The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 11, 1887, Image 3

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The Lebanon Express.
F U 1 1 A yTK I VI! MH K It 11 1 SS.
The rainy days have conic.
Lebanon is Improving in many ways.
Thirty railroaders were registe red at
the St. Charles one day this week.
O. T. Cotton will make an announce
ment next week. Look out for it.
During the past moi th two grocery
stores have been added to Lebanon.
Henry Parrish (sella a fine brand of
"dinars at the St. Charles Hotel. Try
The "Boss Roots" for sale by C. B.
Montague. They are just the thing for
It was a bo-caigftt in every sense
of the word. They couuted without
their hosts.
Mr. Joel Sherfy advertises a -er3 val
uable farm for sale, near Leng's station
this county. See "ad."
W. B. Donaca returned from east of
the mountains on Tuesday last. He
reports but little snow as yet on the
The "Boss Boots," manufactured ex
pressly for.and sold by C. B. Montague,
Lebanon, is indeed, the boss." Don't
fail to see them.
2sow that the campaign is over we
propose to devote the Express to local
and other interests and improve it ev
ery way we can.
Dons we do reg-a rd Jess o? principle,
or we'll "tramp, tramp, tramp." right
VP into your domicile and stop tne"dlr
ty Trohi. sheet." Boycottcrs,
F. II. Itcseoe & Co. hardware dealers
change their "ad." this week. Th is li
leral firm deserves a good patronage.
Call raid examine their large stock.
As Governor Pennoyer has positive
ly refused, to interfere with the execu
tion of Slarple, for the murder of I. I.
Corker, at Lafayette, he will be hang
ed to-tiny.
Last night the train on the Narrow
Gunge road failed to connect with the
stage from Lebanon. Result, no mail
We hope this will not be a frequent oc
currence. "55 rs. I. Saltmarsh has opened the re
sturant nearly opposite the St. Charles
hotel, formerly run by, Mr. Carroll.
Mrs. S. will ie pleased toaeeommolate
her patrons with first-class meals.
The Express is the only pronounced
prohibition paper in Linn county.
With a majority of SSI in favor of the
tiuostion it is apparently
should not fear opposition. What saj
yourPrt hibitionists?
Thos. Bol-t-rts, formerly of Albany
has opened business in the blacksmith
shops formerly owned by F. II. Rcvcoe.
Mr. Roberts is said to be a good I lock
smith, and we take pleasure in intro
ducing him to the people of Lebanon
and vicinity- i
Say, Mr. boyc otters : If it tools you
three weeks to get twelve subscribers '
away from the Expbess, how long v. iil
it take you to hast J t, with thesulserip
tlon ht increasing at the rate of S and
8 per "'cl.-iy? D'ye soc how the del
Mr. T. C. Feebler has purchfised the
f-ttK-k of groceries formerly owned ly
It. MeCalley on the corner opposite the
St. Charles hotel, and has aeldeel to it
a. fine line of srrtv
luie line of groceries, provisions, con-
fectionerks,' furnishing gcods, tebr.cves i
and cigars, etc. Look out for "ad".
The raas3 meeting on Tuesday even
ing last w::3 the most successful one of
the .campaiiru. as the insults en Tuts-
clearly demonstrated.
On ruction eft
it. MHier a vote of thanks was
tended to the Sweet Home band and
the Lebanon choir, which added so
much to the enthusiasm of the occa
sion. In another column will be found the
tlissolution notice of Star & Stcnard,
Brownsville, who "have been engaged
in the drug business-. Dr. Starr re
tires, anil Mr. G. C- Stanard, one of
Brownsville's energetic young business
men continues the business at the old
stand. George has our best wishes for
There is a Baitlctt pear tree on the
grounds of Mrs. MeGuire, on Eigh
teenth and I streets, says a Portland
. . , - i 1
paptT, lual now i:as -i n. jiiib eecoiiii j
crop, of pears. The fust crop wss ta-j vreii Readered.
