The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 07, 1887, Image 4

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I 1 !. '
;, a His
it tlih
i i hi A t t ii, ai ox. n) from his
. - try, for he has lot years ;
vt miive conspirator against the
i.'!iit f l'u Rutoei'ftt. Ht'th the
ratner ami the carets! in inm-o
i k a-.t rw interesting una ?j;L'f-t-
UU mlventnrea btive Itoeti man?
!! i ;u't!i!!r: nor is it nrobAblo. though
lie U hoiv siv.l ruUUUe g that his
iv caiiiT U ft fiuU!ieI. lMuoe
Kmp.i!kino has the Moo.1 of Rui'ik. the
lumir of Ttse Kmsitttt mmaivhy. In
I. Is I'iiii. There is no prouder or more
fturii'iit name than his Sn Russia. He
Hi'iMiuxl irreat UmleJ estate and a
t.r:iiciy foriune; yet he enve up wealt h.
!" H'ia! position ami luxurious re-
l-i (o etuhark in what he reganletl
ris ilu 1-nuse of. Russian liberty
When quite a young man. Prince
KsapoiMue conceived an arUt love
f ci.'itti ic study. From boyhood he
w :is st iioii!, thoughtful and hard-work
l'.)iX- lit did not ludulsre in the costly
pleasuws which usually occupy the
time if vouns Russian nobles. Ho went
to y.;iii-ia, in order to make geological
Kud !T' ngra ivsearchcs, and trav
eled f.vr and wide In search of scicntifio
knowlcdsrc. At last he found himself
at (tt iumv, in Switzerland, where he
esquired in labors ou a new universal
F-i-ri:ithv. It, was while at Geneva
that Prince Krnpntkiue became a Ni
hil ist and Joined in the great eov
spiracv to overthrow the Cstar. He be
came the leader of the circle of Russian
conspirators at Geneva, aud. throwing
aide his scientific work, gave himself
hi-art anl soul to the revolutionary
cause II tMHn became known as a
fervent and brilliant orator, and In se-
cst:t, out-of-the-way places would ad
rfrvss his followers with burning ha-raugni-a.
A recent Russian writer says
r-f him: "lie is all fire and passion on
tlie platform. When he rises, he seems
almost one transformed.. He trom-
fcle witrt emotion, wnile his voice v-
braits with an accent of profound con
Erapotkine went to St. Petei-sburg,
where hi elopience at secret meetings
gained him many new dSselplo. At
lat she imperial poliqg got an inkling
of what he was doing. His house.
..wb.K h was a headquarters of the con
p.raey, was watched, and he was ar
retted and thrown into the grim fortress-
rri son of Peter and Fauu fortunately
f .! tht rvi.nv.-e. his health failed in his
gimnny prison, and he wan transferred
U the XkhoSas Hospital, it was here
that be and his friends planned one of
the roost artful and romantic escapes
recorded in history. He got well, but
stl',1 pretended to be ill and weak. His
keepers did not dream that the man
who feeblv dragged himself along, with
the hollow face and tremulous vo ice of
one at the point of death, was daily
gathering his energies for an attempt
atlihprtv .
"lie was allowed to walk," says an
account of the affair, "in the court
yard of the hospital, attended by a
soldier. It was winter, and the hospital
rate was left own and unsuarded, for
the bringing in of wood. A plan
of tdgnals with his friends was duly
arranged by secret letters. The great
tKT.culty was to evade the soldier, who
kept in parallel line with the Prince, but
always five paces nearer the gate than
be. One day, some notes of a violin
were heard. With a sudden movement.
vJ"" ootkine cast off his hospital coat,
6.. w'Nade forjthe gate. The startled
soldier forgot the gate, described two
:d- of too tnansle, and allowed his
prisoner to reach the exit before him. A
carriage was in waiting, and Prince Kra-
potkine, his attire completely changed
by the way, was rapidly driven to a
- place of concealment and safety.
A bhort time after this happy escape.
- Krapotklne turned up at Lyons, in
; ranee, where he was detected in a
i Socialistic plot. He was tried, con
demned to five years' imprisonment and
confined in the prisou of Su Paul, in
' Lvons. Before his tenia was completed,
. however, he was released, and took up
his residence in London, where he now
is. All the troubles of his career have
not dampened his ardor or decreased
Jus revolutionary energies; and he la
still one of the most formidable living
enemies of the Russian despoturu.
YoulKt Companion,
There is a aegro preacher at Craw
ford, Ga., who has no .legs, being
hauled around town in a wagon by two
Orchard . Hill, Ga., has a peach or
chard of seven hundred and ninety
acres and comprising eighty-four thou
sand trees.
- 'The cattle loss in the United States
daring the past winter is stated by tha
Agricultural Department to have been
two million eurhty-six thousand and
Rees Wilier, a native of Wales,
now living in Wilkesbarre, Pa,, is said
to be only thirty-six inches in height
and fcfty-ijht pounds in . weight. He
is thirty-four years old.
-In a jrarden at Woodland, Cat., is
growing a clamp of wheat which is a
curiosity because of the fact that one
hundred and sixty-one stalks have
spread from one kernel of wheat.
Inequality in the pupils of the eyes
has been taken aa a symptom of illness.
but in one hundred and thirty-four
healthy persons a Russian physician
has found only twelve with right and
left pupils of eqnal size.
The counter-irritant is the woman
who sails into a dry-goods store with
out thinking of buying and wanta to
see all the new goods just about the
time her favorite clerk wanta to go to
Lis lunch. N. O. Ficamtne.
.-The Itslkms have a game called
ifciUftr.a, which is played with a
lii'g, light ball and heavy gloves; and
the Southern U-ermans play a game
called kegel8pieL" something like
skittles, and are also J nd of target-
shooting and wrestling. Chicago Xews.
Sometimes a man gives a most ex
pressive definition of a thing without
perceiving himself the full significance
f Lis words. It was so with a poor
old colored man who came to Wayland
:r;nary, saving that no one had been
' ; his part of the country to "widen
ri the colored people," and so he had
. to the seminary for help. Gospel
A Boston newsdealer on Sunday
sits outside his closed doors surrounded
bv a full stock of Snndav newspapers.
Asked what he meant, he said:
"Kecpin within the law." So he was.
