The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 02, 1887, Image 3

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    The Lebanon Express.
JL.oonl nml Goncml.
A Tacoraa man saya hops will be 30
"Wheat, is selling at 60 cents per bush
el in Albany.
Mrs. Dr. Powell has returned from
Ban Francisco.
, Mrs. R. S. Roberta Is convalescing
from her recent sickness.
Liots of men are wanted to work on
the O. P. extension up In the moun
tains. The wheat crop of Crook county will
not supply the home demand for Hour
this year.
Hop picking is now at full blast
throughout the valley. A good price
is anticipated.
Cattle on the ranges, say ? the Grant
County JWvs, are reported as looking
fine this season.
J. N. McDonald of this place Is now
nt Lone Pine, Whitman county "V. T.
Chas. Cosand is also at that place.
The ohlest pioneer of Oregon is said
to be Jean Baptists Gamier, who lives
at Florence Lane county. lie came to
Oregon in 1S19.
Mr. I. F. Conn, has several contracts
on hand in Albany. As a contractor
and builder Mr. Conn stands at the
head of his occupation.
We publish, the first of which we
hope will be a regular correspondence
frbm Seio this week. The notes are
well written and of interest.
After threshing, Mr. A. A. Keca
found he had 9S4 bushels of oats an
average of 31 bushels per acre. OaU
throughout this vicinity is generally
jamm" 0n rpuesjay jast we counted twenty
two teams on Main street. This is an
indication that the summer is past and
the harvest about ended,- and trade has
commenced. i
A correspondent of the Prohibition i
Star says there are more prohibition
ists in Morrow county in proportion to
the population of the county than in
juuother county of the state.
""A. X. Reed has opened up a butcher J
shop next door to the barber, shop on i
main street, were he is prepared to fur-1
nish customers with everything in the
line of good meats. Call and see him.
A saloon can no more be run without !
using up boys than a fiourmg mill with
out wheat, or a saw mill without logs. I
The only question is, whose boys your
boys or mine our boys or our neighbors? ,
W. W. Baker, of the Sural Spirit,
has purchased the Willamette Farmer
of Salem, published by Sam Clark, the
veteran editor, and the two papers will I
be consolidated and published in Port-1
land. j
The ljoantiful shower of Monday
evening and Wednesday morning have j
had a delightful effect, doing awaj- ;
with the dust, purifying the atmos- j
phere, and otherwise beautifying ca-j
- tun. I
ork is to be resumed on a valuable !
iron mine and furnaces at Oswego, six j
miles south of Portland, Or., which
which have been lying idle for sever il j
years past, litigation among!
the stockholders.
Mr. C. Arnett on Wednesday morn-,
ing commenced plastering the rooms
and hall over Andrews & Hackle-man's
and the drug store. When completed
the Express will occupy one of those
handsome rooms. j
A number of men are at work in the :
mountains widening the wagon road.
According to the act under which the ;
land was granted to thi company, this ;
work, and much other work should '
have been done many years ago.
Excursion rates have been arranged
with the different lines of railroad .
whereby the Grand Army veterans '
may reach St. Louis considerably be
low the regular fare. The round trip
to St. Louis from here will be ?75.
."Smith & Hammack are doing a fair
" business since they opened their store
v at Lebanon Junction. Their ware
house business is also booming. Up
to the first of last week they received
something over 15,000 bushels of
G. W. Smith, Esq., has completed i
the heaters for the hop houses of Scott,
Wallace and C. O. Gentry. The for
mer's house, it will be remembered,
was burned last falL Mr. Gentry is a
beginner, and we understand has a
very promising yard.
A swindling ticket-scalping office
has been opened in Portland. Persons
desiring to go on the boats aud rail
roads had better steer clear of such pla
ces, for if they are caught participat
ing in the fraud, they will have to pay
full fare or get off the train.
T The following is the program for the
regular meeiing of the Prohibition
League, Friday evening next, Septem-
ber 9. Music, by the choir; reading,
by Mrs. Talbot; song, by the children;
address, by C. B. Montague; music by
the choir. All persons, especially
those not friendly to the amendment,
are cordially invited to be present.
