The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 28, 1887, Image 4

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Quite as Interesting lis Whm on the
Stupe How Stags Beauties Enjoy Life
in tlie Country Sunimerlnr In a Cot-
Seem in undress, tho actor Is units as inter
esting as when on parade. Caught in a bnby
waist under tbe ancestral trees of Fonthill,
Clara Morris has mo as she never
dil in buckrnin and p-case paint. Smoking a
brier wood pipe and wearing a tarpaulin hat,
Edwin Booth, at Cohasset, had a philosophic
dignity that ho never attained in Hamlet;
and Lawrence Barrett, shivering hU timber
and beisyins a yacht, warnvid the heart cs no
Roman senator could possibly Co cn the the
atrical fleck. Those fortunate peop'.a who
hare seen Mapie Mitchell in her noma at
Long; Branch bar found out where sh re
newed her voutb, end to catch Joo Wheeloek
at tho Highlands hitching tip that big horse
of his white he talks about cement and ma
nure is, es the phrase goes, "worth the price
of admission."
It was only last summer thai I caught Es
tclla Ciayton and tier beautiful Bister making
outdoor sketches on the Hook mountain, end
when everybody was wondering wher ZeliO
- do Lussnn was. I found her ploying croquet
in starry stockings on the back lawa of a
hidden cottage at Richfield Springs.
Do you renwmber Lar.ra Don's strawberry
shortcake in the Catskili, and Mrs. Ilar
kius' midnight potato salad nt Larchmont, or
can you have forgotten Hate Forsythe's
cherry pie I
Somewhere t:p between the Catskill r.nd
the llnnsatio rang is a smtjr little cotta:-e,
with a honeysuckle on top and a winii cellar
at bottom. There was a red cheeked, daik
eyed lass who came otit and held our horses
one June momins oud asked us in to have
some curd and whey. It was Edna Cary;
and we went red sat on a tuftit. like the
Mother Goose heroine, while she lo!d us how
to make "-pot cbeew.71
Then did vie not catch tha elegant Ccorj
Clarke cut m a retired Connecticut, va.e
swinging a scythe, and pMng every ten min
utes to a jng of mottssi-s end vhtegrtr under a
tree, to convince himself that he was a horny
banded son of toil? WtS, I should think we
did. How manv times that summer did he
excuse himself at rehearsal because he had to
get bis hay inf
Who doe tit Imose that Rrw Corhlnn
raised oio:is one season as a pastime on the
noble Hudson? V ho does r.ot know tlir.t
within view of Tniedo, Charlotte Thompson
has au old farm house tuat would do your
heart good to stop at, if sbe we at honvf
Who has not heord of Crockett lodge, where
Frank Mayo, after his season's work, melts
into hospitaii v, and where the table srroans
under his viand?, and the jruests groan untie;
his pujiosoj foy? ieruans jou nave never
been at Jiaeder lawn? Ob, wei!, that's your
loss. Go tuere u you ever get the chance.
Actresses do not buy Khine stones as much
as they once did. They incline to lavrn
cutters and natent cburtrs. Vcu ought to
see Liiiian Knssell miik a cow, or Mrs.
Bowers in a AVaiteau hat feeding berturkejs.
I remember Clara Lionts-e ICeliogsyodeliiigai:
ono summer with an alpenstock at Cold
Spring, and as for Fanny Davenport, she
hau ben looking for a thatched couaw these
ten years, and Sirs. Tiiurber, as you know.
has got a log cabin in tho Catskiils, nnd
Lester Wallack 'goes down" to bis place r.t
Stamford every summer line an Engitsh
Why, I've seen a premier danseuw Cixl
rest ber soul! Fhe's dead now in bc-htmil
shoes riding on a load of hay in Connecticut
and enjoying it.
There's a lis tie weather stained box in a
nook of tl:e Shaw&ngnnk mountains, five
miles from any other bouse, where ono of the
most beautiful of our actresses lived for three
,1r.,M-tt r,,K l . . i - . : 1 i
have never been there, but I have seen pboto-gt?t-s
of it, and 1 know the country. There
ere co cewsimjierR, co tegrajilis, no neiph-boi-s;
but there imtst be a oi d deel of quit't.
Xym Ci-iukie in Jfew York World.
Binua Skins Afrnmpil.
Last week, at a suiurl:an railway station
near Boston, an elderly, about to
get on to the train, was seen to kick under
the wheels a banana skin lying on the plat-foi-ra,
and to do it with a manifestation of
such positive ferocity as totnako the bystand
ers look on ith amazement that time and
the long experience ef life should have done
so little to calm the violence of an explosive
temper. 2?ot content, however, with sucj
physical exhibition of feeling, too irate gen
tleman then addressed himself to the con
ductor in toe following language: ' If your
corporation wouid oniy hanj to the nearest
lamppost the first man, woman or child that
flings a banana skin on a rr.ilroad platform,
the wbole country wouVl rise np ar.-d o-quit
The sentiment seemed a little extreme: but,
strange to say, it was no sooner ottered than
nother passenger broke out: "Yes, that's
the way to talk ; one of t.ose skins cost me a
broken thigh and four months in bed."
Whereupon tho old gentleman and the wit
ness so suddenly raised op in illustration of
the trnth of Lis doctrine shook hands and be
came fast friends. Indeed, in this prosaic
werld it is not often that the blood of the
martjTs becomes so immediately and visibly
the seed of the church. For it was perfectly
legille on the faces of the rest of the passen
gers that the elderly, personage tfcey had so
lately regarded as a warning against an un
govcrned temper was now looked upon as an
inspired prophet flaming with righteous
wrath. Boston Herald.
reeling Against Tramp Photographers.
"Amateur photography is the craze just
now," sssid a country lady the otlicr day.
"At least, it is assuming great proportions.
The outfit docs net cost much, and it is easily
learned. The amateur photographer is in
vading the privacy of the country these
bright spring days and catching no cna of
rural sights in bis dark box. Some of us arc
beginning to look upon the incui-sions with a
feeling of resentment. We dou'fc know at
what moment or in what att itudes we are go
ing to be kidnaped. It isn't more than fair
that we should not bedemateriaiized without
our consent We don't like to be surrepti
tiously caught without having bad a chance
to tidy up. My house dog is beginniEg to
regard a photogiaphing tramp as little more
than an ordmary tramp." Philadelphia Call.
lirighttm Vonn- as a Leader.
Only a very brief and superficial acquaint
ance with Salt Lake City is required to dis
cover that Erigham Young was a very able
man and ijossessed remarkable qnnlitirs as r.
leader. Salt Lake City was originally laid
out by him in squares or blocks of ten acres
each, the points true to the points of the
compass, and crossing at right angles. Thr
streets were wdc 13d feet and from Emi
jrration canon the supply of water was
brought down, distributed through roadside
putters on both sides of every street, and
forming irrigating canals which enabled
every resident to cultivate his plot of ground
and make of the barren waste a garden. In
the disti"Ibatim of the land every .pioneer
resident was given an acre and a quarter for
town house and garden and as much land
outside as he was willing to improve that is,
irrigate and cultivate. Children wci-o a
cource of revenue ia those days; perhaps thaf
and the necessity for coring for unprotected
wotnen were, as claimed, the reasons for the
bsginning of the horrible blt of polygamy
t oil this singular land, so full of all manner
ct fair possibilities, Jennie June in Demo-
la JlorUily.
