t r V it;,. I 1 . It. I "N I ' ! U I f. M'.'ic.v ii r.--ij .r tin1 rivhiiation Sr. ii i'.V.i! :( tt jH'HU iy upon tlio o,. of Muluia!n..U iwmty, . ishrowtl (!.'i vcr! t'luim tHnt if ft majority f ihit U'ph than t'rttO Is not btnim.l In I'mtliiiiii, Alblne iuhI Kast. IVrU.uiil, Vi' liilfitlon will t arry tho slnto. The nalvoi-ttto of this Inti-st Issue in Oregon ar wvll ofSk-trwt, thamiusjhly orgnnt- l nnl hoar-lily lutimstetl In the trusts Tholr font' im- ready at a mtn v.!'a not toe to w.nU tyvry vuhirrnhk point, (he small rountry pivolm-ts (Iiroiijihoiit the state lfliig In pynsptv thy with them. On the othor hand tholr ojijwnunitss over Bangui tie of buo jjior to rent on tholr arm while the enemy raptures in detail every outrt. This eonehiUn la reached ly uiioervation of the contending par- tics In the city mut hearing the re marks isoit by t he rank and file as well aw by the leaders of the opposing itrmteH. The retail saloon keepers take little Interest in theeontest saying should the Prohibitionists win it will make comparatively little difference to them, mnee they would nin their phi oo of hnsinepa just the same and wive each the $300 annually paid the city f.r lieen.t They might perhaps have to change to the veconu stork of huildinirs to do bo. "The Nevada tmnk deal has destroy rl our business for the present," re marked a heavy shipper and grain broker of San Francisco a few days Ago, "but it has t)ccn and is a bonanza for the warehouses of-thls city and Port Costa, Storage nceomiiMHlation Is tuk ca up In and about .the bay, while li the interior comparatively little grain is stored. The reason is that wheat was rushed forward weeks ago to de liver on contracts. The ringsters were Yiught; then the wheat was taken up, and here it will stay. Shipping Is at standstill. The Liverpool market overstocked. From this state about 2oO,ooo tons were put on the market at oneo. Wheat here is held at ?t.25 and per cental, and there is no pro' poet tisat it will go lower. Farmers will hold on and so will dealers rath' tr than lot ft go at present prices, which means at a loss. This state of affairs, I think, will continue until January Then the surplus m Liverpool will I.iive been consumed, and as the cror in India and lUissia has not been large the price must increase.,, Portland printers and their employ ers are profoundly disturbed over a di Walton of the International Typ jrrapMcal .Union to all subordinate unions numbering over sixty men, to demand ftr job printers nine hours' j work ami the same wages as are now ! being paid. The minimum amount of i wages paid to any Union printer is j ix r week for ten hours' work per day! Employers declare that they will not pay that amount for nine hours' work, and printers are unwilling to take less. They would wish to continue work un der the old scale, but the mandate of the International Union interdicts tjiem. The difference will l settled amicably, if possible, lut as yet licit hor side baa shown any disposition to yield. Captain Lee, after ten years' search, has at last diseovcml the wreck of the 1 trot her Johnathan, and is happy. The veseel, or what there left of it, lies two miles south of Northwest Seal rock, it is known that a large amount of mon ey went down with the vessel, it lieing in a huge safe. There was a cartload of gold and no end of greenbacks. Af ter bouig burled In the sea for 22 years there is no telling the condition it is in; but in all probability the old captain can find ample time to brighten it up, with the assurance that it will W a le gal tender In exchange for real estate or groceries. Advices from South. America state that an immense nugget, weighing about 51 pounds, of pure