Bv locking tho door of his shop and
closiDS the shutters the law was com-
r-Hed w ith according to the iaterpreta-
n cf ths wh have the eaforcomeat
n a n
is t Inftw
V t n-
i Uio 1 )' h i. lhe lialittt
t ".i, '1 11 ii, I , 1 it..
. I. i v, ;t ivlu;; i,'J
i .-l t N '.t U
I then, moil lliin 1 i'ceu f ':'t ill
;',:i, veif -cell snooping under the
c-ii-rs counter an. I aiuii her tutes.
A hook wa baited an 1 thrown ovur
board, and was itntnediaily swallowed
by one of the highest of the Hsh,
which quietly cut the llm with Its
teeth, taking no further notice of it
Then tho breast of a buck wa weight
ed, that it mi flit sink, and inside of it
there w placed a charge of gun-cotton,
and the whole oonneoted by wire
with nu cloctrlo battery. Jo sooner
had the venison touched the water
than the shark made straight for it,
but Just a he opened his mouth to
wallow the biiit, the charge was ex
ploded, and his jaws were completely
shattered. lhe monster turned on lis
back and sank In the bav.
The shark family is a large one, and
most of the specie are hideously ugly.
A few have kind of flirce beauty
b nit their shapes. Such I the flu
tall, whose color Is elneroua, streaked
in some parts with red and dotted
with small black sjiota, 8uch, too, Is
the sea-fox, as It used to 1x called.
found In the Mediterranean and ro
niarkable for the great length and fine
proportion of it tall, tha body being
about sevn feet nnd the tail six feet
Tho lump of beef or pork, the large
hook connected by a chain to the line,
the adroit paring-out of tho bait this
Is the old-fashioned device by means of
which many thousand of the sailors
enemy have been caught, and then re.
turned to the deep In fragment, to
serve as food for other sharks. lint
this method of fishing is not sure. The
creature ofien escapes after gorging
the hook. To make his destruction
certain the sailors sometime blow
up wiih powder or other explosives
!d Men in the bait.
The horror of the deep Is the white
shark, which is often thirty foet long
weigh 4.000 pound. It ha a mouth
furnished with a six-fold row of teeth.
flat, triangular and finely serrated.
When this shark I in a state of repose
these dreadful teeth He fiat In the
mouth, bnt when It seises Its prey they
rie like. the fabled growth of deadly
weapons from oet of the soiL
Among certain tribes in the South
sea the shark used to be worshiped
under the title of Jonjotk Its totaries
sacrificed rabbita to It; but, knowing
i s apjwtite, once a year they bound a
shild ten years of age, and decorated
with flower, to post on the beach.
at low tide, and then left it to be d
vonred bv Joujon.
tor ages seamen have viewed the
kark as a creature of ill-omen. They
believed that it could scent a victim
even though he should be perfectly
well, and without suspicion of Ids
leath being: close at hand; and that it
wonJd follow a ship that had a dtad in her for league and leagues.
In Ceylon there are people who bo-
lieve in shark-charmer, called Kudal
or Timmal, which signifies "sea-breed-
m-s." These magicians are employed
by pearl-divers to protect them while
under water. There is a head wizard.
pensioned by the Government, to
whom every boat gives ten ystera
To harimon a shark requires a prac
ticed eye ad a cunninff hand. The
vessel, moreover, should be motionlesa,
and the shark within reach of the har-
pooiier's muscle. Chiaaao A'etca,
8acstl for the Coantl Owaers
Small rorket-tlnaka.
A white bed-spuead. costing the small
amount of fl.20, was made last week
by a clever little housekeeper and
pretty enough to warrant a description.
The material used waa five yards o!
white curtain scrim of very open pat
tern, costing evn cents a vard. It
was joined down the center bv an In
section of Torchon lace, two and a hall
yards, at five cent a yard, and bor
dered with a three-inch wide nouncin
ef the same lace at six cents yard
The top and side were edged, not the
bottom, and nine yards were required.
Five yards of blue paer muslin U
place under tho spread cot fifteen
cent, and it looks as well as many
eostly ones of lace. She is now buil;
engaged in making a similar spread
for another bed, wilh the exception
of the lace. In its plaee will be a
flounce of the scrim, and with pillow
shams to match the cost will be bnt
seventy cents.
Every one who dislikes mosquitoes
can not afford a canopy and netting,
but an excellent substitute for one is a
plain piece "of netting costing about
forty cents. To arrange this over the
bed take-a strong cord, fasten it at the
center or top of the bed's head with a
small tack, end again at the ftxt; plact
similar pieces at the sides, and over
these drape the net, It may be rolled
up duriug the day-time, and will be
found as comfortable and secure against
mosquitoes as any canopy.
Another arrangement for beds with
low head-boards is made as follows:
Take a common child's hoop, cover the
top with netting, fa-ton it with strong
thread, then sew the long pieces to it.
Enough shoidd be used to go once and
a quarter about the lied and the length
be about six or seven feet. Then takt
six strong pieces of taje and cross th
top of tho hoop. These should hi
about two feet longer than the hoop
and ceuffht in the center with a strong
loop. Fix a screw hook in the ceiling
directly over the center of the bed;
and up the canopy and drape it about
the bed, letting it touch the floor. The
widths of netting should not be sewn
together, but lapped over about a quar
ter of a yard. This will prevent the
mosquitoes entering and give an en
trance and exit.
An ice-box is one of the necessities
of life, and yet there are many families
who can not afford one. A home-made
ice-box was made last week. A large
box was purchased for twenty cents,
and this was lined with strong oil
cloth, a hole being bored in the bottom
for the water to run out. This was set
up on four square pieces f wood; the
top of the box was lined 'with oil-cloth.
tacked on as a door by little hinges of
leather and fastened with a strap of the
leather over a nalL The box has two
shelves. The ice is placed on the bot
tom and there is ample room for all
food. Fresh meat is only kept in it by
placing it directly on the ice. This ice
box is washed every morning and is
considered quite a gem. lis entire cost
was fifty cents. AT. Tl Journal.
, Mastered Ceremonies "Why don't
you fire, mau? The trap's sprung!"
Crack English Shot (who has passed
the previous night near the grounds)
"I thought those were some more of
your bl&wsted mosquitoes, yer knaw."
fsij f.sno-l X i'i-'h-.U I r till I Hint
l'nut',l Mvttine.
