The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 21, 1887, Image 1

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j. a. BTisa & co
1 ttlMH Or Sl'HHl kll'l ll.N
On. Viw , , ft (m
P Miuilh I W
M PrtutlBi- Boss en tm Kstl::.
Local Blanks, Business Cards.
Letter Beads, Bill Ueas,
Circulars, . Porters, tto.
ZhmM la gooS tty!. m.i at knrct,. ptUm.
( Par.hle ua atlran.
On. ixptam, Snrt tnarrtlnn tl M
a.wii .!M:.tiul mwrrtlon .,. 1 W
Ltwftl N'lttft, t i!t. IS roliU
Kg:uLr itwvtimitta upon ithtl term.
NO. 33.
j Ji B O K
L Jljl jlLi
LKBANOX T.OTM1K. KO. 4. A. F A. M.: Mcu
.1 their n hall in Mssmiio Block. BMoiim
vvmiiiif , on or K(a- Ww hill imxrn
J WASaoH, W, M.
UBAKOtt I-OOOlt. . 4f . I O. O. r.: M. St,
tmLy .mmix ea - k. at odd !!. HU,
Mm nml; ttaiUua arvthtvtt cuntt.Hi tnvitnl w
tt.i.a. j, a. iHARLivN. a. it.
HOJf' 1R LOIHJK WO. M, A O p. W . T.hanrn.
JMrpm -e in hrick bu'.Miug-. ora M. A. MU-
tot s t run eioie.
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt.
Collodion nd olhr bahM Bromatly tHuiil to.
V9ao ua Mala auvvt.
Tilling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
Office in W. C Peteron! jewelry (tore.
tS All ork wwranted. Cha'Tp-a reaaoniiMe,
t.vto, Hlr Oattin mai BtHumpaMac fc Mm
eV rtmM M?etfiU. Ktlolt4.
t. Charles Hotel.
LEBANON. Oregon.
K. W, Okw Main and Sbarmaa llmH tv.
II. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Tables Supplied with the Beet th Market
B.arl. Soocat acA tb INa Aaonaiodatle la
G. T. COTTOry,
Groceries and Provisions.
Fcrci;n and Domestic Fruits,
Iaai 111 IrfUMf) riIIUHl
Frssh and Salted Bf and
MUTTON, ''.'
h::i ni Lari alwais en Haul
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
. L. row ax. J. V. juutcx. 3. W. Crucx.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banking
AexnSTs Sept Enbjijt to Chok.
In Tcrt. San Franelsso, PcrtlanianJ
Ccllactions Lfado en Fever
able Terms.
Lmry, M kUi Mies,
To our many friend, of Lebanon and
vicinity, nd thoM o( other town.
desire to c'l attention to th fact that we
hare opened on
Mauls Street, Bet. First ni Secosfl,
Hev Buggies, Hacks and
rartlee deelrlnjt to take a trip to the
mounUtne, or other places of recreation,
hould call and aee our
Special Conveyances
For each tripe.
Ill Kinds of Teaiim & Mini Doss
Ilensonablo XI in tow.
Temperance Hall
Slooliii Gallery & Pool TaUles
Xala Street, tabaaea, Oregon.
Ciors mi CoifeclioiisriGS
Accommodation of Patrons.
Parti ee will fiud thla a pleasant place
for innooent amoaement.
Lebanon, Oregon.
HorsssfcoBim anl General Eeuairini,
Prices to Suit the Times.
The Latest Styles in
3Xr. VV JRlco,
Kala Street, Lebajos, Oregon.
Milerf Goois,
Stoves anflTiiiware,Iroii,Pnmps,&c.
.MAXurAOTtmBa or.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
USV12 HI?OfJrX XSto.
All kinds of Repairing
Alao kap
E. G-O AN,
Dealer in
Also Doors, Windows and Blinds.
111. A.
Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils and Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery.
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Next Door to W. D. Donaca, Lebanon, Oregon.
Factor jr Baelae. WU.
'IC Viim n . '?Jaift:iiinii linn iiwm in' - i mma. "" """"
Loc. Header
and Trucke; Dump, Band and Road Carte: Open
Bug-glee, Fnaetona, Carriage., Buckboarda, and
General Agenta for Canton Clipper Plowm. llarrowa. CuIttTatora. Kead
crapere. Oale Chilled Plowa. Ideal Feed MUla and Wind MUla, Knowl
toa Hay Rakea, Horae Poera, Weid Saw. Feed Cnttere. etc We
carrr the Urgeat and beat aworted atock of Vehicle, on the Northweat
Coaat. All our work la built eapeciall for thla trade and fully warranted.
