The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 28, 1887, Image 1

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!MVKr VKV fklOAY.)
J. H. STINE & CO. .... .-. ... Publisher
B,iy o.imiptlon at . .
Joq Printing Done on Siiort Notice.
Legal Blanks, Business Cards.
Letter Heads, Bill Heads.
Circulars Posters, Kfcc.
On Yrar .....W 013
Bit Mouth. 1 as
Tbrw Month S
t ryaii m xlnim,)
(lltoAl. 1
One inre, (Irst Inwrtfcm WO
Kch ..hli.Umal utavrtion 1 AO
NO, 31,
Lor Nirtlrr., iwr lin. ISwntt
K?.tiitr ntlvertta.-ment Inat-rU! upon Hhwal lrrtn.
ff.f.-aXttl la food tj! sod at fowaat U.lnf
lj " " """""" J
LERAKfVX I.OPOE. SO 44. A F. .V M : Miwt.
at thnir mw tivtl in MfWonie Klock, on SaluiUajr
.vanltts, on or hefurv tne lull mom.
LEBANON TaITMIK, KO. 47. t O, rt F.: MitU
imtay .renlng of -h wn'k. al 0M Krllw'. 1111,
Min trmt; lUiig btvthren cotiltally lnrttvd to
attend. J. J. CHARLTON, H. U.
HONOR I.OPOK Wrt. Si A. O. V. W, T.-hanon,
tigim: Mot rvery nrat ntt thltM Ttmw.ljr .tra
ins. n lh. mouth. F. II. RotfOOK. M. W.
4. 8. COURTNEY, M. D.,
trOffl -p in brick, orr M. A. Mil
lei' 1-rUK Suns.
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt
OMirrtloin and other biwirieai pr..mptlj attandrd to.
Otfice on Main atrevt.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
OflJoe In V. C. IMersoa's jewelry store.
45TAU work warranted. Charges reasonable.
Shartei, Hair Cutting, an 1 Shampooing la Ik
LftUMt and
tW Patronage respectfully aullcdtrd.
St. Charles Hotel,
LEBANON, Oregon.
X. W. Conwr Main ul Pbenran Stretta, lira Bluoki
Lut of R K. lp..
H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Table Supplied with the Best the Market
Sample Rooms and the Prt AexomTnodationa for
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Qaeew.ware smd la.ware.
Laati and Iasma Flxt.rea.
Mala BC, I-ekanon. Oregon.
Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Beef and
Bacon and Larff always en Hani.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
. L. Cowan, J. Al. Kaiuton. J. W. CrsicJr.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banking
AC30?n's Eept Subject to Check.
Sew Tor!, San Francisco, Portland ani
Aloafiy, Oreion.
Collections Made on Favor-
able Teems.
Livery, Feefl & Sale Stables,
To our many friends of Lebanon and
vicinity, and those ot other towns, e
deair to ca'l attention to the fact that we
have opened on
Mapls Street, Bet. First ani Second,
New Buggies, Hacks and
rarties desirincc to take a trip to the
mountains, or other places of recreation.
should call and see our
Special Conveyances
For such trips.
All Kinds of Teamim & MIies Done
Iensoriille It ntoss.
Temperance Hull
SUDotinE Gallery &P00I Tallies
Xaia Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
Giars aii Coifectioieries
Accommodation of Patrons.
Parties will Ai d this a pleasant place
for innocent amusement.
Lebanon, Oregon.
florsesnosing: ani General Eenairinf.
Prices to Suit the Times.
Milerf Hiimls.
The Latest Styles in
. XT
KaiB Streets. Letaooe, Or;on.
Lebanon, Oregon
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
is vis Moin isto.
All kinds of Repairing
Uo keep
E. GrO AH,
XT ndertaker,
Dealer in
Also Doors, Windows and Blinds.
171. A. MILLER,
Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils and Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Next Door to W. B. Donaca, Lebanon. Oregon.
aet.rr: Bula. TTU. Braackt rrtl.
Los, Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carta; Open and Top
BugglesT Pba.tona, Carriages, Buckboarda, and
General Aanta for Canton Clipper Ilowa. Harrows. Cultivator.
