The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 23, 1887, Image 1

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    JOB PRIf-
(, V.-.r !
-J fiUi.i li i . ......
hmf&l Blanks, - Suafiwc C't-r-'x,
Xttar XI.?.a4.j, BUI JIiiiiia
Ctrcialars, ' I'c , a, i .:
ft i (J-.Uk .... I
su"Mi .li-it'.u,. ....................................
( VUf Abil m alviu.M
isrm or i)M.Hri-iiNa.
f ir, lr! UwwrSfvm 1 f1
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1 1 rtl Jlt
I.ft K.itu-m. r-t li :. 15 muU
NO. 42.
tLB.'-r itvrMfciLmm lw-l t.;l uh.ns ie.-rHl iciim.
r & 'X, .$? ,
. '. -' ?: . V1t $ :"- W f V
j. i. ; '. . .' CO. . . . Pul'lteliera
1, . v:S Ills (V : H'i'iluN
! . m R A
H1 V- J-0. 1
lEWeSoN T,oi.R, NO A F A. M : Mf
kfclUVOM foiK;v Ml r. T. o n V; V.i t-
f- -..a iiwi, vtnuiig Miriim i s ii" ,- trtxvetl
uuL J. J. t,iAla.ioi. 21. t.
iOS-'-'Tl J.rni-,; NO A. V 1'. W , ti'.rot.
ls lu tin awiilli, f. H. ho-ultK K .
J. S. CCURTttSY, M. D.,
physician amd buhqeon,
eii Vrkk buU.llug. ever M. A. MSt
let lru felo;.
F. M. R.V.I.LER,
Rotary Public and General Insurant Agt,
e n,I other biutnea promptly ttmM to.
Fining; and Extracting Teeth ft Specialty.
3ie In W. C l'etersoo' jewelry itore
t iT AU ware warranted. Cbartrea reatooibl e
BAniinn. & iiAnoDRnssnn,
BTla4, KiOr CutHnc. u KbkrapoolDc im tit
iMast kali
-9" Psktrotue rtolfu!ljf Kirjtod.
t. Charles Hotel,
LECAriOfi, Oregon
if. C. PAnniSH, Proprietor.
Tables Supplied wfth the Best tha Market
Satoy3 Room. fth. F!t AeeocnMoiSjktioa. for
Grccorios and Provisions,
Fcrclgn and Dcmestio Fruits,
Qaeetaeware umA Calaasware,
Iafi and Laaa Fixtarea.
llala St. Oreg-aa.
Fresh and Salted Beef and
E:ccs a:i Liri alwais ca Hand.
Mala Street, Lebanon, Or.
L. CO WAX, J. M. lUttTt K, J. W. CCBICK.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banking
3roa Sept Subject to Check.
Ml Fd & S5l3 sum
To oar many frleade ot Lebanon and
vicinity, and thoe t other towus,
dclre to ca'l attanttoa to the fact that we
hare opaed em
Earls Etrsst, Est. First ani Secosi,
trAK sotjLiia'a HAfttraM anor.l a
lew Buggies. Hacks and
Parties dealdnst to take a trip to the
mountains, or other place of recreation,
should call and eae oar
Special Conveyances
For aueh trips.
mi iui ti Teasiii & fiamiiif m
1 1. e nson ull o Jlatea.
Temperance lXn.ll
Xala Street, Lehaaea, Orecea.
Ciprs .. ana ColcllcMss
Accommodation of Patrons.
Parti ea will flid thla pleaaaat place
for innoeent amueement.
Lebanon, Oregon.
HorseaSoeiif aii General Resairias.
Prices to Suit the Times.
Tho Latest Styles in
lliirj Goiis,
h T7. QIiIITn,
RAI.Bn is
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron 7aro,
13V13 BtOCJTt I3tc.
All kinds of Repairing
Alo keep
Dealer in
Alco Doors, Windows and Blinds,
ra. A. FILLER,
Drugs. Medicines, Paints. Oils and Glass.
A Completo Stock of Stationery,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Nxt Door to W. D. Donaca, Lebanon, Oregon.
Faeterrt Baalae. Wis.