Band for new 1S87 catalogue.
Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street,
Our good, are .old bj F. H. ROSCOE
Watchmaker .
latches, docks, Jewelry, Silier
. o o o o o o
Cum aur-
a Wmi Ok
I Am irt .
eucwr. .ad cer
ir f A't Oh I Ja . L
I, F.& IL A Singer Sewing Machines & Maohine Supplie:
Done at Short Notice.
tn a lock
Braarai rrtlaa4. 0r
and Top
Portland, Oregon.
Sc. CO., Hardware Dealer., Lebanon, Or.
and . Jewele r,
Plate! Ware anl Ojtical Gocis.
o o o o
All Work
xoaxT roa Ta...
Epifonie ef the Princtpal Erecd
attracting faille lotcrtsL
A Hteamer wa wrecked la Hie Bay
of Daniw). Twenty two pa.eengor.
were drowned.
Only one delegate wai on hand for
Ihe conTenUo3 of the National Itbfonu
Tarty, announced to be held at Syra
cuse, New York.
It U atated that the Emperor of
Brntil hat announced hi. Intention of
abdicating; his throne, owing to hi.
health being impaired.
Nathun B. Sutton, who .hot and
killed Alexander Martin noar Lier
inore, Cal., a year .go, haa been ee ri
te need to be hanged liecember V.
Wm. Ilueae, a carpenter, while re
pairing window, in the second utory of
a house in Han Francisco, loet his foot
ing and fell to the sidewalk. He lived
but a few hours.
The Austrian steamer Hapshurg col
lidtd with and sank the Uitvarian
steamer on Iake Constance, Austria.
Many passengers were drowned, the
exact number being unknown.
The people of Montana will send a
monster petition to the Governor of
Idaho for the pardon of Robert
Thomas, confined in the Idaho peni
tentiary for burglary, of which they
declare him innocent.
Assistant Secretary Maynard haa de
cided that pauper children, sent to
this country to be provided for by
charity eocitiea in this country and
forwarded to homes in the West, can
not be allowed to land.
The member of the O'Connor family
-father, mother and two sous were
convicted at New York of having
robbed and assaulted a young English
woman uamed Mary E. Ilarwood, and
sentenoed by Judge Cowing to state
prUon for sixteen years each.
Chicago capitalists are seriously con-
idering the project of building a large
factory in Los Angeles to manufacture
li kinds of time pieces, from the
smallest watch to the largest church
tower clock. It i. proposed to build
on a scale requiring 10UO men, moetl
killed workmen.
A special from Ponchatoula, Ja
says that a negro drowned his wife be
cause she refused to live with him any
longer. ' Whihi she was drowning her
brother came upon the scene and fired
twenty buckshot into his sister's mur-
erer, who sank with the body of ht.
victim to the bottom of the Amite
A cloud burst occurred just above
the city of Chihuahua, Mexico, and a
flood came weeping down on the
town, inundatiog iU streets and alleys
nd swelling the stream that ran
through the town to frightful propor
tions, carrying away a magnificent
bridge 300 feet loag that spanned the
channel, and cutting the city in twain.
Richard Moore and wife, while mov
ing at UUicao, accidentiv knocked
over a lamp, tiring the building, and
both were sutiocated in toe tUmes.
The fire was extinguished promptly
by the fire department. Moore's body
was found on ton of the floor, where
he had been literally roasted alive in
an instant. Mrs. Moore waa still alive
when found, but died shorly after
The report of Land Commissioner
gparks shows that since March 4,
18H0, 31,824,431 acres have been re
stored to the public domain. Bales,
entries and selections for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1387, embrace
25,111,400 acres, and of Indian lands
740,637 acres, making a total of 25,
858,038 acres, an increase for the year
18.SG of 3,733.474 acres, and an increase
of 4 862,524 compared with the fiscal
year 1885.