Jh Guild h urn H know
what It Is
1 not. on
i w ilium', an iu he.
he verire of the crave, ai ha has re-
Iltlv beil pli tlil c.l, klthoiieh ln'chlil
who know htm will s;iy tlnt ho has not.
cry many j cirs to hve. 1 fi vttallt v.
though. Is something wonderful, lit)
picks up" quickly.
The greatest eilurt of his life wa liU
deal In Union Pacific It was make or
break htm. Nearly every one who was
associated with him thought that he
would die before lie could carry out his
plan. Ilia euor's were successful, and
thn came the rest which brought htm
relief. ' v
It I said Hint Mr. Gould's principal
trouble Isdue to ovui'-eating. lie takes
too much food for a man of hi si so. If
he eould curb hi appetite he might
know what gml health la. Neuralgia
haunts hlin like a specter. It now at-
aeks him principally In the face. He
Is afraid of It extending to the stomach
and heart. In which case a fatal ter
mination would be feared. He take no
exercise Wyond what he get In attend.
Injr to his business. He runs up and
lowu stair In the big Western Union
building, hut hi activity In business I
of a nervous description that Is ex
haustive instead of healthful. Hi face
Is like a piece of putty In hue. II vr he
Is able to stand the great stralu that
he Is subjected to i something that
puzzle himself, the doctors, and every
b-lv who know him. Ills tremendous
will-power I perhaps the bvt explana
tion. He I abl to hold up when other
men would take to their beds.
Mr. Gould's fondness for his family ts
mot laudable, lie derives more pleas
ure from the home circle than from any
thing else. In fact, ho care for little
else than the society of hi wife and
lildrcn. Horse or sport he lnke no
interest In. He bought hi senm yacht
as much for seclusion as any thln. He
to not use tobacco in any form, and
liquor ouly as a stimulant, and then in
lhe smallest qnaptity. He always
Ircsses well, but not obtrusively. He
is of a most retiring disposition. H
neter mvde but two speeches in his life.
and thy were vcrr brief. In conversa
tion he I unassuming a in his manners.
Ho Is a better listener ihau talker.
slthough h ha a remarkably impres
sive way of talking when he ha anv
thing to say.
lie has a habit of ciosmg lus eves
when conversing, which has long been
a hain't of hi, and i also noteworthy in
lij son George J., whom he I training
a financier. Mr. tmuht's regard for
his son Aioount to devotion. What-
ver the voun jr man av Is sv. or, at
ny rale, has his in, mij back
ing. Young Mr. Gould Is caT.iou aud
wily, like his father, and ha wn tho
latter' eonfldeneo a id support bv
making few mistake. It was a most
gratify iuc thing to Mr. Guild when his
ron settled down to business, loon
Mr. Gould is a hard worker. He ts
sturdier man than Id f:ith-r. Indeed.
he is quite an athlete, and takes the
greater part of the physical strain fixxn
hi father.
Mr. Gould s financiering Is strange.
He like to take hold of a broken-down
road and reorganise if. li t will secure
the property for next to nothing, and
issue a vast amount of new !etirities
for the ostensible purpose of "putting
it on its fevt in a sense,
furnishing equipment and extending it
or building branches to bring additional
business to it. The old sourity-holders
will have the right to subscribe f r the
new securities at low price, and then
when a market is found for them,, he
will sell out the new iue at the tor.
prices. To this plan of stock watering
he adds the other of paving stock
dividends or dividends in scrip whirl
Is convertible inlo stock. The mujority
of Mr. Gould's security Issues have
IwHin in the shaie of bonds which arc
always more salable than stock. A
itonds can be issued alter tne slock i.
and lie made a prior lien to stock, it is
eav enouifh to see the advantage of
putting bonds on the market.
It has been said that Mr. Gould never
gave except, when he was forced to,
which is probably the fact. He I never
actuated by philanthropic motive in
any thing. It is contrary to hi nature,
Pcrsonallv he care nothing for !-
ciety." lie would, however, sacrifice
a cood portion of his fortnne to have
social recognition," on account of hi
famdy. The Goulds, it is generally
known, are not "society people.
Three years ago Mr. Gould announced
hispnrtvse to start ou a tour of the
world in his own yacht, the Atalanta.
The announcement, it turned out, wa
merelv for tho effect it would have on
the stock market. Mr. Gould has th
vacht, and it is probable, having
schooled his son in the ways of finance,
that before loug be will make a foreign
Not the least interesting thing about
Mr. Gould is his fear of bodily .harm,
Ho is in constant receipt of letters
threatening him with dtfath. It has
been said that he ha not visited the
scene of the great southwestern railway
strike since it occurred, for fear his
train would be wrecked. That is a
mistake. He has been over his lines
and w'hs received at many stations even
with brass bands aud laudatory speeches
showing that in one section of the
country it happens that he is popular.
y. r. H'orR
Kev. Ur. Curry, American Minister
to Spain, has become popular in
Madrid society.
, Things One Would Rather Have
Left Unsaid. She "No; I "can't give
you another dance. But I'll introduce
you to the prettiest girl in the room."
He "But I don't want to dance with
the prettiest girl iu the room. I want
to dance with you!" Punch.
Partly. Mrs. Buckram "How's
dat baby ob you'n? IV wife .was
a-sayin' tudder day ez how she hadn't
named it yit. Rccon she call it arter
yo', ob course?" Mr. Hodge Crabtree
Waal, no'm. only pa'tly. She goin
call 'im Willyum Crabtree, Willynm
arter her bruddcr Bill, and Crabtree
arter me." I!arjer's Bazar.
A certain traveling man recently
discovered that he is a great poet, and
this is how he found it out :
Oh, little girls, always practice economy.
Even your slate pencils, save them up with
For some day when you no longer need them to
do uras with
You can use them heated to curt your soft
golden hair.
