anon Kxpress. "a t'uu k v 1 2, i shtT I SV 15. IMllov 1. 1 S3 , EGI.SLA TION " jil.Ounidtiift tho bisr whlskoy k tnor faithful ally of drunk jMnm hetj and crime, makes but frantic t ftrt tu show that 'v 4HUonal prohibition of the f Himortrailli, wouM he tyr;,do npxtii; and ivt variance with tho spirit ; nf t rut? ninety. It would bo nmuslnir 'if It wore to of dUgusUn;; to see how this ( ;wlf-fyk.Hl ehampUmof law nnd order, ratehi first at thU.and then at mi 1 1 - nvtion. One day ita editor;n u a . , i.i i i1' prohibition does not pro- , - cites yxtruel From liquor ' wi..n, rtswt!rTif:isssrxlrtnnnoi', and garble) extracts from temperance t lipom add whc, to prove his point. f .Next ho dot-larvs that the only real ten Jdoncy of prohibitory lobulation, l to ' n vttpt politics, and make uypoerll!. ixt thatmuh laws, may ho enforced w ere they are not needed, but-cannot enforced where they are needed. Thu unwittingly conferaliig that such . laws are needed in the large cities. Apnin ttmt uch laws ought to be op- poped on thegronnd of clans legislation, while he U constantly recommending 4 regulation by high license, which he know to be the meanest kind of class , si-.btlon. One day admitting the f ronvtitiitionally of prohibitory leglsla . tUfi while declaring it inexpedient; pu3 ttyaiu cltinjr leciStons of courts to prow such laws unooiiatltutlonal. One i day ml vising all working men' to lv Vot whiskey na their worst enemy, and Hi next day declaring it to Ins a hard ship y poor working men are deprived t Vbe rjlvitege of getting drunk, if they wanijr to- In short this seems to lo a :4 with Mr. fceott, ofOoodLord and fjood IVvil." Hut that gentle I nwn'a standing as a public journalist, J Ss too well known to permit his soph I feUcaLarguments and contradictory I 14'' uave mch weight, with ! -tghj'il voters of Oregon. Buch vrt.f reuTily ee that If it is tyrani revetit men from making, buy- j d selling intoxicating liquors as .n. cmges, !l must be doubly so, to au thorize and protect them in a bnsluess f that ran only liv by unjustly oppress ing hundreds of thousands of innocent 5"C ihnes. That if it is tyranlcal to prevent y ' iHor working men from taking a dram now and then when he wants it, it Is doubly to to perpetuate a system by authority of law that daily rolvj thous- iiu.H of our helpless citizens of the nec- ca of life. 4 'fS'oUghtful man can readily see , if it is wrong to prevent one man irii dunking whiskey almply bo use anttther man docs not want it, "nust I wrong to make the msm Vn't want it pay anl sufter in hat the one that dot-s want it it. lie can see that if it is id irmtional to ittc for the of a business, the constant H of which is to poverty, x lawlessness, he must lie a who can constantly cry -?Cjhe business, and all urfm td -be the chainpion of In short the thoughtful include that when the jny cause proves by his "Sjry statements that he hat he save, that he ,mc respect and Lvlief yfCUKSK O UCUSK OF LIQUOR' wral Master Workman Powderly, close of his speech, delivered in rt June 11th. snid: "ov a word atKut the great carse of ynTirman strone drink. Had ,000 tounges, and a throat for nguc, l" wruld ssiy to every .'txuan ami child here to night, , strong drink aside as you ounce of liquid hell.' It eonscienee, it dist roves every n touches, it reaches into the Vtmd takes the wife you have K to pi-otect and draffs her down irimiaele of purity into that tTom which no decent woman es alive. It induces the father the furniture from his house, e it for money at the pawn ?end the proceeds in rum. everything it touches. I it in every city cat of the land I know that the most 3KJ'to the laborer is that -"P8 in the neck of a jou tf. . had rather be at the head of an cigfftization of 1K,000 temp rate, Ixviest, earnest men, than at the head of 12,0(W,000 drinkers, whether