The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 16, 1887, Image 3

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Tho LrlKinou Hxpiv.-
li J. A. 1.ui;5kii visit fel AH'tUiy
on Saturday l.i.-t, on nrofetftdomd bus!
An Intorostiinjt (,orrcjwnilt,iW'c from
IViidleton Is iinuvoidably omitted this
The I?t-jur Vito' (Sturirr m npiin
elmntred hunda,. A Shepherd wide-lies
over tt now.
f't.vknpii svpnt Unit cuttle on the
rnnsv are in (jimd condition to with
Mund a 8"vro winter,
Several fimiilios of immigrant have
arrived in Lebanon and vicinity elur
ing the jvnst few day. t
The iveonleof HiirrisUurg, like those
of SVSo, at their recent town eleetion,
theied a s-traiii-ht tenieranee ticket. .
It. L. Met 'hire of Sweet Home, now
in the hrtrtvnnj business at Aibany,
returned from a viit vp the river on
Tuesday last.
Nest summer will probably witness
a large addition of VK-orle to the 'Wil
lamette valley with many other tieei
ded Improvements.; .
In rvspeet to the memory of Hon.
Luther Kikin deceased all business
was elosed yesterday from 2 till 4 p. tn.
during the funeral wreiMonles.
Mr. H. M.Wilson of soelaville, one of
the first mlaeriUi-s to the E.i-m:s.,
tntvo us a friendly, substantial call on
Tlie-sdsiy. Thanks, Mr. Wilson.
The danee given at the resilience of
lJt-nj. f Ills nt llwk nill, on Tuesday
evening Is rejMirtfd to have lxn a
very pleasant affair some sixteen
vonples being in attendance.
Mr. Swan and family of Iowa, friends
of Prof, and .Mrs. Hunt, arrived In
I'lvanon a few days ago, and having
renteti l. K. Hardy' residence, It is
pri irmed they will remain In this local
ity. On the first Friday in January there
will be 'a-meeting of the Portland
branch of the Irish National le ague.
On this occasion James O'Meara, edi
tor of Tkf Xttc will deliver an ad
drew. M r . 1 1. Y. G ilison still accommodates
the public by mnutng a first elasa eov
crvd hack to Sweet Home. Tlte let
tnn of the roads will have to get con-i-iderably
below the present status, to
make him squeal.
The t 'bond Union met at the office
of A. II. fyrus on Tuesday evening.
The ft-siive eur that kicked such a hole
in the wiudow the Tuesday evening
previous was evidently not there
"Yhere, oh vhere is my little dog
Churchill & Monieith's show win
elmvs present. an appearance that good
an going down, and we are very sorry
to stiy these" gentlemen are going out of
lmsins. Such rare liaagaiit as are to
le had from them are seldom offered
to the people.
Mr. J. M. Settle who had the misfor
tune to fall from a ham loft- some time
sim-o. tv which lip Lior r;itel the tlmmti i
if his left hand in a terrible maimer i
has faint hoix s of avoiding amputation. !
The index fingiT of the frame hand is j The weather haslieen very stormy ev
tslso in a bad condition. j er since, and the seas have been break-
At the recent city election, in Habey j ig over her. The only wonder is that
h? following rfTiccrs were elee tel: j she held together so long. The Ya
Pre..ide?nt, Hon. T. J. Black; Recorder, i'luina City nut her fate at alsait the
F. r. Fiehls; Marshal, J. II. Bone; ! same spot whe re the John Hunter was
Treasurer, J. W. tJearv. Couneilnu n i
-H I. t Joel ley, Frank Trishy, W.
-tewart, aiul Uoo. Cunuingham.
On Tuesdaj last we had the pleasure j ?
i f ntrptitiff I)r, T A Winter fiurnnrlv .
j - . .i ... i
u.-easo, put new or Auwny. ij t
-n, t,, .ifh. r itnmn it. w ill lw I
seen the Dr. makes a specialtv of me ! tU" 'PSrS old p.oneer. 1 he de
liws and gives satisfactory evi- i wased was &ed Sl years, and came to
elcnee ef ling very successful in hta Oregon in 15v31, taking up the elonation
treatment of them. ! lanel elaim which he owned at the time
Ceo. Gross of Waterloo was in town
on Tuesday. This reminels us that i
parties desiring soda water now, can
procure the same by means of diving
apparatus.- Tlie Santiam is up at Wa
terlex, while the soela spring that cel
ebrated mina to fountain of health--iK-stles
closely to her bottom.
Of the sixteen or more eases of dip
theria reporteHt in Albany, quite a
liumbcr have proved fatal. Parents
should be vigilant when this dreadful
epidemic is prevalent. We are infbrm-
-l lv cooel nuHlieal authority that if
taken in time in its first stages tins
elisease is not difliclt to work.