Scrapora, 01 Chilled Plow. Ideal Feed Mills acd Wind MUla. Knowl
ton Hay Rakes. Horse Powers. Woxl Saws. Feed Cutters, ew. W.
carry the largest and best asaorted stock of Vehicles on the Northwest
Coast. All our work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted.
Send for new 1887 catalogue.
Mitchell k Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Our goods ar. sold by F. II. ROSCOE & CO.. Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or.
Watchmaker -. and . Jeweler.
Watches, Clocis, Jewelry, Silrer
w " i
aaa mm I w -w brim - sawi n -W.kt.
a j T' WZf'M
nAinUrf I C4 T fc . "itv f J ar
K.43oWMv,W'v Ma
e a o o o e o LaoomAV Nb2 !l,-T eauiaatr O O O .
ewctoraand oaber 2z&m0 wvirm) . wtas a
EaUwajr an. la'T hUWamair.
.. also Asairr roa tb.
I. F. & H. A, Singer Sewing
Done at Short Notice.
in stock
Plated fare and Optical Goods.
o o o o o o o
a VHAVfiiA
All Work
n a. j
re-' lTUH.ra.II IJrlHIl
Barr. sold
Machines & Macliine Supplies.
; x... . -
Letter from Attornr.Ceneral
Bradford of Kansas.
How Prohibition Prohibits--"Fanatical Tyra
ny".. "Bleeding Kansat"--Judgo
Grozier's Decision. -The Law
a Splendid Success.
Toprka, Kansas, Sept 27, 1887.
Lexlir. Butler, Esq., The Dalle, Oreyon
Dkr Sib: Your laror of Hepteraber 21,
received and contents noted with plena
nre. Tbe elippiiiii joa sent me is an extract
from an editorial written for the Leaven
worth Standard, a democratic anti-probi-bitiou
orgnn. It does not state tbe facts
correctly, nor does it foreHhadow tbe
elTect that that decision will bare upon
prohibition in Kansas. Jutle Crosier
decided that tbe law of lHBl-the first
prohibitory law wns uncoustitutionnl
and Toid. Tbe supreme court, bviweTer,
decided to tbe contraiy, and being-the
court of Inst reoort, and baring the las
gness, is upheld by the people. Judge
Crosier, agnin in 1S80, heM that a section
of the law of 1SK5, which gse to the
count attorney tbe power to subpoena
persons before bira and take their eri
dence and reduce it to writing, which er
idence should b attached to the informa
tion, was also void; bnt tbe supreme
court has again held that information
Sled, verified upon information and be
lief, having attached thereto the evidence
of witnesses taken by the county attor
ney in the manner designated in section
H, -tbe section decided by Judge Croeier
to be unconstitutional was good, and
sustained the verdict of the courts below
iu finding tbe defendants guilty upon
such an information. As a matter ot
faet, the decision of J ndge Crozier has
do bad effect whatever npon prohibition
in Kansas, as his decision related to a
matter peculiar and local to T-eaven worth
City, l'ermit me to state in this connec
tion that in Leavenworth in lHHfi, they
had two hundred and eighteen saloons, in
a population of 31,000. I commenced op
erations in Ijeavenwortb in 1HK5, and bad
as my chief opponents Messrs. Baker and
Fenlou, two of tbe most prominent law
yers in Kansas, who in terms seemed to
have tbe favor of Judge Crozier, tbe
J udge ou the bench. It seemed that sue
ceas was absolutely impossible witbont
some of the machinery of the law to aid
me in my prosecutions. Juries were
packed against ma, the court would rule
against me, witnesses would prevaricate;
consequently it seemed to me that I was
powerless to do anything. When tbe leg
islature of 187 convened, I conceived
the idea of a law which would provide
for these rebellions cities Atchison,
Leavenworth. Wyandott and Wichita
a metropolitan police system, to be ap
pointed by the state ofilcers now in pow
er. The bill was passed, and police com
missioners, consisting of two republicans
and one democrat, were appointed in tbe
citiea orLeavenwortb. Kansas City, Kan
sas, and Wichita. The police commis
sioners appointed by tbe txecntie coun
cil appoint tbe police judge, tbe city
marshal and police officers. With these
implements of warfare, I proceeded again
to Leavenworth, and as evidence of the
success of my crusade I will say that iu
"JO days there was not a saloon in Leav
enworth, and where the eye was met with
saloon signs on every baud not or.e to
day can lie found, except in a pile of
refuse lumber it some back yard. The
police judge has fined 125 persons from
8100 to $'A0 each for violations of the
prohibitory law in Leavenworth City.