Koats Alade of Pacr.
Racing shells and other boats are now made
of paper at Lansingburg, K. Y. Ono boat
has been built as largo as forty-two feet long
by four feet four inches beam, to hold forty
two persons, and a steam launch nineteen
feet long, worked by a one horse power oil
engine, boat and engine together weighing
but 4S0 pounds, mas last fall successfully run
at a speed of about ten miles per hour on the
upper Hudson. The cost is something above
that of wood. Chicago Times.
Learned His lesson Too Well.
A Vermont boy learned to make cider
branny in hii mother's teapot from the in
. formation touceming the "physiological
effects of nl.ibol" contained ia ono of hi
r" ;igatory text books
the cash girl at lunch.
When She FreiU Too Well the Itctt
ChII Her to Account.
A stout, well dressed man sauntered Into
the lunch n'in connected with ono of the up
town drTpxnls st.inm the other duy. His
keen blue eves t'Hik in llio occutianu of the
room, but he seemed to be entirely occupied
with his thoughts as he stood at one of the
windows, apparently looking out into the
A little cash girl came into the room and
sat do n at one of the tables reserved for
employes. In a moment sha was Joined
by another ensh girl, and this couverxnttoti
. "ilarv " said the nrst little Ctrl, "what are
you going to have for lunch V
-I am going to have a sandwieh and a glass
of milk, replied alary.
"Oh, I am going to have mora than that,"
said the first girl, with a nod; "my mother
gave me a quarter to spend for lunch."
The stout man did not appear to pay any
attention to this conversation, but when the
two girls had finished and gone away he
walked up to the waiter and asked:
"What did Lillie Gorman buyr
"SWa lught chicken salad and ice cream,'
replied the waiter.
"How much did it cost r
"Thirty cents," was the reply.
The stout man nodded, and leaving the
room, walked down stairs to where the cash
girls were busily floating around. Quickly
singling out tiie one he was in search of, he
caili-d her aside into a room which was fitted
up like an otlloe.
ow, Hiii, he said, "I want you to tell
me where you got the money to pay for your
exivnsive lunch to-day.
Lillie turned all the colors of the rainbow.
but, assuming an nir of innocence, saut:
-I got it from mv mother."
"Very well," said the stout man. "Where
does vonr mother livef I am going up to
her and nk lier about it."
The little rogue was now thoroughly fright
ened and burst into tear After a short in
terval she confessed that she had stolen the
"nionvy from a parcel. She received a severe
talking to, aftor which she was taken before
the superintendent and discharged.
"These young ones are the torment of my
life," said the detective to a reporter. "Many
of them are as expert as professionals at
thieving, and ran he with the assurance of
l.osa bunco steerer. Kvery day word comes
from one of the counters that wrong change
has be n received. Oh. of course, the ciih
girl didn't take it! The tears well up in her
eyes, and you feel like kicking yourself for
having breathed a word against such f. chwub.
AH the time she is lying like a small sized
fSatan. The first question a detective asks
himself when he suspects a m of theft is:
What has lieeome of the liootyl Then he
waits to see the thief dispose of it. 1 bats
what I do with these little thieves. I have
found that when they steal their natural de
sire is to get rid of their money light away.
The lunch vouater is the place they come to
to do it. When I see one of them indulging
in luxuries and eating as much in one day as
they earn in two, then I know the eanse, and
I make no bones of accusing her right away.
r.ew ork Bun.
A Club Stan on Hlnners.
"What are you thinking alxnit, chaipi"f
The club man to whom this question was
addressed started as though surprised at the
discovery that he was cupable of sufficient
intellectual effort to think, ltecovering him
self, he replied:
"I was thinking what a beastly liad dinner
I had last night."
"Wasn't well cooked?"
"Oh. ves, weit enough cooked, and FI1 even
go so far as to say that the various wines
were served with the right corn's "s. But for
all that the dinner wasn't first class."
"What the deuce was the matter w ith it or
with vouT
"Yon think perhaps I wasn't first class!
You're mistaken. I was prime."
"Grant that then. What was tue matter
wilh the dinner!"
"It lacked refinement. I can't say just
where or how. Refinement is like the odor
of a rose. You cau't define is. But a jwrson
of refinement is painfully conscious of its
presence in others."
From the eminence of his ideali-d refine
ment be continued: "There are really onlv
two houses in Jew York where you can get
a perfectly apointed dinner. The bead of
one is a European, and his entourage reflects
the taste of a cultured European lie is 3Vr.
August IVlmoiit ; the other gentleman, Mr.
Francis E. Kives, is from the south. Somt
people the parvenus of society say the IVk
monts are !oing their grip on society. They Ye
not losing tljeir grip, they are simply letting
go of it. Tny are tired. Jew ork Cor
(Causas Citv 1 imes.
A Dnnble IiMil1et If nraanitarian.
A cprightly only gentleman skipped along
Fulton street under the "Rambler's" eve the
other dav, switching a slender cane and star
ing about keen'y. Suddenly he gave a jump
to the starbor.rd, said: "Ha! another." and
sent a ve'Sow lnana peel flying the gut
ter. I alwavs do it," remarked he. "Make
it one of my few aims in life, you know. Fell
once. Bsastlyl Cant paf a peel, and now
go alout looking for 'em. It's my mania, you
know. People shouldn't toss the peelings
around, sliould they Of course not: but
people are so ea-elens, I have to?d fifteen
peels into the gutter in one hour's walk. That
might mean almost, as many broken legs.
with perhaps some ril, a shoulderhlade or
two and a neck thrown in. People shouldn't
doit. Ah! there's one on the cro-e-hig. It's
a bad place to throw it, I'm after it Not
going that way? Well, good by; don't think
meacrank; I'm a double distilled human ta
rian. So jwaise; no praise; can't help it; fell
once myself. " Brooklyn Legle "Rambler."
Nearly as Good aa Mark Twain's Frog.
An old gentleman at Tewkesbury for many
years rode a blind horse. Thoujrh sightless,
the steed, which had probably been a good
fencer once, had learned to jump whenever
be received a hint that he was desired to do
so. One day, after a run with the hounds.
some hunting men were talking in the bar of
a hotel alxmt big jumps, and the owner of
the blind horse stoutly maintained that that
animal would jump over a single obstacle
which none of their hun ter would leap. He
was realy to hack his words with money,
and as tlie result of the conversation he made
four bets of $5 each on the subject. Very
soon the four sportsmen repented of risking
their money so rashly. 1 he owner at tu
blind horse put down a straw in the street.
and this constituted the "obstacle." He rodi
UP to it, and the blind steed, responding U
his call, "rose at the rasper," clearing it with
a bound four feet in the air, ami covering
twelve feet of crround at least. one of the
other four horsos would rise at a straw, ano
the owner of the blind horse was 30 richer
Court Journal.
curing tor the Feeble.
