The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 25, 1887, Image 3

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The Lebanon Expre
L. K. Brooks has sold the Sweet
iiotne llouring hulls to P. J. Foster.
Circuit court lor Benton county has
Iwn in session at Corvaliis this week.
There is some talk of a change in the
O. & C. time card between this city and
(J. W. "Wheeler is now comfortably
nt home in his neat new residence at
the saw mill.
The roof of the new college building
at ' Corvaliis i bciws put on as fast a
the weather will allow
The steamer Yaciuina City, sailed for !
San Francisco on Tuesday
v. fill fifty-two passengers.
The State Temperance Alliance has
Wen in session at Portland this week.
Proceedings in next week's issue.
The total amount of taxable property
m Oregon is about ?S6,000,000. There
is as much as that in Portland alone.
D. L. Ambler is abiut completing an
addition 16x28 feet, two stories high,
to his dwelling house on Main street.
The farmers of this county are taking
advantage of the present line weather j
ty putting in a large amount of Fall ;
The last term of the Circuit Court
cosf Crook county about ?7,000. It
sent more men to the penitentiary than
for many years past.
The foggy weather of the past few
days is anything but agreeable to the
health of "webfooters." Rain is best
fvr this season of the year.
During the past few days the weath
er has been clear end cold. So much
so t s to freeze up all the pumps, and
produce other meonvenieneies. .
Buhl 4 Kellenberger on - Wednesday
lust purchased of Samuel Ad rich, ten
excellent beef steers. This firm dis
penses only the best of meats.
Hie wheat swindlers whieh were ar-
rested in San Francisco last week were I
taken to nit- nn
Their preliminary examination w
set for vostenlnv.
rpj , ... , ... .
JLLrll T?? !
Outside of
MeMinville" and Lafayette the vote
was almost even. - -
- -J. ..J.
Ihe road bed of the O. P. between
Albany and Carvnllis -Is in jfood coadM
tion and the trains glide over the track
almost as smoothly as over the heavier i
fctcel of the O. & C. road.
The steamer Three Sisters on h
way up to Corvaliis on Monday last
found a bar some distance below Al- " . , """" l"pu-
i , j . . . . . nation of about one hundred. It has
bauy, and getting Muck there en, was;., , . .
detained, until Tuesday evening. I th,f f061' ml two llr-v stor
, . iHtofiiee, a notion store, a blacksmith
:p,e repaW'ns and democrats ofand carpenter shop, a boarding house
Albany w,ll bold their respective eon-J arid d large warebousl lu aU of Avhu.h
ventions for the nomination of city offl- j tUere .m3 to TOrr!e, cn a PUW.
it i"9, on December 3rd. Wondet if they j ftll bnsinew. There is a large school
will "Monkey" any with temperance. !lousC in whk.h two teachers are em
Talk atiout fog-iiorns. Just listen to j ployed. Shedd boasts of having no sa
a numlier of tw blow our nose. A bad j loon. The people are- law abiding, in
it'ld Ixats a mnnlier of other thmgs we ; du.?trioiis and energetic. Sunday is
might mention. It's terrible annoy-j religiously ol served end the church
ing when a fellow feels like sneezing ; services are 'well attended.
;n,laUT-L . , ' I' i Died Fi:om Blood Po-isoxixo. On
1 t. Kester while harrowing the : j r f , , .
, ,- , Thursday .-of last week Mr. Isaac
Put. Kestcr whiie harrowing the!
way. His team took fright from the
report of a gun. If Put. had caught
the boys he would have made it lively
for them.
The vicissitudes Incident to the publl-
catien of a country uewpaper re not j
the pleaMMitest or sweetest in the !
A-oil.l. In fact about the Kweetest !
thmg connected with the business is
the roller.
A meeting of the board or directors
of the Corvaliis 'Agricultural College
v as neia at roruanit Monday, ana it ;
was (.ieciaed to tight the case sgaiust
the College by the memixr3 of the M.