Merchant Traveler. '
"O'Grady, the base-ball man, ia
the most tender-hearted fellow in the
world,' remarked a traveling man the
other evening. "Why, he wouldn't
harm a fly." "Yes," was the reply,
"I guess that's so. I've seen him many
a time w hen ho seemed to be positively
getting out of the way of flies for fear
of doing them some damage." Mar
chant Traveler.
n j.'inovv-iNu utoujLC. f
M-in .nii.-t fl M'tk lh pit
t:l lul.B)iy fjtll.l 1 'In A i t ...-a U I
Wry neatly uU paople, tj mi( ex
out, borrow trouble, and more jmUe
iisiiy is tins true of tiio nn iitv or
oii4 ecpers. Thoio Is so much it
i v and worrlmont m tun cu a ut a
large family that a person does not
wonder at the mother of such a family
lor borrowing a little trouble, now and
then, though tho smallest amount of
this article borrowed the butler for
loth mother and famllv. H the trouble
borrowers were confined to this das
f people we could find some excuse
r them, but this Is not the case.
Mothers of large families nro seldom of
this kind, to any extent; they generally
have so much to do that tin y scarcely
have any time for trouble borrowing,
which I very fortunate for them. To
be sure they all have more or less
anxiety and trouble In their families.
and they meet it bravely when It
come, but they will not look for it as
he trouble borrower docs. Perhaps
during some part of their live they,
themselves, were Inclined to borrow
this same kind of ware, but, as the
cues of tho family Increased, they
very easily came to the conclusion that
the pence of mind of tbcmsolve ami
families depended on their castl lg all
such fancies away, and only reeogiiia.
Ing trouble when they met It face to
Women who have had a great deal
f trouble in their Urn can hardly bo
blamed for looking forward and ex
acting It at any time or place, yet
even they are not the chronic trouble
borrower. They may look forward
to, and expect it, but thy do so
silently aud resignedly, and willingly
accept whatever may be In store for
ih un without a murmur against It or a
comment ou It.
The real t rouble-borrower Is a wom
an who ha had vary little trouble dur
ing her life, and very seldom ha a per
son such a this had any heavy alu.ctlon
whatever. She I In a continual dread
of something happening, and If any
accident does occur, Bhe usually claim
the honor of having prophesied It; In
fact, at such a time she Is always an
I told you so kind of person. If the
children nro a little late In roturnln
from school she ts positive something
U tho matter with thm. A neighbor
rerdnd hor th;it her children. h ab
end the same school, nro also late.
Such a communication does not relieve
her hi tho least, for It doesn't matter
whose children are late, she is positive
hers never would bo utiles something
ha 1 happened. The children coma
home all right, and that blows
over, only to be repealed
when they are out of her sight
again, lhe baby docs not lenrn to
talk fast enough, and she is certain he
Is never going to speak, for all the
other children began to spaak long be
fore they were his nge. In a few
months baby uses hi tongue, nnd after
want astonishes her by learning faster
and slinking plainer than any of the
other children have dono at his age.
If there i any illness in the family, no
matter of how slight a nature, no
physician can'conviuce her that It ts
jot n dangerous malady, and slio wor
ries and frets until the ioron I? well.
when she transfers her worrlntent to
something else. Sho forsees any
amouutot trouble, but seldom has any.
It does seem as though this very thing
ought to convince her a to tho uso-
lesnes of borrowing trouble ; but no ;
it lias grown to be a part of her natuuc.
and very often only the presence of
feat trouble will destroy it. Boston
Eiploltn ami OrdeaU lt furuid and Horn
ljr an llerulo I'lomwh
The first pioneers were so successful
in holding their settlement that ethers
hastened to join them, attracted by the
abundance of the game and the fertil
ity of tho soil, says a writer describing
the early settling of Kentucky. To
some,, no doubt, the clement of con
slant adventure was a great Induce
ment and fully were they gratified.
Some, like Simon Kenton, as a hunter
and woodsman second only to Boone,
seemed to seek hazard. He it wa
whose deepcrate ride, lashed to the
back of an untamed horse, was the
true original of Byron's Maxeppa. Un
like, Boone, Kenton excited in his In
dian foe the most exasperated feel
ings of vengeance. Aside from wounds
received in fight, ho was several times
brought to the vervvenro of death
while a prisoner in the Indians' hands.
On one occasion he was struck appar
ently dead with a tomahawk that clove
his shoulder through the collar-bone
three several times he was bound to
the stake of deadly fire and as often
as eight times ho was compelled to
"run the gantlet" None of this gene
ration will ever know in its true signiti
cance the horror of that word. There
Is now probably no man living who
has "run the gantlet" as an India
prisoner. The vencrablo and reverend
Thomas P. Dudley, of Lexington, Ky
now approaching his one hundredth
year, was sentenced, hut reprieved
His comrades suffered the ordeal, while
he in mere whim was ransomed for
pony and a keg of whisky. Tho In
dians ranged themselves in two lines,
between which the prisoner was com
pelled to run for his life, eluding as
best ho could the blows of tomahawks
and war clubs that were aimed at him
in his flight. Some times good fortune
or activity saved the prisoner. Some
times me inuians would in mere ca
price use long sticks instead of deadly
weapons, and in a few rare instances
pure courage saved the victim. Kenton
on ono occasion won he applause of
the head chiefs of the Wyandots, who
interfered to save his life from thei
infuriated warriors. No sooner was he
unbound to commence the fatal race
than he seized a war-club and dashed
down the line, striking in desperation
at every warrior armed with hatchet or
club. Though covered with wonuds, he
reached the goal alive, still brandish
ing the weapon with which he had
fought his way. Tho exploit was with
out a parallel in Indian experience; it
won their admiration and for that time
saved him. Harper's Maaazine.
During the year 18S8 American
mills produced 1.350.000 tons of steel
rails, valued at $40,000,000. The pros
pe-H for 18S7 m still better. PUttbur
The West Lebanon (Penn.) Rollin
iim company nas snipped a char
weighing twen:y-five tons for use on
nve-mast iaKe scnoondc. it requires
two cars to carry lt.-
A recent computation makes the
velocity of the solar system in space
only about 10,000,003 miles a year. By
a different method another computer
has determined the rate to bo about
525,000,000 miles a year. Arkwaio
.'nhabttiuu of ixorttntrtt Idaho sro
MitpliiUtliig of the trick In trade c-f Ut
. oicso. It I atd that they mix gold
it worth eight dollar an ounce wiih
t .utt worth, sixteen dollars, and impose
f it at the maximum figure. Upside
ids, they fail to burn their fins dust
itlleletiUy. thereby tstalniitg much
iiicksiiver, and also ui up silver
ollars and mix the filings with the gold.
