The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 16, 1887, Image 1

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v i-v n I'
M v 5W
-. ,u-y 4ssri!?itot
Legal Blanks, Euinea Garcia,
Letter Heads. Bill See.4,
Clrcalar. ' Port. I
i' k. rt :-.( fi k si KSirttiPi'fui.
S M ' H' 1 ""
( l.KO.U. )
O ! -iw !- i.-ril.m tSO" loaal mwsilum... 60
(LUTA.!) .. ..
L V f l'"' ,S ei!"lt
NO. 41.
s-lVrt-f 1.'.tv-,f, NO 'I. A F ft A M Mert
,i t.tir !'tr hml in block, 8aaiai
tuiu, on ut tmwn ton lull moon.
ii.-rTwv lot !"!"!;. nvv K. I. o o v.; Mrt (-
"'ij '.s y i:m oi b " XM ' 1111.
M thi titsi; uiur.g Wtunrou cmmII limit! Vo
. J. J. LllAlU.i'o, s. u.
-l I.OT-V5K N- S. A O V W , t, -haiwn,
" irv.t- .M.-i.i Stat thlnl Tminlr
d. S. COURTNEY, M. D.,
r VOffi In hrli-k building', over M. A. Mil
la, ' stoie.
N jtary Public and General Insurance Agt.
rnlltwtlun ml Mhir buin promptly ttndd to.
4lic OA &iun all wet.
FiiJin-jf and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
0.1'n.e iu W. C Peterson's jewelry store,
.2"AU work warranted. Charge reasonable
&kvuig, EUir Cutting. n4 Shampooicc ia
jf .3" Pi:nraas wpwstfuliy solicited.
t. Oharlcs Hotel,
LEBANON, Oregon.
X W. Corner SfaSB iltmI hern-.n Street. t- Blocks
k,t u B H. DtfkA
El. C. PAnntSfl, Proprietor.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Marktt
Saail Roams mn4 fhe Pt'iit Accaatmodt!iB for
-GEXERATj stage offick-
Groceries and Provisions,
Fcrtln and Domestic Fruits,
Qaeenan-are tad xlasswr
Lamps aad Unp Fixtarea.
Xffatn Ht, Lfbaiim, Orrr".
C. FETEE80I - ft CO.,
Urar.E:! & Si state,
To our many friends of Lebanon and
vicinity, and tbona of other towns, e
desire to c&'l attention to th fact that we
ha?a opened on
Kajla, Est. First aal Socsiii,
Ham soLAND'a aiAiuiKaji aaor.) a
l!ov Buggies. Hacks and
Tarties dealrinj; to take a tr:p to the
mountain, or other placet of recreation,
should call and aee our
Special Conveyances
For sueh trip.
All EinJs cf Teaaiis & Hauling Don
Iieasonable Jlates.
Temperance Hall
Fresh and Salted Beef and
E::;i rA Lard always ca Eand.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Lebanon, Oregon,
a Geisra!
J.S:-oi s Eept uVe.i; to deck.
tinE Gallsry & Pool TaMes
Lebanon, Oregon
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
IOlJrl IStc.
All kinds of Repairing Done at Short notice.
Also keep in stock
Wen yer talktn' "bout j r bnautUt, -
With their purty eye 'tt' laabea, ,
An' thetr lip Hits eharry-fruit la
When tba nla acrott It tplaahea,
With ttlafrcbiNtkf like plumb-rlpa pch.
An' thBlr took whar sun Mam ttiuuoa
Whj, I Utn at yer (wcbo,
Say in' Bolhla'i but I Jea"
Lot my tbinkla' loo on Be.