moder ate or any other kind." Brother Knights vho occasion ly par fake of the flowing bowl should pe ,rse and heed these words from our il lustrious General Marter Workman, and in consonance therewith be pre pared to vote for the prohibitory anwnd v next November. n the Xorfh Amcr our most influen nes, is full of en .itionists. Wlien 'odicals fall into f driving from rig evil, it must jily a question ot be a "rum -of debauchery, r'The Iteview says: Son is. a certainty in this ind withiH a very few years. ilized nation on earth is look oeans to remove what is con- e trreatest evil that afflicts tlie he fact that all countries are regulate it is an admission i an evil, and the centuries .moiistriited that there is no Jvlilrtever in trvins to regulate an f1 Y vils are to be killed, not regu J. ,rhe question to-dav is, whether in r victual man snail nave a ngnt. TiViins of a tjo!so31,o demoralize Hi-kind for a profit. It is a question Which every workingnian, every ee, every father and every in the country has a direct sn- c Czar of Russia has a xiiii containing portraits w ho have tried to kili t seem possible to build j enough to contain tnc re than half of the adult n of Russia. An album pictures of all the men "who have not tried to ,ke a much smaller ita vvpuLd be liand- OF 1NTKRF.ST TO FARMERS. Thousands of acres f land in One Ida, and Herkimer counties, N. V., wemsold fit auction at one ecittun acre t hoot her day. A bill to prohibit the colorlne: of 1- ootnurgarliie yellow, in Imitation nf I'Uttrr, was Uelcated Hi the Miv'saijni. setts legislature. Five hundred and sixt.y-flvo neres of corn have Won engaged of the And- roseogiriu county, Me., farmers by I he two Auburn factories. The ouostlonVf fire-place ornamen tation is settled In some country housex by illlintf the oH'i fire-place with sholvi s to hold brie-a-biie. Kxamlnc floor tlmls rs over barn cid lars ls'foiv stoiinir the hay crop. In many places their strength will Ik tried more tlmu for many years. l'rofissor Stewart reports the feed Inn; of 104 cows on an aero of com in the milk, and it gave them full feed f"r four days, i.tpial to 417 days for oi.e cow. Watermelons two foot live linhts long, and twenty-eight Inches in cir cumference, convince tno negro at Ktssimme, Fla- that tiiey aro livln-tln paradise. Lnnds that arc over-stocked not nnlv yield loss f.MMl but the animals pastured uptm them make n U'ss yield in Is-ef or milk tlmu when tuu slock is in propor tion to tlic capacity of the land fur producing loivi. Probably the largct barn in the world is In Popino, Neb., and owned by the union cattle company of t'liey- ennc. Jt la m feet long and U7l f t wide, covering Itetweon four and live acres. A hospital for animals Is projected in Iioudon, with free dispensaries In the ivsrer ouarters, where lH-iiles treat ment for BUtlcringanlmals, lectures can Ih given and pamphlets distributed for public Instruction. Stagnant water Is detrimental to all kinds of crops, and for that reason all fields should be tilled or underdralned In some manner. Underdrainage car rltH olf the surplus water, and allows more air and heat to enter the earth. All the cattle that Montana can send to market in a year would supply the Chicago market only nlsiut two weckts while the eonibinod'annnal product of the .Northwestern cattle market only alwmt seven weeks. Xot satisrtod with eating poaches, plums, cherries, grapes, currant i and giHsclerries,TOMe-bugs in iK'law -are ai d Maryland are said to have at ticked for est trees, ivy and everything uT"on. They Are worse than the grasshi PIcr plague. Tlie Agricultural Department esti mates that lO.Oim.OiK) aeivs of forest ar used yearly in thi ctuintry for fuel and lumlter. Fires, it is caleul'atcd, destiy alsnit iO.OOO.tMH) acres more. The font area of the country is less