Fire broke out in the Northern Ohio
insane asylum at Cleveland, during
tho weekly dance given the more tract
able of the patients. While they were
enjoying themselves a cry of " fire
was raised, and flames and smoke sud
denly burst into the dancing ball.
creating a fearful panic among the JdU
inmates. As soon as the Drat excite
ment had abated, the attendants made
a courageous dash and moved tae un
fortunates who had been overcome,
The bodies of six women who were
suffocated were recovered, and three
more were found in an injured condi
A dispatch from Nogales, A. T., says :
All attempts to get further news of the
destruction caused by the storm on the
southern coasts have been futile. The
supposition here is that the cities of
Masitlan anl nan lilaa have been par
tially, if not wholly destroyed by i
hurricane and tidal wave. It is said
that the thore of the bay at Guaymas,
in Mexico, is crowded by people await
ing tidings from the swept-away cities
and schooners, Ua the gull the storm
and tidal wave were the most severe
that have ever been known. Many of
those who have wealth are rushing to
The scene of disaster for the purpose of
lending aid.
A special from North Judson, Ind
says: Anotner unaiewonn raiiroaa
. a .
horror occurred on the Chicago & At
lantic Railway, sixty miles east of Chi-
cazo. near Kout's station. Seventeen
passengers were killed and ournea up
in the wreck, and from twenty tq thirty
were more or less injured. A heavy
freeh meat train telescoped the even
ing accommodation train and the New
York express. The accommodation
with one baggage car, two coaches
and one sleeper, had stopped at
water tank for water, about one mile
west of Kout's. and a freight train
following crashed into the sleeper, tel
escooing and burning up tne enure
nassenarer train, as above stated, xne
entire responsibility appears to rest on
the engineer oi the freight train.;
Cultivating beets should be still
done, as they will continue to grow
until the frost shall appear. Beets
are relished by all classes of stock in
winter, and plenty of them should be
stored away. Carrots should also re
ceive attention.
Give the late cabbages a good culti
vation or hoeing as ofteu as it can be
conveniently done. There is no crop
that reponds so quickly to cultivation
as the cabbage, and where the land
has been wsll manured it Is a p&yi
Csvoted to
th XaUrssU ef
ad Stockmen.
Tho Irish Pout.
There are many theories about the
best way to get the greatest yhsld. One
person says be has adopted the follow
ing plan :
Furrow tho land four or five inches
deep and three feet apart. Cut each
potato lengthwise Into four parts, and
drop the pieces from fifteen to eighteen
inches apart in the row. This method,
he finds, gives more merchantable po
tatoes and less small ones than when
more seed Is used. The yield is also
nearly double that obtained by plant
ing in hills three feet apart each war.
tnother good authority says : "The
crown eyes of the potato aie the only
ones which yield vigorous plants ; the
produce oi the other eyes is feeble and
unremunerative. If, "therefore, pota-
Uies are cut for seed they should not
be cut lengthwise, by which the crown
is divided and eyes of all kinds Intro
duced into the seed, but they should
tie cut across, the half containing the
crown eyes planted, and the other half
used for food.
Borne like for this crop deep. sand r
oam, which of course is good, but the
I rung, dark lands of the West do not
roduce a first-class potato, although
the yield in often large. Low, we
lands are not suitable unless drained.
It is found that the high, sandy soil
will give good crops, but if not rich in
potash they must be made so with
proper fertilisers. Ashes and salt have
been very successfully - used with this
Potatoes planted in summer for home
use may be mulched with great benefit.
Covering the surface of the ground
near the roots enables the sou to retain
its moisture much longer than if not
covered, it checks the evaporation and
lo condenses the moisture of the air
o that it passes under the material
sod for mulching, thus keeping a re
serve stock of moisture for the roots to
ppropriate as needed. Mulching is
not only nature's restorer, but its pro
tector also.
When the potatoes are out of the
ground the best way to keep them is
to raise a bed nearly a foot above the
level of the ground ; put the potatoes
on this bed, cover with dirt, and then
build s potato-bin over them to keep
off the rain. This is far preferable to
the northern cellar, where the potatoes
nd other vegetables lie and rot, gener
ting a deadly atmosphere that per
vadee the house and is breathed into
the system of all the inmates, and de
veloping, is known by the names of
typhoid, bilious and malarial fevers.
Oood vegetable land is usually a me
dium between the high and the low
pine lauds. Potatoes take a large per
cent, of potash from the land and re
turn but little to it ; for this reason the
food supply must be kept up or the
land will be impoverished. The tops
contain considerable fertilising matter
nd should be gathered for the com
post heap.
It will be seen by the above that this
crop does well on different soils and is,
therefore, not a difficult one to grow.
If, therefore, you plant anything, try
the Irish potato for home use, if noth-
ng more. Burnt lands are good, and.
with plenty of potash and moisture ap
plied, they will most likely make you a
satisfactory crop.
Cheaa Vexea for Host.
