The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 21, 1887, Image 4

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    'i - K1 ;f VF EANQ,
t a I i
M C 1
n 1'!- n tnd,
in the inviii
Onr tort ot sand.
3 ' vr1'.,!? ships willed by
To tfcoir tmtnt limit,
And iho sa-Riiil Bew
Hy the enrvihg strand;
Y"e heeding bo pasting
Plodded and planned.
While The wild snrj sprinkled
Our fort ol anU.
Built turret nd wall
And rampart complete;
T-.1J tho sun went down I
On a dav too fleot. ,,,
And at night, the hlph tide,
V:tU io.-i tsM hand,
Swept out end forever- ..K T
Our fort of sand,
But that summer day,
And the happy liRht,
And one tweet child-face.
With It glances bright
Th.-y are linteHng yet
By ocean strand
Where we budded and bullded
Our fort of sand.
Vi ur Sanford in Jf. T. Ind-pnUmt.
Good Reason for Telling the
Story at Tills Time.
. Now that (ho chances are that I shall
be nominated for Congress nest elec
tion, I hare been looking ever my past
life, and I can not help but admit
there are many incidents In it that if
unexplained will seriously jeopardise
my chances of being at the head of the
pells. Supposing that in the heat of
the contest my opponent suddenly
charged tue with being under arrest
for murder, and that, too, on my own
confession, I Terr much fear that
in the turmoil f a political meeting 1
'would not be, heard with that patience
that would enable me to clear myself
in the minds of the less partisan of the
Dny U? Well, I couldn't very well
do that, because the chanro would be
tine, and it is well known that what
ever else a politician mar do, he can
never, never tell a lie. lie is like the
curly-headed toy of the poem, or
George Washington, or a newspaper
in that respect.
So I rather vhoose to tell the facts of
the matter while the publio mind Is
reasonably rain and then hare this
account reprinted in the form of a cir
cular durinjr the contest if the charge
it at that time brought against roe.
A friend of mine, a first-rate fellow
ana an artist in tact the terras are
generally synonymous was Instated
master of a Masonic lodge, and after
the ceremonv he gare a grand dinner
at Anderton s Hotel, the Masonic tar-
em of Fleet street. London.
The ceremony took a great deal of
time, and wh?n the banquet which fol
lowed was over it was very late.
found that all conreyances had stopped
for the night. I tried to engage a cab.
but as I lived a long way out. the cab
bies showed great reluctance in accept
ing so distant a fare. The nieht was
clear and the walking good, bo I struck
out and determined on the way to see
some unfamiliar parts of London at an
unfamiliar time. I buttoned my over
coat arjout me and started out on foot.
After I had gone several miles through
the silent town, meeting no one but
an occasional policeman or some
ragrant like mvseir, 1 began to regret
that I had not put up at one of the
down-town 'hotels. An unaccountable
thirst took possession of me, and this
was the more remarkable as I had done
what I conld during the dinner to
quench it. Oi course at this hour there
was no place open where a tired way
farer could refresh himself.
Looking down a side street I saw i
bright lisht stream out on the r ad.
and I said to myself that I could likely
ret at least a glass of water there.
I found this place to be apparently
public, house. It stood, on the corner
and had large windows covered on the
lower half with red curtains through
which a person conld not see, but to
fudge by the sound of revelry within
there was no lack of something to
drink. It seemed strange that any
place should so defy the law, but I was
thirsty and went in. The moment
opened the door there was an instant
hntli and fi'frp onA lr ,V o.i tiiwrii4 mA
ts well as they could throueh the
eloiuis of smoke that filled the room.
Ar-etrfl'-yh bar was erected to the right
of the entrance, and behind it were
barrels of beer. A stal wait barkeeper
was filling glasses from these barrels
without the aid of the ordinary useful
and ornamental beer pump.
Til take a glass of beer, if you
please," I said, putting down my
"B?er, sir? Yes, sir," stud the
But he made no motion to nil my
order. Ha looked toward the end of
the room and a burly man in his shirt
sleeves came forward.
What's your, name?" he said.
My name," I answered, "is cash.
I have found it a good title to travel
under in different parts of the world.
There's my card," I continued, point
lng to the shilling on the table.
am very thirsty and I Want a class of
)X you eo, do you? Don t you
know that no beer's sold in London at
this time of night?"
"Well, you" seem to be having all
' you want here.
"Oh, we seem, do wer And you
want to make sure, do you? Now,
we've had enough of your company.
Haven t we, lads? Tbere'was a roar
of assent at this and the beer mugs
rattled on the deal tables. The bnrly
man strode to the door and ooened
wide. As he did so there appeared to
- be a move among the assembly to as
sault me, but the man held up his
band and said, anthoritativoly: "Not
hero, lads." "Now," he shouted,
turning to me, "you qet outf"
I never bandy words with a man who
is much larger and 'stronger tham my
self, and the speed with which I got
out on the pavement rendered futile
his good-n at ored attempt to assist me
out. I heard the door bolted and the
hnbbnb renewed with greater fierce
b -es than before.
I walked around the corner and stood
a moment looking at the ruddy win
dows wondering what the meaning
was of such a reception. Even if I had
tumbled into a private gathering,
which seemed possible, the desire for
a eool glass of beer ia not looked on
by the average Englishman as putting
a person beyond the pale of civil treat
ment. It is a yearning they generally
appreciate and sympathize with.
As I stood there meditating on the
circumstances a side door opened and
a woman head appeared. Looking
- f urtively up and down the street she
wli'sr-ere l ben she saw mo.
Don't stand there, but
asked, "what have i
Whyr" I
They tUUtk
you re
an Informer.
ll.ii. r
"111 gn back and show them fiu o
an informer. What mould 1 inform
"Oh, don't slaud there but go!
They're too much drink In them to
listed to you. Cut tor It or there'll be
With this tho door was closed as
softly as it opened, and thinking that
perhaps the woman knew better than
what sort of companions site had, J
cut for it."
