The Lebauou Express. Friday, oeTotiKU sC issf." tonight. Onmt nt rrlyttr!iin rhuveh to night. Advertise and the people will know whore to And you. Temperance meeting to-morrow eve ning. Kveryhody ahould attend. Ex-sheriff, J, K. Charlton, or Provi dence ealled on 113 for a short time on Tuesday. J. A. Heerd and family, visited rela tives and friends at Beio and Jefferson, this week. Rmiprnnt shaping ears have heen put on the O. & V. road between Port lixnd and Ashland. Tver. GfO. tiittoney of t he First l'refu hyterian chureh of this city, returned from Taeoma, W. T., on Tuesday even ing. The l":Ues Vm has been purchased by a company of democrats, and will tie published In the Interest of that par ty in Waseo county. Two passenger trains dally each M ay will soon be steaming over the O. & C railroad, and daily freight trains will le a eommon aight. . Rev. llominger, pastor of the Con-! grcgatlonal chnreh. at Alhany, will preach in the First rreshyterlan church of Lebanon, next Sabbath, morning and evening. . ' MtesMattie Allison well known by reputation, specially to the tax-payers of Linn county, who now resides in Portland, will leave in a short time for Montana, where she will make her home in the future. I. I). Miller, of Miller rtntion, this county, received ?S9 in premiums at the Btate fair on his Hereford atock, piven strictly on their merit. Mr. Miller has some of this splendid breed that he. may well le proud of. On Tuesday last, Mr. M. L. Caret h hs, of this city, pave us a pleasant rail. Mr. Carothcrs ts well down the other side of the divide, in life, hav ing located near Ibanon twenty years ago. He left Shelby county, Mo., for this coast in 164. That potatoes will grow In the Wil lamette valley, we want no better ev idence than to look at the one left at this olllce which weighs 5 11 . This jiujre moer was raiseu uy jir. ieo. cr they belong to the W. C T. U. or Taylor near Lebanon, and Is "a fine j not, are earnestly requested to be pres Fpccimen of the Peerless variety. J cut at 4:30 sharp, as the principle of Mr. Ralston Cox, of Corvnllis, makrs important work will be discussed at an entire change in his "ad" this fat that time. Ity order of the prest- .wcek. It is worthy a careful peruwd on the part of all persons desiring to lencfit themselves by purchasing goxls at low rates. Read It and see if you can do letter than by giving him Messrs. Keebler A Roberts are now ready to show customers through their new stock of groceries, provisions, con fectioneries, tobacco, cigars, etc., in tl building directly opposite Churchill A j Monteith'a. Lok out for their d' in this paper next week. II. Bryant, Esq., of AHwiy, one of the earnest prohibitionists of Unn county called at Lebanon on Tuvsday arranging for the meetings, announce ments of which are given In another place in this week's Extrkss. Mr. Bryant is a whole team in temperance work. ' A few days ago Charley Harmon sent the model of his improved etove oven. which he has applied for a pat ent, to Washington. It is ingeniously constructed, evincing some fine points In mechanician!. We hope Charley will realize a handsome profit on his , intlTn . Mrs. IL M. Leartes, who received a broken leg and other severe injuries by being thrown from a hack which ran off a high grade on the county road near Albany, a few months ago, has brought suit against Linn county to recover SortOO damage. Tiie ease will come Iefore the October term of the circuit court. Mrs. Itiggs, state president of W. C T. U. Is out In a card recommending the women to follow the example of other states and le out in full force at the polls November 8th. Xo doubt they will, for who is wore deeply in terested in the work than the mothers and wives? The ladies of Lebanon should make a note of this fact and act accordingly. During this week all of our mer chants have again received large In voices of goods. We wonder some times what the do with them. But the mystery Is easily explained: the people are supplied with them at such agreeable figures is the reason they disappear so