K. Church South to the end.
T. C. Peebler comes before the public I
tins week with a good sized "card" by :
wh h it will be seen he has a fine as- I
. - - ... ... I
, . e ., , , te j
frox1 and many other svk1s which he ;
is soiling at low rates. See "ad." !
... ,t , , , i
Walter Sutton editor of the tJold
Beach -Gazette, at Lllensburg, Curry
county, idaot and killed Tlics. Cun-;
ningham last M-
onday. Cause fami-
. . ,
..,1 i wrAU-t of iiwtlfial.le h ,m .-Mo.
IHJJlfl t IU1V It iuiu-
TheeiUertainmentandstipratthej Thejr liboral5t mcr-
Prcytenan church on FrHlayeveii- ;handwmetKul
ing !at was a most pleasant and profit-1 iimm
t.ble affair. The singing bT Key. Mr.
Pilchard was very fine, indeed. Mr.
Clark also favored the audience with
an excellent song.
Lives there a man with soul so dead
who never to himself hath said, "I'll
pay Iwfore I go to bed, the debt I owe
the printer?" .Yes, there are some we
know full well, who never such a tale
would tell, but they, we fear, will go
to well, the place where there's no
A Portland lady adsrertises that she
has a "line, airy, well-furnished bed
room for a gentleman twelve - toot!
Mpsare." Another has "a cheap and
desirshle suite of rooms for a respecta
ble family hi good repair." Still an
other has V'a iiall bed-room for a single
womaji!ght by twelve."
On Saturday of last week, County
Chrk Galbraith drew a warrant for
f 7Jh in favor of the Pacific Bridge Co.,
for constructing the Mehama bridge,
the largest in his experience. Marion
county w ill reimburse Linn county for
this and sundry expenses in the mat
ter, paying half of the cost. .
A team of J. B. Roberts, living at
Bobert's bridge, near Sh?dd, while re-
turning home from Albany on Tues-
day evening, ran away. air. Koberts,
wife and child were thrown out, and
Mr. Roberts and child were not serious
injured, but Mrs. Roberts struck npon
her head,1 nearly severing one ear and
inflicting a frightful wound. She was
otherwise injured and bruised, but
i;i recover.
'.V.-'.' Wn Ellis, aged 60, while riding
Til!-! car on Monday night at
Tangent, assisting teecuon Master
i:yan pulling a wnalt handcar loaded
v ith wood, fellofT, the loaded car pass-
hM over his left leg and crushing it.
uk i uyutaa w iui.rewu, . uu
rh lhe physician thi
links he cannot
rl i
lured man is an unel'j
s. cx-countv clerk of,
Tmc fHKsEXT Statcs,- At the pres
ent time track on the Oregon Pacific
has been laid several miles beyond
Scio, some of which is not yet ballast
ed. Grading in proceeding in the
mountains beyond I; 'ox Valley, where
the heaviest work is beginning. Only
two tunnels will have to Ik1 built, one
4-ii and the other 400 feet long. Con
st met ion trains are now run twelve
miles beyond Albany, and it is expect
ed the road will sofn lie in a condition
to give Scio people a grand excursion
to Albany. The road runs three miles
north of that city. The Santiam
bridge being built will be of iron, the
present temporary structure being of
wood; it will be 560 feet lomr. divided
into three spans, two 210 and one 120
feet long. The permanent bridge M ill
be of iron, with cylinders eight feet in
diameter, filled with concrete.
Everything points to the fact that
Yaquina City Mill be the permanent
terminus of the road. A large brick
depot 54x180 feet is being built, and
the main ofliees will probably be there.
It is asserted that the Company has
.5,000,000 invested in that city. The
Company now has about five hundred
! freight cars, twenty Murines and sev;
eral first-class passenger cars, and a
number are being built in New York
City. The road will in all orohahil-
ity be completed to Boise City some
time in iSSO. Its union with the Chi
cago and'Northwcstern will lie a great
day for the Willamette Valley.