Log, Header and Truck a : Dump, Hand and Road Carta; Open
Buzctea, Phaetona, Carrlagea, Buckboarda, and
Oaneral Areata for Canton Clipper Plowa. Harrowa, CulUratora. Bead
erapera. Gale Chilled Plowa. Idea Feed Mill acd Wind Milla, Kaowl. '
ton Hay Rake Horse Power, Voi Saw. Feed Cuttora. elo. VT.
carry the larxest and beat .snorted atock of Vehlolea on the Northweat
Coaat. All our work 1 built especially for this trade and tally warranted.
Send for a.w 1887 ct&lojue. . - ,
Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited. 188. 190. 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Oar good, are aold by F. II. ROSCOE tc. CO., Hardware Dealer., Lebanon, Or.
, G. E. H1EDY,
17 ate h maker and.-- Jeweler.
..dbalee nr....
f atctES, (Ms, Jewelry, Silier
o o o o
Vatqumlled vSf
tct, tn u V
& 9avtU Ob
Looo motl m
o o a o
rlui'tnm rn1 nLht?
alo abst roa rnx.
Done at Short Notice.
In slock
Braaelit PartlaBd. Or
and Top
Plated Ware'aiJ Optical Soois.
o o o o o
All Work
An Invention With tvi1rarei
n l'ruuii.r.
' AmnU-ur photography ha iiiriIa an
ollior lonjsf att lde lot want. A new in
Yenlion Venn dinplrt)il at the niwting
of the New York aocldy. vho Uu
H)li'll(i lvultl CHW Sl'itllfl v ln on
Jwtnroil. Ujr itMMtti ff It J hodrnphi.
will litMU-eftJl th Im) ikli vx i nil y ainl
awumtcly at niglit a tn Jlio f,i3rtliin.
ami th phtogi aphi r will. In thf I1m k
est diirk!ie, ho ulilo to lilfi-uily tak
an tineft lnf ahnt at hi Mil jt'i t itli a
plitttogrnphhtg gun.
llllhi'ito the only menu of !t!i.
grajdiing t nlgltt Imve Imm'H l.y tin
menu of the kroi'nn, cnUhnri or
eWlrle Ilfthta. All of tlm? dt !iuin'lil
nioro ot paraphcftiiillrt atnl weev
not portable to any avniUhlo iler;c.
MrtriRIum wire, when luirfiiii, wh
known to prmliifo a light f etrotij
nrthiic quality, ami it lump b tn
ih'Viw! with whicli to iMirti it fur pho
tographic pui potio. It wan not a iU-fm-tory
lltrlit. however, a It wa tin
ateaily arid liiil lc to go out. From
ningniluni. however, lr. II. G. Pi Hani
ha iIctUih! cxartly the thing di-mred.
It a-onsl! In Mwdeitit tnrrcihini
apread npon gunrotton. Tin ignition
of the piiiK-otton furiilhe the heal
nere.artfyNo aet fire to the magnesium
ami the rvault la a brilliant flnh. pow
erful enough to aufHclciitly espon the
plate and easily nrailabio under any
rlrctimtancea. The photograph I in
t30taiieoiia. The doctor fu st di'Ued
a ticnnnit powder Invented for the
purpose, tnting tha'4 while iti l'ght
fflei'U were esrellent ita very explosive
quality made it a dangerous article
.sillier to handle or hare about. He
net diwufwed and exliibiled a luixture
tt four parta of gunpowder and one
part of magneaium, whivh, when
flinlied. answered the ptirjN.s
dealml. It waa neither as con
renient mr effwotire, howerer.
a the gnncotton coinbination. After
hurning sample of theae and showing
their eir.'cU, he fired a cartridge of
nngnesium and gunpowder from an
ordinary rerolrer, showing thnt the
flash was quite auffli-ient an instan
taneous photograplt. Ha then pro
ceeded to darken the room and to pho
tograph Mr. Robert Kooocvelt. The
camera waa adjusted, and a the enp
waa removotl the dKtor touched a
tilnU-li to ft small piece of juiwdered '
eitttoii. Tlio light H:iIied in the d.trk
ne.., and when some minute later the
devtdopod plate nppean'd, an exedlent
nogatire of Mr. Rooserelt wa the re
sult. Several portrait, taken the night
before, were exhibited, and the prac
tical value of the Invention woe iuilis
putably established.
