JOB Phit (IseeiD 1TIIT miDAT.I H EBANON J. H. 8TINB $ CO. Publishers. Ercry dorlptfoV iar TERMS or BUBSOKIP1-1UN. Job Frii3tiE2 Dene ca Si On Yr , 'X Month! 1 ti Month ( Farbl in tdnut,) TfcRMS OF ADVERTISING. (LBOAI. On uur. flrt Uwrtlun ., tl 00 Kh additional ittMrtloa 1 80 (local.) Local NatlcM, pet lln It mil tUtular drttoMUnt laarrtmt upon literal Ivrm. Legal Blanks, Business C Letter Head, Bill H Circular, P& Executed In good tj!t and at krt H VOL. I. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1887. NO. 23. E jEi-lar SOCIETY NOTICEB. LKBANOX LODOK. NO. 44. A. F. A. M r Mntl at mw Mil in nwwH tuocs, on aaiuruj vaning, on or nolo, in. lull nunm. J WA8SON. W. M. LEBANOH LODOK, NO. 4T. I. O. O. r.: MrrU Bat tmiy .vvntnt of eaoh rk. .1 twlil Wlltttr'n 1111 Main Mrat; tUlUti knlhrao eunllallr Invltm! tu attwO. J. J. inAM-nin, n. u. HONOR tOIKlR NO. S, A. O. XT. W , l,fc.n.n. On: MwU Tn nnt .ml tlitnl Tliuwdajr tag la th. month. r. H. H08lXit. M V . l. S. COURTNEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, LEBANON ORKOOlf. Mroflcs In Dr. Fttwdl Retldaoe. F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public and General Insurance Agt LEBANON. OREUON. Ctietlon knd other fewta aeunpUf ttuiM to. OflSoaon Mala Mnot. DR. A. H. PETERSON, SURGICAL. DENTIST, Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty. LEBANON. OREGON. OSe. In rwManen. on Mala Hml Mtt door north of O. B. MoaUfw i nwhm. All work wam-jtad. Char . C. H. HARMON,, BARBER & HAIRDRESSER, LEBANON. ORBOON. )arln. Hair Cattinc. and Shampooing la th. lata and BEST (TYLB8. V Ptnac rapaMrally soUdtad. St. Charles Hotel, LEBANON, Oregon. H. W. Corner Main and Rhenrmn Streeta. two Block, Ka of R B, Dapo. J. NIXON, - Proprietor. Table. Supplied with the Beet th. Market Affords. Sample Botm and th. Be Accommodation for GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. J.O.ROLAND, leba)a. Orego. MAkvr.orraaa dul in- Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, .UD U..... Goods in the Saddlery Line. Harries and Saddle Repaired Promptly and at LOW PRICES. LEBAiVON Meat Market BIBL EGLLF.SBER6EB. Preprlet.r. Fresh and Salted Beef and Pork, MUTTON, PORK, SAUSACE, ' BOLOCNA and HAM Bacon and Lard always on HanS. Main Street, Lebanon, Or: 3. L. Cowan, J. M. Ralston, 3. W. Cvmck. BANK OF LEBANON Lebanon, Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Business. Account! Kept Subject to Check. EXCHANGE BOLD OS Hew Tort, San Francisco, Portlani am Albany, Orejron. Collections Made on Favor able Term's. . G-. W. SMITI5, Lebanon, UEAt.KR Stoves aMTiirware.Irou.Pu MANUFACTURER or., Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware, I3V13 NPOIJT, 12to. All kinds of Repairing Also keep TUg WOVEN T. S. PILLSBURY, Brownsville, Oregon. Practical . Watchmaker. .DEALER Watches, Jewelry, A COMrLKTB ASSORTMENT OW ts' JEWELRY, Rings. Bracelets, ROGERS & BROS.9 SILVERWARE. All K4 UwmraaUeeal. All Wrk tVrrt4. irsl Dxr Kortl of tt! City Hall Main street. MITCHELL & LEWIS CO., Limited. Faeteryt Raelaie, MANCFACTf THE MITCHELL FARM THE MITCHELL WAGON. Loir. Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand BusKies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboarda. and General A (rents for Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Cultivator. Road .Scrapers. Gale Chilled Plows. Ideal Feed Mills acd Wind Mills, Knowt ton Hay I takes. Horse Powers, Wood Saw. Feed Cutters, etc W. carry the largest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the North west Coast. AU our work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted. Send for new 1887 catalogue. Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194 . . Front "Street, Portland, Oregon. Our goods are sold by F. H. ROSCOE & CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or. G. E. HARDY, ate h maker . and .Jeweler .DEALER IN.... Watcnes, Clocis. Jewelry. Sitter . - AGENT ROCK e o o o o o o i Quick-Train . . J unequalled xiepairiiig j a Specialty. a a a n a m, ' Lopomnttva i nirtnsara Con tixxctor and othr bAilwaj tuea. THej ...ALSO AGIST I. F. & Hi A. Singer Sewing if .r, & L r 4 T-TmIBii '.g j1 IPwa.bZ IliV. -Tv7 ".' ' lt d ara i LEBANON Oregon IN Done at Short Notice. in Mock WIRE UISI. IN. Optical Goods. ROYAL. ALLOY THIMBLES, LADIES' Cuff and Collar SETS, Chains, Pins, Etc. i JrowiiMviiie, Or Braarkt P.rtlawel. Or RERS OP AND SPRING WAGONS. and Road Carta; Open and Top Plated Ware and Optical Goods. FOR FORD o o o o o o o WATCHES EXACTING . m , service Alt WOrK Guaranteed eognfml a TH B irr. aniii Id DrtnelD eilieAtowDa riJn.M o o a o o n o Jeweler.). witA a FOB TBl... Machines & Machine Supplies, sic. maiaaam M OREGON. 1 THE SCHOOL MARM. Bee whore the tomes arinwn the lane. With gladnes In her laughing eye, And in nor band the rattan cane Will murder laughter by and by. Young love lurk In her merry tone. And nr.tlos In her roguish look, And long, hard, crooked questions moan And aob and aninie In her book. Her dimpled hand, that seehs-the curl Coquetting with her graceful head. Can make a bojr's ear ring and whirl. And tnuka the boy with he were dead. How rniioh she know, thl blooming rose, Of human will and human won't; One wonder la, bow ration aha know. The other I, how mch the don't. Bweet pedagogue. I enry not The merry boy who greet thy call; Thy mother ended my ear, good wot. When ahe wa young and I wa small. rtvrxirlt, in Hroolty tMgl. ODD ADVERTISEMENTS Taken from English Papers Over a Century Ago. A Warn'nv to tarorrl(lll. t'htldron (lood Malnrvd .nit H wft-IUpcMK" rnllt.n.n Altrr at Fortune Mlarrprnontrd Itdlea. The following curium iti!ve rtUement jipoartnl In the Klliilurh Cuurant of Oi'toWr 2H. I'M: "We, U..b'rt M'NaIi-aiiilJitti lli'm , having laken Into eotmiileratiiiii the wnr and iiiiin ner our l:iiifht'r Jiin at'tl in her mnrriAgv, tlmt she took iionn of our 1 rlce, nor alviHl ua iM'fore she married, for which ronton weiHorlil her f rom our fniuily for more than twelve month; nnit bcinr nfrnKl that some or other of our family mr.y al presume lo marry without lu!y alvisin n thi-rt-of; we, takinr the afT.ilr into Bori oii9 coii-.lli'i ;ition, liereby tlim-lmrjje all and every one of our chihlren from of fering to marry without our special mi rice and consent iirst had and obtained; and if any of our children should pro pose or presume to offer marriage to any without our advice and consent. Uji'J in lh:it cne shall be banished from our family twelve months; and if they go so far as lo marry without our advice and consent, in that rae (hey re to be banished from our faniiljr even years. Hut whoever advises us of their intention to niarrv and ob tains our consent, shall not only remain children of the family, but also hall have due proportion of our poods, srear, and estate as we shall think con venient and as the bargain requires. And further, if any one of our children -hall niarrv clandestinely, they by so oing shall lose nil claim or title to our ffTect.a. good, gear or estates ; and we ntimnte this to all concerned, that none may pretend ignorance." A young gentleman "offers his ser vice to the ladies in an advertisement which apvared in the Duity Adverliter (17S8): "Ladies! A young gentleman aged twenty-five, easy in fortune, happy In temper, of tolerable parts, not supcrlielally polite, but genteel ad- Iress. some Knowledge of the world. tnd, little acquainted with the 'Fair, presumes to offer his service to one not seceding ten years older .than himself, of god-nature and eff.i- tble disposition, absolute mistress of t least one thousand pounds. ill 1nd the utmost sincerity from one who tvould make it the ultimate end of hi tmbition to render the matrimonial tate truly happy. Any lady who has pirit enough to break through the idle mstotns of the age and not give .rouble out of mere curiosity. Inclined o answer this, may leave a line for X. 3. at Gregg's Coffee-house, in York itreet, Covent Garden, shall receive nimediate answer, and be waited upon n person at any time and place she diall appoint. The most inviolable corcoy and honor will be punctually bserved. The following flattering description t himself is given, by a gentleman of "sweet disposition," to a lady in the fVte Advertiser