I don't ro much ea beauty,
Cut I ra alwut hd thn telln
Tht a 'Mulmu man' flrt datf
V ui tnrkwp Itn tr ok from te!ln'
'IT. lit hl Jedifflment but I'm free ter
Buy I nover had tbe dealln'
With the crittur what eould beat herj
Far e took wo, t eonrnw,
Vm a urtr ttuck on Beul
Kow, her eyi they're hi, aa' rollla
'Ualnst a arU'rul brownish yellor,
Llkn tit it a tear win hol tn
Back ter paralyze a (ellorl
An' the Ituhnt heftln' orer
Whar tlia llcht hlil otl aa' metier,
Ain't the rurlin' kind, buteotrer
I'urty high the bull poei'
Roun', wotl fBTored eye o' Beat,
'f .Ike tr ee herr Bartala all yer
.. H ter do I wait a wooo',
While I )i" torn In an call her
Vrom the meddnr whar ihs peokla'
CloveMud an' Juicy crae
Mont the other cow. I reckon t
An' you II e he 'bout aurpasitna
Cnmmoa Jemny belfera. 'lea
I m con.a mod mist ok ia Beset
A'rl HUIrr itcOlt$K, M Pwk.
Tlio WOVEN rIXtli: I3H2I.
Ilow Ila Played tn Part
Organ Grinder.
of an
. 33. GO A
Dealer in Furniture.
Also Doors, Windows and Blinds.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils and Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Next Door to W. O. Donaca, Lebanon, Oregon.
raeterrt JBaelwe. Wl. Branent F.rtlaaial. Or
Ma!crACTCRiH9 or
Xain Etreet, Lebanon, Orroa.
-ma bkst or-
Gisais li Cot ctionsrle
Accommodation of Patrons.
Parties will fl"d this a pleasant plae
for Innosont amuaement.
Lebanon, Oregon."
. m ,LI , ,mM mmtm,,, I. .U.H t.mmmmi.-'mAmmmV j
Prices to Suit ths Times.
lAC Header
Tnv.- I-himr. nind and BOW utrw, "l1
Bug glee. Phaetons, Carriages. Buckboarda, and
General Agents for Canton Clipper Plows. Harrows. Cultivators. BaaA
Scraper. G.le Chilled Plows, Idea Feed Mills aid Wind Mill. Iowl
ton Hay Rakes Horse Powers. Wod Sawa. Teed Cutter, etc W.
carry the Urgest and beet assorted stock of Vehicles on the NortbwMit
Coast. All our work i built specially for this trade and fully warrant.
Bend for new 1087 catalogue.
Mitcffill & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Our t oods are sold by F. II. ROSCOK ft CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or.
Watchmaker . and
lam, Clocis; Jewelry, Sifter Plated fare ani Optical M.
bbaleb nr.
To.!, tTl
Francises, Pcrtlaul ani
I, Or
Ccnacticr.s Mad on Favor
s.t!s Terms,
lien Goois,
o o o
Tha Latest Stylea in
hats, mriin aid f Mimas,
Mrs. C3-. "W. JLlico'a,
Csfcli-Trdaj- AvflTCHES
o o o o o o
18. afU
srsmncrv :by
F.tiiFii.mir Can
' ductssr ami otiir
All Work
Tlio orjjait man at Ihe ga' ttatl len
jplndinj away at the popular tims
n-hlch filled hi mosie-box. and left
room for a funning accompaniment f
jrunt and groan. fir full fificen min
utes. All the nurse, and all the
children nndor tholr charge, hd
gsMil orer th fence, and thrown him
plentifu" largess of small clianj and
pitiful boarder J of a larger growth
had ihr.twn, sundrj fire-cent pieces
from npp"r win low; now the Ued of
tha hou', hard at work In the kitchen
as she n-tuallr was. did the snin-N
Some won't encourage 'am, .she
aldto S illr, her nMlstant-ln-reneral;
but I say they h 1, boarders to keep
11 rely; and If yonr sura -iter boarder
ze;s low-spri!ed you're apt to lose
hn so take the beet lha folks bare
i, ft on their rdates. warm It on .the
grid-Iron, and put it on a clean plate,
with hot potatoes and turnips here's
enough of lhat on the pla!es, too.
What tin eye don't see the heart d-n't
yrlere for, and I don't betters an Eye fmrlnnr would oare anyway ef
he did know."
Aid 8 illr, obedient to the behest,
called to the grind.r to 3 me .tft."
While he was feeding within yonnR
M.irihuer came back from fUhin?.