A la'ly entered a fashionable grocery store
m this city not long since and put this ques
tion to one of tbe polite attendants: "What
kind of cheese have you for invalids?" This
reminds us of a tall, lank, red nosed man who
came into a country store with a large jng,
which he piaced upon the counter with the
remark: "I want a gallon of rum baby's
hies. Boston Crazette.
Too Much to Kxpect.
rsecanse an acquaintance expresses an
opinion which does not jibe with yours, do
not lose your temtier, my friend, and call him
little fool. It is too much to expect that
every fool can come up to your standard.-
Bos. on Transcript.
Honesty Always Wins.
Irate Citiaen See here, sir, that land "yon
sold me is under water half the time.
Heal Estate Man Yes, I supposed yon
wanted it for a Uh pond. Don't Bee what yon
bought it for if you didn't.
"Gi-e-at snakes! Why didn't you say it
wasnt fit to build on? How was I to know
tne Missouri river had a mortgage on itf"
"I stated the fact that it was very ktr land
in my advertisement."
"Never said a word about it"
"Oh, you're mistaken. It was in great big
type. 'Land for Bale. Very Low.'" Omaha
Kacrittcing Heirlooms.
Omaha Boarder Seems to me this chicken
must be rather a jieculiar breed.
Boarding House Keeper It is not so ten
der as it ought to be. I kuow, and I cau't
imagine w-hy, either, it's a genuine Ply
mouth Rock.
"Mylmyl Came over in tiie Mayflower,
or Omaha w oria
jj rjj? JJ(JpJ SJJQp
The HI Speculator and the Little FUuea.
Calling Out the Quotation A Trilling
llVrnee The Man Who Ildn't Ppee-
It betaken for granted that every one
knows what a bucket shop Is. The wealthy
tovk broker would define it as a wicked place
where people can hot on the fluctuations of
stocks, which is a decidedly demoralising
thing; and the broker's clerk will tell you that
it is a stock exchange where the isMir man
has an eomd chance to the extent of his
means with his rich employer. Both these
definitions, as its haptens, are in a measure
correct. And this can be shown by an Instance
of everv day occurrence in the vicinity of
Wall street.
Mr. Von tloUlMiiith telegraphs his broker:
"Sell 10,1X10 Northwest" The broker says to
himself: "Ah! the old fox is going to get
out." He tosses the order to the bookkeeper,
and rushes down to the exchange.
The bookkeeper, Ix'fore entering it, taken a
bill from the till, debits himself with it
on the books, and calling a messenger loy
says to him. "Run to Handcuffs At Darby
wilh this note and money. Fly I 1 lie loy
fliea out of the oftlee and around the comer
and then reads the note: "Sell for me twenty
shares N. W. at lii." Instead of going
directly to the bucket shop in New street, the
boy runs up Broadway to Wall, down Wall
and Exchange place, ami Anally to tue des
tined shop. But in the meantime he has met
half a dozen or more of his "pals," ana lias
aidtothotn: "Say, cullv, look at this. Here's
a point fer yer. Oet any money! Lmnme
have It." From one and the other he gets a
quarb-r, or a dollar, or something, until he
probably succeeds in raising tlie nvcemary t-t
the lowest stun you can play on in a bucket
shop. Then he goea, ta-fore delivering his
message, to another bucket shop and ones
out to tlie clerk, "Say, I'll sell you five N. W .
at Vi" The clerk takes bis Older and the
money, balances a quarter on his finger and
says, "Wher. did yon get that, sonny r
Bonny reaches out for the quarter ami re
plies in breathless haste: "Old Goldstein
ordered our boss to soli out this morning."
Meanwhile the bookkeeper has handed the
order to the bUgrah operator, and be ap
pears to tie engaged for several minutes in
calling up the operator w ho has to take the
order for transmission to t'e gentkmau
reiresenting the firm on the Block Exchanges
In rmllty he la talking to some or iihi cliums
on tuts "point," ana a-Jttng litem to -go n
tor htm. Later on the other clerks get hold
of the information, a ooi is made, and one
lips out to a restaurant near by w hich has
telepltone, ami orders Northwest to be sold to
the extent of his fellow workers pool. Dur
ing the morning there are a number of
loungers in the front mom of the oflh-e, some
of whom are in the habit of "tipping" the
clerks. One of them says: "Hello Godfrey,
any newsf Ami tlie elerx answers: "Hell
Korthwest. Big thing." T wo or three of
the broker's customers then take a walk, and
it happens to lie itt the direction of a bucket
shop. In this way the spirit of gambling
may le said to prevail throughout tlie pur
liens of Wall street.
These bucket shops are nearly all fitted up
in the same manner, and in describing one
yon describe all of them. Tuey are generally
in basement. One of the largest, however.
is on the street level, and the flrvt thing that
strikes yon at the entrain' Is a five cent lunch
stand, w hich is rather significant of the ab
sence of millionaires at such places. At the
far end of the room is the clerk, an amiable
ami handsome young man, w ho calls out In
itials an-i tractions m a lively, persuasive
voice, Just a tlie croupier at a succeraf ul rou
lette table might do. Iu fact, if you bav
Tisited M'Mite Carlo, you cannot but wonder
why after he has shouted "!., L. and W.
even-eighths," he die not add to it "make
your game while the bail rolls," Just as any
other croupier might doi Early in tlie
morning be has no need to do this shouting.
He has before him at the dk any number of
people who nave a lavorire numlier upon
which they desire to play or "copier." It is
really similar to gambling on roulette
table, with this trifling difference. At the
few remaining tables in Europe the gamblers
dream dreams, which, according to a code.
are reduced to numbers. In this case the
gambler or speculator gets up early, reads
the newspapers, sees the brokers' clerks as
s-xw as the offices are open and, as a rule,
for half an hour after the bucket shops open
toere is a l usu to tbe counter. .
No women are seen in then, bucket shops.
and, indeed, these gatherings can scarcely be
called representative o" those w ho gamble in
stocks, for the reason that many of them do
not care to lie sen in such places. For such
there are offices rovided where Ihey xji
gamble in comparative privacy. Each of tbe
larger bucket shops has some twenty -five or
fifty agencies, 1 hey hire a cheap top story
room, put in a clerk, a desk aud a telephone.
find receive orders from them all duy. Here
the women go, and once in a way yon will
meet in some of tbe large buildings a man
with a gentle, peace on earth voice inquiring
lor me commission orocer s oinec. tor even
Clergymen, some few of tuem. speculate.
They get points from members of their con
gregattor, and one of the most amivdiig
things in the wbole business is toe long ex
planatious some of them feel called uion to
make when giving an order. They always
assume great ignorance of tlie si.nple business
modes, and have only consented to dabble in
such mysteries at the earnest request of Mrs.