Before I got around the corner I no
ticed three men come out, and seeing
me cutting for it they followed, but
not with as much haste as they would
have done, I thought. If they wanted
to catch me. Nevertheless before I
had turned the next corner they were
at the first turning, and a they came
into the light of the corner lamp l no
ticed that each had a stout stick in his
hand, I ran down the next street and
n a very few moments saw why they
ilid not hurry. I win, in a trap. Up
u the darkness before me loomed tliU
huge brick viaduct of a railway that
ran above the housetops. Against
this ended the street and there was no
way out except the road by which I
Just as the position of affairs
iawned on ma my three pursuer sp
ared at the other end of the street.
There was a lamp about half way
down the street and I reached it a little
before they did.
AeIL ' 1 said, dcioctedlr. "1 sup
pose it's all up. I see you know ma.'
You won't know yourself when
we be done w'yo," said the foremost
Oh." I exclaimed. "I give myself
up. i am tired ol hitting, ami intend
ed to g've up to the first policeman !
met But you may as well have the
reward among vou. I suppose. It won't
make any difference to me."
"What reward? cried another of
the gang.
The one hundred pound. You
know, of course, that I am Brown, the
murderer. "
Now, hre was a curious phase of
human nature. Up to that moment
they had been pressing around me.
each waiting for the -other to strike
first. But the moment I mentioned
ny name they felt back aghast, as If It
would have been contamination to
touch me. And yet they were thein-
elves EO:nz to make a brutal assault
that for all they knew would end In
murder. Brown was not the name of
he murderer that all London was
searching for at that time, but that
name will serve. n nan neon
week In hiding, with the toils
yetting closr and closer around
aim. II -j had b.wn seen In every
martyr of the me'.ropolK and many
man over his glass of beer had told
how he hat passed him, or spoke
o him, or thought he had. My three
ruffians consulted together for a mo
ment. The startling announcement I
had made had sobr.d th?m. The
crime I had been guilty of had been
one of particular atrocky. I could
ee that the three had half a mind to
fnt for it" themselves.
"Will von go quietly with us to the
station?" said the foremost ruffian.
Certainly. Two of yo i can take
my arm and the other follow with his
s:ick. I con'dn't get away if I tried."
They declined to touch me, but one
walked on each side while the third
"This is Brown, the murderer.
said the foremost ruffian to the sleepy
inspector at the station, which we
reached after a long walk.
'WkaWr' cried that functionary.
as he sprang up, wide awake. The
two policemen who were sitting in on
a side bench jumped to their feet.
slipped off my overcoat and stood In
the dingy station in all the dazzling
glorv of full evening dress. The ruf
fians rubbed their eyes as if a Iran
formation scene had taken place. Of
course a man may be a murderer in
dress suit, b it than is not the nopal ar
conception of him.
The policemen looked at me and be
gan to laugh.
There" the picture of Brown," said
the inspector, pointing to the walk
I am not handsome, but I did not In
the least resemble Brown.
"Now," I said to my three ri Slant,
I am ever so mnch ob.I led for your
escor. I feel safer here than I did in
that blind street. If you have too otber
charge against me than the trivial one
of murder you had Wetter go before I
tell my story."
They seemed to agree with me and
hastily left. "Lube SAarp," in Detroit
Free Vres.
.4 Simple Method of secarlnc Refreshing
nd Cninterrapted Sleep.
I had frequently noticed that when
engaged in deep thought, particularly
at night, there seemed to be something
like a compression of the eyelids, the
upper one especially, and the eyes
themselves were apparently turned up
ward, as if looking in that direction
This invariably occurred, and the mo
inent that, by an effort, I arrested the
course of thought and freed -the mind
from the subject with which if. was en
gaged the e3'es resumed their natural
position and the compression of the
'ids ceased. "
Now, it occurred to me one night
that I would not allow the eves to turn
upward, but kept them determinedly
in the opposite' position, as if looking
.lown ; and. having done so for a short
time, I found that the mind did not re
vert to the thoughts with which it had
been occupied, and I soon fell asleep.
I tried the plan again with the same
result; and after an experience of two
years I can truly say that, unless when
something really annoying or worry
ing occurred, I have always been able
to go to sleep very shortly after re
tiring to rest.
There may occasionally be some diffi
culty in keeping the eyes in the posi.
tion I have described, but a determined
effort to do so is all that is required,
and I am certain that if kept in the
down-looking position, it will be found
that composure and sleep will be the
result. Chamber Journal.
Inquiring child "Pa, what is the
difference between sitting up and sit
ting down?" Pa (with perfect confi
dence in his ability to explain) "Why,
my child, when somebody is standing
up and he seats himself he sits down,
and when he doesn't go to bed and sits
down he sits up." Pa (with a dawning
doubt of his ability to make it quite
clear) "You see, my child, if he . sits
down, why, he ; I mean if he sits up
Go to your ma, and don't ask ms que,
tions wkea Ym busy."
