The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 26, 1887, Image 3

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    1 iiL Lebanon Express.
Local nml Gi'iienil.
Lively times on the O. P. extension
Mrs. It. B. Roberts is quite sick, with
an attack of gastritis.
R. 11. OrouT nml family of Browns
ville will ppeml next week In the
A. A. Kees tells n his crop yielded
1378 bushels of wheat an averagw of
10 bushels to the acre.
A number of editors anil publishers
met at Yarjuina last week and organ
ized an editorial association.
Horn In Lebanon, Linn county, on
Wdnesdav morning, August 24,
the wife of J. S. Caldwell, a daughter.
J. M. Shelly, presenting Feldman
A Co., of Portland, dealers in wooden
and willow ware, paid his customers
of Lelanon, a visit.
We rearret to announce that the in
fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Far
ley, of Brownsville, died on Friday
evening last of cholera infantum.
It i rumored that a party of six gen
tlemen, bached by the Sail Francisco
Jh'j-amitrr, haw under consideration
the feasibility of making an ortVr for
the Portland JNVtcs.
J. C. Johnson, Esq., of Seio, ia con
ffantly engaged In business in hia line.
He is actively employed at jmsent In
settling up the aiVairs of the estate of
Robert lVntland, deceased.
Carey A Myers the young gentlemen
who purchase! Mr. Villa a harness
anvl saddle business at Seio, are enjoy
ing a gt1 trade. They are pushing
fellows, ami deserve the suite.
Johnson & Shelton of Fein, com
plain (?) of a decided reaction in
their favor in the merchandising bus
iness. They are selling lots of good.,
which means, reasonable prices.
Spioer A Mcintosh who have leased
'The warehouses on the line of the Nar
row linage rond had out over llo.nno
sacks, up to Inst Friday and are still
receiving orders for "more sacks."
""'Alex. Parrish of this city was made
the happy father of a lv on Saturday
last. As these occurences are beeoni
inc somewhat frequent in this vicin
ity, Alex, doesn't seem to mind it much.
-t)n Saturday morning last little
-vrcme, ngeu years, son ot JMias liey
nolds, of" Hamilton creek, diet! vefy
suddenly of paralasis of the heart. His
remains were interred in the Lebanon
cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
Bilyeu A Sutherland is the name of
a firm of young gentlemenn who have
gone into the grocery business at Seio.
They are worthy of a good patronasre
and no doubt will enjoy the same when
they get into their new quarters.
Among those who have came to work
on the O. P road, we noticed some
men from Josephine county. The Hoys
say times are very close An Southern
Oregon, and many others are coming to
this vicinity to get employment.
L. E. Dole, who is quite well known
In Lebanon is running a restaurant at
West Scio. Having partaken of his
eating a-ommxlations, we would say
anyone desiring a square Yneal will not
le disappointed if they call on him.
It should le remembered that on
Thursday next the Old Settlers wi'd
meet at Crawfordsville, where an in
teresting meeting will be held during
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We
hope to'see many of the "old folks"
West Seio at the present time, pre
sents a very lively appearance. Mr.
llennett lias his headquarters there
and a great number of men ffre cmploy
eti in fitting carts, wasns, etc. for con
struction purposes. The supply ttore
is also et this place.
Durinsr lest week. Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Smith of E:wt Portland, paid their
r- TJk. V" 1,a?e a Vwn I
Smith exnrcssM himself as much
" " V 1-- i ,
El -ad wit!i Lebanon anl its future
usiness prospects.
The 'Narrow Guageroad in carrying
grain to Kay's Landing on the v ll
lamette river noccssarially forms a
competition at that place on the part
of other transportation lines. This is
srood for the farmers, as low rates of
freight must be the result.
Mr. L. M. Wheeler called a few min
utes on Wednesday, and welearn his
crop which he threshed a few days
aero amounted to 3,000 bushels. Wheat
2,000; oats 1,000. Average of wheat 21
bushels per acre; oats 40. This is the
best average for oats we have had to
report yet.
The people of Lebanon could add
very much to the interest of the Ex
rREss by giving us any item of news
which may come under their observa
tion. Please do so and oblige. When
harvest is over we expect to hear from
our country correspondents again.
Ix-t us hear from you. .
-The Spiritualists of -Lebanon and vi
cinity held another of their interesting
meetings at Mr. J. M. llruce's, near
Waterloo, on Sunday last. A very
pleasant time was experienced by ail
m attendance, a gooa dinner was
Kprea.l, the tables eontaininean abund-1
a nee of gool things ot wnicn plenty I
remained after all had participated.