Ui was l the city. a regularly fash
ionable as any one else, but out
amongst the mountains be elected to
lire in a red shirt and kaick rbocker,
great t'wh Ttnan's hat, and a big
It-athcr belt, la which he presenttd
onto Ihihg the appearance of a theat
rical bandit, being dark, handsome,
and romantic-looking. He put down
his nul'snd the small siring of brook
trout he had brought borne with him.
within tho gate, and went back again
to look at tha brown box the organ
grinder had left outside.
Wiiy, It's an organ," he exclaimed;
"and all my life I're danred to grind
an organ. It seems such a comforta
ble, easy war of making mus c I
nrrer had an opportuuitr before.
Here go?s."
And placing the Instrument la the
proper position, ha began to turn the
sra k In excellent time, looking np
it the house ont of the corners of his
ycs in the most professional manner,
and carrying out the idea by his cos
lU'ite. lie expected aotne of the more
you hful boat-dors to appear, and to
zet a little fun ont of his orgtn-play-ing.
but the young ladles were gone
ip the mountains in thetr short dresses,
itid with their alpenstocks; the chiW
Iren were adoring the monkey in Ihe
kitchen, and the older people, think
ing th t the legitimate grinder had
resumed his labors, took care not to
ook ont lest they should awaken ex
pectation of a second relay of fire
rent pieces. Therefore Mr. Mortimer
muntered up and down the road, lutcli-
ing his organ along, and singing tne
word of the popular songs without
ffect, until Miss Parker, from the
U.mso on tho hi. I, tnrned the corner in
ncr new red and go'd cart." anddrlT
insr a. ti ry resilve little horsr.
Whether the hoisis did not like pop
ilar tunes, or hated Italians, or
thought the organ was about to attack
him. did not appear; but as soon a
ho figure of Mortimer and the music
box attracted his attention, he made an
ust.intft' eons pantograph of h!nnelf
A-td pawed the nir with his fore logs.
MUs Parker used her whip and lifted
iier roice, and Mortimer, casting tho
.rgan strap from his should 'r, did the
lHsstn man could do under thj circum
stances; s that before ,the anhnal
tvnehed the foot of the lane, she was
:if once more.
S ired." as she said to herself, "by
his beautiful, graceful, elegant organ
rrindcr, who ci-rtainly must be an
Italian prince in d sju so."
N w Miss Parker had not been at
boarding school and had the advan
tages of modern travel for nothing; t-ho
knew Italian," and as soon as shi
caught her breath she aired it for th e
organ grinder's benetit.
Siguur." she said, p litelr, "how
inn 1 Thank you for saving my life?"
Ah, an Lallan lady, I suppose,"
thought Mortimer an 'Lallan never
would have supposed It for a moment,
and he instantly replied in the same
Siguorina, that I have done Birae
thing'to spare you alarm makes ma
happy- 1' y chance I hava saved
your life, I am too much honored and
favored." ,
.'fJarer w'aa such an organ grinder,"
men, as
'.V-Cl, I J '5 . - - . Mortimer led her horse by the bridle.
ot- X h Sfejs V JlfsA .. ,rn Wina- the road.
f LT'ii.- Tto XaiuKS towns
' Airtmts (ismduiar -
4ew-lr), wtxAs
Mail Warauux.
o o o o o o e
un as ist roa rsrs..
LF.&tt H
Mner Sewing Machines & Hachine Supplies.
.hn nrKin lvingr the road.
. . . - - 3" sK. fteb-Arl
"Is it nun yooroi5ui
a'ain in the Italian language as
sooken at Miss Q timby's schooL And
Mr. M-r timer, all unconscious of her
opinion of his social position, inter
rupted her in the same language as
taught bv P.-of. Spracheniall.
. '-That is ray affair, Signorina.
. "How proud ha is." thought Mm
P vrVer. and her heart flutter-! as she
Hlijr!itil at th. gate and a servaot
hurried up.
"Thank you again and again," she
"Thank you fr the thanks," sighed
Mortimer, bending over her hand; and
so they parte I Mortimer to meet the
Italian and deliver up the organ.