of April 17, 1759: 'Whereas I had long despaired of netting with a temptation to enter into the holy state of matrimony, Jll. taking up the paper of Friday ast, I read the agreeable advertise ment of a lady, whoso sentiments jump o entirely with mine, I am convinced a-e are cut out for .'each other, and herefore take this method of deserib ng myself. I am a gentleman of an unexceptionable good family; losses tnd crosses have reduced my fortune to my wardrobe, a diamond ring, a gold n atch, and an amber-headed cane; but as you have generously said you don't even wish a fortune, I imagine this will be. no hindrance. My person is far from disagreeable, my kin smooth and fhining, my forehead high end pol ished, my eyes sharp though -small, my nose long and aquiline, my mouth wide, and what teeth I have perfectly ;ound. AU this, with the addition of a ood heart and sweet disposition, and not one unruly particle, compose the man who will be willing upon the slightest intimation to pay his devoirs to the lady. If she will direct her let ter for S. V., to be left at St. James' Coffee-house, the gentleman will wait on her wherever she pleases to appoint him." The following advertisement is taken from the Daily Advertiser (1758) : "A Single Gentleman, in a very good way of business, and who can make two hundred per cent advantage out of it, and who is free from debts, about twenty-six years of age, and is what the flatterer calls genteel, and rather Kntr nf ohffAI-ftll cV -si tir.IV md of very affable temper, not at all given IAS 111 lllAllljl, gaming, oi any other vice that a Lady oan take umbrage at; one that would rather get a fortune than spend one, has been in most parts of England, and is very well, acquainted wilji London, and no stranger to the 'Fair Sex, but entirely so to any one he would prefer for a wife. As he has not been so happy as to meet with a Lady that suits his disposition as yet; of a cheerful disposition and free from the modern vices ; one that is of the Church ol England, and has no objection to going there on the Sabbath, and to take some care for a "uture happiness, one that would think herself rather happier in her husband's company than at public places : one that would more consult the Interest of her than the glass, in the morning; to be neat in person and apparel. As to the Lady's person, it will be mere agreeable to have with It what the world calls agreeable than beauty, with any fortune not lens than five hundred pounds at her disposal, except she has good interest, then less will be agreea ble. Any Lady this may suit will be wafted on by directing a linn to (J. C. at 1'cele'a Coffee house, fti Fleet strept. Inviolable secrecy may be depended upon, as the gentlemen does not choose a seven years' siege," 'Miss Fisher" insert the following paragraph in the Publia Advertiner of March 30, 17.r9: "To err is a blemish entailed upon mortality, and InUsere llous seldom or never escape from cen sure, the more heavy as the character Is more remarkable; and doubled, nay trebled by the world If the progress of that character Is marked by success; then malice shoots airalnst It all her itings, the snakes of envy are let loose; lo the hnmane and generous heart then nitit the injured appeal, an I certain relief will be found in impartial honour. Miss Fisher is forced lo sue to that ju risdiction to protect her from the base ness of little scribblers and scurvy mal- 3Volence; lias been abused in publie papers, exposed in print-shops, and to wind up the whole, some wretches, menu, ignorant and venal, would Im pose upon the public by daring to pre tend to publish her Memoirs. .She pes to prevent the success of their Riulenvors liy thus publicly declaring that nothing of that sort has th slight est foundation in truth. C ilsrtER." A maiden lady, who wishes to enter into the honorable state of matrimo ny. Inserts the following In the Vitly A lvernt-r of April 13. 