The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 05, 1887, Image 3

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The Lebanon Express.
Fill DAY, At7UtTgT 6, 1SS7.
Local iiiul Gcnet'ul.
Miss Aguatu BrMgford, of Felo, is the
gutt of Miss Mary Moutague.
Mrs. Shanks dlwl very eiulilenly nt
her residence, near Bclo on the 27th
ult. V .
W. F. Jones of Hilverton, lins opened
a photograph gallery at Solo. lie la
wild to Iks a good artist.
C3. T. Cotton sold 35 boxes of baking
-powder last 'Friday afternoon. It was
the glassware they were after.
The surplus w heat of the Columbia
river basin ths Benson is estimated by
Mr. rhillip Ritz of Walla Walla at 17,
000,000 bushels.
A meeting of Oregon editors la called
for August 12 and 13, at Yaquina City
for the purpose of organizing a state
press association.
RrlnMf A "MTvtrV l-r-wlvprl Vflpr
day 1100 bushels of wheat at their
warehouse at Leng's station the first
of the season from R- F. and John
The Oregonitm of Monday last was
accompanied by a supplement descrip
tive of Wardner and Mines, Idaho, and
Spokane Falls, W. T. It is a very en
terprising affair.
Yesterday morning Mayor O. W.
Cruson dropped into the ExrKESS of
fice and whispered in our ear: "It's a
boy; weight 10 pounds, liorn early
this morning." AVe congratulate.
AVhile in Albany on Saturday last
we called on Wallace & Thompson for
a local item, but they were too busy
waiting on customers to give us a poin
ter. They are selling lots of groceries.
The Southern Oregon Tramvript has
emerged from ruins of the Medford
Monitor. It is a bright sheet, witli
Mr. C. B. Calisle as its editor, who as
a journalist is very proficient. Success
to you, friend Carlisle.
From. Rev. Oibbony we learn the
death of Mr. John Umphreyon Satur
urday July 30th, of dropsy, lie was
buried in the Sand Rridge cemetery.
The bereaved family have the sympa
thy of this community.
We are. under obligations to J. K.
Gill & Co., stationerers ami booksellers
of Portland, for a fine sample of tne
justly celebrated Speneerian liens.
this line should address them at once-
There has been established by the
Sclo, Hack Co., daily stage line, from
that place to Albany. Leave Sc!o ni
8 a.m. returning at 6 p. sr.. This w ill
be a great accommodation until the O.
P. road is completed to Scio Junction.
Mr. J. M. Sabin, the very gentle
manly traveling agent for J. C. Ayer
& Co, of Lowell Mass., gave us a pleas
and call yesterday morning. In a
few days the result of his call will be
sen by the liberal "ad," which will
then appear.
Joseph Riggs of Sweet Home, called
Monday. We learn from him that he
and T. A. Morris are in the bucher
business and are furnishing a first
. class article of meat at 6 and 7 cents.
Mr. Riggs says the civps in his vicin
it 3- are very good.
R. Messier, the gentleman who has
Mccn employed by Mr. Cheadle in the
manufacture of cheese, left for Gervais
on Tuesday last. Mr. Messier is a
first-class cheese maker, and all who
have sampled his make speak of it in 1
the highest terms.
R. D. San font, one of the heavy mel
on growers of J rephene county, was
in town Tuesday making arrange
ments with our grocery men to handle
melons this season. He has 40 acres,
and says there are over 100 acres being
cultivated within sight of his resi
dence. f Mr. R. P. Scanland of this place, on
Monday next will be 80 years of age.
During this summer he has attended
to four gardens, and done a great deal
of other quite heavy work. He is in
good health, and from his appearance
we were surprised when he said he was
four times twenty.
In another column will be found the
"ad" of Thompson A Waters, Browns
ville. It will be seen this enterprising
firm are determined to dispose of their
summer stock at reduced rates. Dur-1
Ing our stay in their town this firm j
was very literal in their patronage to
us and we take pleasure in commend
ing them to the public.
. D. Myers & Co. of Scio, have the con
traet for building a large warehouse for
the O. P. company at Scio Junction, to
be completed by September 1st. The
contract price is $10,000. The house is
intended for the storage of grain. The
Junction is about one mile from Scio
on the farm of B. F. Munkers, and is
very agreeably located for the accom
modation of Scio and vicinity.