The four great foods for hogs are
corn, clover, milk and bran, with
thoe foods hogs can be raised econom
ically and at a good profit, even if
holera does come occasionally. Corn
the cheapest and best food for fat
tening, and it is the cheapest to form
the bulk of the winter ration for grow
ing stock. Men go too far, however,
when they use it alone as a growing
ration. It needs the muscle and bone
forming material of some food as bran
or milk to supplement it. Clover is
the cheap and practicle food with
which to form the bulk of the ration
for choata and hogs during suramea
It needs the addition of corn when
summer fattening is desired, and must
be supplemented by milk, bran and
corn for the best growth of sows with
young pigs. Milk is eminently the
young pig's food, but it is valuable in
feeding with any other ration. ro
other food stimulates the growth of
pigs like sweet ekim-muk.and no other
food aids the bog more in producing
fat from a ration consulting mainly of
corn, israjj 1. merely a supplemental
food in most cases and serves to balance
the food ration when feeding corn or
other starchy food, whether feeding-a
growing or a mature fattening animal.
The free use of insect powder in the
stables will greatly lesson the annoy
ance to stock from flies, but the stalls
and doors should be kept clean. Dust
ing the legs of horses with caibolate of
time will aid in preventing attacks
from insects. -
A mixture of marl, wood ashes and
rich earth makes an excellent manure
for vounz trees. No animal manure
should be used unless it be completely
Grass is the natural food for the pig,
which should have plenty of green
food of some kind.
xne nrteen great American inven
tions of world-wide adoption are: 1,
the cotton-gin: 2, the planiug-machine;
S, the grass mower and reaper; 4, the
rotary printing press; 6, navigation by
steam; 6, the hot-air engine; 7, the sew
ing machine; 8, the India rubber in
dustry; 9, the machine manufacture of
horschoes; 10, the sand-blast for carv
ing; 11. the gauge lathe; 13. the grain
elevator; 13, artificial ice making on a
targe scale; 14, the electric magnet and
its practical application; 15, the tele
phono. Boston Budget.
A sixteen-year-old boy at Green
wood, Ark., became enraged with his
asother, went at sunset to a grove near
by, climbed a tree, and declared he
would roost there all night. His mother
tried in vain for an hour to persuade
the kid to oorae down.. Then she threat
ened to cut the tree down, and finally
tent for the town marshal, who climbed
the tree, placed a rope about the young
iter's body, and lowered him to the
ground. So great was his yearning to
play raeooon and sleep la the tr-top
that he had to bs kept socare'y fastened
la Lis l?u all t.; it.
EverytMn of General Interest
Condensed Form.
la a
Baker City has 3100 population.
The Odd Fellows of Balem have in
stituted sn encampment at Dallas.
The postofllce at Mount Pleasant,
Linn county, has been discontinued.
A n effort is being made to organize
a fire company at Burns, Grant
James Riley has been appointed
postmaster at Coburg, and John B,
Bcott at Moro.
Jacob Johnson, of Clackamas station,
claims to have found on. his farm a
vein of hard coal.
The general fund of the State is ex
hausted, and the Salem banks are
cashing warrants.
The corn crop in Jackson county is
considered of an excellent quality, and
a large yield is anticipated.
A new postofllce has been established
at Weshawin, Tillamook county, with
Sarah I'egtas as postmaster.
The Order of Focohantas, a side de
gree of the Redmen, for ladies, ha 4
been orgsnised at Jacksonville.
Shed Glenn acctidenlly shot and
kilted himself at the military road
camp near Vale, Malheur county.
John Eggers killed a California lion
in the mountains near Callahan' mill,
Doog!a county, that weighed about
200 pounds.
It Is estimated that fully 600,000
bushels of wheat is stored in Pendle
ton warehouses waiting for an im
provement of the market.
Edward Perry, a sailor belonging to
the ship Merom, jumped into the river
at Astoria to show bystanders how he
could swim, and wss drowned.
A Building and Loan Association
has been organized at La Grande. The
rtpital stock is f 100,000, divided into
500 shares of a par value of $ 200 each.
The Secretary of the Treasury has
appointed Frank Carlson ssutant
lighthouse keeper of the station atCape
Arago, Oregon, vice Thomas Brown,
The proposed new railroad line from
Forest Grove to Astoria will tap what
is admitted to be the finest body of fir
and cedar timber in the Northwest,
says au exchange.
Wm. Dillon, who murdered C bailee
Mancient in a Portland saloon, has
been found guilty of murder in the
second degree and sentenced to the
penitentiary for life.