Chicago Timet.
m -m w
A clergyman, being busy,aid to
his little sou: Freddlo, you trouble
me this afternoon; you seem like noth
ing but a collection of perversities."
Well, papa," replied Fred, who had
teen trying to climb up on the paUirnal
nee, "well,
action r
don t you always
ako una cnlle
Take me up."
-statistics show tnat England loses
nearly four millions of dollars every
car by the depredations of sparrows.
As pel thuso birds are decided fail
ures, but as pests they are a marked
ueces. There are Innumerable hordes
of them in this country, all of which
re descended from a batch of thirteen,
let loose some years ago In tho parks of
Hallroad ticket nine feel lomf constitute
a portentous feature of travel on the Erie
and connecting lines. They sra one of tne
results of the interstate commerce acu
Are thoae whom a confirmed tendency to Ml
(outness, sulurct to th various and changeful
symiilotiislndlcattveof liver complaint. Nausea.
sick headache, constipation, furred tongue, an
unph'siaut breath, a dull or sharp pain In the
nelKliborhood of the affected organ. Impurity of
the blood and loaa of aepeUte, slgnalisa It aa
one of the aiost dlatreanlng. aa It ia one of the
aiost common of maladies. Thera is. bo werer.
a benign apeciflo for the disease and all IU un
pteananl manifestations. It t the concurrent
ii HllmoiiT nf the piilillcand the medlral proft-
Mull, mat noaieuer niomarii tiituir in a in-'i-
In a which aulileVea reaiilta i.rfililr felt.
I.on.iiiih and bwnlirn. Heaiclea Mw-itfi ln lir
(liwinlrr. It invluoratee I lie feeble, coiitit
kid nry and biadner com plalnta, anil haiU'iiii.e vuL-fw-rnee of lliime recoerlia Irom eniwo-
Itnn ()l i. Moreover, It lathe gnwuipecino
or fever and ague.
The tate (senator Baroent's estate Is In
ventorled at 913 1,4i7.
It waa an old orient!! doer trine that
women have no souls. More enllKhtaned
nliilimouhv concede that the have purer.
liner, more eialted soul than men. uut
the v are loo often contained in feeble, auf
ferimr bodies, which hamper and retard
their full development. Vor dll thime
I valnful ailments Incident to tbe , lr.
'lerce'a favorite l'reacrlDtlon la the
In-Mt oeerlAcIn th world, and ia sol J under
a positive guarantee that It will do all that
is claimed tor it, l'rice reauceu to one
dollar. By druggists.
The N. 1 It. It, haa established an office
in San t rancUro.
In IlRAsnRrru's Piixa the true life
medicine haa been found, composed a
they are of numerous vegetable ao com
bined that each multiplies the virtues of
the rest. They never can do any harm.
Their action I always th same, no matter
bow lung or In what doeea they are taken.
Thev ti u rue twir th waste particle of
the j nielli. They recruit the animal vliriir
and arrest the profireas ol aecav. iney
purify the blood. They elinmlat th
liver. Thev tnvisrorata dlneatlon. They
(torn the norm. 1 hrv malt the boweia
lo the work of the kidneys, thua Riving
thoae organ an oftime needed rest. One
or two at night for a week will demon
strata their power, and la generally sulll
ctcnt to cure ordinary disease.
r !f vr. while freight are low and
stock large. You can save money if you
purchase your good from I'ALMKHSt ur
While vlalt lag the Mechanic' Fair
at t'orllaad get )our pootograpti wber
they are uiade to beat.
aki.l oc tson.
19 Washington aitreeL
It I estimated that American tourist
tpend 4,U0,U00 yearly In Kngland,
At the raising of blood from th lungs. It
la ona of th verv earliest symptom of
consumption, and only ahowa tn liealtly
eiiorta oi tne system to m row ou in
scrofulous tuimmUea of the blood whir
have resulted in ulceration of the lungs.
Dr. 1'lerce "Golden Medical Discovery
Is a positive remedy for consumption at
this stage. If taken faithfully, it will
rleanae the blood, heal th ulcers in the
lungs, and build up and renovate th
whole system.
Since lSTi, It is stated, 4.S 0 persons have
been alruck dead by lightning in X ranee.
Da J. P. Cox as Owejiavflle. Ohio, sara:
have given Meatt'a Kiaalalaa of Cod Liver
Oil with llypophoaphltea to four naUent with
better reaulia than aeemed poaaible Willi an
remedy. All were, hrredilarv caaea of Lan
dlneiuH). and advanced to that stage when
founds, pain in th cheat, freouent breatLinr
freouent uuleev fever and kntarlation. All
thre ce have increased in weitcht from IS to
28 na and are not new needing any medicine.
Prlntora I Publishers who are
not buying through Palmer & Rev are loa
ng money. Wa aell Job, Hook aud News
Inks at manufacturers' price.
To ThrvHuherai I have a few of the
celebrated Wes doghouse Threshers yet.
and tor ibe nurooseot closing out win sen
them on next yea-' term at bottom
figures. Also, a fw second-hand ma-
t lil pc of other make. Write for banralna,
Z. T. Wrioht. foot of Morrison Street,
Portland Chegon.
A state of anarchy prevail In Bolivia,
bouut America.
Walking advertisements for Dr. Sage'
Catarrh itemedy are the thousands it has
The Sultan of Turkey haa ordered all
foreign ecboola closed in nla empire.
Ctaaiflia and IIon.r)e.--The
I'ritat'.on which induce coughing, imme
diately relieved oy use of "Brown a Bnn-
chiai Troches, bold only in box.
A Jtob Preaa that Is a job press is the
Did uetiao'e uoraon, ex is ana ioxio,
The cheapest,, beat and strongest in en
market. Duy no otner. Jb-ept only
1 alu eb & Kev.
If a cough disturbs your sleep, take
Plso'a Cure for Consumption and rest well,
Don't forces that you can always
purchase tvpe, preaaea and material from
Palmer & tley. Portland, lowr than from
any otner nouse.
Try Germka for breakfast.
beautifying the akin af ehildren and Infanta
and curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly
and pimply dineaaea of the akin, setup and
blood, with loaa of hair, from infancy to old age,
the CcrricuKA Rkmkdiks are infallible.
Cuticura, the great Bkin Curu, and Ctm.
