:Ul!)U I'APtVSS. MA' i.mi;i:k 1UI 1 t i. I- has dLaeovort'd the Tetnjw-ranee .?- uiticsd the opportunity of i is notoriously im-sent. Vir-k-SI .ie w ithout vice next door. ;.Ming liolls, brothels are of srrace. Its forms of Chrw simihir to that of an early' ivties, called the Ophites, who o'l (ho servant, or the Devil. Vv.-ir chief Patrinrarch, and .riot their chief Apostle, x d in virtue to such an ex po V practiced gluttony drunk " fornication, holding that 4 holiness except in theim- i ence of sin. Sin, in short of "grace. We shall soon . Jrronian advocating a sa-.rtn'-x to the public school, a gam : lull annex to the church, and .Wry attachment in the editorial ii. Ex. S;Miloek, and tiambrell, and one i more were murdered by the rum p : d t he eoun t ry Is j ustl y horri Red &ed; but how alwut the re- r of the 00,000 men and women ,ovn. each year, to more horrible res by the same destroyer! The y-ry of Haddock and Gambrell will " t green for many a year, enihalm- jjhepoetand painter, their names i down into history. Forever marty's crown rest on there ro. iiutthe poor ai-uuKard, ruur- i1. -vd slowly, body and soul, their is A thousand times preferable is a death ijv the rumseller'a bullet than by his tie. Ex-Senator A. A. Sargent died at his 4'3'iuee in San Francisco, Aug. 14, PT, aged 59 years, 10 months and 1 iiys. He was born at Newburvpon llassavliuselts, Sept. 3, 1S27. He was sr the ablest and most powerful repre sentative that California ever had in 'Sillier branch of Congress op lo he Sine he retired from public life. He vas first elected District Attorney ol Nevada county in 1855, received the de- tree of A. M. from the College of Cali -mia in ISCo. He was three times elected to congress, and served six years in the Senate of tlie United States lit was-appointed minister to Berlin and nerved until Cleveland appointed his iiceessor. . ..." 1 This year out of the pocket of the la boring class alone VX,000,000 for in toxieatinir liouors. Within the past l . . e-.t ; v v. I . .. '..1 ft ' 1 - T4,r -r A ' IRHI IIRI l,HI. Iliril till' amount loose to-morrow on your un sold goods, and thev would melt like mist before the rising sun. Many now barefooted boy would put his new trousers in his red-topped, boota, and Vg with pride a king might covet, This old world is growing better," firii tie imgnt even ooynooa jaugmng girlhood, and happy womanhood would praise God for this laiul and riijhteoUftlv-ruled Government. The next national encampment of the G. A. It. will hear the appeal of certain colored veterans, who have been rtfised recognition by G. A. R. posts upon the ground of color. There 186,000 colored soldiers in the ser vice of the Union. Gen. Carrington puts the whole number at 20O,OO& The deaths bytattle and disease were over 83,000. It looks as if .it would puzzle the ii. A. II. national encampment tc justify the drawing of the color fine in -n -order which i3 a secret society, not a social club. The Chicago Inter Ocean one of the leading national Rrepubliean papers, puts it about right when it says: "Tex as may vote for whiskey by 100,000 majority, but it will not fatten their starving cattle or bring peace into Texas homes. Texas may not like 'to go dry,' but wetting down with whis key by such a majority will keep thousands of. the best class of people , from making the state their home, leu and women who raise familes To practice what they preach is cer tainly not the policy of the "personal liberty" agitators. When the great anti-prohibition gathering was held in Fortn Worth, Texas, the other daj in order to guard against disgraceful scenes the sale of liquor on the grountls was prohibited. And yet personal liberty was the key-note, of rCaey of the addresses delivered. The great boodle revelations in this city and New York are no exception to the rule that the saloon is at the bottom of almost all corruption of character, or at k$st a way station on the prison line. AVe have yet to hear of one in the ring not a drinker. Hon esty is not to be preserved in alcohol. The visible supply of grain Aug. 20th as complied by the produce exchange of New York, i: Wheat, 31,098,000 bushels; corn, 6,103,000; oats, 4,447,000; rye, 300,000; barley,153,O00 " Tbe Colorado Indian Troubles. ULETWOOn SPRINGS. AUff. 24. NO - news has yet been received from Sher iff Kendall and his posse of seventy five men, who left here on Sunday morning to arret two Indians indicat ed for horse-stealing, and teare are en- Arrived a few minutes ago and reported that a band of 100 bucks from the Uin tah Agency had been making their way toward Colorado's camp, on Milk river.