ken from the tree in August, and now
the second crop of peara arc on the tree j On Friday evening of last week the
maturing. The flavor of this second t Temperance Cantata, "Lost and Sav
growth is excellent. cd," was plaj-ed by home talent at the
Marplo, the condemned murderer of ; academy. This drama is one requir
David Corker, at Lafayette, has writ- j mg more than ordinary preparation,
ten to Salem asking for a --change of j and when we consider that only a few
venue," alleging that his health is vcrj- j days were allowed for rehearsals it was
Toor. and that he will die if he re-! surprising to note the more than cred-
mains in jail at Lafayette. ? Cheek, by
Unless some intervening power !
steps in, the "change of venue" will
take place to-day, the. Sheriff of
ficiating. : -
Stock Inspector Webdc-11 has been
riding over Crook county the past few
.weeks in the discharge of his duties
and informs a Prinevilla paper that
he does not find near so much disease
among sheep as there was hist spring.
If the enforcement of the new law has
diminished the scab among sheep it
has certainly repaid the taxpayers for
the expense of ei f rcing it.
It will be remembered that recently
the bods' of a woman was found in the
river near Oregon Cit It
lias since
eleveloped that one Jack Davis, a trap- j Says the La Camas News of October
per and hunter in Clackamas county, j2S: At last, after innumerable disap
was arrested in Marysville, Cal., on pointmcnts and vexatious delays, aris
the charge of murder, and-confessed ing from shipping the machinery from
that he threw the boely in Uie nver
but that the woman died a natural
death. After writing a pathetic nerte
Davis committed suicide by hanging
The following shows what the hoys
,l of election aud count the ballots
There were 17 votes for pre-Libl-
aud 1 against prolnl iwon. 1 he
ttsu-h.-rs.iirtUr will carry the
biatcs iur prohibition in letssj
Education Th the
n twenty : y.Crfx's.
-" r , A, '.
Mr. iUr- , secretary of tne Empire
"i'f.l Oi.. ---vindle, arre'stefjxrfew eiiijw
,-:o iii Alt ny for fraud hi obtaining a
would do: A vote was taken ListTucs. " v" .T,T , t
uijuu. . r,-i ,..,. - that it is at work. The Columbia Riv-
day at the Mt. Hone School, Distnct
No. Z-l, for the Amendment, or rather rtr Company deservcs great crcd---.rWui.JMon.
Edwin and Herbert tor its energy m crowding to comple-
..,.,, ,.f a lion this great stracture, and getting it
fCOO note of A. P. Maxwell for forty
bushels of wheat at ?13 per bushel, was
discharged in Justice Humphrey's
court. The note and contract were le
gally drawn, and the court held that
verbal misrepresetationa and lying do
not constitute fraud within the mean
ing of the criminal law. More than a
dozen farmers of Linn county are
known to have been taken in for sev
eral hundred dollars each.
Tuesday evening of last week, Shelf!"
Williamson received a warrant from
Linn county for the arrest of Wm. I
on a charge of committing an assault
with a dangerous weapon, savs the
Ochoco Itctian. Deputy Sheriff Charl
ton arrested Fox at Joe Crooks' place
on Willow Creek Wednesday, and he
accompanied Sheriff Williamson be
low yesterday. The deed for which
Mr. Fox was arrested was for striking
a man with a knife at the Mountain
house on Bantiam last September. Mr.
Fox says he acted in self-defense, and
is quite willing to have the matter in
vestigated. The Willamette Valley A Const IL R.
(the Oregon Pacific) Company have
completed arrangements for the pur
chase of a strip of land along the river
front in Salem, upon which will be
erected docks aud an elevator to be us
ed as a public warehouse, for the stor
age and shipment of grain, to cost f 13,
000. The warehouse will be built In
time to enter into competition for next
spring's trade. The land in question
is a strip on the city front, lying be
tween Ferry and Sti te streets, and for
merly used by the Salem Ferry Com
pany. It will be a valuable addition
to the facilities ot the city for transact
ing its freightage business.