CORA !-oap, an exquisite bkln Beautifler, pre
pared from it, externally, and Cuticura Kb
solvbnt. thelnew Blood Purifier, internally,
invariably sucoeed when all other remedies
and the beat physicians fail.
Cuticura Rkmedibs are absolutely pnreand
the only infallible akin beautiflers and blood
purifiers, tree from poisonous ingredients.
Bold everywhere. Prioe,Ct7TiouRA,60o.: Soap,
25o.: Rksolvknt. SI. Prepared by the Pottkh
-Hend for "How to Cure Skin DiBeaaes.'
P 4 R Y ICSkin and Soalp preserved and beauti
DflDl U fled by Ccticcra Mebicathd 6oaf
i ii "im t- rortiaao.
( a h
k. i
Absolutely Pure.
Tits twrwiW sere? varies, A marvel cf jntdry,
vtrBrifth and h.ilnomtieits. Mm ewMiowuealthan
tiieoi.lliwry klti.ln, and eanho ba sold la cumii.
ti'Hi with t'ie (niiltkude cf low fcsit, short vetifht,
a'.un, or phmit'Hat powtiers, so a etiif in hu
Hut as JAta l'uvulta Ca., lu Wall Bttvvt, . I.
PrjnG Umorj,
C rof ula.
. tfrrv -
JtQivLus Hie
One bottle taken according fa direction
mill ghw tetter reeutte thmm m gallon of
Sareaparilla. or erf of tho eo-ca!d Blood
Pvrifior with which tho mariet It glutted.
At Druggitte, price $1.00 per bottle.
will be paid for anf cate of Hheomatiem
which On Pardee' Kerned, proper!
miafterod. fail to roliero.
Cures all Diieasat criginatinB' from t
disordered stata of the BLOOD or
LIYEB. Ehenmatlsm, Heuralla,
Bolls, Blotches, Fimples, Scrofala,
Tumors, Salt Hheum and Kercnrial
Pains readily yield to its parifyin-r
properties. It leaves tho Blood pore,
tho Liver and Kidney healthy and the
Complexion bright and clear.
J. R. CATESJl CO Proprietors
417 SanaotM St. San Frwrirtaoo.
- lhore are men In IVew iork who
spend half their time dodgin? peoplo
they have borrowed money of, and the
other half in hunting up fresh victims.
a trench woman says sn one
paid a large sum of money to learn bow
to eel a certain noose into a bow.
What most girls want to learn is bo
to get a certain beau into a noose.
Easier to preach than to practice.
T" ye Content." the philosophers aay,
'teh la the aecret of happineu her;
If it be true. oh. philosopher, pray,
WhT don't ye east further atuily away.
Making the niatlm ye teaob n more elearf
Be ye eontont with the thins that are knowa,
Lt what ye do not aeverely alone.
Bottom Bvilgtt.
Tho monkey Is now generally reo-ogniay-d
to bo a sort of a connecting
link between the human race and the
lower forms of animal creation. The
main question now is whether the dud
doesn't come first of the two. Merchant
Gotham Boy (at Niagara Falls
Ta, did that man that drives the car,
riajje build that big damf" Pa "No,
the Niug ira flows over a natural preel
pice, my son. Gotham Boy "That
stransre, I thought from the prico h
chaiyed that he made it" Tid-Dits.
A St. Aogustine, Ga.. letter (le
scriles the ice work's at that place as
having a capacity of 1,000 pounds per
hour. The freezing cans teake a mass
of 200 pounds each, and are taken out
In rotation, an average of fire hourly,
after thirty-six hours exposure to th
evaporation of atnovmia, 240 cans be
ing kept at work. Boston Budget.
The process of taking beautiful
colored photographs has recently been
perfected by an English photographer.
A negative of the sitter is taken by a
sentitized phvte of electric light. From
the ncgativo a positive is produced on
a chemically treated basis by the aid of
a solar camera and a spectroscopic ar
r.tngement. The imago U produced in
colors without the aid of hund-work or
brash. Chicago Advance.
Last year (1836) the spots on the
sun wero so small and few that it may been the minimum of the sun
spot period of eleven years. So says
the distinguished Italian astronomer.
Prof. Tacchini. From tbe 31st of Oc
tober to the 12th of December there
were only six days when any traoe of a
spot could be discovered on the solar
disc, and only a siugle tiny spot could
lie observed on those days.
It is said thiit a woman began tne
manufacture of sewing thread' in En
gland in 1722, and it would seem
proper that the idea should have first
come from that sex through whose
hands nine-tenths of the thread passes
that is used. Paisley has the honor of
being the first town that embarked in
the business. It was called "Nun's
thread," was made of flax, and so
rapidly increased in popularity that it
was not long before it became an im
portant branch of manufacture.
A movement aas been started to
found a laboratory on the New En
gland coast, whero students, teaohers,
and investigators may find facilities
for the pursuit of biology. It is now
some years since the brief episode of
the Peniktse laboratory, which was
founded by Mr, Anderson and intrusted
to Professor Agassia. During the in
terval, summer schools of science have
multiplied, and a few of them have suc
cessfully maintained their modest us
f ulnssa Fublie Opinion.
I v I
pacific univ.cnciTY.
rarest Crov, Ore-n,
4 ?0-f mutmifo'nt
ami or-r it '.vOOU I-t i-t-r e.t.y Kilr.mui.
ttntttw ) !. Ujofom?! ttl est'tilMfii, fdiMld &
Mitt st ttt rurttnt. mi rnihmd, !th l 1 maA
riHAfia ciaOTKn. tfoktablk
lower attU. lkte., bio.
Vmr&tm Tl and rerttllsare.
frnlt Trtee, Ete. ..
ifBmxB rot Cat fin 'a,
Mii.i.Kn AKOi.,
900 Sobid Hirect, l onlaJid.
Ban Franoieco,
Si -a "
BUEU. LAMBCRSON, tien'f Agent.
t piiarx p f-oruasa. ur.
The Oregon National Dank,
or PORTUA!l.
tSttWKaK'f in tfairoftalltA K.Hrl ftatik I
camsi. rain in, . . - iea,ooo.
1 raniwta a owwrai Ratikma Buaecaa.
ArVTJl'K TH k,t cul.iMt to rhrak.
SKI. lit IlXCHA.mhk n Hmo t mtMurn aS Kw Tta.