t.'slt tur hi
It hat Stay Be Seen la the Chinese Qutr ;
trt of Kn frenolsco,
One marked feature of litn Franc-lnso
I especial Interest to F.teiii visitors
Is the Chinese quarter. There arv suid
to be 800,000 people In the city, of
whom about 30,000 are Chinamen. The
umber, owing to the restrictive legis
lation by Congress, is steadily dimin
ishing, and the oltlisens look forward
hopefully to the time when the Chinese
will cease to be a disturbing factor in
their population and Industries. Un
der the care of an experienced guide,
acquainted with the language and peo
pie, wo made an evening vMt to China
town. We noticed several Joss-houses,
where were all the paraphernalia of
heathen worship. These places are a
seniroe of revenue and the privilege of
keeping them. It Is said, is sold to the
highest bidder. Here are the altars,
the Incense, the burning lamps, the Im
ages and the worshipers, but In them
all we saw no evidence of reverence or
of religious feeling." Some of these
temples are decorated with elegant
woods, earrings, screens, bronaes, im
ages and hangings of golden embroid
eries, place ol interest, we visiteu
was a banquet kali which, we wore
told, was the Chiuese Delmonlen. Hera
dinners are given by the wealthy mer
chants and others to their friends or
to distinguished visitors. ' A banquet
seemed just to have ended. Musicians
making a horrid din, singing women
with most unmusical voices, young
girls and men gambling with dominoes
or other devices, are in various parts of
the rooms. A lordly Chinaman re
clines upon a richly upholstered chair
and smokes his fragrant cigar with an
evident air of self-esteem and self-sat
isfaction. In one corner is a luxurious
ouch, on which recline two elegantly
dressed Chinese. On the finger of one
sparkles a large and exceedingly bril
liant diamond. Between them Is a
lamp. Euch has the opium pipe, and
one is in the very a t of preparing to
smoke the drug which, while it yields
delicious unconsciousness, saps the very
foundation of her.lth and moral char
acter. We partake of a cup of fragrant
tea and sweetmeats, for which we pay
around price (the Chinese know how
to charge), and go on our way. Two
atures of Chinese life are patent to
us as we walk lite street, first, tne
woman slavery, and second the gam
bling hells. Under the stars and stripes
a slavery worse than that which held
the Southern negroes exists iu San
Francisco. Nor is it unknown to the
authorities. Women, even girls of
teuderest age, are brought from China,
bought as slaves, held as slaves,
guarded as slaves, and sold as slaves
Walking along the streets, one ses
them looking out of little grated win
dows, the victims of man' avarice.
Visiting the mission of the Methodist
Episcopal Church on Sunday, wo saw
at the services nineteen women and
girls who had been rescued from this
slavery, and are sheltered, educated
and Christianised by the missionary
and his assistant. As we passed
through a narrow street our guide
called attention to men standing guard.
These were sentinels watching at the
doors of gambling dens, ready to give
warning at the moment of danger.
The doors are iron-clad, and on in
specting several we discovered the
marks of the sledge-hammer, where on
previous occasions the police had
broken in. In one square, on the right
and on the left, there must have been
two doaen such places, and perhaps as
many pitiful women slaves peering out
of their little grated -windows. These
things are all known to the authorities.
Their openness more than Justifies the
report that hush-money is paid to the
police. Cue can not but conclude that
the Chinese are an undesirable popula
tion, not merely, as the average Cali
fprnian will tell you, because he works
more cheaply than the American,
sends his money out of the country
and brings leprosy in, but, more than
all, he is a moral leper, corrupt and
corrupting, and ho community can
harbor him and daily see and tolerate
his vices without coutagion. Cor. llal
timore American.
the Ba4 Which All Itreedera of Live-Kteck-
ehnal.l Work For.
The kind of food furnished to young
animals during the earliest part of their
existence, has an Important influence
on their character and usefulness in
afterlife. Nearly all breed are just
what their respective breeder make ot
them, and the profit derived from thvdr
culture is governed, to a great extent.
by the way they are fed and managed
when very j-onng. Since so much of
their future usefulness and value in
after life depend upon their treatment
when young. St would amply pay the
breeder to give them a little extra at
tention at this time, and see that every
want is supplied in the best possible
The trouble generally is that the
breeder is too anxious to have his young
stock grow fast, and oftentimes he is
found forcing them along to early ma
turity with fattening food. This will
give them a sleek-looking appearance,
and this is Just what a great manv
breeders are working for. but which
really is a detriment to the utility and
value of th stdck in question. "What
should be aimed at by all breeders in
raising their farm stock is a large
frame well supplied with strong mus
cles, and of course this can only be ob
tained to best advantage by feeding on
the right kind of food from the si art.
Fatty food should always be guarded
against, as excessive flesh is quite -burdensome
to the young animals, and pot
what they fhonld have at all.
It is not the nature of young stock
to be overfat, and when they are found
in this condition it is a sure sign of
overfeeding, or injudicious feeding, to
say the least.' The food they eat at
this stage of their life should be of such
a nature as to develop bone and mus
cle rapidly, and this is the end which
all breeders ought to work for, as it if
mnch more profitable for all concerned.
Farm, Field and Stockman.
The sun-spot expounder of the
Rch ester Democrat and Chronicle,
who has. during the past two years,
been remarkably succes.-ful in his pre
dictions as to the weather, based on
the violence of solar activity, or rath
er upon the prevalence of spots upon
the sun which produce eleclrical
storms, states that these disturbances
are decreasing slowly to the muniraum,
and when that is reached there will
be a gradual increase - of electrical
Storms for two or three years.
There are now 692 newspapers pub
lished in Switzerland, against 411 in'
1372, and 576 in 1883. Of these 692,
79 are published six times or more dur
ing the week, 201 from two to five
times, 199 once, 190 ' less than once,
and 23 have no regular publishing day,
appearing only occasionally. Berne
publishes the Urgent number, 113, the
next being Zurich, with $9.
A Conutry Wiiere a AlMtt's mint loo lu Life
It l.KiitnMeU by 111 ghues. '
Chinese s iocs lire apt to appear U
us all very much alike, and, looking at
undent pictures, i hey seem as If thoy
had been the sitiue as f ir back as wt
can go. An intelligent Mongolian in
this city, howtver, assures the write!
that this is not so, and that great
changes of f.tshion have occurred it
later years, while the shoes of dUTcrunl
clnssi s of people differ both as to shape
and material. No doubt it is a weak
ness of ours, which causes us to think
every Chinaman's shoes to be Indis
tinguishable from his neighbor's, jus I
as we fancy all their faces to be verj
much alike. In China, no: withstand
ing. It appears thiit the shoe, as well
as (he other portions of costume, li
significant of one's station 1b
life. Thus the working-man weart
a partleulnr shape and color,
the learned man another, and thi
Mandarin another. You look at t
man's shoes and you can tell his rank.