Mrs. llenry Warner, of Kelloez.
Douglas county, had the thumb of the
left hand torn off by a horse she was
loading with a rope around her hand,
suddenly jumping to one side.
Hugo Frederick, a hand at Allen
Perkins' sawmill, Onealts, was caught
by a belt and carried over the flywheel
and crushed to death. lie was 55
years of sge, and leaves a wife and
seven children.
There are sixty-one persons in Jack
son county receiving pensions, and the
amount paid to them for the quarter
ending June 3, 1887, was $1,911. Total
paid in the state for the same quarter
was $29,698 25.
Marple, the convicted murderer of
Corker, having been resentenced to
death by J udge Boise, the warrant of
execution has been caused by him to
read November 11, upon which date
Marple will suffer the full penalty of
the law.
At the annual meeting of the Ash
land Stock Protective Association, the
following officers were elected for the
current year: President, Philander
Powell; vice-president, C. B. Kings
bury ; secretary and treasurer, D. G.
A Silverton paper says that sweet
pot i toes .exhibited at the Butte fair
made such a good showing in size and
flavor that the farmers who hare a
sandy bottom soil feel that they can be
profitably raised in this state, and next
year there will probably be quite a
large yield of that excellent spud.
The disease called"blackleg, so fatal
to cattle, has made its appearance near
Baker City, and several bead have died
from its effects. Mr. L. B. Baker lost
six head, Mr. John Pay ton several, and
so on with other cattle owners. The
disease attacks principally the young
fat cattle, the older ones escaping gen
erally. 11. C. Matney died at his home on
Matney flat, near Arlington. The
cause of hii death was the result of an
accident which befell him while he
was hauling wood a few days before he
died, liis norses nad balked on a
grade, and in getting them etarted he
fell under the brake-block under the
wagon as it was moving.
The Douglas County Fruit Growers'
Association met at the court house at
Roseburg, and a permanent organiza
tion was made by electing the follow
ing nuned officers: G. W. Riddle,
president; H. Adams, vice-president;
Wm. C. Winston, secretary; J.Fiher,
treasurer ; W. V. Johnson, A. J. Bel
lows and F. YY ard, directors.
Mr. Ramsey, who was digging a well
at Moro, wasco county, met witb a
serious . accident which will probably
cost him his life. He had to use pow
der in digging the well. He says that
the fuse he used in the blast was very
bard, and that be broke the same
instead oi Cutting it. J sinking, as
the blast did not explode, that the out
side end of the fuse had been lit, instead
of the blast end, he went to the well
to look down.- As he did so the blast
exploded, and a piece of rock about
the size of a hen s egg, stair k him just
at the base of the nose. The rock was
buried its full depth, forcing the left
eye out of its socket, and bursting the
A crowd of Indians from Shasta
county were employed to pick grapes
on the Vine ranch in Tehama county
Cah For some cause most of them
contracted a kind of cholera, and since
their return thirteen of them have
The ship Occidental, with coal from
Cardiff to Acapulco, haa arrived at
Port Town send, W. T. - On March 16,
Captain Williams Iras murdered by a
seaman named Johnson. Johnson was
left in charge of the Amtrkan eontai!
tt Valpanuis,
Devoted Principally to WasMaa
Territory and California.
There are 117 ollceie and men at
the Boiee, Idaho, barracks.
R. E. Bybefl's fine horse Mark Twain,
valued at $3,000, died at Spokane
Falls. .
Montana mines paid 2.152.678 in
dividends for the first nine months of
the present year.
An underground river wss struck in
the Original Butte mine, Montana, at
a depth of 150 feet.
Ex-Senator D. J. Creihkm, cot.
victed in Ban Francisco of jury bribing,
has fled the country, forfeiting $10,000.
Wm. Cantovk-h, a despondent glove
finisher, suicided by shwiinr himself
through the bod with a revolver at
Ban Francisco.
Grace, the three-rear old danch tar
of Hamuel E. If olden, foil fourteen feet
through a skylight at Napa. Cal.. and
died from her injuries.
The Tahoe Lumber Company's saw
mill, at Glenbrook, Nev., was destroyed
by fire. Loe $30,000. partially in
sured. The company will rebuild at
The first church built at Roslrn. W.
T., Baptist in denomination, was
recently dedicated, and the Catholics
and Presbyterians are now making
ready to build.
Axel Peterson, a rerpected ycune
man, 30 years of ten. committed sui
cide at Valh-jo, CaL, by cutting his
throat and the arteries in his left wrist.