than 4"'!,(hii)l tKH) acrts, but young forests grow up rapidly. We ought to understand (he make-up tf tdants and animals. In knowing fliis and the elements that comMe them we shall more readily understaiiil the relation existing UtwtH-11 them, and so Ihs the letter prepared to supply to the plant through the s il those ele ments known to le lacking. When flics and gnats are troublesome in the house shut up doors and windows and blow a little pure and fresh buhach through the cheap bellows that can ls had anywhere. "Pure and fresh." i mcml-er, and then sweep up and burn thi corpses. Keeping the powder In close tin cans is essential, hs it soon loses its virtue when cxpo-en-d. I not work clos to the melon vines after they lHgiiv to inn, lut work the ground before them, as the roots do not receive iH'iieMt when disturlied. If grass exists in the watermelon field it Is host to null it out from abound the vines and run a cultivator U-tween them, provided they have not made much growth. IJeaus are peculiarly liable to injury by moisture, and should never ls hoed except in dry weather. If soil touches the leaves w hen wet by rains or dews it injuries them, by causing rust. This is especially true nftcr ttnssomim- ie gins, and it is better to have nil the work of cultivation and hoeing finish ed before that time. The French project of fertilizing the African deserts by means of artesian wells is reported to lo w orking admira bly. On a tract of 2.',Ooo acres of worth loss land grant")! by the l$cy of Tunis an area of 375 noil's is already under stn-eessful cultivation through the aid of the first well, and two other wells are in progress, which are expected to irrigate ,otH acres. A Retrospect. The editor of an Arkansas paper re cently went through a new roller mill, which inspired him to write as follows: "In going through the fine mill at Rogers, the other day, our mind went back over a span of 3 years, w hen, as u boy, we went to the old horse mill, with its dirt floor, and its chunk of fire in the center, with two natives sitting on 'toll ' boxes playing fox and the geese, with eyes all a-water with the smoke. The miller had only one "iral- lus," and how he strained the tension of it, as he lifted our "turn" off and carried it up the steps to the hopper. He poured the w heat in, chaff', burrs, cockles and all, and we bitched our team to the sweep and said "galong." The flour was carried up and put in the bolting chest, ami we then sat at one enl and turned the crank, and the rickety old thing made more noise than all the machinery in the great mill nt Rogers! Rut, oh", the biscuit that flour did make, or what an appetite we did have, we don't know which! The bread tasted of the wheat in those days, and we called it cake! It gave the t-tomnch a satisfaction that almost had a divinity in it, and it was a long, long time lietvveen meals. The com mon blessings of life in those pioneer days were held in higher esteem tba'i now, and people scorned to live closer to the source from whence all blessings flow than they do now in these days of railroads and "roller mills." Weekiy Crop Summary, Chic.voo, July 7. The following crop summary will appear in this week's issue of the Fanner1 a Jtccicw: "Our reports indicate that the com crop has materially sufferrtd throughout tlie west from long continued drouth. Lo cal rains have fallen in many localities since our reports reached .us, but it is qestionable whether the damage to crops can tie repaired even by gen ral rains. The crop in many parts of the west is in a most lameniable condition. Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Minnesota, anl Dakota have suf fered less than ot her states. The winter wheat yield in the different states, ac cording to reports of our correspondents are as follows: Fifteen counties Illinois 12 bushels; thirteen counties in Wis consin, 12 bushels; twenty-three Mich igan counties, 14 bushels; twelve In diana counties, 12? bushels: ten Ohio counties, 14 j bushels. La Rue county, Kentucky, reports the yield at !X) er cent, of an average: NVebster county, 50 per cent, and others 10 bushels. Eleven Missouri counties, 20 bushels, and eleven Kansas counties, 10 bush els. Insure you property in a home come pauy Toe .Northwest Fare and Mai iu Insurauce company, of l' rtlainl Ore gon. A. II. Cyrus agent, Lebanon. Buggies and Lacks, cheaper than any plat. this side of Portland, at F. li. 1 UhjCOu Co. . The Portland AVic, of this city, has changed hands, ami is uolougern cham pion of the prohibitory amendment not a surprising things however, when you come to take an Inventory of Ihc concern and scan Us columns closely- hotnv, those who have boiled over with enthusiasm and gave it patronage on Account of Us advocacy of prohibition heretofore, will feel something like the young fellow whose "Iwst girl" lias just gone oil' with another fellow. Hueh Is life- In a grout city. .SVnr. Itailrofid and steamboat companies report n decided Increase ill the num ber of Immigrants coining to this coast. The land olllces at Vancouver nnd Oregon City are daily crowded by par lies seeking homes on the public domain. 11 l.t easy to criticise. IaI Ihc critics of prohibition try to form a Is tier policy. I'rniliri'a l-.nnmlnMlon. Notice Is hereby given that the regu lar tpiarteiiy examination of teachers will lie held at court house In Albany, commencing at noon on Wednesday August 31, as provided for by the school law s of 1HM7. . Teachers will please take notice nnd all those desir ing examination for eortilleatcs will please lo present at the uImivo nnlnt cd time, as the private examinations arc practically done away with. D. V. S. ltm. 22-lt Sclns.i Sup't. t.ont. Ilctwc it Albany and Kodavlllo, in Sunday July "I, a "gray woolen shawl. The tinder w ill U rew'arded by leaving the same at O. 1'. I lardy 's jewelry store Lebanon, or aildrvsing F. M. French, Albany. 2121 Hiwrr'i llnlr Intl(iriilur. This excellent preparation for the hair, may Ih found tin sale at the fol lowing places: M. A. Miller, IicImhiou; Starr iV Stanard, O. Oslsim and M. Jaeksoti, ltrowt:sville; F. A. Watts, Shedd; C tJray, llalsey. Sample lst tles free. Call and get one. Montwjup has opened up a very large stock of Vino glassware, tableware ami fable cutlery this wis-k. Prices arc so greatly reduced by Montague's low priced" system that these elegant pMsls a tx' now within the rcachof everybody. Fine assortment of summer bats at cost, at C 11. Momtague's. (Jo and se1 the new gilt hand table ware at Montague's. It Incommoded that the cheapest place to buy in the drug line, is at J. A. Heard's. Money to loan, by Curran teith, Allwmy, Oregon. Mon tf lluy for cash, sell fr cash, and give farmers the advantage of low prices, Is the way F. 11. Itufcov vfc C. Aim's ousi-lu-ss. For a gssl meal, go to the City taurnnt AlUinv. Meals 2-'t i'iits. Hos. tf Local Market Report. Wlifnt Siv r'r ln-h'l. Oill- t lill-iui. V lixir $.". . Inirn !. l'i.ini. - St., f ?i i n t tuliel. Fi'w 1'"' )T il.'A ll. Holler I j r ljiM--'r r ll. yr.1.!! IV rr l,nlK't. Ai-lil,'., .In.fs--' -r C. Iiiiius in...t i, r it. I'nnit., ,t-i-.l s- H t n.", -t.t I V i-.