Temperance work is now at a stand
etui, ana will tie until tne harvest is
over. While at Seio we were glad to
learn from parties acquainted, that Mr.
lV'iinett's men, engaged on the con
struction of the O. i road are prinei
riallv prohibitionists, and will vote that
wav. As laboring men, they are intcl-
,. , . . . " .,- . ... . . .
interest to do so.
During a visit to Seio on Saturday
last, we made a brief call at the resi
dence of Mrs. Pentland, when after a
pleasant conversation M L-s Edith favor
ed ns wit h some choice selections on the
piano, tihe is a graduate of the musi
cal conservatory at Salem. She as
pires to become a teacher and will com
mence her first term in one of the pub
lic schools near JScio this fall.
"Chawles" Nickel, the lately snowed
nnder democratic candidate for state
printer, has finally been elected to an
office secretary of thccditofial associa
tion organiztnl at Yaquiua last week.
We presume his first recommendation
as secretary of the association will lx?
for ail members to charge widows and
orphans not less than $0(1, nor more
than U)d for administrators' notices.
A review of last winter in reference
to the loss of stock in this vicinity,
should behoove every farmer to not
wait until winter to provide their stock
with shelter. If you have not done so,
pat in a part of this summer or fall in
oing it. Remember warmth saves
food. If you don't believe it, give it a
trial and see. Keen some stock ia the
weather and some housed, and see the
difference there will be in them on the
Mime feed.
On Monday last Prof. Chas. S, Hunt
who has been engaged to teach the
Jjebanou public school, gave ns a pleas
ant call. Mr. Hunt came here from
Harrisburg, this county, and we are
pleased to know is a successful teacher.
We take pleasure in welcoming Mr.
Hunt and wife to our city, and hope
tlK'ir stav anions: us will be pleasant
to them as well as profitable to those
who receive the benefit of the Profe
ssor's instruction.
f On Saturday last as the threshing
(crowd of Inyton & Compton w re fin
ishing op the crop of E. J. Mills, on the
farm of J. II. Smith, a Bonof Mr. Mills
was standing upon the separator, when
iu attempting to step forward, he le-11
into the cylinder. One leg was caught
and the foot lacerated in such a manner
as to render amputation alxve the an
" tie necessary. Dr. Courtney of this
place, agisted by Dr. Powell, did the
amputating, and tlie boy is getting
Ioi-jy very nicely.
Kxhorbltant t barge.
Last week a number of our mer
chants received goods from San Fran
cisco, and the bills for the mine show
that the O. A C. company's charges,
compared with those of the O. P. and
Oregon Development companies, are
unreasonably extortionate. The bills
of Andrews A Itackclmau show that
their goods were carded from San Fran
cisco to Yaqulna for f 1.50; from Ya
uuina to Albany TO miles Including
drayage and loading goods on O. A 0.
cars, fl.Stl; from Albany to Lebanon,
12 miles O. A C. road. $il..W. We
consider these figures good subjects for
the State railroad commission to inves
tigate, and we are informed our
merchants .have forwarded the bills to
the commissioners. It Is hardly prob
able, however, that the iieople of Ore
gon can expect any relief trom the dis
criminations of the O. A C. under the
present management. This long and
short haul business received the atten
tion of the tfeard, a few days ago In
Albany, where It was s peel Ilea 11 y
charged that the U. A l. charged $ 16
per car load for wlunt from Tangent to
Albany, and f 20 per car load to Port
land. Why is this? It may Ins that
the Willamette river hns something to
do with the low charges to Portland,
and we are of the opinion that if the
Narrow tillage come to this place our
freight rates would le more reasonable.
Such discriminations are only tempor
ary, and we hope to see In the near
future another mad to Lebanon, brand
ed either O. lt'y. or O. P. We have
great confidence, too, in the new man
agement to be brought about upon the
completion of V. A O. road. Clod
speed it through the SLsklyous!
'Not a Drop of I'oUnn Shall be
on ThU Ranch!"