A tall man, with a big black beard, is seen
pretty regularly in one of the bucket shops.
He is a bachelor, and retired from the
with a comfortable competence, sjometbing
led him into Wall street, and now he is a
confirmed gambler in stocks. Tbe clerk and
ha are on friendly terms. After the stock
exchange closes they often have a little chat
together, and sometimes he permits himself
to break through Ids ordinary conservatism
and ask an opinion on certain stocks. After
one of these chats last week he broke a long
silence with tlie philosophic remark:
'Fears to me real curus, young fellar,
t'.iat with your smartness and all what you
know you dont get rich right off. How is itf"
"Well, I never speculate," replied tbe smart
young fellow, with a smile.
"Xever speculate!" exclaimed the surprised
seafaring man.
"No, I am quite satisfied with my salarv."
The captain looked at him steadily for a
moment and then softly whistled. It was a
revelation to htm. But the lesson it -on-
veyed will probably be ignored, for how can
a man who has Siettt his whole life dealing in
stocks understand tbe fluctuations of such
things as well as one who has traveled the
world over in ships. New York Tribune.
uitrlng Riperlmrnc
Some years ago Professor Mason, cf ITew
Haven, Conn., was tlie lecturer on physiologj
and toxicology at that college, and it was hi
custom to illustrate his lectures with experi
ments upon the lower animals. On one oc
casion, while telling tho students the efft
of various poisons, be remarked tbnt the In
dians of South America were accustomed tc
use poisoned arrows to kill their game with.
Tbe poison used was known as woorara, and
it could tie taken into . the stomach, be said.
without injury; but if a single drop of the
stuff should be injected into the blood fatal
results would at once follow. To prove his
experiment, be took a small quantity and in
jected it into the stomach of a dog, which
seemed to cause the animal no inconvenience.
Then he injected a drop more into the veins
of a pigeon. The bird died instantly.
The following day one of the students
asked what would be the effect if ono of
them shou'.d eat the bird. Mason replied
th-Jt he did not know. The boy who wa
helping him, now the United States assistant
district attorney, volunteered tlie informa
tion that tho person eating the pigeon would
have a good meal, aud Uiat that was the only
result likely to follow. He said that he spoke
from experience, as he had eaten that identi
cal bird. The professor was astounded, his
hair fairly stood on end, as he remarked:
"Well, mv boy, yon have far more faith in
my experiments than I have myself. I would
not have eaten that bird under any consider
ation." Washington Cor. Indianapolis Jour
nal Most "baseball admirers affect to believe
that the St Louis Browns will fail to cap
ture the association. They baa their predic
tion upon the poor showing; mod by the club
in iu series ot comes with th Chicago for
tba world's championship, , L.,.
Editor Prohibition Star:
After trty tonr of Mai hen r county, I
took tbe stBge ut Imker City for a two
days' jonrney into the great mining re
gion of Uuion county, of winch (.Virnuco-
lia ia the inncipal point. My fellow
luuwenirera were two saloon-keepers nnd
one of their victims who hnd already had
several tassels with onnkea, and waa then
barely able to keep hi seat in the ntnge.
I remained i'mcoj. during the first dnyV
ride and was thus able to gather several
'pointers" from the general conversation
which was kept rather lively by a bottle
of whisky which made its regular rounds,
and to which I received several pressiug
invitations to pay my respects.
The stage stops for the night at Hparta,
which is an old mining town aliotit one
third the way up the monntnitiB. The
old mines ate now worked principally by
Chinamen, -so there are but few white
people outside the sninll population of
the town. Knowing I would have to stop
there with tbe stnge, however, a meeting
having been previously advertised, Biid
on arriving handbills were scattered
around the town, and everbmly, saloon
keepers included, received a personal in
vitation to attend. There was no pace
for holding the meeting except in the
dining room of the hotel and the imbib
ing room of the saloon the latter oeou-
yitig a flue stone structure, by fnr the
t looking building in the town but
as the proprietor of the saloon was also
proprietor of the hotel, it might seem that
there was little prospect for securing
either place for such a purpose as holding
a prohibition meeting. IJut as the pro
prietor was necessarily "mine host onlv
m his hotel-keeping capacity, however
the dining room was secured and pretty
well tilled with citizens and travelers.
among whom was my trio of saloon
keepers. As every roan present, abo, as
I was afterward informed, was a patron
of the saWn, it was firing at dangerously
short range sometimes, Bnd the speaker
was almost astonished at the close to
receive a hearty round of npplause and
good collection for county expenses. It
was not tbonght best to attempt toorgau
ie a League here, hue the next morning
on the occasion of the saloon keepers
pitching on to the sjienker in rather a
belligerent style, several of the previous
evening's audience took the side of pro
hibition, and declared their intention of
voting for the Amendment For the next
half day, until we reachr d lir.e valley,
the etrge was a prohibition debating
club 44 jn wheels," with the "victim." who
was getting pretty well sobered up. the
stnge d-iver and the writer on one eid'A.
and tbe two saloon keepers on the other,
the discussion passing through the vari
ous stages of hot contradictions and warm
adjectives, down to good humor and
general good feeling, such as alwavs
ought to prevail in a first class stage
coach. Now, please excuse this long
story. I have given it simply to show
under what difliculties prohibition meet
ings are sometimes held in this country,
and that this campaign is not being
fonght "on llowery beds of ease."
l'ine valley, away np in the mountains
at an altitude of three or four thousand
reel, is ceriaiuiy as oeantirni a valley as
has ever been inhabited by man since the
gates of Ixlen were closed. Its fertile soil
furnishes an abundance of produce for
the surrounding mining camps, and its
2-Vponnd heads of cabbage are only in
dices of ita productiveness in every other
I he large school house in the npper
ena oi tne valley was ruled to overflow
ing when the speaker arrived. An enthu
siastic meeting was new ami a rousing
LieagTie iormet wim Mr. t; Len. chair
man, and Mr. I. V. Itobinson, secretary.
and they claim that the valley will give a
gooxi majority for the Amendment
Next day I went tip to Cornucopia,
hich has an altitude of flfkul feet, and is
a ronrishing raining town of about oOO
inhabitants. It is a beautiful place in
summer, but has a snow-fall of about 30
feet in winter, which, of course, is not so
The mines are vet only in the first staire
of development, but the huge quartz mill
which is lieing built at an expense of
about foilO a day for labor mnv be taken
as an index of tbe out look for these new
Kunday was a very quiet dav here, be
cause nearly all the men were at work in
the mines, but it being pav day. earlv in
tne evening tue lour or nve saloons of the
place were literally packed with crowds
of men, seemingly eager to get rid of their
money as soon as possible at the bars and
gambling tables, all of which are plainly
visible to the passer-by on account of the
absence of blinds and screens. I am re
liably informed that three-fourths of all
the money paid to miners and workmen
here is immediately "blown in to the
Time for the lecture having arrived, bv
going to the door of each saloon and
giving the "boys" all a rough and readv
invitation to come and heTir the "crank."
