The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 04, 1887, Image 4

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I in w aw at to Smm-.r ffwtis
W&IiB sweltorir.r In my offljetesarj
Tamp-.&r.on larkeJ la every line,
For me, so overworked and we.iry.
"Pure milk, fresh berries, shady drive,
W;tn boat and bath, and fish close byj"
V.'hr.t wonder tUat I snapped the baltl
Twas last July.
I simmered in that rural place,
V. Sere sylvan charms and scene werspleaty;
Suy hostess, bninm widow IJraee;
H-;r only da.agb.tor, one-and-twentyt
Croqaet and tennis; rambles free
With Lanm of the roguish, eye; floated pat on RiUted winja.
But last July'
To-day, within that self-same place,
I view the world with Janndioed vision;
For vanished is the tender grace
Which last year rendered life elysiaa;
X a tire the cattle, trundle trunks.
Chop wood, pick berries, cradle rye;
I'm Laura's spouse, the widow's son.
This bleak July t
Soma of Its
The picturesque and traditional straw
hive Is nowadays used only in those
in nil communities! where the people
clini to ttio ways of their fathers.
The hive of the past was a chamber
in which tho bees weralcft to their own
devices a prey to their natural ene
mies and unnatural His. and from
w hich their honey product was onl
obtained by a ruthless slaughter of tht
boney-makers themselves, who were
smothored in the fume of sulphur and
The hive of the present is a structure
any part of which can at any time be
reached or removed by thti bee-keeper,
who may thus practically exerc'so a
control over the work of the bees, and
study their singular habits.
In our of the sul jict, let us
tart with an empty hire, modern, of
course. It may bo one of fifty different
kinds, or shapes, but li will hare cer
' foirei . common to all There
will be some teii shelves, or frame,
fir.ed one above another, or hong
downwards in a row. with a suQcient
pace between each, and around each,
to allow the free passage of the bees.
The spaces must not bo larger than
this, or the be. 'S will fill them with
comb and honey, and thus render it
impossible for ns to have ace-iss to the
Taiioiis framea without cutting away
lb.9 deposit.
into this empty hire we pnt a swarm
of bees. If we revisit it in two or
three d:tvs, we shall find that a marvel
ous change has taken plaeo' in tho in
terior. The frames are all fi'.led with
blocks of hoieycomb, tiny .waxen
cells, hexagonal in shape, and built
with all the nicety and precision of
skilled engineering. This is the first
of the many wonders which character
izes the work of ths bee-hive. Here is
a miniature city,"constrnct?d ont of a
delicate and yot strong fabric, and
bnilt according to the most exact
peoroetrical principles. It has been
the wonder of naturalists and rnathe
mat'eianafor ages, not merely the fact
of a building, bat the manner of build
ing. In the struct urw of these
hexagonal cells, the bae has solved for
itself an intricate mathematical prob
lem. It has chosen the. form which
the science of geometry has proved is
the only one suitable to the varions
purposes for which the honc3-co:nb is
designed, and it uted this form ages
before men knaw a ;y thing of gvom-
eti v. -
Having built their city, the bee next
proceed to pnt if in order and furnish
their dwellings. We will assume that
the season is spring, as we should by
no means have put the swarm into a
new hive after the honey se.-tson. leav
ing it unstocked f.r the winter. The
principal membsr of the colony Is the
queen, whom you can eaily distinguish
from all the rest, because her body
Is longer than the others, and becanse
he entries herself in a royal fashion,
urronnded by a reiinue of loyal
attendants. The q-ieen is. properly
speaking, the mother-bee. E ich bee in
the hive is her own child -There are
thousands of these children. A pros
perous and well-stocked hive will con
tain from twenty to fifty thousand and
even s'xty thousand bees. They are
divided into two classes workers and
drones. The workers aro females, but
they have no . offspring. The drones
are males, and, as their name im
plies, do not work. They seldom
form more thai a fiftieth part of the
population of the hive.
The mother-bee, or qneen, to use the
" name by which she is best known, has,
p.trently, some weather -signal serv
ice of her own, for she seems -to know
whether or not the season will be pro
ductive of honey, and to lay her 'ergs
accordingly. If the season is forward
ehe begins her work early in the
spring; if it is backward she defers it
for a few weeks or a month. She pro
duces from two to three thousand eggs
every twenty-four hours, depositing
each one in a sep irate cell, which she
1 - 1 . . f ..,.nn. L..,!.... ....
no it is in proper order.
The larvae which issue from these
eggs in the course f three or four
days are assiduously attended by bees
who act the part of nurses, and event
ually close the monihs of the cells
with a waxen cover. In twenty-one
days from the time the egs were laid
the inmates of the cells Lrenk throngh
the waxen lids and issue forth in the
shape of perfect worker bees. They
are then taken in charge by the nurses,
who evidently explain to them the
.ife of the hive, and in another day or
two they venture out upon the world
nd begin then work in the fields and
meadows. The birth of a drone is at
tended by similar processes, some
what longer, however, in duration.
Toung queens come into being in a
much shorter time.
Each ot these three clasess of bees is
born, or hatched, in a cell belonging
to its own kind, and constructed fo:
this special bnrpose. The royal cells
are not only larger than the others,
but they are oval, jnstead of hexagon
al, in shape; and, while the other in
fants are fed by their nurses with bo-e-bread,
which is a preparation of po
len and honey, the yonng princesses,
and they only, are regaled with a spe
cial food, which is called "royal jally."
It often happens that, if a mishap
befalls the qneen. and she has left no
royal egg from which a successor may
be hatched, the bees will take a worker
egg from its proper receptacle, place
it in a royal cell, feed the larva npon
royal jily, and, in the course of time a
full-fledged queen will issue forth to
occupy the throne of the deceased
monarch. This is a most singular and
wise provision of nature, and one
which naturalists have not yet been
able clearly to explain.