Left kok Washington-. Thursday
Hon. li. Herman and family left for
Washington. Mr. H. will go by way
of Portland, and from thence, proba
bly via. Canadian Pacific. Mr. H.
will return to this state next June pro
vided Congress adjourns in time. This
Wing a long term there is no certain
ty as to the time Congress will lie in
session. Mr. Herman's family will re
main at -Washington till the close of his
-present term, a year from next March.
The Hermanns hold a warm place in
the hearts of all of our citizens, as do
the le6lte "f the tate for Mr- Hir
t . ..... ' ' v. . . ........ i v t. , H tVl 1 lUl
j Oregon's liest interests at the National
I Capital; and all join with us, irrespeet-
" lmierangaoie worker
ieoi party tior .nr. nermann is no
l-ti-n in his cmcial duties) wih-
I and ultimatesafe return. Plaiiutcatcr.
Sheihi, Lixx Cccxty. The follow
ing is a neat little notice of Shedd in
Kast rortliUHl paper: Situated on
the - & railroad twelve miles south
of .Albany is the mec little town of!
: Shedd. The name was e-iven it hv fr
jSuedd, a prosperous farmer, who at
f . - T . 1 . . - ...
iiure o urn me ianu upon wnicii
Hutch ins, of Sweet Home, while greas-
: im? a wroil-s.-iw witli rnt nf
small gash in one of his hands. Soon
after blool-poisoning set in which re-
sultetl in hi3 death on Sunday. Mr. !
SHutchins has been one of the ouitf
prominent men of this county and had j
th i;utin?n r iv.! t i
a ci,r ir s ok.
j part cf his lime ,n this county,
' and we are informed was identified in
j some business enterprises at that place,
land is spoken of by his many acquaint-
Ances as a man of many excellent !
Peace to his remains.
OcbBvsixessMkx Although times I
V - , , "" "" J
dol"g a bSJ- , 11 rpris-j
ng.t?. n0t.,ee their eash aunt-".
peciaiiy wnen money is as scarce as it i
is now. They are all selling goods
. . . b fc :
I f - rrtt- .
u,,w " lor ",su" a ere are no mor? cn-
terprising merchants any where than is
. , . .. .
f f(rps '
. . ,. . , , , ' , !
' ., . ,, . , .
1 Hence they are In the enjoyment of a
ueaiinj iraue. mere is no oetter men
, . . , . .
to deal with than our
own Iveliaiion
AxoXYsrouR Lktters. We are in
reeept of a letter for publication, ex
posing one or more anonymous letter
writers." . That persons will indulge in
this- mode of slandering their ne.igh-
bors is just a little too low for anything,
and doubtless some chaste (?) individ
uals will come to grief if it is not stop
ped. It is a pleasure for persons to see
their names in print, but it may not be
.. , , , . . . . .
writers," whose onlv obiect is to create
.. , , . J
disturbance. Don't do it any more,
"It's awfully naughty."
- - mi .
ot A Tkue liir.i Wm. Fox, who
was mentioned as having been brought
from Crook county on a charge of as-
saulting M. C. Hughes near Fish Lake
was on Tuesday examined by - the
jury, wnen u - no true uiii". i
was found against him and h was dis -
charged. The Sherift-s bid alone for
bringing Mr, Fox frAn" Princvllle was
considerably over 100.
broke His Arm. Mr. Thos. Crock -
ctt, who lias been engaged in working
on C. Hammer's house, near .Spieer,
had the misfortune to fall from the
buibling, breaking one of his arms.
( Dr. Wallace, of Albany, was called and
reduced the fracture.
Died. Mrs. John Abrams died of
consumption at Brownsville, on Tues
day last. She was buried at Craw
fosdsville -. on Wednesday. Mrs.
Abrams was a lady highly csteenwd
I by her many friends and acquaintan-
; ccs.