On Monday last we did a nice card
for W. C. Peterson & Co., in two colors.
We appreciate the kind regards these
gentlemen have for us. Their liberal
ity and enterprise will certainly bring
to their business the success it merits.
Advertising is a scheme v hich always
wins. As their "ad" and card assert,
W. C. P. & Co., are thoroughly equip
ped with everything new and complete
in the livery business.
Ti. N. .Morris passed through town
'on Tuesday last with his steam thresh
er. From him we learn that the av
erage of wheat per acre so far is about
twenty bushels. He has quite an ex
tensive outfit, consisting of engine,
thresher, water wagon and seven other
teams and wagons for hauling grain.
Durinsr one afternoon last week he several
cleaned up 970 bushels of wheat, which
may be termed a crack run.
The Astorian hits the nail on the
head when in speaking of the lynch
ing of Kelty in Polk county it says,
the whole wretched business is simply
a ease of cause and effect. Men see
murderers go unpunished; that is the
cause; they occassionally get tired of
.law's loopholes and take the law in
their own bands; that is the effect.
Both are wrong and to be condemned,
but as long as men murder and go free,
eo long there will be lynch law.
We publish this week notice of teach
ers, examination from which it will be
seen that private, examinations are
practically done away with; hence it
Is cf the utmost Importance for thos3
desiring certificates, to be present 011
time. The date of holding said exam
ination la August 81st. Mr, Held
County Supt., says to us that no pri
vate examinations wilt be granted un
less of absolute necessity, which Is in
accordance with the school law adopted
by the last session of the legislature.
J. D. Scharfi", the enterprising sales
man or tl m firm of Neustauter Bros.,
Portland, was in town Satifrday and
Monday. lie Is one of the "boys"
who believes In printers Ink, or In
other words, likes to see the printer
live, that he may wear out some of the
excellent clothing of the very exten
sive house he represents. There are
but few who do not know of the merits
of the Boss of the Road Overall and
Standard TVhite Shirts, of which the
above named firm liberally advertised
in this paper some time ago.
O. W. Smith, F,sq., of this place, a
few days ago completed his wind mill
and tank house which are really or
naments as well vtry useful accommo
dations .to his very desirable property
on Main strtet. The tank house at the
base li fourteen feet square, the j
ground lloor being used as a wash
house, the next floor as a dry house
and Usith room. It is supplied with a
stove and all other appliances for a
well regulated concern of this kind. 1 1
is of great value for Irrigating purposes,
as the 'Squire's beautiful, green yard
and abundand crop of vegetables will
bear wlthess.
On Friday last we received a very
pleasant call from Mr. C. N. Scott, the
accommodating and efficient receiver
and manager of the O. R'y. He was
accompanied Ky Wm. E. Fnjeer and
was returning from an extended tour
throughout the northern part of the
county. They had visited many of
the farmers and we are pleased to know
that all are in the best of spirits over
prospects of good prices for their grain,
and also feel encouraged tiow.thAt the
Narrow Gauge road is in position to
help them out in the shipment of their
grain to market. This road connect
ing as it does with the O. P., will nat
urally have an important say in rates
to Yaquinri, while it has the advantage
of river transportation from Ray's
Landing to Portland, Oregon City, Sa
lem and other points on tne river." We
regard the Narrow Guagt road as leing
more favorably situated so as to benefit
the farmers contiguous to it than any
of the other lines, and we believe Mr.
iBuott will not forget the farmers' inter
ests in his endeavors to secure a liberal
tratYle for the road.
llrownavllla Notea.
Aug. 2.
Miss Kate .Coshow Is visiting her
sister Mrs. Fraiiwn, at Jtay's Landing.
tola Howe has been sick during the
past week, but is now on the Improve.
Mrs. Brtggs and daughter of Albany,
wero the guests of Thus. Kay last
Little Eva Coshow, daughter of Mrs.
It. II. Coshow of Wallowa county,
who Is visiting with relatives and
friends hertf Is sick.
A large muulter of Brownsvllllans
visited Waterloo last Sunday. All
report a good time as usual with visit
ors at that favorite place.