One of those parties, beiug fined a num-
ler or times, sought tbe protection of
Judge Crozier' s court in a habeas corpus,
and the court rendered the opinion of
which your cupping was a Tcry imperfect
synopsis, ion win ooserve rjy tnis cup
ping, that Judge Crozier holds that the
police judge and other police officers were
de facto ofllcers. and that their acts were
valid, but tbat tue law appointing com
missioners wbs unconstitutional and void;
therefor, it follows that, notwithstanding
Judge t.'rozier's decision, the police judge
of the city of Leavenworth will continue
to fine violators oi tue prohibitory taw aa
As a sort of retaliation for bavins scst
me the clipping you did, I send you here
with two, as explanatory ot tbe success of
the movement iu V ichita, where a snort
time ago there were 75 places running
where liquors were sold unlawfully, and.
1 am sorry to any, bad the sympathy of
the public press of that city, except, per
haps, two or three papers.
1 he prohibitory law gives me the pow
er, as attorney-general of this state, to en
force the prohibitory liquor law in local
ities where the county atUvney fails, neg
lects or refuses to perform his duty. The
county attorney refusing to perform his
duty 'in Wichita, I proceeded to appoint
as my assistant in that county the Hon. J.
It. Ilallowell, who, until the recent
change of national administration, was
the United States attorney for the
district of Kansas, a powerful and vigor
ous prosecutor. I gave him full instruc
tions what to do and started tbe ball roll
ing by causing some arrests to be made,
and convicted two persons on informa
tion of nine counts each, and securing
their sentence to the county jail for nine
months and 8900. and the costs. - One
other person was sent to the county jail
for eight months, accompanied witu an
$800 fine and costs. Col. Ilallowell has
filed informations in Wichita against 44
persons, ranging in counts numbering
from one to 208. You will observe from
the cliDbing herewith inclosed that the
individual charged with 208 violations of
the law was convicted on each and every
count, and consequently receives a sen
tence from tbe district judge of the mini
mum fine and penalty on each count.
making his couts aggregate seventeen
vears and eight months, with s'iO.NOO hne.
You will also observe what CoL Hallow
ell says on the subject of the masses in
Sedgwick county. He says: "The peo
ble of Sedgwick county make as good
jurors as can be found in any county of
the state.
W7hen I commenced operations in
Sedgwick county, the violators of the law
would snan their fingers m my face and
say, "What are you going to do about
it"? The people here don't want the
saloons closed." I said to them tbat they
were mistaken, and when 1 commenced
operations and succeeded in three cases,
they then began to say tb me: You had
better go a little careful; we will turn
against you politically," to which threat
I replied that "when the time comes for
you to do me injury politically, remem
ber that there is a probability that you
will be in jaiL." How far that prediction
has come true may be interred from tJol.
Hallowell's letter contained in the clip
ping inclosed Herewith. With me the
enforcement ot the prohibitory liquor law
M attorney-general of this state is strictly
a matter of ofllcinl duty. I propose to
perforin jny duty whatever the conse
quence may tie. That mv life has been
in dnnger at diflVrent, there can be
no queation, as I have gone into commit
tees where it was supiHiaed absolutely
nothing could tie done in enforcing the
law, aud by perwmtf nt efforts have won
the confidence of the people, and bare
succeeded. There is scarcely a saloon in
Kansas to day. It may be said that there
is not an open saloon, in the manner tbat
saloons are kept open in other states, in
Ksnsns ; bnt that thee are places where
liquor is sold contrary to law, there can
be no qnestion. We have a law that says
that men slisll not steal horses ; they
shall not murder; they shall not commit
arson ; yet horses are stolen, boases are
burden, and men and women are mur
dered. It is safe to say tbat tbe prohibi
tion law is enforce 1 in Kansas as well as
any other law npon the statute-book.