The construction of the O. P. road,
has brought to the vicinity of Seio all
classes of men, among which ye whis
key seller Is quite prominent. The
other day one of them secured a piece
of land upon which to erect, as he said,
a store building. After the building
was nearly completed, he naked the
gontleman, Mr. eqmati, from whom
he got the ground, whether, be would
object to him selling a "few bottles of
whiskey." Mr. Yeoman said he did
not care, but would see his lwys, who
also did not object. Mrs. Yeoman
hearing part of the conversation, de
manded an explanation, and when
given, very emphatically put a veto on
the business by declaring that "not a
drop of poison shall be sold on this
ranch," and in less time than It takes
to tell it, she bounced that would-lie
whiskey-eeller oft the place. This is
the kind of women that makes prohi
bition a success, as such influence Is
healthy for an entire neighborhood.
If all "the people in the vicinity of Mu
Pleasant and throughout the entire
State, would adopt this lady's motto,
"not a drop of poison would be sold."
A Large IVarehonw.
On Saturday last, through kindness
of Mr. D. Myers, proprietor of the Seio
saw and planing mills, we accepted an
invitation to vUit the large warehouse
he and Mr. May are building for the O.
P. Company at Munkus, one mile west
of West Seio, on the line of the O. P.
road. Work was commenced on this
immense structure on the th of July,
since which tim-j they have been work
ing on an average of ten men. When
the size of the building and amount of
lumber used is considered, the work
has been pushed with wonderful rapid
ity. The buildin.t is 50 x. 50 feet, with
with a shod Z) feet wide on one side,
thebin-jof which there are six are 25 feet
high and will hold 70,000 bushels of
wheat. Over 1 70,000 feet of lumlcr
will be used in the construction of this
for the reception of grain. It will l4
under the manr
lagemeut of Mr. (Jco.
to Ikj commended for the aecursev and
promptness with which the work has
been prosccuten. jur. Jiay 01 f-cio,
superintended the work.
An Old Lady Killed.
From Conductor Huston we learn of
the t?ad death of Mrs. IJogers, of Alba
ny, on Wednesday last. The old lady
was somewhat deaf, and while cross
ing the street, was run over by the
Ilcvere House 'buss and instantlv kill
ed. It seems that the ltuss House
'buss was In the advance and it bein;J
very dusty, Mrs. JSogers onl not see
the ether one .coming, and being par
tially deaf her attempt In crossing the
street resulted in her death. She was
70 j'ears of age, and highly respected
by all who knew her.
It is said no blame is attached to the
driver of. the 'buss; but the fact that
he did not stop to investigate the na
ture of the accident and left the victim
to be picked up and eared for by others,
outrht to be rrood Grounds for nunish-
ing anyone for such vilful, criminal
Indifference. In the estimation of this
Jviiu, it seems numan lire is not i
m,,e consequence,
lie ought to be
A Tine Instrument.
Iteeently we had the pleasure of ex
amining a very fine microscope, pur
chased in San Francisco bv Dr. Pow
ell of this place. This is not only the
first instrument of particular note
i iiro jijiii io iiu vjciiiiiy, out, obi p oi wie
ble ot the very finest work. Such an
instrument is of great diagnostic value
in surgery and medicine the projer
treatment of many diseases depending
solely upon the use of the microscope.
In possessing himself with this costly
apparatus, the Dr. certainly manifests
h disposition to Keep apace witii tne
latest wsearches of medical science,
which is certainly commendable.
The Prohibition League.
The Prohibition League will hold a
public meeting at the Presbyterian
church this (Friday) evening August
20th, commencing at 8 o'clock p. in.
The following is the program:
Address F. II. Roscoe.
"The Whiskey Sellers' Bible Tem
perance" Answer id by J. I.. Gilbert.
Vocal Solo Miss Philips.
Recitation, The Bridal Wine Cup
Miss Frank ('ilbert.
Address F. M. Miller.
A l eeful Invention.
O- H. Harmon of this nlnce e.
hibits a neat model of an improved
stove oven, consisting of a revolving
wheel in the bottom, turned by a crank.
It may also lie elevated or lowered by
the crank, thereby preventing the burn
ing of bread or pnstry on the bottom.
This invention will certainly be a great
saving of lalor and patience on the
part of ye housewife. Mr. Harmon, the
inventor, has already applied for a pa
tient, and will no doubt realize a hand
some profit on his invention.
Musical Entertainment,
Prof. Parvin, of the Conservatory of
Music of the Willamette University at
Salem, Miss Parvin, Miss Hallie Par
rish, of Salem and Miss Frank Gilbert
of Lebanon, assisted by other.', will
give an entertainment at the Santiam
Academy on Thursday evening, Sej)
tember 1, V S7. The program Will con
sist of vocal and instrumental inaiic,
a ad rccitittioiia.