Jno. D. Arthurs returned from Crook
county last week bringing In with
him a few horses. Frank Harrison
came in wifli Mr. Arthurs.
Messrs. C. B. Wilson and Harry
Kay, two of the men that manipulate
the wool at the woolen mills, went to
Albany Saturday evening, returning
Sunday evonlng
Mr. Htidgens of this place has lioen
engaged to teach the Brownsville
school the coming year, and Mr. Chil-
dcrs of Jefferson has I teen retained as
principal of the North Brownsville
graded school.
Ex-sheriff J. Blakeley and fam
ily are visiting his parents here. Mr
Blakeley reports here that there were
one hundred and fifty soldiers from
Vancouver and Walla Walla, hunting
and fishing at Fish Lako.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kay with
their daughters Minnie and llertha,
visited Albany last Saturday and re
turned Sunday. Mr. Kay brought
back with him a dog-cart. Judging
from this and the recent purchase -of
a very fine phieton, one is inclined to
think Mr. Kay intends doing some
riding this summer.
Rev. T. O. Brownson, president of
McMinnvilie college, come toour town
last week and remained over Sunday.
He wits here in the Interest of the col
lege of which he is president. We pre
dict a grand success to that Institution
under his guldiance. He delivered In
the Baptist church Saturday evening
an able tern peranee lecture to a large
audience, aud preached Hunday morn
ing and evening two excellent ser
mons to crowded houses.
The elegant residence of YV. R. Kirk
U approaching completion. The roof
Is all 011 and most of the siding. A
Women' ChrUttan Temperance Union
or Lrbakom, Pcio asd Hnowmviu-R.
The lrf'bitnon W,
o clock r. m
. tT. niiH'tN each Krlilny at 4
at the Flint I'rtobytrrtnn t-liurrh.
Teacher' Rxamlnstlon.
Notice Is hereby given that the regu
lar quarterly examination of teachers
will be held at court house in Albany,
commencing at noon on Wednesday
August 81, as provided for by the
school -laws of 18K7. Teachers will
rtlcaso take notice and all those desir
ng examination for certificates will
please le present at the alove appoint
ed time, as the private examinations
are practically done away with.
1. V. S. ltrcin. -23-4t
School Sup't.
Mnore'a Hair In vlgnrator.
Thfs excellent preparation for the
hair, iiuivlc found oil sale at the fal
lowing places: M. A. Miller, lichauou;
Starr A Stanard, O. Oslxtrii ami M.
Jackson. Brownsville; F. A. Walts,
Hhedd; C. Gray, Halwy. Sample bot
tles free. Call and get one.
Li out.
Albany and Sodaville, on
Heartily Endorsed.
We were much Pleased with the
Appeal to Women" that appeared In
your columns, aud realize the truth ot
every word of It, as tills work Is one In
which every woman in our state, and
nation, should be interested and will
ing to give their best ellbrts to Its ulti
mate accomplishment. Yet In view of
this fact, to should like to extend the
appeal to the voters of our country, as
we feet that upon them rests as much,
If not more of the responsibility of this
matter than the other sex.
The organization known as the W.
C. T. U., witli Its 200,(HH) nicmliers, has
become a power felt and acknowl
edged throughout the country, as an
educator, In preparing public senti
ment for the ultimate overthrow of
thl ) terrible traffic In human souls that
Is sapping the very foundations of our
government. They are doing a great
ileal in the way of teaching the chil
dren and youth the evil eli'eels or alco
holics 011 the human system, so that
we hope for great things when they
come to the voters of our nation. But
that Is a slow process, aud if we have
to wait for that time many of us ma)'
not live to see it. As we have not the
power of driving this great curse from
our midst by one stroke, as you voters
of Oregon could do, were you so In
clined, we appeal to you In the name
of humanity to conic to the rescue, ami
by your ballots 011 the 8th of Novem
ler, declare the utter annihilation at
once and foreVtT of the whole liquor
traffic In our fair state. We feel that
we have the right to ask this nt your
hands, as in-lng our representatives In
state affairs, and realizing the power
of the lml lot, we do not see how any
man can do otherwise than cast his
vote for God, Home and Native Land
in this great conflict for the home and
against tne saloon, a nil especially to iTAmtfin mn Tl I TflllTlnfll
the young men who are JiM lglnninel N 1 1 I 1 1 K lJ h A K III ft II iV
81 We i V VJ A mtiuuitw
11a. I .Jtl
Sunday July 21, a gray woolen shjavl.