; DJfn,Ou
Sunday. Xovcmber 20,
j 18S7, at Sweet Home, Linn county, Or.,
w shultz. Deceased was born in
.; (j-ermanyi jujy lfl 182S; came to the
;Ull5tej states jn isc3, and haa resided
. t cwr jrome four vear.
' :
Tiu-ine.-s i- :.lwav, t'xxl jit Miller'-
. ! ......... I.f ,. 1 1'.
incut -oi go. 1. 1- aii'i -i.i,'.:i- rt.t-oi.,.1 !
.told mtoiuuspuxdents
Current Topic of the Wok In tlther
Novemln r 21.
As the Ivf rniss has made a bid for
correspondence, we have concluded to
start "the hall rolling" by giving j-ou
a few items from this place. In the
first place it probably would not be
improper to state that the town of Snl
eer is situated on the Narrow Liu age
railroad, five miles northwest of Ijeba
non in one of the very Nst farming
sections of Linn county. Though but
little more than two years old, this
place is fast becoming one of import
ance, as you will perceive by the fol
lowing: There is a large warehouse,
capacity 60,000 bushels, operated by
Mr. W. E. Spicer, for whom the town
was named. A general merchandise
store, formerly owned by Mr. A. A.
Bashor, but now owned by Jno. W.
Bell, Esq. Besides this there is a potst
ofrlce which is supplied by a daily
mail, a telegraph and express ofiiee.
So yiiu see we can keep apace with the
times. Last, but not least, is the gen
eral blacksmith and machine shops of
J. A. Dobkins, who is a first-class
mechanic and machinist. There nre
a half dozen neat residences and others
expected to be built soon. There is al
so strong talk of another tore by an
eastern firm. We have a gjod school
building one-half mile north of here.
Prof. MeCiheeis the present instructor.
This school is largely attended.
What has become of the important
individual who claimed lie bought
whisky in Kansas City, Kansas? We
havent heard anything from him since
election day, but presume he is study
ing geography. That's right, Benny,
you should learn your lessons better
before you try to argue against prohi
bition. It will take you a long time
to make prohibitionists lielieve that
.Kansas City is in Kansas, all the same.
Mr. A. D. Iieedy has lately lccn can vassing
in this vicinity for Jno. A. Lo
gan's new book, "The Volunteer Sol
dier" and ether valuable IkkKs. lie
is quite successful and will make a
thorough canvass of L:nn county. He
haajthe exclusive agency for this book.
The M. E. church, south, will soon i
commence the erection of a large ;
chunh building here, a large part of j
the material is already on the ground.
W e understand that Mr. Z. T. Bryant
of your city lias the contract- It will j
doubtless be well done, as Mr. B. neves i
does anything by halves.
j Brother of W. F. and Arch Hammer,
has moved here. We have not learn
ed whether he expeetslo lot-Hte here or
not, but trust he may, as he is an af
fable gentleman and a good prohibi
tionist. The farmers in this vicinity are
somewhat behind with thir set-ding,
many have quite a large acreage to
sow as yet. howevc, they are taking
Qili-Antmi if f Ti. iYMXfjtifr ii-.ti lii.r t
, , . , .
ami teams may be seen in almost cv-!
erv field. j
How are the Imveotter .? They need j
no naming as mo-t teop!e know who '
they are already. people
will doubtless give them a wide berth
Mr. A. A. l?ashor will also begin the
erection of a neat residence in a few
iaa5 lle nas lel ,ne conlracl lo Mr'
,,e" uatie oi .vioany.
Mr- J,m- w has J'-1" moved
here to take charge of the store former-
,v occupied Ity A. A. Bashor.
Siva 2so. 2.
.Nov. 19.
We had occasion to visit J. H. Scott's
tannery this evening and note the va-
I rious improvements he hns made dur-
1J"S lnc 1 wl nnwr- ",s wnnery
l in a more prosperous condition now
' - iL - .. . . 2. A ..
than at any time since its eretion. He
nas tne vats au iuu oi mucs ana a large
mimber on hand to begin work with
as m as vats can be cmptietl so as to
make room for them
He is obliged to
have hiretl heln
u'e "mu 'l-
There are now three
men at work and kept very busy, too.