On election day arguments were in
some cases prolonged and spirited. 1
Kansas, Iowa, Maine and all the pro-j
hibition states were discussed, as to i
their ability in enforcing their pnhib-'
itory laws. There were enthusiasts on
both sides declaring these states to be
successful and unsuccessful prohibition
states, but the worst slam on any of
them, was the effort of an anti-prohi.
to put Kansas City in Kansas, declar
ing that he had got whisky in Kansas
City, Kansas, and that there was just
as .much drank in that city r.s ever.
This ton tls to show how men will for
get their lessons iu geography when
engaged in arguing a question of great
importance. Lebanon, however, gave
103 majority for prohibition, all the
Parties indeoted to F. H. Roscoe &
Co., are requested to call and settle
their accounts at once and save cost.
Parties indebted to Churchill & Mon
teith will please call in etui settle up
accounts. We must have money to do
Ej-.tertaimn.CKt and Ssrper.
There will be given r.t the First Pres
byterian church, on Friday evening,
November IS, 17, an entertaimmmt
and supper. The Rev. Mr. Priehard
of Albany will be present and will en
liven the occasion-with music. This
will be suppliaier.ted with songs and
recitations by home talent. Supper
will be served by the ladies of the
church and the whole charge for en-ti-rtainmeut
and supner will only be
twenty-Jive cents. The public Is very
.. , , , 1 .
Glad to see Film.
On Thursday of this week we were
more than agreeably surprised to meet
in Lebanon Mr. Jeff. Myers, the ener-
ex-icetie manager cf D. Myers, extensive
jiuinber and other interests at Sdo.
Jeff, is one of Linn countv's most
promising young business men, and j
we regret to know that on account of a j
serious spell of sickness, recently he
contemplates spending the winter in )
California. It will be remembered
he was a canelidate be fore the last deni
oeTatic cxunty convention for county
clerk, and, indeed would have filleel
the office with ability equal to any
man in the county had he been nomi
raled and elected. We bespeak for
him not only a pleasant visit while in
California, but hope he may return en
tirely re-stored to hi3 accustomed good
itable presentation of the play
all are deserving of special mention,
we must say that Mrs. E. E. Monta
gue, as Mrs. Harry Gray, displayeel ex
cellent talent in performing tha most
difficult part of the tlrama. Miss
Frank Gilbert piano accompanist, per
formed in ' her usual accomplishcel
manner. It is gratifying to know
that we have such talent in Lebanon
and in consequence of it we hope to
see the monotony cf our quiet town
life frequently broken during the win
ter. We would not forget to say that
a large number were in attenelance
and that it was a success in every way.
Xa Operation.
i the Jast ana oincr unavoidable causes,
on We-dnesday morning the machin
ery ot the paper mill was put in motion,
and the mill is now turning out straw
paper. It will be a week or two yet
tefore the mill will be running on reg-
in motion within a' year after its de
struction by fire- The company has
large orders for paper, and the
will be inn day and night as soon as it
lis in complete working order. When
running on full time it will employ
talwwt sixty-five hands, which must
! add considerably to our present popu-
j t,oli
u ' ' i.,..
fciubscribc for tin Exi'Kts.
itntr !nt it i fltifAnPflmmr in T?tA
Hurrah for "Old Linn!"
Majority v for Prohibition.
1 8 1 !
T.iOltiion lrcliitt- HiiMtnliiM
"U'lio l lxprenK' ly- a Iu
Jorlty or IOl.
"Old Linn" never does anything on
the "half-way" plan. She was put
down for a majority for prohibition
and she gave it; yes, she did 500 more
than the most sanguine prohibitionist
looked for. This is glory enough for
The Express, even If it could not
"stand off" Multnomah.
The banner precinct In the county is
Orleans where but ten votes wen
cast against prohibition. While Or
leans Is the banner precinct, nearly all
In the county went from two to three
to one against the rum-sellers, and we
say, well done, good and faithful "old
On Tuesday afternoon al-out 4 o'clock
a vcter who lives on Hamilton creek
tapped the editor cf the Express on
the shoulder and said he wanted to see
him at the office. We walked down
from the polls with him and upon en-
tering the oftiee he told us that a lot of
anti-prohibitionists headed by Bill
Guy, proprietor tf one of the Lebanon
saloons were coming uy to step the; Ex
press aud advised us to keep cooi, that
it would tlo us as much gxxxi asharm.