When the young bee first ventures
Into the npen air it flies in a cirele
aronnd the hive, the circle constantly
expanding until the youngster has
.Ukyj its eh.srratjoas at every
in the vicinity, familiarizing itself with
every prominent landmark, that may
servo to guide it in its future flights.
After this reconnoitring expedition, the
tee always wings its way in a straight
line to its destination, never losing iU
beat ings; and even though there may
bo a hundred hives together, and a
million bees flying in and out of them,
it hastens with unerring certainty to
its own home.
. Mistress Bao has three objects in
making these excursions, as she does
a hundred times a daw She seeks to
collect honey and pollen the fine fer
tilizing dust of tho flowers and popo-
lis, a sticky substance gathered from
the hud or bark of such tree as the
fir. the poplar or tho chestnut. Tht
pollen is stored away as food for tho
little ones, and the propolis comes into
uso as cement in the delicate, hiswnry
of tho hive.
While some of the bees are hnnring
in the fields others remain at home to
nurse the infants, store away the
honey and the pollen as it is brought
in, and attend to the thousand and one
duties incident to a well-regulated com
When Mistress Bm out In pastures.
alights upon a flower, she finds, deep
in its sweet embrace, a precious liquid.
rapidly deposited by the blossom in
warm and sunny weather. This she
proceeds to cither. It is the honey.
which, being swallowed and digested
hy her, is suuJocUra to some
peculiar process before it
is placed i the hiro in
the form familiar to us all. The
honey obtained, she proceeds to freight
h'Tself with pollen, litis she rolls
into tiny pellets, and stows it away in
pouches in her posterior legs. She
will even completely cover herself with
this dust, and upon roaohlng home her
sister will caret ully brush her - on.
gathering up the previous material.
that nothin? may be los and place it
in the storehouse cells.
Perhaps the mat remarkable thing
in connection with thesj honey and pol
len gathet-ing excursions of the bee is
tho fact that she confine hor search to
a single species of flower on eaoh jour
ney. This is most important. As it
is one of the bee's function to fer
tile undeveloped plants with the pol
len proper to its species, the effect of
any mistake on her part would sadly
confuse onr bo anical studies.
Oj a very warm day you will oe
several bees standing at the door of
the hive, with their feet firmly fast
ened to tho fl or, and flapping thir
wings with a 1 their might, ihey are
ventilating the frre, and, by this
contmueil exertion, their wings, op
erating as fans, propel a current of
cool air into their dwelling, and pre
vent the inmates from suffering by
the intense heat. As this operation
must be very fatifniinsr. the fanners
are relieved at regular interval by
others who continue the exercise.
The bee's scent is keen, and nothlnw
annoys her more than an offensive
smelL S ie is particularly averse to
the odr of p.'rsoiratl.m. either upon
man or beat. Neither will she sub
mit to be breathed upon, and great
care has thus to ba exercised by the
bee-keeper in handling his swarms.
When more than one princes Is
born, the rivals engage in an Immedi
ate and deadly duel, and the survivor
claims the throne from the mother
queen, who, with such loyal subject
as choose to fallow her. goes
forth into the world in search of a new
home, which the bee-keeper has care
fully prepared meanwhile, and the
young queen remains behind to carry
on the work of her roval mother.
Bee-keeping is a pleasant and profit
able industry. It is practice I to a
greater extent In '.he United S.ates than
in any other part of the world, anil the
bees add millions of dollars a year to
onr N ational wealth. Any reader of
the Companion, who lives in tho coun
;ry, can keep b-e if he will first seek
the ;.diiee of an authoritative book up
on the sn! j -ct; but he mn-t remember
that bees require as mnch car as
choice sheep, or cattle, or blooded
norsea, and that the true b3e-keeper is
even more assiduous in guarding hi
swarms than is the farmer in looking
to his flocks and herds. Properly hived
ard watched, bees will obey the behest
of man, and labor for him as well
for themselves. Arthur Warren, tn
Youth's Companion.
Mrs. James T. Fields has one of
the choicest collections of autograph
letters of authors of America. .
Cambridge University, England,
has conferred an honorary degree upon
Prof. Asa Gray, the botanist, of Har
vard College.
It is said that the late Colonel
Sam P. Ivens, of Tennessee, put in
type the first railroad charter ever pre
sented to a legislative body on this con
Millionaire Flood has recently en-
closed his ban rrancisco palace with a
bronze fence which cost 130,000. and
he is now adding two large bronze
gates, each weighing 4,000 pounds.
which will cost $15,000 more.
Those two celebrated preachers.
Rev. Dr. Bacon and Rev. Henry
Ward Beecher, were once disputing on
some religious subject, when the
former accused the latter of using wit
m. hi sermons. "Well, said Mr.
Beecher, "suppose it had pleased God
to give you wit, what would you have
done?' The Epoch.
King David's treasure amounted to
$3,000,000,000. Reduced to' tons it
would be 6,250, sufficient to load 12.500
camels; made into a rod one inch square
it would reach 1,250,000 feet, or 236
miles; a rod one-fourth of an inch
square, nearly 1,000 miles; cut into
three feet lengths it would make 1,666,-
666; put into a fence six to the foot,
would reach 217,777 feet, or sufficient
to make a gold fence over 50 miles
A tragic incident recently took
place in a prison-yard near Prague. A
young soldier on guard, whose father
and mother were sentenced, the former
to twenty years' imprisonment and the
latter to imprisonment for lift?, when
he was but eight years old, recognized
his father in one of the prisoner. lie
embraced the old man, but was re
pulsed by him, and in the evening from
shame and grief shot himself dead with
his rifle.
A maiden of some ten years, living
on Franklin street, helped herself to the
last orange on the plate at luncheon
yesterday. "Why, my dear, that it sel
fish," remarked her mother, "you
a . . .a
snouiu nave waited to see u mamma
didn't want it" "Well, that would be
letting yon be selfish, wouldn't itf'
was tne answer, "and. yon see. you rs
older than I am and will die first, and
would have to explain to heaven why
you wars selfish, but I'll bays lots of
time to grow geterou." isvjfaJo
rCKTLASO ritouix-A SI A cms T,
Fancy roll. ..........