MAKKS OiiLI.KTf.'?" em f.iM l-rn:
Van 0. I'Kl.AHliMtlT. UtUt.H MAftKJjK, Ja.,
rtM.ii. ie nmiiMii.
It r. SHERMAtf Caviar.
ultiiUa t"f Orancea, Leimtiit, Obvea, Unrejij.lf,
Kuianaa, Straw Iwrlrt and early V. rrtal.loa fut
ale nn limir .). SI to M. UO per rr.
Jultm M. BOIOlvlOMt . w. w. r.
s.i kaUra t4. (, Ills.
ci no 4A mnnin i
tub r Lun u iiiHuniui
' Chslewt, Parest aai Kott Delleioai
L. K. G. SMITH, iiv" w t
' 4 Walla Walla, W t
Sole Agent.
Inportara and Dealen la
Sfovca. Itangc & House
FnralehlM; Jeda.
IM rirt Mtreet, Irtlaa4. Or.
Wmr (b Com plea te-a.
J 1 I'Mlertlv harmless. Prlee He. f
Uattle. We are now puiUug en the
Snovrflake Toilet Powder,
A dry powder e talntna no Injartmt Incradt
entn, which f 'r beantifylna the com plot km. re
movln diannraiioua and bki" 'i, ia India
peaaable aa a toilet rwiuielte. S 1 1 1 tta teal
jr aaall a poo rsceiDt ut prk-e, stSe.
JOHN A. CHILD ft CO Drtifgista,
Cor. Morrtao and tl fita, Portland. Or.
it! "men?- froy tt lrcrf Mtmto9 lett : -.pmm
MfirlIM tin Kaet (fx fl aro-wry 4 thm Wtttueent ut
fc.kil mUi&i Ail lilvi lAiii.
Tho Van Ilonckcar
J J Tease, saddle aad
V t ataia a RMHe4 aa
f , B ) I wbi ail vfeo aof-r t
J 'Aa 'S AaJDaaaf.raaiaaM .
mmm m jf " or, . Weak Mra. Lack af
i Tt i Kraatloea.
Halt Fniiiaa
Mom faiae, S munt
t ThrmK tTlewa. St
nt M in. aula
Weak Back, a ifa tJriaa. Uoan a, (Uaa
aoa tHrnnmm iraaoiat
mm - anirs I.IM ana ear. r ino.
Math tavxre) 4 tea 1 1 iSeifatl
urricie itu em 184 TktiKD bT.
h -rSm a r- i
ortiK& i
It la aiar htyblr refined, tfeaa aar 8lt All
hartnfml incrediMta fuond la neat Halt ar !
tevad t therefor, it ia tbe aateet ta nee.
It ia t re from lim aad paa (calee, reqatra
aaaiftiaa. It is th atroncaat. aad altatkev
tae Moat aouumioai.
It diaaoivae very eaailr. tttaratora doaa mat
oomil batter br tbe arritty pari irlaa. aa at fa Bav
fane wHa at her Baft.
- Common Bait la tea rlelry for enrboslr tow la
amakins Huttar. 'the poor. at famines aaaaolitu
taltaa tbair table that they cab afl ord to
that that i the mnet healthy and (he beat.
KOLMKS' li XT HA BIPTEU 8 ALT ia aaad b
ha beat dairym. in California, and baa sever
tailed to pleas batter thaa any other bread
vaaaa r tnao,
ha la tM. 168 aaS S
atoa, la i aooaa dMU. Ban aa
taelet mm vvia thOa
c k. wanrnrcr s ca
Aaaats. Ml aad IM OaUl da
By baying family supplla oa a cash basts from a
euh hooae ; yea thea have do loaeee to make np.
Wa bow sell oar best Family Floor, In any quantity,
at SL50 per barrel, aad some good gradee of Family
Floor, SA.2S pec BarreL Bave it even lower S.S0
bat do not reeommond It. Batter, Dried Trait and
Bognr are biRher, and likely to stllLfarther advanca.
We have the finest brands of HamJfrom th East at
UJfl to 18c; rood Sofar-Cured, lie; CaliforniA-Cured,
lio. Shoulder Bacon, 7c to 8c; Side or Bib Bacon,
Sc. 9c, lOo, liic, ltc, a. to weight and quality. Spe
cial palna takea to (ill orders caretally, pack and
ship in good order. Send for full lis before erderim;
winter sappi tea. SMITH'S GASH 8TOKJS, lis
and 117 day Street, San Frandm, CaL
O I CI Is II I Gaoler, Roeaisb Pianos: Bur
net Organs, band Instrnmenta. Ls est stock
of Sheet Mosie aad Books. Bands spppliedal
Kaatern prions. ItGKAYCO
WW Pnat at east. San Friea
lasmed Sep, aad March,
Atr. Mi- 31S psgea.
8S allH tawlae, am Ita. tm
3,000 UlvatrmUona
waolo Ptctaur 3adlerw.
GIVES WlaoleaaJe Prtcea.
aTiree ta emnut turn rm at all geaa oa
p aaalarfaauly naa. TUa laow to
order, ajad jrtr a zaet coa of eve -taimf
yam wae, emt, drtntt, ear,
haw frna wltku Tbeao 1ST AX.VJABIJB
BOOKS casta. 1 tA aattoat ;lemedt
rrona ta aaarketa of t w arid. Wa
will mail a aapy FRKB "V a
an aa apaa re eeipt at lO eta. ta defray
axpemaa af aaaUtaaa-. Iet aa boas troaa
yea. Reap tlwlly,
frta gra A. aa. CMoaara. m.
To a Day. Baatpia worth tl.te, FRlt
tirreaaat Baowth. hameafaet. Write En.
I Mae M-lillM HOtTO. I ' 1)1
T.R1 tL H. LAN IM. rirttr BiliUoaawe . V
tM tAnar Saw Hauaa C.)rja)iy,AJlt.
"""j p.. f'f p. ,-
AMI WttV Vl . ..
Oil 8Mb
Ask Your Druggist For It!
BUv4 la turn Uunua,
t.1mamrmlA if Tan as la Tine,
Car Warrmutmi.
Cand la Sara to but. M'js.ha
tMabf heel. r"P,
ai. SAfSfiArhe. aara
1 brattA
Srstti.t C'L-aeo.