Inasmuch as you are about to vote up
on the subject of prohibition in Oregon,
it may not lie out of place tor me to here
state some of the evidences of the benefits
of prohibition in Kansas; and before
stating what tbe facts are, 1 desire to pre
face it by giving you the manner in which
I have arrived at the conclusion that I
have. Until I came Into this office the
attorney-general brd no jurisdiction over
the enforcement of the prohibitory liquor
law. When the prohibitory law of 1881
was enacted. I was then county attorney
ot Osage connty, a county inhabited
largely by miners, a great number of
whom were foreigners whose habits of
life had been fixed before coming to this
country, and who absolutely believed the
prohibitory law was unjust and tyranical,
and that they were justified in swearing
falsely upon the stand in order to protect
themselves from its operation. I had
great difficulty in enforcing tbe law in
ttsnge county aa county attorney, and felt
relieved when my term of office expired.
After having been elected to the office I
now bold, the whether acting
upon their observation of my experience
as prtwecutor in Osage county, or not, I
am unable to say put a provisioj iu the
law of 18H5 making it the duty of tbe attorney-general
to enforce the prohibitory
law in every county where the county
attorney failed, neglected or refused, or
if from any canse the law bad not been
enforced. That provision of tbe law more
than doubled the duties ot this office aod
brought down npon me a deluge ol
curses and praises that wilt long be re
membered. I went at tbe violators ot
the law with ungloved bands, end at tbe
close of the year 185 to see what the re
sults bad been I addressed a communica
tion to each of the county attorneys,
clerks ot the court, and probate judges,
with tbe view of ascertaining tbe number
of saloons then in the counties and the
number of caar-s prosecuted, and the gen
eral result of the year's work. I found
tbat the saloons bad beeu decreased 33
per cent aud that there was a general
good result reported. Tbe legislature ot
lSWi, at my suggestion, made new amend
ments to the prohibitory law. At the
close of the year 1HW5, I again made a
summary of the results of tbe enforce
ment of tbe law, and found an increased
benefit; but also found that there was an
imperfection in the prohibitory law of
18S5, which permitted the drug-stores to
sell liquors simply upon the statement
of the individual who desired the liquor,
that it was necessary for medicinal, scien
tific or mechanical purposes. I suggested
to the legislature the propriety or amend
ing the law restricting tbe sa'e by tbe
druggists of the state, andjequiring per
sons applying therefor to accompany
their application for the liquor for tbe
excepted purposes with en afi'davit, giv
ing the disease for which it wes necessa
ry, or the mechanical or scientific purpoee
tor which it was desired, the name ot the
t atient, it required for medicine, ard tbat
the person applying, sign bis own name
to the application. I also suggested that
there be a restriction or penalty placed
upon the sale of liquor by the druggists
for Bny other purpose except tbat for
wliijh intoxicating liquors could lie ben
eficially used as a medicine. This bad
the tendency toimmediately decrease the
sale of intoxicating liquors iu Kansas.
Since this law went iuto effect, I have
caused another series of questions to be
answered by the various connty ofiicia's,
also by officers of the penitentiary, with
a view ot ascertaining the effect ot prohi
bition upon crime, pauperism and insan
ity. I am now armed with a series of
statistical tables on tbe subject of tbe
effect of prohibition on crime, the other
tables uot being yet completed. I Lave
taken the same number ot years prior to
prohibition tbat prohibition bas been in
effect in Kansas, with a view of compar
ing the percentage of crime to the popu
lation before prohibition tbat we have
bad since prohibition has been in effect.