The result will be that the amateur
photographer will henceforth go a-gun-uing
in the darkness and lay out on a
plate every thing he mar choose to
shoot at The camera will be fitted to
a pixtol burrtl or the pistol barrel to
the earnera. and cocking the weapon
vill expose the plate. Aa soon aa the
si'.inn is aimed the flash from the
uuale will instantly serve to photo
jraph the object, and the gunie will bo
ecunly baggeil in a moment. The
fleeing thief, the expression of a man
who treads npon the unforeseen carpet
taek, aa well as that of the htirfband out
late who ia trying to assume nn ex
pression of Indifferent sobriety before
i:e lights the domestic gas, will now
adorn the albums, where they hare
hitherto been unknown. The inven
tion is valuable comnercially, one pho
tographer stating that he had con
cluded to make use of It In hi gallery
a soon, as the winter sunlight began
to weaken early in the afternoon. It
will a Wo greatly widen the fields of
amusement and experiment which
have attracted so many thousands to
amateur photography. A'. F. rime.
Outwitting a Detective.
One of the brightest detectives at
police headquarters i the subject of a
joko. He recently was out looking for
a well-known "crook," and one of the
toughest young men In Buflato. The
ofilcer spotted uis game on Front ave
nue, and atarted towards hint. The
latter "tumbled," very quickly and
made off, turning down Fifth street on
a run. lhe detective gave citase ana
the rnc was getting so hot that the
crook bolted into a saloon. A pnilof
water waaptauding on the floor of the
barroom, and quick us a flaxh the pur
sued throw down his hat and began
washing his face in it In an lnxt:tnl
the detective burnt in, asking: ''Did a
man run inhere Just now?" "les,
answered the mwik, vigorously rub
bing his face. "Just weutoutthe back
door." The detective took the bait
and went through the rear exit on a
gallop, while Mr. Crook was out of
reach. Bujjalo Conner.
Aceonling to the most reliable
statistics 165 of 333 colleges pronounce
by the Roman ' method, 144 by the
English method, and 3 by the Conti
nental. New York City is going to make
the experiment of manual training in
a dozen of its public schools, with the
purpose of extending the system if it
shall prove successful.
God's treasury, where ne keeps His
children's gifts, will be like many a
mother's store of relics of her children,
full of things of no value to others, but
precious in His eyes for the love's sake
that was in them. Fenlon.
The colored Baptists of Georgia will
celebrate in June, 1888, the centen
nary of the founding of their first
church, January 20, 1788, ia that
State. There are, as the result of the
century's work, 1.400 colored Baptist
churches, 500 ministers, 2.000 licenti
ates and 160,000 members.
There'' -are 205 communities of
the Greek Church in Japan, with six
teen priests and 104 native preachers,
and the number of Japanese converts
to that religion ia 12.500. The number
of churches and prayer-houses is 148,
and there are three children's schools.
with a total of 150 pupils. Indian
apolis Journal.
"I hone I has 'Ugion. but I doaa
kjiow," I hab heani folks say, bet I
tiehhor beam er man sav: "I hopes I
m nn'.pr. t't I doan know." IVi
t'.'-r. -.i ' jei h-pe yer's -'
I' L ' i-.-i "'', v.n'. gwine ter tl- j
Legislation. Pertaining to the Interest
of th I anno Coast
Bills were Introduced as follow j
By Dolph For the admUion tf the
Tcnilory of Washington ia o the
Alio, restoring to the United States
certain lands grunted to the Northern
I'a -ilio Itailmad Company.
Also, repealing the pre-emption and
timber culture laws.
Alo, for the forfeiture vt wagon-road
grants hi Oregon.
Aio, to set apart laud for a pu' lic
park in the Willamette vallev. Oregon.
AUo, to eneotirsge the manufacture
01 HU-ai lor modern art and armor. .
Also, to proride beavy ordnance.
Aleo, for the erection of a public
building at Portland, $500,000; Baletn,
Also, to establish an asay office at
Portland, and for the erection of
buildings and the necessary apparatus.
By Mitchell To amend the act of
March 3, J 887, restricting ownership
of real estate in the Territories to
American litisena.