we soon had the new citv hall well filled
with as orderly and well behaved an an
dience as I bad met anywhe e, the only
1 a . . . .
uisaavaniage cetng tnat there was no
stoves in the room, and for want of seats
half the audience was compelled to stand
the baU being unfinished. At the close
a League was organized with W. F. Bur
dette, chairman, and Thomas, secretary
Those who have canvassed tlie matter
here claim at least T5 out of the '215 votes
here for the Amendment, and say if men
would vote as tbey talk alwavs, thev
would count on a mainritv. I am told
that the chairman here. Mr. Burdette,
was not a member of the last legislature
simply because he was a prohibitioniwt
coming within twelve votes of being
elected as it was. But this defsat by do
means discouraged him. and he is doing
a grand work for the Ameudment among
the miners, and I have not found better
or more determined workers anywhere
than right here among the miners for the
Amendment The strong sentiment in
this mining region makes the outlook for
Union count) more hopeful, and as
found them on my return stirred up and
reauy Becoming enthusiastic in other
parts of the country, I find good reasons
for believing that the county can aud will
be swung into line for the Amendment
And here I can hardly resist the letup
tation to describe our romantic trip across
two mountain ranges, a distance of forty
miles irom Cornucopia to Joseph how,
with two horses and two days' provisions,
and two blankets to sleep under at night,
ana a mountaineer in buckskin breeches
as guide, cook and general manager.
followed a trail that only a mountaineer
could keep, across canyons, across banks
of eternal sr.ow, across roaring monntain
streams, sleeping at night under the great
stars and the sighing mountain pines with
a huge camp-fire illuminating the lonelv
wilds, all of which romantic luxuries cost
only the modest sum of 15 bnt eimiicli
of this. It is not prohibition, and we have
time ana space now for nothing but pro
hibition. In my next I shall irive vou an account
o! the campaign in the beautiful vallev of
tne Wallowa. Q. M. Miller.
Milton, Oregon, October 14.
treorge ampgon was nrraty re
solved to know his fate that very night
a AT- if-n 'a a
--JH.13S iiara, ne oegan tenderly, you
are not quite your usual soil this even
ing." "No, Mr. Sampson," the girl re
plied, 'I am suffering from acute indi
gestion." So ho postponed knowing
his fate until a more favorable opportu
nity. N. Y. Sun.
' Miller's Son (just returned from
college) "Father, do you believe the
center of that shaft is turning?" (point
ing to a revolving shaft) Miller "No,
I know it isn't" -Son (somewhat dis
concerted) "Er but can you explain
why it doesn't?" Miller "Certainly;
It is ho!low." Detroit Free Press.
"Johnny," says a fond mother to
her boy," which would you rather do,
peak French or Spanish?" "I would
rather," said Johnny, rubbing his waist
band and looking expressively at the
table, "I would rather talk turker."
An ordinary elephau rrodtire l'.'O
pounds of Ivory, worth (f(ti). Knirland ron
Kitmes '50 tons (of which Shtillela lies
one third), lor which it is ntcessary to kll)
li.UOO elephant venr'y.
Are those whom a confirmed tendency to bil
iousness, subject to the various and ohangefnl
symptoms Indira! lveof liver complaint, Nausea,
slek heads cite, constipation, furred tongue, an
unpleasant breath, a dull or sharp patu in the
nelKhborhoed of the affected organ, impurity of
the blood and hies of appetite, eiKiialUe It as
one of the most distressing, as it Is one of the
most common of maladies. There is, however.
brniti specific foi the alsea e and all its un-
tdl'Msatit timul fetation. It Is the concurrent
rHtimnny of the piilil cand the modlral profes
sion, that ilOHietter's Htnmarh Hitters Is a med
icine which acl'teves results speedily felt,
thorium h and b ninn. lli-sides rectif; lug liver
disorder. It Invinurates the feehlo, conquers
ktdntr and hisddi-r rnmphiiiita. and hastensthe
ronvnleiiceiice of Ihone recovering from enfeeb
ling (Uncases. Moreover, it is the grand specific
tor fever and anue.
The steamer Matthew Dean was wrecked
off Cape Unititere and tea persons were
At a period of I fe when budding woman
hood reouires all h r strength to meet the
demands nature makes noon It, many
vout a woman returns home from the
severe mental strain of school with i
broken-down constitution, and her fuuc
Hons Hlsarranwl. to go to an rar'y grave.
If she hnd ben wisely couns-led and niven
the tienetit of Or. ures - favorite t're
scrlption" her bodily development might
have kert usee with her mental growth.
and health and bauty would not have
given way to dec iue and d ath.
There were rlfty-llve bolrr explosion
In England last year.
Do not be d ceivtd by misrepresentation.
Ask ycur druggUt for Ai-Lcock's Forous
Plavtkrs and let i o explanation or soil I
tation Induce ytu to kecept a substitute.
Alixock's I I-astkrs a'e a pit e y vepe
table preparation, the formula of which Is
kr own onlv to the nianufact jrer. Thei
valuable curative iu li ie are due to the
employment of tho highest medical and
tiemlca! BRill. lliey act ssieiy, promptly
ntlayflectuully. Over l.tul.U 0 persons
have been cured by AlXcocKS Porous
I'o Threlierst I have a few of the
celeb atcd Wea Inghouse Threshers jet.
and for ih mirDOe ot c os'riK out sill sel
hem on next ye s terms t iouom
flour -B. Also, a few seend-hand ma-
hires of other make. Y rite lor bargains
Z. T. Wriuiit. foot tf Morrison teueet
Portland O eeon.
Japan lias i contemplation the survey
of al- her large rivers.
Young or middle-aged men suffering
from nervous debililv. los of n emoty.
rrremature eld ace. a the result of bad
habits. hiuld send 10 rents in stamps lor
a rue i lui-tratert treatise sun esutiK un
falling cure. Address orld Dispensary
Medical Asociai ion, Hullilo. ISew lort
Six persons perished In a fire in the ti
sane asylum at Clevela d, O.
IF BVFFEEK1 feok coh&umftio:,
Rrrofnl. Hrom-hitis. nd General ! hibty, wV
trr Hrsll'a fKmalln of Cod Liver Oil nil
m iiilmMi!itto. iner win nni iiiiin-iiBie r-
h.l ami terminal benefit. The MedieaJ l"T
fession universally declare it a remedy ot the
gresiest value and very talatable. Kc.:
I,ar noul i,ii kiiiiiltioti ia several case
Srmrula and l-eblhty in children. Uetilt
mnt nmriivinir. Mr little miientxtake it wil
pleasure." W . A. Ill'l4.BT, M.l, s-aUsbury
I'nr nra Irrif ntetl Threnl
f'eagb.erl'eld, "Urotm'g Jironrhin
Troehea -are offered with the luiiest con
fidence in their etllcacy. ikthl onfy
OFFiR B0. 171
FItER To MkrchastsOslt: A triple
Dialed Silver et knive. 0 forks o tea
spoons. 1 mew spoon, i tiuiier snne.i in
satin-lined case. Addres at once, K.