And so it was, for soon we heard the
footsteps of nine men; yes, nine of the
very men who had been during the
campaign elenounciug the temperance
people for trying to deprive them of
their liberties, constitutional rights &c
Yet these same fellows, who pretend to i
to love free speech aud are s opposed I
to anything which locks likeelcpriving
a man of his constitutional rights, did
everjthing iu their power to cripple
our business just because we clatxd to
support n principle, which in our mind
was for the best interests of the people.
That we pursued the right course-, we
want no better evidence than the result !
In the county and iu the town where
the Express is published. A major
ity of 103 voters in Lebanon precinct
and CS1 in the county, have said we
done well.
Without further comment we would
say that this paper can and will exist
as the organ of tne temperance people
of Linn county, without the paltry
sum withdrawn from it by the noble lib-erty-lovlng
(?) whisky-loving thirteen
that left us "on Tuesday last, and
without exposing thUr names to the
public, unless forced to do so iu the fu
ture in defense cf the principle we ha vi
and will maintain, both publicly and
privately, we bid them a cordial
A composition written by Miss Ma
ry Brewster of Mount Hope School
District No. 31:
Tobacco is a filthy weeel cultivated
very extensively in Cuba and the
Gulf states?. Its nature in composition
is ef carbonic acid, carbonic oxide and
ammonia gasses, carbon or root and
nicotine, all Laving a tendency to re-
lora ana :mJ uie growl 11 anuoc-
. ... . . .. .
velopment of the mind. Tobacco is
worked aud manufactured Into many
and various forms and taken all in all,
is a ruination to ail who partake of the
weeel. When chewed it has the ten
dency to destroy the saliva and retard
digestion; in general it is loeketl u-xin
as a dirty, nasty, vulgar habit. Cigar
ettes are made from the stubs of cigars
found in the streets and gutters of all
larje cities, and are smoked by
many little boys, thinking it
makes them big. In smoking, these
poisouous gasses are iuhaled into the
lungs and the poison taken through
the system causing the nerves to be
come faint and tremulous, both efl'ect-in-r
the heart and brain, spending
time and money to purchase this vile
narcotic, makers many a mother sad
aud he-artbroken and' in the end there
is nothing gained by using the weeel.
Tobacco iind whisky are near relatives
end always go together.
The Sweet Heme Band.
On Monday evening last Lebanon
was favored with some excellent music
by the above named band. The boys
do well for the training they have had.
They hail been cngageel to play for the
temperance mass meeting on that
evening anel added very much to the
enthusiasm of the occasion. The fol
lowing are the members of the band:
H. Rolfe, E5 cornet
E. C. Russell, W) cornet.
J. Boss, B,' cornet.
A. Nickolls, lib cornet.
C. C. Cooper, lib cornet.
H. R. Blavens, 2d alto.
G. E. Rolfe, 3rd alto.
O. II. Russell, 2d tenor.
S. R. Notheger, lib bass.
J. N. Galbraith, E." bass.
J. A. Thompson, --nare elrum.
A. D. McQueen, Bass drum.
The O. P. Progressing.
A e-orrespondent writing to the Boise
Statesman, says: The Oregon Pacfic
is progressing as fast as possible. The
nearest camp Is about twenty miles
from Vide, the county seat of Malheur
county. It is not known, as yet,
where they will cross Snake river, for
a certainty, but many surmise tiiat it
will be above the mouth of Boise and
follow up that river. It is hoped that
the citizens of Boise will be active in
obtaining the right of way so cheerful-
; ly donated to the Oregon Short Line
for the roa(1 froul Caldwell to Boise
which was never built, and present
the same to the Oregon Prcific as an
j mdact,ment ft
or them to come to (he
capital and tVreby iK-nefit both Cald
well and Boise City. Under the pres
ent management eif the Oregon Pacific
they will take their line where the in
diic.Lueuts arc clllrcd.
let that cold of yours run on. You
think it Is a light thing. But It may
run into catarrh. Or Into pneumonia.