- This news is of such a serious character that General Rearden, who - i-s camped about twenty-five iniles fnXii here, near Pieeance creek, with a - : mpany of militia, will immediately "e into Meeker for the better protee of the town. It is rumored that ta, the widow of Ouray, the most , Ml chief who ever ruled over the ras killed by the sheriff's party wf the fn-t encounters with the ... If ftott el-- Is- the case, it is ierioiw truiiWe cannot be tomach, liver, and ' bv restoring the "'iou, througi: "tion of j ."fitt. Crjrmtrli. The following .'Prohibition Leagues have rei-ently organized in BoutheHi Oregon, hy Dr. J. W. Wutts, who in one of the most successful organi.ers in the State: - Jackson county Phwuix, Auir. 12th, 103 members; Mcdford, Aug. 14th, 44 members; Jacksonville, Aug. loth, 3!) members; Ashland, Aug. 10th, 82 members. Josephine county U rant's Pass, Aug. 14th-, 104 memlwrs. Dr. Watts lectured once in Jacksonville, twice each in Phoenix, Medford, Ash land and Urant's Pass. The work is well begun by him In Jackson and Jo- s.'phine counties, and Is to le followed up strongly and eftlciently. California Oregon Line. The roadbed of the California & Ore gon line has been closed within about eight miles of connection, but as the work is now through tunnels princi pally there is no chance to shorten stag ing or dispense with it until connection is effected. The work on the Sisikyou is progressing as rapidly as circumstan ces will permit, and two other tunnels remain to be constructed. It is hardly probable that through connection will be made before the middle of Nbvem- ber, and perhaps latei . There has been talk of a graud jubilee by the South ern Pacific on the occassion of the driv ing of the last spike, something similar to the Villxrd blowout of several years ago. Cheap excursions to the point of function would, on that occassion, at tract immense crowds from all over Oregon and California. Extension of the Narrow Gang. It is probable that in another year Eugene will .have another railroad. Recent correspondence on the part of Eugene people with the Southern Pa rifle officials elicits the replv that the extension of the Xarrow Gauge from Coburg to Eugene, and eventually to Siuslaw, is seriously contemplated by them. This w ill be an important fac tor in the development of Lane coun ty, as it will open up what is consider el to be a very valuable territory. It will also then be a more important fac tor in furthering the prosperity of the people along the entire line of the road. The Southern Pacific people, evidently intend to make something out of the Narrow Xauge, and to do so must connect it with their line south, and put it in good condition, where the little road will bea paying property. We hope to see some such project cousum aioted in the hear future. Everybody should read the adver tisement of Ralston Cox, The Peoples' Grotrer. How an Alligator Feeds. An observer down south says an alli gator's throat is an animated sewer. Everything which lodges in his open mouth goes dawn. He is a lazy "tlog. and instead of hunting for anything to eat, he lets bis victuals hunt for him. That is, he lies with his great mouth open, apparently dead, like the 'possum. Soon a bug crawls into it. then a fly, then several gnats, and a colony ef mosquitees. The alligator Jo-sn't close his mouth yet. He is waiting for a whole drove of things. He does his eating by wholesale. A little later a lizard will cool himself un der the shade of his upper jaw. Then a few frogs will hop in