Tassiij. & Co., State Street, Chicago.
Gen. Horatio G. Wright is on the retlrtd
list and lives iu Washington.
Chronic nasal catarrh -sniaranteed cure
Dr. Sage's fa tan h Itemed y.
Gen. John C Koblnon Is on the retired
lis aud lives st BingHampton.
Bronrhitis is cured by-frequent small
doses of Plso's Cure for Consumption.
Try Gkrmka for breakfast.
a Positive Curc
for eV(ry form, of
bKn and blood
5;?- from -
Pimples to Scrofula
stantly relieved by a warm bath with t'l'Ti
cm wur, a real Skin Beautifler, and a sinle
antilioatinn itf I 1 Tll-I' R A. lb tt-ret Hkin t'U.
This repented daily, with twoorthree doses of
ITTIWS Kicot.VBMT.ine7ewtriooa i-uniier.
to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pare
and unirritaling', the bowels open, UieUveraud
kidneys active, will apeedily cure.
Kcsema. tetter, rlnttwo'm. psoriasis, lichen,
pruritiin.scall head.dsudrun. and every species
of torturiiiK. dlsflnurinir, itching.scaly and pirn
ply diaeasee of the skin and scaln, with loss of
hair, when physicians and all know remedies
Sold everywhere. Trlee,CcTtcm.50c.: Soap.
iSc,; RewoLVKNT. (1. rrepared by the lHrrrien
&4T 8enii for "How to Cure 8kin Kiseases.
ntlipLKS, blackheaiis, chapiwd and oily tkin
1 ill prevenlert hy i;uvicvra '2 p'
Owe Bottle r Catarrh
Price, SO cento,
Will do More
Than S6OO
la Any Other "Way
A part trie la appllen Into each noatrll anil la asrreai'le.
TVee 5il ea l ttmggfnt. ; ly mail, reKtHtereil, 60 cU.
KLV liRwTHCKH, Greenwich St , Kew York.
Cures all Diseases originating from a
iisorderei state of the BLOOD or
LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimpk's, Scrofula.
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Fains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. GATES A CO., Proprietor
417 Savnaome St- San Francisco.
New 8bctioial Mai-s or
r. Revised to November, 1881,
TS Cents F.nch, Together. t S.T.
Mailed an) when. Addreas,
J K OIIX A CO , Pab'lahe a,
l'oula d, i .regon.
sew ami woxnKRFri
Self-Playing Musical tosUTunent,
Plara CUaaical, Baered, Panos end all the popular mo
alo of tbe day oorreotly, Prioe from S1& to8'-7S, Writ
Koblar Uum, HaaVranolaoo, tor oatalugue.
undlnit -iured lr Al.l.t CU t.KIM. hll.l K. Itn.v.r
(alia. Uf Jdail, 66a. Mad by a. P. Ail. M. faul, allna.
By morn mall. Fall Description
Moody'a Sow Tailor Hyit.a of lreas
CatUag. MOODY CO, Cinoiaaati, 0.
i-'J .-? S f i
nPiso's Remedy for Catarrh is the ri
Best, Kouiean. to Use, and Cheapest. I 1
f I Sold by dmRirista or sent by mail. I I
I 1 60c E. T. Haieltine, Wrren, Pa.
- ti i .-'jdc i m aw .
i t .
reposiiotv c
ulor su6Lfy TM
I . . . I M li
i ill u uci to nutiut;uii it
in iliiiflGarfulflCStffibte.
CQlci1uf'i &t4Wpill
Ait wni!
tint Cc?.in
The CHAitiirs
The Oregon National Bank,
IRiiHMiHtn Mmanlitaj, SavlaaT I Bank .1
Tranaarta lieneral Hanairg tRaaoxaa.
arV-fll-VI ktrf Mil,tai-t tn Ah-k.
f n.l F.XI 'HAXOK on San Ir rmnHo and Kew Tot. ,
yiilil r l ll Tit iVS an finnUf tmnt
AH if. IiaLAKIlMUlT, OBI. MAKai-B, JS-, I
Pw!t. vie-lrKat.
ToS a liar. Samnlea a-ortli FKFE.
Uitea ntn wntler the horaes fee. Write Bar. I
arcs a Sararv KatM Hmim "o.,M !! v. sf leh.
Tbe Only Xy to Ilnve a fieod On Is to
Hire a New One Every Week.
Th" oiTIoo-Ihit question has almost as
many ids to it as the servaut-jrirl i
ntn-tion. Vet it U wilh diffidence that
1 offer my shnre in tbe discussion.
There are certain charaeU-rities of the
office lvy, however, that ought to lie
brought out; and as special Instances
are mure valuable, or at any rata more
inten-sting than general statements.
let me rel ite sotiii-t lung ab tut two lmys; Oue of these was
named Jk. He was a genius in hU
w ay, but his way was not my way. His
talent wtre of a mechanical order, lie
outfit to have been made apprentice to
a f;isliio'iablis plumber or a first-class
bnrirlnr. It was one of his duties to
"tend do-.T- His seat was separated
from th outer do-r bv a sm:ll ante
room. H was a very active bov, but
he would work Ijanl for tlnte hours to
save himelf two or thne trips acr;:s
the room. The door cloeu with a
catch, and he ri2sid a wire to that.
pns-jpd it through staples around the
three sides of tbe anlertom, ana 9t
into the room that he sat in.
Wli'i a knock came at the door, Joe,
siCi'iii triumphant on hi3 stool, would
pull the siring, and presto! the door
was mvstenouslT oienet. llil ar-
rnngement pleased him a great deal
more than it did ma. One day I heard
a peculiar grunting noise in tlie ante
room. I culled Joe, but he did not
tome. I went to the door to see what
was the matter, and there I found htm
hanging by the knc?9 fro-u the ceiling,
head downward. He had knocked the
cane scat out of a stool, screwed a pul
ley into a beam overhead, and rigged
up some ropes in such a way that when
he stuck his knees t!. ngh the seat of
the stool and pulled with all his might
on the ropes, ho was elevated, knees
first. toward the ceiling. Then he tied the
end of the rops fast to the stool. After
doing this, he found that he could
neither untie nor get his legs out, so he
hid to stay there. Tivve are only two
u'.tt of many instances that might be
Joo was of very little n-?e to me, and
he ooverod my rooms with such a lot of
nails, screws, pulleys, wires, strings
and other things of the sort that I hard
ly knew the pi. ice. He had to go.
Nfi d was a different sort of boy. He
vns older than Joe. and he did so well
lie firt week that 1 thought I had
uitid a treasure. I therefore wiiling
Iv advanced him another week's salary.