-r lb. Slhil.ler -V. lx rili line.n 10 f U' r H'. o:l-i ) i-r J icaiu.n eon. NOTICE to FARMERS! We, the undersigned, would respect fully call attention to the fact that we have leased the Warehouses on the Narrow fiuago railroad, for thcconiing season, and think that it will le to the interest of every farmer to call and sec us, or our agents at the different ware houses, liefore making other arrange ments for storing their wheat, oats and luuley, which we will Is prewired to receive nnd pay the highest cash price for. Sucks furnished for storing grain, in the usual manner.!i:k nits: Mr. C. X. Scott, receiver of the Narrow (uage railroad, has guaran teed rates from the different ware houses to the Oivpm Pacific Junction, also to Ray's Landing, which will bring our grain to the river, 'giving us the advantage of convicting lines, lc sides having the usual through rates to Portland. Ym. E. Spicer. I J. Mcintosh. A X D 9 O Sugar-Coated r I Cm R O Cathartic If the 'Liver be Oil I O comes torpid, if tlie I I mm XmmJ bowels are constipated, or if the stomach failnto perform its functions properly, use Ayer's Pills. Tliey are invaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, in consequence o which I suffered from General Debility and Indi gestion. A few boxes of Aver 'a Vills restored me to perfect liealtli. V. T. Urightney, Henderson, W. Va. For yars I liavo relied moro upon Ayer's Fills tliau anything else, to Regulate my bowels. These Pills are mild in ac tion, and do their work thoroughly. I have used them, with pood effect, iu eases of Rheumatism and Dyspepsia. G. F. Miller, Attloborough, Mass. Ayer's Pills cured me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for vears. I consider them the best pills made, and would not be without them. . Morris Gates, Downsville, N. Y. I was attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, and was so dangerously ill that my friends despaired of my recovery. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and soon regained mv customary strength and viifor. Juhn C. Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska. Last spring I suffered greatly from a troublesome humor on my side. In spite of every effort to cure this eruption, it in creased until the tiesh became entirely raw. I was troubled, at the same rime, with Indigestion, and distressing pains in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend I began taking Ayer's Fills. In a short time I was freo from pain, my food digested properly, tho sores on my body commenced healing, and, in less than one month, I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta; Ga. T have long used Ayer's Pills, in my family, and believe them to be the best pills made. S. C. Darden, Darden, Miss. My wife and little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once Viegan giving them small doses of Ayer's Pills, thinking I would call a doctor if tlie disease became any worse. In a short time the bloody discharges stopied, all pai n went away, and health was restored. Theodore Filing, liichmond, Va. ft Ayer's Pills, Fri-pwed by Dr. J. C. Aycr &Co., Lowell, &Luo. Sold Ly all Itealerii iu Medicine. C. It. MONTAGUK'S COLUMN. Cood Nows for Closo Buyers I t mninmoth Mm-k of rloitilitg l now Ih-Iiir It fiirMirj'itK-ieii niiythlaK hi nimiitlly nml iHHillly vwr olU'n-il to th wn,li' of l.ltm cinailj'. llitvltiK linuulit llu'W kihhIh fur Mit eivsli nt luxury iltmnuiiit, 1 sin now nllo to nlve my tnu lliu vrry U-st vhUih of Ihrlr money. My otiKk of nr.ti'n wits nro I'Ssi'iirwRn ftir la'HARii.iTV inxt nr ill b low m IM x'r wilt. In versa vr.s'dsi'lTH ll slock to seloi't from l lurtw, llit imllty from nii'illum to vt-ry tln, of mylhli iiiuWi-, iiciU, nolil'y suit rimhI, fnnu M cr Mill. For Ixiyii hrvi 12 to 17 yi'nrs I have fine wli'i 11. hi, nml h Hii'hc II'XN i r. IhiiikM nl imiic Ii lower prUvii Hum i'vcr lfor'tlipy will liemarkiwl rorrtsioinlhn;ly low nt irlee niimloft from K.N) s'r mil. Foa tiik nituitiT i.rrrm rri.uiw who ars virr is us fANTs, I run lit any of tlicm whiw itti' mn frinn 4 to II yeiira, at priwi riitilii(( from II Her wilt. To tHiiUcs In tn-oil of clothlilK of ny oVarrlptlon from iliimliU' wmkln liotlit- to a Wfdillmt xult, t r.