Also, abrogating all treaties with the
Chiuese Empire, so far aa they permit
the coming of Chinese into the United
Hutee, and absolutely prohibiting the
same, except M to diploma io, consu
lar and o.her officials.
A!), authorizing the Becrelary of
the Treasury to eatablinh lire-saving
t.lions at the following places: One
mar or at the mouth of the Umpqua
river, Or.? one between McKentie
iiead and Peterson's point, and one at
Oray'a llatbor, W. T.
By M anderson For a public build
ing at Omaha to cost, including site,
By EJmundt To provide for the
establishment of a postal telegraph.
It ia the Edmund telegraph bill of two
year ago.
Also, for allowance of a bounty of
I3.H.1J per month to all men who
served in the army during the war.
Also, for iwMiaiona to all who served
during the war.
Ala., lor amendment of the w nsti-
luli.,n allowing Congress to pass uni
form laws on the subject of rurrii.g
and divorce.
AInj, for an amendment to the con-
si ltut ion preventing the manufacture,
impoitalK n and sale of intoxicating
liquors in the United States.
Also, for the admission of Dakota
and the organisation of a new Terri
lory of Lincoln.
By Stanford To require ten years'
res deuce before forviguets can declare
their intention to become' citisena o
the United Slates, except in the case
of those arriving before the age ot 21
years, when residence of six years only
shall be required.
A 1j-o, for the establishment of a
quarantine station at Sin Francisco.
Abo, granting to the SUte of Cali
fornia 5 per cent, c f the proceeds of
cah salts of public lands in that Stale.
By CulJom -For a' pension to the
widow of Oen. Jhn A. I"gan.
By Tnrplc For tbe admission of the
Hutcs cf Washington and Dakota.
By Hoar For the erection of a
monument to Negro aoldiera sud sail
ora who gave their lives for the preser
vation ot the government.
Aleo, a bill to facilitate and dt vclon
the resources of AWka, and to o jeu
an overland commercial route between
the United States, Asiatic Russia and
Japan. The bill direct a survey to be
nirtde of a route for the constrnciiou
of a railway by the moat feasible route
from the northern boundary of the
United States through British Colum
bia and Alaska, lo a desirable harbor
on the southern coast of the Alaskan
peninsula, on Bi bring tea. It is in
tended to begin at or near Spokane
F-.ll, on the Northern Pacific road,
and run north on tbe eastern side of
the Rocky mountain"., deflecting weet
wardly for a branch line to Sitka, the
main liue to b." continued north and
wet-t to a de.'iralilo harbor 00 the Alas
kan peninsula. Oue hundred thoue
and dollars is appropiiated for tbe
By Chandler For fixing the sal
aries of ieverl judges of the United
States Dietntt Courts at f j.OOO.
By llawley -To reimburse prisoner
of war who were in military o- naval
service during the war of rebellion.
By George To annex the public
nd si rip to the Territory of New
By Harris A memorial for a con
stitutional amendment prohibiting the
manuTacture, sale, importation, ex
portation or transportation of alcoholic
drinks in the United SUte ; rvferred.
Dolph reported favorably to the
Senate a bill from the committ- e on
commerce for extending the ror of
entry at Portland so as to include
Last Portland.
Among the petitions presented to
the House by Morrow, of California,
were the following:
Resolutions of Calif rnia Wool
Growers' Association, protesting
against a repeal or reduction of duty
on wool.
AIbo, a resolution of the Chamber o'
Commerce of San Francisco, recom
mending the appropriation for repairs
of the Hartford.
Also, a petitiou of the Cbamber oj
Commerce of San Francisco for sea
coat defenses.
AlfO, resolutions cf tbe Chamber of
Commerce of San Francisco, asking
for an appropriation for the laying of
a cable from San Francisco te tne
Sooth Fan-alone. Island.
"Conviction ' is "the conscience of
the mind." and an abstraction of a
iurv. Texas Sittings. '
The exeat trouble with men who
borrow from Peter to pay Paul Is that
they don t pay l".ul. rwce.
It is better to Inspire the heart with
a noble sentiment than to teach the
miiid a truth o.! science. EJicar I
nk c iv 'i tvn
' l i M I I -V
'.Tor'".( ?