He did not eome on Monday. Tuesday
morning ho sai I an aunt of his had
died, and ho was obliged t'i attend the
funeral. The exc.fto was accepted. 1
did not know then that Ned had lifteen
aunts, all liable to die at any lime; a
ick father nnd mother, and seven little
brothers and sisters who were constant
ly meeting with accidents.
Neither did I know 4'aat hW borrow
ing habit was inveterate. When he
lelt me I figured up, and found that 1
hud paid him, in four months, about
twenty dollars more than his salary,
mostly in loans of twenty-five to fifty
cents. The list might ba extended al
most indefinitely. boy is an artist
and covers all available walls with
drawings. Another is aaxi his to im
prove his handwriting, and practices
in tin; backs of your law papers and
pamphlets, or uses up your best letter
paper and envelopes. Almost all office
fesiys are good for a week. After
that they get careless, indifferent, and
sometimes decidedly "uppish." The
only way to keep good office boys ia tc
get them fresh once a week, Jom W
I'enrose, t EpQili.
Uooa resolutions may pave tne in
ternal realms if not carried into effect
lu life.
Though God may seem to frown in
bis providences, yet he always smiles
'n his promises.
New Jersey's State Prison holds
360 convicts, of whom 140 can neither
read nor write, A night school has
been opened to be iu session two hours
each evening.
The I'harisee thought It such a fine
thing to be good that God did not like
him nearly so well as the other, who
thought it a sad thing to bo bad.
The General synod of the Umtas
Fratriim (Moravian Church) has been
calledto meet at llernnhut. Saxony, In
1889. The General Synod meets once
i" -O. "' I
orwpis rjeci-
i 1 1
. - r'V I
P rv
C rafale.
One bottle taken according to directions
will aire better result than a gallon of
Sarsaparila, or an of the so-catted Blood
Purifiers with which the market is glutted.
At Druggists, price SI. 00 per bottle.
will be paid for an jr case ef Rheumatism
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, proper ad
ministered, fails f relieve.
My hnsband objected to sending to town for
good for ream, but we paid all rd here this
summer and made np aa order on SMITH for
supplies. They have eome to hand. Wo ar
delighted with the result. W saved $J.00on
oar bill ef winter snr-plie. and got the best
goods w ever had in the house, tanned Goods,
Dried Frttit, Pry Goods, Hams, Floor and Tool
everything wa aa represented. H we!!
packed. I wiah oar home merrhanU wonld try
gwa from jaJUTtt". !Af4I STORE, 115
and 117 Clay Street. Ban Frsocisco. Cat"
Hew Goofls mil MM
In the arrival of i
vey fare shirne nt
of NEW UomIis and N
l is and J V 1 K-- la an a
pa- Intents. Ttte collet Hon includes all the latest
and most European end -American
prod tic' ions.
la design, cjlur juid fab- ie, em-
bracing :
forse s.
Dress Gooda,
v urtaii-s.
Handkerchiefs. lilanketa.
I nibrvllas. ianens.
lleanekeeplHK Uasda,
Samp'es sent on application. Goods sent C.
O. !., or on receipt of fostoJtice Order.
t. W. Cor. 3rd nd Morris m, Fortlsnd.
So ko water pipe: no heattrtc ynor rooaaa.
Tor de-
aenpuon. mna.
Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot Xorrisoa St. Portland, Or.
Also Aevler in Tfarcwhlnft- and General Madiiocvy. Ma
rloe Work Lnimiry auchlDery. in fact anything yon
aa. ucs. Acmt r. it roe enipman a vh entfinn
OILII1IIMI, Gsbler, Koenish Pianos: Bar
det Organs, hand instruments. Ltrgft stock
of Sheet Mosio and Booka. Bands supplied a
Kastera prioea.
Y C O.
Stlft Pratt stree. Han irnuMnano.
flDIIIU Habit Cured wiriarHrrMKaaaT Pay.
UriUftl riata. a. B4STS,SMa War. C1.ria.atS0,
Choiee fc Purest and Host Delicious
fdTFut aale at all leading p aces 'fra
a ISroSSlr,I.IJ(,W.T.
sole Agent AK-roRi,ot.
San rrssDOisco.
T HUrk tat. Portias a. Or.
Tlie Ovlftnal (and Only Genuine,
Baa aa4 atwrnyv WaMft. Swateaf wartaleaa latliarmaa.
inai-priiua n LapiES. AaK Jw ItraSEK. 4
l'aebeatJa 1
X-Ba-Uan," a4 ue aq 9Uw-r. ar locloae 4
StamiMl 1 B S-r
t,u i, ,1, ,rn o. mm aaaa
atenaaaee . Brmi-sl i;,
ta.ll. ia taaara, t-alLaaawTa
SaM by laenarlata nimlint Ask r kleleai
ara KaIUa" f eaaymyat AUla. TataaLaat.
ft Deactiptioa and "
H e" SlP of t LOI
St ERN L H. LAN DS. Poor Bullion
vol table for Oranges. Lemona, Olives, nneawlea.
fiananaa, Strawberries and early Vv actable, for
ale on lonr credit, to SS.00 per aere, -Addnn
bo. C larla at., Chleaso, lu.
N, P. N. U. No. S0S-S, r, N. V. No, 20.
tc , YiXl
With Thrw-ff.
( Manufactured by Palmer Sc Bey,
F.O.II. r ror boat fit I'ortland
1 Ox 15
Vre guaranlee tlie press to be the
'" sa ' - ' ' -
Best uiid CJlieapst
In Ihc Jlarkct.
ihjv ao otiii:sj.
Palmer 6l Rey,
112 and 114 Front Street,
Portland, Oregon.
la snccesrfo! operation stnee 1 865, patrenittd Iroas
alt aectiMW ot the rrttiwest, enooraea trj
buaiseas men and leading educators.
of ha das on ike Coast, it cflera private or class
instruction, day and evening throughout tne year, in
Ariihmetic, Writing;, Correspondence, Book-keeping.
Banking, bBonnantl, 1 ype-wrttmg. Bauctuana iegai
Fortrs and all Common School Branches. Stsuents
of a1! aeea and both sexes admitted c any time.
CatalofTae free. Armttroug aad taco, Proprietor!.
from a common HlotcB, or Erncilon,
to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum,
" Fever - sores," waif or itoaffii
Skin, in short, ell diseases caused by bud
blo-fl are conquered by this powerful, pnn
fvtnsr. anrl invioratin!r niedkine. Ureal
Ealiuf neera mpidly hcai nmk-r Its be
niirn isifliK-nc!-. Esix-cfaHy has St ntanffr-sted
its frf.-ir-v In etirinir 'fetf er. ft o f a Ir ,
Hsila, lartiaarira, 5re r.y-j arroi.
uiou Soro and SvreIIinaT). Hip
joint Dlaeose, while elline".
Uoiire, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged
Inland. Ktw x-n ctns in Ftnnips ior m
tara-e tretise. with colored rb:t-s, on Skin
Diseases, or tue sinw amount lor a (realise
on Scrof nloir Afffx-tioiss.