-qx'H fully nk an vxHinliinilon of my niiuu iimlli loi'k. The lurtitu niBrksl In jtlnln tlKiin on my kihmU will runvlmt you tlmt 1 uuJcrmll snv niiTvluiut south of I'ortUunl. To Tho Ladios. Tli livlip u ho nu t the t.m sos Kxrsi ill ts (!!! to !em that tlti'i b now riimntv tit my mitinnxiiliCit'-h si-ire, luruo ami ntiwfiillllovtil iiHMirlim'nt of clre nl fnttn nnc of tlie fotv in.! liiitni-iK licHW'i on th; l'HCin c.. ThcM.- pmvN were ft iimih! ihw with im, IhhikIiI f.f fiwli at nu ll nrlrtsi ilml Ihe ilnlu tiinirv in which lin y will l timrkcl wlilnhow any ran. illt t-rs-n tlml I mutt Imy a preal deal lower or wtl nl a ion h lew niAl than rtlwr meieitanla, Next wt k I Iwn to Iw alile to nnmsinre the arrival uf one of tht very lirw- ' of hootf ami li' ever reeelveil at one tlui hy any Mor tu U 1'nuoii. Ai uual they w ill lx uOt rtsl at prl on that defy ouit'tlihn. A Largo Assortrront. if nvonnl.K' g.xl. for lian-el ha bwl ojciiel up the at few tiny at Mmitanie'. A tluw cmxls wen: Uiuulit al unimiallr low rale for rah hv Mr. MontiuMie l rsinullv thev w ill tie mild fi what wiM formerly In considered merely noniiiial rU'o. Mouns, juiuj'rs, cheviot hlrt, ovi,m,.N. Inn k.-kln (ilove, seaWtln k1vc.. liar voMcrs ha-, and MM'ks nelliiiiK'W aluny to he found at my Mammoth i'tvU Store. The low prices nvailiinc nt Mont aguc'it com litned with the excellenitj of lil pnxtn nuem to strike a holy terror into the iiiIikI of other deal er "ea-'t of the luouiitulns and etc. Summer Goods at. Your Own Price. at Montague's, lie proiMwes to carry no stock over. GikkI fren (?om1s at popular prices will le the IcnilinR charncteriMie of his cstablisluncut. Ij-iis, K to is yds. foi tlOO. Culieos, 20 yds. for S100. Peemielcers, 7 yd, for 5100. White pixHls in srreat variety from ten cents. Summer drvs goods any kind ut one hair usual rates. SwecpinR rrdui'tions In cvor-thing in this Mam moth fash Establishment, to make mom for one of the heaviest fall stocks ever brought into the county. Roraemlior my Roods are boueht for cash as the low prises I noil them at will more forcibly de monstrate rsTo yon. Drop around w hen you want the worth of your money. THOMPSON 8c WATKUS. PROCLAMATION! X'lioy 3IiimI C-o. Grand Clearance Sale -OF- Spring and Summer Goods. Wu now ofliT and w ill sell our entire utock of HpriiiR aud Hummer khx AT COST! Fuilirai In all alyleii and lewrflti of Dress anil Fancy Goods, Ladies' Parasols, and Mens' Straw Hals DOWN BELOW COST. We w 111 al-xi i'I.xn? nut our ntoek of Machine Oils- AT FIHST ttiHT, 1.ICSX FItKKillT. o We have al- tin lininetio utoek uf MhiIco GLASS and CHINAWARK Whleli uiu-t alao bo " 18ifm-ll,H lrIo. jt.llt uliimld avail Ihrmvlveit of Ililt (irand " portuiUiy. AtX TIIK AlKlVK (HIOftH Muni 1o f-ill wltlnttit Delay, To male room for our liiimeiiie Kloek of Fall and Winter Goods Which w 111 arrive w Ithln thirty days. 003I1-: VIVI) HIM3 UK We Mean Business, which our Prices WILL DKMOX.smATi; TO YOU. THOMPSON & WATERS, Ilrotviutvitle, Linn ihunti, Oregon. W. C. Peterson & Co s Space. W. C. Peterson & Co. Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, L,I21A.NOM, - OkEGON, To our many friend of Lcbnnon and vit'inHjf, and tutxc of other (oteim, ire ilexirc to cult attention to tnc fact that wc have opened on MAPLE STRKIOT, BET. 1ST & 2X1), (near Roland's harwsn nhoj) a New Livery Stable. WE HAVE New Buggies, Hacks, and -Harness, and GOOD, RELIABLE HORSES. Parties desiring to take a trip to the. mountain, or other places of recrea tion, should call and sec our Special Conveyances FOtt SUCH Tiurs. All kinds of Teaming and Hauling don -AT- 11EASONABLE RATES. You -:- Certainly WANT A NEW JL SUIT TIIIH HPltlNO. Why don't you go to JILAIN, the Irfiidt r In ClolhlMg. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADE'S, From EnHlfitV Fuetork4". Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. UAKC.AINS IN KVHRY I)E I'AKTMKNT. V nro t-onflili iit of I'IciihIii yon. All we iik h i in oiku iiiiuty if allowing you Through our Stock. Wi; A1.HO KKfCl IN PT1K K Too Celebrated Brownsville Goods. L. E. BLAIN, IjeutlhiK ClolhltT mul Mt rt'lmnt Tuilor, Al.llANV, flltKtlOV. 111 lll.illl 1111 lllllllllKlllll.. WALLACE & THOMPSOH, the Leading Grocers LINN COUNTY. SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIK ColofmteL J Gcyscritc Soaps. j AI.HANV. OltttfON. tTTTTTTTTTr.TTTttTTTrTTTTTTT SAMUEL E. YOUNG, iX'uti-r In Boots and Shoes. THE LARGEST STOCK 1H THE CITY. Ilought Exclusively for Cash from the Manufac . turers. Evory Pair Warranted. SHOES, For Ladies, Misses k Children, j SPECIALTY. MUST KTItEKT, ALU AN V, On. C. n. ROLAND & Co Albany, Oregon. New Store, New Goods, -CONSISTING OF- lAurnishinK Good is Hats, CflH, Uonf, 8lnK, Choice S liTf Ion iu Fancy Hummer Neck W ear, Silk Umlmvcnr, J:illriirnim CiuUTWcar, Fish, Clurk & Flugg'B ii loves, FINE CLOTHING The very Ucwt make of Hand Sewed Shoes, nnd the verv IUt-nt Styles in Menu' liny' mul Youths' Cloth ing. All the Celebruted makes of HATS IN EVERY STYLE M'K STOt'K CX).NSI8T8 OF Bright New Fresh Goods, Aim! ns honest, fair mul square dealing i our motto, we usk the putilie to enll ami get prieea. C. B. Roland "& Co., One door West Revere house, Albany, L. li. MONTAGUE, t DK.VI.KK IX E 3 t I Stationery OF ALL KINDS. ALSO Foreign and Domestic r'eriodico.lS Lkhanox, Okkoox. E ITTtTTTmitlttrilllllllllllllllllW JOHNSON & SHELTON. &CIO, OREGOK. DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries J-AXD-I " . CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Anil an Endless Variety of UNDERWEAR. H. G. KLUM, -I'roprletor of tho . Fountain House. BunAVII-LK, Okkwjn. Till IImic l tvmilcle In nil of lm I)iiir1mpnii, fiiniHiiiiR the Ix'nt uf Afiiniinilulimitj pr tlen vlllliig tlie HKlit Hjirlng. Board, $1 per Day, or $5 per Week. Ilarkness & Mayers Bros, -Blacksmiths,- JjKflANOJf, OllEtlOW. Horse Shoeing- and Gen eral Repairing1. AlA, WOItK WAUUANTED TO CJIVJ2 HATIHFACTION, AT Prices to Suit the Times. HIVE US A CALL. Lebanon & Sweet Home Stae Line. H. Y. GIBSON, - Proprietor. Carrying U. S. Mail. liCavet 1 liMH-in on Monilny. WeliiflBj- and Cttlunlayn. Kvlurultig utiue da jr. HATES OF fake: Tjefcnnoti to ft.lavllle irt Waferl'iu U Imiihh to Kwetit lfiuie..... Jfirtr. J!'J0 Good New Hack and other Ac commodations Ftrstclass. I'ttrtli- il'irlii(f to (') tit biij it (he alxive namcl liiti, on liitenfrnlnjt Anym will I amnno daU.' ly ucptyitiK at mjr rvtblum-v In LtbnlHill. II. Y. GIBBON. G. T. COTTON, Dealer In Groceries & Provisions TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 8MOKE1W ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits. C ONKECTIONER Y Queenswaro and Glassware, LAMI'rf AND LAMP EIXTCHEH M'lin St., Lebanon, Oregon. OREGOXIAH RAILWAY COMPANY. (Liiuiteil Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Receiver. On ami afi-r Msy JO, ltT. n-l until further no ti-t (rniiw nillnin Unlijr i'Xtt' fuiHlay) luful- EAST SIDE. Cirf-urjr Mnil.'r Vnttarg Uil. Z 7Tr ! 8TATION3. r 1J. ! j lnl. 1.35 Dl'M'KE JINCTX. ! LIS 1.30 ; Kuli nun z lyljt. j 100 I - fHiuuf. i AY I ft. i'nnVK . Frail, h I'rnlrie, I IJ.ff H.i'H Fi-. ' 11.47 . V,.urn. I 11.37 . TowijihI, 11.W :W M.Kw, 11.17 H Wp.u 11.12 M. AnitvL 11.1U l ix.wn, lo..v An 4.1 , ., I.t 10.40 Lv4..y SiIerton. Arv Jltm 4.40 Jnhiiwm" MilL 10.12 4.44 Howell lrirr. li).(M 4.:i Kaia Kkle JuiH-tiuil, 10.10 ft.12 Mnrlcnv, 40 6.2:1 WnMolMU, : fi.40 AumTilU'. 9.H S..VJ Wtwt KImvIihi, KJ& 6.10 Nurth MnnlUm, Kti 6 22 SrluJunc.. . K2 f.:J Wert St-lo, K25 f..4 fruldivc. H.fi9 ..7 Foulh Sunliam, 7-V 7.2T. f Ia-iw . 7.29 7 11 Lebanon Junction, 7.17 7.4" lwn, . 7i5 8.U7 . Ik'llville, t.4t f.25 l.inn. 6.27 8.4.'. ! HnWTvi!lo, 6.11 H.Uf Twin l!ullr. n.4. 9.27 Moiitjtinncry. 5-2fi !.44 . ITkt'lioru. H.IO lull! I Viikit, 4.f0 10.25 ! COlilKU. 