We met. Mr. J. Hhea, of Sweet :
Home on the streets on Monday. He
w as wi his way to the county seat. He
face-tiously informed us that we might
let the Expkkss come to liim another
year, but Mould have to take chances
on getting our pay. We'll chance it,1
'Elder Would like about 1,000 such
chances. ,
Pillsbury, the Brownsville jeweler,
-as usual, has a most handsome stock of
lieiliday goods in his line. Anyone de
siring to make themselves, proud and
Immortalize their good name in the es
timation of their wiv!s, mother's-in-law
or best-girls should give "Pills" a
call, lie will relieve their wants im
mediately. We doubt not Mr. Owen Osborn'
drug store at Brownsville, like those of
IjelKinon, now presents a most inviting
appearance. Our readers by observing
the local Jind advertising columns of
the Express, will readily see where to
go for something handsome in the line
of, holiday goods. Patronize those who
invite yiu tn rough, the columns of
your local paper.
At the coming city election in Lieba- i
71011, we are informed, there will lie
put in nomination a straight republi
can and democratic ticket We know
of quite a number of voters who must
see the candidates before they swear
sllegiance to their party nominees.
We doulif not therp will lie snmp rim
scratehiriB- done, if thoritt men nPf,
not put up. Remember the 8th of No-
vember. ,
Ch rxstmas Tree. On Saturday
.'niig December 24, the citizens of!
Mnon will have a Christmas Tree
" . , . ...
aval at -tjiiion nail, nie arrange
ments are under" the management of
I). A. Andrews, M. A. Miller, J. A.
iV-ard, W. B. Donaca and Trof. J. L.
(;i!lertT as executive commit tee. The
nubile are cordial!. invifMl tn KKist in
making this an interesting occasion at
that time, ,
! Tun Ij.vst Spikf. Ditivisci. At the
elriving of the last spike connecting the
Oregon & California railroad It will be
arranged by the Southern FaeKie Tele
graph eoiopimy's lines to connect the
driving of the spike with telegraph
wires over the entire FneliU' const. The
liwt spike will be driven by Colonel C.
F. Cnk kcr at Ashland, at Italf-pnst 2
o'eloek Saturday afternoon, (to-morrow)
IVeember 17. Wires running
north to Portland md south to Pacnir
mento and Han Franelso will la con
nected with a hammer, so that when
the blowa are made on the spike, which
latter will also be eonuecteel with the
Wilts, In all towns along the coast where
the Inhabitant may desire to make con
nection arrangements, the electric cur
rent can be transmitted so ns to ring
Ulls and nregunsannouneingtheeom
plcton of the railroad.
The driving will "consist . of three
blows on the spike, at Intervals of two
seconds, each 'blow is made and an
nounwd at distant stations, the tele
graph managers will acknowledge the
same. After the third tap the word
"done" will be transmitted front Ash
land, notlfylny alt points that the great
werk has at hist been completed.
Kriix Improving. Since W.t V.
Petereon and Co. have been In the liv
ery business they have made many Im
provements in every braneh of their
business. They have the let of horses,
and vehicles, and their stable is in
good shape. It is conceded by the pu
blic that they treat everylsnly in a man
ner becoming men In their business and j
as a result they are bringing to them
selves what In the Aiture will be the;
leading livery business in Lebadon. j
They are lioeral in their dealings ami
to their fellow men; Itclieve In living;
themselves and are willing that others
should enjoy the &uue blessing, v Sueh
men almost alwavs sucetnl In bushuss.
Our country neighltors should remem
ber them when they want n tlrst-class
turnout or their horses well eared for.
They are now adding another shed to
the rear of their corral t which they bad
ly need with their Increasing trade.
Ch atwjn's 15oiy. The body of Har
ry Chatwin, the burglar whodied while
serving a nine years' sentence at the
State Prison, was mediately sent to the
me Heal department of the Willamettce
Uunlversity for dissection. It was a
fine subject for the students to work on
as he was a man of powerful physique,
as was shown by the fact that he lived
two years after being filled with shot
by Dr. PHklngton, whose house Chat
win had entered bent on committing
burglary, tlml a charge of bird shot
into the burglar's back which failed to
kill him, although the doctor was not
over twenty feet when he fired the shot.
In the disacctton the students found a
number of gu?t shot Imbedded in difier-
ent parts of the cadowr's tmck. As ,
Oiatwin ser-eel nouseful purjKise while
living it is but just that he le madeofjhv,, wek was the lKaviest and most
sme use to science after eleath.
Tun Yaq.i"ixa City uoertoPifx'ks.
The telegraph desjiatches announce i
I that the steamship Yaouiua Cit- broke ;
i t- m-.1,.- i.inlit Thia
went shor oufshle th i. Uv on Mm
south leieh 011 Mondav of last wtk. i
st several j-ears ago. Ihe Yaquina
City was valued at $2),tW. It is
1 thought that the hws was fully eovereel j
: by insurance. .
