J. H. STlNJi & CO. Publisher lt.i'H UJ SL;t-.HfKU1!li.lJf. On. Y-ar 00 MttiA. ........... 9 ....... ., 1 ui Mujitaa., ..... ... TERMS OF ADVERTISING. tl.TK.AX) . ' - . One flrst Insertion .....S3 00 emu u;i.Knl UltierUon. ............. ............. 1 10 f LOCAL.) ".: iow. per lin , .....15 mot SOCIETT NOTICES. LEBANON" I,'TCR so. H A F 4 A. K,: ) .1 new ou in siaiomo Bioak, sa sUard.f J WASaOH. W. It KB ?rcy I,OTK!E HO. 47, t O. O. F.: Ma S. antny arcuinf of e.sh w. t Odd Fallow' Hll, M.m tret; tialttnj reUrn eontitiltr turltcd to J. J. eJUAKl,TO.S, X. a. HONOR lOPOK HO. SS. A. O. tT. W., IbBan. ins in ui tuouta. r. n. Kosoofi. M. W. J. S. COUtfTNKY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AIND SURGEON, LEBANON OEKOOH". eiroffl -e la brick building, over M. A. MU- r. m. mixs.it. ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public and General Insoranc Agt LHBAKOH. OEKOOH. Oonetton and other baatntua pioHiptij aitauled ta. DR. A. H. PETERSON, SURGICAL DENTIST, Filling and Extracting Teath a Specialty KBAHOH. OBKOOS. . Office la W. O. Peterson's jewelry .tors. tW All work warranted. Charges reasonable C. H. HARMON, BARUER & HAIRDRESSER, ' KBAHOH, OEKOOH. Sisirlas. Eiir Catthst, mod 8h.apo.iai la h laws ud BEST STYLES. 17 Fttrtmac ngpeetfnlly aoEsltcd. Gt. Charles Hotel. LEBANON. Oregon. K. W. Cane Stain and Sfeenrjui Sua, w feut at B K lvo. H. E. PARR1SH, Proprietor. Tables Sipp'ied with the Best the Market Affords. Baa mbi and lb. Bm Aacosnodatioiia tot OoouBvrialBua. GENERAL STAGS OFFICE. - C. 7. COTTON,:- DEALS R 1H Groceries and Provisions, laLiAVUU fit CIGARS, Sr.'.OKEHS' AH TIC LUC, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, C O N F E C T I O N S ft Y , leBiware and 6Unwbn, Zianps aad ldaap Flxtares. XIla nu, lebB. Oki. jL,n:i3jNroJN Meat MarXset BUHL A KKLLJBXBKKeKK, reprlaters. Freeh and Salted Bef and Pork, MUTTON, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA and HAM. Eacca and Laii. alwajs on Hani. Main Street. Lebanon, Or. L. Cow ah, J. M. Riurro, jr. w. Cvskx. BANK OF LEBANON Lebanon, Oregon. Transacts a Ceiera! Banking Business. AfioorjaLs Xept Subject to Check. KSCHANaa SOLD ON iti Tsrt, Saa Francisco, Portlanl til AlMiy, Oreps. - Collections Made on Favor able Terms. -.11. . JLJL JLJ VUL. 1. t C. PETERSOH & G0., -NEW- LlFery, M kM Ms, LEBANON, OREGON. To oar many friends of Lebanon and vicinity, and those of other towns, e desire to ca'l attention to tho fact that we hare opened on Mapls Street, Bet. First anl Second HBABi SOXAKS'S atARXXBS SHOP.) A NEW LIVEEY STABLE. WB BAYS lew Buggies. Hacks and Harness, AiD GOOD RELIABLE HORSES. Parties deslrlnjr to take a trip to the mountains, or other places of recreation, should call and see our Special Conveyances For such trips. All Ms of Wiii & Haslim Bone -AT- Heasonable Kates. B. H. BAEKER, PROPRIETOR OF Temperance XIoll SliDQtliE Gallery & Pool Tames Xala Etrsat, Lebanon, Oregon. BBBT OF- Gips 81 COlCfiOUK FOB THE Accommodation of Patrons. Parties will find this a nleaaant nlara for innosent amusement. B. H. BARKER., MAYER BROS., BL1CKS1THS, Lebanon, Oregon. Eorsssioelfli anl General Repairim. ALL WOBK WARRANTED TO GIVB SATISFACTION. -At- Prices to Suit the Times. GIVE US A CALL. NEW cof sistixo or The Latest Styles la hats, boikets km TEinmas, AT Xsla fitrseti Lebaaoct Orsgea. Millinery linls. Gr. w. siiiiTH:, Lebanon, Oregon DKAUUt IN StflTBSliTilOTS, Tin, Copper. Sheet-Iron Ware, EVE SXOIJa Etc. Ill kinds of Repairing Alio keep Tli WOVEIV Dealer in BURYING ROBES S COFFINS CONSTANTLY ON HAND Also Doors, Windows and Blinds. A. II a DEALER IX Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils and Glass. ALSO A Complete Stock of Stationery, AND LADIES' TOIJLET VT.TI O ITH . Prescriptions a Specialty. Next Door to W. B. Donaca. Lebanon, Oregon. MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., lAimited. Fasteryi Kaelae. Wis. af AWCrACTCBKRS OF THE MITCHELL FARM THE MITCHELL WAGON. Los, Header and Truck.; Dump, Hand and Road Cartas Open and Top Bua-ffiea, jfnaetona. Garnagea. BucKDoaraa, ana ' HARNESS. OsBsral Afsnta for Canton Clipper Plows. Harrow, CalUrators. Im4 rapws, Oal. Chilled Plows, Idea Feed Mills and Wind Villa, Knowl- v ton par Rake, Hone Powers, Woxl Saws. Feed Cotters, eto. VTs carry the forfeit and beet assorted stock of Vehicles oa the Northwest Coast. All onr work la built especially for this trads and rally warranted. Bead for new 1887 catalogue. . Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194 Pront Street, Portland, Oregon. Our goods are sold by F. H. ROSCOB & CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or. G..E. 1AEDY, Watchmaker.", and . Jewel e r. ....dbaler nr.... Watcies, Cloch, Jewelry, Silior Plated Ware ani Optical Boois. ASBKT ROCKtFORD o e o o o isSwi-Tr!nS Repairing a Specialty. a"1 ' o e o o o iurnxan Oan UaUwajram. Tbr . iilM Asaat I. F. & H. A. Singer Sewing Machines & Machine Supplies. LEBANON. OltEGON LEBANON, OREGON, Iroii,Fijs,&c. urAsruRtK or Done at Short Notice. In stock WIRE I5JI.I. GO AM , rtaker, Furniture. f.llLLER, Braaeht Pertlaaa. r ftHD SPRING VAGOHS. FOB. ZiVATCIIES o o o y5Trv umticm All Work Guaranteed ' br mmmt O O O O O O O voa raa. FRIDAY, DECEMBER CHEATED BY HIS BROKER. How the Mont Notorlou Maroonrr of the iMt century Lost All Hit Treaaore. First of all upon the list of pirates stands the bold Captain Ararr, one of me insuiutors of marooning. Him we ?e but dimly, half hidlen by tie glamouring mists of legend and tradi tion. Others who came afterward out stripped him far enough in their do ings, but he stands pre-eminent as the first of maroniicrs of whom actual hi tory has been handed down to us of the present day. When the English. D-itch and Span ish entered into an a'lUnco to suppress buccaneering in the West Indies, cer tain worthies of Bristol, in OA En gland, fitted out two vessels to assist in this laiidablo projeet; for doubtless B istol trade suffered smartly from the Morgans and the L'OIonoises of that old time. One of these vcs-iels was namod the Duke, of which a certain Captain G b on was the commander and Arary the ma' a. Away they sailed to the West In dies, and there Avary became im pressed by the advantages offered by pir.cy, and by the amount of good things that were to be gained by very little striving. One night the captain (who was one of those fellows mightily addicted to ranch), instead of goin? ashore to sat urate himself at the ordinary, had his drink in his caUtt in private. While he lay snoring away the effc? a of his rum in the cabin. Arary and a few other conspirators heaved tho anchor very leisurely and sailed out of the harbor of C .runna. and through the midst of the allied fleet riding at an chor in the darkness. By and by, w hen the morning came, tho captain was awakened by the pitching anil tossing of the vessel, tho rattle and clatter of the tackle ovi rhead, and the noise of foolst p-pas-ing and repassing hither and thi! her across the di-ck. -What's the matter?" bawls the captain from hi berth. Nothing." says Avary. coolly. 'Something's the matter with the sh:p,' says tho captain. ' Docs she drive? What wea'h' r is It?" Oli, no," says Avary; "we are at sea." At sea?" Come, come!" says Avary; 'Til tell you; you must know that I'm the captain cf tho ship now, and you must be packing from this here cabin. We are bound to Madagascar, to make all of our fortunes, anl If you're a mind to ship for the cruis why. we'll be glad to have you. if you will be sober snl mind your own business; if not, there is a boat alongside, and Til have you set ashore." The pKr h:ilf-Kp;y captain had no relish to go a-pirating un ler tho com mand of his back-sliding ma e, so out of the ship he bundled, and away he rowed with four or rive of the crew, who, like him. refused to join with their jolly