At tea time Mortimer made many
I quiries as to a young Italian lady
win) drove a spirited horse, but his
landlady declared she didn't know
any foreigners that had a horse, and
ha "didn't bellev) but thera poor
Kyelaliana on the railroad was all
tuti'helors, for she had seen 'em mend
ing their own stockings outside the
shun ilea many a time."
However, he eould not forget the
l retty face and gentle voice, and
fou'id himself singing "Some Day"
with expression as lie wandered about
I t the moonlight And h- got down
nia Italian books and brushed
up his knowledge of that lan
ua.2;e, aud looked often along
he lane for the red and gold cart.
out did not see It, for the good reason
lhat Mr. faiknr had Informed his
Jaughler that he thought she was only
roing to make a fool of heraelf in lhat
gglo-box; but if she was going to
i-i-lc her lif. that was another thing,
snd had condemned her to the family
enrriage and the safe drlri-Jg of old
Canper Wumps. the family eoachman,
who never drove down the narrowslde
S i, for many days, Mortimer saw no
more of his charmer, while the pretty
Miss P .rker hardly knew whether she
was wretched or happy when she
thougnt what a wonderful romance
h d cmne into her lift?; for she owned
to herseii tha she adorea that "ex
Tiisite organ grindor." who certain
ly was a prince ia reduced circum-itsnc.-i.
At last they met It was In this
war. M irt liner was fishing and Mis
P.rker was flaking a walk. She
bont her stejs toward the little core
win-re he ha l established himself, and
ihev m it faej to faa . U'.s fis'iinj-rod
Iro'ppotl out of his band; her book fell
from her
"Mr gallant preserver!" she cried.
fn Italian. O i. Signorl Is it possi
ble?" A d he answered. In Italian alsi:
-8 gnorloa, this Is the happiest day
of my life." r
And s they began to meet and make
loveloea:h otliLT in a foreign lan
zuage. Miss Parker felt sure that her
father would not welcome an organ
grinder as a gnest, and did not ask
Sim to call. M irtimer, on bis part,
fished f..r an invitation as lie had never
fished for trout. Hu was a gentleman,
snd he f. It that, having given his heart
to a young ladv, hs onjrht to know her
parents and par his addresses proper
ly. A for Miss P.w'ier. she was q nite
ready to elope whenever he proposed
and to hold th tamborlne for pen
nies whlie he played the organ over
the whole world; but she was not eottal
to introducing her papa, Ganeral Per
ry winkle P.u kor. t o an organ grinder,
however charming.
I wish she knew a little English. 1
eould explain belter," thought Morti
mer. "I wonder why she don't say,
CalL I expect something unpleasant
will coma of this."
Something did.
O in afternoon, about twiliffht, as
ihe tig tea bell was ringing violently
n the boarding-house lawn for the
b mefit of wandering b larders. Morti
mer aud Miss Parker sat by the trout
s ream up-.n some rather damp but
vcrv mossy rocks.
Ilis arm was about her waist, her
head on his shoulder, and he had
called her "Carismn." and "Bella
Carissima" several times, when an
avalanche rolled down the bill upon
them. That was the effect It was.
however, only the portly person of
Gnernt Jjbki is Terry winkle Parker,
who had come upon them suddenly,
i and slipped i t rushlngdown Ihe slope.
1 hey broke his ana were no quite
erushwl flat, but when he was picked
nn and h id become himself asraln he
began to use language his favorite
prvacher woidd not have liked to hear
him use, and inquired, tn the pauses,
what his daughter meant by this, and
who this rnfcal was."
Mortimer, lul,e conscious tha he
deserved this, was feeding his pockets
f..r a card, and finding none; and won
dering, too, at tho ease with which his
I atian angel's p trent spoke English,
when Miss Parker flung herself on her
knees before hur cn:el paron. and to
his astonishment, uttered these wonts,
with no foreign accent whatever:
D.'ar, dear papa, don't be angry.
This is the noble organ grinder who
saved my life. He don't know a word
of English, but h's nan.e is Dan'.a
Mortimer, and ho's far above hia sta
tion. And in saving me, he broke his
organ, and has to support himself by
fishing. Remember, papa, I shouldn't
be hero if ho hadn't saved ma. I lova
him. Bj niiMcifuL" - .