Several days ago a rattlesnake with
seven rattles and a button, and about
three feet long was killed at the Odd
Fellows cemetery near Salem. It is to
be regretted that these dangerous rep
tiles seem to be multiplying in Oregon
Mr. II. Hulbert, who has a broom
factory below Grant's Pass, says the
Jacksonville Sentinel, sent a load of 36
dozen to this place. He was selling
them at $2.50 per dozen. They are of
good material and well made and
should be liberayTatronized.
Dr. J. W. Watts delivered an address
in favor of the pending amendment
Thursday evening of last week, at
P.hinehart's Hall, Eugene, after which
an invitation was given to all tojoin the
Prohibition League. Two hundred and
fifty-eight iiersons pledged themselves
to work or vote for the amendment.
Prof. Rork, of Michigan, cow travel
ing through Southern Oregon, speak
ing In favor of the amendment, in a
""" private note, says "he lielieves the peo
: pleofOregonaregoitigtobeEKKSiBi.E."
While we do not believe ig-'crowing
lefore we are out of the r,'oods," indi
cations certainly poiut that way.
R. S. tt.ol.erts Is ns-vnt for the Excel
sior Gas Burner, which for brilliancy
and cheapness, certainly exeells any
thing or the -kind we have seen. He
will have a number on hand in a few
days. 73 cents buys one of the bur
ners and the family right to manufac
ture the fluid.
While in Albany on Tuesday It was
our pleasure to meet Hon. T. A. Black,
of Halsey, who has heretofore been
oae of Linn county's ablest representa
tives in the state senate. Mr. Black
is actively engaged In the mercantile
and hardware business at Halsey, and
v do a heavy business this season.
He is a thorough representative man.
General E. L. (generally known as
"Lish") Applegate who is advertising
himself to speak against the Amend
ment appears to le without force of
character, ability or backing. Even
the Stftings is said to advise liquor men
to send for him if they want the
Amendment carried, or board him at
home if they desire It defeated. He
appears to be rather foisting himself on
the liquor men than sent out by them.
Among our patrons in Albanj-, on
Tuesday we had the pleasure of seeing
Messrs. Wallace A Thompson, the live
grocery men, who are enjoying a hand
some trade; L. E. Plain, wuo Is just
reaeiving an immense stock of clot h
ing, gents' furnishing goods, etc., from
San Francisco and the East; S. E.
Young the enterprising merchant who
is having the
a magnificent
foundation prepared for
brick structure ou Main
street; C B. Roland A Co, who have
just received a large invoice of ready
made clothing, gents' furnishing goods
etc, direct from New York. All these
gentlemen are doing a good business,
and like our Lebanon merchants, are
selling close down.
On Saturday last in company with
Mr. B. M. Donaca, we took a spin to
Sweet Home in one of W. C. Peterson
A Co's agreeable turnouts, of which
they are provided! with a number equal
to any stable In the county. Arriving
at Sweet Home in the evening we were
soon invited to partake of an excellent
supper at J. P. Ponaca's hotel, where
we certainly did justice to the
ample meaL Sweet Home is just now,
like other points on the mountain
road, is in the enjoyment of a good
trade, on account of the vast number of
men and teams on the way to and from
the- work now progressing ou the line
of the O. P. R. R. Mr. Donaca told us
he fed on Friday last seventy-five per
sons, inese in connection with those
who patronized Mr. Rowell, at the oth
er hotel, vould Indicate that a uusre
number are going over the road daily.
On Sunday morning we drove up to
Mr. Henry Moran's agreeably situated
farm. He had just concluded his har
vest work the day previous, which re
sulted in a very handsome wop of wheat
and oats. The fruit erop, too, is quite
abundant, and, to Mr. and Mrs Moran
ye editor is indebted for a box of fine
p u ns winch are now preserved and
"juried," and will le refined to here
after. Among the many well-to-do people
in the vicinity of Sweet Home, and one
who is probably known better through
out the county, than a majority of other
men, is Mr. J. Shea, or, as he is fnmil
liarly called, "Elder" Shea. This
wholesouied gentleman has a very de-
sireable farm about three miles from
Sweet Home on the county
road. His land a good portion of it, is
beaver dam land, which for vegetables
and fruit is superior to any other qual
ity. During a visit to his place on Sun
day in company with Mr. Moran, we
were shown over Mr. Shea's place and
were astonished at the immense size of
his onions and onion patch. He will
have about 500 bushels this year. His
blackberries are also immense, of which
he has a large amount. Through his
kindness we relieved him of a few gal
lons, which are highly appreciated.