4.a0 Ar. P..M.j Arv. I. v. Lv. A. sc. GO TO SPICER. A. A. Bashor CARRIES A FULL, LINE OF Groceries, Cigars, To . bacco -AND- STATIONERY. All Goods Sold at Bed Rock Prices. Highest Market Priee for Country Produce. GIVE ME A CALL AND BE CON VINCED. ANOTHER- CUT IN RATES! I beg leave to announce to the farmers of Linn county, that I am still in business at the Old Stand, and have just received from the East a Large Stock of Wagon Timber, During tlie Cut in Freight Rates, And I am willing the farmers and people generally should have the . same. Any one wishing Wagon Repairing done, will please notice my PRICES: Killing all kinds of wheels, per set - $ 14 qq " " " " " " wheel - a to 4 co New set of wheels - - - - - ' s so oo Bolsters, Sandboards and Tongues, each 1 oo a , ; fcilngle Spokes and Fellows, each - 20 Everything else in Proportion. All work Warranted. Remember the place one door south of Arthur & Bishop's blacksmith Sh o A. C. HAUSMAN, - - NORTH BROWNSVILLE, OREGON. WILSON & WESTFALL, -PHOI'BI ETOH9 SodavillE Livery and Feed Stable. Dally Hack to Lebanon. Faro Each Way, 60 CU. GOOD TURNOUTS AN D OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS A.t Kensonaljle Ratea, GIVE US A CALL. B. H. BARKER, SodaviUe and Waterloo UEALKB IX Candies, Cigus, Tobacco and Cheese, Crackers and Cakes. AIJ0 Tea, Coffee, Sugar & Fruits ICE-CREAM nnd LEMONADE. Lunch at all Hours.. POOL-TABLE and SWING For the Amusement of Vurtlort. GOODS SOLI) LEBANON PJtiCES BLACKSMITHING. . Horse Shoeing a Speciality riY R. C. Watkins, SWEET HOME, - - OREGON. REpalrlng of All Kinds at Rea sonable Prices. niAKOEs: Bhwlug'uH around, new shorn, f 1.75. Having ioe&tel to stay I nk share of the public patronage. IL C. WATKINS. I. F. CONN, Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Plans & Specifications FURN LSI I ED OX SHORT MOT I CIS. o All Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices Very ReaaonaUe. ALBANY A LEBASOX. OREGON. Saw IVIill FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill, . NEAR LEBANON, OR. Capacity about JV0O0 fitt per day. A Wo 18 aerea of land on which the saw mill is located. PRICE, $2,GOO. AUo have a large stock of First Quality Lumber At lowest market rates for cash. G. W. WHEELER, Lebanon, Oregon. prl.9-3m OREGON PACIFIC R. R. 220 Miles Shorter I 20 Hours Less Time I Accommodations Unsurpassed for Com fort and Safety. rn-f and FrfUrht. vim. Yaqnln iM the Oregon Ix-vt-Winicnl Co Steanwhipa much hroi than br any "(her mute between all fxnuta in WiUameltt, Valley and San Franclx-o. DAILY PASSENGER TR,IXS, (Except Sundays) Iare Yaqnina ,V a. M.'Leave Attianr 1:15 r. m. l4rt Onrrallia 10:42 a. m.i Leare m-raAia 1 S r. . Arrive Albany 11U3 a. M.)Arrive Yaqulna &:45 aji. O. & C Train connect at Albany and Corralli. Fare between Corvallis & Albany and & Franctoco: Ril and Cabin f 14 Rail and Peerage f 00 WM. M. 1IOAG. C. V. HOA. General iianager. Acting li. F. A P. A)rt Cunrallia, Or. Oregon Development Co. FIRST-CLA83 8TEAM8HIP LINE BETWEEN YAQUIXA & SAN FRANCISCO, ConnoHnir at Yatjnina with the Trahw of the Oregon paci&c Railroad Company. SAILING DATES: rmt ah fkaxcisco. Willamette Valley. Saturrlar July 30; Eastern Oreeoti. Thursday Antrum 4; Willamette Valley Tuesday August 9; Eastern Oretton, i-undaT Aux iM 14: Vaquina City, Saturdav Auj-ttsi 2r; Willam ette Valley, Thursday August'25; Kaiaem Oresoo. Tuesday August 3U. FROM TAQOKA. Willamette Valley, Friday August 5; Kastern Oregon, Wednesday AuiruM li; Willamette Valley Tuewiajr Aueu4 li; KaMern Unwn, Stiodav Aui ust'Jl: Yaquina City. Saturday Auxurt Sl; WUUm ette Valley, Thursday September I; taste m Ore goo. Wednesday September 7. The company reserves the right tochange steam ers or sailing dates. S. B. TOBY. Gen. F. & P. Agent. 3(H Montgomery st, San r rancifCO, CaL i