quickly. Large sales, fcniall profits, aud lots of printer's Ink, is the motto of the Lebanon merchant. It wins every time, too. Mr. Joseph Nixon, formerly of the St. Charles hotel, returned from his visit East last Monday. He was gone four weeks and visited Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. Besides having a very pleasant time he learned many things of interest concerning his old'stamping ground," and is of the opinion that a great many people of the localities he was in, w ill immigrate to this coast, as tiroes are dull there, the corn and other crops being very short this year. On Saturday evening last a singing association was organized here under the management of Mr. J. W. Hempill and Mrs. Agnes Clugston, of the Con ' oert and Convention Co., of Chicago. Those who have taken lcssonsare high ly pleased with the system, and thot result of the work here will be tne or ganization of an association of singers 'Which we hope will "very materially assist In the congregational singing of the several cnurclies, ana aaa to me Interest of other eutertainments. On Wednesday afternoon last we were pleased to see Dr. Alexander, ac companied by his daughter, Mrs. Westlake, driving through town. The Ioctor is greatly prostrated by a recent stroke of apoplexy,' but is recovering as fast as the nature of the case will permit. He says that just previous to the attack, he was engaged in looKing over, aud re-arranging some papers re- quiring a stooping posture of his body, which he thinks more than anything tlse caused tiie attack, which, lor 7i 1. t.. 1 m- Churchill & Monkllh are to be com mended for Ihelr regard for home In dustries, as they have mieeeeded i contracting to Mr. Bennett, the rail road contractor, a vast amount of tlour manufactured nt the Lebanon Mills. Over 4,H!0 pounds of this tlour has been (hipped to the funnmlt and Messrs. linger A Wnswm arc still pushing thlmp at the milt lively to supply the full amount required. The Lebanon brand of flour is in jtnpular demand now and give the very best of satisfaction iijual to any manufac tured In the valley. A short call at Hardy's Jewelry store on Wednesday was made Interesting by observing the numberlem things he has in the toy line. Mr. Hardy ha "taken time by the forelock' and dis plays a large assortment of holiday goods, consisting of almost everything pleasing to the eye of the old and young. Among his goods are dolls of every description, from the large Im pounder down to the Wee, little blue eyed thing with moveable "pecpera" closed when laying down, and open and sparkling when standing up. The little folks will certainly haunt Har dy's store from now till Christmas. Hoys who smoke cigarettes and Lebanon, we regret to any, has a num lr of them amy be interested In knowing that these "dainty stinkers" are made from what Is known In east ern factories as "snipes" the ends of cigar stubs thrown Into the gutters and gathered up by the Italian laszarnnl that make racpicklng a business. The article, is flavored with double extract of assafoedita and vulture livers, and Is most deadly In Its Influence upon the nerves and brain. If boys will smoke they ought to use cigars or decent tt haeeo, and not take the chances of de stroying their eyesight and paralyzing their brain by sucking these poisonous "snipes." - Foand. , A ladies purse 8 miles from Lelanon. Owner can get it by describing it and paying tor this advertisement. Ad dress J. II. Henlngvr, box 19, Silverton, Oregon. . - An Important Meeting. At a meeting of the W. C. T. U. of Lebanon, last Tuesday afternoon. It was decided to adjourn to meet in the afternoon of fliesday next, October 25, at 4:30 o.elock, in the Principal's room of the public school building. All the temperance women of Lei inon, whet h- dent. On Wednesday last many of the good people of Lebanon were seen wending their way to the new M. lv parsonage with their well-filled bas ket, containing everything Incident housekeeping. In the evening the -t Tit by to these proceeding was reveal an invitation to attend a