. 1 1 in ur . iin r.r.11. 111 iit'iii
' L. ,
"'.' iwmwi iw, j
lor n.deatn. itis ncalili, white not
1 vigorous was good. He leaves a wife.
two sons and four daughters. He was
a brother-in-law of Hon. 8. R. Thurs
ton, the first delegate to, Congress from
the Pacific Coast, He was buried at
Zena at 2 p. m. Fundav.
.'.Officers Elxtki. The following
are the officers elect of Honor Eoelge,
No. 38. A. O. U. W. of this citv, for
F. II. Roscoe, P. M. W.; E. E. Ham
mack, M. W.; P. M. Sherer, Foreman;
G. T. Cotton, O.; A. R. Cyrus, Recor
der; O. W. 8mith, Financier; W. H..
iiced, IUcorder; P. I,,. Wallace, J.
C. 8altmaih, I. W.; W. McKechuic,
O. i.; E. I-l Hammack, Trustee; Dr.
J. S. Courtney, Meel. Examiner.
Dedication axd Ixstallatu n
CEREiioxiEi On Tuesday December
27, at 2 o'clock p. m. Lebanon Loelge,
No. 44 A. F. and A. M., will deelieate
their handsome new hall, and install
the officers elected for the ensuing year.
These ceremonies will be of unusual in
terest, anel all members of this noble,
ancient fraternity are invited to be pre
sent with their families.
i)am Broke. O. tV. Wheeler, pro-
lrietir of the Lebanon sawmill, had
the .misfortune to have about forty feet wiId , " and te hunU
of Ins dam carried away by the rccxntVfnr..iKh or ii,ii.JLi .......
high water. He had arranged to start
np the mill on Wednesday morning but
will now have to wait until the dam Is
repaired. With, lumber 'in elcmand,
this will be quite an iucouvcnlence to
thesef wanting it. .
ItoBWKi) AeAix. Last evening we
learned that Smith & Hammack's
jftore at Tallman was again releaved of
iimc' of its contents. This time the
thieves evidently had a team and wag
on as we understand, among other
tilings stolen w as three barrels or kegs
of sugar. A few more such hauls will
seimewhat diminish their stock in
"Portal 2s otes"(?) We'll colonize
j the Ail-any Democrat with the Jack
sonville Times if it don't let up on run-
j ning our local news under tlie head of
"jfostai JNotes," without at Jeast an
occasional credit. Personally we dont'
emre,but ourcorrespoudents tnay" kick"
Do-you tumble, Mr. "M. A. T7"
Coxthacts ltiECixiEi. From the
Orcgonian of yesterday we learn
I that Mr. Hunt and Mr. Bennett have
I reeiiidcd all coufratts with theO. P.
j I- caii any. Further particulars
i next wctk. : " -...
' ' ' Dm-mU r 13.
A full stock of jewelry for the holi
days, at Plllsbury's.
K. Jletts, departed fr Portland, on
Monday morning last.
Mrs. Harvy HUmard returned from
Callpoola on Friday last.
Mrs. Win. HklfTof Portland Is visit
ing her father, Hcv. Carpus Sperry.
Latest styles In Jewelry for Christ
mas presents, for sale by lMllsbury, the
Jeweler. '
W. W. Che.-sman and C. O. Itow
land, of Alsea, were in town on Mon
day last.
Mrs. Carpus Pperry Is In HUlsUir
ough, attending her daughter who is
seriously 111.
Preparations are being made for a
masquerade lmll, to take place during
the holidays.
Henry Blakely, who rtHeIved a se
vere sprain and dislocation of the an
kle, Is able to move around on crutches.
Rev. C. A. Woodey, formerly located
at the State Indian school, Is visiting
his aunt, Mrs. A. W. Stanand of this
place. ,
Services were held at the llaptist
church on Sabbath lust, Rev. V. A.
Wooly oltlelating. Bunday nchool was
as usual, largely attended.
The little mt of Royal O rover, Is
rapidly recovering from his late attack
of intiamatiou f the knee, having re
gained use of the affected limb.
On Monday last, a man named Wal
ton, residing In the nelghlxrhood of
Cx's saw mill, by the accidental dis
charge of a shot gun, was seriously
wounded In the knee.
School In the Kirk district re-commenced
Monday lKe. 12, under the
tuition of I. 1). Boyer, whose success
during the past term, has fully war
ranted hla engagement for the ensuing
sis months.
All are Invited to attend the Christ
mas Tree celebration which will be
held at the North Brownsville city
hall, on the evening of Saturday 'Dee.
21th, 1SS7, Come one, corneal! and
join In the festivities,
New goods latest style. In jewelry
for sale by Pillsbury, the jewler.