Joseph Seclj- and his daughter Mary
are just recovering fo
n a six.'!! of fever.
Dr. Starr of Brownsville has been
waiting on them during their sickness.
Give Dr. Starr a fair opportunity and
Iiiq nilinnt alttwwt Si iviri im-iif
" '
j His aervice to us ar
! pensiblo.
i Mr. N. Shanks 1
are seemingly intus-
las gone to Dufer,
fifteen miles south of The Dalles, to
have some cancers removed from his
1 face by Dr. Vandcrpool, the
known, cancer doctor of Oregon
Dr.- removed two cancers from Mr.
Shanks' face three years ago
Two hduses and lots
a our town
have changed hands recently. Some
improvements in the way of building
is going on, among ;
which is the crec -
lion oi saw nun anu Kiungie mill, tJV
,.. . ' -
m. l iekls, Pugh and Hate,
j . .
i 1 reparaii.jus ur oemg niaue oy our
t young poopie 10 nave a literary enter-
; tainment followetl by a basket supper
i on the evening cf Thanksgiving day.
Also for literary exercises about two
j weeks after Thanksgiving,
i ar- ta r, xr,.r.w i. "'
i.::l. .1 .... ....
' f ,v .tsllllr(r m!Tnwti .
tn ,0,r h hiAi, t . n?.".
t;aughtort Mra. Jrxlng has becll'
j ering for several days.
! Our boot, and shoe
i Our boot, and shoe maker. T. A.
t Lewis, is at present working in a shop
! at Albany for J. B. Hughes. This
eives to Albany a tin ton workman.
and leaves us without any,
There seems to be quite a number of
young cattle in this vicinity for sale.
It looks as if a cattle buyer could do
well to come this way with his loose
Rev. Robe, Mr. .Blackburn and Jas.
McHargue, Sr., are operating, on can-
eers on themselves with medicine pre -
scribed by Rev. Robe.
Oar 'echool at this place is progress-
hnely under the superintendrucy j
j of Mlss 1Janta - , j who owe us from $1 to ?2 on aulcriiH
j O. i. Abrams is just finishing up action. This money we must have by
Egging contract on the Cajapooia for ; January 1st. Please call and settle.
! aioyer urns., or JSrownsviUe.
! AV. C. R:g.-:- 1- leaching a
meet s-fui
school in the !-Lt Iv clislnet.
Ihdatoa Cox is the busiest man m
Mr. A. C. Churchill, called on Alba
ny friends Tuesday hud.
Benj. Mills gave the Expkkss a
friendly visit the first of the week.
ilon.F. C Hansard returned Tues
day evening from a call at the county
Miss Mary Montague and Mrs.
Usher visited Albany Wednesday af
ternoon. Mr. Ames, one of Sweet Home's mer
chant's visited the county seat on Tues
day last.
Gov. Pennoyer, called at Lebanon
Tuesday night returning , to Salem
again Wednesday morning.
Wilh B. Rice, the energetic freight
solicitor for the O. P. road was to be
seen in Corvaliis on Tuesday last.
C. B. Montague has been in Van
couver during the past few days. He
was called thereon important business.
Mrs. Kate Meadlcy and Dr. Little
of Itoseburg, for a few days guests of
Prof. J. L. Gilbert, returned home
Monday last.
Mr. A. A. Kees and family left Leba
non on the afternoon train Wednesday
for Port Townsi-nd, W. T., to be ab
sent for three months.
Messrs. Craig & Conover are Improv
ing the Corvaliis Gazette In many
ways. They ought to succeed well
with their new venture. .
Miss Lucy Mornn returned to Ieba
non from Sweet Home, on Sunday last,
and reports a pleasant visit among re
latives and friends, at that place.