1759: "A middle aged Maiden Lady, with an iiidepand- tit fort une, has been determined by the cruel treatment of those who from their connections ought to have been her friends, to think ef entering into the honorable state of matrimony. She Is indifferent as to fortune, so sh. meets with a gentleman of good pier- sis and family; indeed, she would rather wish to marry a parson without any fortune, that th. gentleman may have the higher obligations to her, and of consequence treat her with that ten- lerness and regard reasonably to be exjieeted from ersons under such cir eumst.tnees. Her reason for taking this method is, that it has been indus triously given out by people interested (in order, she supposes, to prevent pro- HaU), that she had determined 'lever to marry. Letters with pro Mi l will be received at the Smyrna Coffee-house, directed for Z. Z. A de scription of the gentleman's person, are and profession is requested to be Inserted. t)nd how to direct if the pro tHisnls are approved of. The lady's ?ondnt will liearthe strictest scrutiny. N'o letter received unless potpnid. to prevent impertinence. " Chmnbrrt' Journal. HAD BEEN IN PRISON. Crowd Which Had No Marked rr.Jadle Acalnst Penitentiary Bird. A stranger entered an Austin saloon the other evening, and after scowling st the half-dozen sitter-i who were gath- md there, he said: "Would vou gentlemen object to taking a drink with a man what's been In State prison?" He was a big, muscular follow, with bad eve in his head, and he rested bis left ellmw sort of careless on the bar. facing the crowd, his right hand reached playfully for his hl-pocket All jumped quickly to their feet at the invitation and advanced toward the bar. exclaiming in chorus: "Cer tainly not, strnngerl" I'm proud to drink with vou," said Ihe foremost man, grasping him wnrm- Iv by the hand. "I don t think any less of a man because he has been in State's prison. In fact I've served even vears in one mvself." I have broke jail in thre States," said another: "vet I ain't proud. Give us vour hand." "I havo never been in S'.ato prison," remarked a third, "but I don't know how my case may turn out when they sret through with it up to the court house. It looks pretty squallv." I believe in giving a man a chance," said a fourth. "I've got a brother in the Louisiana penitentiarv, and wouldn't like to see folks give him the cold shoulder when ho comes out M mv an innocent man goes to prison, rcmarKca tne nun man. would be there myself, I reckon. If the State's chief witness hadn't up and died iust before the case came up. It was a close call, I tell you. " VelI, said the stranger, "since you seem to be such a hard lot by your own confession. I route my invitation I have been in State prison for several years, not as prisoner, but as prison superintendent I will see you later. no doubt, and, paying for his single drink, he departed, leaving an lncen- aolahli' e -'. t behind. TV-Tit Sifliixa. 'lo remove ink, Iron-rust, or mil dew: If the garment is white, when washing tie a pinch of cream tar:ar where the spot is. After boiling re movo the string and the spot will be gone. If the spots are very large or numerous, the garment can be boiled by itself in clean water containing from one ounce to one-fourth of pound of cream tartar. It will not in juro tho fabric. Home and Far. Jonas G. Clafk, founder and pres ident of the new Clark University to be established at Worcester, Mass. has given for th. institution the snni of $2,000,000, to be divided as follows fimu.uuu lor the erection ana equip ment of buildings; $100,000, the in come of which shall be devoted to the maintenance of a library; $600,000 for an endowment fund; real estate, books. works of art, to the value of $500,000 and $500,000 for a professorship en dowment fund. Public Opinion. The Governor of South Carolina, and other State officials, recently vis ited Claflin University, a Methodist Freedmen's institution at Orangebury, S. C, and examined carefully all its departments and was most favorably impressed. "This," he said, "fs a great revelation." He addressed the students in the chapel and said that he was surprised and delighted with what he had seen, and that henceforth Claf lin University would find in him a friend, and ar-earnest