Everytiii&g of General Interest la a
Cocdansed Farm.
A sailor named Peter Carson wa
drowned at Empire City.
The pott- ffloe at Herman, Bone1
county, On g n, has been dicootinut d.
A chair li t'iry will soon I egin op
era ions at 8Um, employing from
thirty to fifty men.
Tbe life-saving Inspectors recom
mend that a life-saving statin I
eetablhhed at Newport.
BuHoripions aggregating ovet
$100,000 hate been raised in Portland
to cm pie e the Villard Hole.!.
The order of Noverolter 23. 1S87.
oiscoottnuiog tbe poUmee at Mo'alla.
Clackamas county, baa been reeciad.d
The warehott of J. M. Mcintosh A
Co, at Wallo Hills station on the
narrow gauge, blew over during a high
wino. 1 he warehouse contained 20.-
000 bushel of oats, all sacked.
Lawrrnee Wi'hlt committed sui
cide at Ins home, on the Scholl's ferry
roaa, near rortiana, bv shooting him
self in the temple. He bd ten ill
for about a year and a half and ws
out of his miud. ,
CapUin Young, of the engineers at
Ponl.i.d, retorts that a log boom st
CoquiH City, Oregon, interferes with
the passage of the sU aniers tht carry
the United S.atrs mails, and thrt the
navigition of the Ccxpiiile river it im
peded by settlers felling trees in the
Mrs. Elizabeth Miner, the female
smuggler, appeared before tbe bar of
the United States District Court at
Portland to answer to a charge of
smuggling opium. She plead guilty
to the charge. Jndite Deadv then
fined ber 150 and further directad
that she be confined ia the Multno
mah County Jail for one elay.
As a result of the invc stigstions of
the swamp land agents, 150.000 acres
of Und. at a rough estimate, wijj be
loet lo the SUte, but titles to the lands
will be established, and li- uie which arisen over swamp laud matters
since 1800, will be largely settled. It
is t xprctel that patenU for Und d
land swamp will be issued by tl
government t- the hutts immeilule'k
after tbe eubminiun and t xamiuatioo
of these reporla.
As W. II. Hembree of East Fort-
laud was going to Lafayette, he met
two men on tne rod near Braley
farm, who caught bi horse and made
him dismount while the other held a
revolver at bis head and went through
him. It was very dark and imposiM
to see who the parties wen. Mr
Hembree had money hid in his boot
and when be jumped to tbe ground
he money rattled, which afreet d the
attention of tbe robbers, who made
him Uke ofr bis loots and give them
the coin, which amount d to fl30
Tney refused to Uke bit watch And
allowed him to go.
The steamer l a'i'una City, which
went abore en the tanda near th
en trance to Yaquina B ty, a id ia noa
total wreck, was owned by tbe Or-
gon Development Conitany, and had
oeen on the Pacific Coast only a fe
year, bhe was buiJt by John Roach
A 8-)nsr at Cbet-U r, Fx., in 1877, and
was f-liristened tbe Western Tex -a,
teing in'ended for a G'lveston racket
She was an iron ship. 231 feet long, 34
1 eel oeam, am lb a leei eleptu of hold
Her tonnage ws 1,210 93 ktoss and
VU.ll net. Her draught was 12 6
feet. She had on but sixty tons of
freight, and 300 tons of mck hallaoi
when she went ashore. Her lo-s wili
be quite e vet ely by her owners.
I he aquin. came to the P-citic
Const in the summer of 18S4, and ha
made about one hundred voyagea be
tweeu Yaquina and San Francisco,
without any serious accident ever hap
pening heretofore. Tbe vessel ia val
ued at about 1200,000. It i nnder
stood that the insurauce was $100,000
Mrs. Charles H. Thompson and ber
niece, Mm t-l; irieth lieroley, were
found dead in bed in a private lodging
house in San Franci.-c , having been
asphyxiated by ges. The ladies ar
rived from Clnco. Mrs. Thompson s
husband is baggage-m eater at thai
lace. The key of the jet had evi
dently been turned accidentally. The
roe-m was "filled with gas when tht
bodies were discovered.