The Under will lo rewarded by leafing
the same at G. E. Hardy's jewelry
stortLlH-lmilon, or addressing F. M.
French, Albany. 21 2t
It Is conceded that the cheapest place
to buy in the drug line, Is at
J. A. Beard's.
Buggies and hacks, cheaper than any
place this side of Portland, at F. li.
ltoscoe A Co.
Money to loan, by Curran
telth, Albany, Oregon.
Buy for cash, sell for cash, ami give
farmers the advantage of low prices, I
th way F. H. Roscoe & Co. does PiimI-
Fur a gornl meal, go to the City Res-
Alcals ' cents.
tauraut Albany.
Fine assortment of summer hats at
wist, at C. 11. Momtague's.
Lively Times at Scio.
their career as voters. Citizens
would most earnestly appeal. You can
not afford to give your first vote tosup-
I port Institutions that are a shame to us
as a nation, 'lake earnest heeil to
those famous words of the late John
It. Gough, who after realizing to t'.ie
fullest extent the tlept lis of degrada
tion to which the drink habit brings
Its victims gave this dying counsel:
"Young man keep vour record clear."
Young voters of Otvpui, will you do
this? Not only by abstaining your
self,- but bv giving your iutlueiice and
your vote to rid our land of that dark
(leverage of hell, that brings woe and
misery here, ami eternal ruin to those
who arc declined thereby. C. S.
lirownaillla V. t;. T. I'. Notea.
President T. G. Brownson of Mc
Minnvilie lectured in the - Baptist
church July Both, subject, the prog-
a.,w.. ..." ft...........
. , , w. ... t 1 1 1 -V5 i 111c ivuiminiiix iiui, fulfill.
brick-mason from Albany is now eiem su,,i,H., WHS i.. .,.,! !.i nil,,1Uor
Avdrcws 8c Itacklemnn's Col'.
Dry Goods Department.
TIiIn li-pnrtmt-tit lx full ami complete, fnilirac
liiK nil the iiovt-ltW-8 of the wamtn new and ek-mi.
runslKtliiH of launx, KlriKhuina, hei-rflirkerM uti'l
white ifoorin which wu nre clolag out to make
nxjiu for our fall ttork.
Fancy Goods Department.
CoMxiMlitK of rlhUiii. hirpn and curxeU, Iik-IikI-Iii
Ir. Hull's ami ir. Warner" Autoinalh; Norma
Triroril lk-lle and fit hern. Our Hue of liulic nan-ln-rehli-fx,
ulllc mitU anf Rlove can not I heal,
ami nt prirca ax low ai the lowest. Our CottKtoa
lt!l plovt) Is a duljr and ervrj pair I
If not ni rupn-xented tnmitTr will be rufundrd.
IU-in.-nilMr tlila hwlli:, we xr.AH what wk hay wc
witnt lo-ll )-on your kll RhiVw, 1'tnUr thin hi-ad
will coma our ccU-liraied Kot-k font Illinois i-am-lcwt
liot-lery for ladle ulnl i-hililrcll. Till b the
lx.-t good lit the market. Try a (mix.
Do You V
There Is no use of yonr going
Home. We would respoc
Builders arid
Table and Pocket Cutf
Arnmuriftidn. - 'jf
Is Complete, and wll!
Gents Furnishing Goods
Our limp of alove tuttiwrd ro1 emlinv lii.-f iwjt
tic k wear, Standard white nhirts, faiicy Pen-air
hlrt, -ltb linnkerf ItU-rv, how, usriid.ra and
rvt-ryihiiia niilliln(? Wiihla d'-partmrut, wh an
IWwk .if the Kond ovi-ralls, Hnrk Klore for harvest
u nut be eat-clkd In thin market.
A correspondent write as
concerning Scio.