shipnia'e. Hie rest of them sailed away to the East I idies. Oa his way Avary picked up a couple of like kind with himself two sloops off Madagascar. With tin 83 he sailed away to the coast of India, and for a time his name was lost in the obscurity of uncertain his tory. B it only for a time, for sud denly it flamed out in a blaza of glory. It was reported that a vessel belong ing to the Great Mogul, laden willi treasure and bearing the monarch's own daughter upon a holy pilgrimage to M ;rca ( hey being MohammeJans) had fallen in with the pirates, and af.er a short resiatanco had been sur rendered, with tho damsel, hor court, and all the diamonds, pear's, siik. silver and go'd aboard. It was rumored that the Graat Mogul, raging at the insult offered to him through his own flesh and' btood, had threatened to wipe out of existence the fow Eiglish settlements scattered along the coast; whereat the honorable E.ist India Com pany was in a pretty s a e of fuss and leathers. Kumor, growing with the telling, has it that Avary is going to marry the Indian Princess, willy-nilly, and will tmn Rajah and eschew piract as indecent. As for tho treasure it self,. there is no end to tho extent to which it grew as it passed from mouth to mouth. Cracking the nut of romace and exaggeration, we come to the kernel of the story that Avary did fa'l in with an Indian vessel laden with grea treasure (and possibly wi;h .the Mo gul's daughter), which he captured, and thereby gaine I a vast prize. Having concluded that he had earned enough money by the Iradj he had un dertaken, he determined to rot ire and live decently for the rest of his 1 fe upon what ho had already gained. At iirst Avary had a great part of a mind to settle at Boston, in Massachu setts, and had that little town been i.nc whit lc4 bleak and forbidding, it might have had- the ho or of being ihehomo of this famous man. As it was, ho did not like the looks of it, so he sailed away to tho eastward, to Ire land, whero ho settled himself at Bid deford, in hopes of an easy lifj of it for tho rest of his days. Here ho fuun 1 himself the possessor of a plentiful stock of jewels, such as pearls, diamonds, rubier, etc., but with hard y a score of honest farthings to jingle in his brecche pocket. IL consulted with a certain merchant of Bristol concerning the disposal of the sfones a follow not much more do inly in his habits of honesty than Avary himself. This worthy under took to act as Avary's broker. O J he marched with the jewels, and that was tho last that the priate saw of hi Indian treastiro. llowa d Pyle, in Harper's Magazi'i. ... . . . The man whose happiness is com pounded of such accessible simples as duty, sympathy and sincerity, is not in a very pitiable state, though unac quainted with written philosophy of any sort Zktroit Free Press. The Union Theological school at Tokio, Japan, supported by all the evangelical Protestant churches, has nine professors and lecturers in as many different departments, two of whom Messrs. Ibuka and Ggimi, are natives. - -y dtj ,1 9, 1887. CONGRESSIONAL. Legislation Pertaining to the Interest oi me racifle Coast Wabhingtom. Mitcbtlt, of Oregon, will introduce a Jill at the first oppor tunity after Congrees assembles to repeal all laws, whether treaties or act r a" . . . . vungrreo, wnicn permit Chinese immigration. This is the same bill which he introduce d at the lastees-sion of Congress. He said tiiis afternoon that the general impression that his bill would prohibit or prevent com merce between China and the United States is enoueoua. It will only indi rectly hare a bearing on the trade relations of the two countries, in so far as it absolutely prohibits the coming of Chinese to thia those who come in govtrmnen't capai- 1UCI". A1m a bill to protect purchasers of land from the Northern Pacific rail road, in case their is forfeiture of the land granted to that corporation be-twe-u