In speaking ot Sweet Home as a com
munity, one is justified in saying there
i3 no portion of Linn county more
agreeable for settlement, and better
adapted to home seekers. It is to "be
regretted, however, that the best por
tion of the land is gobbled up by rail
and wagon road monoplies, and the
county's best interests so much retard
ed. The great belt of land along the
line of this Cascade wagon road is sus
ceptible of the highest cultivation, but
is dead to all such intents and purposes
in the defiant clutches of a monoply
whose right and title to the land accord
ing to the act of the legislature granted
it the session of 1SG& is null and void.
Danpproua Play.
On last Friday night William Jen
nings, son of O. Jennings, on Hamil
ton creek, in company with two other
boys named Bishop and Todd went
coon hunting. A day or two previous
the Jennings boy had killed a bear in
the vicinity where the boys were hunt
ing, and to have a little' fun with Bish
op, and in order to frighten him Jen
nings went a short distance ahead and
concealing himself inihe bushes, made
a noise as near as possible resembling
a bear. Willie Bishop, the youngest
boy had a gun in his hands, and with
the bear story of the day before fresh
in his young mind, was positive it was
a bear, and upon this impression firedj
killing young Jennings instantly. It
is said the unfortunate boy, the victim
of his own playfulness, never spoke,
living but fifteen or twenty minutes
after tle shot was fired. He was 17
years of age. His remains were in
terred on Sunday afternoon in Hard
man's grave yard. It is unnecessary
to add that Mr. and Mrs. Jennings
have the sympathy of the community
in the sad fate or their son, which is
a terrible warning to other boys who
may have a disposition to indulge in
such dangerous sport.
First Bale of New Hops.
The first bale of Oregon hops of this
season was shipped Monday to Messrs.
Lillieiithal Bros., of New York, by S.
H. Friendly, of Eugene, through
Messrs. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., of
Portland. - The hops were grown in
the yards of John F. Walker, in Lane
county. The annual hop crop is fast
becoming an important factor in the
productions of the state. Last year,
we shipped about 12,000 bales.
It is, of course, impossible to say what
this year's crp will be, but it will near
ly equal the figures of last vear. While
iney.eju uu- vs- l.t not qu.teso Heavy,
the acrcav U grti.ur-
8rlo Notes.
Aug. 31.
Ifon. H. Bryant called at Sclo last
Mr. Bagley of Newport, was a guest
of Miss Edith Pentland during last
Marshal Brenner had the pleasure of
giving one of our visitors a led In the
city jail lust Saturday night.
The large warehouse built by D.
Myers & Co., at Munkera for the O. P.
company, received its first load of
wheat on Monday.
S. M. Townsend of Albany, has pur
chased the grocery store of George
Shelton and will consolidate the same
with the stock of J. E. Bridgford.
J. B. Kimble left our town on Satur
day morning last. A few of his friends
would like if he would call on them
and leave a small token of remem
brance. Mrs. M. J. Bridgford, one of our old
residents, will leave Sclo this week to
make her home In Albany. We trus
she may soon have as large a circle ot
friends around her there as ehe leaes
tn Saturday last George Sutherland
bought the Sclo hotel from Mr. Bren
ner, who will retire from business. Mr.
Sutherland Is a genial young man, and
all who call on him will be well taken
care of.
y On last Sunday morning D. 8, Smith,
1 aceommpauled by Mr. Burkhart, sher
iff and deputy, came though our quiet
little city en route to the farm of Mr.
McKInney, where they made a whole
sale slaughter among the railroad men,
arresting nine'of them for trespass up
on the land where the railroad compa
ny had no right of way.
y On Tuesday night about midnight
A Wash. Crabtree and wife and little
grand-son, was awakened by the house
being on fire, from which they barely
escaped. All was lost except one feathr
er bed and Mr. Crabtree saved two coats
The little boy happened to know where
his grandma kept $240.00. He got that
but left his clothes to the flames. Xosts
$2,000; insurance, $300. The old folks
have the sympathy of the ne!ghlxr
hood. On last Friday morning our citizens
were terribly suprtsed, upon seeing a
horse coming down through main street
at about 2:20; -but upon Investigation
we found it was only that honest old
post master, aud watch tinker Dilley
who had just been fired from one of
our old farmer's plantations upon which
was an advertisment "No Hunting."