The Mandarin affects boots greatly,
and there Is a curious custom in con
nection with them. When he gives uj
otfllce as governor of a district oi
province, the heads of the various de
partments wait upon hint and request
his boots, which are placed In the tem
ple. They at the snne time make him
a present of considerable sums oi
The ordinary shoe has a sole of felt
with an upp-r of cotton. A single
piece of leather !s sewed on under the
fult which is about an inch thick. The
sides of the sole are palnte I while.
Great numbers ot these are imported
luto this country and sell at $1.60;
they may be bought in China for about
ninety corns. A Chicago gentleman,
who was a resident in China,
Informs the writer that he found these
extremely comfortable for moving
about his house and garden.
The upper classes go in for embrold
ery on their shoes and sMp)ers on an
extensive an 1 artistic scale, but I could
not learn f any article which would
cost more thru four dollars. Th
effect of the e.ubroldery Is mostly very
pleasing. It Is always what .may be
called si;rf.tce decoration. The general
guiding forms are first considered, and
these are decorated. The flower ar
not natural flowers. We do not see.
as iu our work, a highly wreueht inil
tailoit of a natural flower with it light
and shade struggling to standout from
the surface on which ItIs placed, hut a
conventional representation sufficient
ly near to su(. est an Image to the
mind. Men orcss boom or shoes are
of velvet or atin with the universal
while soles. ,
Chinese b-dtea, like those of othet
lands i.i ide themselves on the smidl-
ness ot their feet, but In no oihet
part of the world is so unnatural
method employed to secure the desired
end. All the Chinese, who can afford
it, cause the unformed bone of the
female Infant to be broken, and th
toes to be bent beneath tho aim ol
the foot. In this way the toot is band
aged and not allowed to grow. The
result is a miraculously small foot a
large unwieldy ankle and no ctlf.
The pain of the alteration in the
direction of the bone frequently kill
the sufferer. Yet mothers take a pride
in submitting their children to this
dreadful urdeaL When these grow up
they have a limping gait, and there
are frequent falls, often resulting In
serious injury and broken bones. Till
barbarous custom is practiced not only
among fine ladies, who can rldo in
sedan chairs, but among the poorer
classes, who have to toil all day in the
fields. SJtoe atl Ltnther Review.
Took the Chances and Lost.
The occupant of the office on Lamed
street went out the other afternoon,
leaving a by in chttrx. and pretty
soon a stranger called and asked:
"Is Mr. Blank In?"
"No. sir."
"Ba In soon?"
"I-I don't know."
G me out of town?"
"I dit'tno. You want to see him
"Yes. . .How long hat he been out?"
-Q dt a spoil. Can't yon come lo
"N i; must see him to-day.
The boy got up and walked around
for two or three minutes, breathing
.a if considerably ex jit id, and then
"Sa-e, mister. If you've got a case
for MistL-r Blank he ought to know It;
if you've got a bill he won't pay it.
I'll take the chances and ask what
you want lo see him for?"
To collect a debt of seven do'lars."
"Humph! I look the chances and
lost. Ho won't bo home for a week."
Detroit Free Pre.
Charles James Fox was in Parlia
ment at nineteen.
Lord Bacon graduated at Cam
bridge when sixteen, and was called to
the bar et twenty-one.
Landseer, the great animal painter,
once asked Sidney Smith to grant him
a sitting, whereupon the clerical wit
replied: "Is thy servant a dog that he
should do this thing?"
Prince Bismarck is the most deco
rated man in Europe, Should he ever
appear wearing the insignia of all the
orders conferred on him he would re
semble an Oriental prince
A new sixpenny illustrated maga
zine is to be publised in England under
the name of Atalanta. Mr. Ruskin
will write the preface, and Andrew
Lang and Rider Haggard will con
tribute to the first number. lioston
Queen Victoria Is going to insti
tule an order of literary merit, consist
ing of twenty Knights, fifty Knights
companions, and one hundred com
panions. Her Majesty is now taking
counsel with a number of the leadiug
literary men of England.
More copies of Mrs. Dodge's
"Story of Hans Brinker" have been
sold than any book for children from
the pen of an American author, yet
the author had the most extreme dif,
ficulty in finding a publisher for l
when it was completed in manuscript.
The Scribncrs finally accepted the
book after It had been deoliftod by
several houses.
I can hardly telL" says Mr,
Hubert Howe Bancroft, how I came
to devote my life to history rather than
any thing else. Looking back, it seems
to have been accidental. The motive
was neither a longing for wealth nor a
thirst after fame, while the develop,
meut was easy, gradual and natural.
My history is nearly finished now, and
about half of the force wbieh has been
continuously employed at my library
for twenty-five years has been retired,
yet them's befora ma sayeral 7eari of
alstericai labor." ...
The strength and compactness of! the
Mormon church is shown by the state
ment that of 10i,3l person connected
with It, no less thin 34,4'U are ot! leers or
dlRiilt&riea of some kind apoatiea. patri
archs. fiitfh-prlet, privets, elders, deacons
or teachers.
Are those whom a confirmed tendency to bil
iousness, suUJeot to the various anil ehsnirufut
symptoms indicative of liver complaint. Nausea,
(tok headache, ootutipatloD, furred tongue, aa
unpleasant breath, a dull or sharp pain In the
aelghborhood of the affeeted organ. Impurity of
the blood and toes of appetite, liftiallfle It a
one of the moat distressing, as It Is one of the
iroat eommon of maUdlea, There Is. however,
a benign apeolflo tor the dUea'e and all Its ut-
teasant manlfiwtatinna. ft ia the oonmirreut
istUnmny of the nubile and the niedioal nrote-
alon, thai Hosteller's Htumach llituira In a titnd-
telne hiih aohieyee rmuna speedily mil,
thorough and bnlrn. Uenidea rwitlfjliig liver
-dttr. It Inrljjrtirwte the feeble, eoiiqunni
ey aim iiibh n-r eumtuainMi. aim n
entivaleecetioe of theme recovering from enfoeo-
llngdlseafHM. Morttorer, It lathe grand specUlo
(or fever and ague.