These tables show the convictions in
every county in the state for the several
years from 1H74 to 1887, inclusive, and
for what crimes they were convicted and
sent to the penitentiary. We find that
in the year 1880. the last year of the
t rum shop act, there were 291 convic
tions for felonies in tbe state of Kansas,
with a population of a little less than
1.000.000 reoile. Although 4he popula
tion of Kansas was continually increasing
year by year, we did not reach the maxi
mum of 2l until in the year 1885, at
which time we had a imputation of 1,425,
000 people, showing a decrease in crime
since prohibition or more than 25 per
cent Take tbe crimes that would be
the natural outgrowth of broils, saloon
rows, and other crimes incident to the
intemperate use of intoxicating liquors.
and the decreaae is even greater than 25
per cent There is one thing that must
be taken into consideration in figuring
this result that would be against tbe
favorable showing on tbe subject of pro
hibition, and tbat is that in 1880 there
was no city in tbe state with a greater
population than about 20,000. and per
baps not more than three or four cities in
the state with a population greater than
10,000; while now we have four or five
cities iu the state with a population of
20,000, reaching as high as 40.000, and
more than twenty cities in the state with
populations ranging ebout 10,000; and it
5 . . .1 a i 1
in sale vo aay mm ueuaeiy pupuiuieu uis-
tricts. such as cities and towns, has a tec
dency to increase crime. I expect in the
near future to have a complete compila
tion of these figures and statistical tables
on tbe subject of the effect of prohibition
on crimes, pauperism and insanity, and
when completed will take pleasure in
sending you a copy. I am satisfied that
tbe showing ot tbe ellect of prohibition
upon insanity will be more favorable than
that upon the effect npon crime. So far
as pauperism is concerned, it is safe to
say that the effect is wonderful. In com
munitii s where saloons were prevalent
the disgusting scenes of beggary and
want, of dilapidated sidewalks, unhinged
doors and broken glass, have almost dis
appeared. Instead of a debauched hus
band reeling about the door, comfort and
pleasure, well-fed and comfortably-clad
children may be seen.
Taking it all in all, it is Eafe to say that
in Kansa&j where prohibition succeeded
with a majority of a little less than 8,000,
were it submitted again it would carry bv
from 60,000 to 75,000, and possibly 100,000
I hope that your people will adopt pro
hibition in the constituton of your state.
1 shall be glad to 'hear from yon from
time to time during the progress of the
fight, and if I can be of- any benefit by
furnishing you in the future, evidence
upon the subject, I shall take pleasure in
doing so. Yt urs truly,
S. B. Bradford,
Attorney -Generalof Kansas,
Devoted to the Interests of Farmers
and Stockmen, Radish
Horse-radish is
II. ot t. Raise.
an entirely Jiardy
slant, hence can be planted either iu
all or spring. The practice, however.
fa to plant in the spring ; aud among
those who make the most of their
Isnd, and crop every foot as much as
it will carry, it is placed in the ground
lor example. 9 a second crop. The
method is somewhat as follows : In tbe
fall and it may be one of the lat
crops to lift and harvest, as a frost
does not hurt it all the young eid
shoots taken off from the main or
market roots are selected for the next
spring's planting. These are cut into
pieces six inches long or eo, tied in
bundles, and stowed away in boxes to
keep fresh until wanted. It ia said
that care should be taken that all are
planted small end down. Henderson
recommends that the top part be cut
off cquare, the bottom slanting, as
there then would be no difficult r t
planting time. In the spring-, where
land is no object or as we said before,
the fall will do each set should be in
serted in the ground with a dibble, so
as to be just Ultjw the surface, thr
hole being made perpendicular, aud
the set made fast by a back-thrust of
the dibble. If no other crop is to be
taken off, they may be set 15 inch
apart each way in a hole 10 or 12
inches deep. Ordin rr cultivation
during the summer will I y fall give a
oiin nxi; omeurni-s a nrni pound in
weight. As a second crop iher are
lined between early cabbsge and any
other vegetable. The crop of cabbage
for first use is generally about two feet
apart Line out a row every foot and
plan the cabbage every alternate
row ; when through, plant the horse
radish sets between. The eArlr crop
will have become nearly ready for the
market before the hors radish makes
much of astir, and by the time tbe
cabbage or other crop comes off, and
the whole land is given up to horse
radish, the latter is ready to take hold.
and will bring nearly as good returns
aa if given the entire land to perfect
in. Of course this double cropping
can only be done with good soil and
toal which ia well manured. In all
casea whre ordinary field cultivation
is depended on, one crop will probably
be the better. Near large cities enor
mous quantities of horse-radish are
sold in the full to men who make a
business of putting up in bottles Urs
pleacant condiment, and shipping to
alt part". Formerly each family cut
up and grated its own a wanted. It
ia now put up in vinegar, but it will
not, however, keep very long, hence
it cannot be treated aa ordinary
canned goods.