gold, has just Itcen unearthed In the now famous Mi das mine. The find has created in tense excitement. The nugget is flat Wd-iia something of the contour of a colossal hand, held open, with the thumb and finger chase together. Its greatest length is twelve and one-half inches, and breadth eight and one-ha f inches. ' It varies In thickness up to . two and one-half inches. The value is estimated at 10,000. A cast of it will i be taken before it Is broken up. Col. Fredrick D. Grant, the nominee of the republican party of Now York, for secretary of state, was with the Un ion army during a considerable portion of the war of the rebellion, thought he was too young to take a hand in the lighting. He accompanied his father through the Fort Henry and Fort Don I'laon campaigns, the siege of Vicks burg, and the Wilderness and Peters burg .campaigns. The boy was often on the set-nee of actual conflict, and was once wounded. Jadge J. It. Rca, of Minneapolis, was chosen Commander-in-chief of the firand Army of the Republic at the recent annual meeting of that laody. He is a native of Pennsylvania, enPst- cd in the. war as a private and won promotion up to brevet major. He is now judge of his district. The choice gives general satisfaction to the Grand army- ' - One of the murderers of Itev. Frank Haddock, the Iowa prohibition cham pion, has been found guilty of man slaughter. The extreme penalty for manslaughter in Iowa is eight years' imprisonment. The murder of Had dock was nnnsually villainons, and if the perpetrators are to be punished at all they should receive the death pen alty. The commission appointed by the government to view the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain wagen road, will in til prlability, make a report adverse to the interests of the prvscnt owners of the property, the land' donations incident to the build ing f the road having repeatedly hun god owners. The brewers and mnlten? of New Y(i: k City propose to tKfeat by the n.se -f iiujjie.v evciy hgtsiator wlto votetl ir the 'n&y and Vtddtr high li- Jt.lioC bills. 1 I.KHASOS ANB Mt'lMITV. tilt 1(4 it I'.PAv.tifu! Rrril.m Willamette VRlla-y tif l'u The following agreeable opinion of jebanou and. vicinity is taken from he Orrtnnhin. and will serve to show ow others see us: The town of Iebanon, some twelve miles from Albany. jut on the astern edge of the great Albany prai rie, was visited by a representative of tho Oregon ian ft few days sinec, It has a charming location, and Is one of the cleanest, neatest and most thrifty ooklng little towns In the Willamette valley. It has a bank, several stores carrying large, stocks of goods, two ho tels, the St, Charles, kept by H. K. l'arrish, in-ing a very commotuous and comfortable house for such a town. It has a newspaper, the Kxphks, pul lihod by J. II. Stlne. There are two churches, and the Methodists have another In course of erection. Decide the district schools there is the Kanti an i academy, where some oft he promi nent men of the state have graduated. A handsome two-story brick building, the first In the town, is Just completed. Just In the outskirts of town Is a flour ing mill and a, planing mill, and a short distance In tho country is a cheese factory, which produces a most excellent article of cheese. Although apparently near tho foot hill, Lebanon has a largo country tributary to it. The section between the forks of the Santiam. known as "Canada," is an extensive and fertile territory, where many hops are raised, Man j' Indians were soon in town who had been engaged In hop hlcklng, spending some of their earnings pre paratory to going home. The work of railroad construction going on across the Cascades causes a great deal of teaming ouf of Ibanon, tools, suj plies, etc., being sent there by rail and forwarded to the front by teams over the now much talked of wagou road, which runs away up through the Sweet Home valley and much Rne ' and etMsftes to lvmtern Oregon. I country ana erawses to ljttern Unvgon Borne five miles distant up the aSouth rork of the Hantiam is Waterloo, where there is n soda spring, rising fixni the rocks In the channel of the river. This is quite a place of rooit for LcIhuioh people. A pleasant drive behind a fast team from W. C. IVter son A Co's. livery stable brought the Orrffonian man to the place. There m a smaii tan m me river auove wtiteii ia n ili!,N:.l,at.wl ftnn, l.I.li fit-iituIt..t , ... . water supply for a flouring mill and a sawmill in earlv da vs. liolow the fall is a long and deep mx1 suitable for boating and bathing, and crowing this on a floating bridge the soda spring in reached, it is a beautiful spot and the grove tut i tie suore oears evnience utui many iKHple visit it. Coming lack a different roavl is taken and the town of Sslaville la visited, where there is nn- mncr sHia spring. rome puoiie iene-i factor deeded the spring and a plot of I tana arouna ii 10 me puonc. uie spring has been bricked, up and a sort of pavilion with seats erected over it and plunk walks laid to the entrances of the plot. Many people were sitting around driuking the water, which is1 very pleasant, and many were taking home jugs and piUhcrfulls for future consumption. From ISodavtlle a fine view is bad of the prairie, with Albany in the distance, and away beyond the Coast range, with Mary's peak loom ing above the other peaks ot the range. A more pleasant place than Lebanon and the country round about in which to spend the soumier vacation cannot be imagined. CRAWFOK1WVHLE NOTES. OtTOBl R 2. Qul'e a number cf peiple are going up the C?alitooia to the mines. 8ome think there is a prospect for a, rich. mining camp up there. A. J. Miaoks and wife came down from Fern ridge Saturday to his fath- JZ1!?"P thcre 111! ai L I aw ia.v ! School began here last Monday. jliss xsenaooua xaiita, oi Wisconsin, is teaching. Mrs. O. P. Abrams aecomiMinieil her husband to his logging camp ton-main a week. Mr. Jack lianta and family of this place, have moved on Mr. Pugh's place, about one mile and & half from here. Mrs. Pugh has received her stock of f dl and winter millinery goods, and is ready to accommodate all who want goods in her line. Mr. T. A. Lewis has moved his shoe maker tools to Albany, where he ex pects to work at his trade in partner ship with J. B. Hughes, of that place. Mr. Hannah and family, who havt- been i-uting In this vicinity, have re turned to their home in Illinois. Grandma Hughes, who has betn qui'e ill, is recovering. Nc are glad that this country sup-; port one prohibition paper. Hurrah for the ExriiKss! " Faith. After the 10th of this month, the staging on the O. & C. railroad will be reduced to twelve miles, and one of tl e tunnels used. A few weeks after the line will be completed. Then a person can ride by rail trom New York or Canada to Los Angeles or Mexico and return by way of Arizonia and theJ southern statot, or vice versa. Then look out for immigration to Oregon. A drummer made President Cleve land a present of a Waterbury wa'ch during his stop at. Indianapolis. No doubt the traveling salesman thought he would give tho president something which would occupy his mind while "swinging around the circle," as it would take him at least three hou;s each day to wind his watch. During the month of Scptembei Nelon Bennett drove the big Cascade tunnel 430 feet. That is to say, at the cast end the workers bored 210 feet and j at the west end 220 feet. 3Ir. Bennett claims that tins beats all previous rec ords in tunnel boring. There only re mains 3500 feet of the tunnel to bore. The proixsition to cover Goose Creek' alley with water, by means of a crnal tapping Snake river near or at the American Falls, is again revived. The canal it is estimated, would cost half a million dollars and would reclaim 350, 000 acres of Lmd. MAnrtim. n ri'.'ii -! i i M j- tv. Of., d't'iT '. 