Ore son
Inferior irraxl
13 O
; &
is a
14 dd
California roll
do trickled
Eastern, lull cream. .......
Oretron, do
Kooa Fresh
IlRiKn Fruits
Appiea, qrs. ska and fcxs. . .
T &
oo taiiiornia
Apricots, new crop
Peaches, unpeeled. uew . . .
Pears, machine dried
Pitted cherries
Fitted plums, Oregon
Ftcrs. CaL. In bin and bxs. .
8 (4
CaX, Prunes, French
Oregon prunes
t lo c R
Portland Pat Roller. bbl S
Salem do do
White Lily r bbi
Country brand
5 4
W neat, Valle, 100 fts. . .
do Walia Walla
Barley, whole, P cu
do proa d, V ton
Oats, choice milling bash
20 01 625 00
40 6 45
do leeo,(rooa cocnoice,oia
Bye, 100 tU
Bran, s ton
45 u
1 00 1 10
18 00 S 11 00
14 IX) ( u 00
(el3 00
fj CO $21 00
Si 00 d S3 0C
Shorts. 9 ton
Hay. V ton, baled
Chop. V ton
Oil cake meal V ton
FHKfcH r Borrs
Annies. Oretron. W box.....
90 & 1 00
00 8 00
Cherries, Oregon, Vdrm...
Lemoas, Uaiuornia, r ox. .
Lime. i 100
RiTerwide oranges, V box. . .
1 HI
Los Anjreles, do do ...
Peaches, V box
1 00 0 1 28
Dry, over W ft. 9 fs
IS (3 It
iv et salted, over ta am.
Murrain hides
0a ?i
one-third ore.
10 & 1 00
Cabbage, ft
0t 1
Carrot, sack
1 00
Cauliflower, t doa
l 28
0 kl 01
Potatoes, bsw, W bush ....
East Ore iron. Spring dip..
14 a
18 0
vauey ure&on. oo
aw It Is. Pttrtsst'i la Blrdr f"r1a
toeasta sad 1 assets.
Chickens, tw minutes after they
hara left the egg follow with their eyes
the movements of crawling Insects
and peck at them, judging distance
and direction with almost infallible
accuracy. They srill instinctly appre
ciate sounds, readily running toward
an Invisible hen hidden In a box when
they hear her ralL" Soma yaun
birds also have an Innate, instinctive
horror at the sight ot a haw k and of
the scund of Its voice. Swallows, tit
mice, tomtits and wrens, after having
been confined from birth, are capable
of flying at once when liberated on
their wins have attained their neces
sary growth to render flight possible
The Duke of Argyle relates some
very interesting particulars about the
instinct of birds, especially of the
water otiaeL the merganser and the
wild duck. Even as to the class of
beast I find recorded: "Five young
polecats were found comforta
bly imbedded la dry. withered
grass, and In a side hole
of proper dimens!ons for such s
larder, were forty frogs and tvo toads.
all alive, bnt merely capable of sprawl
ing a little. On examination the
whole number, toads and all, proved
to have been purpooely and dexterous
ly bitten throngh the brain." Evident
ly the parent polecat hsd thns provid
ed the young with food which could be
kept perfectly fresh, because alive, and
yet was rendered quite unable to
capA. This singular instinct is like
others which are yet more fully devel
oped among insects a class of animals
the instincts of which are so numerous,
wonderful and notorious that it will
be probably, enongh to refer to one or
two examples. The female carpenter
bee. In order to protect her eggs, ex
cavates. In some piece of wood, a
series of chambers. In special order
with a view to a peculiar mode of exit
for her young; but the young mother
can have no conscious knowledge of
the serious action subsequently to en
sue. The female of the wasp (sphex)
sfford another well-known, but
very remarkable example of
complex Instinct closely
related to that already mentioned In
the cass of the polecat Tho female
wasp has to provide fresh living aui
mal food for her progeny, which, when
it quits its egg. quits it in the form of
an almost helpless grub, utterly unable
to catch, retain or kill an active, strng
cling prer- Accordingly the mother
Insect has not only to provide and
plaoe beside her eggs suitable living
prey, but so to treat it that it may be
a helpless, unresisting victim. That
victim may be a mere caterpillar, or it
may be a great, powerful grasshopper,
or even that most fierce, active and
rapacious of insect tyrants, a fell and
venomous spider. may
be, the wasp adroitly stings It at the
pot which induces, or in the several
spots which induce, complete paral
ysis as to motion, let ns hope as to
sensation also. Hits done, the wasp
entombs the helpless being with its
own egg. and leaves it for the support
of the future grub. Fortnightly Be
It is said that Queen Victoria owns
property in the District of Columbia.
Washington Star.
Miss Nellie Moonlight, daughter ol
the Governor of Wyoming Territory,
is his private secretary.
vvnnacrnca statfc mat in tropical
countries and in very warm soasons,
no means of cooling is so lasting as a
bath or douche of very warm water.
Thus tho bad effects of excessive heat
can be obviated largely by a warm
bt every day.
Mother "Now, Jimmy, put on
your boots. I'm going to take you to
the dentist's to have that tooth taken
out" Jimmy "Oh, mother! can't I
wait till after it's darkf Mother
"WhyP" Jimmy "'Cos father said
if you had your teeth taken out by gas
it didn't hurt" Golden Days.
Brown "I say, Robinson, are you
still sweet on Miss TitUebackf" Rob
inson "I'm afraid she didn't appre
ciate my visit." "Why do yon think
so?" "Well, the last time I called she
had an alarm clock in the parlor, and
had it set for ten o'clock. I've given
up calling there," N. T. Sun.