Buffalo Bill say that a brush with In
dians usually end In a rapid removal of
"o, it was rirurrLt"
Of course It waa 1 He tried one remedy
after snolhe-, and finally gave up and
died w hen his life might have been saved
taklnst Dr. Pierre's "Golden Medical
Discovery theereat "ConeumptionUure"
wbl'-h. If promptly employed, will soon
uhdue all threatening symptoms, euch as
eoiiRli. laiiored breatiiiinr, nlitht eweata,
spUtlna of blood, etc.. and reatoiinir wan
ing sirenRin and nope, riiectuaJty atop tne
poor oonsunipuves rapid progress grave
ward, la it not worth try lng 1 All d u
It Is estimated that the total production
ot coOee in the world la about otu.UU tons.
WHAT THftY At 0000 FOB.
BttANDRBTu's Fills are the beat medicine
Firtt - They are purely vegetable. In fact
a medicated food.
Sseorui The same dose a' ways producea
the me effect, other purgatives require
increased done and nnauy cease aeuug.
JAi'rti -Thev purlfv the blood.
1'ourf A They Invigorate the digestion
and cleanse the stomach and bowel.
Fifth The sllmu'ate the liver and carry
off vitiated btle and other depraved secre
tions. The first two or three doses tell the
story. The at In becomes clear; the eye
bright; the riled active: digestion I- re
stored; coeUvenesa cured; the animal
vigor Is recruited and all decay arreeied.
Da. J. P. Combs Owenevllle, Ohio, aaya; "I
have given Meett'a V,
of llod liver
Oil with tlypopbeapbttee to four paUenta with
better reeuli
tbaa eeetnet poeatoie who aay
reruerir. AU were hereditary oaaee of Lang
dieeeeo, and advanced to that etage when
t'oughe, pain la the cheat, frequent breatlilnv.
frequent pulse, fever and kinaclatlon. A 11
these oasea have Inereaeed In weiabt from IS to
IS fee and are not now needing any piediclne.
Sl'aa Hampton and Seaborn Green were
hung for murder at Fort bmlth. Ark.
"Be wise with peed:
A fool at forty la a fool Indeed l
80 said Young. Straws show which
way the wind t Iowa, and there are a score
of symptom any ene of which shows the
existence of catarh. Neglected, It will
rob the blood of Its purity and the aystem
of IU strength. Get Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Itemed y. It CTree even long etandlng
case, aa th' uxanda tea If y, and should be
uaed for colds In the bead, which often
result In confirmed catarrh.
Twelve MermoneHeraare now in Wa'es
to secure Immigration to Utah.
Te Tfaresiilierct I have a few of the
eeleh-ated Wea Inghouae Threshers yet,
and for ihe purpose ol cfoarng out will eel
them on next yeai's terma at bottom
figure a. Also, a few eeennd-hand ma-
hiree of other make. Write for bargalna
Z. T. Whisht, foot of Morrison Street
Cortland thegon. ,
0TEK X& 17TL
FRKR- To Merchant 0lt: A gen
uine Meerschaum Smoker bet. dve
pierce), tn aatin-lined plush caae. Adrireaa
at once, K. V. Taksii L & Co., 66 State
Street, Chl'-ago.
"Brewa's Ilrnrhlail TrerhNi"
are of great In aubdulng Uoarae
neea. bold only in frojree.
Gen. Don Carlo Buell 1
at Louisville.
pension agent
lta thousand of cures are the beet ad
vertisement for Dr. Sage' Catarrh Remedy.
Gen. D. M. Gregg, the cavalryman, I in
regular service.
TnT GntataA for break t a t.
Skin Scalp.
by the.
all eum parable to the CtrricuaA Kemkdiks
their marvellous proportiee of cteanelng,
pdrlfytng and beautifying the akin and In
ourlng torturing, dtaflguring. Itching, scaly and
pimply dleeaeee of the akiit. eoalp and blood,
with loee of hair.
Odticvri, the great BkJn Cur, and Ctni
OVItA Boar, aa exquisite fekia BeanUfler, pas.
pared from It, estertially. and Curicca Ha
OLVKNT. the new Blood Purifier, internally,
are poalUve cure for erery form of skin and
blood dleeaae. from pimple to armfula. Cuti
CChAtltKM kdies ere absolutely pure and the only
Infallible akin beau ti Here and blood purttlera.
Bold everywhere. Price: t'uncriu. AOa: H
aoLVBNT. $1: Soap. IAo. Prepared by the Po-r-
rwfewd for - How to Cure Skin lUsraaea."
dove's down, and aa white, by
ConoT'RA Mkoicatkd Soae.
Cores all Diseases originating from a
disordered state of the EL00D er
LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula.
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexionbright And clear.
J. R. GATES A CO., Proprietors
417 Bansoma 8t San Pranctaoo.
No hot wfttor pipes; do havtfnf ym
For dt
orrpiioa. mat
Z. T. WBJGHT, Foot Morrison it Portland, Or.
too dtrnler In Thihlnt vnd GnenrJ Matehtnery, Ma
fin Work. Laundry luchinery. In fact gtnyUiixiig you
want. Geo. Ajrent for the bhlpmtvri Ooal Oil KngM
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Cutis and Sporting Goods.
afsnnfsetursts' Agents far
L. O. Smith's, Colt's, Remington, Onf finae
Ithio. Parker s and Manhattan uflDl UliUS.
Winchester, Martin, Ballard, Colt's
Lightning- &egaslne
Colt's and Smith At Wosaon
Send for Catalogue No. (.
ICS sV 167 Meeead Ht, Portland. Or.
ElTnldsAv.,Spo)uusraU,W.T. M State Bt..8aln,0v
27. P. W. U. No, It-, T, M. V. Ko, 1T,
-e- X
""Tip yAn
Absolutely Pure.
This sawder never varies. A marvel ef purity.
rtrti'Ji and whtlewmeneee. More econoaiicel Ibaa
Wieenllnary kind. and witto be cold la eenpett
ti wuh t)e multitude ef low teat, abort vcifht,
alum, or pbomifcete pumlwa Sold ealy tn eae
iwiAi, iiuuia hiiu lAy., loe wan kwm. a. I .