0xT, In i Linn rai:il- lUA'. (' A. Wi.nl ..v, li. W. Wlit'iU I" ImI 1 lie ty, or., tiuil Mtr 1. 1 1 .1 khU.EY, , Hi itiva. ti- VSHf. May Joy mid fnKr(ly . attimit their Miiioti, Mi Kit 1m b j-niiHit Ini'.v or wtlilc virtue it her mnny ft-U'its wtU ml- her In lliclr wlnl link. 1 have for nnle at my farm, near Spl- cer, a limited amount of th "Sutu'i tor White It vc," which can le had at a reasonable tlurutv. For snnmlecall at the Splecr Wawhouse.u For further particulars apply to 1). F. Hakdman, rpieer, ur. ORECOKIAN RAILWAY COIPAHY. (Limited Line.) CH AS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver. On aii't nfti-r Sent. 7. 1S7. mt until Oirthor mv tUv tntiiut 111 ruu lUUy (vxt'v(l Stimlity) n lul- tm 11 : EAST SIDE. iVtmnt Mull. : " STATIONS. Fnmt lrt lixl. ttru iVnukkTim-t Filinrui Ug. Al" u i5 Ung. ii.aii St. iHiit'. Jt.W Fmtivh l'rnlrle, 11. 'xl F.ilv, J.'.iM WHirn, J'i l'.l 'J l I1H. IIII, U.it Mi-Kn, 13.SM lliir.Mi' 1J W M. AiiK. l, 1J.." Ptmu'K, l.v M Slhvrt.m, l .ij JohinamN Mill, i Sttiixt'rliinil, t"A ICnHt ski, Juiu'lks Mim-Ii- S.OS ' slmw. a.il Anmnvltha, J. 11 Wl"t SlHVIHU, . t.Vi ornvfl'tti, 2..W N..nh Hniuliim, 8.07 SalnJutH, n.n Vit sriii. t.:'t Tlitni" Furk, S. ITHlatW, 4. Ill SpllHT 4 t'i Tllmai, 4. Jl lwaian, 4..VJ I'liiltivieW, 6AB Una. TtmitvlHi t.4A Ti IUlta-, .iv J Kii limit 5. 'JI IVIivlHtns s.i ivtn.iii, 7.00 tXllllKii. Ar. P.M. Arv. ! ("iitmrK Mull. Tajwrtnt INirt- liiml. a.50 !.al I.v v'.in Arv i.Ort IM I Jl I. lil v..fw U.iW 1J It 1 J III l.V ll.Vt An- li ;5 n u n. s . II. Ul low 10.11 .v 41 V II V.Xl vjs sit U.ixl S.JS sit s Itt 7.41 7.-.H 7.1(1 M B. SI H.'JS 14 o.oo Lv. OREGON PACIFIC R. R. ! 220 Miles Shorter! 20 Hours Less Time! AccommoJationa Unaurpaased for Com fort and Safety. Fart ami Freltthta via. YaainltM ami lot Ontmit Ivartaaiai'mw Stiantatilia mmh k-o I ban by mtv aatlHT Mut lvihaiit all iHti.ita In nlllamelle allev ami San r rnetii. DAILY PASSEXGKR TRAINS, i Kvt smaiay I Ijhw Vannlnft l . M. !av? All.any 1ip.w lv(ln'atllt::.N. Ive fatvalltl.4. r. n. Arrive Albany lt:ll a.m. Arrive Vauuinaa;! a.m. 'S' . Tralni. conneet at Allaany an.t IXarvnlU. WXf.M. 1K1K!. c. r. iioao. Acting U. F. A P. Act. . 'larval! K Or. Oviivml Muiiiajfir. J Oregon Development Co. FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP LINK . errwr.KS YAQUINA & SAN FRANCISCO ouua.if tn at Vaatulna w Ith the Train of IMvgon ravin- KhIIpw.i t aiuy. SAIMXU HATK8-. rmj ms rtASa wn. KuMprn On'jim. Ta.walT vf.ahr It: Yivinlna Citr, ShOipIkv 'laalcr l"; WilUamrno nlh-y, I Thnr.lv a,-),jr Ja; Ea-laTn i H t-nii, Tin-Uij- lVlotr i: sauuiallty, whiujhi; iKim-or i. rHOX YAWIKA. Wlllsmette VntVv. Thnrwln?.' tMaitaor IS; FjiM- m I mvam. Ta.!i)lnar i-intnr 1: Ysaiuin. llv. SniaiTaliiv id-t.atvr -J; iiMnii' mifv. i nuraiiijr ti-ttalaiT iT: Khmitii nfaai. Ti-xly hovi'mlai-r 1; Yaiiuina illy, Suualo jr .NoviuiKr o. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Dealer In Boots and Shoes. THE LARGEST STOCK II THE CITY. Ilought ExelUHively for Cash from the Manufac- I I tUTCrS Every Pair Warranted. FINE SHOES, For Ladies, Misses & Children, -A. SPECIALTY. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, Or. AYER'S Sugar-Coated Cathartic If the Liver be PILLS. comes vorpiu, li tae mmm mmm& a bowels are constipated, or If the stomach fails to perform Its functions properly , uae Aycr'a Pills. They are invaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, In consequence of which I Buffered from General Debility and Indi pention. A. few boxes of Ayer'a Fills reatored me to perfect health. W. T. lirightney, Henderson, W. Va For years I have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than anything else, to Regulate my bowels. These Pills are mild In ac tion, and do their work thoroughly. I have used them, with cood erlect, fa eaas ot Rheumatism and Dyspepsia. O. F. Miller, Attleborough, Mass. - Ayer's Pills enred me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for vears. I consider them the best pills made, and would not be vrithout them. Morris Gates, Downsville, i. Y. I was attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, and was so dangerously ill that my friends despaired of my recovery. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and soon regained my customary strength and vigor. John C. Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska. - Last spring I suffered frreatly from a troublesome oumor on my side. In spite of every effort to cure this eruption, it in creased until the flesh became entirely raw. I was troubled, at the same time, with Indigestion, and distressing pains in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend I began taking Ayer's fUia. in a snort time l was tree from pain, my food digested properly, tho sores on my body commenced heaiine, and, in less than one month, I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga. T have long nsed Ayer's Pills, in my family, and believe them to be the best pills made. S. C. Darden, Darden, Mian. My wife and little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days &so; and I at once beean giving them small doses of Ayer's Pills, thinking I would call a doctor if the disease became any worse. In a short time the bloody discharges stopped, all pain went away, and health was restored. Theodore Kcding, liichmond, Va. tt Ayer's Pills, fc Prepared by Dr. 3. C. A yew 8c Co., Lowell, Vfnn Sold by all Dealers in MamlM-Jnm. nrurrhill ,v MtiUilhs O'V. Considerable Excitement. hft lwcn ttrrnti'il In iil hjihuh! IImiikhi In tli Iv.t two ww'kn lay the kitovklHertli lv prt ! U Wtllvh Va tf nit MjUllltJ kihmIh HOW lXlHnlttc ilir tit tlio inlmU of Uie ikmiiiIp. We litlcint t kiap up tho rni ki't Bint In ahort time unitiintit atly make th vory earth trvmhlu with mr my InifH and arttimaa, anat we have grave ll' If our romi('lliir sill winivu the phix-k. Every ttny niirHwtiunini('nt. At ratr tm the eurtutn rutin up on Ix'Butirul and thrlllltiK tllitntrntlutiK if our iiH'thil uf (liilntr ttttltHm. The m- t on pur i-luiwn I wmiilerfiil. they are not antUflttl with tho intrrhane iiiiitfniilnti-l whert fiitrrliiR our tir but rn their lat ilnlUaron aca?uiit uf Uie a. tmitxIitiiK low rlii at vahlrh we oflVr I hem. We can't lielp tt. There are tin twin on u mr iiio on ur pviMtoniem. It tmnl to Ull where thin will eml hut then la nn iiMlhtl In our mlmlx taut what we w ill fttaal, clothe ami hoe two-tltlrili o( the pvl'l- lit U'laauou ami vleliilty. Boots and Shoes. We are aole ajsx nl fiir INarler Shwhtsvr' iliaihle Irtrk kl txnatl We afJialal tiriM-ll fa1l Of tl)CV iMM-tt nt wlnlor, ami tmiiHe tr eU thirty tlii yer. Ttiey have no etiial In thin market; we will back thin anaertlon lay our Ktrenitih, flmniilll wi'lulu JiW Ilia anat Munlellh 100 11m. We are no tVnther weltiht tn the tvmral nirrajbanilix luinl netw In lAbanim, we are hiavy; atr tHin-k heavy; onrala are haavy: are oair tm aMitvaa, I anal the Hht lliliig In the bulm I Uae mi.lUi. Ladies