advocate. T. PEKING, CATHEDRAL. Coii! of fathollo Edl- Hoa Krrrted In th. Tear 1703. Late mails from China brought newi regarding the contemplated removal of the ancient Catholic cathedral at .Pe king and the bestowal or high rank upon the llishop and Abbe of the din- cexe. Mil CO 170 2 t lis mliflcA lo.. at,,,., I within the lmjerial city of China, and Its lofty bell-tower, overlooking the im perial palace grounds, has been re garded as ail obstacle to the good influ ences of the spirits that haunt the Chinese i ma iri nation. rn ...,! but all efforts to remove the building were fruitless until, during the last year, the arts of diplomacy prevailed. and tho old cathedral is to be deserted. past history is full of interest ami, through the kindness of Hev. Father Ban hi, of St. Ignatius College, a re porter obtaityd access to rare volumes in the library which give a h!storyi of the cathedral from its inception. in if)jj rather Gerbillion. a native of Belgium, who by means of his mathe matical attainments had become so necessary to Ihe service of the Chinese Emperor, Kang Hi. that he had become necessary to the council, obtained a de cree freedom of Christian worship thronghout the country. In 1702 Kang Hi was afflicted with fever. and the native doctors were unable to cure him. Father Gei billion had a small quantity of quinine which the Jesuit fathers hail obtained in Peru, and by the aid of the drug cured the imperial patent As a reward for this action Kang Hi permitted the erection of a CAtliedral in a corner of the palace grounds. no mandarin then, as now, were bitterly opposed to the erection of the building, alleging the evil influences which would ensue if the construc tion was proceeded with. In reolv to their objection the Kmperor told mem: "liiese rnngers hare ren dered me infinite services: thev re- fuse money, honors and office; they.j a take delight in their religion, and in granting them permission to build a house for worship I can onlv give them gratification." Kang Hi also gave the fathers gold valued at 200.000 francs. which thev invested in the stock of the Briti-h and East India Company, and antil the dissolution of that corporation ih in.i me interest on this sum was paid to the Propaganda in Kome for the maintenance of missions in China and the Eat. As a further mark of honor the Emperor wrote three ins-ri-tiuns, which were carved on atone and placed in prominent positions a the church. Oue, placed upon a column, read as follows: "To the Creator of every thing." The others, inscribed on tablets, were: "He a infinitely god and just; He enlight ens, upholds and rules every thing with snpreme authority and with sovereign justice. "He had no beginning and ill have no end; He has made all things from the earliest time. He is the Gov ernor and the true Lord of them. These inscriptions will doubtless be moved to the cathedral, their vain. being inestimable, not only in the eves of the fathers, but also in the estimation of the Chinese. The building it.aelf was about 125 feet long and some thirty feet wide. Bricks and plaster were used in it construc tion. For nearly two centuries th. cathedral has stood undisturbed. Build ings have been added in the shape of hospital and dispensary, a museum of science, and a room wnere a splendid collection of the flora and fauna of North China, made by Pere David, is arranged. Attempts by the Cninese to remove the cathedral have been ineffectual. although every Emperor and Empress since Kang Hi's time have used their endeavors by threats and persuasion In 1HS5 the Empress Dowager, who has made the removal of this building an object, sought the aid of foreigners in the employ of Chinese customs, and by dint of a mission to Ihe Pope, aided by the influence of the French Minister, nifder whose government the fathers have enjoyed protection for many venr. accomplished her desires. The fathers have received a piece c land on the northwest corner of the imperial alaco grounds, whereon they, will build a new cathedral. F.ishop Tngi la bile was decorated with the insignia t: a mandarin of the first class, second