Forthrrr weeA
tret a mfirtnj
romatmnt i'tUti
in ami jnvn
in temple, after
only sUs ajijiiicu
tion$ of A7y s
Cream tlutm I tea
rdimtil, Kitry
tract of my roW
traa rrmowif. 11.
V. Vtark, lid DM
tion N. r. A p
pravtrr'i offtr
7 J
A Mrtiele h aNn'imt lte Mh .. tt A u
y-rlot M emu t !rj-1-u ; by anil, rvftomd. 60
Hew Samoaal, Mir or
Revlaed to November. 1887.
VS Oat Kara. Tegether. s)l S.
i. K. OIIX a CO., Pehnsbwa,
Portland, (was.
faiaortan and Dealsn ia
Stoves', Ilange Sc House
B-'arnlafclafr CJexMlav
IH rirat Htreet. Fertile) 4. Or.
Aa tmpwtnt AeeweapUaliBBaa Taat
RhsMtld tie Acquired by Everybody.
Learning lo swim requires Intellect
ual as well ns physical effort; the form
er Is rarely uscl. and the. consequence
is that it sometimes takes months, and
often years, to learn. The great
troullt in learning is th nervousness
that every one f-cls at first about get
ting the head under water, and all ef
forts are used in keeping; the head out
The experience of the writer In teach
ing lioys to swim has convinced him
that this is wrong. A cowl swimmer
should be able to swim under water as
well as at the surface, and tbe first
step ,in learning should be to get ae
customed to having tbe head under
water. The lenmcr should at first have
all fear taken awar. and then tbe rest
is eay. Hie writer has taught quite
a number -of boys to swim, aud In
many ca they have learned at the
wry first lime trying. His method is
ss follows: Take the learner into the
water, chiar water if It can be found,
tbout waist deep, so that he knows that
he can recover his footing at any time
he chooses. The first effort should be
to hold the breath and submerge the
face, keeping the eyes open, or better
still, if he can do it at first, submerge
the-whole head. This shou'd be prac
ticed until nod-fficulty is experienced
In keeping the eyes open, and exclud
ing the water from the month and
nose, aud until all nervousness is gone.
There need be no fear of injury to the
eyes or ears. 1 hen the learner 'should
select an old ct, say fifteen feet away.
plunge boldly under the water, and
make the best of his way to it by swim
ming under water with his eyes open.
and fixed upon the point selected. In
almost all cases, his mind being re
lieved from fear, he will instinctively
adopt the methods calculated to accom
plish the end desired, while, on the
other hand, a nervous effort to keep
the head out of water fixes the mind
upon that alone, and the effort is made
in that direction, rather .than in learn
ing to swim. '
Some Instruction fn making the
stroke, however, should be given. The
finger ends should be brought to
gether at the breast, with the thumbs
side by side between the palms of the
hands and level witn their upper
edge; with the hands in this position.
the arms should be extended to their
full length, when the backs of the
hands should be rolled inward, bring
ing the thumbs down, until the backs
f rm the letter V. the thumbs' being
back to back and the edges of the
forefingers touching. The learner is
now in position for making the most
Important movement in learning to
swim, and this is made by sweeping
the extended arms an dishing"
hands rapidly around until they touch
the aides, when they should again be
brought to the breast ready for an
other stroke. There are few readers
who have not seen the movement of
the frog in the water, and the aim
should be to Imitate it in the move
ment of the. legs. In the recovering
stroke the movement should be slow;
that of the propeling stroke rapid by
O ily about two and one-half pounds
of lifting force, in addition to the
buoyancy of the body, is required to
hold the head entirely out of the
Water. O. Guthrie, in Chicago Herald.
Emotion, sways a far larger mul
titude than can be influenced by cold
logic - "
A wise man will never shut his
eyes before - he opens his mouth.
Whitehall 7mes.
liever wlnt any thing you can't
get and you will always get all you
want, Olenwood, Minn.. Cactus.
'Cheek is the tight rope upon which
crafty men often cross the chasm oi
ignorance to success. Washington
A book: has been written for middle-aged
women," It will have no
readers. Women are either young or
very old.
It takes the first thirty years of a
young man's lite t find out thatit isn't
tho man with the shiniest bat who
draws the biggest check.
He that would undermine the
foundations of our hope fcr eternity
seeks to beat down the column which
supports the feebleness of humanity.
? 7
"all aa Winter. la7.
la a A"aiVAt, or
to Geofe tmfl KotsIs!
ln the arrival of a verv lenm shloment
ef KBWOWUS end NOVeLT11&S for ail de
partments. The collection Includes all the lateet
and most fashionable Kuropean and American
productions, la dcalga. euiur and fabriu, eu
b racing
Alike, Treaa Good. Tweeds.
Oiovea, Itlhboae, t'leterlng.
Ijanee, Collars, Flannels,
Trimming, Cans. Port I urea.
nuiiona, - Kuohlnrs, curtaiba,
Corsets, fUnrikerchiefs, Blankets.
Hosiery, Umbrella, linen.
HeReekeeplag SJeede,
Kotrsjnxo Axo black cues good.
Ssmirlea sent oa annltcatlon. Rood sent C
u. v., or en receipt of rue torn c uraer.
Cer. Sr sal Morris m, Fortlaad.
Oregon & California R. R.
Tit Quick est and Beet Boate between
Pissing through the Beeatif ul
tflllaaaette. 17 as pa. a a Raid Bega
River Waaler.
Davlfaht views of Mt. Hood. ML St. Heieoa.
WUiamette FaUs, Mt. .Tetferaon, The ' hrtre
rnstera. ML lltt. Table Bock, McClood iUver,
Boda Sprtnea. Castle Feaka, strawberry VaUe;
IHissonal. Mt. IMiaata. Sacramento IUver ant
Baa Pablo Bay. tnaklag thi trip oee ef tne
neat ia tae country.
Tie Grcl Sssl. Ete st lis PaciSx Ccist
Train Leave Portland at 400 r, au daily.