(Sold pons. In pearl, Ivory andyobny
handles. Pins, rings, chains, brace
lets etc. etc. Silverware. All at the
most reasonable prices. , .
The washout which occurred on the
O. Ry. on the Afternoon of Tuesday
last, delayed the south bound train
about three hours, the mall not arriv
ing here until 10 p. tn. On Wednesday
morning a short distance south of
town, the track spread allowing the
train to sink between the rails, but
owing to the care exercised by the
train bauds, no damage was done fur-
ther than the unavoidable delay oee'a-
'sloneel by the mishap. The storm of
nmlonsreil that has vlaitnl this ser-tlnn
? - 53 " I
for some vetir. The contSnuitt rain I
ftkll wv..0ki.l M.i.t,ia 't
e travel almost impossible sod ;
i town business was for the time at a
lHR,t still.
As yet ne reports have
tKH!,v received, of damage, furttier than
i n iiixiai iiniure, uceasiuiieu m mis
Examination r Pnplla.
Friday the fith Inst., eemcludei the
examination which Jiael latenl one
week at the North Brownsville school.
The setnie'of the examination Inelutlcd j
the fo!owtngetutlies: Fourth, fifth and
sixth readers, grammer, geography,
mental and written arithmetic, physi
ology, United states History, spelling,
anel miscellaneous simile1. The name's
of the nunils. ami their standbi" hi the
several classes are a follows
Kate Coshow, 5; Dilla Stanarei, 90;
Tone Arthurs, 01; (Stephen Riley, 50;
Diria Newland, 73; Warreti Art hers,
Grace Riley, TO; Atta Dyson, 75;
Emma Rlanchard, 63; Win. X'able, 6S;
Ralph Knapp, To; Milton Chi Idem,
78; Ernest Reiss, 76;
Josie Chiklers, 76; Gilliert Ptanarel,
TO; Jud Jack, 60; Mason Croft.; 60.
Minnie JShe-a, 71; Lizzie McIcoeI, 78;
Otela Coelej-, 58; Frank Thompson,
63; Minnie Kay, 50.
Under the management of li. A. Chll
ders, piinclpal, and Miss Hattic Long
assistant, the past term of twelve
weeks has beem met successfully con
ducted, the number of pupils iu at
tendance numbering, a teital, 08, 33 in
the advance department, and 65 In the
prlmry, who have during the late ex
amination, shown marked improve
ment and proficiancy in their various
studies, giving great satisfaction to all
interested. - T. H. P.
I)ef!ember 12.
Too much rahr for practical purposes.
Mr. Coffelt had the misfortune to
lose one of his horses.
. ..v,ev, ii,nnif ii iiu JUL II-
ty of amusement at present, v
The late frosts gave the grass a back
set from which it has not yet recovereel.
This is the reason there is so much
poor stock iu the country.
Mr. Riley Stringer is slowly recover
ing from a severe shaking up he receiv
ed some time ago, (which came near
proving fatal, while driving a too well
cared for te-am.
John Plummer is going the rounels
cf the neighborhood with his huxter
wagon. 'He pays .the top of the mar
ket for produce. - We find him to be
quite a convenience ahe lives in our
vicinity and keeps a small stock of gro
ceries at his house, in case of emergency.-
There is some sickness In the neigh
borhood. The two children of your
correspondent is now convalescing
from an attack of cholera infantum
which caused us to entertain serious
doubts for several days as to 'their re
covery. Mrs. M. C. Mills and four of
her children are recovering from a sim
ilar attack. L. B.
Dr. Winter will visit Lebanon every
Moiulay uneriiewu. Oflicc at St. Char.l
les hotel,
DecemUT 12.
As news items are alout as scarce us
eggs at this season of the year, It la
somewhat dlfileult for a correspondent
to get up an Interesting articlo for pul
Ucatlon. So I will have to drop oft'
the prefix to my name and write yon
only owaslonly Instead of seinl-occAa-lonly,
as the latter would bo too often
to chronicle all tho news items here
and hereabouts at this dull season of
the year. Well to begin with, Miss
Mbble Ambler and Mrs. It. J. Trine,
took n flying trip to Albany on the
tioth of November, the former to at
tend the teachers' examination and re
turned on the 4th Inst, and the latter
to attend to business pertaining to her
organ agency, and returned on the 8th.
Please pardon the altove expression,
"tlylng trip," still It Is true In one
sense, as they made ft flying trip there,
but it took' them some time to lly back
again. Miss Llbbie has consented to
take the Warren school," and will com
mence teaching there next Monday, as
her school here will cUe on Friday.
The ladies of Mountain Home spent
a very pleasant day last Thursday at a
quilting bee, at Mrs. Julius Hide's, and
no doubt partook of a very enjoyable
dinner; just such a one as Mrs. Hide Is
capable of setting up, nevertheless as
your correspondent was not invited,
consequently was not present and lid
not partake f Mrs. Hide's hospitality.