'"Scio just now is alive with all kinds
of business; hacks, buggies, lumber
wagons and teams of every kind, from
"early morn till dewy dawn" are rat
tling through the streets. Railroad,
harvest, everything is a thing of life.
Even the "rum hole" and itsrumitis-
tics, with their limber leg and thick
tounges, may be seen or heard.
Merchants are busy, blacksmiths are
overdone and 4alorer8 of everj" kind
readily find employment, at good wa
ges. Br. King has Just completed a fine
new residence. L011 Holman is erect
ing a new bam. Sidewalks are living
reconstructed. In short, everthing is
life and activity.
David Myers and Scott May are build-
I ing a commodious warehouse for the
O. P. company two miles froru Scio; so
between the various industries, the
streets are well nigh blocked with teams
and pedestrians. Two weddings.oue
birth, nary a row, ami hut little sick
ness, for the record of the past months
At Canyon Creek.
Writing to us from Canyon Creek,
under date of July 2(5, AV. It.
McKinnon of the Canyon Creek
House, pays: "The soldiers
have come and gone.. They left
this morning for the Mountain House,
fiom there they go to Fish Lake and
lay over for five days. A more gen
tlemanly set of men I never saw, and
they had a nice time fi&hiiif?jere and
expressed themselves as we' Satisfied.
They drank all the miyr , had to
sprare, and you should have teen them
string out after it just as though they
never had been weaned. But you j
know how it is yourself. I tell you it
reminded me of the days when you
and I, with thousands of other 'boys
111 blue' canipetl on the banks of the
Potomac." We told the soldiers
they would have a good time if they
camped at Canyon Creek. There is
110 more pleasant place 111 the moun
tains, to spend a portion of the summer
season, than at the Canyon Creek
Payment of Taxes.
iragod in building the chimneys. Such
buildings as this are a credit to a com
munity. Mr. Kirk in our Judgement
has showed excellent taste in selectimr
the style of building he has and we j
have no hesitancy in saj lng that It !
will be the most handsome dwelling 1
when finished, in this vicinity, aud
surpassed by none in th? county.
Sodaville Notes.
August 4.
'A new barber shop on Taylor Street
" Hiram Klum has a new automatic
Mrs. AVm. AVilson Is the guest of
Mrs. E. Kirkendall.
Itobt. Johns of Albany, Is a guest at
the Fountain House.
A windy nutmeg ieddlcr, was Been
on our streets this week.
Miss I'ropst of Albany, Is much im
proved since her stay here.
Two dwelling houses have been built
here within the last month.
It is said that Mr. Barker does not
sell candy to the "fair sex," but dis
tributes it gratis.
Ralston Cox, "The Peoples Grocer,"
of Corvallis, has been here a few weeks
with his family rusticating.
Samuel AVilson will start soon to
Santa Barbara, Cal. Samuel has been
in poor health for the past month.
Miss Loft in's latest production is on
exhibition at her art rooms, It is enti
tled, In a spring wagon bound for the
A'incc-nt Jessoy, of Halscy, is licre.
Mr. Jessey is suffering from a very se
vere form of ague. It is hoed that
he will recover soon.
great many of the rusticators re
turned to their homes during the first
of the weekbut many have come since
to fill the vacancy caused by their tle
parturc. ,
Edgar Grimes, A. B. Prof, of Chem
istry, in the Corvallis Agricultural Col
lege, returned home last week. He
was much pleased with the accommo
dations furnished here.
Clothing Department.
We have received this wei k a Tery fine election
4 youth's and men' xuit of the later-t style and
j pnUrotik whleu vt Khali Ul-pte of at kiwel Tal
) ue.
which plainly showed thesiHaker felt
the justice and righteousness of the
cause. Oil! that all who profess and
call themselves christians, would thus
boldly and fearlessly work for the
cause that Willi tioU's help shall ere
long lift the veil that hangs like a pall
over our land.
Not long since a gentleman re
marked, that if there was anything
accomplished in the temperance" cause
the women would haxe to do it. The
women do not feur to undertake so gi
gantic a work when we have such
zealous temperance workers to aid us
as we find among the noblest men of
the land. Read extracts from Has
tings and Beeehcr.