The old farmer looks bewildered at pre
sent, and the hunters look as as if they
were lost. The case was settled by the
high courts of Dotyvllle upon former
decisions rendered. A. M.
Aug. 31.
A nice shower of rain visited us last
evening, and this morning; the dust
is nicely laid.
A load of very fine watermelons just
received at "Uucle Dans," from near
Miller's ttition.
The noisy thresher is still, and rm n
and horses are enjoying a rest, and f
course our street J are alive, and chat is
Quit an improvement is being td-
i ded to the flouring null in town, which
will, In the near future turn out flour
by the new roler process.
At the express office where Messrs.
Gill & Smith hold forth In the hard
ware business, may be seen constant
ly arush, and the many grain sacks
sent out, would indicate that Canada
has a plentiful harvest.
News has just reached town that
Daniel Brenner has met with a severe
accident on the O. P. road, near here,
in which one of his legs is badly bro
ken, the particulars of which we are
not yet informed. Additional news
says he is otherwise hurt.
Isaac Griffin, living near town, met
with quite a mishap last evening,
while hauling a load of hay. In de.
scending a short declivity, his brake
gave way, and wagon and all rounded
up, causing a general smash-up of his
wagon, but fortunately no other dam
age of consequence occurred.
If you wish to see a general rush,
just call at Johnson A Shelton'a store
four busy men are on the move, and
at times, on double quick to wait on
customers and Btill they come. We
noticed a fine supply of tents for rail
roaders and campers at their store. So
let the sun shine, the winds blow or the
rains descend, the campers may still
be safe under one of them..
Since last I wrote you 8outhcriand
& Bilyeu closed out their peanut, ciga
reette store to J. E. Bridgford, who
may be seen "from early morn, till
dewy eve," and if necessary to catch a
dime, or accommodate a customer,
might tarry till the "wee sma' hours
ayont the twal." Anylhing to cc
commodate, you know, and by the
way he must lie hard to please, or
scant of cash, that Jim cannot suit;
Spring Bank Notes.
Aug. 29.
visiting her
Miss Ada Hudelson
aunt at Brownsville.
The youngest child of R, R. Humph
rey has been very sick.
The youngest son of G. B. McKin
ney lias been very sick.
Mrs. Gloss Dollarhide and family
have gone to Tillamook.
School began August 15, with Miss
Sallie Williams as teacher.
Miss Libbie Ambler of Lebanon has
been visiting in the neighborhood.
Mrs. J. Huddelson is visiting her
daughter Ules F. Jennings of Tangent.
Mrs. George McPherson and family
have gone to Texas to reside in the
A. W. Reed of this place has started
a meat market at Lebanon. Ve wish
him success.
Miss Clara Ansorge of East Portland
is visiting her parents and many
friends of Spring Bank.,
''Mr. Wm. Riley Is building him a
palatial house near the mouth of Ham
ilton creek. It is on the Queen Anne
style. . H.M.
Everybody should, read
the adv-cr.
iwraeut ot-Jlalsto'i
- - - .
i --- i
League frocpodliigs.
Last Friday evening the Li ague
held their regular meeting at the Fiit
Presbyterian church. The house Was
called to order by A. R. Cyrus. The
president Wing nlwent, Rev. G. F.
Mead was appointed president pro.
After the necessary preliminarkB
were over the glee club sang a soul
stirring prohibition song. Mr. F. II.
Roscoe made a short but earnest ad
dress. Prof. Gilbert followed taking
for the foundation of his remars, Bible
Temperance, having one of the sheets
that the whlwkey ring have out, he re
newed it, showing that their points
were not well taken, and put an entire
ly different construction on It.
Miss Frank Gilbert recited "The
Bridal Wine Cup." . To say that she
did well would be but a poor expression
although she has always been consid
ered good, we could see a marked Im
provement since we last heard her.