Mr. Deoe, of the firm of Deoe & Bob
sou, Albany, returned home on Tues
day morning from a hunting tour in
the mountains. He secured four deer.
Mrs. J. O. Beed left for Los Angles,
i Cal., yesterday afternoon, by way of
O. : C. and C. & O. She will be the
gue tofl' r daughter, Mrs. B. F. Bod
well. '
Rev. Walton Skjpworth discoursed
"to a large audieuee at the M. E. church
on Sunday evening last. We are glad
to notice Walton's advancement in the
-vr- t i- i. . , ...
tor of lhe Swwt oine flourin m,
,lepartttl on xVednHlv afternoon for
Tacmim to visit a 8igter he not
for ten years.
L. I. Buckner, of Providence pre
cinct, a gentleman who lias favored us
in several vays, called and renewed
his subscription for the Express on
Wednesday. Thanks, Mr. B.
On Mouday morning last Miss A.
Jlorris deperted for her home at Dlym-
ji:t, W. T. She had been visiting her '
mn T. A. Morris at Swett Home. Mr.
M. nceompauied his mother home.
W. It. McKlnnon, the genial propri
etor of the Canyon Creek house, called
on Wednesday. He waa on his way
to Albany. "Mack" keeis one of the
most popular Mopping places on the
, 1 1 1 , v" '"
mountain rmd.
F X; V"' who "y his
" , , . 4!1 " l" v "
first to assist in closing up the hole in
our subscription list made by the boy
cotters on the day of election.
Mr. Z. B. Moss, of Bruh creek pre
cinct, one of the well-to-do fanners of
that section gave us a call on Monday
last. The occasion of his visit to Ijelm
non was to get the coflln for the burial
of Isac Hutchins who died at Sweet
Home on Sunday last. We heartily
appreciate Mr. Moss kind, substantial
regards for the Kxprkss.
We acknowledge a pleasant acquaint
ance with several of the accommoda
ting gentlemen connected with the O.
P. railroad at Corvaliis, of which none
arc more SO thatl Mr. Cannon, of the
freight and passenger department.
Division engineer Schenck, has our
thanks for courtesies extended us in
getting from Albany to Corvaliis by
Sehool report of the Mount Hope
School District number 34, for the
month ending November 18, l!vS7; also
standing average grade of each pupil
in the brandies taught. Beading,
writing, orthography, written and
mental arithmetic, gramuier, physiol
ogy, geography, U. S. history, also in
cluding deportment. Total numlter
days taught, 20; total number scholars,
30; total number neither tardy nor ab
sent, 2i; total number tartly, 4. Chas.
Grishain, 02; Leiu (Jrisham, 00; Ira
Grisham, S7;. Emma Grisham, 89; Os
car (Jrisham, 00; Edwin Charlcton,
100; Hcrhcrt Charlcton, S5; Chas. For
cn,93; Ira Foren, 70; Fannie Fo eln,
88; Ella Cooper. fcO; Mary CtKiner. 78:
! A,u,a "re ster, a, ; ."viary tsrewstcr, w. ;
j Vllla "yP001. Mar' Claypinil, 94;
! 1U1CV lium l J lizatxtii Gum, (S;
George Gum, 70; ita Beard, 00; Min
nie Bcardf SS; W. H. Beard, 07 j; EfBe
James, 70; Bell Saltmarsh, 95; Oras
Saltmarsh, 89; Albert Patterson, 73;
Lizzie Patterson, SO; Walter Patterson,
GO; Ella Machus, 75; Mary Maehus, 72;
Miss Vida Clay.pool rcccivetl the high
est number of creilit marks, 11; Miss
Mary Brewster next highest, 10; num
lier of visitors during the month, dl-
" -....0 ....
rector jonn Gr sham ami wite, d. roc-
I " nd Mrcwstcr were present
first day of itchool.