IlruwuKTlllB Xotrn.
D. C. McFadden ami family Mill
shortly remove to Kansas.
J. H. Lamson mid family on Tues
day of last week removed to Eugene
The youngest child of Henry lllake
ly, a little girl, is tsullering with rem
lltant fever.
John Werner, in the employ of the
Portland lime and cement Co., has
tecn visiting his father-in-law, A. C.
J. A. lllakely and wife of Arlington,
Mrs. J. C. licasure of Pendleton, re
turned home on Tuesday of last week.
E. J. Forsytho of Joseph Wallowa
Co., is happy, ho now counts three in
the family. The last arrival was a
bouncing boy.
P. W. Starr of Lostlne has discover
ed a marble quarry, "there's lots in It,"
how many is yet unknown aa a survey
has not leen made.
Eva, the little daughter of It. H.
Coshow, who has lieen extremely ill at
the residence of Mrs. Forest, Is rapidly
eonvaleslng, and past all danger.
(1. A. Dyson. W. 11. Slandlsh and
Jode Moore, who for some time past
have lecn prospecting on the Cullipoo
ya, also the lllue river, have at hurt
been amply rewarded in their endeav
ors to locate the supposed vein tnat has
furnished colors and free gold, to the
two rivers. For many yen re past It
has been the opinion of mining ex
perts that In the neighborhood of the
head waters of the Cnlliiooya, exten
sive veins nf gold bearing quartz must
exist. If. A. Dyson the original hx-a-ter
of the 15lg Camas fraction mine,
adjoining Big Camas No. 2, Idaho,
which has recently been sold forfl,
(100,000, on n late prospecting tour, has
located on the divide of the Ulne and
Callipooya rivers, a quarts lead known
as the "Lucky Itoy." which judging
from present indications is rieli iii the
precious metal. An opening, seven
and one-half feet has lieen made thro'
the lead, shewing a well defined ledge,
of over seven foot of gold In-aring quarts,
the foot walls li ing of granite, with
hanging walls of prophry, giving ev
idence of a true Jissure vein. Two foot
of decomposed quartz next to the foot
wall is rich In free gold, assaying ?20
to the ounce. Extensions of this claim
have been taken up, but there yet re
mains miles of unexplored country
which from all indication may con
tain extensive quartz leads equally
as rich in gold. Situated 43 miles from
lirownsville, compantively easy of ac
cess, there Is no reason why others
should not Ih equally successful with
lue locators or the ''Lucky tioy."
T. 0. V.
Seio Notcn.
August 4.
The commodious ware-house is fas-t
nearlng completion.
To-tlay a child of Newton Crabtree
was buried in our cemetery.
Several caoes of cholera infantum
has occurred near here, and two deaths
are reported In Jordan valley.
The two Miss Stanleys hns bought
out Miss liridgfords millinery store,
and set up for themselves. Success
attend them.
Grand mother Stlpp, wife cf elder
(i. W. Stipp, died at her home in our
cifv the td'th; was sick but two or
three days; was about SI years old.
Business of all kind is lmoming
In Hcio just now. The Inevitable
drummer is pushing his samples be
fore our merchants every day.
Mr. Surl Is in town to-day and re
ports Mrs. Hurl improving, "and her
many friends are greatly rejoiced at
the news, and pray for Iter speedy re
covery. Work on the railroad Is procreating
rapidly. It Is now said that Mr. Hunt
having the contract for the extension
from the thirty-mile stake cast of Al
bany, will retire from the contract, and
that Mr. Bnnet will succeed him.
y'tieorge Sutherland and James
yeu failed to take James Bridgf-rds
grocery store, but have bought out Mr.
G. Shelton, and are offering their
goods and wares along side of Bridg
ford, and all hands seem to le busy.
So you we Mr. Klitor Scit, the capital
of Canada, in a shrt time will emerge
from a provincial, to a cosmopolitan
center, of the state of Canaila, at least.
So mote it be. Se io.
Arlinirton Note.
Phil. Willig formerly of Brownsville
this county, who Is doing well, writes
as follows concerning bis town:
Weather dry and very warm.
The farmers are hauling in lots of
J. C. Baird and several others who
took horses Eatrt in the spring have re
turned. Several new buildings arc lx.'ing erect
ed nere.
On account cf an Increase In travel,
the hotels of this placeaiedoiuga good
1 business.
Watermelons are eoniing to town by
wagon lotui.