That she was received with favor was
shown by the applause that was given
her. For Miss Frank, we predict a
bright future. She Is a close student
In whatever ehe undertakes and al
ways tries to excel.
F. M. Miller made a ten minutes
speech, and it being late they adjourn
ed to meet in two weeks, when an In
teresting program will be given.
If the friends of the League would
be more prompt to meet we believe It
would be more of a success. There
was a good crowd out, but every night
the house should be filled by the
friends of temperance. Come out even
if you are not temperance and maybe
we can convince you that "life, liberty
aud the pursuit of happiness" may be
found some place else than In the sa
loon where so uiany go for sociability
Come out and have a "feast of reason
and flow of soul." It is without mon
ey and without price. Will you come?
Temperance. .
Everybody should read the adver
tisement of Ralston Cox, The Peoples'
For Right-of-way.
A suit for right-of-way, brought by
the Oregon Pacific against T. W. Gen
try, near Seio, is assuming an Interest
ing phase. Recently an Injunction
was served by the comiwny'a attorneys
restraining the owners of the land from
interferring with the work of the n ad
on the land. However warrants were
Issued from Justice Humphrey's court
for the arrest of eight of the employes
of the Oregon Pacific engaged on the
land in question. Messrs. Hewitt A
Bryant, of Albany, snd T. Ford, ;of
Salem, are attorneys for the owners of
the land. They fctate that wholesale
arrests of all employes working on the
disputed land will be made. The Or
egon Pacific eompany is represented
by Flinu & Chamlerlain, Wolverton A
Irvine and L. Bilyeu. The owners of
the land are E. E. McKInney, J. Sha
fer aud Wm. Pearson, residing in Ma
rion county. They refused to allow
the railroad to cross because they did
not consider the amount of payment
ottered for the right-of-way eufllelent,
which was about f30 an acre. The
Oregon Pacific eompany has afc-o
brought suit in the circuit court for the
right to cross the Oregon & California
track in Albany, and it seems mucn
litigation is to be the result.
J. A. Winter, the photographer, has
returned to Brownsville" where he is
prepared to furnish his patrons with
the best of work in his line. Call at
- When used according to directions,
Ayer's Ague Cure is waranted to eradi
cate, from the system, Fever and Ague,
Intermittent, llemittent, and Billions
Fevers, and all malarial diseases. Try
Insure you property In a home come
rmny Trie Northwest Fire and Marin
lnsurance company, of Portland Ore
gon. A. R. Cyrus agent, Lebanon.
Everybody is pleased with those new
spring beds at Cyrus'. Only $3,50.
Do you want Glass and Crockery
Ware, at cost ? If so go to
Thompson A Waters.
Ladies will remember that we have
Saxony and German lawn yarns in all
shades and much cheaper than any
one else.
Churchill A Monteith.
Carrying as we do, the largest stock
of new fresh clothing in Lebanon, we
can suit anyone, both in styles and
Churchill A Monteith.
Farmers insure your grain with A.
R Cyrus, he will give you choice of
companies, and best rates.
Money to loan, I y Curran A Mon
teith, Albany, Oregon. tf
Do you want Dress Goods of all des
criptions, at cost ? If so, go to
Thompson A Waters.
For a good meal, go to the City Res
taurant Albany. Meals 2-3 cents. tf
Do you want the Mason and Wood
berry Fruit Jars, at cost? If so, goto
Thompson A Waters.
Local Market Report.
WlKat flOc por btirticl.
OiU.n t-V ixr bushel.
Flour ?5..0 per bnrrpl.
Iatne a par bushel.
Krff liw- per doxeu.
Jluttcr 2Tc per lb.
Lnl No per lb.
Apple, preen 10c per bushel.
Apples, dried fic per lb.
rinms, dried 7c per 11).
1'nines, dried per lb.
Ham 124 15e per lb.
Shoulders lop per lb,
Hneon 10-M 1 -! per lh.-
Coal Oil SI. 40 per 5 gallon can.
NOTICE Is hereby (riven that mjr wife. Ann
Bedell, baring left my IhmI nnd board u-ilhmtt due
cause or provocation, all perxoim are notitied that
I will not be ruvpousible for any bills contracted
by her.
Ibanon, Or., Aug. 26, 1S87, (t.
-Proprietor of the-
Fountain House,
SodavuJle, Oregon.