grade, and Abbe Favier received blue button, entitling him to the rank of an official of the second class, first grade. In addition to the land, 850. '100 taels (equal to $300,000) is to be paid as the cost of erecting a new ca hedral. The only restriction placed upon the fathers is that that the new cathedral shall not be built any higher than tho Ulnnese buildings, as the oc cult wind and water influence, whic any tower likely to occasion will thus be avoided. It may be noted that the Jesuit fathers transferred their i-elijrious buildings and converts in China to the Lazarists many years ago. aad it was with the principals of that mission that the Chinese Government dealt in their negotiations concerning the removal of the cathedral. San Francisco Chronicle. Sha'l I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do uot know a thing, to confess your igno rance, is knowledge. Confucius. A Kansas City man has a lemon that weighs six pounds twelve and one fourth ounces. Persons desiring to use photographs of the weed to stir into water for picnic purpos -s aro now being supplied. Tid- Btts. She never refused. There was a young lady named Hughes Who never was known to refughes To go out ot a night. On a young man's invight, To take one of a oouple of stughes. Brooklyn Union ' w-"That couple who has just passed ns reminds me of a sort of fruit which is neither palatable nor desirable," said a gentleman to a friend. "What makes them so objectionable?" asked his friend. "They are a prickly pear." National Weekly. Mrs. de Hobson (complacently) Yes, Mr. Featherly, that is a portrait of myself when a little girl. It was painted by a celebrated artist Mr. Featherly (anxious to say the right thing) Er on. of th. old masters. JSY..Sun. ... --. ... . . FRANKLIN'S GRAVE. ts Vnnotleed and N.clerted f .oration la I'hlladrlphls's ltulet Section. The bare, blank walls of a verr ol.! burylng-ground are frowned down upon by the towering structures of manu facture and business that surround and hem them in In one of the busiest parts of Philadelphia. Insido the buryhig- ground walls are trees planted by men who died from old age years ago. Birds come and rear their wide-mouthec families in this cord oasis in the great lesert of throbbing city streets. One old man, bent and wrinkled, t ikes an occasional walk over the scarcely dis cernlble, grass-grown paths, and bb aro the onlv feet that tread this silent liy of the dead. In the Arch street wall very near the corner an opening has been made. The bricks have been taken awav for spare of perhaps a dozen feet Through an Iron fence which cover? this opening one can get a glimpse ol the peaceful grounds within. That graveyard was made long years ag and the noisy city lias grown all about t crowding it and jostling it bn never encroaching beyond its walls From sun-up to midnight there Is a constant hurrying of wagons and car and human beings by this necropolis. Tit that grated op-ning has seldom visitor, though there lies within a few feet of it the dust of a man whose pro- ound wisdom and humanity moved the whole civilized world. Not three block away stands a great iislltution bearing his name an insti tution fostering all that Is scientfic and hat lives to learn the hidden things ol nature's lairs; that fosters and en courages the genius of men and leach es Industry and the value of solid earning. Less distant in the opposite direction lies a great public sqnare. one of those beneficial breathing-space of the city a pent-up masses, bearing his name. Itr its side there runs a ong. wide street bearing his name. Ami all over the city there are mills nd printing shops and factories and foundries bearing Ids name, while all over the State and conntrv there are towns and townships and counties also bearing his name. Yet there lie hi. hones down in the heart of thi big city, with arteries throbbing with the work and pleasures of nen. beneath a thin stone slab. which grows greener and thinner year by year, obscured by the lightest snows of winter, the ear.iet grasses of summer an 1 the first f ill of autumn leaves. A