He elxs not proose to Rive her any
credit for her very good dinner. Fui
ther this deponent ualth not.
Mr. and Mrs. Julluallyde started for
Brownsville to-elay and as they Slid
not return this evening we presume
they have been captured by the Milita
ry guanl In attempting to run the
guantlet at the washout on the Call
pooya. Kofie they have received no
serious Injuries, and will le pcrmltteel
te return home in a few days.
Mrs. Thos. Thompson, ami Mrs.
Samuel Hawkins, were the guests of
Mrs. H. J. Hyde yesurday, and had a
pleasant lime, especially on the home
ward bound tram.
EJ.KtXS. At the ntilrm nf fit w, Jiwi-li El
kitii. In Ia-Im-iumi, I.Iiiii ohiiiij-. ttrvgun. ti
TMI. tvpniiix'. l-tt-mlHT 1:1. H.
l.i tHin Kutixa il'rtrt Ibis Hie, t tbe ace rt
Aminixtl.f timtST uTOn'(tm. who r rnlttv
MViiiK Tf the klvrr, but fi-w Vre B tiWiey
miwr rvumrkallf tlinn tho iirt if this mrtk-r.
Horn In the Mate T Mninc hi fnltu-r, when
I.ithk a mrre Imty, lmiulriil to vtt tra
nfai. Ntt Ilktiis the nmntry ami haviiit" trnt
tloKiro ft the wtM Wbi. ! w an h family re-
mmvit to the aouth-weeru art of Imlinnn,
s mlM-re hU fatlwr ilicI. Anvr rvmnlntim btiuip
f time a Oct his faehtT'a U-ath uiitlf hv Ik-buh if
aac he left lmllana ami eiiR HSv't In Untile-" in
fIbhN prT (( to which, hoirervr, he niarHfl
Miltlthrto Witttmns with whom he Unit wwi
half eentuiy until her itraJh hii h took Uct
fix yuraw aim. After lt-aliiiK ai tlre li.tiH-
lift? In Ohio for mw jvaris Ills dt4r for the
fnmtler Imturett him to rtnrt for tiie d!ent lnnl
l Oivwmj. arrivtnn here with hU faially afer
Vmjf aiul toilatmie Jiwirnpjr over Ihv iUiltn lit IKitl.
-iu- ..tMM.i
- " t "
iwtiwe wrhu to nifvnt th in th-
rmmi'U or tin? TemTitnai trmmture. lie ma
M) nM, thK utr .('-liM,M
j At one tlnx! lie w u tMie of the moM uromiiient
. men of the demneraOc Ixuejr, hut hU fritKlKht
1 f Senator K. IX IViker. laeet him at enmity
j with tin tva.ler ofllwl irt', Froui ttmt tiinron
j he mvt to he beM a a hater. liile ltt f Ins
t mx m Hmuerut, ami he ftetinemtjr aete!
AmoiiaT 1 he k-Uiifr enterjrl f this pari of
the Mate. hieh w 111 enlalm hi mpniory bi the
hartof tlMe w ho wm lre nltn, anl n hii h are
olmiMt ttn mnlurtfuiw uf hlon efTort. are tin-
iimtn-Uo f the e nxn.ip Moantnin waann
KikuI, anI the Albany ami Sunt lam Canal or
Oitrrt, ami other luiprowuu-nts of miner Irajir
laner. lie wh a man who heliered In edwMion. ar.d
luillt tlv Ttna .a'tuMil h.Mi lo tit. lnnrka nf 11
fcintlani. tn this rtlivetton we Iml hin wwl-
t il with at het jihiint-rR of Itaiion a.onef the
fooniler of thi Snivilam Ain.lemy, which b ti
lay a flimrihiiis at of teaming. , .
Lcthf.k Kt-Klc tta-1 fin K'K'lver In tin lix
Iriiipunf Chrixteitnltjr: kt Iwjr am! at ive life,
anl wa one well mleulatea to be a pioneer.
Tlionith am.siii)r nrtiinei! at various time In hi
eventful life, he ilhtl Kr. Tho Iftt ft rv yeani tl
his lift. were iient III retirement, wfl'erinn Hi Ulr
oUI se With a senerat break hig down of hl
ihyfi(al antl mental jxrvers. He knven ai'Ven
rhihlren a:il a Inrc number of frlemla to tvmein
bir the lmlustry f tatrt father ami a man to
whom I.lnn county b more Indebted fiwlwr mate
rial in-ierity than to any other one tnilivhlual
within the kmiwleilireof thow who compomd tlw
laixe aMenibtjp that yesterday anernooll Ailbiwvd
the remain to their last resting !laec la Ihe t b
anon cemetery.