Or consumption.
Catarrh Is disgusting. Pneumonia
is dangerous. Consumption Is death
The breathing aparatus must be kept
healthy and clear of all obstructions
and oli'enslve matter. Otherwise there
is trouble nheud.
All these diseases of (heo parts,
head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and
limps, can be delightfully and entirely
cured by the use of Boschee's German
Syrup. Jf you don't know this al
ready, thousands and thousands of
people can tell you. They have l-ecn
cured by it, and "know how it la them
selves." Bottle only 7a cents. Ask
any druggist.
Pork Wanted.
Wc will pay six cents per pound for
pork on accounts and In exchange for
nierchanclse. All goods at cash price.
Pork recc
.ived on Tuesdays and Thurs-
Thompson & Watkks.
Brownsville, Or.
We have no Indian fighters, ginnt
killers, dancing elephants, nor trained
cats, but we have the finest stock of
hardware, looking glasses, mirrors,
lounges and bed inter ever brought to
Lebanon at K. Goan's. 2so second
hand coffins.
1 lb salmon lo eta at Kecbler & Rob
erts. Choice Oregon lard aud
Keebler fc Roln-rts.
bacon at
There is nothing so valuable for
throat and lung troubles, and that cam
be taken without any injury to the
stomach, as "Mother Gary's Gumtne
Cough Syrup." Try it arid you will
say so too.
J. A. Beard, ngent for Lcbeuion
Everybody should read the adver
tisement of Ralston Cox, The Peo
ples' Grocer.
Farmers read the advertisement nf.
Ralston Cox. The peoples' Grocer, aod
act accordingly.
Money to loan, by Curran A Mon
tcith, Albany, Oregon. tf
For 'n good meal, co to the City Ite
'.aurar.t Albany. Meats ii cents. tf
Montague keeps no second hand
gotxls, nor dxs he buy for an Indian
or ne-ijro trade.
Mother Gary's Gumtrce Cough Syrup-does
not sicken the ste:nach, cr
hind the Itowcls, safe for a cbikl or an
adult, and will be found the liest prep
aration for a Cough, Cold, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough or Croup and any
affection of the throat and lungs.
J. A- lk-ard, for Lebanon.
Moore' Hair invljora tor.
Tins excellent preparation for the
hair, may lie found on sale at the fol
lowing place: M. A. Miller, Lebanon;
Starr & Htanard, . Osboru and M.
Jackson, Brownsville; F. A. Watts,
Shedd; C.Gray, Halsey. Sample bot
tles free. Call and get one.
Wo will sell our entire stock of
Cloaks and Jackets A T COST for the
next Thirty I) ays partys needing
anything in this line can save money
by calling on us.
Thompson &, Waters.
32 lbs good beaus for ?1 at Keebler &
Roberts- .
Insure your pmpe-riy In a home eni-
iany the Northwest Fire and Marine-nsuram-e
eomjuiny, of Portland Ore
gon. A. R. Cyrus, "agent, Lebanon Or.
Montactie has receiveel a magnifi-
cient stock of wall paper which he -f-
fi-rs at less than half the prices 1
prices usually
73 acres of pood fraren land. -HtJ
3 iaiUai urtiivu.l ill Strt'ioti, t.iun to-i-
iv. (infill. ) arrv ii!i l--r cultivaiitm; lstTi
la-hfl aii-t Imni!: 4 Bi're nmli-r gixxl f;iire: :W
i n- in lii!T. lin.r-t ?"'" t:rz suiao aliler ami
nrnple: iimfinnliio dweliinj; lifHist, 16x:e fttr:
w,l f.lx?l; wt-H with i-l-my if r.-)l i:iter; sIhU
lani: yin?r ort-harti H 'iJ cholt-.' fniit trvt?-: an
c xtn"-nt hop yard oT 5 iu.-rt.-s; gixxl hop house ami
dr-ivr l"i:r2 A i-t,
f o!Tt fc r -! th ntvn e nnpertj- fur J.CVI caih.
For further :rtin!ars n.'llrf ine at Letuutuh,
Linn iiramr. ongvm; or w me 1t nwii.