recepr Hon at the residence of Mr. Z. T. Bry- ; ant, in honor of Mrs. Skipworth, wife of IU?v. Walton Skipworth, of the M. E. church, who arrived on the after noon train. While regretting our Ina bility to lie present, we are pleased to learn the affair was a very pleasant one, and again take pleasure in wel coming Rev. and Mrs. Skipworth to their new home, wishing Walton suc cess iu every good word and work. Tempfntaf Meeting. Everybody, especially anti-prohibitionists, are Invited to attend tiie tem perance ralley at the First Presbytcri- an church, to-morrov(Sat.)evenlng,at 7 j o'clock. Speakers from different pla ces throughout the county, will ad dress the people.' Remember, prohi bitionists, there remains yet but a few days to work, ami we would urge up on the temperance people of Lebanon and vicinity the importance of strengthening our ranks for the great battle in favor of the home and against the rum power on the Sth of next month. Come to the meeting, and if you have any saloon friends, bring them with you. See that Lebanon precinct gives a good majority for the amendment. There will also bo a meeting at Shedd, to-morrow evening. Incendiaries In Lane County. Sunday evening about 11 o'clock, says the Eugene Guartl, the barn on the place of Mr. II Woolrlde, about one mile north of Smith field, was burned to the ground, and also a lot of harness that was stored in the same belonging to the renter, Mr. D. West. The barn was insured for $300 in a company represented by W. S. Lee, of Junction. The horses that were iu the barn had been turned out, or had got loose and escaped. It was evidently the work of an incendiary, as a bunch of rags, saturated with kerosene, was found in the barn, that had not been entirely consumed. The incendiary had also attempted to burn the dwell ing but lauea. Mr. wooinae was at the house of another renter, some few miles away, being sick at the time. An attempt, we learn, was made to burn the same property about one year ago. A Dishonest Drummer. On the 20th of September one Furey, a traveling salesman in the employ of Lang A-Co., Portland, sold It. McCal iy of this place a bill of goods, amount ing to fGO.OQ, for which he received the money and receipted for. On Oc tober 1st, Furey called on Mr. MeCal- ly again and was favored with an or der amounting to $G5.00, received the money which he did not receipt for. As the goods did not arrive In due time Mr. McCally wrote to Lang A Co, and in reply they stated that Furey had been discharged from their employ on September 23; that our merchants' letter disclosed the fact that the festive Furey had furiously swindled him out of $63.00, and urged Mr. McCally to lay the case before District attorney ! Blackburn, which he did ou Tuesday j lasL But wiiere i8 Furey? Probably : on Ua journey Hast, and as he flies over the rail 8 forcing his attention j Upon the ladies' just as Furey-ously as ever. ' , . , , , , Additional local news on second paje. A ri-itn Meeting. On Rumlny' lnwt the spiritualists of this community held another of their 'meeting nt the residence nt Mr. John Recti on Hamilton creek. , Thirty eight persons were In attendance, and much Interest was manifested. The exhortations were earnest, appealing to all to live In tho fearofOod, that the future life may becm of happiness In the great hereafter. This in Itself Is a grand teaching. Phenomlnat Spiritualism has Its mysteries, and Is open to Investigation. That departed friends communlento with their loved ones on this side of tho River, is not to all rsons a practical truth, but the theory no doubt Is worthy attention, and like all other religious theories, should not lc condemned until thor oughly Investigated. If there is any one thing' more than another "which gives this ct the prominence It en- Joys, It Is the character of the pot-sous who embrace the doctrine. Some of the vfry best people those of intelli gence, with excellent virtues, have de voted their lives to the promulgation of this doctriue.amt died In the blissful hoperiflminortullity. Claiming Christ as the example of creature divine, If they, or any other denomination of men and women follow what to them, seems to e His precepts, they are cer tainly entitled to a share of the regard extended to thoe of our community who are trying to do good. The meeting on Sunday last to which we were an invited guest, was a pleas ant one, socially, as well as otherwise. At 12:30 the tables were spread and an excellent dinner was served, and, we doubt not the ladies will bo of the opinion that we came nearer doing the bountiful repast justice, Rum the re port we herewith give of the occasion. School ItrporU Report of the Iebanon Public School for the month ending Oct. 14, l&S7s t lKST DKl'AUTMKNT. , Jfumlier of loys enrolled, 26; num ber of girls enrolled, 24; total number enrolled, SO. Average dally attend ance, 40.2-5. The names of those pupils whose av erage in all of their studies and deport ment Is 80 per cent or over, are as fol lows: Louie Peterson, Frank ie Burk hart, Neta Crouch, Delia Hardy, Mag pie Cotton, Ora Harkness, Johnnie Morgan, Odell Peterson, Eddie !uy, Fay Donaea, tleorgie Unger, Johnnie Ralsto.i, Melvln Arnet. Miss Faxxik Uriguk, Teacher. .PKCOXD tEPARTMK?CT. Number of boys enrolled, 11; num- Ur of girls enrolled, 21; total number, 32. Average daily attendance 27. The names of those pupils whose av erage in all of their studdie and de portment Is 00 per cent or over, are as follows: Fannie Reynolds Hda El- klns, Nellie Burroughs, Bertie Hmith, Anna Talbott, Jessie MeCalley, Maude Niekerson, Willie "Donacu, Mcrton Burroughs. . The average dally attendance In both of the dejKirtmcnta has lieen very good when we consider the fact that iiuhiUt of the pupils enrolled were not mendiors of the 8cha4 until the second or third week. At this season of the year there should be no excuse why the youngest pupils should le absent except that of sickness. It is not only an injury to those who are at went but to the whole school, and is also a great annoyance to the teacher. Parents will please see that their children are not absent. Ciias. H. Hunt. Principal. Wheat. )! nnd Ilu. Wheat Quiet and rather easy markets abroad, those of this side show lug no decided strength. Our own rules very quiet, the bulk of business not being increased to a marked extent. From all iarts of the Northwest re ports are of heavy deliveries of wheal at shipping points. East of the moun tains rail lines are pushed for cars to accommodate shippers, and some points have nop lcen able to get a promise of cars to carry stock sold. This is especially so with regard to flour. Throughout the valley there Is a firm feeling and sellers are gcttiug 64c at Albany. The valley markets show a range that would make the Portland figure $1.1SJ.20 per cental. Oats Light movement and, quiet market. San Franeiseo is very Irreg ular ; quote Oregon $1.30W,1.3i. Hops Buyers' ideas are not over 12c and this is buying very little just now. While the outlook In this line Is not equal to what it has been in some for mer years, yet, ' we are to a great ex tent Uie arbiters of our prices. In San Francisco some sales have leen made at figures which Oregon hop raisers would hardly think of taking aud, yet, they are thought to be fair. Oregon and Washington raised hors are far superior to those grown in our sister state to the south, and as a conse quence we may expect better figures. This first shipment of forty-five l vales weighing eight thousand ounds, from Halem, netted the grower 12 cents there or almost flOoO. Tillamook County. Mr. A. Compton, formerly a resident of this city, but now of Wood's, Tilla mook Co., lias been here for the past few days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Compton, among other things is engaged in bee culture, and tells us that this year his bees produced a sur plus of 1500 pounds of the finest quali ty of honey from fifty stands, with an increase of forty stands. He says his community is rapidly settling up; they now have a thriving school dis trict with three mouths' school during the past summer, and will have