to catch the mosquitoes. Then more mosquitoes and gnats will light on the frogs. Fi nally a whole village of insects settle down for an afternoon picnic. Then all at once there is an earthquake. The big jaw falls, the alligator blinks one eJ"e gull'8 down the entire menagerie and opens his gieat front door again tor more visitors Everybody should read the adver tLement of Halston Cox, The Peoples' Grocer. Adulteration of Liquors. "An Old Subscriber," writing to the Baltimore Sun under date August 12th on the adulteration of wines, cites his own experience as an Importer in sup port of the statements concerning the extent to which the market is supplied with spurious compounds. Some years ago, he says, he imported sixty casks Of French wines direct, from which he took twenty-five samples and submitted them to a chemist for analysis. lie found that two-third of them were manufactured Iroin chemi cals, and that the rest were badly adul terated. The same, our correspondent adds, may be said of Spanish wine and German Rhine wine. "Of the latter, the actual juice is bought up by large firms and rich home individuals long before the time the wine is ready for shipment (after fermentation) and the possibly remaining balance of pure wine for export is multiplied at least ten-fold by manufacture. As in France, some of the minor German wine-producing States have laws im posing heavy fines and Imprisonment, but, alxut two years ago a large and wealthy firm in th? Kingdom of "Vur temburg were convicted, and notwith standing money and influence, were sent to prison; but this happens rarely.' Referring tothe propriety of theGeneral Government interfering to prevent the importation of adulterated wines, our "Old Sulscriler" says It might just as well prohibit the importation ofpuri ous French wines, as it actually did prohibit the importation from England of condemned teas. The consumption of wines and liquors is far in excess of that of tea, and, he thinks, works a thousand-fold more harm through adulteration. The true plan, he thinks is for the Government to prohibit all importations of spurious liquids or food on pain of confiscation and severe penalties, and that the different States should enact laws to suppress all such adulterations at home, including the adulteration of beer. It would, he! adds, be a powerful tvid'lo the cause of temperance, if prohibition .advocates would devote more of their time to showing the public the doliterious' ture of the beer, wine and liquors narily offered for sale, and the i to which adulteration Is practiof The beftmedica! autiT 1 ege thtuvalue of Ayer's - erilie them with .."'."' Kveryliodv 'should rend the adver tisement of llalston Cox, The Peoples' Grocer. Moore's Hair lnvlfforator. This excellent preparation for the hair, may le found on sale at the fol lowing places: M. A. Miller. Lelumon: tarr fc Stanard. O. Osborn and M. Jackson, Brownsville; F. A. Watts, Shedd; C. Gray, Halsoy. Sample bot tles tree, call una gel one. Having a large stock of tlress goods on hand we Iiave decided to make a drive of them; so for the next sixty days we will sell dress goods at greatly reduced prices. ciuiremn Monteitn. Our underwear for ladies, cents and children Is unexcelled, and we invite the public in to examine them. ciiurcnui x juonteim. Do vou want to save money? If so. buy your Fall and Winter Goods from l iiompson & w aters. Don't fail to -call and see our fine School Suits for boys. Something new and Nobby, aud at bed rock prices. l iiompson & w aiers. NOTICE to FARMERS! We, the undersigned, would respect fully call attention to the fact that we have leased the Warehouses on the Narrow Gage railroad, for the coming season, and think that it will be to the interest of every farmer to call and see us, or our ogeuts at the different ware houses, before making other arrange ments for storing their wheat, oats and barley, which we will be prepared to receive and pay the highest eash prlee for. Sacks furnished for storing grain, in the usual manner. Remember this: Mr. C Xs. f-cott, receiver ortue