Governor Trumbull, of Connecti
cut on the occasion of a grand riot as
cended a block and attempted, by a
speech, to quiet the people, when a
random missile hitting him on the head
felled him to the ground. He was bad
ly hurt, and as his friends were carry
ing him into the house his wife met
him at the door, and exclaimed: "Why,
my husband, they have knocked your
brains out!" "So, they haven't" said
the Governor; "If T4L had any brains
shouldn't bsvegorie tutfra."--Arg onauL
It Cams Xn With ancient Mythology
SUU Maintain Its Sway.
Jean Jacques Rousseau, with all the
power of his genius and all the warmth
of the interest which he took in youth.
exposod the lamentable corruption of
tuste which assorts that the figure is
excellent in proportion to the waist.
The philosopher of Gonova exercised
more social Influence, perhaps, m Lis
time than any writer in Europe, and
for a while stays wont out of fashion In
France Stiff oorsots were still worn
by the ladles of the old court; but sen
sible mothers came to a common agree
ment that their daughters should sub
ject themselves to this voluntary pun- ;
isnmmit at as lato a period as possible,
and not until their wedding day were
they allowed to wear stays.
The revolution swept away the corset
altogether, as well as hoop petticoats.
but stays again made their appenr
ance toward the end of the First Em
pire. A very harmless affair, scarcely
broader than the "fasclm mamillares"
ot the Romans, was the imperial
bodice; for waists were then worn ex
cessively short, aiid the stays were
without, busks, stiff pieces of whale
bone or steel plates. Modi Hod. how
ever, as they were, the strong common
sense of Napoleon revolted against the
reir.troduction of the garment. "Cor
visart," said the ruler, whose business
it was to know every thing, to bis
physician, "the corset is coquetry of
the worst taste; it tortures women and
maltreats their progeny; it means friv
olity; it heralds decadence."
On the authority ot the most eminent
physicians and surgeons of the last two
generations it mny be stated that in
the head tight lacing pntdnce gidd -
ness, headache, pain In the eyes, ring
ing in the ears, and bleeding at the
nose. Habitual tight lacing will pro
voke that most undesirable addition to
the female complexion a red nose.
Tight lacing is quite as mischlevou In
the region of the thorax, to which It
gives s f;ilse support. Impeding tho ile
velo;meftt of the natural support It
displaces the bones, deranges the cir
culation. Induces scirrbus in the mam
mary glands, and ultimately cancer;
and it is a tolerably sure provocation
of lung disease, palpitation of the
heart, and water In the chest In the
abdominal region tight lacing may be
reckoned upon with tolerable con
fidence to bring about loss of
appetite, squearaishness. indigestion.
Induration of the liver, melan
cholia, dropsy, and rupture, dm pin
closely associated tight-lacing with
squinting; Bonnaud said that it led to
polypus; Plainer maintained that to
tight-lawng mothers unhealthy chil
dren were born; J;sephl warned the
lovers of stiff corsets that their chil
dren would be nglv;Wormes remarked
that one ot the trifling inconveniences
of tizht-lacing was swollen feet; and
Winslow showed that there was an in
timate connection between tight-lac
ing, curvature of the spine, and hunch
Every scholar is aware that stays
are articles of attire of the very high
est antiquity, and that eestnsof Agale
was practically a corset Some an
tiquarians have ever contended that
the grid I j whieh Juno wore when she
wished to appear her loveliest In the
eyes of Jupiter was a pair of st-iys.
Hie Empress Messalina was wont to
have her body cravat adjusted
very tightly before she -reeeeded
to pass a happy evening in the suburra,
while m the reig I of Augustus an Im
proved corset was introduced called a
castula;" it fitted closely to the form,
and had the agreeable addition of a
dress improver.
The ladies' stays of the Middle A-es
were known as justaueorpV and
subsequently as "cotteshardies;" but
Isabeaii de Baviere, the consort of
Charles VL tf France, totally repudiat
ed stays, aud. beeides, laid it down as
a sumptuary canon that there should
be as iittle"drapiry as possible between
the necklace and the lace. When the
Italian Catherine brought In the
execrab'e busk, which was first of woed
or of ivory, the cors:t successively
d ve'qod in rigidity and obduracy. It
lecame a cage, it became a cuirnss,
and it had to be so tightly laced that,
the muscular power if the ordinary
femme de chambre" being inadequate
to the pulley-hauling required, the
court ladies used to send for the
strongest of the F.irts de la Ilalle to
tug at their stay-laces, and even these
athletic creatures could not accomplish
their task to the entire satisfac'.lorr of
I heir fnshionable employers without
pressing one foot firmly against the
bedpost in order te obtain the neces
sary pnrchase of leverage. The cor
sets of the present day, whether they
be machine-made or hand-fashioned
from the acr urate measurement of the
customer, invariably present the same
general characteristics of fastening in
front aud profusely boned at the sides;
whilo at the back thero is that disas
trous interstice with its permanent
criss-cross lacing, which can bo pulled
and hauled at until the vain and silly
wearer commits constructive suicide.
-London TcUgrnp
lMmel Fratt "the Great American
Traveler," who recently died at the
Boston City Hospital, was a curious
character. He was of unsound mind,
and for years wandered about the
country making speeches and dis
courses wherever he could find an
audience. Ho had traveled from
Maine to California many times. He
was very fond of lecturing to Harvard
students, and they gave him all sorts
of counterfeit diplomas and decoia
tions. He was a printer by trade.
An editor of a country paper hav
ing been invited to a picnic on the day
when his paper had to go to press,
called the boy who set the typo and
said: "Tom, I'm going away to-day
and haven't time to get out any more
copv. Take my articie headed "Party
Organization' and run it ift again, put
ting over it 'Republished by reqifest
That will save considerable time and
you can go to press at once." When
the editor returned from the picnic
and took up a copy of his paper, he
became justly indignant upou reading
the followlngi "Party Organization.
Republished by request of the 'editor."
Arkansaw Traveler.
Under tno constitution adopTd i
Holland in 1814, women landowners
and tax.payers are entitled to yote on
tue same terms as men, ana during the
past seventy-three years any qualified
woman who desired to vote has done so
without opposition. Br the recent ex.
tension ol sunragt 173 000 persons
have been enfranchised. Many of them
are won, en, and large numbers of
women now regularly attend the eleo-
tious. Indianapo is Journal.