Slippers. Kavryame kimtr that tn UnlU llHapr we curry the taint aaaajanrltvient In th rltj-. We have mme thlti now In the xvlvvt snat ituh hotwae fllnm. In llnm n, Isn anat tnaaua natural. I'utue and mm i tboitt U'fiaro llK jr tuv U (iHie. Blankets and Comforters. Pmi't full to nee our atavk af wcnalcti l.lniikrim We have llm frann fj.iv hi ?10 on. Kim tln In- ilinm mi their hate rl-lt In the vnlli y hatnp nn-r- mn tr Maare ini kin fitr our U'aal lb tl.iw blMtkct. Tlaa. y ctuu tux. Dress Goods. N.atlihlnn.ln the money thi.re tn In M mre sntimlly tlrva! nKwuriiiir Arv uaal Uv4 week, taut tin-re win be m KiH'h trniiMe maw a we have i'hkIi nn t a new DHatkm which date away m ith tlac weariaauinvwiai jf Uie work. Rubber Boots and Oil Clothing-. A ninn ran defy the t Wrncnts anal lniiKh at tha-m when lie l apjnlprl wltha anltof nuroil chathitiK and a pair of uur rulaln-r UwU. W Air iiih the men nn railroad wnrk and thty muxt have the larst. Ttivy arc like the tan la nee of the pcalc, when tlHy want pxxl (pawtH and can not coutc tlaui.'l-.ii tbvy tonil to Chun-hill & Man teith'a. . Carpets, Wall Paper and Window Shades. Look at out stork of tlicxe (rood. Wc compete in tarloes with any lino In OnKn. The only ftork in Lctaanon of wall foicr, carpctK and win now llxturcs. Groceries. Why do people come to our store for nifrar, fnlt coBee, tea, naal oil etc. etc-.T Becaune we give more for a 3 than any other liouxe. V. C. l'c ii'r. ic Cos kht W. C. Peterson & Co. Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, Luuanon, Ohkqon, To onr man friend rf IMmnon and tHalnitj, and Hume of other town, wc dottm to cull attention to tno net thut tee have ojiencd on MAPLE HTREET, BET. 1MT A 2ND, (near Jiotanifi harm thop) a New. Livery Stable. WE HAVE New Buggies, Hacks and Harness, and GOOD. RELIABLE HORSES. Partie dt tiring to take a trip to the mountain, or other placet of rtcrra- tiOft, houtd catl atut arc our Special Conveyances -FOR Bl'CH TKIl. Ail Kinds ot Teaming tod Hauling dos1 -AT- liEASOXABLE RATES. C. B. ROLAND & Co Albany, Oregon. Hew Store, Hew Goods, -CXJNSISTIXO OF- KtirnisliinK Goods Hut, Caf, Itoiata, HIhhh, CTiolco KolcctlonH In Fancy Hutnnior Nivk Wear, Hilk lTinlcrwcar, Ilalhrljrpnn Umlcrwcar, Fith, Clark & Flugg's (llovcw, FINE CLOTHING. Thai very lfcnt mnkc of Hand Sewed Shoes, ami the very Latt Htj lca In Menu' lhjV anil Ynutlut' Cloth ing. All the Cclchratetl makes of HATS IN EVERY STYLE OCR STtX'K CONSISTS OK Bright New Fresh Goods Ami os honcHt, fuir and square' ileal i 11 ir ix our motto, we itxk tho puhllc to cull ami get nrlccs. C. B. Roland & Co. One door West Revere bouse, Albany. You -:- Certainly WANT A NEW C,:,L SUIT THIS FALL AND WINTER. Why don't you co to BLAIN. tho Lender In Clothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES From Eastern Factories. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap BARGAINS IN EVERY DE PARTMENT. We are confident of rieuninir you. All we Htk in the opportunity of showing you Through our Stock a. J WB ALSO KEEP IS STOCK The Celebrated BrownsYllle Goods L. E. BLAIN, Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor, Albany, Oregon. notick. NOTICE t lSorehv ttvpn that niT wtfn. Ann Bailfll, hnvinjr hft niy laeal anal boanl williimt lue t'aiiM or arovotnrion. fill laerMant art noiiita?ai inni I will not be rcspousible for aur bllta eonlroetvd bv her. FRAXK BEDELL. Lctaanon, Or., Aug. 20, 1R87, It. FIGURES DON'T LIE I 1 j ) "The Peoples' Grocer" CorviilllH (lien lou orvallis Mills Best Flour, Pearl Coal Oil per can, White Beans, 30 lbs, Best Table Rice, 18 lbs, . I3cst Eastern Syrup, 5 gallon kegs, 1 Extra C Sugar, 16 lbs, Golden C Sugar, 17 lbs, Granulated Sugar, 14 lbs, Best Costa Rica