Narrow Guage railroad, has cuaran- teed rates from the diirerent ware houses to the Oregon Pacific Junction, J also to Ray's landing, which will bring our grain to the river, giving us the advantage of competing lines, be sides having the usual through rates to Portland. Wm. E; Spicer. .J. Mcintosh Lebanon & Sweet Home Stage Line. H. Y. GIBSON, - Proprietor. Carrying U. J5. Mail. Leaves Lebanon on Mmnlnvs, Weilm--lars and Sntunluy. Returning same ilny. RATES OF FARE! l-b-inon to S1arflh or Watcritw.. -"Oft. LrlMVJon to Pneet Hun .jSIOO Good Nw Hack and other Ac commodations Flrstclass. Purtii- defirin-r ti po to anr of the a!ove narao! joints, on luton etiSn? ay trill 1 aeeoramo dated -by ari!ying at my rt-.-Siiuuce In Lebanon. II. Y. GlliSOX. H o C3 o o o CO s m m 0 o 3 o 3: 5" CI r o o pr CO K E3 trq P W w -t- o re 3. S 55 I o o I I o r o C3 'A A Common Cold . Is often the beginning of serious affec tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs. Therefore, tbe importance of early and effective treatment cannot be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral may always be relied upon for tho speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I was attacked with a severe Cold, which, by neglect and fre quent exposures, lwcame worse, finally A ten-rule couch soon lollowett, accoinpai tlie ehest, from which 1 1 nieil by pains in sulTered intenNe- ly. After trying various remedies, with- out obtaining relief, 1 commenced taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, aud was Speedily Cured. I am satisfied that this remedy saved my lite. Jno. Webster, l'aw tucket. It. I. I contracted a severe cold, which suddenly developed into Pneumonia, presenting dangerous and obstinate symptoms. My physician ordered tho use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, llis in structions were followed, and the result was a rapid and permanent cure. II. Pi. Stinipson, Rogers Prairie, Tex. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con sulted various physicians, and took the medicines they prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend induced me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I have given the Peo toral to my children, and consider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lnng diseases, ever used in my family. Robert Vanderpool, Mcadville, Pa. Some time ago I took a slight Cold, which, being neglected, grew worse, and settled on my Lungs. I had a hacking congh, and was very-weak. Those who knew me best considered my lifo to be in great danger. I continued to suffer nntil I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottlo of this valuable medicine cured me, and I ffel that I owe the preservation of my . life to its curative powers. Mrs. Ana "Vkwood, Akron, lew York. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, the one great remedy for all diseases Tf tbe throat and hings, and is more in demand than any other medicine of its -dasi J. F. Koberts, Magnolia, Ark. tf Oyer's Cherry Pectoral, ""W-byJJr. J.CArerfc Co., Lowell, Ua-a. . Mce- but' -- You -:- Certainly WANT A SUIT THIS SPRING. Why don't you go to BLAIN, the Leader In Clothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES, From Eastern Factories. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. BARGAINS IN EVERY DE PARTMENT. We are confident of Pleasing you. All we ask Is the opportunity or showing you Through our Stock. WE ALSO KEEP IX STOCK The Celebrated BrownsYllle Goods. Lr. E. BLrAIN, Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor, Albany, Oreoox. ynniimim WALLACE & THOMPSOH, THE Leading Grocers LINN COUNTY. 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR TltE CelebrateD 3 Geyserite Soaps. 3 ALBANY, OREGON. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, -Dealer In- Boots and Shoes. THE LARGEST STOCK IH THE CITY. Bought Exclusively for Cash from the Manufac " turcrs. Every Pair Warranted. FINE SHOES, For Ladies, Misses & Children, A. SPECIALTY. FIRST 8TIIEET, ALBANY, Ob . OREGOKIIH RAILWAY C0MPA5Y. (Limltetf Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver. On ami arter May 11. ISK7, nl until fhrthrr no- in-e irnuw -lunui unity f-umiay) lol : EAST SIDE. (ibant Mall. i'lunt Mail Fmm Pirt- STATIONS. TowanI Tttrt- ! land. IH.