Hetty Parker," cried the old gen
tleu a i. "you'rj an idiotl Here, ymu
Mr. Organ Gr n ler, can you speaky
any E glesv, you know?"
p. t fcctly." "aid Mortimer. "I .
fact, I am an American. I Ihongh
yourdauch'sr an Italian lady until
this moment AHow me to expTafn.
I have the most respectful admiration
for Miss Parker, and wish to '
"I can't have any exp'anatlons,"
Interrupted the old gentleman. "What
business have you to make love to my
daughter, or she to let youP If yon
broke your organ saving her life, I'll
buy you a new one. Pro deeply
grateful; bnt. you see. organ grinding
or fishing Is not that Is I "
Oh. as to organ grinding." cried
Mon timer. "I am only an amateur.
Tm no more an organ grinder than I
am an I a'.ian. . And perhaps you
know Daniel Mortimer white goods
.iVipr pxtensive. Tm his only son.
It was a mutual mistake."
He entered into an account of tha
manner in which he came to perform
upon the barrel-organ In the public
road ut during the recital Miss Parker
van. aed. - - "
However, it so happened that the
Ganeral knew Mortimer, senior, and
ihnf. he ouite understood what a good
match Mortimer, junior, was. And so
there will be wedding ia Grace
C shortly Daniel Ilirtimer. Jr.,
to II - -r. cn'.y daujh'er of Geuera1
j,v ., ?cvt)irU luV-' " "
ftosBcthtBs; Entirely Smw ia th. Way of a.
ferantog's atrtalaaeat.
There was a church festival in Hen
sonvale, and tliis ia the way in which
Miss Belle Abbott introduced a new
feature into the well-worn Wst of such
A placard was prominently displayed
at the festival reading:
soHsrrsjso w. uos"x r ail to sr.s ir. j
All wore kept in mystery until "the
appointed time, when the manager,
stepping before th. curtain, spoke oi
the statue of Memnon In Egypt, which
was accustomed t greet the lining snn
with song.
"More obliging th in Memnon," hs
said, "certain stately American sun
flowers have been found ready and
willing to sing wlienever called upon.
Ladies and gentlemen," he addwL "I
hre-een fortunate enough to secure
for our festival a cluster of these re
markable additions to our native flora,
and have the honor of presenting to
you onr Sunflower Chorus."
The slowly drawn curtain revealed
upon a dark background thirteen large,
yellow sunflowers, with leaves and
talks complete, and i a the center ol
each a human face. Mnie came from
U piano near tha stag, and to is ac
companiment the cluster of human
sunflowers ang nonermis selections
from familiar operas, popular songs
and melodies and college glees.
The Sunflower Chorus was voted a
grand u.;cesa. and those not in the se
cret begged Miss Abbo'.t to tell them
how it was done. And this was her
explanation: One foot behind the stage
curtain, hangs another curtain of dark
brown cambric, ten feet square;, attach
this by rings to a wire stretched nine
feet from the floor; tie cords to the
first and last rings, and, drawing the
curtain t'glitly, fastened these strings
to the wall on each side. The tip be'n j
Bow secured. let the curtain hang
naturally; wrap the surplus cloth about
a strip of wood twelve feet long, two
inches wide, and one inch thick; fasten
this to the floor by two large screws,
ami the flower screen will be tightly
Group the singers In a "picturesque
cluster behind the screen, with their
faces pressed against the cloth, and at
distances from the floor varying from
one to eight feet; mark the position ol
each face, and cut, in the screen a bole
into which the face will closely fit
Going now to the front of the screen,
arrange the flowers and leaves, which
should be fully prepared beforehand.
The rays of the sunflowers may be cut
from yellow paper, and the leave and
stalks from green paper. Paste the
rays around the openings, then ar
range the stalks and leave, in proper
When the paste is dry. remove the
strip of wood from the bottom of the
screen, unfasten one of the cords at
the top and slide it back until needed
foe use, when it may be easily put into
Jn summer the natural stalks and
leaves of the sunflower may be used
L stead of those made from paper. St.