This I to notary the r'itIic thai I have J;i dnr,
Oct. W lssT. putvh:t.-:ii the rutins il'rv of 1V.
I. W. S-j-r, in the lruie rir-r!v r-m-h-.i-U-.1
I .fuse firm of Starr A K'nii v. ThankftU
tor r!t fi-A-or, 1 must nj-ctf!lly tvotict a cmt
timtation of the nme at the old rtiiiMi, one tior
mirth i-f City Hull. l!m v(!k. All iMtrtfcn kmw
hia thi-mrelvt-s ti;li-lt-l to the Utte lirui will
tilt-a-e cull au-1 fttilt) lin-lr acctumt.
o. v. STAX.vnn.
nro-in-vlHe, Or.. Oct. 1, MST.
On Ootntyr 27. 17, rrntn the Mahlo of Pr. r. It.
O-lmrti, !!-!w-'vi!!'. t'r-ii, cie HAY H'tlfE,
6 yrart oM, l"i batt-N hlifh, wel-rlit nluwtt l.flmj Itw.;
rtUEh-hil tit fnmt, MiKKvlh-siioil K-himl ; hnke
to ri-lo an-l dri-e. Any lnfurmntimi lnwlins l(t
the tx-fovery of the auiiual will lc amjitv n.wnnl
el. e.'. l. esiOKX.
lrr-n-!ll(, XovciRbcrl, 1S7.
AH pcr-oiti fin? Tnrn-hy fnrbM len to hnrhnnr or
U ti my eon, t'hflrh-s H. t'.ntti. ny!hfMr
mv aniiimt, as I will not be rviionihU Tur any
ofhi- debts or acta. E. eiO.U.
Lebanon, e)r.. Xinrember 3, V4S7.
The Appetite
May be increased, the Digestive organs
strengthened, and the bowels regulated,
by taking Aycr's Pills. These Pills are
purely vegetable in their composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any
othe dangerous drug, and may bo taken
with perfect safety by persons ot all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and Constipation. I had no appetite,
and was constantly afflicted with Head
ache and Dizziness. I consulted our
iamily doctor, who prescribed for me, at
various times, without affording nioro
than temporary relief. I finally com
menced taking Ayer's Pills. Ia a short
time my digestion and appetite
my bowels were regulated, and, by the
time I finished two boxes of these Pilla
my tendency to headaches had disap-
Eiared, and I became strong and welh
arius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
Loss of Appetite, and General Debility.
I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and,
before finishing halt a box of this modi
cine, my appetite and strength were re
stored. 0. O. Clark, Danbury, Conn.
Ayer'a Pills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a disordered
6'omach and Liver. I sniferod for over
three years with Headache, Indigestion,
and Constipation. I had no appetite, and
was weak and nervous most oi the timo.
three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the
same time dieting myself, I was com
pletely cored. My digestive organs are
now in good order, and I am in perfect
health. P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kans.
Ayer's Pills have benefited me wonder
fully. For months I suffered from Indi
gestion and Headache, was restless at
sight, and had a bad taste in my mouth
every morning. After taking one box
of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis
appeared, my food digested well, and
my sleep , was refreshing. Henry C.
liemmenway, Bockport, Mass.
I was cured of the Piles by the use of
Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved ma
of that painful disorder, but give me in
creased vigor, and restored my health.
John Lazarus, St. John, N.Ik it
i Ayer's Pills,
Prcparod by Dr. J. Q. Ayer 8t Co., Lowell, Masa.
( Sold by iil Dn-Esitts ail Dcaioja In Modieiuo.
returns bU best tlinnky to oM friend' nn! new -a ho
came Sirnrnfl o proni-tly when hea-Jss for a Rcn
crnl settlement. There is yet a irreat many tlmisit
atid dollars due me hleh I would be very phu! to
re-eel- for. Come up at ttacc gentlemen oad let
us have peace.
On the Keen Trot.