The cause is unknown.
J.C Simon, of San Franciaco, jumped
or leu from the steamer Piedmont
when near Goat Island. A boat was
put out, but the man siik and the
body was not recovered.
The Presbyterian evaod of the Co
lumbia, consisting of all the Presby
terian ministers and ruling elders of
each church in Oregon, Idaho, Wash
ington and Alaska, met at Tacoma,
A seaman named Patrick Demhu.
employed on the steamer Wellington,
dropped a bucket into the water at
Sin craacisco, and, on hauling it up,
discovered a human -skull in the
A gold nugget weighing twenty-two
and one-half ounces, valued at $500,
the larfSt ever found in Idaho, waa
picked up by George Liles out of his
placer claim at Atlanta, Altoras
W. W. Mow. a -9- year-old boy. wis
drowned while bathing at the Pacific
Mail dock, San Francisco. He was
taken out, but all attempts to tosasci
late him failed. He died after being
removed to his home. ' '
A coagar canght and killed Duff
Greene's fine pointer dog on Salmon
river, and the varmint only released
its bold when the canine's owner shoved
the muzzle of his gun into his hid 9
and blew him to pieces.
David James, a miner, was killed in
the Kennedy mine at Jackson, Cal.
lie was descending the shaft to com
mence work, and getting out at the
100-foot level, he thoughtlessly stepped
wrong, and UU ZOO feet.
Alexander Abernathy was killed out
right while sharpening a tool on s n
emery wheel at S in Francisco. The
wheel was revolving at such a rapid
rate that it split in twain, and one half
crushed thekull of the operator.
The wife of Manuel Gomez, Jiving
near I'etaJama, CaL, lttt ner four
months old babe in a cradle, attended
by its little brother, and weut into the
yard for some purpose. The little boy
lighted a candle and set fire to the
cradle and baby. The mother rushed
to its assistance, but the cbild,was so
badly burned that it died.
The heirs of Thos. II. BSytke. the
deceased millionaire, have formed them
selves into a company called the Biy the
Company, for the purpose of avoiding
delays and other complications arising
from the death of any of the Htythe
heirs. The capital stock is two and a
half million dollars, divided into a
hundred thousand shares of $25.
Edward A. Stevenson, Governor of
Idaho, has submitted his annual report
to the Secretary of the Interior, and
gives the following statistics : Popu
lation, 97,250, an increase of 64,000
over 18S0 ; assessed valuation of tax
able property, $20,441,192, as increase
of $3,000,000 over last vear; number
of cattle, 442,363 ; sheep,"60248 ; hogs,
60,411; horses, 132,422. The loss of
stock last winter will not exceed 21
per cent. The production of gold,
silver and lead during the year ended
September 30 is estimated by the sAay
office as follows : Gold, $2.417,429 ;
silver, $4,663,160 ; lead, $2,195,000.
The bodies of Mrs. Peavy and her
eighteen months child, living within
one mile of the Desmet mission, Idaho,
were discovered at their home mur
dered, both throats b-1 ig cut. A se
vere struggle evidently took place, as
the mother's bands were cut to the
hi ns in grabbing the assassin's knife.
The husband was away from hoc a
The bodies had been murdered fie
days before discovered. Indians are
suspected to have been the perpe
One IX-nmuon -. ' f
"What la phfl'jsepfcyt la tmta
Tae answer's rery aimple:
TUe trick ol ace that eiiasrs to yoath
And euus cnaue, aiinp&.
SifligM. -'
"Mamma," said Bobby, '"I know
why a bnrned child dreads the fire."
VVhy," asked mamma. "Because
when he gets bnrned once the burn
makes him smart enough not to go near
the stove again.
"The great trouble with you. John,
is," said a lady to her husband, who
WHS SUUCllUg AlJXU ..-vo
night before, "you can not say No.'
Learn to say No,' John, and you will
have fewer headaches. Can yoa It me
have a little money this morning?'
"Jfo," said John, with apparent ease.
Miss de Greene "Ah, Moosoo
Duval, Tm so glad that you at to take
me in to dinner." M. Duval "Ah.
Mes e olaisir vat von ealt him is
mutual. eh?' Miss de G. "Well, tho
fact is, I don't understand French, and
I never can understand the bill of fare.
Why, at I.Irs. Cru-hus 1 i-t
ordered a di.-h of au e, tlVu
it wtii swi'-'l rt-iiU. :;.'U I