Tliomnirtilv el-aiise it by iifinsr lr. Pierce'
Golden "lenllcal Ilsco very, and food
digestion, a fair whin, bnoyatit pir
itaand vital strengtU, wiii be estabhsbed.
which Is Serofnla of tfac Lang's, is ar
rested a:rl efin.Kl hy tliis remedy, i J taken t-o-
lore tier lo-at n:ts or uie uircssc rcn ir .
From fts marvelous power over this terribly
fatal disease, when first offering thts no
eeiebraw-d yeinody to tbe ptibllc. Tir. PirBCSt
Iboucht npriousfr of cnlhu it hta "Cor
snmpliou Cnre," but abnndcncfi Unit
name as too limited tor a nH-oictne which,
floin Its wonderful eomliiiiatifin r.f t'Hito. ;.-r
I strenpf !ieoiiif, etu-rr-tive. or Mx-o-cleonsiii:;x
anti-l'iiHits. pVetoraL ainl tuitritive iroper-
ties, is uneqrialcd. not o?ty ns a rv-inexty f or
consumption, but for all Ihrouio DiiM
eases of tbe
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
1 r yr u te auiu arowsv. ocbtUtatofi, bav
allow mlor of stn, or yi ikwib-brown Fpofa
on fiKje or lajdjr. frerpjcm I udm 1- or dizzi
ness, nod taste hi ntoiitli. iiit-mjl or
chills. BlM-riMitiir? with hit flushes, kvr t-ptrits
and jiloritny forr-limlinirs, irrefrufetr pr-ttit
end eBtHl tncriK voti ore sotieriiijr frrsir
India-cation, Dyspepsia, end lorpid
Liver, or uBlliosnecs, ia many
cases only part of these rrmpKHsn are cxr
rienced. As a rcnvclr tor rrt sneh ceri
Or. Pierce' Golden medical Ills
tovrry is nourrfied.
For Weak I-u, Splttlna- of
nioo(, Morliet.s el Drrath, itren
rltitis, Astbma, Severe Congtm, and
kindrryi affectkHis. it Is an efficient leimdr.
fVT.r. bv Dbi-ogits. at $ l.OO, or IsjrjC
BSTTI.ES for $5.00.
Send t o ecms in stamp for Dr. Pierce'
book on I "onsitmpl ion. Addrr-sa,
World DNpensary 11 ed leal A
eiatieu, 683 Main Street, iil f falo. N. y.
Is offered by tbe prrwictors
of Ir. Sace's Catarrh Itemed y
for a ease of catarrh which
tbey cannot cure. If you
fcave a discharge from tbA
Bav offensive or otherwise, partial lesa of
SOT 11. t;st. or hearinp, -reck eves, dull paia
or nn-SRiire in bca'l. yoo Kive Catarrh. 1 bov
sanUs of CHO--S trrminatw in consumptiOD.
Ir. Si(rc's C at rt n n liE;T cores t bo worft
cases of Catarrh, "fold in tbe Head.
and Catarrhal Mcadachc, Su ecr-U.
Tan JBCYEH-S aJt lnit
tanned 8p. auad 21a
aela year. Bg- au pase.
Si.xllV. taeuav,wttbi arvr
3,503 tllaatrmtlooe a
whole Parrar HmUry.
6IVKS WkdwaM Prae
Sirrrt te wamiam a all good So
peraemal or anUy a. Telia hew
order, and Ktee net east of every--tBtma;
yon awe, t," drtah, ww, or
have faa wtta, Tlww ISVALriKLB
BOOKS rantaln tBtferaaattem cleaned
rrana ta narketa of the world. W
will ana.ll a eopy FREE to ajty -drea
apaa receipt of lO eta, to defray
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ysnv. ReapeetfaHy,
n V 99 Wakaab Areas, tUoua. lit,
The Van llonciscar
Toanm aJ.l aa
1L atajle o aaunwwl aaaa
ii n y-j.
all at bo Kiftar wiia
IiaMttty. Speraia-
i iaeea
A exnai Oeeay,ea.Dn Mast-
cry, nana r.ym, L.aa a
Energy, alao lUfaat aa.
Bkla Pin aia. sraaiti
ruptioaa I .air Faiiia
bone Kiu. B r.lHn ia
Sot ThioaA. Ian M
fsaa of MaranTa. Kidntrm
and Hll W Traaalaa
Weak Back. Warning rib (VmoarlMav Olaa fcartclr
nrs proaspa rensf aa4 mo for lira,
isoth Naif Coaanlt UesldeatlMlT
OKiCK 18. A 1S4 THIFa RT.
Aa .-
Seme Electric Belt Agency
171 Fourth SU. bet, Morrison and Yamhill.
PotlLind. Oregon.
All Tlfeeaaer anoHaafnlly mvte4. CBioaje ai ITet
voua In-nb-c a anecialtT kKMMMw. " - -
GeoenI and Itenoua lX)U Utr, Beariiial Wtakneaaaa-i
Loat Manaooa aucroaxluiiy WaataU a-ita the aid of ttaa
-elkbkatki Arm I.wtuir Hut u 1 other eiectrx
appnancea. Kxual liWawa taken by tit eaa at aMitt
rwwonahi latea. A ampetent PiunieiaB and Kiao-
iVMUnca ujuiy. t.mntrr aaSM-nta will r
auuBueo. ntmi atncty eafa.
faOO tf"'8 Bt,UJ . file.
UVftaf lr i-are!, t-'istalan and Kretal
l terra treated aacee-Mat ally, withoas
Jlsila aeveral titerUr tsass. Mend
'rr.,rrL,,r.- j.-aist-.n.i.
Na. se llrkaw abaiidiac. Per.laad.Or.
. -t talwa tl SaaA im
fc4 I 04
iie-, aaa aam fim
atiat iftuTi, ml t iiitia?
P-ns, Tea
CtoiaM tne iaimr o
n public ana anr raa
awsl the leadiac aaaO.
rinn rthco-tdom.
A. 1S1TH.
TV ViT ,
'raagnitnai tt Ua tiuir
era.,, tt rrnr.aiiM atr-ani
"I H.tCTSlolTT antaai
tlga Ua aana atoat man
teta acaiiaracttoa, Daao
aoofbaoil Utla a-Lta aWvai Baaa
adTerttt ta Car a- ) in. IMa,
bead to toa. ItufariaaU
. Beau lo toa. at
ra f PJ.esaoparaa.a.
TIV . reaiu
1 1 artaatlua.a.lani
' I I tr o" Cv 1
tan ta.
l. JU 1. ai Jiu.iMiiilli in mo. I jtwap MM
t-.-.- - .in - . -ii- -i ...t ra.r. i
it ii
l To'i"BTa3
jj-Gaat. nw r aac mu
f.' aaaaaogiawta.
KI Vriaaty VyBat .'
V - aailatl "a.
in ten or twelve years.
') " "
- C-tfATI , fed