George Westiugbouse, Jr. the la
veiator of the-Wfestinghoue air-bi'iio,
is rated at seven million J'l&rs. ,
- Mr. Powderly has received isttrly
eighteen thousand letters, and fcaa an
swered ten thousand of thera 'williia
the past year.
" M. Dibler, the executioner of Paris,
is fond of birds and music lie has
large and well-stocked aviary, arid U a
capital performer on tha violin.
Wurteraburg, Germany, has a re
markable mind-reader In the person of
a peasant girl nineteen years old, who.
If asked a question in the day-time in a
language unknown to her, will respond
to it after dark In same lannie. Sir
is said to kRhI her hair perfodiea'lj.
Joseph M. Douglas, of Nevada. City,
Cal., an eccentric misr vihoaa wealik
is estimated at five million dollars, was
recently fined one hundred dollars and
put in jail for twenty-four hours t'H
contempt of court He didn't mind the
confinement, but the fine nearly broks
hi heart
It is definitely known that Tit
tori a Colonna was buried in a small and
obacure church in Rome, bow bclnj de
molished. Sant' Anna del Fsk'gnasil
and the archaeologists and literary peo
ple of that city are anxiously expeetinj
the discovery of the "cypress wowi
coffin, lined with embroidered vel vet,"
placed In the grave. N. J. Independ
ent. Lord Roseberry, speaking of "Vol
apuk," says that he regards with, awe
the scheme for elaborating a language
for international correspondence; but
he does firmly believe that wKltin a
century correspondence ia the same
tongue will be carried on ia some form
of shorthand, and that the stress and
pressure of public life sfill mate it s
A bachelor ia Frankfort, Germany,
advertised for "a helpmate of agree
able exterior and good education;
money a secondary consideration.
Ha received 3.643 offers. Of these,
8.137 came from Germany and 237
from Frankfort There were 1,827 who
said nothing about their fortune, and
1.816 gave their wealth at various
figures from 1250 to f 50, 000. Photo
graphs accompanied 3,112 of the offers
and it cost the advertiser nearly f 250
for return postage on thera. He picked
ont a poor Hanoverian maiden and
married her.
German papers relate that 11
Sanger, Marie Fullo, who recently died
la St Petersburg, left diamonds valaed
at ISO.OOOf. to the eldest son of the
Czar. She stated in her will that she
selected him as her heir beeaue she
bad received the diamonds from a near
relative of his. and knew of no one bet
ter entitled to them than the heir pre
sumptive of the Kussian crown. It is
said that the young Grand Duke Nich
olas intends to turn the diamonds over
o several religious institutions. JSo
'on Transcript.
t th r-
CwlsaH Prynttllaa
per Cm Itogfsw.
' The revolting custom of hnmaa sac
rifice is carried on to a horrible extent
on the upper Congo river, principally
bv the Ba-yanii tribes. All slaves.
both men and women, are liable to this
barbarity. These people arw under th.
impression that . a man d vin in this
world is simply transferred to another,
there to carry on exactly the same ex
istence, requiring the same food and
attendance Upon the death of a chief
his relatives or friends kill about half
his slaves, men and women, to go with
him. they say, to attend to his wants
and to serve for his protection, it being
very infra dig for a chief to make bis
entry into the next world without a
certain following. The women are
strangled; a rope is put around the
neck of the victim, a man climbs a tree
and ties the rope to a branch, the wo
man Wing held up, so that when they
let her go she is swung In mid-air in
her dying struggles. These cause
great merriment among the spectators,
not thinking that at least a great
many of them will share the same
fate sooner or later. A he men are oe
headed. The victim Is seated on a log
of wood; two stakes are then driven
into the ground, one on each side of
him,, and as high aa his shoulder;
bands are then put around his body,
inclosing it In these stakes, then two
stakes are driven by his knees and two
by his ankles, one at each side, and be
is securely bound to them with a rope.