This Honse. in Complete in all of its Departmenta,
Airnkhlng the bent of Accommodation to pax.
tie vltitlng the Soda Spi.S-.
The Pay As You Co System.
It is no unusual thing ft ckwe buyer, commer
cial men ami, other visitors to Lebanon, to remark
that Montague is doing more buxiness than alt the
others in the town." This may or may not be the
case, but one thing is certain he has demonstra
ted beyond the posriblUty of doubt the practica
bility of doing nrst-class btuiness on a "y as
you go hasK" With the money in hand to pur
chaxe his goods, he can and docs buy at the lowext
rates than merchants who buy on time. lie se
cures the largest disrounts given to the trade.
His expenses are at the very minnlmum possible
In the conduct of his large business, and he can
and does offer goods to his patrons at lower rotes
than any other business house in Unn county.
Now that money is becoming more plentiful,
many new buyers visit his mammoth establish
ment daily who express astonishment at his im
mense stock and low prices.
Remember that we pay the highest price fo
merchantable produce and exchange merchan
dise for the same at our cah prices. Re wine In
your generation and buy all your supplies of Mon
tague. Fall Stock.
Montague's fall stock is now complete in every
department. He cordially invites thoie who like
to get the worth of their money to inspect hi good
and prices before buying elsewhere.
Our Dress Goods department la full ar.d winter
styles is very complete Indeed, and f re offered at
from 10 to SS cents lower than other establish
ments 11 the same class of goods.
We are overstocked In some lines and wlU sell
them ntitil closed out regardless of cost. The lat
ter gomts are placed on a separate counter and
you can have them at your own price.
The boot and shoe department is fall and com
plete. We are carryms complete lines of the
"Boss Boot" for men and boys as well aejadie.
tnlsei and cliildncn's Mioes manufactured on the
Pacific eoa.t. m addition to bta Urge stock Moi-ta-Jue
Is opening tip this week an invoice of fifteen
ca.s of the justly famous C M. Henderson A Co's.
born and shoes. Including several dnsens of the
Red School Hnnse shoes. These goods were
bought direct from the manufacturers at Chicago
f.w rm.-h. and are sold at priors within the reach
of a!L Take a look at them.
Men's, Youth's, Boys
and ehlldrens clothing. It know conceded that
Montague keeps the only general assortment of
clothing in town. He has a mammoth stock to
select from. As with his other merchandise this
clothing was bought very low for cash and is now
placed on sale at prices that defy competition.
The great number of men, boys and children
fitted out in complete suits at Montagae's mam
moth establishment within the past week will
bear testimony to the fact that he has ho compe
tition in this town in the clothing line worthy of
the name.
Save your hard earned money by Invariably
buying at Montague's.
Lower Prices Than Ever.
Montague is adding largely to his stock ami is
now better prepared than ever belbre to funilph
the people of Lebanon and vk'inlty with the very
choicest selections of general merchandise at
lower prices than ever. He buys bis stock exclu
sively for cash, gettiughe benefit of the lowest
prices and largest discounts. He is satisfied with
a very moderate profit on these purchases, and as
he does not propose wasting the time of himself
or his clerks in figuring up losses and grieving
overbad debts as unfortunately, credit giving
concerns are compelled to do, he can devote a
fcw spare minutes occaxionly to lay the whole
matter before the public in order that they may
take advantage of the golden opportunity to buy
tltelr supplies at the very lowest rates possible.
Ponder those facts weU and then walk into his
store, note the customers buying, the prices they
are paying and If there la any reoson or Judgment
lu you, you will go away well sutlsflcd.
Above all Things Avoid Duns.
I expect every old note and account duo me
fully settled not biter than October 1st. I have
waited long enough and mi:rt have what is due
me. Do not wait for sjJbclal duns but come in and
settle. I abhor the Idea of making costs on any
one, bnt desire those indebted to make a note of
this. I am coins; to collect what la duo me.
t V
Andrews & Hacklcmnn's Col'.
Dry Goods Department.
We have Just received our fan stock which Is
complete in all lines, embracing new draws goods
in silk and wool suitings of every shade; cashi
mere, ladies cloth, serges etc; fall ginghams, new
prints yarns in Oerman worsted Saxony and fac
tory blankets, comforts, flannel; In fact every
thing in this line which we are prepared to dis
pose at lowest price.