Chinese psper give details of the
disaster occasioned by tbe Yellow river
overflowing its banks in the province
of Ho-Nan, and the com olete inunda
tion of the city of Shing Chou and
ten other populous cities. . The whole
area is now a raging sea ten to thirty
feet doep, where it onco txfore was a
densely populated and rich plain. The
sUtement is made by mirsionaries
that millions of Chinese are homeles
aud starving. The newly gathered
crop 01 nerns ana trees are all twepl
away. Bread, bread," is tbe cry of
thousands. Mat huts are being erected
as fast as possible, ut the mieeiy in
crvaea owing to c Id w.-ather.
A dispatch from S n. Francisco says :
Jus. Briggs, a sailor on the British
man-of-war Triumph, which arrived
from Esquiraalt, was tried at the latter
port for incoordination, and sentenced
to eighteen months' imprisonment in
Portl. nl, Eng., prieon. During the
voyage to this city he was kept in
irons. When he was un ironed this
evening to take down the beds he
leaped through the gun port into the
bay. swimming four miles to one of
the wharves. He waa arrested in an
almost cude condition by an of3 er
and taken to the receiving hospital,
where he will be detained until clnmed
by the proper officials. The escaped
prisoner tells a heartrending Ule of
cruel treatment by the ship's officer,
and says two other sailors a'ao de
serted the ship. . . , .
Wong Ah Hung, the Chinaman
who was convicted. ii the United
States District Court at San Fr-.ncise-o
for importing women for immoral pur
poses, was se ntenced by Judge Huff
man to ten years' imprisonment aud
to pay a fine of f 2,000.
Jimmie Ki?, 11 ye.--? o' I,
rrr.1: i rr
iear i i o rrvi
b irr i ( f J.i
i s r i
A man known . "Imu" T,.',,- .
efrowned cfT Coleman's wharf, EeatiSic.
lb itelmont hotef, at Urn Angfh s,
I., wt-s de.troT d bv i,.-,
IOU.000; ioruraiice uain n.
Ctiiidnct'.r I'coq man kiHed rn tT
lltrsioa (in (ho flalifdin.'i ftK.,.!
oiitttueiioi) tram near a'i.;U
Fraociftsj F IVf nrm-.ii . ,(-,.
pondeot middle-agod fji-ar iUaJ.'-e
Ida lioael t.ff wi.h a ,. ,
tn Franc laco.
Cupt. Cttarlea Boy!?, of ths whewmrr
enme GnCl 0, ft 15 ove board,-i 4 w
'rowoed at H.r, FractWo. Ha leaves
wife and child.
Mkhat-l Barrv. 5fl
no nrueiMi,ana Html Uma ti
ojuries re-i eivta.
a a-.! r r.nt i'CO, rmu Vl-'H CitTfc
4 a r .... .
auonn and Meeher
im niHicted With
sent to the iet liviise.
Edward II. DaviJ ' .'! .
risih i-lup Vi b.rin, fell oiT the whtf
t Nanaimo. U. C. r,A .i
beiure the LoaU could reach l.'ua. -
J. B. BftlJonne 1 ha arnet-d tt 9 ,
r?t i4co f )T J"-v:; 1 in .; j,.
l-ck. wilIi i-- t 1.1 11..-. i- '
terf.i'.ii'g B,it.A u' ZrC.. i r
A Tnan nm d I'. M i.r; i v f !
ead in his rc 11 in t j ,. 1 , . . ,
Sau Francisco. Tw.-i - :
head lead a yj icion t.f j. ui 1 x
Henry F. Price, e-f fan Fr( ;, -.,
bo has Ikh n e'.&ru-r I, r ti,. t-.l
treet calls r.d
committed suicide by shooting Urn if!
JO-er h I ay lor, a watchman ia tfca
Tacom wtiat warahr t. .
the dock, striking the liaiber at !,
ML He wa Ukeu out but died
shortly aterwarda.
A freikht train cn the
ion of the Centr.l IVific in two.
A portion pAMed und-r a bridge and
a Urkemaa ml David Chtigg LA
frr-m the cars and w kiLed.
In a collieion between freisht anl
rtaa-ocer truin at K.r. n..-...?: ......
Li., engine t Totoi s n ait fin -man
tlaff.ey, .f the , r. k !..