Joseph lllakely has returned from
lirownsville, where he reports every
thing very quiet.
Teacher'a Examination.
Notice Is hereby given that the regu
lar quarterly examination of teachers
will be held at court house in Albany,
commencing at noon on Wednesday
August 31, as provided for by the
school laws of 1S.S7. Teachers will
please take notice and all those desir
ing examination for certificates will
please be present at the above appoint
ed time, as the private examinations
are practically done away with.
D. V. S. ItKin.
22-4t School Sup't.
The stranjre power exercised by some
cats over snakes, was illustrate! Inst
week at the residence of Mr. lioyal,
who lives near Grant's Tass. Attention
was drawn to the strange antics of a
kitten recently taken to the house and
on examination it was found that she
had a "rattler" charmed. The snake,
a large one, was coiled and with its
head followed every motion of the kit
ten in front of it, until a gentleman
who was present, despatched the -reptile
with a club. During the whole oc
curence the kitten seemed to realize the
importance of the situatlon-and never
allowed her attention to wander from
the snake, paying no attention to a
strange dog which arrived upon the
scene. The snake had seven rattles.
All over the state the friends of pro
hibition are organizing for effective
work. The friends of the gin mill are
also at work, and may be expected to
spend money and time freely in oppo-
! sition to the prohibitory amendment;
but there seems to ie gooa evidence
that the amendment will pass by a good
vote, as it has the prayers and hearty
support of all. the best people of the
State. Yaqnina Post.
Tlie average number of cattle driven
north from Texas is about 300,000 per
year, yet this year, it is said, the num
ber will not be more than one-fourth of
that, and the prices are 33 percent low
er than five years ago. Large herds
of breeding cattle have been driven In
to New Mexico.
The insiK'ctors ot the New York
State dairy department, who have of
liite been empioyetl in securing evi
dence against sellers of oleomargarine,
have now been set nt the work of milk
inspection along the several railroad
lines iu that section of the State.
Everything that is debasinsr and vil
lainous finds its natural birthplace in
tue tui-jon. iucaffo Tribune.
r.iiTKi ti v Tint
irbnicH' Chrixt Ian Wctnprrance Union
The L-liiuion W.
ivtcr!n fliuri
Seio W. t'. T. V. Notes.
We learn through our lecture bureau
at Salem that Mrs. Mary Lathrop of
Michigan Is coming to Oregon to help
u In response to our call through oui
olllcers. She has the name of U-ing
one of the U-st lecturers In the United
States, and Is a host in herself. But
with the announcement comes the
word that the ciiarge for one week of
her services will Iks one hundred dol
lars per week, and while It Is ierfectly
right and Just, it cilectually shuts out
our smaller towns from any lienetits
unless wo can unite on swiie wealthy
prohibitionist If there are any makes
a donation for our benefit.
This month while all are an busy
harvesting and railroading, we can ilo
little work except circulating literature
out. Next mouth we hope to do more
ami in OctoU'r to work hard.
In September Itev. Mr. Woolev of
licbanou will address the people Sat
urday the 17th, in behalf of the amend
ment, and will apply particular! v to
the saloon 1st who nave tried publicly
to slander the Bible by garbbled quo
tations, making it supjHu t the liquor
trallc. He oilers to allow time for all
appointments to reply, and weexjicet
a lively time and full house. Agita
tion is our watchword.
Our District convention meets In
Brownsville soon, when we expect to
iH-rfect our plans; take sweet counsel
together and hope to have some irood
sjs-eclu's from alxmrd.
I here Is one question we would like
to ask, hoping for replies In this col
umn. Is it, or is It not riuht and con
sistent for true temperance women to
engage in hop picking? The season is
at nand ana suen a tliscussion may le
profitable. Colt Skc.
Hroirnnrtlle V. V. T. I'. 5oli.
Ah the time draws near in which men
shall 1h called on to vote for principal
ami not for party we notice the antl-
broiiimtionlsts are semline their mis
siles loaded with ttoliticnl and party In
tricacies calculated 10 Mind tlie voter
against the principle of the quest ion un
der consideration. Wavering voter lie
not deceived in this wav, let the future
party take can of itself". Vote for the
banishment of the present known evil
and the future unknown evil will not
trouble vou.
The District Convention of Linn
Marion and Lane counties, will le held
October Gth and 71 h, at Brownsville.
Will the presidents of the local Unions
call the attention of their memU rs to
the work of the convent ion, as this will
lie the last meeting together of the
White ItiUns until after the contest of
rltght against might lias lieen voted on.