-Ths full.grown hog has forty-four
toeth. of which twaty.fgijt are ft-
cca4 py pi RHtuj.
A largs number of society ladl -s In St
Paul ars reported to have abandoned b pro
JecUd reception for Mrs. Cleve a d be
cause ons member of the committee of re
ception was once a seamstress.
With every adTsnoe of emigration into the
far West, s new demand is created for Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters. Newly peopled region
are frequently less salubrious than older set
tied localities, on account ot the miasma which
rises from recently cleared land, particularly
along the banks of livers that are subject to
tresnt ts. The agricultural or mining emigrant
soon loarns, when he does not already know,
that the Hitters atfbnl tno only sure utoiectlon
Biralmtt malaria, and thone disorders of the
stomach, liver and bowels, to which citmate
changes, exuosare, and unaccustomed or ua
hesitur water or diet aubioct him. Coo
qneutly, be places sn ettlmare npon tins grest
notiiHinoia specino ana preventive commensu
ra'e with Its intrinsic merita and i careful to
kees on hand a restorative and promoter of
health ao Implicitly to be relied upon in time of
The Ameer of Afghanistan caused the
execution of bis phsic!an for applying Ir
ritating ointments It his arm.
Of those why die from consumption Inherit
me aisea-e. in all other ca-es it mut
either bo contracted through carelessness.
or. according to the Dew theory of tuber
cular paraaiten, received direct y from
others as an Infectious di ease. But In
either case, lh Pierce's ''Golden Medical
IMscovery is a ponitive remedy lor the
disease In its early stages. Jt is delav that
Is d&ngerone If you are troubled w th
shortness ot breath, spittingof blond, night-
sweats or a lingering rough, do not hesi
tate to procure this sovereign remedy at
The Sheriff of Chicago receives SUU for
eacn man ne nsngs.
Persons shooH never travel wlth'Uta
box of Bbandrbtb's Piixs. A few doses
taken before going on ship will prevent
sea sictnees, and one pill every nixht on
ship-boar 3 wil counteract theeostive action
ot the sea air. ',vhen sick, troubled with
tains, cola . or rti men, or hart- a riieu
matism. take from three to Ave plU. aud
if they do not opera e in an hour or o
t ae tnree or lour more.
Gen. tTm. B.
Franklin is president of a
company at Ilartlord,
And the artlflc at effects of rosmet'es. no
mat'er hiw deftly sppl e-d, can never make
beautiful or attractive one w n 1 1 suijjcet
to en-aviation nervous debility, or an
form of female weaknees Tbene must be
reached by inward application, and not b
outward attempts at concealment and th
ladies may take hope from the fact that
thousands ot their sisters have mae
themselves more radiant and be-ut'ful bv
the use of Or. Pierre's ".favorite I 'res- rip
tion" than they could ever hope to da by
the aid of the appliances of Lha toilet
fn the 8lat of New York ever
women are mem be 'S of the K. of L.
OFf EE KO. 173.
FBFEl To Mfrchasts Oslv: An
eleean t si I ver-pta ed Water PI tcher, frosted
and richly e rved: height 13 inch-. Ad
dress at once. R. W. i'aKsitx & Co., 65
State Street Chicago.
As as Csif-et Tor Mere Throat at aid
('Khs, " ltrovrn's Bronchial Trachea"
have been thorosghly tested, and maintain
a good reputation.
Palmer Ac Itey are the only live, and
energetic type founders upon this coast.
You ran obtain anything required in your
office from them at lowest rates.
Gen. Wes'ey Merritt. the gal ant i
general, la In regular service.
The cleansing antiseptic end hea'lng
qualities of Llr. Saga's Catarrh Kamsdj aro
Gen. John F. Hsrtra"ft ex-Governor of
Pennst lvanta, lives at Pniladelpbta,
Relief Is immediate and
a cure sure.
M cents.
Piao's Kerned j for Catarrh.
Try GavMsta for breaktaet
beautifying the t-kinef children and Infanta
and curing torturing, diatigurins;. Itchine, scaly
and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and
blood, with losMof hair, from Infancy tookiatfsv
the On icr-a Rkmkdies are infallible.
Ccnaiu, the irreat Ssuw LTR. and Wn-
crat - oap, a exquisite bain Beemtiner, pre
pared from it, externally, and CtrricCRa Kav
aoLvarrr. the new Blood Purines-, internally.
Invariably succeed when all other remedies
and the best nhrxleian fail.
CirrictiRA Rkmkmks are absolutely mrreaad
the only infallible skin beeuti tiers and blood
partners, tree rrom sassonous infrreaient.
Sold every where. Price.rUTici'Ra.S0c: 8or.
tie: RsnoLVKjrr. fl. Prepared by the Ho-rraa
unre amd chkmioal ix.. uoptoit. mash.
-Wfl frw -How tn Cure Skin Inseases.
li liVIUbkm aud Hoalu oreeerved and beanti
HADI 0 nt hy Crxict-RA lrrmTKi Hoap
clvs Catarrh
For months I suf
fered from a ver
Ely's Cream Balm
has wrked likt
mngie in its curt
after one week's
use. Ifeelaraiefut
for what it hag
aone for me.a m
J. Harris, (whole
sale gr cer) 119
Frvnt St., N. T.
A tmrtk-te t spp'led into eaeh nestrll and ta cmkl
Price (n ornt t drmnrtt ; by mall, ri.trred, 00 cetiia
ELY BKuTHElUi. US Umnwich tUnri, An York.
Caret all Diseases criginatin? from a
disordered state of tho BLOOD or
LIVES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Bolls, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Bheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
t. R. GATES A CO., Proprietors
417 Bsasome St. Ban Francisco.
San Francisco,
T Wtayte WU Portia Sd. Or.