singular end of a marvel ous man! I looked through the bars. With much craning of my neck and much pressing of my face against the bars -4 made out this simple last-lading, in scription in the thin marble slab: : t)i!uon!i : . DK BORAH FHASKIJ. : Benjamin rranklin. after many years spent abroad enlightening men. gaining fresh wisdon and laurels. came home to live in qniet retire. ni:it with his son-in-law. Colonel Richard Bache, at the old mansion, which tood in a large park on Market street near Fourth,' this city. Shortly after that he wrote a friend: "I am now in the bosom of my family and find our lour little prattlers, who clme about the knees of their grandpapa. afford rne great pleasure. I am stir rounded by my friends and have ago d daughter and son-in-law to take care of me. I have got into rev niche, i very good house, which I bnilt twenty ur years ago and out ol which I hay been kept ever since by employments. 1-rankliu had a small pnnting-pres set up on one of the upper floors of the house, with which he amused himself many an hour by his experiments. But so busy a life was not destined to be prolonged in quietness. He had b-en settled but a short time when his life- light went out on Saturday, April 17, 1790. when he was nearly eighty-five. Three days later, now a hundred years ago, his remains were conveyed to th obi Friends burying-ground an' placed beside those of his wife and thj thin stone slab laid over them. There was mourning throughout this and other lands. Twenty thousand people crowded the streets around thai old bnrvinT- ground on the day of thf funeral, and as the simple cort eg passed over the few squares between the house and the grove bells through out the city tolled an 1 minute gun boomed mournfully. Clergymen ol the city of all denominations, the Su premo Ex citivc Council of the State. of which Franklin had been president the State Assembly, judges-of the Su preme Court members of the bar. th officials of the city, printers and their workmen, the Philosophical Society, th College of Physicians, the s?u dents and faculty of tha Phil adclnhia College and many civu organizations attended the funeral The pall-bearers were Governor Thos Mifflin. Chief-Justice McKean, Thos Willing, president of the Bnk o North America; Mayor Samuel Powell Wm. Bingham, and David Rittenhonse Following the death and brrial Franklin came honors and eulogiuiw from everywhere, , In Congress, Mad ison offered a resolution which said "Benjamin Franklin was a citizer whose native genius was not more ar ornament to human nature than hi various exertions of it have beei precious to science." -Frie:idsof Liberty" in France erect cd a mausoleum, but franklin s nn honored grave rests amid tha t irmo and confusion o a great busy city. Philadelphia Cor. X. T. World. Joseph Jf'ncfc, of Erie, Pa., whiU driving a balky horse the other da tried to encourage the animal by punch ing it with the breech of his gun. Th gun was discharged, blowing Frick' arm off. . At a fire alarm in Birmingham. Ala., the hook and ladder truck was drt en out, and after going around sev eral blocks the driver returned to the station house and asked Treasurei Evans where the fire was. "My dear," said Mrs. Lilton to her husband, "why do thev so often put appraiser' after an auctioneer's nameP" "Because, madam, aa aoo Uoneer is a prai3er of the' goods he , . "Goldtn Bule, f LIME AS A FERTILIZED Penn.rlTanls Parmer's Aeeeatnt I KfTeetaer 1UI ' In this part of the country Hm 1 ':' principal fertiliser outside of barnyard manure. As the soil is naturally very I thin we have to we something from the word "go" to keep up the fertility. , think there is athms that rl'L the same wullsy of ' in return, yland t pmftf with lime, and then propwly farmed, " no one will ever live to se itnee4 any J( more. Last summer a neighbor caH-d my attention to a narrow strip across! one of his oat fields which was three ot fonr inches taller than the rest ? explained that the cause of it was n - had a Small coat of lime Ofty-two J-"y f ago," and yet It showed on ever t'' to the present time. If the