1 Ctr. See.
Having a Inrze stock of drrs
on hand we have decided to make a
drive of them; so for the next sixty
days we will sell dress goods at greatly
reduced prices.
Churchill A Montelth.
If you desire to possess a beautiful
complexion take Aycr's Sarsaparilla.
It cleanses and purifies the blood, and
removes blotches ami pimples, making
theskin smooth and clear, and givlne it
a bright and healthy appearance. Take
it this month.
Do you want Glass and Crockery
Ware, at cost ? If so go to
Thompson A Waters.
The best medical authoritlcsacknowl-
cge the value of Aj-cr's Pills, and pre
senile them wil h the utmost confidence,
as the most effectual rrmedv for dis
eases caused by derangements of the
stomach, liver, and bowels.
Ladies will rr member that we have
Saxony and German lawn yarns in all
shades and much cheaper thuu any
one else.
Churchill A Monteith.
Insure yon projxrty In a home come
fan j' The Northwest Fire ami Marin
nsuranee eomimny, of Portland Ore
gon. A. It. Cyrus agent, iA'bauon.
L Carrying us we do, the largest stock
of new rat 1 1 clothing In Ijehanon, we
can suit anyone, both in styles and
Churchill A Monteith.
Farmers Insure your grain with A.
IL Cyrus, he will give you choice of
companies, and liest rates.
Our underwear for ladies, gents and
children is unexcelled, and we invite
the public in to examine them.
Churchill A Monteith.
Do you want to save money? If so,
buy your Full and Winter ( Jods from
Thompson A Waters.
Everybody is pleased with those new
spring beds at Cyrus. Only tXoO.
Don't fail to call and see our fine
School Suits for Ixiys. Something new
and Nobby, and nt'bed rock prices. .
Thompson A Waters.
Moore's Hair Invlprorator.
This excellent preparation for the
hair, may Ikj found on sale at the fol
lowing places: M. A. Miller, lA'bnnon;
Starr A Stanard, O. Osborn and M.
Jackson, Brownsville; F. A. Watts,
Shedd; C. Gray, Halscy. Sample bot
tles free. Call and get one.
Money to loan, by Curntu
telth, Albany, Oregon.
tf Do you want Dress flood of all des
criptions, at cost ? If so, go to
Thompson A Waters.
For a good meal, go to the City Res
taurant Albany. Meals 2.3 cents. tf
. .. .,
Do you want the Mason and Wood
berry Fruit Jars, at cost ? If so, go to
Thompson A Waters.
Local Market Report.
Wheat SOe lier bushel.
Ontu rer lihel.
Flour S"...iO !'r laurel.
l'otuloeH Sl.ootm Sl.2i perbiLxhel.
F.jr H'x -r dozen.
Hotter i'Mi per lb.
jn Sc per lb.
Apple, irrcen lap per bushel.
Apple, dried r-e jut Hi.
iMiimi, ilriil 7e t lb.
fnines, "r1ei1 Se pr lh.
Hani!". VI Z 1-V per lb.
Shonliler 1 t per lb,
Ilnenn 10 d l '2' Jcperlb.
Coal Oil 91.40 er5 pidlon can.
NOTICE I hereby Riven that mv wife, Ann
BedelL havine left mv I-! bik! bonnl without iliK"
eane or provoeiition, nil person art notirte! that
I will not be reiou.ible for any bills contracted
hy her.
Ibanon, Or., Aur. 2B, 1SS7, It. "
-Proprietor of the-
Fountain House,
This H.msc b Complete In all of its IVpftrtmcnts,
furnishbig the bertof Aeeoniiinlatioiii: to par
ties vkitiuu the boila Springs.
Board, $1 per Day,- or $5 per Week.
Good News for Close Buyers!
Mymniiimoth iKix-k of rlitthliiK In now In lnu
filirlied. It furmirrinw kdvUiIiik In iimntlly ami
quality ever ola-rod to the eiiU! of l.iun county.
HnrltiK IxHtKhl these hikkIh fir iHit emt til hcavy
litnint, 1 am now able to give my patron tlw
Very bet rnlue of their money.
My stock of Mrs' wm arc rsvi:r.iirn for.
WHABti.iTT mill are wild im low n $s h t mi!.