A Young; Ocntteman
who was rushing down the street the
either etay was asketl why he was In
such a hurry. He scarcely stopintl
long enough to reply; "I'm going to
Miller's fine driur store to buy my liest
I gill u Christmas present."
A varietl and Ki.RoaNT display of
C'KS, may be found at Okbvkx's Drug
Ktore, lirownsvllle, Or.
Moore' a Hair Invlgorator.
This excellent preparation for the
hair, may be ftuuul em sale at the fol
lowing places: M. A. Miller, Lelmnou;
r?tarr & Stanard, O. Oshorit and M.
Jackson. Brownsville: F. A. Watts,
Shodil; c. Oray, Jtalsey. ampie bot
tle's free. Call anel int one. r
and young at Bearel.s Drug Store.
' Notice. ,
Parties indebted to Churchill & Mon
telth will please call In and settle up
accounts. This implies to everybexly
indebted to us, as we are going eiut f
the business anet must huve What is
due us by January 1, 1S88.
Cancers cured without auy cutting
being elone.
The unest line of Stanet lamps ever
brought to Iebanon, at Keebler A lleib
New Oregon hams, shoulelcrs, shies
anel bacon, at Keebler & Roberts
keeps the finest line of Per-
Scrofulous humors, erysiielas, can-
ker, and catarrh, can lie cured by ta.
king Aver's Sarsanariila. "I havt
rrn, can
useel this medicine in my family, for
scrofula, and know, if it is taken per
sistently, it will emdicate this terrdile
disease' W. F. Fowler, M. D., Green
ville, Tenu.
. New Orleans molasses at Keebler &
Autograph Albums by the hundred
at Beartl's. v
There is nothing so valuable for
throat and lung troubles, and that can
be taken without any injury to the
steimach, as "Mother Gary's Gumtre'e
j Cough Syrup." Try it and you will
sav so too.
i ' J. A. Beard, agent for Lcbmtou
What aril I to Do?
Tin symptoms of lUilotiHiiess are un
happily but too well known. They
tlilU r In lii! r'iit ludivldttuU to somt?
extent. A HiUona man Is seldom a
breakfast cater. Too fretjuently, alas,
he has an excellent appetite for liquids
but none fur solid of a morning, ills
tongue will hardly lsr Inspection at
any time; If it is not while and fuirhl,
it Is rouh, at all events.
The digestive system Is wjiolly out
of order and Diarrhea or Constipation
may lie a svmptotn or the two tuny al
ternate. There are, often Hemorrhoid
or even loss of oiood. There may Ive
giddiness and often headache and acid
ity or llntuleuee ami tenderness In the
nit of the stomach. To correct all tbls
If not elll et a cure try Uret n' Auffttnt
VoicfT, it cost but a trltle ami thous
ands attest Its efilcieney.
Fine Vases at Ileanl's.
Files and Cancers jierinnnentty cured
by Dr. T. A. Winter, of Albany Or.,
late of Chicago, Illinois. No pay un
til cureel.
Parties indebted to Churchill Mon
teith will please call in and settle up
accounts. This applies to evcrylssly
Indebted to Us, as we are going out of
the business ami mint have what Is
elues us by Jauury I, 18S8.
On ihe V ay.
Andrews A Hackle-man have on the
U'llV HllllllliT lltri't 111! llf t IllMUl 11-1. .Ill-It.
e.lV. L D:iuvdiiss?.l.tKlshiHs; also the
. L. D. $1.0 1 hand-sewed shoe m hlch
Is tipjal to any ontinary $U.ut) sluie in
the market.
Ml.rnry lamps $.!.(Kf to $3.50 at Kee
bler & lbsberi.
, M. A. MHU r still continues to supplv
the public with holtiday goenls at iKit
tom prlees.
21b can lllue Point oysters for 20 its.,
at Kecbler A ItoU rts.
Fine Hcrap Albums at Ileard's
A clear head M Indicative of good
health and regular habits. When the
Issly is languid, ami the mind works
Ingtilshty, Ayer's Cathartic Pills will
assist In tin recovery of physical buoy
ancy and mental vigor.
Uood apple, AO cents iht bushel, 1 1
Kevbler At ltoU-rts'.
The finest Hue of Christinas carets at
Heard's Drug Ht re.
Insure j-ur preiptrty In ahomeeom-PHtiy-the
Northwest Fire and Marine
lusuraiHv eomiany, of Portland Ore
gon. A. II. Cyrus, agent, I lmuoii lr.
uon llellies In kits at Keebler &
A fine lot of Oil Painting at Heard'
Drug Store.
Money to loan, by Curran aV Mon
teith,Allmiiv, Oregon. tf
For a gimd meal, go to the City Ilea-1
taunint Allmnv. Meals t cents. tf
TAHI.KfV. TAni.KTS. Ta ni.ETR. bv
the huttdreels, at Millku'h, the lAal-j
uig eirugtjiit.