F. II. Haas.
A StxxKssFUL Business . Max
Ralston Cox, thj Corvalis grocerer
started in business two years ago, in a
very small room room compared with
the large establishment he presides ov
er now. Anyone visiting his store will
readily concei vc'how energy, close buy
ing and selling, and liberal advertising
will increase patronage Mr. Cox is now
shipping goods to many places outside
of Corvaliis, and the secret of this trade
is that he sells for cash and lays goods
; down free of frieght charges where the
j purchaser buys in quantities of $2.5.00
j and upwards. This isenterprisingand
J a 'stcui 0fte& y i"t few merchants
NoTICE.Tliere Is HlKut 200 rtersons
I Waxtei. A good fresh milch cow in
exchange for a gil double-barrel!
nsvech loading shot gun, iili reloud
iu - oul:it. ?Iir. i5. M. l;eyjKhb.
ivturrts hi lx-a lliauks to oM Irlencb ami new 1m
came furwnnj ho promptly when hca-ks f, pen
cnil K'ttK'nu'iil. There Is jet a preat man)- thous
aml Uollnn due me hioh I v ull le Tery ghul Ut
rcrt ipt fiir. c'omc up at oaec ccntlemcn ftil let
us have iK-aee.
On the Keen Trot.
Xcithrr Mnntneue or hi cWrt kH time to a-
i rumulHtt.' Eitx-h tU--h on mxmt of bcinc tcit on
t!w keen trot wkkIiir on rastonwrs. He Im mi
lihttnp clslil to uinMinte, birt lie UH- the
..... .- . . ; . . . t A ... . 1. 1 1.. 1
Iw1w Aira tr u, Mouiat-m-. e are ot u
?rtiuBleiti rt to wait oa fan ami eil jrru
our Riwd fresh stivk at the Ttry Mnalli-t living
tillRivrs36 IX( HE? FOR A YARD.
tire with the ume. oi l yanistit-k he ha.t ul In
Lp'"Mn for the paM lfl years. When ym want
i rae3Surp- .'' pxx1 v1 mnA 'Wie '
teiitiiin call in. Veu will Mod all these tmlilkin
existing at Montustiv'n Maiumuth CMsh store.
hits liniic but kindly foi'liiiK for his cmni'clilors.
But my, lnys If you. really witnt to soil any (ixxls
why do you lt artamd all dny att-nmulnting fat
instuail of niMlins for trade? Sell yonr mods
Hvy dow n like Montnym; ill-', uud all luuy be
TIII3 ' TVlilW . COR
(Ol pclto St.
Groceries and Provisions,
Tobaccos and Cigars
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups, Cohfectioncric:i.
.. J t :I li.
Li L
Albany and Lebanon Flour, Bran and Chop.
, -TVsiilw mid Itio.
(Liutitcil Line.)
CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver.
On ati.l Rftt-r S,-. 7. IV7. ,Mi m.tii Mrthc-r no-t!'--
trail uiU run lal!v exevpt SuiMlav) a rl
own: .
j tijburx Miul.
Tow-an! Piirt-
;i ?.t.
I l.v iin
i Arv i.u5
! l.M ,
i :i
V, . 1
!, I.B
i liis
l.' m
: Arr
;i n.t
i !1 w
j" it.i
1 in. -
! io.u
.' . .4
' S.CS
: 9.4
;: .
" 9.2
it 9.o
;i K2S
i- ti.lli
! 7-t-l
' - 7.3".
- r.M ,
P. 19
I- ' KU
Frii'n Pifrt-
1 villi
11. U
1 i. !
.n- 1 1
Lr I ft
i. .
2 IX
2 Jl
X s
S rl
. to
I'l'NlUZK Jl'Nt-rN.
Fulijiiarti IJjt
Kiij's Lau-liiig-,
St. Patt!".
Krai li Prairie,
M. Anm-l,
jniiifsnir na.
I'jift Sfcif Jmtesion,
Jlar Usr,
Wt-st stvtfn. -'
limrcl Pit,
Sto Jutir.
W H SHu.
Tiioraa' Kfirk,
Frow nys-ine.