Art. In Ban Fraixjieco
Seooad Morning
4 ilUM.
Htneriiitroiai I3ivrii3
Between Ashland and Siskiyea'a.
Between Portland and Aahlaad, Siskiyou's and
Baa ranoMce. .
Between Portland and Aeh'snd. Pikiyou'i and
Baa M rmcltro. tree of cnarge.
Tkltet C2ioe, Corner 7 and Front Streets,
Portland, Oregon,
K. P. ROGERS. Oea. T. k. P. Agt.
PL KOaTHUTR. Manager.
Reduced Prices on Rifles.
Model rs-St. J and is caL. reand
Same, ectagosu...
Model TS-tseO and 1ASO. round . .
Bam, eetagoa -
. IS 80
. IT as
Model SS-)SS. tO-ti. aO-St. tTS andt&m,
roand barrel IS SO
Baose, eetagoa IT tfi
Winchester Btaglesthot RiS. 11. IS, eS
and 4 eei, oetagoR barrel U Ti
- Send fer fRtalegme. ..;
rerUasd, Oreg.
Tho Van noncicsai
Teaa. aaailli seiS aa
sAA. attWar atanud aw
and ail afao aaSar v4th
I J SaaaJbessy,VsianKaa.
" .'eaJT-. r"Ra
Pates. wailiaa-
flora Tbnaft, TaMrik Ri
Waa "aaw tmi BisAttaJ Treablei
L vsraber una. unseiiasa, anal aana
bbA eaUX anA an tern ilia
ASetai Stexeej Oawajall Jeafldeat1tl
OFiaJia-laUI As 18 XHUtO Bf.
ERX H. K. LAN1W4. Poor mil lioaaerea.
enitabie tor Oimnges. Lsinmis, OUves, Pineapplea.
Bananas. Rtrawbarriee and early wgetsbAsa, e'er
ealeoaioosrereJIt. l.tStoSS.eopecaere.
a M. SOLOMON, Oea, N. W. Ag
- a urn s taHSfa, lua.
ip ao, Aaa tr
Union Pacifio RaUway.
Fires aa Oak Street, rertlawd.
It wOl .
te eA-ehi
eld histories!, atost eeaselr Doeolsted. riea sad I
parUene of the eonauy. lying bsteaea tbe Pacuv. sad
sety pomusrea.
'. bin Wn
Abe AUantie. tbaa H IU to betakea thraaah that wbieh
is spsnsiy satMed, Seaoiate sad aaiatarssOna.
tro Throa.b the Ceirl of the Cta'iceit
ar wat ar
Aad aO points Kaat aad Seata.
ween Portland and Oooncfl Bluffs, ar between
ana ivanssa city.
rallBiaa Palace Bleep!; Cetrw.
Aad Ooeaortabls Emigrant Bumn ea aB trains.
- -
Thset a so Wash. EJos lke tt so good, ee cheap,
so kandy. A well knawa all evar Xnrope as the
THng Knelng by dealers aad ootivnmers aa
Kladergartea Tea is ea the Pacifio Coast, Xbe tav
aenigned are agsnls for the tamer to the whole
Ooastaadfor the latter for the Vetted. SttOes a4
Canada, and (arits the attenUon et dealer to their
Rterha, W are 1m acta areata for Rock Candy
IWps, Palsy Tea, Pec Han's and Foot Woman's
Soap, Gold Weight Spices, and many other Sac roodx.
Jfew List ready for everybody. Send address; write
year name plainly. Haalth'e Cash. Star.
115 aad 117 Clay S)C.8aa Fraeciaoo, Cal. -
The Oregon National Dank,
or roBTUsn.
OAirr al paid m. ""r4 ""H;'
T - rs , - rlnsi
AOOOITS TS wtijeet to ehlt
fKM" KR-A f -s o,Ssa VTaaeieeeaadVew Terk.
AJt aV TtkvAaa.iS, tso k atKOI.s,
PMatta. yin. tmm. ..n,.
ie ,!'. "iS t,
mli. I'stal, Mi
IsTiformt.Hr. OetttJir- tt i V. A'
t f" To lay. fUi.M-e w-wti f f ', 1 Kf
fj Line not tittileif (l.e kurwefve'. Irie "r.
' v,t, Sarirre K ii : ii I o., t oil y , si i'.-ii-.
tlTrif'lVAY rtAlftM A !.
47 t CHt if ft I , ci,it.f. K-riMh ilc-. I-';r
det OrtraBS, band tefrijitieu!. 1 -ft s-wg
Of fthvml M tutle and Bouka, t'.mnr. i i ; d at
Kastera prioee. SI. tii tit i.
wm ram num. nan ranoiano.
"k u w a n w o i v. u v v i
Self-Playing Hcicil Instrument,
Ptav. f1all RafMuf . ftatioa ae4 H 1h tv-mtar
me i t taadar eornwtfr. rrue ttm 1 to V76. 'an
fc-oiuar Mm a. Baa rnuieiaao, ft eassiuf a.
ttfa.t All li..t ?... i j
(mull Hf r'tfl. TMHUfmi V 1 I
In m,i
' 1
tiirrferbafit't Krmm Ctfr4i m$f. J J
rr St. atrir frM St Ut9gt MSst4f?r K- irm:.
HfjC tKAKOile 1 1 ttlB stocs tii S?ae7 b1 thi rrjrtf vt
tieaf jjje-ai. Ivar rrau brtngu i-t: from f -tui errrZi
CCaJbU S. LLUM.HMJktM a AAA., SA, K. et t .
Ban Francisco,
I a. P am k.- .
-5 ff-"
BUELL LAM8ER30M, Cen'f Agent.
7 mtnru nt ran lata. nr.
Ia each town In thtseooRty to represeat as. Tea
esa sasae atoney last by osvoUag all e part e
year ume te tbe biiMnirtss,
In th asxt to Says we will send aa
Outfit aad tIXTS "WATCH TES 1
4rry'end yoor address te HofeVs MedMae
, J. O. Bi Lie Kan f rriro, Cai.