Mother Carv's (iumtree 4ugh Hyr
Hp eloes Hot sleken the stomach, or
bind the bowels, nf for a child eir an
adult, ami will le found the lust trcp
n nit ion for a Onigh, Cold, llroin hit is,
WhiMiping Cou?h or Croup and any
atleftii n ot the throtit and lungs.
J. A. Jtcard, agent for Ix-lnnou.
Ihiy your 15viks and Stationery nf
MHU r, at Imttom prices.
Httlt snlniou. at Ken bler A Ihiln'ris'.
Leading Grocers
i nm THW
i CeleljroteFJ
j Geyserite Soaps.
3 AtrtAxY, on mix.
3 tf-
i . r? T TTWTfWfTT1 TTTT TTTju TrT1
-Proprietor ef the-
Fountain House,
Tills lfimc l fortuitctcrin all of It Department
ninii-liina tlw lies "f AiHiHumiKluthmalo ar
tiesvHtltislhcSntaSiiritigii. "
Board, $1 per Day, or $5 per Week.
VAiAl 41.4 LA aa A A kXAA 4A1A AA A i. AA A AAA
1 riEALEn ix
j -OF A I.I, KIXPH. . .
Foreign and Domestic
Lebaxon, Oni-xieix.
CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Receiver.
On an! after Sept. 7. leC, ami nni'il fiirtlwr rnv
llf imtiin will run daily (i-xi-vpl SwikIuv) iu fiil
iiwh :
OiburK Mull.
fmm lort
Inml. 10.10
I. vll.15
1 1 ..Mi
Coburii Mail.
ToWHnl rurt-
lH XDKE Jl Xe-TX.!
I.v 2.10
Arv 2.0J
I. 21
V-' . S
I.v 11. M
Arr ll.:5
II, 12
' VM
H. 44
I. .H
FUiiuurti I1k. 1 1
Iiy' Lamling,
St. Pniil'a.
Fram-h I'niirie,
M. Anuvl,
JohtiMon' Mill,
Easi Si. le J uisetioii,
W-st stnvtim,
eirawl Pit,
North SHiitUun,
Scio June,
Wl'Kt S'io,
Thnmrts' Fork,
Twin Hut tea,
1. -Jtl
2. r5
ti. Id
i eHH.'l.'
r. Arv,
Lv I-v.
All newoti nt
t. n l v fo;l)liinrn to huHmtir, or
. i! n i u i 1 1 i-NNlj;(, im lUi'.'.a oh In v
nvti ti iny N?n, I'.j
tl'!'tlt!tl a I v 1
not Imj , rt -jmn. il li" fi.r tint ol
hin iif i-.M or it
A. l 'l"if-
Ix'l.umiii, Hi., Nov. I.1.X7.
TliM t tt ttolt'V the l iil.lic tlml 1 linve lhl rtny,
I N-t. IM I--?, f"ir hii-i it the etitirti Imen'-t of Pr.
I. U'. Ffiirr. in lite 'it-Mt? i.n-inr fnrmt'Hv io
Ineled ty the firm if Slnrr A SliOinrd. Tlmnkail
fur n-! (1:vi.. I muM ri.jj et(iiny reoiie-t a ron
iimiiMI'i't i! .rtitic hi the oM j-'hiio, one (Iim
rmrili nlt My Halt. Iinm nvtll. All inr(vi. k lwr -Init
tliei:!Pi'hi. liiil. '.!.-! lo Ihe line Krm will
hli'iiMv enll I I'llk' tlielr iiit itnniK,
Ilrow tit vt!li', er., (h i. I, M.
J3 acres of frood garden land. ittna
8 inilin iiuriiu .i i of Ij iik Si, in. hi. I.lnn n "in
ly, tin-oii. ii wrex miiU-r eiihivHllon; IMnere
miinIhM ami burnt; l" m ra- innkr kinkI li-ni-e: )
wnw in tii'-.l- r, iii.M voimtt ttr; Miue at-ler nt
innple; iliu llinit lion, Iix:y fin-t;
ixl .lull; well With rti-ltt y of iokrI nali r; hi4
burn; yoimir on hunl ol arm eluilr e fruit Inv; an
eti rllt iit h.ii jnnl of SiH ref; khI hop hou-e and
tlrj-er ii.i:'.-. feet.
I nlt'er f'ir "ulr the iitnive rroieny tor ?".! ranh.
Kor IlirtleT iHirllrulnn n.lilreNK ttte nt Intuition,
l.lun eouuty, urcKoii; or ree me In l-roii.
Real Kstate A't and No
tary Public, and
Dues a (icnoiiil Agency
Insurance, Agricultual Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
me a tVi
II at Dr.