A ring of cane is then put around the
neck, with several leaders of string,
which are drawn up and tied in a knot
above his head; a pliable pole about
eighteen feet long is then driven into
the cronnd. nine feet from the man's
seat It is bent down just above the
man'a head; a small piece of rope is
fastened to the top of the pole and the
other end of the ropa is made fast to
the knot above the man's head. This
being now at very strong tension, the
whole body is quite immovable, and
the neck is stretched to its f u'l extent
The c tocntioner then makes h'.i appear
ance. Ho makes a chalk mark on the
poor fellow's neck; then, with one
blow, severs the head from the trunk.
The spectators at this seem to lose
control of themselves. They tear
down the head from the pole and there
is a ghastly scrimmage for it often
remitting in a free fight Illustrated
London Kercs.
.-Jfever cast dirt into that fonntaia
of wfiich thou hast some time drank.
Hebrew Proverb.
A doctor sent his bill to a widow
for doctoring your husband until he
died." Earner1 a Magazine.
W comnlain that our life is abort
and yet we throw away much of It and
are weary of many of its parts. Jeremy
You shall be none the worse to
morrow for having been happy to-day,
if the day brings no action to shame it
There ia enea&mirable. feature- about
wire fence. The patent-medicine man
. fAsniuns for AUTUrars. ..
osnathiac A boat tit Haw Style to
rtm Bt fttiUtavry.
A warm jacket is one of the first ad
ditions to the wardrobe when prepar
ing for the cool autumn and winter
days. Braided cloth coats are im
ported for autumn in dark shades that
may be worn with various dresses,
such as navy blue, gray-blue, brotcn,
green and dark steel gray. Tha
materials used for thee tailor-made
garments are fine corkscrews, diago
nals and Meltons, and the braiding
is done in the same color in very
elaborate designs, or In mixed braid,
with some tins"! added to the prevail
ing color, or else some gold braid or
cord ia used carefully to lighten up
the vest or revers. There is a ten
dency to lengthen coats slightly, epe-
otallv in tha back, and manv are CI
........ tnn -nnv,.3 tlA Cl.t om TA Kf .
Single-breasted coats will be more seen
in fine, . smooth cloths, the double- .
breasted fronts being reserved for
garments of rough, Scotch tweeds.
Vests remain ia favor, some being
very slender, and others genuine
waistcoats set in the underarm seams
of the coat The backs are fitted by
one or two forms on each side, the
middle forms lap in the middle seam,
and the waist line ia defined by two
buttons. Collars are very high, with
buckram interlining. Sleeve are close
coat shape, with buttons and button
holes on the wrists. Pocket may be
set outside along me nips in square
shapes or braided, or ba intermediate,
with only a slit ia the cloth for the
opening. Small fancy buttons are
used on vests.' while plain lasting or
bone I nitons are used on the coats.
Openings of millinery at the whole
sale houses show the various materials
alreadv noted 'made up into bonnets
and round hats for the early autumn
and for winter. Soft felt .bonnets of
the pliable felt made up in folds and
plaits on a frame precisely as cloth
would be used are shown for general
wear. There are also stiff felt bonnets
with rows of pinking all over them, or
else merely pinked edges for those who
prefer them. The square of felt which
fnrmi h aofi folded crown sometimes
furnishes the twist or corrugated folds
that edge the front of the brim, also
some pointed ends that are tied in a
bow on top, or else made to oi.iiul
erect The embroidered felts showing
small flowers done in the shade of the
felt, or else with beaded wheat or leaf
pattern in borders, are considered most
dressy. A twist in front and pointed
pinked ends of rich repped faille re
sufficient trimming for full-crowned
felt bonnets, though a tult of quills or
of curved cocks plumes maybe added.
crowns, not indented at the ends, aud
many have long pointed poke fronts
filled! a with a slight face trimming.
The coronet fronts of beads, of feath
ers and of velvet are also largely im
ported. Trimmed bonnets ef velvet
from many of the best French millinery
houses retain the same close shapes so
long in vogue here, adding a trifle
more breadth, and making the trim
ming slightly lower. Zcrjwr's Bazar.
James 1'
"What a lovely cow. Uncle
exclaimed iv Bostou girl tie
after Ler rrnval, "ana ! w t
she finV.'s r. r 1:'. 1."
can't paint a lerend ea it la regard to j . ,l0 r v ,