Tie Orlgiaal anael Only denaf ate '
ffsjff ftaWt Slr"SSaf B'Hd11!. ISfRSJNJ? WSft feffSSH tflP i'tWtftlSMt
fcC"fef-isiPrwrtl W.mM- s f to;ii3 dk
AMI Mpfrf, h u-Siuv tmt tT
r SitrMmma.i.mZit
Ssaawal aynptv aawS SlareJa
eaveh year. JS0- Slfi pegra,
9i x lt'4 tateaM,rua ent
3, BOO UtamraatwaHi a
a,l Pteamre (VsUery,
(i IV EM Wblw J PrSee
dfeeef eeaeaaeere em all awweta See
pnwaal ar fxaaUr TtUihewte
enraer, aatd g-Tvea aaae com at everr
tlarju pea awe, eat, etrtwte, weatr, ?
hreVram wttnu Taew UK VAXVJAHXM
BOOaSratata SaMtorawaOees aesqaetl
rrasn the aaarawta f wrewteU We
wUl asaU a ewpr aaiH aar
area epta raeetpd a 10 eVrrrap -etpaJMsf
aMHUa. tetetaeu Crwaa
yaaaaa Bl SSI JW.I f 111 7 f
M as S traaew A vc
ta eiiccesrfid eperatioa eiece t86e, pstfesdavd keaa
sa aacuoae ef me noruiveai, as sun a s-y
ea aad teadieg enacsiora.
leadieg edacsiora.
ef hs dan ee the Coast, it eften prfrale er class
lasU'scuoa, imj sad eveamg thfettgho tbe year, ia
Arithssetic, Writing, Coneapoadcece, Booskepieg.
Backing, ShOTthand.TTp-vrrttng, Bsissss sad Legal
Farms and all Contnna School Braachea. fctswente
ef all ares sad both seses admitted - aay tisia.
Catslogas fcea. Aratstnwg aad Wasco, I'lepricuum,
smoke rinn a riinmni
thi rLUil Us I.IKUIUU!
Cheieet, Pa rest aad Meet XMi-eta
or west mm cisis m the wcild.
AVrrar sale et mil Irertln ataeas A
L. K. G. Sr.!ITH, I SKarrts, w T.
Sole Agent. tZ'1ZlVw r
Ti. SttT ar tmi.1,1. I.
aa4 , Ifr.-y tar u.
erea. Ti aa
. im t mil
rf ct
tMeagk U. para ms nam
w Bwurr a. ua
j. Kan I ttMa letrU aa
IllMl StMIl l l
kaaAWUa. U Is Rt ta jUt
f ctnauara " III SUK a
jrta a. i ta. i
ARB '-
ficme Electric Belt figency
171 Foaxth 8t bet. Morriaoa and TaRahlQ.
PorUaad. Oregoa.
Oaocval and Mama 1Mb ittv. iniMi
lost alaabnod aawJ.uh' treated wttb tbs aM of fcna
UnuunB Aim Kic-rsie Raxv aad eceevelaeWM
SfrebaooM. Btsasi In.. taAea by tee aaaa a ay j
raaaoaable Ma A ecwpetaat Ptystaae aed it
" aiwaananaa aai.y vmancry Baaaats am l
Stag etStesjgaawrcaael ssd RtOO
Patient treated heeeorat their hoaaee, Manv
treated at bofne, throngh cxHTeiosieuea. aa
""r " tf here fa 52Se5
seens. or .eod ten ovtR tn atampe for our
7,?.'";' vee all partie.
ttlars. Address ) WORtn' fjtsPKsaART Mnv.
for "wtirn-owt.- "rao-down.- debOttated
chocd teachers, milllrvrre, antmKtreasrs, bouv
keeper, and overworked wotnen gerM-mfle
Dr. Piercw's Favorite Prescription Is to brie
of all restorative tonic. H is not a - Cure- M.1
but admirably fnlOia a aina-lerfeaa f Mrpwk
'P2ent fPUle tot aU thM
ChrtK-ic Wrakn and liiaeeae aeeuMa t
women. The t rentmnt ef suwty thotmada
of such the lavaUda Motel aad 6ur-,
leal Institute b afTorded a largw experiences
tn adapung rt-wpdiee for their core, and
ta the yvwnrt of this -vwat tiTii. tmiX c
ana aleeralloa, it 14 a feeitf. t
M MJ rSrip
l?b4?Si?'0- tUFP weekaee ef
stomach. tvKn. hlowirtif, wee hack
nervoua proatratKin, exhatKPtloa. fc-hiiitTaad
ttool eolii by drusnrtatg r peetttet
guaraiuee. Seevnaw areuaa botUeT
rAM9 ras 8S.OO.
?kvl K) oeots in Rtampe for Dr. Pieiroi jajT
Treaiiee on DiseawM of Women W0 pae-S
impetNforered). Address, WosuJg BrRt
artvMkdic At. Association, aa Mala Street,
' Vg a vV LI Villi
si:x i:ia
Rl!lei ITea4eliea
Ulnine. Ceaatipaa
tlon, 1 adlceetion,
and Btlloue Attacks,
promptly cured Tar Ar.
Picre Pleataat
Pargative Pellets. SS
Cents a rial, by Druggist.
mVTrVm esoeeraeosi61e. Carranas
erikitad. Tataw stristiy asaa. , - .
g4 e" '" " ' v
IawTS, a- "tV
DbC Varc 4 ttbAt (HeUtS K
twrns iAmJ ssd ssats C'va,
SitmMjtst MSiaSlliI aVirraTaaaW
IvWm, Tear
'! an efa a-q of
te fhibe!: sad mom rjshft
UeWftljt th jtaMfr&Oajr eteasa
1 A.Ua. -C
i'lhiHte Ta
Sesr Iv mbsb
FitW S.Vta
Caiaita i
I nm tvaaia
I Hra.el.eyaa
I traat Qawiss! Al