Neiiher Sr.mtasm- or bb U rk-t (ret time t. at-
cttmulote ir.neh on at-cixint of belne ic;A on
the keen trot waillnR on eustomer. He luw no
np-itmii eeiKtitu to aiiiuHiur-e. iut Be ie!tci the j
heavy wight to ciin- anythirifr near him In 1-iw
priet-. Always pa to MonUurue, c are not too
overl'iiflen'-d with fat to aait on yon and ell you
our iciiod freh stuek at the Tcry siuojle livhif
rates. I
still Rives' INCURS rm A YAnn. He most
tires w ith the same old yardstlek he has ued in
iA-biuum rr the pat 1(5 years. When ytm want
full mettsiCT, low prlee?, (rml co"sls ami polite t
teii'.i.m rail in. You ill find all thexs ruttdithiiM
eiijtiii3 at Mouta-juc's Mouuuuth Cash store.
vnx none bid kindly feelint-n fir lii-t competitor!.
Hut fay, buj-s, if you retilly wnnt tct!ell any mnxli"
why di yuu sit lu-otutd oil dny e'uinul!itin(t ft
lnstend of nistllnn far tnulo? Sell your jtiKids
vny dow u like Monii-ne does, aud may he
Andrews eS: H.ickleninn's Col'
S3.00J1 ..
warranted ' . c
We arc Selling
more Goods In 1SS7, by 25 per cent tliaa Tte did in
lv3. The reason for that Is we keeti the best
eioods attainable, and st'U them hws t'- jmy
cue else. Our
Ia I:.:nenv. AU the flh- that bt:y them, al-
! ttaSr ',ur ,'::'in- "cy krww wimt a pood
t artiele !, and tis-y kuotr ta hat they cot. We air
j jc .evtttti for,
We de-1ve lu keep !e i-tiljc the
W. L. Douglas
So cTvrj-Nx! will knot) r jut uhere to pet them.
They ore, h ithimt niies!jo:i, the hcU vtiltic lor the
moin-y ia this luuutry.
Other lines, Ktteh ax Pry GooUs Cents' Furnishinsr
eiKKls Howl nd Shoe.", Ilats and Caps, Ciroeerics,
and iu fuel the whole lino is moving in largo
Large Quantities
tin nnnm t nT.
Loading Grocers
3 CeleljratoD E
a Geyserite Soaps. I
Gcncral Hardware
Iron, Steel and Coal,
AVtijyoit JX:t t oi-iu I.
Rojc and C?o-rlfie.
XIlnr'lcKiiiitlis f-itiilioiS.
"Wiiouh and Uti tgtgii'-t.
If you wish to ptire-liase a Shoe for your JJr or Girl that will ttan
the wear ami tar of every elay ossjee, that is maele ef hotie-st leatlitf
throughout, arid ou coiimon-e&nae ideas, call for
made of both Tlritflit and and Oil Onun, and known every where ly Uie Trad-i
Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found on the bottom of onse.f
eae-h pair. 2- one gtuaine without it. Beware of imitations.
f.-.-j...; f. j
..' . "
4 V-
Their Womens' Curacoa Kid anel Tampieo Goat Button, to retail at ?2.50.
llieir Womens Henderson Ivid. French tanned, Button, to retail at 3.1M.
The are stitched with Silk, made solitl in every particular, aad Trill make your
feet look small and shapely. " " .
01ui. 15. 3Iontai:uo, el :x n t n , Ox.
Druggist and Apothecary,
- -
Drugs and Medicines
-lPaints, Oils and Glass.J-
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
rJ)EIXIl IS r-rr
Groceries and Povisions,
...... .
Tobacco cinci Cigars,
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups,
Cot-irvtry rroei'-iGO tcxlien. in Exchange for Goods,.
:-,.....; .S'.v.'i,
i l-kaijji: IX I
j Stationery
3 i
1 AL- t
j Forei3'nandDome-3tlc
j Periodicals
t i f rr t pTTTTTTTrfTTTTTTTt rrfTTTTT'T rrrrrS
Agricultual Implements.
0;tr-on t r.i' -T5ols.
1 Jiiiltl-i-ts' Hardware,
X'ovrtlei-, fsliot, etc
Glaat Powtk-r.
Saws and Axos.