Twin Biittex,
;l COBLK'.;.
M.1 Arv.
JL. X.
. U n1ifv tin- iHihlie that I htn thi daf.
iM-t. 1-j l-7. ftrm.' ihe eniire Ititfrcvt of lr.
I. W. siarr. io ilr ilmt h.-itie? frmerlr rtwi-iliH"U-l
Hr trie tirm of Sirr & Stananl. l-liaiikful
fr fuYrs. 1 iiitit rcsfHtliilly rpjiK-t a f n
llit!ATin if tl m at th? ill iattt. cine clmr
north ft Vit? Hail. Hniw nsT A II jttrtir ka'--in
thrm--lvtf inV!itt-l to thf late hnn will
pka-e raii a;id settle tlK-lr aM:nj.
Brown.rik, Or., kt 1. 1SS7.
i Foreign and Domostlc t
j I'eriodicnlS I Okkmox I
J3 acres of good garden land, ritna-.-.
nuiw iKirtiK'u.-t ul Lena Station, l-inn eon
ty. orvaon. ' acres nn1tf rltivatin; !H wrtK
!inhitl and burnt: 45 pr uivtw (rood ft-Tire: :1
hti in liilj"rt most yotntff fir: Mime aider ami
niftplr: riulortaliUfc dwelling house, lx32 fn?t;
atNMl shed: well with Vnty of frm(l water: shed
Imrit; yininff orrhsnl of JM) ctioii-e fruit trees; an
t''t Uf-nl Imp tranl of 5 acres; (naxl hop house and
drvr lfiic fi-et.
1 offVr for ale the alaTe pmpi-rtT for KJQO cah.
For furtlHT anieutara aiidreK) hm at IUaiKii,
Linn couiitr. Oregon; or c Da1 in iv?rsoi.
4 -
Leading Grocers
rtR THE.
Geyserite Soaps.
All persons are hereby forbidden toharliotiror
sell to my mm, Chnrlcs IL tioan, anytiiins oil
mv account, a I will not be ngqunMble for any
ut'lilKtlebtxor aeK K. WAX.
lA-baimii. tr., Novembers, 18S7. ,
-Proprietor of the
Fountain House,
Son.vviLJ.E, OilKOOX.
This ll'mj U t'ot!it!e(C'lin all of il I'i artmenU.
ruiil-Hi!iK the best ot Aeeonttinalaltuiis lo par
tu s vl-lilrj Ihu -iU Sj m
Charle Hott!.)
i r
; !
t r
Xjimi County,
General Hardware
Ii-ii, iit-cl and Oosil, 0:ti-ixitt'-t-!s' Tools.
"Vnjr)ii 3IoiIl. IJniIloi-.' Htirdware.
J?lo and Ooi-liaro. Powder, Hliot, etc.
JILtclMiiiit Lm" tiiilio;s. (iiant I'owtlcr.
WiiroiiM atwl Hitjj:ftji4. Sf a and .-Vx.-.
If you wish to purchase a SIo for yonr Hoy or Girl that will ft?tt I
the wear aiul tear of every day usage, that is made of honest K.ttiu r
throughout, and on common-sense ideas, call for
made of latl Bright and and Oil Grain, and known everywhere hv the Tmd
Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found ot"t the bottom cf one f
each pair. Xonc genuine without it. Beware of imitations.
r -" - -ftli
Their Woniens' Curaeoa Kid and Tanipico Goat r.utton, to retail at f-2.'y
Their Womens' Hendersoa Kid, French tanncl, Button, to retail at U.' !.
The arc stitched with Silk, itiade aolid in every particular, ami will make your
feet look small and shapely.
W. B.
Groceries . and Povisions,
Tobacco and Cigars.
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups.
Countrv lYoduee - taken
.j jt .t. ..
ri n
( vJ rrr ' r
S : r i ; , i v
. '
Agricultual Iniplemeids.
-Dklkk Lx-
iix " Exchar,
fo r O oei '