'As the temiierauce movement press
es on towards its final triumph, new
obstacles will be continually thrown in
its way. The contest Ls to be one of the
most earnest and determined the world
has ever witnessed. All that selfish
ness, money, official position, talents
and learning can do, will le done to
save the liquor tratlle from "destruc
tion. Among the mtwt formidable of
these olwdacles are those thrown in the
way professedly in the interest of the
good cause Itself. At first sight, they
deceive many of its true friends, ami
for a time lead them astray. The
devil is never so hard to meet, so diffi
cult to ovorcome, as when he appears
In the garb of an angel of light."
"Since drunk news comes first and
hardest upon woman; since it is to her 1
what a swine is to a garden, rooting up
every sweet blossom, and destroying
every fruit, and making a wilderness
of the garden of the Iord, I have a
right to say to every youug woman:
By your look, by your work, and Hy
your act, Uar testimony and exert
your influence against intemperance.
Ijct not your fair hand, that yet one
day shall'go out in pledge, convey to
another the cup of which shall desolate
and destroy the household. If there
be one thiu'g that woman should stand
for. It is temperance."
The Brownsville union passed reso
lutions that each member offer daily
supplication to the Divine ruler in be
half of Texas.
Next regular meeting of the AV. C.
T. U. will be held the third Saturday
In August. Con. Sec.
AVe, the undersigned, would respect
fully call attention to the fact that we
have leased the AVarehouses on the
Narrow Guage railroad, for the coming
sen son, aud think that it will be to the
interest of every farmer to call and see
us, or our agents at the different ware
houses, tie fore making other arrange
ments for storing their wheat, outs and
barley, which we will be prepared to
receive atid pay the highest cash price
for. Hacks furnished for storing grain,
in the usual manner. Hemkmhkii
this: Mr. c. n. Scott, ret lver of the j Boot and Shoe Department
Narrow uunjre raim-au, has gtiarau-1
teed rates from the different ware
houses to the Oregon Pacific Junction,
also to Ray's Landing, which will
bring our grain to the river, giving us
the advantage of competing lines, U
sldes having the usual through ratts
to Portland.
-- -Farmers will h
As' we carry the Best goods in the ma.
Collins' Cast-steel Plows, John ,
Canton Clipper Plows, and uJ,
Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras
Barbed Wire Sold at
F. H. ROSCOE & CO.. 4
Wm. E. Spicer. I J. Mcintosh.
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Groceries
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps
And an Endless Variety of
Isilii- n! Mlse shoe In tampk-o. pint, kariea
r. lunt:!n. lf nml French kkl in Lmuhni.
Trf-co aii't Paris Ut, ii fnlL Al- txir Iwy
Scto!, ladies aiil Mi-e slus we will snarnutit
Ut Im- a ea? atnt-.iifn mu'U". IHir lailk-s Walk-i!isfa-t
UjiM ihe thine 6ircomSrt. Jno. Miiivlel!
A I Missws a!i'1 chihlrcn'a lnr tipjie'! (exls is
the bet Mle in the t'nilei Slate. Lat hut nut
the k-ai. the fmtU3
I I ft T! II f I I 1 1 j
' - V
hn i' K&sf&i '.V I
W. B. DO
of Itenpeet,
W. C. T. r.
bjr the Scio
House .
Moet counties of the state have paul
in full to the state treasurer state tax
es of 188B. These are as follows: 15en
ton, Clackamas, Columbia, Douglas,
Linn, Yamhill, Coos, Curry, Gilliam,
Grant, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath,
Lane, Morrow and Multnomah. Tlie
first six named of these have balances
placed to their credit on next year's
taxes. This is because of the action of
the last legislature, which reimbursed
certain counties for moneys paid by
them for mortgage taxes which they
were "compelled to refund to the own
ers of mortgages. Baker county has
delinquencies for every year but two
from 1S70. Clatsop, Crook, Polk, Til
limook, Umatilla, Wasco and Wash
ington are delinquent in various
amounts, some on 188G taxes, and oth
ers for other years. Marion and Lake
counties would be clear except for dis
puted claims of tne state amounting to
several hundred dollars. Umatilla is
yet behind 011 lSbtt taxes $S540 11.
Eicomlon to the Eastern States.