Cattlvatl.a r sparajr..
The best land for asparagus is a deep
sandy loam. Any 1-tud that is mellow
and not lumpy, and free from tones,
will answer; stones and lumps make
he sprouta grow crooked and unmar
ketable. The land should be prepared
by previous tillage, so as to be quite
free from conch grass and other weeds,
and is prepared by plowing under a
heavy dressing of manure early in
spring, after which the land is har
rowed and furrowed deeply with a
Urge two-horse plow, running it two
or three times in the same furrow, and
then shoveling out the loose loam with
long-handled shovels. This will leave
furrows about ten inches deep below
the average level of the field. The
furrows are made three and one half
or fonr feet apart, and after making
two furrows the cart is driven along
side to spread a little fine manure in
the furrow, and then the plants are
set at one foot apart along the fur
row, taking pains to point the heads of
the plants in the direction of the row.
This will tend to keep them from
spreading sideways, as they are apt to
when planted carelessly.
The plants are covered by the hoe
only an inch deep at first, so that they
may start quickly. After planting two
rows, then two more can be struck
out, or, if phosphate is used in the
furrow, tbe whole Geld can be struck
out at once. But a manure cart can
not be driven over such deep furrows
without destroying them. The object
in setting the roota so deep is to allow
flowing the who'e surface of the field
over the tops of the roots to destroy
wCfds after the plants are well estab
lished. -
The plant are raised the'yesr prev
ious by sowing seed in rows hi teen
inches apart and treating the plants
like onione tbat is hoe an J weed them
often. There ia considerable differ
ence in tho varieties of the asparagus
used. After planting the asparagus
the ridge between the rows may be
planted with carrots or beets, which
will not interfere with the asparagus,
and will pay for keeping the land
clean the 6rst year. The second year
there should be nothing else grown
upon the land. In spring it should
receive a good dressing of manure or
of some standard fertilizer containing
a liberal portion of potash. The sur
face should be plowed entirely over
with a one horse plow and then har
rowed thoroughly with a good smooth
ing harrow.
A law has iccentlv b.en enacted
iu Germany v. hih forbids tho is: of
colors or color pro pa n; containing
antimony, arsenic, barium. catliiiiun
copper, coralino, jjamboe. lead, mer
cury, pnric at id. tin. uranium or zinc.
in the making of anv article of food or
confectionery. .V. Y. Le fger.
According to the United State?
census of 1870, of the total steam and
water power em plored 48.18 per cent
was water. In 1880 tho percentage of
water power had decreased to 35.33 per
cent From this it will be seen that
water power is fast falling behind in
the race. Boston Budget
A striking experiment in the com
bination of colors was performed a
ihort time since by Prof. Vogcl at a
meeting of the Physical Society, of
Berlin. He wished to demonstrate the
incorrectness of the popular notion
that yellow and blue, when mixed, al
ways make green. He took two phials,
one containing aoid yellow, and tbe
other aniline blue. He mingled their
content together, and the result was a
mixture not green in color, but of a
fiery red hue, & Ltdgtr.
Everything of General Interest ia a
Condensed Form.
Around Philomath, farmers are busy
putting in full wheat.
Heavy mountain fires are
south of (J rant's Pas?.
A toboggan club lias recently been
organized at The Dalles.
Snow has already fallen on the high
mountains in Southern Oregon,
The firemen of Dallas will dedicate
a new city hall, now completed.
Atoria citizens have raised the
$150,000 subsidy asked for the railroad.
Claim jumping is the popular pas
time in the Canyon creek mining dis
Miners everywhere are getting readr
for winter, says a Jackson county
Th snrvey of the Umatilla reserva
tion by the contractors is about com
The name of the postolHce at
Itooster It'jck, has been changed to
Gen. Jobn F. Miller has the contract'
to furnit-h the Yainax Indians with
63,000 pounds of beef.
A uew poBtofiiee has been established
at Mo wry, Crook county, with Mark
A. Carson as postmaster.
A new postoflice has been established
at Elmira, Lane county, with Martha
A. Ballman as postmaster.
Mrs. Henry Miller, of Corvallis, ia
reported to nave gone insane from the
effects of a felon on her finger.