-XDKE jrNt.-TX. Fulqiiarts I-1. Ray's I.anling, H. Paul"-. Fram h lrairic, Kotse, Wmntbiirn, Tiiwn-MMl, M(Kih. AnwU Itonu'H, Eilverton. Johimift"- Mill, Hmvi ll Iroir, I. 15 1 00 I.vlias Arv 12.:S0 12.1 1-.J II. 47 11.37 11.22 11.17 11.13 ll.m 10..V! l.v i.M Arv lo.au - 10.12 10.1H 10 tt.40 .J 9.14 K..VI 8.12 H-2U .09 7.i 7.. 7.17 7. OS 6.41 6 27 6.11 ft.43 r.j 6.0! l.w Anri-JO Lx-1 .-'.j 2.. VI xm z.xs a.:tt s.: s.t S--i 4.01 Arv 4.12 Lr4.22 4.10 4 41 4. V2 .Via S.40 .s 6.10 . 5.1. t s.'7 7.-2T, 7.:i 7.M 5. ttT R.2T S.4.S 9.N 9.27 P. 44 Ea.il Slilo Jmrt'tloa, M"k-v. Vallo Il'iUs Aum-ville, siHTton. K((Tth Santiiim. Jmii. W t li t.j, '-Hlrvf. Bout h sunt iam, l-nirX Lebanon Junction, 1 4wnu, WcllvilW. Linn. Tlmwii-villc, Twin Hutlws Mntcimcry, lri-ljI, Wilkin-. COlll Wi. 10.U 10.ii r. x 4."'0 4.: A.J Ar. Arv. Lv !lv. G. T. COTTON, Dealer In Groceries & Provisions TOBACCO AND CIGARS, SXIOIvEBS ARTICLES. Foreign and Domestic . Fruits. C ONFECTIONER Y Queensware and Classware. Li A Mrs AND LAMP EIXTURES. Alain St., Lebanon, Oregon. Harkness & Mayers Bros, -Blacksmiths.- Lebaxox, Okegox. Horse Shoeing and Gen ' eral Repairingr. ALL VORK WARRANTED N TO GIVE SATISFACTION, -AT- V. C. Peterson & Co's Space. W. C. Peterson & Co. Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, Lebanon, - Oregon, To our many Jrlend of Lebanon and cieinity, anil those of other town, we denire to call attention to trie fact that we hare opened on MAPLE STREET, BET. 1ST & 2ND, (near JlolatuTf harncn ahop) a New Livery Stable. WE HAVE New BuggiesHacks and Harness, and GOOD, RELIABLE HORSES. Parties deirina to lake a trln to the mountain, or other place of recrea tion, should call and see our Special Conveyances FOR eCClI THll'S. All kinds of Teaming and Hauling don -AT- liEASOXABLE RATES. E. E. MONTAGUE, DEALER IX Stationery Or ALL KINDS. AIM Foreign and Domestic Periodicals Lehakox, Oreoox. C. B. ROLAND & Co Albany, Oregon New Store, Hew Goods -CONSISTING OF- Kurnistiing Goods Ilatn, Cai, Boots, Blioea, Oiolco St'leetlotm In Fancy Bummer Neck Wear, 8ilk Underwear, lJalhrlgpan Underwear, Fish, Clark & FJugg's Gloves, FINE CLOTHING Tlie very Best make of Hand Sewed Shoes, and the very Latest Styles In Mens' Boy' ami Youths' Cloth ing. All the Celebrated makes of HATS IN EVERY STYLE OCR STOCK CONSISTS OK Bright New Fresh Goods, And as honest, fair and square dealing Is our motto, we ak the public to call and get prices. C. B. Roland & Co., One door West Revere house, Albany. JOHNSON & SHELTON. SCIO, OEEOON. DEALERS IX General Herchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries AXD CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps a A.ti n Endless Variety of , - : FACTS FOR THE FARMERS ! Honey Saved, is feteta THE PEOPLES' GROCER, Oorvfilli, (Benton We are prepared to offer Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Etc. Than can be had elsewhere In the Valley, for the following reasons : Vs Vi y direct from tlio Slanufaeturers, Ii Iarsre tunn- tltlt-s, i"Il CAHII, thus Kc-ttlnK tlo Xxwet Flicures and Discounts. Wr sell for Cash Only, Thus avoiding losses from bad debts, which, under the credit system, are charged up to good customers. We have Strictly ONE PRICE, and Warrant every Article sold to be as Represented, or -feYOUR MONEY REFUNDED.