Fancy Goods Department.
We have now In stork the f!ne?t line of rilihons
that has ctcr been brought to Lebanon in plain
plcot edge and the crown c!ge or new block
(mmctliing new,) abo our line ot hosiery, bustles,
hose suporters, wool mitts. Jap silk hanker
chir fk, buttons, braid etc is more complete than
ever before.
Gents Furnishing Goods
Our line of above named goods embntcingfancy
neck wear. Standard white shirts, fancy Percale
shirts, silk, hankerrhiefs, hose, suspender and
everything pertaining to this department, sach as
Boss of the Road overalls Buck gloves for harvest
can nut be excelled iu this market.
Clothing Department.
We have received this week a very Sne selection
of youth's and men's Milts of the late sfylea and
pott runs which we shall dispose of at lowest val
ues. Boot and Shoe Department
ladies and Misses shoes In tampieo. goat, kanga
roo, dongola. calf and French kid In London.
'Frico and Paris, tests, is full Also onr Day
Sewed, ladies and Misses shoes we will guarantee
to be as ey ascnsttm made. Our ladies Walk
tngf&st Is just the thing for comfort. Jno. Mundell
A t o's. Mimes and children's solar tipped goods is
the best made in the Vnlted Slates. Last but not
tlie least, the famous
is worn by the following eitiaens of Lebanon and
vicinity: Dr. J. . Courtney, Wm. Petrec, W, J.
Ouy, Pave Gentry, Cal. Malliow, F. A. Gleason,
John Cnger, Arthur Burkhart, M. E. Heam, H. G.
Klum, C. L. Klum. Jo. Smith, W. IL M -Pherson,
O. Jennlngo, John Carroll, T. C. Peebler, Ora
Trsnc, J. A. Beard, Frank Wright, Jahn Donaca.
Alex Fitxwater, Dick Wat kins, J. B Henncnger,
1 M. Wheeler, Jas. Wheetcr, J. I Gilbert, Wm.
Morrow, M. T. Deveue, Dave Ambler. Z. T. Bay
ant and 74 others fur sale by Andrews" & Hackel
mnn, Wading dealers, Lebanon, Or.
Crockery Department.
Our new line of dadoware has arrived and is
ready for sale; this is aoaicting new, ladies, come
in and see it.
Grocery Department.
The prettiest thing yet In beting powder prizes
is the crystle puff glassware that we itrc giving
away with our silver star uakuig powder; a piece
with each can.
Do You Want Hardware
v. ''' "
There Is no use of your f?oInr rlnirwlifrf, whn vou can Iuv ronr i
Home. We would rr.-tful!y call your attention to our Jar.
Builders and Contractors? Supp.
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Axes, Saws, Garderi.
)ur stock of -
Ammunition and
Is Complete, aud will be solcl at
Farmers will find tltia
As we carry the Best goods in the market. We keep In rtock U
Collins' Cast-steel Plows, John Deere Moline Pic
Canton Clipper Plows, and the Celebrated
Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras for Each.
Barbed Wire Sold
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, & Glasv
A Complete Stock of Stationery
If you wish to purchase a Shoe for yemr I i - or Girl that will etan
the wear ami tear of every day nsaee, that"is made of honest, leather
throughout, aud on common-sense ideas, call for ' .
made of hoth Bright and and Oil Grain, and known everywhere hv the Trofl;
Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found on the bottom of
each pair. None genuine without it. Beware of. imitations. V
Their Women s' Curacoa Kid and Tainpico Goat Button, to retail at 2.50.
Their SVomens Henderson Kid. French tanned, Button, to retail at 3.00,
The are stitched with Silk, made solid in every particular, and will make your
feet look small and shapely.
Chas. 33. Montague, Lebnhoj. Or.
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drugs -:- and -:- -Medicines
. -
-Paints, Oils and Glass.-
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
Groceries and Povisionc
Tobacco and Cigars,
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups, .
Covmtry rvodueo tak!orx In EcUtvt
Fishing TV
Prices that defy Com pet
the Headquarters for
at Low Figur,
Lebanon, Orecpn
a Speciality.