Several cars ere ds ned by fi e
Henry Nietman, a bant n Jer. was
tabtd and killed at a San Pedro
Cei , dance hoase by a jEtpachda womaa
named Isabella Aadraas, who was ,-aV
ousof bi attentions ka.E..,ti.wj.E wouian.
The hckl at Crescent, a null
bmnt Im a.-l - - -
f 10,000, was blown down by a tr..s
iiKisiorm, ewuilmg tbe death of UTsl
Arnold and her 19 year old efsusnter,
recently arrived fn-m tbe Ea aod'
rauio uc ieaa arouiy s.-x-een
fjOt 1 eiienta. m,n. i f .
K J W WM-ftt. ,1E
with miraculous esc pea.
AspeAialfrora Parad se, Nev., says:
ilerrach Carrel tft th; 1.., k?
. - r v . .....9
ranch, six miles wr. Not rhin
home search w4 institubd and Li
noeiy, irosen ft.ff, w found a mi e
from hi home. H waa r t,XA
ueu 01 tue vai.ev. and a e.r;
1 . . ... .1 . .
A chAtnbcrmakl in a Ran tr-an; S.IVt
hottfl notio-d m. tril ,.f K'.mvI 1..
from ti;e bkny K a mom exJCHpid,
by Joseph Schmidt, a young Get man.
" ' " ooor WMojnfti Schmidt
was found Ivioi? on hi t.v in m 1
... m (-w.
of bioof, having cat his throat with a
Pennine, wnicn was lound lying oa a
Oscar llevm. tnminknt in t:-a
OcCidenUl Wanh It Rin Vr n-
ciseo, shot himself, in the breast, in-
nictmg a wound which will prcm-?
faUL A shortage of several h
dollars was found in his ecj:uiita re
cently, and it is supposed this led to
ma suiuiue.
A man bv the nmn .if Itnm, s.ri
to a lodging house at Sao Francisco
and engaged a room. Lattr there waa
smell of escaping gas, which was
traced to Murray's room. There waa
no response to repeated knock at the
door, whiah waa final'w
Murray was lyinr dead on th r.A
the gas was turned half way on.
A construction train on the Atcfci
on, Topeka fe SanU Fe road, consig
ns cf ten cars, on wnich wr lt
tftT and Bill. m-n. ran in
rutionary flu cars, at Los Angeies.
im wunuucuon train was backlog up
lor a loan ot sand, and as no signal
were diirdaved hv th ir nf fl.t.
the engineer did not see the latter in
lime to prevent the accident. The
force of the collision tvn.ta ftt f,
cr of the construction train in two.
lour men m the shattered car, Tom
Rose, acting conJuctor, was insuotly
killed, and Captain Gilbert, night boss,
t):i1 cr? . v. a
oiii uruaio, oraaeman ana J arae
Kelly, laborer, all received aeriou
perhaps fatal in juries.
G. VV. Hunt and V , lrin Rannfft
the well known raiirovi contrrt rs
have qiu workemtiie Ofn Paoao
railroad, dich rged th-- men employed
there and annulled and re-cimi- d their
contract with the company. Mr. Ben
ne:t had a contract for forty milas et
from Alhanv. inH fr Hunt K A m.
contract for the next fifty mil.
The Philadelohia truss factor! ea
tarn out over 200.000 trasses per year.
Expert girts making the first qual
ity of men'i linen eoltai can. ia tbe
nr. . . . x -
xroy laciones, xor insiance. earn jzxkh
fS5 to f 35 per week.
ft has been ascertained a
BTiniWni, nttr.n ei .h i' .it 1 S t f t ; f
cocaine, is nrodneed bv the extern!
appiieauon toe doit tw i r.i
known intoxicating drink of the South
Sea Islanders called kara.
Some nnpublis-h"! litters trora
Lnthsrr to Bre-ix and Cve from M-ii'io
thon to the JSivabian reiormer
mann have been f.-mnd ia aa ell s
la a school at lit. llhi-ona-
The rfrsp-ei-'.ie su-n of ?""!,
3 a
, o
Tear is cx'ien b-d bv ts' -ireri'-i
Cuba f..r c!:
il i:: ilv- -i l. c
i d'