttUlVf V lia LlUt WMlV.tlV ilJU Jcl-
I famed bunch tmifts, aa the stock ranee
t htihs to 1 - a tLi'.;r r f the pn-t m thin
n-tiiosi. I i n- 1 l-v x '.; n iMik-
Mr. Hermann Doing liU t'tmont for ft
t lisngr.
On Tuesday evening last wo had the
pleasure of receiving from our Jl pre
ventative in Congress lion. Btuger
Hermann, the following oillelal corres-
pondenetj between him and the l'ost
olllee Department concerning the
change lu the innll service from Leba
non to Albany. It will be seen that
Mr. Hermann is doing his utmost to
wake up those slow ccaches of reform
to the necessity of reforming our mall
service. He says he is endeavoring to
have something done, and done soon
to relieve us, and the following will
disclose to our renders the difllcultlcH
he has to contend with! ,
OniCK nr Tint St'iiiM. A'T l M. lilSK'RAI,
iditluiir Aiijuxiim'iil lilvlwin,
W .t.-His.iTiiS, , L !,. f. 17.
Hl! thnrsihn himur In ttckiuiu lrtiit rueflt
T kUtr Irmii ho KtMinHnttr hi tj lmnon, lite
(rim, suit n t'tliiini M;;iinl l.y rliiwux of mill
Jiluce, tM'Hrlnir yMir fitvortitih cniir'n!riil. to
the i-ltW-l litHl RnllH-n)f Mall ServliT lsHiatiinliertl
by (hi- itnsaia Calirnrnts tUilnit)' tan Ia--mimxi
ami Ailmn.v, in ynn.
In ri't'li', -fiull n In rmr Hull Om lfmrlmrlit
(1r-t ttitmiimitcnitil llh ln HiillB.r l onnwny,
Willi vli In the "M!!lxlumitil nr iwlil x n li t'.
In Amnil Ihki, Benin In Juno Im1, nnel bkxIh In
Jmtt 14.7. 1nt nt l (In- nritl tlmp ll tlilliu In
m'i'!t tl lr lh mip'ti.iittin lili li wixiltl l'
ntlnniil'lit umii'r th (uw ami ri-Kiilnil'inM ef tin
llwl IH1iii I'r'r1riii nl, (in li fTili-K nrt' niiHurm.
ly ')Ui-niili-In nil Itnllriwit (Miiwliiri a-raiin-title
-ImllHr n U p.
1 ho nilf nt i"iHiiiiii"iiitlon l lw'ii tnmn Hip v
vtnsv iltiily wcIkIiI nf mntU ranrli-l mif Itm vn
lira K iik'Ii if ninir itnl I linn lx tnni'" a
ttrrk. In It l M iin.l it 1 ly. jmy
minlil ! l 0r rntr nf Ki.nii (H-r mlW 1st sniinui:
If HM iMHtncl. i.r mill- -r Kiinnni, nml II
laiiMiifi. ur k-. t iliiy, .'l.i 'r tnllr -r aiinmii;
Mint lor vtry rt piiiiiMb. iui-rimillMi uriirtil Ik
I iH'n fii aiHl '?im Mi4initpSl.ii fM't mlU r Htinitm.
Thfxf nn-, hnrvT, in mihkt-i n n-iliM ilnn tf
Irn nml Itvu wr n-M, a imivtiliil Lit nrtu ,f Julr
i. IVtl, sihI Juno 17, !;h, ml, In rnv nf Inml
Krnnt riwiK lo a (Ul llirt In r rvilm llim t.f tnrnly
'I he leinHm'Ht h ti-n Sml l iritnH In
stlthnrliw 1 hU r aantia th uin.niiy Mif
lillli' ll Hlin?iu to txirl'orm ll lliii lli- ii-unl
li-mi. ami cNi.ntiiloua mivlknl by law !! (he
I iwrtuivnl t(jiil.ct.Mi-.
Wry llf tHH-i 00) v.
sfl A'l I. M. I iv ntml.
IIiix, Hisnis IlKsmvjs.
Ilmi-ic uf Ht'vt iiinltvr.
U AHiiM.m, ll. f Ikv. 10, 1WT.
Jlns. fiRtiMn A"T T. M. ilirnKRAl. Sis : I ln
In n-knim kilm nwlid if luvor irf lln wh
Insl., Onillal li-lletM "K. M. r",'1 llnUway Ailju-l-tnt-tit
lnvi-hvui tn rfUliiiu Inuintt nli Muwn
AliMiiy aimI Lt'lmnim, anil iltt numermi r.atiiiiut
ami i-Miin ihi tlio irl T kuiir iMiimititl icsl'
In hnv iIh nk' lnri-rnil Innn lit m-xnt
crt lil Norniw liuujn- milntnl (whli-h M-Himi
rvrr liiuki rmincHiktm n tt 'li1iilti In !h O. A
I'. IL It., ii1 yiHir anxHrr thnl Oil. Hltrmix hu
lm timilt- ami ile.-!lnttt by tin. IK A I . H It., !