Coffee, 4 Best Rio Coffee, 4 lbs, Japan Tea, 5 lb chests, Savon Soap, per box, Cold Water Bleaching Soap, per box, Corn and Gloss Starch, 3 Saleratus, 4 papers, Soda Crackers, per box, Oysters, large cans, 5 Liverpool Salt, 200 lb sacks, " 100" " " 50 " " Stock " 100 " Pickles, 5 gallon kegs, . -U -'T4' 9 The nhovo nvo lrlaTMi on ourliiimeuNO Htonrlt -liIeIt STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES, Provisions, Crockery, i ' Stoneware, Woodenware, WE CAN SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT. -0n your Winter Supplies.-- FERRIAGE ACROSS THE WILLAMETTE RIVER Free to those Comins: to - our Store. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Or Your Money Hoiimclocl, RALSTON COX, The Peoples Grocer, v " (O Q OX' County,) Oregon. per sack, $1 15 1 15 1 00 1 00 25 65 00 " cans, loo 1 00 1 00 lbs, I 00 1 z z z 00 50 00 1 OO 25 60 papers, for 00 80 00 60 60 25 I roJ . it ltw I-AnIIucr Article In cmbruccu Every tiling lit Cutlery, Etc., Corvallis, Oregon. h. a. i:lum- l'roiirlcUif of the - Foiuitahi Hon SJa HtjUAVlU ilf Ohkaok. i Till Umise to Comt!o!e In a!! of U fri-panaietifa furuWilns the lmt of Ae"onimalaiiu)i to t' t'tn TWtiiijj the Htada Hirin. Board, $1 per Day, or $5 p it XlvX JOHNSON a SHELTON. &VIO, OREGON. DEALERS IN General Ilerchandise, Dry Goods, Groceriea ASO CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps Ant! an Endiesa Variety of UNDERWEAR. BLACKSMITHING. riorse s 9 - I3Y R. C. Watkins, HWEET HOME, - OEEOON. REpalrlng of All Kinds at Rea sonable Prices. f'HAKOESt Khoelug all arontul, new sIkjcs, IL75. Having located to ty I ak a share of the public patronage. It. C. WATKI2T8. F. CONN, Contractor, Carpenter and t Builder. Plana Rl Snff.itir.ntionn FURTUtfllED ON SHORT -o NOTIC15 All Kind of Carpenter Work Don and Satisfaction Guaranteed. rric3 Very Reasonable. ALBANY Sc. LEBAXOX, OREIOK. B. H. BARKER, rBOt'XIETOR OF TcmperancE HalL SHOOTING GALLERY AND POOL TABLES. Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon -TOE BEST OF- Cigars and Confectioneries For the Accomoiodation of Patrons. Partles will find this a Pleasant phie " for Innocent Amusement. B. II. BARKER. Mayers Bros, -Blacksmiths,- Lebaxox, Oregon. Horse Shoeing: and Gen eral Repairing. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, AT Prices to Suit tho Times. OI YE US A CALL. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. aim luuroinui The ml Shasta Route. Clew rrannaa-tlnrt)i mude ml Aihlnrwl artth of (be CaUfuruta, On-guo & Uhtha mage Oompaui'. Only 30 of l-it trill jr. Time between Albanr nt S FraneseaB, 35 boors. California Expnau Trains OaUy. 1AI P.M.! Leave 1f F. m.1 Leave Portland AllQy Ahbllaal Arrive MM x. l4.Vj 7.16 A, M, Ijeava?; hzW r. aj. 8JW a, M.i Arrive Local Paaaena-w Trains Daily (Sxcap) 8 nod Iav Arrive Arrive 3:4a p. a Leare,ll.as.i.r Lrave Ml a. jo 12:40 p. BT.j Albany tuitvne 2:40 P.M. Local Passenger Trains DaU, (eeMtl Sum 8:10 r. M. p. M. 2 -JaO r. M. Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany liebannn Arrive 5:45 a. m. Leave A. M. Arrive f. ni. Leaveliattp.B, l:p.m. Pullman Buffet Slaeners. Dally between Portland and Axhland.- The U. if. R. H Vrrar makra rmmMHna wWh all the rejnilar iraina on tb Cast tide Div. fnnu . West Sid Divtsicn. BETWEEN PORTLAND and CORVALLIs. Mall Train, DaHy (except) Sunday. 7'KOa.mJ Leave P;nln.n.l Arrian lXn aaa - I- t.; Amaaj .arvura j-.eava i r. m. Express Train Dally (except) 8Mnajry. t:"l p. m. I lce Arrive PrtUnal Arriare 9.a a. m . MrMim-ille Lt-ave .:fa. m. aW p. m. I At Altaanv anal Cot-raUte eaami.t wttb rjraiiiti tf -rir full mioruiat!' n n.ararali:x rules, mans. etc., !! on eaaiupauy'k ageut. li. a.a.iaii.i-ji. K. 1". KiXitKS. f