Powell's Old
I do not helifire thnt
Avar's Karaapatilla
his an eqnal utt ar
for Heruuloua Itu
tniira. It ta plaunt
to take, irlrs atrenptlt
lo the bly, and pro-tlii--
more fwruiav
tu'nt result tliau any
nwlicln I ever nf.
K. Ilaintra, JSorth
Llndalf, Oliio.
I hare nsed Ayer's
Bitrasparilla, in my
faimiir, for Sir of u I a,
and know, if It is
taken fait lifullr It will
tliorutiehir eradicate
ttis terrible elirwas.
W.F. Fowl-r.M.D.,
GrjieoviUe, Tenn.
For forty years I
hare aufTc-reJ with
Krysipeliw. I hare
tri'l ear ioim reintHjiea
lor mr ooiiM'I'tuit, but
found no ri-lirf until
I coiniDPnced using
A T-r' Kjimaparilla.
Ali. r tabiiiK wn hot-tli.-.
of tliH itiAUicine I
am completely cureel.
St. tf. AiMburj,
Ri e kport, Ie.
I hare attfTered, f-r
yean, .-front Catarrh,"
which wiu 10 efvere
that it eletitroyed my
appetite and weak
eowt my ayatem.
A.fter tryliia othr
r"nwHlie. wittHiut re
lkf, I lx!jnn to take
Ayer'a rintraaperiiia,
and, ia a few month,
was cttrt. StuMuila,
Ctok, m Altiany at.,
lkmton, yi as.
Arwi Rarararilla
U anperinr to any
IiIoimI puriller that I
evir tried. I hare
tnken It for Scrofula,
Canker, end 8it
lthma, ami received
ninth benctit fratn tt.
It ia pood, alxo, for
a weak atnmat-k.
Millie Jane I'eirw, S.
liraiUord, Mass. tt
Canker, end
Can ba
cured by
the bleed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rrrparwi by Pr. J. C. Ajrer ft Co, LeweH,UaM.
f rlce f 1 1 tU boUlea,
UnliHl. aii-l ail fAlt.l li I i A t-
tviKknl In fcrr UtthPl: ATP h h K. Hlr i0irr l
.pt.Kili- Hip I'. . I'ni,'iit tiflkv. etui we ikii
tliil lti!.ti In Um liiii Hmil tlit li liwrt, ii.tiM.
Uisiilt;in: N-n.l MoDtU-I'HA M I A. .r
'IIHT of invirti.m. lvi a i ii ni
.l.llltv rr.-,. i.f , linti:.. mi. I n,. liinku AO I U.ll.t.1.
IM kss i ? .v r . ."i I l;U:
- h'r HriMilnr. ilvl-t. trriutf aii'l n-fi-Tt-iTT ,
MHiihI t-tli'tiu in t ..iirwn M:it. t ilini. I hit t
lull li, v I ito lo f t yi.yit, r.qr. .
fl. jl:iAVja aslel
Pl4itt i'-tdnt Olfirc, H'mAiwc'o", it C.
riiTfi.-i -k.- 7i
L3 D
Groceries and Provisions,
Tobaccos and Cigars,
Pure Sumir and Maple Synips, Confectioneries.
1 r
nnaj cm
Albany and Lebanon Flour, Bran at
' .
i i
I JtlIUKIl, -
If ve.ll A ti imrcliitM a MIim for ,viuir llov or CSii-1 f!:nt n ifl tinn '
the wear and ( ur if t-vt ry da.v u-wfrf, that 1 made of tionei-t Iwiilu r
lliruulitiut, ami on ceaumon-w iixf Idcw, tall for
mad. of lnHi Prlifht and ml Oil drain, and known tverv here ?v tlw f rtd
Mark of the- LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, foot! I on ihe UHUmt f iie , f
vju h jniir. tme genuine withemt It. Ik-ware of linitatintw.
, t ' - ' - ...t
The ir WnnuMi' Cumon Kid and Tampieo ;it Iintton, to r t:id
Their Women' lIe-nleron KUU Fn-neh taniKtl, Latton, ti reus.:!
The are. eiUchetl with HHk, mitele lid In every iiarth tdar, and will n.. look small and idinjK ly.
Olifif-i. IJ. loiitauriit', Tuliiiioti Oi'.
F. H. ROSCOE' & CO.,
General Hardware
Iioii, KtI aud Coal,
AVo;oii 3Iutcilail
ltl and C?ilutre.
illtK'IctaillltllM Wniili'i.
"Vttnroiir and llitft;-
(Opjies'.te Ht. t'hcil.u Hoie?.)
Timi County,
n q
TVfiilf tuicl luope.
r i
Leading Druggist.
- - OlM'pfOJL
f 1 "rl.
'. f.
' jci r
Aricultual Impleineiits.
C?aiiient tr Toli.
llllllI-l, Iliirelwarc.
Powder, Kltot, etc,
tan t A"ow1l.
ta"vTi and Axen.