a three months' term this winter. There is some good government land yet to be taken near where he lives, and that lillamook county, bo long isolated. gives the best evidences of prosperity, as another year or two will most cer tainly witness the building of one or more railroads Into the county. As a stock and dairy country Tillamook county probably exeella any other part of Oregon, while it contains the very best of timber on the coast. There are places of resort, too, awaiting only bet ter facilities of getting there to bring them Into prominence. Netart's bay, will undoubtedly attract manv tour ist,m account of the excellent tiuali- .....1 1 . 1 f . iy hiiu luiuiittaiict: oiciauiH, oytsien ami onicr aiiraciions it poBSebsca. Faintly Injured. The nnuiy friends of Mr. Junius Ru bric, of Washington county, will regret to hear that ho met with an accident at The Dalles oif Friday last ami was so severely injured that it is deemed Impossible, that he can recover. He had Iteeii feeling better of late than for two years past, and thought he would make a trip to his cattle ra litre In the Yakima country. He thought he would like to travel tho old route over tho Himooe mountains once more, so went from here by bout lust Friday, taking his horse and buggy along. While driving from tho latat into The Dalles In tho evening, In the darkness the old gentleman ran the wheels of the buggy up on a side va lk and was thrown out, striking on his shouldesr ami side, and was severely injured In ternally. His friends here received a dispatch on Huuday morning stating that ho was dying. HI brut her Rob ert and his "daughter, Mrs. Maclsth, at once started for The Dalles. On their arrival ho was able" to recog nize them, but has Ixhmi iu a stupor ever since, and the doctor nlve no hope t hat ho will recover. Mr. Ru bric Is one of tho curly pioneer settlers of Washington county, and one of those who went from this slate to the mines In California in '40. He is veil known ami respected throughout the! state. The ranks of the Imnd of pl- necrs who early settled Washington county have 'been sadly thinned of late years. Among those well known who have crossed the last divide with in a few years are Joe. Meek, Ulysses, Jackson, Jacob .Hoover, Ben Cornelius, Cary, Conkllng, Freeman, Elliott and others. Orrronhm. "A fair Hearing ant a rail Illaeu. lout" The citizens of the different precinct s of this county are Invited to public discussions on the leading Issue of I In coming election the prohibitory amendment, at the following places and dates, under the direction of the Linn tounty Temperance league. 8)akera will tie present from differ ent places throughout the state and county: Waterloo, Monday, Oct. 21, at 2 p.m. Hodavllle, Monday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. Hwcet Home, Tuisday, Oct. 23 at 7 p. m. Brush Creek, Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 1 i it,. 1 Crawfordsvlllo, Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 7 p. in. Brownsville, Thursday, Oct- 27, at 7 p. m. - Center School House, Friday, Oct. 2S at 2 p. m. Harrlsburg, Friday, Oct. 2S, at 7 p.m. Lake Creek, Saturday, Oct. 25), at 2 p. m. Halscy, Saturday, Oct. 20, at 7 p. 111. Belo Note. Not a vacant house to be found In Scto. , E. T. T. Fisher, county surveyor, was In the city last wet k. Dr. H. H. King contemplates build ing a new dwelling house this fall. O. B. Cyrus, the popular clerk at Johnson & Shelton's. contemplates taking a course In the Portland busi ness college. At the last city council the recorder was authorljad to iign contract with F. V. Pi ntland for Mater supplies fur fire protection, for five years at the rate vt floj per year for the city of f-H'lO. Melt Shelton and Owen Cyrus bought them one of the finest dogs ever brought into the city. We were unable to find out the kind of curious family It was named after. A. M. CLOAK I CLOAKS t CLOAKS! Wo will sell our entire stock of Cloaks and Jackets AT CO.STforthe next Thirty Days imrtys needimr anvthing in this line can save money by calling 011 