(aullMHiin MlhiftMi by law aa tnl iifb-litil
tn ilM-m. I hnw liif'inn me il innhind imiw inn
bf iliilw twau H ili ntS I twi rail
v i iK-riorm tiw wnrtM', iiiiih mir -n K' n--inniii
aiui.nit a rnit ivr l tls-rf ik tshr wsy
Hiturry tin. nialW Thti ilMaiwv U ntily ntxail
rh-vin aiilpa ttwn l-tnin anl Allatny. In
( f iIm- illHS-ulir In iibininlinr a inmii "r-r-
rtini by mllsay I ihiw nk fiwa reMnraihsi nf Hh
twiifltuil star Hibiii. m-rvlrt, a llx-n an nnniiMT
ian In butt Ibut tlM-uialU U1 Iw raititil insnit
ly nml iMi lMrt lint.. Xiie Infyv anil Iim-ti'?'Iiik
-,m-MfHn.bnt' lo n! fVnm I jftwrnm, IIh Im-
pjalatiit1 of iiw tMi-iiM"- lulefv Inr.ilvil . ami f
tin- Inrai. anil lntfltlfiil lutiHjlnllfin In wiu-
is-rvi-.t. alt hwi.hI ih l..minnlil fir tht
muen iH-.lf., amt hm flptivt aiYiuiinvln1in
Tt' Slnnltltllr rviiulnil Iwitijr i-iilniruliT. lv i
mmlt Mini, I Ihk In a-k that tin- oil inn nlllr
m'lnni. iil la in inrnpHrtmv with t !- IsiblS
w in aim ai iw nrtirM imvjiiu uaie.
1 haw ll In 'iv lo l.
Very Kei-iMil1y Yiair.
Am Interesting Meeting IfaJaejr.
The Teachers' Institute met st Hal-
sty, Friday evening, December ICth,
pursuant to call. The following pro-
grant was carried out:
MumSc bv the Orchestra of Halsev.
Hoiiir by the Amateur Hiuainsr ilub
iof Halsey.
Adilrrs ny J. M. Millams: One of
the Olistacles in th way of a better
Music by the Orchestra.
KotiK HliiKinir CIuIk
Itcmark on Fducatlon lu (he Bouth,
by Mrs. V llson.
Music by the Orchestra.
Adjourned to meet Hatuntay morn
ing. IKft-:Mnt:n Kth: Called to order by
Hunt, lleid.
How l-st to tench physiology and
hygiene with reference to the eiteets of
alcohol ami toiacct7 was oiMCUsmii ror
an hour. Iaek of tcxt-lsHiks among
the pupils, and al.-to of charts or mani
kins in m scnoois, are me nrnicia
obstacteM of teachers wlio teach by ex
ample and precept and not by the lat
ter only. Hu pt, Iteld stated that
Smith's I'll vsiiiloirv and H vclene tlwo
! iKioks) was adopted by the Htate tor the
: use or smaller punils. lany arcnta
object to buying Issiks f.- their chil-
ua-ii w uvii iiiri -.wi rwrii wmv lew
cent, anil grumble about the tsxiks lad
ing changed so often. Hiuce became
to the Htute, thirteen j-enrs ago, there
had been but one change lu the hook
of each of the common braiichcs ex
cept In grammar aud history. In the
latter there had not been any change.
Hindi pupils lie required to commit
the rules of arithmetic? was very earn
estly discussed. There were really no
great differences among the teachers
when they had explained their views
clearly. ,
Miss Oodley, of Halsey, showed with
some of her class how she taught num
bers to primary pupils. Hhe also gave,
with twenty-three primary pupils, a
class drill of questions and answers in
nhysiolocv and hygiene. The course
of Instruction wus original and tlie re-,
suits admirable.
Mr. F. K. Fields gave tlie Institute a
cordial invitation to I present at the
depot to hear the driving, of the last
spike on the O. A C railroad. Ix-lays
in the spike-driving deprived the
teachers of being there fit the proper
There was a short talk about the pro
per pronunciation of unaccented a and
the In reading. They should lie pro
nounced with the following word.
Hupt. Iteld said that the directions of
the author of the school readers, with
reference to these words, was misun
derstood by many teachers of the
Teachers enrolled: Hupt. D. V. S.