In vorxu sr.' kvitu the utia-k to K-kt-t from N
UirRf, tht qiinllty fhmi medium to very Hue, of
tyll-h make. Heat, nobliy and rxMxl, from ts n-r
Fur boys aped 12 to 17 yearn, I hnve a line wlee-
tlon, and a thee (hkxIji were bmiKlit at murh
lower )riee thnn ever bfftirethfr 111 lw niurktnl
Hn')nniii(lliij;lr low at prlcca rannlnij fntm M..y
per milt.
Fob the BiiRitrr 1rrr1.1t rtLlmw iruoiGttFT
s KF.K t!ts, 1 etui fit any if tliem hoe mn
run from t to 11 yearn, at prtee ruiiglnit frutn tl
er Milt.
To partle In neet of elotblnit of any ileer!it Ion
(rotii duml.le workliiKVlodiiii to a WeiMliiK Milt,
I respect ftilly a.-lt nn exnmlnttliou of mr nmtn-
moth tork. The prlees nmrknl In plnln fiintrer
on tnf pHMi will eonvlnee yim Ihul I nihlcrvu
any mvrcluntt inirth of I'ortlaniL
To The Ladies.
Tlie livlie who reiwl the I.kbakos FxritF? will
lie rl'l Uurn that there I nnvr eunxite to my
mammoth "n-h Store, a lrse and maf;tilHleent
aitiment of !re ili from nof tliefure-m-t
ImportlnK lnare on the Pai-llle coast.
Thee porl were a nsmil ikw with iih, IhhirM
fur ca?h al n h prken thnt tlie pUilu fijnire
In w hU h they w ill be marke-l will nhntr any rar
lll er-in that I mitxl lniy a KreRl ilen! lower r
ell at a tntii h les flt than other men-hanus.
Next week I hope to lie able to amnio one the
rrlralof one f the very larfwt noekof !!
mel luv ever reeelvr! at tme lime by any store
In IjelwiiKin. A u-mal tliey w ill be otlVreU at rl
ees IhtU defy cSiiI.'titltHi.
A Largo Assortment
of sca-oni'.Mo iroods for harvest has been oeiietl
up tlie Lt few ilaysat Muutagne's. Athee
enods were bought at uniMtally low rutin for en-h
by Mr. Montague personally they will be sold fl
what would formerly be ronMdered a merely
nominal irk-e. b!mios Jumpers, etteviot chins
overall, buekfkln tsVive, nealskin piove. hnr
vecter shoe, and wa ka, Ktnu'lliliif! new always
toll foond at my Mammoth Cash Store.
The low prieva prevailing ' Montasnie's com
blnel with the ext elk-noa of his eiMvIa Mt'm to
striku a holy terror Into the mludu of other deal
er "east of the aiouiiluiiif aud etc."
Goods at
Your Own
at Montague's. Ho propone to carry no stnek
over. tJood ftvsn ptHxl at ipulr pri-e will be
the leading ehiirueteri-tie of hiit establishment.
Lawn, 10 to IS yds. foi 9100.
Calicos, '20 yd. Uir StOO. '
Si-emiekers, 7 yds. for 9100.
White guods in prent variety from ten cent,
Summer drew gmxls any kind ut one half UMiul
Sweeping reiluction In cveiythinff In tills Mam
moth Cash Etnblislimeut, to make room fia- one
of the heaviest full stocks ever brought into the
Remcmlier my rtkhIs ore boiiRht for cash as tlie
low prises I sell them at will more forcibly de
monstrate rsTti you.
Irop around when you wont the worth of your
Andrews cvr Hacklcmnn's Col.
Dry Goods Department.
We hnve Just rwtlved our fall irtoek which In
complete in nil line, embraeliif new drew good
lit silk and s iwil Miltltur of every thnde; caihi
inere, Indie cUnh, Kcnam ate.; full Kinirhamx, new
prlntii ynnn In fiennnn worxted Saxony and fac
tory blatiketx, eomfortf, flaiinelK: In fart every
thing lit this line wliicb we are prvjiared to diff-
Imimc at kmext priecg. -WW
Fancy Goods Department.
We have now In Wnek the flnesrt line T rlljlKrtio
t lint liox ever been bnMiKht to Ix-lmmm In pbiin
plit oltte and tlie -rown edse or new bha-k
tomctliiK new.) bIw mtr line ol hosiery, buxtle,
hoc Mipporters, wool niittx, Jap tiiik hanker-
rhlcfs belloii", bruld etc. Is tnore complete thnn
ever U-fure. -
Gents Furnishing Goods
Our line of above immeit Rood embrneinc faney
ne k wear, StniKlnnl white hirl, liiney I"ereale
hlrtK, ilk hankerehlefs hitsv, wfiiemlew ami
everything Ttnlliiil(t to thfc dejwrtment. Ktteh an
II-oi of the KiKid overall, llm-k Klm-e for hurvet
i nn not be excelled In tub market.