Wallula and Portland. He will -Ljo introduce a bill to reimburse set tlers on even numbered sections of public land within the limits of the land granta in case of forfeiture of odd numbered sections. This bill is in tended to reimburse those settlers who were com rolled to rmv ti 50 nr for public land within the limits of ianu grants wiucu subsequently be came fotfeiled; settlers receiving no benefit by the building of a railroad because cone was built. wbil tir ublic land has been sold at tl.25 per acre. Aluo a bill rar.king as appropriation for the establishment of a life-saving c;ew at i'aquina Bay, Oregon. Also a bill to provide for th nw. tion of a public building for a custom bouse at Yaquina Bay. Also a bill to nroviil for b annm. priation of tl.3O00 00O for the improvement of tlf mruiti, ,.r Columbia river. Also $750,000 for improvemeut of the locks of th n-- cstdes, and also an appropriation for aquioa ana ooos oays. He will intmdtien tlio Kill wl.i..l favorably reported by a Senate com mittee during the et gress appropriating $500,000 for the construction if a boat railroad at the dalles of the Columbia. Also a bill to amend Mvtinn ?tfllQ tt the reviwd statutes relating to draw backs on dutiable imported materials when manufactured and ernnrtMl This bill is det-iened to htt of honfit to ranners of salmon hn j- ;n upon which a du'y has been paid. He will also introduce a bill .nm. priating sufficient money for the final survey and estimates for the improve ment of the Uim oiiA rirer f.w lihu dr&ught steamers, the surveys and estimates to be separate, one btinir bctwer n the mouth of th rir n.i Scott-burg, and the other between hcottsburg and Hurt's rapids, near Elk ton. He will also introduce a ioinl ron lution for the appointment of a com mission bv the Secrelar nf tlm N.t. for the purpose of selecting a Eite for a navai station on the 1'aciuc coast. He will also introduce a bill aulho risirg the comtruclioa of a railroad through the Cusur d'Aleue Indian i eser ration. A bill for relief nf afLi1n nn uW1 lands in Washington Territory. Also a bill appropriating sufficient monev for the re-Riirrpw and r-lw..- t ion, shortening and improvement of me military wagon road between Rogue River vallev and Fort Klamath ' Oregon. Also a bill aporonrialinc mn-in f.-r the purchase of a site and the con traction Of a Wharf for lh nm nf Ih. light-bouse department at Astoria. Senator Dolnh made an Tbantivn study of plans for the coast defense of the country. He has prepared a bill to proviue ior carrying out tue plans of the commiHsion that m iii a tsmri nn the subject some time ago. The cost of me wnra win oe f izo,uuu,uw. me nr bors on the Pacific coast that would be improved under I 1p bill rn Sin Pmn. Cisco, the mouth of the Columbia, San uiego, and tue northern coast of Washincton Urr!'nrv Tho hill snrxw. priates $27,000,000 for the defense of 11 (R. a m ow frauoisco naroor. I lie defense would consist of turrets, barbette batter ies, tubmartne mines, torpetlo boats, thirty floating batteries and mortar batteries. The bill aonror.rnatea 12 519 000 for Ihn defenRA nf Ihn mrai'h rJ iKo Columbia, to consist of barbette batter ies, submarine mines and 15 torpedo bouts. The bill eivea San Diesro harhnr $594,000 for the came purpose. On a Denver & Rio Grande train Saturday, a cruxy Chinaman fatally (tabbed a passenger, and was shot bv a brakesman. At Warsaw. Wis., the dwelling of Carl Honikel burned, and be and bis five children perished. His wife es caped, but is insane. Near Perid. Illinois a half.wi(L,1 boy killed his brother and Mater, aged ,i .. , . . o anu 4 years, anu men tried to Kill himself with a butcher knife. In a desperate fight in the Cherokee Nation country, between officers and outlaws, two men and one woman were killed and two men wounded. The bodies of John H. Gowan and his lS-year old daughter were found frozen stiff at their home, near