During the rodeo in upper Summit
Lake valley the complete skeleton ot
a white man was found near Ana
The tug Pelican, in attempting to
enter Smith river, was thrown on the
rocks, where she remained at last ac
Jack Thompson, who killed Shelly,
at Antelope, has been held without
bail, to appear before the next grand
jury in Waco county.
The latest developments from the
Canyon City-Baker mail robbery indi
cates that the thieves succeeded in
getting away with nearly f 2,000.
Sheriff Walts, of Columbia county,
hs offered a reward of 1 200 for the
arrest of George Upton, who murdered
Dt journette near Bradbury landing.
Tbe Blasdel syndicate have paid
1150,000 cash for the Kelson placer
mine, south of Baker city. They will '
take possession of tbe property in No
vember. The Chloride mine on Rock creek.
owned by J. P. Malar key, has been
bonded for f 25,000, for a period of six
months, to J. K. Komig.of La Grande,
and other..
The M. E. church, south, h es
tablished an organization in Granife
Pass. The new organization proposes)
to erect a new place of worthip in
Grant's Pass next spring.
Cattlemen have just finished the fall
ride. The are now able to make a
close estimate of their losses last
inter, and place it at about 40 per
cent-f ays an Ochoco paper.
Capitalists propose to build a $50,000
hotel at Ashland, providing a sufficient
Hon as be raised by the town. An effort
is also being made to get the matter
undertaken by a joint stock company.
The C. F. Bradley Mining Company,
of Sanger, have about got their mill in
running order, and it is expected that
they will commence cru.-h ng ore in a
short time. About seventy men are
now at work in the mine.
Mr. Street performed the feat of
las.-oiug a five-point mule deer on
Hampton butte. This ia a rather
novel way ol catching deer, but the
bucaroes of Crook county have many
novel ways of doing things.
On the Hue of the Oregon Pacific,
about seven miles above Mehama, the
body of James Minot waa discovered
banging by a bale rope to a small
tree. He had committed suicide,
probably in a fit of despondency. His
knees were on the ground and he had
choked to death.
The general merchandise store on
the Siletz Indian agency,- owned by
Mrs. Chambers, was destroyed by fir a
of supposed incendiary origin, Mrs.
Chambers being away fr.m home at
the time. The amount of the loss is
unknown ; but it is supposed that it
will be quite heavy.
. AtBeaverton there ate about 80
acres of mltek-Jhind (they call it
Beaverdam land) occCpifidhyirenty
seven families, who raise general pro
duce. The most important crop is
onions of which 800 bushels to the
acre have been raided, which were sold
last spring at $1 50 per bushel, also
f 1000 worth of rhubarb, $1000 worth
of horse radish, and $000 worth of as
paragus have frequently been raised
to the acre. Some of this land is
renting this year at $41 per acre cash.
One man is giving one half the crop
for rent, which will amount to $150 per
acre rental. The land sella readily at
$230 per acre. The muck is from two
to twenty feet deep.
Maj. Hafkins, in command at Fort
Canby, received a dispatch instructing
him to stop all work and bold the gar
rison in readiness for departure. Aa
Fort Stevens was abandoned some
time ago, this would leave the mouth
of the Columbia river without a mili
tary garrison on either side. The As
toria Chamber of Commerce held a
meeting and instructed E. C. Holden,
secretary of the chamber, to make
proper telegraphic representation to
the military authorities and Oregon's
Cengressionil delegation, urging the
recall of the order and suspension of
action till a proper showing can be
made justifying the retention of the
rcops at this important post.
A Butte special says: W'ni. Galvey
met a terrible, death in the yards at
the depot He went between the cars
to uncouple them, and the engineer
backed the train to facilitate the work.
As no signal was given to stop the en
gineer began to back. Presently it
was discovered that Galey had caught
his foot in a frog ; the train had pushed
him down and the wheels ran npon
him, cutting him to pieces and wrap
ping his mutilated remains around the
wheels. His heart was torn from him,
aud teeth were found scattered alos
the truck,