Clothing Department.
We luive rert?ivel thi week a very tfitefelcctkm
of rotith'H ntnl mt'n'is MiitK of the lutcst -tyKis ami
I.Mlii.iiii nlik h e shnil di-iose of at low tt vol
tas. Boot and Shoe Department
ladies and Mfcc shoe la tatnpieo, end. kanen-
roo. ilonKout, eft If ami Freneh kid In ljoiwlon.
Kr!-r and l"arK last, fa full. Al.- mr Day
Sewed, ladle ami Jlbwc hne wr will enarantee
to lie ai easy a c-ntoin mailt. (Mir Itdie Walk-
iiiefa4 t jnn tlie thins for mm rim. Jim. Mundeli
fc C"o"k. Mb" end ehiVlren'f liir titled pol If
tlie 1h" tuade in tlie I" idled States. Last hut not
i he leiu-t. the fatuous
for men and tl for ly, t the be roo1s that can
lo iditainol. There I noshiMldy in thera. One
rn yon will have ti other. Ion't foreettlw
'! reliable Ilm-kiughaui t lleeht boots. Wc are
Sile Agents.
Grocery Department.
The prettiest thins yet in baking powder prbes
is the ers'-'He Pif plaasware that we are pivinjt
away with mf silver star unking powder; a ideeo
u itli vaeli can.
Hat and Cap Department.
Our full stin k Just In thUncek; now sii-1 iw)ly;
ji liK.k into Hir wimlou'x will cuuvisire you lluvt
wc rv leadens iu ihia hue.
Crockery Department.
CHir new line of rttuloware him arrived and is
rciuly fur Kile; this is somcliiig new, liulicN eouie
in and tee it.
shoe m
'Tot a-
Do You Want Harth-i
There Is no use of yonr ging elsewhere,
Home. V e would respt;t-tfuliy call
Builders and Contractors S
Table and Pocket Cutlery,
Ammunition and
I Complete, and will be sokl
Farmers will find thla
As we carry the Best gootls In (he market. We keep In sf of k tho
olliiis' Cast-steel Plows John Deere Moline IJo
Canton Clipper Plows, and the Celebrated I
Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras for Each. j
Barbed Wire Sold
Dnigs, Medicines,
A Conmlete Stock of Stationed
-Delkr Ix-
Groceries and Povisioni
Confectionery, Crockery,
Pure Sugar and
Country "Produce taken
Corner Brick Store,
J. A. BEARD, "
Druggist and Apothecary,
i"kai,i:i: ix
Drugs -:- and -:- Medicines
Paints, Oils and Glass.
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Stnet, Lebanon, Oregon.
Maimfactiirer -:-
Coffins, Caskets, Trimmings and - Burying Robes,
Doors, Window Blinds,
ilAix Street,
I beg leave to announce to the fanners of Linn county, that I ru etill irtv
buslnesa at the Old Stand, and have just received from the" Eat a
Large 'Stocfc of Wagon TimberDiiiing tlie Cut in Freight Rates,
And I am willing the farmers and people generally should have the
same. Any one wishing Wagon Repairing done, will please notice my
Killing all lcirxds of wheels, per set - - 00
" " wheel - 3 to -4 CO
Mew set of wheels - - - - - -'
Bolsters, Sandboarda and Tongues, each
Hickorj' Axles, each - - - - -
Silngle Spokes and Fellows each - -
Evorythin elso in Proportion- All work Warranted.
Remember the jiluce one door touth of Arthur & liishop's llaikjr'
A. C. HAUSHAN, - - " XOKfH VI- '
when you can buy yh
your attention t( '4
Axes, Saws, G,
stock of-
at Pritrcs that defy Compel; "f
the Headfjuarters for
at Low YWd
Lebanon, Orff'
Paints, Oils, & Gl?
a Speciality. ' -
arid Cigars,
Glass and Plated Ware
Maple Syrups.
in Exchange for Goods.
Ifain Street, Lebanon, Or.
O A N,1.
of -:-Furniture)
Locks, Hanging-Nails, Etc.
X OO "
-a 00 ,