Iteld and Miss Kate Price, of Albany;
Geo. F. Kussell, J. M. Williams and
Misses Annie Godley and Olive Long,
of Halsey; J. Fred Yates, of Oakville;
Ifc K. Brooks, of Hweet Home; I. D.
Hover and B. A. Childers, of Browns
ville; Misses S. M. Lane, Li! lie A.
Davis and Minnie Porter, of Hhedds;
H. W. Herron, of Tangent. Although
there was no program arranged in time
for teachers to prepare themselves, they
readily took part in the discussions.
The ladies deserve special praise in this
respect. Itev. Mr. Wilson and Mr.
Thomas Holt also participated.
Tlie next institute is to be held at
Shedds the fourth Saturday of January-Evening
Session: Music by the Or
chestra. "'
Hong Hinging Class.
Discussion : How shall we teach Or
thography? Holo by Miss Annie Godley.
Iteeitation bp Miss Nellie Jester.
Discussion: Shall Grammar lie
taught in our public schools? A lively,
but put up discussion brought, out
many good points as to teaching; the
correct use of language.
Music by the Orchestra.
Iteeitation by Miss Grace Stafford.
Hong Clats, "Whip-poor-will." '
The report of the committee on reso
lutions, B. A. Childers, Miss Anna
Godley and J. SI. Williams, thanking
the M. E. Church for the use of their
j iUU.-iJC tV lllti VI( lil-HI r.1.
t warin
t. ltenl, m Uhidfof th tct'chcrs
Jy coiii'ik Mdcd the lu.ilienio for
ii, iid
let that cold of your; run on. You
think It is a light thing. But It may
run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia.
Or ciiiisiiniiit Ion.
Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia!
I dangerous, Constuuptloi Is dentil j
llMllf. ' !
The lircathlng apnrntus nmst f kept
healthy anil c lear of all ulwdrtictlims
and olii iisive matter. Otherwise there
is trouble ahead.
All these diseases of thes parts,
head, nose, throat, bmnehlal tubes iind
hincH, can ts dellirht fully and entin lv
cured by the use of Jlosehee'a CJeriuiHi
Hyrup. If you don't know this al
ready, thousands and thousands of
lieiniln in il lull vim. 'Iliee lmvi Imiii
cured by It, and "know bow it Is them
stives." Bottle only 7,5
cents. Ask
any druggist.
A varied and Fi.EOANT disnlny of
CIX, may be found at Osm'H.N'H Drug
Htore, Brownsville, Or.
, , .
A toilet luxury In every rvsiiect.
Ayer's Hair Vigor never fulls to restore
the youthful freshness and color to fa
ded and gray hair. It also eradicates
dandruff slid prevents the hair from
A Vvntif Gentleman
who was rushing down the strict the
other day was asked why he was In
such a hurry. He scarcely stopiwd
lonsrenouirh to reply; "I'm going to
31 filer s tine ttrug store to buy my best
girl a Christinas present."
I'll vslt'iniis nrrsu'rlla Avpr's Kitrstioa-
riils i ii cases of scrofula, and lu every
form of chronic. liseas, because this,
medicine is safer to take, and is more
hitfhlv concentrated, than any other
preparation. It can always ls!eis-iid-
cd upon a an t jri-tlve bussl purifier.
Mnnre'a tlslr Invlratir.
This excellent trciaration for the
hair, may be found on sale at the fol
lowing plae-: M. A. Sillier, Lclmlion:
Htarr A Htanard, O. t)slsru and M.
Jackson, Brownsville; F. A. Watts,
Khedd; C. Gray, Halse-. Hunplc Un
ties free, tHdl and pet one.
and young at Beutd.s Drug Htore.
Parties Indebted to Churchill A Mon
teith will please rail In and settle up
Hcetiunts. This applies to everybody
Indebted to us, as wc are eoing'otit of
the business and must have w hat is
due us by Janury 1, 1S.SH.
Library lunijia $3.00 to f.l.rjO at Ki-e-bler
A ItolaTts. -
Parties indebted to Churchill A Mon
telth will please will lu and settle up
account. This applies to evrrylssly
indeiittsl to us, as we are piing out of
the busincsn and iiui!-t have w hat is
due us by January 1, Ishh.
The finest line of Htand lamjis ever
bnatght to Ia-Iuiuou, at Keebler & Hol-t-rts.
New Oregon hams, shoulders, dde
and bacon, at Keebler A Jtotsria.
Beard ke s the finest lino of Per
fumery. New Orleans tuolassra at Keebler A
Autograph Alliums by the hundred
at Beard's.