Huron, Dakota. From all appearances they were suffocated by coal gas last Friday night. The safe of the County Treasurer's office at Centerville, Reynolds county, Mo., was blown open and robbed of about $20,000 in cash, recent tax col lections. There is no clue to the robbers. Frank McGinley a youne me chanic, was accidentally shot and killed at Sierra Mad re Cal., He waa there working on a house and went out be fore breakfast to shoot rabbits. He stumbled over a rock and the gun went off, the charge tearing a great hole in his abdomen. J. R. James, a railroad employee, waa arrested at Oakland, Cal., for dis turbing the peace. During the night the jail took fire and burned to the c round, James perishing in the flames. It is supposed he had been smoking, and being under the influence of liquor carelessly Bet ore to the building NO. 40. OREGON NEWS. rverytMng of General Interest In a Condensed Form. Koeeburg proposes to have a town clock. Grant's pas3 is infetted with clothes une wieves. There are thre daily papers pub- lished in Astoria. A new Methodist chnrfh ia twiner erected at Newport A new church is just about to be finished at Long Cre-ek. Scab has broken out in ur,1 hdnrl of bheep in the vicinity of Condon. The mail route lietcHm tTnioiit Macley has been extended to Salem. There are about .inonm l,n.i,i wheat stored in Pendleton, awaiting shipment W. T. Hill, of dnnm mimtv w.. very badly gored by an ox several of ujs rios oeirg oroKen. The President has aonnintf J.,h Myers to be United States Marshal for me district ot Oregon. There are ninety-nine corporations, rma and persons in Union county rho par taxes on a valuation nf .ri fXl and upwards. The oast season's itsh nf ..1 fWAn in the Coquille river was valued at over $70,000 ; and about $40,000 of that sum was paid in wages. Wm. Il irdin. the IS Vftar-nlit ann nf Charles II irJin. bid his lee broken hile haulm? wood from Mia in fin r- taina to La Grande. The Whitman mill at rf,rmwini is said to be ruonini? with rmt cess, and the output of bullion will be f it ; . . - wujc ixuiu mm uiue on; Near Mud creek. Umatilla W. A. Smiley's little boy. about three 1 b a - cars oivi, was iauury OumeU by falling into a kettle of boiling water. Frederick Berewall. timekeener for Hoffman & Bates, was inaLantlv tilled on the pivot pier of the railroad br dge at Portland, by a box of cement falling upon mm. II. L. Robertson, livine near Grant' Pass, the past season raise! a btond beet measurine three feet and ion in. hes, and a sugar beet weighing thirty- uve pounas. JullU ScheiJiser. an old resident nf Southern Oreeon. and wlin ha h.-on in Jackfon county hospital for some time past has been declared in-ane and taken to Salem. The building of a new $50,000 'hotel on the site of the old Pendleton hotel is now assured. Over $25,000 of the stock was subscribed in a few hours. Woik will begin soon. A correspondent writintr from OV alla, says that text rear the cu'tivation of sorghum will receive considerable attention in that section, as the past season has demonstrated that it pays well. Dr. Sbelton's new t1i f.ixl rfi .iff at Eugene was total It destroyed by nie. -1 lie' uouse was just about com pleted at a cost of $3,000. Tho M of the fire is unknown. pribab!v in- cendiarv. Negotiations have been rnmnltnl for the erection at Milton of a large first-clasa flourin? mill and an agri cultural machine factory, tie mill site has been purchased and the ditch is being laid out Government emoloves hem fini-hixl weighing the mail that passes over the Oregon Short Line, and find that it is just three times heavier than it was at the same time last year. Thia is a striking and indisputable evidence of the increased growth of the country. The Kerbv Irritratimr anil Miltino Company has completed a ISO-foot dam on east branch of the Illinois river and have a laree staff of men at work digging the ditch to Kerby. It is ex- pecteei