Invaluable Remtyf
rAlMtd Al-rll.H.-i
rrlo ef Trtment, ttOr)' Pmok R tl. ti.CO
Ilebvliatur, for Jotemal t ae, I1.0U.)
652 Market SI, San Francises, Cat
esrSt art el Cartful laitetloa
If. aai vat alpw: htm-f r rociau. f A
Z. T. w aiSHT.Taet KerrU st rsrtUal. Or,
AIM lr ts T.rhirj iM owr! Mvt.fiu , Ma
rtna Wwk. ImmoArf Urn UlKtf, ia tar ati?'-.i Jm
eeratiraa alaea tVA. w"w irom
au mcuom at u.a normwm, .
kiuuia ma and leadtaf aaWanira.
f Ita claw ea lS. Coatt, It Hm erfnte ar tbM
lartrnctioa, ly and tnfttng tHrougem the yr. ia
ArHKaMtic, Wrrtiaf, Cor ptmOKt. Bofit .kept.s.
ranking, SKr-tn,oH,Ty fX'W.t inj. Bumirmm sti Lx 1
forme a ad ail Common fecheot irancf aa Vwbu
f all age. and eota aena !iiiit anv t.m.
Catalaf ua Iraav AimMnntf must mtco, f rajtricuara.
, Jliut ual ii AlluU-aM,
t...i.A rii..ti
MaAiSii Mtw-a
A Remeilr whU-h onlrk'v etiarma
Tbe infaut ia the nurihrr a aru,a.
While drooping ate wii strive ttt ar ala
K.' h rlmo ihe r '-t doe Paul".
Itiia Krt ltt K( -iU M l.TZKIt na
bleaataaT prove to ma aad ta ne.
luYliis Hots! zr,i SurriCul Instiit3
aHafl mt 1 Itratti Experlr a4 aaat MOIW
fat 1
FalMtita treated brraorat ticir tuMm Manr
treatetl at bouie, througii ecrrtm,!'ucf, as
aueunasfullv as if Irt're in proti. ire u.l
ana) ua. or apfxl ten tmu In etampa Iinr our
"I AhaV Gmaa-Booa,' whirti alvca ail
Blara. A.Hre s Wimi.t) " Iiipt .j,uT r.:t
CAL Aama-IATiua. 6o4 Main M. liuKalo, hi.X.
& urvmoii
Tor " wo -lit." mn-Acrxn," rVt.i!HflM
Scboo) teaoh i, milliners, arntspt rcfw. hnw?
heerwrs. and overworktHl wi.iiton arrwrstlv.
lr. Plem e'o Favorite I'r criirt km la tiie t r
of all vatstive tonics. It i nr a M'tire-aH."
but admiralty fultilis a sine-Nut nf rriw
beina a most pnO-nt Bp-nlUs for all ttKW
l"bro:'k Wnkn and Iieeam pi!liv t.
women. Tho trwtwtit of runny lh.iiamla
of stMjh casus, at tlie Invnlida' Mott l ami riiiri
Iral Institute has alTortkl a hvurt citnt uca
in adairting remedies for ttcir- curr-. ami
Er. Fi-rcs's Favsrits Prescrfctha
Internal eonrlii, In flamniRt iota
aaat aire xloa, it ta a Kpeellte. It
Is a powerful grroraL as wril as !l rnK tr-niu
and nervims and Imparts vismr arxl Ftn rtet'i
to tbe whole systrro. It curr-s wt-nk ttt f.f
etomaoh, irxW ion, Montinir, -mt-iik Isik,
nr oita prastratkva. exhaustion. (V l iMIr and
elf.pfaTK-. In eitlKTix-i. Favorite i'resrrip
t.OQ is aokl by drumrMs urnk-r mir jwIim
gwarmnu. Bee wrapper around trfii
P-.CE Cl-COp torero.
Betid 10 cents tn stain for Ur. Pierre's tar '
Treaties on IiiaeaaPS rf Won ( l.yj prices.
pspryvored. Address , Woni.n's Dwrrx
Sart Msdicaa, AssociAitoa, tits Aluiu Mruet,
buffalo, K. V.
'Kin . ar art o &, M
HI!!oaf Beadaetae,
IMzslaea, Co watt pa
lien. ln4leHoii,
and HIlioaaAttaclcs,
promptly ourl by Ir.
Jpleree'a Pleasant
Pargatlwa Pellet. iS
oenu a vial, tr IrustristA,
r Tlw gntmt. Tnx. it 1006 Pr;r, APftt jr iinri Ktvar
Iawi( ri mr. CmaiM er -r P. Ait--. raJ.
Acme Electric Belt Agency
171 fourth gt. bet. Morrison aad YamhiU,
Portland, Ore goo.
AH IHna auwfiinr waatad. Ohronje an4 Kfir
voaa Truob... a ledltv. Kiwamatism, Nmra.-ia,
Gaaeral and Nerrou. lrh Kty, Brml WmIim an4
Lon Manhood eoercarf .Ur area Al with Uw ui nt tba
CumuTiD Acaa Fla-tkic bsxt u t o-Jicr otKtr,e
apaiiaocea Seanal UiMaaaa taJroi hf the cam ac n.a
iwuiaUe rata A ecmpeAeat Pf, yucian ami f.i4.
tnciaa ia attendance kmBtry untA ),!.
atAt wnktt"iB a. aocuTAta a. poaaibia. lAtnm. o.Waca
aolicited. Tea muicuj ab.
Tfea ris-lnal and Only CSennina.
aAaneSn7BenAH& .itwrf warthw. in.tkwa
M "WatADIES. Art yr Ur Irt faA
HliWtaart EaalMud au kcr. oi7Ii
warm i-iaagii tmm- mmjwwfemm. jriiifc - msm
VUst eixipr-mlr fr tit car of
-oDH us ! IK
ovrm .a.
ab-tiuiUTT Tte-acArcdi
3rajhcfa pokTTM nw ranw
sT I 14 fiVaUtfaT actios. I
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Cfeiaw the Uot wf
-rnT tr-Aj "'' ' 'tiaco,Hi--au
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tJUU 1 laairea, Kislalaa al
I leers treated amee-e-aatrally, nithov t
' knife, vaithln past tn n.
ielta several interior- tawaa. vnd
frrlrralara. J.K. itfef nSta.l. I.
Ibn. atkaa't bnlldtng. Parllaa.Or.
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