There Is nothing so valuable for
throat and lung troubles, and that can
tie takett without any injury to the ;
stomach, as "Mother Cary's Oumtrce j
Cough Hyrup." Try It and you will j
sav so too. . 1
J, A. Beard, ngent for Lolmnon
M. A. Miller still continue to supply
the public w ith hoi liday goods at bot
tom prices.
Fine Herap Albums at Beard's
Good apple, 50 cents per bushel, at
Keeblef A Itobcrt.V.
The finest line of Christinas cards at
lkmrd's Drug Htore. :
Insure your property In a home com
pany the Northwest ttre and Marine
Insurance company, uP Port land Ore- !
gon. A. It. Cyrus, agent, Lebanon Or. t
Salmon Bellies In kits at Kccl.ler & j
Boberts. -
A tine lot of Oil Painting at Heard' ,
Ljrttg Htorf'
Money to loan, by Curran
telth, Allsiny, Oregon. .
Mon- i
if t
For a good meal, go to the Cily Res
taurant Allsiny. Meals 2 cents. tf
Tablet, Taih.ets, Tablet, hv
the hundreds, at Millku'b, the land
ing druggist.
Mother Cary's Gum tree Cough Hyr
up docs not sicken the etoiuuch, or
bind the 1 towels, ii Co fur a child or an
adult, and will W found the Ik-sI peri
nmtlon for a Cough, Cold, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough or Croup and any
an'eetloii ot the throat and lungs.
J. A. Beard, ngent for Ix-hanon.
Buy your Books and Stationery of
Miller, at isittom prices.
Fine Vases at Beard's.
Thl I tn notlfV the ttntilic that I have tht day,
Oct. bt I1!?, nr-li'd the entire Inlervnt of l)r.
t. W. Sturr. In the onur Inu-lneMi ainnerly enn
lurtpd hv the firm ofSlurr ft Stnnant. Tlmnknil
for iHt fiivorn, I murt n-x-ctnilly rtiim-Kt u con
tlminllon nf the wine st IIm- old utmid, one ilmir
nnrtli nrcity 1111. Ilnmnnville. All twrtien know
tint tlienns'lves indt-liti-d to the late ttrm will
)U-n call and nettle their arciHinln.
rtrownxvlllc. Or.. Oct 1, 18S7.
William Blank, Prop'r.
(Next door to Barher Shop,)
Clouiilntr uiirt Itoimlrlnur
Gniraiiteed tolln Best of Satisfaction.
-A.. 11. CYRUS,
Real Estate Ag't and No
tary Public, and
Docs a General Agency -Business,
Insurance, Agricultual Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
(Limited Line.)
CHAS. N.SCOTT, - Hecelvar.
On mill sfliT Mcit, 7, l7r amt mull ntrthrr n
t li-;. tt'ittim t!l run dullj- t-sn-! it rmula) ( Inf-cm-"
('nlitint Mitil.l;
n!lll(4 ,l(iH.
Tosiint I'nrt-
t'tmn I''rt
In. i, I.
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Klllillllll)! Il.
liiiy'a Ijiii'Hiik
St. I'mil".
Frtus-H I'rntrle,
Tnn tt--iii,
ItMrtm'd t
W. Anjjrl,
Jlnsn a,
S Si
l.V .lfl
Arv i.nj
I t
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I .'I
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7, Ml
fi bl
JllllllMHl'll Mill,
Sn h n-rlniKl,
Eam Stite Jiiii-llifl,
sdaw, . .
tt'tnf Stn tnnt
' UruvH I'll.
Ki'f'h Hnnttntn,
W l-x S. !n,
Tbiiman" r"nrk.
I'lnliivS w,
I IllM.
irtwn llli?.
Twin Hiilii't,
Hnn liiul
cum no.
Lv ' l.v.
A. M.
OK Al t, KI5IV.
Forelgrn and Domestic
1 3e r iodic a IS
Proprietor of the
Fountain House,
HoliAVH.U Oittxlo-.
Till. IIkkc ti l im-.i.l.'t 1n allnT tl ls-(arlinet
fiirtil-lilu the b nf Awanuuit1!iiniio tr
Ikn vi'liinit Hie Sntla Sfrlfijr
Beard, $1 per Pay, or $5 per Week.
A Common Cold
Is often tlie beginning of serious a!Teo
timm of the Throat, Bronchial Tulss,
nnit Lungs, Therefore, the liujwrtaiu
of early aud effective treatment cannot
be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral may alwaya be relied upon tor the
Ieedy cure of a Cold or Cough.