that, water will be flowing through Kerby in three month's time Messrs. Tomlinann & Rrrv.Va thocn- . ... , , - - t raisers of Willow Crook. Milhwirrnnn ty, report aloss of 400 tons of hay bv .a . - . lire, wnicn tney Had just purcnused for the use of their bee p d urine the coming winter. Incendiaries done the work, but no clue to the perpetators of the outrage has been discovered. Roerue River vallew'a corn r.mn wan a fair one thia year, although the .sea son waa not consielered as favorable as the average. The farmers are learning that thorough cultivation often takes the place of favorable weather. Few sales of corn are. mado. hnt hn nriv is quoted at 50 cents per busnt L Joseph Drousrard had ilia hiirh boat at the O. S. T. Co'a cannerv, Empire, thia season, having caught 1,637 sal mon. The compauv presented him with a silver watch, six ounce case, nickel works. On the back is eneraved Columbia river fishinz boat with Fort Stevena. at Ihn mon'h nf tlu Columbia river, as a background. The body of Thomas Dj Loughey an inmate of the asvlum. at Salem was found har.ci ie from the window netting by a bed sheet Da L-iughey had during the night fastened the two ends of the sheet to the nitiing. made a nnnso bv a ainolo. twist, atnelr hia neck through and jumpe I from the winuow silt, lie Strang eel to death Deceased was a violent anhinet. and was com mi ted from Multnomah coun ty recently. Active preparations arc beine mat' e for starting np work at the Oswego iron works. Over $200,000 will be expended before oi-erat'Os beein. Contract havo twn Lt for 90 0(1(1 corJs of wood to be chopped this win ter lor charcoal. An immense amouut of machinery is now en-ronte from the East, and before mxny weeks this great industry will be in vigorous op eration, giving employment to about oov men. fracncal and successful breeders claim that a constant supply of salt for swine is a sale preventive of diseases. one that can be counted on with a de gree of certainty; that by its constant use the system is made strong to ward on disease; that cholera does not start ia herds receiving this care; that these herds often escape when all others around them ara destroyed, No man can court a cross-eyed girl Without being jealous. And the cause U that she always seems to be looking 'at and smiling upon some other follow. Eosion C:tru JOB PRINTING. rorr dcaarlptloa at h Pristin Dcno ea Stint Katies. Legal Blank?, , Buains Card., hMter Heads, B1U Heads, Chrculara, JPoatwa, Etc. Xawnted la food Kri aj krwu. B'icf ria. COAST CULLING3. Devoted Principally to "Washington Territory and California. Last vear Idaho pmrfofwl i r.,1.? si lver and lead, $948,5S4. Staltle, by a lafe census report, has population of 8.C01. Fred. Lane-free, a fa.rnenjr. tcom run over and killed hv a tran f ri-.iV. land, Cal. . The Southern Pacifia Company is Sacramen to shops. Pat Flvnn. the mnrderpr nf Dv., Shea, at Burke. Montana. h:i fwn admitted to f 5,0?J0 bail. There are 750,000 acres of tillable and Still OOen for nctlkmont in (ha Hailey, Idaho, land district At Fan Diesro. Cal.. GAT? was shot and killed by Luco Marovich. Jealousy was probably the cause. Frank - McCutchenn. a. Marfan youth who Was believed to h dled incendiary fires, was lynched near oaxuaie, ;ai. Vnnti. T f irT,,l,r1 J I died at Mt. Idaho from spinal conges tion, causeci dt a lau irom a wood pile wane piaying oaiu Alvin Rondando. acpd f,mr was fatally wounded by the accidental dis charge of a gun being cleaned by Willie Towers, at WrXaonville, Cal. Nearlv all the Sound htve shut down for the winter. They will start up again in the early spring. Wm. ITopkina. a Isf.ni-e.' r.r T r Frazier'a r.nch at. Clro ...1 fj r..i aisLii u.xon. Fred Salfer. a farmer, wa flpirforw tally killed by the discharge of a shot gun, at Hollister, CaL He waa a member of the G. A. R,- Willard Smith. 