Wholes snd Retail Dealer la
Guns and Sporting Goods.
L ,i.J is ! . J
HaDufaeturar' Afnt for
L. O. Smith's, Colt's, Remington, OVnt flnns
Ithlca. Parker's snd Manhattan ufiQl U llllS,
Winchester. Marlln. Ballard. Colt's
Jjightuing Uatcaaine
Colt's and Smith S$ Woasoa
Sead r CaMasn Ms. a
18S T 187 kieroud DSt Pertlaa. g.
A i
f 1 'ini" vesr VP1
f ,7An.
A w
Absolutely Pure.
Tht tiowtler nerer vartea A marvel of rrortty,
rrenui ana wnoiesomeness. siorw troaaoucai ww. .
vis onllnary kind.
ana cannot M soa in coiupcu- i
Hon with the multitude o low tett. short
slam, or phosphate powdeia Bo'd only to cans.
Bovafc BAJLDia f OWBKK Co., 109 WU1 Elroct, H. T.
1837 I
Fall as TT later. lMttT.
armiAL. aisocickhesti
New GoDfls aifl HoMlies!
ins; the srMval of a very lance shipnt nt
of XHW QOOUA and KOVELTIKS for all de-pa-tmenta.
The collection ind ndes all the latest
and tmwt tasidonaltte Kuropean and American
nrodaotiona, la design, oior and fabiie, eia-
Press Goods, Tweeds.
Ribbons. Ulstering.
Collars, Flannels,
Carta. ' Forttcres,
Rochlng-s, Cartaii.B,
Handkerchiefs, Blank eta.
Smbreiias, I Jnens.
Corse s.
II sw aeepiax
rVmn'es sent an stroll cation. Goods seat C
. IK, or on reeoipt of Postofllce Order.
8. W. Cor. Srd and Morris us, Pertland.
A. T ob Lot.
desire to e'ose oat to make loom fur new
S'ock. Order quick and get a barKaia:
No. St Montana Ballard Rlfiee, 45 100
cel.. aoubl trimrar. octaaron barreL 13
to 18 lbs 818 OB
a Ka It tnortinr Ballard, ronnd barrel.
0-63 oat, 30 inch. S lbs li OO
S Shxrp's Rifle "Old Rellsble," IV 100 eat,
octagon, doable triggrer, 11 to IS lbs. .... S SO
S Springfield Army Kifies, t3-70 cal f 0B
Write for farther particulars.
H. T.
Ytrtlaad. 0 egos.
S3 First street
Saved Is s doliareened. W sail for a big Amorku
SoUaranyot th lollowinj item : iO S. Rics ; 10
fee, Pearl Barley ; S5 . Split res ; IS Bn. Tsptoca
er Beo ; SO Mixed or Plain Bird Seed ; 1 box So.
1 Macaroni er Varmieelli ; 4 ts. Baking Powder ;
t. rather" Delphi Ooffa ; S j. Jspaa Tea ; 4 Cat,
Hotal Mixed Tea ; IS small er S lars cans Oyster
U cans Tnasatoes. Dried and Canned f roita of this
year's erop new toady to distribute. They ars An
quality, and price reasonable. Flour Is lower
food time to ft a supply. Order the best, and
hav toed faraad. Sand for full list te 1TTIIS
CAB II BTORE, US and llf Clay Straet, Saa
Incandescent Light
The term incandescence, so much
used at present indicates a white heat
or the glowing whiteness of a body
caused by Intense treat The little
glass bulbs, remarks a writer oa this
subject with their brilliant horseshoe
of glowing filament attract no more
attention than the flickering gas jets.
Hut tho facts about the gas jet are, un
like those of the electric lamp, easily
and generally understood. Both pro
duce light by incandescence, the mole
cules of gas being rendered incandes
cent by the heat generated by the com
bustion of other molecules. The blue
portion of every gas flame is where
combustion is taking place, and from
there comes the heat which keeps the
rest in a state of incandescence. With
the electric lamp it is the heat produced
by the friction of an electric current
compelled to go through a fine carbon
filament which raises that filament to
a condition of incandescence, which
produees light Boston Budget, .
- : ,. :
1 hose who have a conscience and
put it into their work and never swerve
from the plala path of duty achieve
certain triumph. Christian Advocate,
The communistic colony at Port
Angeles, on Puget Soqnd, now numbers
150 persons. They own two thousand
acres of land, and expect to build and
operate a saw-mill soon. Unlike other
successful colonies, they pro fees no re
Ugieus basis, and oast aside creed.
is SS -i
Sloth is the key of poverty.
With the generality of men, pnliey
is much more powerful than principle.
There aro ft:v who eenoeive how
instrumental the tongue is te salvation
or condemnation. QuesneL
, Jennies Why. Annie, your hair is
II mussed, your collar is tora and you
srs as pud as a isat As il Charlie
wr is)
w r m
; i ; '
al I W II 'M v
f s
One tottfe take according to directions
will giro bettor result than a gallon ef
Sarsapan'Ha. or any of tho so-called Blood
PuriGen with which tho market fo glutted.
At Druggists, price ff.OO per bottle.
win be paid for attf east of Rheumatism
whieh Dr. Pardee's Bemedf. proper! ad
mtnhterod. fails to reliefs.
ret Xtr wX f,ive
st i b avtmc Tmc, B.4k4 Pan tar, A7fet-itr a 14 I,jver
Ou0 bre J. P. Allen. KL. Paul. Mt,
To as a Dr, F ample worth fl.5fl. FRF.R.
l.ue n(H tmsicr th horae- foe, a' rite B nr.
srsa's Sirrr Estx Boutsa Co., Holly ,3Iioh.
9 I till II M I . Oabler. Koenish Haaos: Bar
det Organs, band tnatramoBts. Largest stock
of bheet m Oslo Avaa Ixxucsw Banassnpsiieaa
Kaatara prices. M. UK A x CO.
aw raw siree. naa rnonm,
Self-PLaying Musical Instmnsnt.
steif tbadayearactty. lica Inm $15 W ivji. Write
riara Ctasalesl. Saerad. Danes and an Uia eeotuar m
Kohlar a Chau, ttaa Franciaco, for eawuw-oo.