Lt January I was attacked with a
severe I'oM, which, by ueelwt and fre
quent exposures, taeaine worse, finally
ettlins on tnr lung. A terrible rough
Fnon followed, at-itnnanll by pain tn
the chest, from which 1 unrel intense
ly. Afnr trying Tariou renimlies, with
out obtaining relief, I commence! taking
Ayer' Cherry i'ectoral, anil waa
Speedily Cured.
I am satlsfleil that this remedy saved tny
life. Jno. Webster, I'awtuckrt, Ji. I.
I contracted a severe cold, whii-h
atiildculy developed Into I'netimonin.
Iewntiug dangerous and olwtinste
nvmpuinia. My physician ordered the
use of Ayer Clierry I'ectoral. liis In
rirn -tkiiis were followed, and the result
ws a rapid and permanent rare.
II. 11 Stlujpson, Uogcrs Prairie, Tea.
Two year o I suffered from a severa
Cold, which settled on lay Lungs. I con
sulted various physicians, and took the
ttiedteitte they pres;rihed. but received
only temporary relUsf. A friend Induced
me to try Aver' Cherry Pectoral. After
taking two bottles of tide medicine 1 wu
cured. tbett I have given the Pec
toral to tuy children, aud consider it
The Best Remedy
for CoM, Coughs, and alt Throat and
Long tii!ctt!e, ever tiscd In my family.
Hubert Vanderpool, Meadvillo, fa.
Home time ago I took slight Cold,
wl.ii h; ln iii2 B'lected, grew worse, and
setUiMl on iny Lung. bad a iuu kirig
couch, and wm very weak. Til"1! Who
knew me lst considered my lite to ie
in gn'at danger. I continued to suffer
until I commenced using Ayer'a Cherry
I'ectoral. Less ttiaa one boUlo of this
valushie medicine cured me, and I
feel that I owe the preservation t my
life to its curative powers. Mrs. Ana
Lock wood, Akron, tiew York.
Ayer'a Cherry Iwrtoral Is considered,
here, the one great remedy lor all diseases
of the throat and lungs, and is more
In demand than any other medicine of its
class. J. IT. Huborta, Magnolia, Ark. 1 1
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prrpmmd by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Ma.
Ut by all DruggUrU. Trio tl ; U bouhs S&.
Groceries and Provisions,
Tobaccos and Cigars,
Pure Sucar and Maple Syrups, Confectioneries.
j u f
Albany and Lebanon Flour, Bran and Chop.
Cj AHl 1 JL """a"-
. T-
: -r
X(l;iiifi, -
If you wish to purchase a Hlino f;r
tne wear ami tear of every day usage, that is maL f !,.
throtiglMHit, aiid oti co'iiiuon-wnse Ideas, rail fur
made of Iwtth Brlil t ami and fH Ori"in. and knon-u evt rvw hit" l.v the Tr
Murk of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL. HOUSE, found on fbt- U-tWiri of cm
cai h pair. None gi nulne without it. licware of imitation.
r - A .V- - r -,2-- 'a- ' -' - "1
IJ : . ..
rz--z. ... I I", ' !
-v - i ' ( t j
' Xe-
( 'uracoa Kid and Tampieo Cfost Button, to retail at ti-Vb.
JlendcrMiti Kid. French tamiid, Bu'a-n, to retail at 3l."
Tlie are stitched with Hilk, made solid in every fmrtieuiar, aud will nmke your
het look small aud ebajn ly.
Chan B.-3Ioiitiiffiio,-Lilmnoii, '-
General Hardware
Ii-oit, Hiol and Con I,
Wagon 3Itci-iul.
Klo and Cortltttj-o.
'HlitclciiiltliM Wuiillom-
AVtijconsi and IlnsrtffU.
(Oppi site HU Chat lea Hotel.)
n o
u y y -
1 1 1 1 i 1 1" o p -.
13 HP 1" a I 1 i V-
Leading Druggist.
- -. .rvon.
your or CSit-I
that will f-M
c-t k-nthi
Agriciiltual Implements.
C-ttiioittei 'r4I.
. IJniltlot-e Ilurdwaiv.
Powder, f-liot t-.
-sT21at I'owdcr.
aws and .xs.
i .
.' .ii we
in for i
i. c "! "i or "t the mi! '
it. Ad iri----L.
- H"i I .
-1 of
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vttd f ir c.-i
Sni in - jt j ,
viiii ft" m lien
uarv 2'id. All per-
witn tlie Democratic
ed very poor,
i, ( 'i it ft to r u
All the .,
i. ( 1 i 1
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t r nj, is ta
x' t ' c;
1 r i j i
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