us. Thompson & Waters. try Khouhl know the gront value of A ! lalnniuikOl'IMii u u k Lliuwl ti -i 4l cr. It gives tone, health, and stremtth, m ne 11n1 irftmi, inrrcvm nil irrejiu lar'tii. anil t y tw!d titiYkiirniiHK frirti tli system. Youmr and old use it. Price $1. Mother Cary' (Sutntree Cough Syr up 1m not sicken the stomach, or bind the Ikwc1s, safe for a child or an adult, end will le found the best prep aration Tor a Cougli, Cold, Bronchitis, Whoopinir Cousrh or Croup and any affection ot the throat and luntrs. J. A. Board, agent for Lebanon. Money to loan, by Curran 4 teith, Albany, Oregon. Mon tf For good meal, go to the City Res taurant Albany. Meal 23 cents. tf MARRIED. JKTTF.U BATKS At the ivxMrnrc of the bride' r-arorns, m-nr Sclii, Linn nsinty, Orvm, Ocuv !ht 12, vi, by Ki'V. Spwry, of Itrownxville, Mr. J. n. Jkttkb. of tnytHi, Miirion counly Or., and MissLimje 1. Hath, of Soio, The hHppy couple have the conpmtulations of a host of trlemts both in Marlon and IJnn conntle. As the river no longer divide them, may they live long and hnppy life. II. E. P. KKBI.ER SMITH At tho residence of the bride' mother, iu I.lnn einmty. Oregon, tK-tolx-r li, 1SS7, lv Ka'V. Jame lltrkman. Sin. K. and Mha Ansik Smith, both of J.luu county. Oregon. You -:- Certainly WANT A - NEW SUIT THIS FALL AND WINTER, Why don't you go to BLAIN, the Leader in Clothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES, From Eastern Factories. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. BARGAINS IN EVERY DE PARTMENT. We arc confident of Pleasing you. All we aak is the opportunity of showing you Through' our gtock. WE ALSO KEK1 IX STOCK The Celebrated BrownsYille Goods. L. E. BLAIN, Leading Clotliicr and Merchant Tailor, Albany, ORixiox. C.-11. MONTAGUE'S COLUMN. Montague return his beM thank io old friendo and nv who fnm llirwarrl o roniMlr when he'ak Tor a rtii ern! M'tilemeht. lltere I rH a itreiU ttumy tlum. and dollar due jn hU h 1 would Iw very P'd In rwvlpt nr. ftmie up at ouee geiitk-nica and let tia liav ficace. On the Keen Trot. Neither Mnu!C"e or hi rkrk pel time loac ruiuulae tnm'h Befh tn trmnnl of Iwlna et on the keen. Intl waltltiir oa rtftomer. He luut no flirlilliir? weight to announce, ltt ho rtede the Ih-h y eit'hu In come anything near hltn ly low Irlet'. Always go to Montiiaii", w arn not t overimnlnl with fal t wait on you and H you our (!1 frch tAock at tlw tvrr uniullcst living rate. Montague till Rive 36 IXCHK FOR A YAHD. Ho rnea nrv w ith the name old jrardntlek lie ha tied In 1j t.n.Hi fur the lmxt 1 year. When you want Oill niea-tiri, low iriec, Rt! and indite at tention rail in. Vi will And all these entiditiuii existing at Moutajjuv' Miuuatuth t'uh Mure. Montague ha none hut kindly feellnR for hi mmpotltor. Itlit ay, hoy. If you really want to sell any Rood w hy do you sit around nil day neeumulutliiK fiit inxtend of nistlinK tor tnuleT Sell ymir ptNl away down Uks Muuukgua dous, and ull oiay be well. Andrews k Hacklcinnn's Col'. W.LD0UGLA8' 5 ! oj ST 5T TM IT TiNf" Jj. ''CM Dry Goods Department. We hnve. j'vt ren lvi"! our full t-k which l" rmilele Inal lif, embnirltiir new dre it'I In llk and wl titltl tf frtfy liailej cailil mere, Imlli cliHli, ere ete, ; full KlitKham. hew lrltit ynrn Iu tiernmu wiirted Kaxniiy and fac tory blriiiket. run: fort. Haiuxdi; In fart erery tliln In thl Hue whU h rv irejortrd to ill m: at bM eM irlte. Fancy Goods Department. We hre now In tiiek the fluent line of rlhlton t lint b ever Im-4'ii bruiiKhl iu la-hamm in dln pii-ot lw and tlr eniwtt edi tw new bkiek t-miethlnir tww.) nl- tif line m lii"Iery, tmxtle, Inwe. itiiirt'-ni, wool tnllt. wtl k hauker- rltk-f. Imtioti, brail ete. U tnim; raik'Us tltnu e r U-ftire. Clothing Department. We hnvc received thl week Very fine wkrttnn tf jiHUh and men' mil iif the latest utile and mi;nmti whk h we hall d!