JsrvLacderbscli'j Ge-mas Citirrh Remedr. li J
Ft Mi. pmoi ffeat Umzistt. Mailed fixr 10c i&iu.irs
THO i t'SCS azacc me d.OTrry of th mrfbod at
Xiu:o s. a. Ui Mtiwrii a rn.. a A. s.
Saw Sec-tiokai. bIats or
Revised te Kovesnber, 1SS7.
TS Each. Together. SI .
Kailad anywhere- Address,
J.SL GEtX a CO. Fnh'ii,
Patuad. t resna.
The Oregon National Bank,
IStnomito MiIiimiIIIiii rilalllll l Y
CArrTAi. paio rs. - fioe.or)
Tranaaew s uenerai ranrrf
AfWrSTS k-r anbiec aariipek.
hHXcl BXOHAJiOK o Saa Fiaueiice sod Kew Tork.
XAKKH O. oa fTnUe ten
rreaHtena. Vleo-r
U V. BHEKMAW. Caabier.
"tub" FLOR de MADRID
Cboiee t. Tarest and Kort Delieion
ley wist mm mn w m wim
S,rt mix at afl awrtrns s.-aaes.
f t n CIIITU Foa-niKD. Or.
I. n. U. OKIIIil. lrn w x.
Sole Agent.
i 8roCASsF4ai,W.Z.
Aifiuau. ts
Send for
11 BSat Map of FLORIDA 80PTH- ss9
at EfUf B. K. LAKDS. Foor Sail ton acres,
feserTcioa and
snitabte for Orsnees, Lenaocs, Otivea, Fineapcle
ftmanas. Is traa-berries and er!y v getabiesv Fo
sale on Kjojt cre.1-. Lji Mfl wrjer sera.
M. SOLOMON, Geo, S. w. ktX
XSi ae.CLarKl
rat, CftuVaso, Ilia.
Is ncfsoawftjj pertion snc iStS ystrosyiSaMl If ubp
Irwiaes mem mod fcadiag ducmr
of Hi dM cm tlttt CoawtT It effers pilwf r class
ifrMjructKtt o-tt mnm cttcmf tnrougrtottc ur year,
BaakioK. ScwmriawLTt at-wi itra. Bormbi whI kxm
Fvrnia td all Contmos. Schsso? BrantAm Hts-jeiits
f ai aiees ansl both aevea amrtter mny trine.
Catalog ne free, AxinMiong aadViiact, rroprietora.
Viae SCTIH 60011 ta
awol Sews, i
, eaaeai yeaur. 49-3151
I IUi taveIao,w(tat ores-
3.500 UlststratioBs
orltolo Ptetsur Ciollerw,
GIVKI -WarolessOo Prices
direct fo emmters mm. an sreodo lo
personal or anally aaw. Veils ktow to
order, sua! rrs exact oosS of e-vesT-
tsdstaT vena stsew eat, afrtBSt, -sreour, ow
kaiwo fsua wtta. Tsmoo I5VAL ABLB
BOORS eosiswtm twfmaaaUow clewsaeol
troirn tsto market or the world. We
will swoAI a eopy rHK8 So af od
aureas open reortp oT IO osa. Ss efrwy
expesuo or sniiist Sjs
yoav. RespeetTaUly,
SS-V aV ea Wian Avesno. CUeiavsro. IU.
The Van Ilonciscar
Teams', sakldl seed aa
era. wngte or ssamea saw
and au wbo SB9ex wna
Wemns Debility, 6persa
tearhea, Beminal Losret
Sexual Deoar .Tallin Mea
orr. Weak esas. Look flf
V FneraT. slso Blood ant
" - Skia Ilwaia emhirj.
Erovskwa Hair FalUnt
Hone mas waiiiar
Sol Throat, TTawn, K
laeai of Metetzry, slidaev
and Bladder Troablei
Woak Baek. Bnminc
I'rtoo, (MMBiaw Uis
aro praaarA sod
Bath Heies CowestU towSdeattallj
ooeo to m-
TTlta TUrOW-afT.
( Manufactured by Palmer it Rey,)
F.O.H. cara r 1sia mt Poi-tlststd
1 Ox 145
We guarantee the press to be the
Best and Cheapest
In the Market.
but no oincn.
Palmer & Hey,
112 and 114 Front Street,
Portland, Oregon.
5. P. K. VJ. Na t. T. Ht. . K. SO.
11 I I
v J
S u
IBs u.'l-sfceil TfVa
,mrrn 3E323S2? -
KldneyLiver Lledlclno
aaEFass ustyvnx TO rxtx.
CUBES all Disease of tiie Kidneys,
Liter, Bladder, and Urinary Organ sj
yropy, Oravel, Ulabotes, Brlks
Plsesvso, Pain la toe Back. -Trains,
or Side; Betootioa o
Kon-Xtetentloa ofXTriae.
Narron Diseases, Female
tryoakBOSses, Excesses, otaandloo.
Bllloaaness, Headache, Soar Btotaawrii
Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Pile.
fAJL, as It sets directly and at oaee on ta
tvldnevs. liver snd Bowels, reatorfej-
tkem to a healthy action. HC5T3 REMEDY I
a safe, sore, and speedy onre. sod mmdreds bavs
beea cored oy it wnea physicians and fetead
fcsd g-tron them cp to die. sot steUy, txy aS
ones BUST a BE&tEDT.
8 snd for Psmphlet to
E'JMTS r.Ei'ISY C3.,
Provldeaec. R. I
AkyotttdrntaH1TST'8REatKIT. faks ooother
InYsilds Mi zzi Surpsd !astil:3
Stair of riewreew rxoTtt weed aatd SsUOs.
ful A-curstrsaas ami mm mi
Patients treated bore or at their homes. Many
treatod nt hotne, tlirotiU corresporiKlcooii, nt
ruocessf ully as if bora In person. Cam xsvi
ee os, or sortd ten enrtts ia stamps for our
nosiiet' Gaide-Bnok," which gives ail rtrtio-
Cai. Association, 14 Aix:n be, t uitma, ti.x.