- As a resnlt of this method of doing business, we have built op an Im mense Trade, not only in our own section, but in all the Adjacent Gmntie. This season we antiolpate an Immense Rush, and have more than Doubled our Stock in all Depart ments, And are prepared to give you better Value for your Money than ever. Prices on a few Leading Corvallis Mills Best Flour, 4.G0 per Barrel. Best Rice, IS lbs. for $1.00. Tearl Coal Oil, per Case, $2.25. No. 1 Syrup, full 5 Gallon Kegs, ?2J5. White Beans, 30 lbs. for ?1. Arm and Hammer Saleratus, 4 2f o. 1 Japan Tea, 5 lb. Box, fl.25. AH other Goods at Proportionately Low Prices. JSSaTFuIl Printed Price List sent on Application. We can Save you FROM lO TO In your Winter Supplies. "WE ILVVE JMLADJS Whereby every Lis jt County Farmer, passed to and trom Corvallis, over the Stiipping Our bhippmg Department has proved tance or other causes prevents coming to our store, can send their orders by mail, and have them filled with the same care and attention as those dealing in person. Remember, we Guarantee Satisfaction in all all eases, or goods may be re turned at our expense and money refunded. WIS -:- Come right along, or send for Price List, and your Orders will receive Prompt and Care f til Attention. RALSTON COX j "Tlie Peoples' Grocer," Corvallis, Oregon. Honey Earned. (fe County,) Oregon you better Bargains in Articles are as Follows: lbs. for 5 cts. Savon Soap, per Box, f 1. SO PER OISVT. VVltXt.VGlIKIVT buying his Supplies from us, will be Willamette Ferry, Free of Charge. Department - an immense success. Parties whom dis -:- BUSINESS ! WILSON & WESTFALL, PROPRIETORS SodavillE Livery and Feed StaWe. Daily Hack to Lebanon. Fare Each Way, 50 Cts. GOOD TJJKNOUTS AND OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS At Reasonable Rates. . GIVE US A CALL. B. H. BARKER, Sodaville and Waterloo, DEALER IX Candies, Cigars, Totiacco and Cheese, Crackers and Cakes. ALSO Tea, Coffee, Sugar & Fruits ICE-CREAM and LEMONADE. Lunch at all Hours. POOL-TABLE u SWING For the Amusement of Visitors. GOODS SOLD LEBANON PRICES BLrACKSMITHING. Horse Shoeing a Speciality -by R. C; Watkins, SWEET HOME, - - OBEGON. REpairing of All Kinds at Rea sonable Prices. chakges: Shoeing all around, new shoes, $1.75. Having located to stay I ask a share of tbe public patronage. ; R C. WATKINS. I. F. CONN, Contractor, Carpenter aad Builder. Plans & Specifications . FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE AH Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices Very Reasonable. JkLBAKT & LKBAXOX, OREGOX. GO TO SPICER. A. A. Bashor CARRIES A FULL LLXE OF Groceries, Cigars, To bacco AND STATIONERY. All Goods. -Sold at Bed Rock Prices. Highest Market Price for Conntry Produce. GIVE ME A CALL AXD BE CON VIXCED. Saw Mill FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill; NEAR LEBANON, OR. Capacity about 5000 feet per day. ' Also 16 acres of land on which the saw " mill is located. PRICE, $2,500. Also have a large stock of First Quality Lumber At lowest market rates for cash. G.'w. WHEELER, Letanoa, Oregon. sprLd-Sra OREGON PACIFIC R. R, 220 Miles Shorter! 20 Hours Less Time I Accommodations Unsurpassed for Com fort and Safety. Fares and Frpijrhtx ri. Yaqmna and the Oregon Development t'o"s Stenmshifw nnrh than by any other route betireen all points in WiUainetto Valley ami tan Franeisn. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, Expt 8aiMlays) I-c-ave Taqnina :M a. x. Leave AlbanT 1:15 r. x. Leave Otrvallis 10:42 a. . Leave (Corvallis 1 ::( r. . Arrive Albany 11:1 a. a.;Arrive Yo,nin5:lo a.m. O. & C. Trains connect at Albany anil Corvalli, Fare between orvalUs & Albany and & Franeiseo: RSH and Cabin.. J!U Rail and Steerage SS IXi WM.M. HOAO. C.C. HOAG. General Manager, Aetiiig u. F. P. Art. - - CurvaUis. Cr, Oregon Developtrient Co. FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP LINE Bt t KEN YAQUINA & SAN FRANCISCO Conneetinsr at Yatjnina with the Trains of .. Oregin Pacilic Kailruail Company. &.ULIXG PATES : . rsos sas ruAjtasco. Williunette . Valley. Saturday Jnly :5ft: Eastern Orejton. Thnrxlay Ansust 4: WttlanietW Vallov. Tnewlay Aumtst Sh Eastern OrejHi, Sun.isv Auir list 14: Yaquiua Orv. Satnrtlav Auanst 20; Willaia ette Valley, Thursday Aas.- 25; Eastern Orcgau. Tuesday August 30. FBOX YAQTTSA. Willamette Valley. Frttlay Aramst 5.' Extern OreBn, Wednetaluy August 10: WilUuoette Vallev. Tuestlar Aoxrust 1: Ea.-ten Oesron. ISandnv An-:-nst 21: Vaijuiiia City. ivUHrday Anewt-JT; tvillm ette VitlW'V. Thurwiliiv Septtmler lr lsu:ru re- Tbe conwmov wscrcs tiitfrfciht tuehausesream er-si;i:i. : - . trlfv. (iin. r. & P. A,T1M T'4npery -it., &u Fm