20 rsira nld. whn recentlv arrived at Pasadena fat ln,i Chicaeo. was drowned white hafhinw at Long beach. Gohlaw was han.wf at. R.n Tr-o CaL, for the murder of an old man named II. A. Grant at Los Gitos in January last The snowsbeds on the switchback are strong. The posts are 10x12 in ches and the caps are 10x16, all of red fir. The COVer is of frmr-inr h KtnfT also of red fir. At San Jose, Cal.. Andres Rol,bH. drove his team along the railroad track. a - a . - . wnicn ne mistook for a wagon road, and was struck br a freight tratin. and instantly killed. Cat. Limar. who has hen offered $1,000,000 for his mine at Wagon town Idaho, has started for London, vh he will attempt to dispose of the prop erly at toe price attted fz, UUfJ.iAW. Tho A vtiov r.lA n t TIT " t TT 1 ... . v.u o-Jix u ... X . block ing, while playing in a yard, ft Tt br wara inio a neapot ourmng rubbish at Nevada, CaL, His back and head were terribly burned and he is in a precari ous condition. ; A freight-train ran into a work train on the Atlantic & Pacific rail road ner Williams, Arizona. Fifieer men on the work trm were more or injured. A brakeman on the freight was fatally hurt A man named Nicholson , complain- - ant in an action aeainst Georse W. Palmer, for asa iult with a deadly weapow at Tiaiaana, CaL. was found dead with a bullet bole thromrh his heart It is supposed the deed waa committed by Palmer, who is now in jail- While the steamship Yaqoina Citv was docking atSan Francisco, the wire connecting with the house and engine DroKe. J lie steamer plunged forward at full speed.when she should have slackened, and ch ran intVi tho wharf only stoping when striking the atone! Mie cut a hole twety-five feet long ia the wharf. The Rod and Gun Club at Kittitas. W. T., had their annual hunt a few days since. There were six on a ski?. Ijilliam s party scored 2.7C.J points and Liooney's side 1,110. The kinds and quantities of game killed were about as follows: Three coyotes, four Lerge ducks, six prairie chicken?, one sage hen, three jack owls, one large hawk, about twenty jck rabbits, twentv-nine snipe, about thirty magpies, one pheas ant and otlr minor varieties. A specid from Glendive, Montan. says : I hree bioux Indiana ce"nfined ta the county jil for horse stealing, atta- eked two white prisoners with table knives, a pair of scissors and chairs. After having as they supposed, killed the white men, two of the Indians han ged themselves in the cell with bunk straps while the third tried to butt his brains out against the wall. He only stunned himself, however, and is all nght now. One of the white prisoners will die and the other is in a serious condition. Emily Doran, a child six years of aje, was drowned in Little Wood river, Idaho. W ith her brother, two years yaunger, she tried to cross the stream, ana both children fell in the water. The boy was rescued by the m ither. The body of his little sister was found in the willows and grass, two hoars after the sad accident occurred. If only ine wished to be hapov. this could be readily accomplished; but' we wish to be happier than other peo p e, and this is almost always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are. John, John, there's a burtrlar la the house! I hear him at the cup board!" "Where von Put that pie?" Yea. 4 c Oli, John, where are you go "I'm going down to rescue " -Washington CrUic think ice cream is delicious. Ing?" him."- "I George," she sakl; -I jnst love It" "But didn't you know it's very danger ous?" inouired Georsre. nner.silv. "i'es. I suppose it is dangerous, bat I'm no coward, George." .V. Y. Sun. Times have changed. f The milkmaid known in former (tars, t If plala, waa not unbearable, A often won the poets' pra ..? ; i But the milk made now U terrtbla. ; Washington Critta. Soe that fellow over there? I!i3 one of the biggest men now connected with the modern drama." I-.elt .J! Borne great actor, I suppeiie? "Actor! Well, I should sav not. i, C.ViT'-r'C' e i." r.