Tor m worn-orrt. Trm-Sorm." VH?talaed
school teachers, milliners. aesrtaWrcOKa, hctiK?-
kecrws, nnd overworked women sn ncrr.-.-,
trr. Pieroc'8 Favorito Prcscriptirm s the f"t
of all -rstornltve tonics. It is not a " Cnre-s ")."
but aararrabiy fufOis a grnghnciM ef yturitcec.
berna; a mo ootent Specs 6c for ail these
Chror-le "tVonknosgca and Discosns pccalwr to
women. The trpstmcrrt of many thmisand
of such enSTS, et the Invalids Heeel and Sunr
Ical Inst itute has nfTordcd a large experieoes
in adaptins; remodJee for their euro, and
Er. Fisrss's Favcrits Prsscnpil:a
Is tbe vewnlt of 'this vast exerleee. For
iniemal congestion, lnflampiallon
and nice rati oil. It is a Specific It
is a powerful guoerat, as wen as utr-vine. trmio
and nor-rloe, and imports visor end rrn-in
to the whole svstm. it eiires vcakmss ef
Storoncb, tnd!jion, bloattoff. wek txtck.
norvotts proet ration, eitiaustioa, defeoitv and
eiecpk-snfaiis, in citiier ecs. Favorite Prescrip
tion M sow ey ortifrn-hits) nntler oar pocdise
gttarmttee. Sao wrapper arotrod boitte.
rJend 13 eenta fn stamps for Dr. Pierce's rare-
Treatise on Disease rf Women ( Kd rr
rixr-covcrcdi. Address. World's ri--.r!r.
S ART MEDICAb AsSOClATtOK, 6cS kUtia fctnVt.
auixaio, m. i. t
Ajrri-BiMors and catttauti.
f?lT!rwn TXeadlaebe,
Ii Jrsiiel'rif p
tton. Indiareat lo:.
and Bilious Attaclis,
Sromptiy eurwi or r.
leree's Pleasant
Pursjatlye Pellet. H
eents a viaL by PruEststa,
l . - S '
Re atos water srpes; so ktail.o year toosbs. For de-
scrivtioa, atUraav -
X. T. WZISHT, Feet storr s oa St. FerUaad. Or.
AaodeateraaTBresMRCwdGencmlMaelsknTy. Ma
aw Work, Laandry Jaacfainerr, a taet at'trrg yoa
waaa. Qea. A-t for th ft-hi?-saB Gu2 iMi t nrtTta
ee ar Beetsl rAtawaaa. Pvsv.
t Irrnl Irfalrit lv.rllr
aao r avalfei, with 1st saat is, Mrs,
Vlaita kevrml iwterlor tow a. semsl
fsreirenUr. J. M. tlfclactoa.M. I
Si a. iH-ksat'sasitdlaa Portlawd.Or.
: 3
tthiS Sia AU kkni fA-.-i.
t wtcn syr-ip Tfls- srwi. (ns
Is PreVf Jy Sr. Is Taomfsoa a
elebrAted eye watej
Tfcoi artir' & earefaBy ftvprnftA Tfhyidtmm ars
wdhptiom. mod fc h vm tmsmmt twa l tij
eeasnir. and bo wi r bfKtwasr Im bmbt eUrar oTrwa-
tttoM that have beea HtSnxitj. irrln tha awkffsv, ebo
aat of this arttcfe i aaMaaUy (Mil, tf the d-
r moM are kojcw(s n wui never tmiL we fnrttt
larW atrrite thr- mtUmt ioa pi ahvjFOiaa k ft meri.
3 ohm I. ThtintSom 6m Ce . TTt Y. N Y
Tb -l aal Only Oenwlco.
SJaaaaSMva r..-.'V.). S-wmw af worth kwa tataMsvs,
Pdt-y? to HS3. A.k Jaw IknjnrM U
"CSteSiaSit' &e!iiRaa tae aaviaw. . Utuko a
aM t l.ooalta ...yatia, Ad P-r "Caivkoa,
ter'a Kaaliaa t'ajreia FHia. tafeaaaaa.:
Cic bja - . ,,, .i.v, of
JKje- rf, .T..1 Sa t .
-et aai.wial iariiti,
"V:cR?irr itwos-
n lutsft'ioca,
A. 1- SMI IA.
IWaoiord. Fi
tm. art -
": .t ta
t i-niia
iBaaa iaa pmrtm waat rn muti
iMmm Mbrafta-aethM. PaaaS
wlaaaotbiKwUk a-feeart, BaH
adrarttwdtoaarsatlui Ipm
asadtaM. tla far Ik OK
apMifte saraaaa,
F aliaalaia crtae tan Ca
Wiiala.atila..iiCan.m Staa- -
rrm fc. t C, jo v.
ficma Electric Belt Agency
171 Vnnisa kat VaWaa. a.J trS. V S11
T 1 V K1T. 1
I - ' tnsz awadatl g "
s a waa kaa us., arcs, aVklsaassa tVUU X & ti T 1 2
Poriland, Uregtia.
AH ri,Mia anoutiifuHy snated. Chnato said Itw
w Yrotib a a .veealtT. ieaOMtaMn, SoaijMt
wil and Karroua 1Mb Uty. HamiBnt Wainsa ull
Ii&a Al anbcMKt c-a.r.,llj araae&ii w)U aba awi of V a
tluiuiui icat Ai.w-i isiu aai.l aUMraioacn
ar-plianca. Sexual lS.iiaan taitw ty u ssh, u qum
wa A T-.yla ar.J is .
Ba Kin. WW'-T Hi'mliKa
aui wop mm a tmnw a- aau.s, errsia
F pyf