lar.J e ' ; which it is applied is extremely r - and there is no sod, it should a ' -'' . have a little manure to put on v 5 ;- ; to give the lime something to wor ' , It is rather slow in Ha work, xou , dom ever see any benefit from s till you sow in clover and then ' up the sod. And then there is rw 1 at least none raised here, on wh: not very beneficial. Low clay that is naturally Wet " and cold, ; perfectly underdralned, is a y.i lor lime. It shows much the ( high, dry, gravely soils. If I ground is plowed when not in order on account of moist rr " ' lime has been used, it seems. ts effects entirely. Here, j a i- inany farmers make. Beeause bor who has high hind can plow. will too, even if the wate runs e" them in the furrow. When lime is properly applk-1 feet on the soil is something slr.- veast in doti'rh for bread. It 3 ' give it life and make it light low. But in order to get the it. fit of it we must pat it on in style that is, we must put it e fresh burnt; the hotter the better. 'i. refuse lime that has become wet traui exwsure is practically worthies. It must be so you can scatter it on like flour, as evenly, aa possible, and the'! should, be harrowed in without rain. Where it is wet and lies over the field n lumps it never mixes with the soil ancl apparently does no good- 1 he amount to be used rjenenda on the former fertility of Uie r i-d ' which it is applied, the '.' have on hand, the time you , ' spare without making your crip t etc. The old idea entertaiof1 t;A grandfathers, that too ranch. aald the ground, is exlremely fallae' We have used from 100 to 1.000 f , per acre and never lost a erogf count of putting on too mi usually use 300 or 400 bushel. and then beforewesowdow give a top-dressing of mam insures a good catch. Thev couple ef years and pu - ' we never fail to get a c Land that has beea.? tent is scarcely "rver tr worms, which is no mT times. From past experf . : say there is no better V orchard than hot lrme.' the growth of the tre" to insects, and sure1 Fenano (Pa.) C MEXICAN PEOri A aytem of Bm.c WR.Ieh Th Aetaal Slavery. Peonage is simple in theory aa plex in practice. It is the attach labor for debt A species of ment is obtained and a man's e belong to the creditor uotil-th " wiped out So far it might but (and here is the rub) th tion does not end whh the deV like the witch's curse in "Rud becomes hereditary and destf father to son until satisfied. . and the further fact that th&'iv Mexican peons are not the -! debtors, but the descendant ors, would seem to fkt of active prodigals had one in the land; but on the Cttntrr of the debts are under fif The incredible poverty avi of tbe masses is the only of this state of things. N hundred can cast up ttesj ; x. of accounts. A peon is alio 1 t only a few tlacos a day, and ic ti-a about a cent and a half. - Out of tv his food and clothing are charged ui and occasionally interest is added t the original amount So it can V readily seen that instead of decreasim the debt is gradually growing lare and larger, and the condition5 of th. poor wretch more and more hopeless Ihe further inland, the more peon and the arable lands of Sonofa an. Chihuahua are tilled almost exel' by them. A large- " triets resembles a sT cept that no care. the condition of not worth it. A state of thirrgsV the shaft or chi. on, doggedly, ' born to it and. or beyond. both kept nef little maize' for one, and"a shirt and straw soiu m A pair of cow hide boots is of merit and as they are u' feast days they will last a life, and probably descpn" peonage to his son, The w cheap calico gown, and tl nothing at alL An outlay dollars will clothe a whole fc-?. year, and an actual calculation that they consume about eight worth of food a week per hij, Provo City Utah) American.-? Walton Dwight who died- T at Binghamton, N. Y., had. policies on his life amount 000. The companies payment of these r fraud. Claims amot. have now been settle of $18,000. j tirand Cake; On, one-half cup each of ? corn starch, oiie and ; flour, two teaspooiij powder, and the wjj? Dissolve the corn-War ;-: Yon cau n-the f"jr ' aav.Ui prunes