-jiiif at kiwo val ue. Gents Furnishing Goods Department. We ham an eleimnt line In pent fttrnvhinir ,t a we alway 4i tnt the foil trade, mteh a fwtiey neck w r ft the yresJ men. Htp ndi-r In ail ma-lea fnm X-ti u One-half he nt the rmHi HmlUfl III. n-ake. wlik-h I the het that eine U thl market. Wlk and liaen hanker ehU Is. funey and (1;In aider wer, eollar and c-tili in nl!uloM uil !jhil Boot and Shoe Department Wo have a lirpj trwle In thl di-jiartment, be eat we rarry NHhinif lilt the lirt pwrt awl w lien we 'U a pair of txit or hne we always trtva our eti-tiimer jrood value 1 their money, thereby retaining their trade. Our mlc of the W. V luiurUi. Kline hn been Iwyond our eieet tion ami utill inrreaoiaut. John MhikUIF ndar tlppel pUi for-rhlMren arel mltM, received the irreat medal at the New Orleans fnir, a the bt4 in tlte I'uitet ?tale: they are tire be? shoe thai ean 1 olaahwtl; thvrv i an bcttet made; we aiv the Xie airent ta Ihb rlty. Our Iay Hew ed ewa have a bite run forityle and dumbUity; they ean j.ot he beat, and a ry a a eu-tom-ntatle. ! ntit fortret the okl n-lUbk- Bukiucham A Heeht boa and hoe jp nxl hone4 m !-; no .-Uo-My In tlienu When you want aguudpairof v1hhh Uiot come In and e ua. Crockery Department. Our new line of dadoware has arrived and 1 reudy for mile; thU I auuietlng new, ladio, come In and wee it. Grocery Department. The prettiest thing yet in baking powder priie is the crystlo puff KUuwwarc that wc are Riving away w 1th our silver star uuklng txiwdvr; a piece w ith each euu. )Uf 1" a - VLDDUGLASkr f $3.00 1 t? . . MM A M. . ...... .u i THE- Loading Crocors . " . -tK ". LINN COUNTY. SOLE AGENTS r MJft Til E Cuiebrciton 3 Geyscrite Soaps, f A LISA X Y, ORrVION. JtTW tTTTTTT TTT1 T T? ft rTTTTTTrTTTT Trf Greater and Grander than Ever! Don't Hiss It. Lo, We are with You onco Again. F. IT. ROSCOE fc CO S New Monster Sliowts! -COMl'ItlSINCJ A- Double Exhibition, a Mammolh Menagerie, and an Imrrsenss STOCK OF HARDWARE, WILL KXIIiniT AT Lebanon, Oregon. Friday, September 16, 1878, ASI CXJXTIXCK ISUKKISATKLY. Amoiis Die croM numliorof Xov'I lits atK-k if Shelf Hardware, and Ut liuliiiii Utrhter of two Jit-uiij-jiln r - AttH-rica, who will ulwajs U louud w uiilH of funtoruors. HIIL ItANJKJLPII CHURCHILL, The Martvr Bhot of the CJallcry, nam OUR AMMUNITION -MIL MAC. with hU f 125,000 herd of Dancing KUhntat and school of Traiiied Cei, w ill be plwuit'd to SELL YOU HARDWARES A Free Btreet Pagflanl of Gorgeous Magnificence, Placet 1 in front of our HVttQ Kvery ly. Doors open from 7 A. M. till 8 I. sr. Excursions on all JVnaU. Admission, Free. Children, Half-Price. If vou wbh to purchase. Wlio fr your Hoy T that will -;?.n-l the wear and tear of every day omgv, that made of honest ithcr throualmtit, and on conimon-ty-nsH! idi-af, call for HENDERSON'S "SCHOOL SHOE," made of !ath Bright and and Oil Ornin. and known everywhere 1y Uie Tmd- Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, famd on the bottom of otie t f each pair. Kone genuine without it. lieware of imitations. e 1 ; r -tt , 'L .-n s TRY HENDERSON'S SPECIALTIES. Tlteir Women' Curacoa Kid and Tampieo Oosit liutton, to retail at ?2."t. Tiirir Womens' Henderawi Kid. French tanned. Button, to retail at S.iK The are etitehed with Silk, made solid in every partieular, and will make your feet look amall and ahnpely. FOR SALE 13 Y- J. A. BEARD, Druggist and Apothecary, -DEAUER IX- Dhugs and -:- Medicines '-"iints, Oils and Glass Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. PERFUMERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. 'ATuin Strcrtt Lebanon, Oregon. W. B. DON AC A, -Dklek Is- Groceries, and Povisions, Tobacco and. Clga.r3. Confeclionety, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS..D Country rrcxluee taken "GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES, IS MY MOTTO. Curiur Jjffck Storc J 3 io:i iu ix ! Stationery UK A U, K I X l H. .... . " . Foreign oncl Doniotic I'oriodicMiS FVnftiroa. Mil. HOSt'OP rw.ii.ij tt.U rt Mr. Ufs. V. (,'ju s..v, tin r.!r!;uii;. , vvitlxnit b rirl or cquHl in Kuri'tx t,r UIiIikI tiie t-outittT ready to sujjjiv iho JACK, THE GIANT KfLLEIi, in liia WfHHlerfu! 1 'si1:i of ctrtiitii, hnndU . OUR BARS OF IRON. LKrfLMV g rTi 1. .. . in. I2;cli;ra for Goo i