Arrangements for the Pioneer excur
sion to the Atlantic coast are being
perfected as rapidly as possible. The
particular route has not been fully de
cided on yet, but this much is certain,
the excursion will go by one route and
return by another, thus giving the full
est opportunity for sight seeing. The
time of departure from Portland will
be on or about the loth of September.
All who contemplate making the trip
should address Geo. II. Hitnes, 169 Sec
ond street, without delay. The terms
cannot be stated yet, but enough is
known to say that they will be very
The co-partnerhip existing between
E. Kirkendall and F. Galloway has
been dinolved by mutral consent. Mr.
Kirkendall will carry on the business.
All outstanding accounts will be re
ceipted for by Mr Kirkendall. Mr.
Galloway will be engaged this summer
in bridge building on the O. P. R. R.
State Fair.
The executive committee of the state
fair at the meeting on the 23th ap
point'id gate-keepers and ticket ven
ders for the tair. For the competitive
military drill a purse of $100, divided
into prizes of ?250 and f 150 was offered
to be held 011 the fair grounds Septem
ber 13, 14 and 15; entries to close Sept.
1st; no entrance fee for competition,
and at least three companies must com
pete; open to all regularity organized
military companies; three U. S. Army
officers to be judges; each company to
drill twenty-four men, two guides and
three oftlcers. No free admission at
the gates. It was also ordered that
when more than one entry is proposed
for a country exhibit, and one of them
is proposed by a party designated by
the county court to represent the coun
ty, the party thus designated shall
have preference. One hundred dol
lars was offered to F. T. Merrill to ar
range a bicycle programme for the
Attention, Soldiers!
On Saturday August 13th, Comrade
L. H. Montanye will be in Lebanon
for the purpose of mustering a O. A.
Post. All desiring to become menlbers
will please take notice.
Montague has opened up a very large
stock of tine glassware, tableware and
table cutlery this week. Prices are so
greatly reduced by Montague's low
priced system that these elegant goods
are now within the reachof everybody.
Whereas. It has pleased our Ilea v
enly Father to remove from our midst,
and take to himself our Highly es
teemed brother. Rolert Pentland; and
Whekkas, In view ot tle irrepara
ble lows his tlentli lifts been to hi friens
and associates, and of the still heavier
lis sustained hv those nearest and
dearest to him: therefore be it
Jieovcl. lly members of the Scio
W. C. T. U.. that it is but a just tri
bute to the memory of our brother, to
sav that lv his death we lose one win
was foremost in every good Work, and
even In active "vnipathy with our Or
der, of which he was an honorary
Itcsolvcd, That while we miss him
in many ways, and ry his death a
brightness has lieen taken from our
lives. Wc are glad it was our privi-
leire to know him as a friend, and ar-
cheered bv the home of a future reun
ion unclouded bv nastimrs or death.
JtcHolrcd, That while we deeply
svmnathvze witli the family or our
brother and mincle our tears witli
theirs, we commend them to the care
of that dear elder brother, who shall
lend them bv fountains of living wa
ters and wipe away all tears from their
Itcsolvcd, That copies of this heart
felt testimonial of our sympathy and
sorrow lie presented to the liereaved
family, placed upon the minutes of the
Union, and also forwarded to the Leh
axos Kxpkess and Albany Herald
for publication.
Mrs. M. J. Hyde, rm
Alice II. Dodi, om
Groceries and
Tobacco art
C. 13. R0LAND& Co
Albany, Oregon.
Hew Store, New Goods,
i7 ?'
cunt: j$Ay
for nion awl 92 fur hny. l the hest Roods that can
be olt!iitt. There b tin sbo!Jy in them. Owe
worn you will have uo other. Pon't forget the
11M reliable Dm-Vkig hnni & Ileelit bouts. We are
Sole Agent
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass
Pure Sugar and M?' ?
Country Produce taken in Exchanf
Cornrr Iirick Sttorc,
Ktirnisliing Goods
HaUs Caps, Roots, Wines, Choice
Selections in Fancy Hummer Neck
Wear, Hilk Underwear, Ralbrlggan
Underwear, Fish, Clark & Flagg's
U loves,
The very Best make of Hand Sewed
Shoes, and the very Iatest Stylos
in Mens' Roys' and Youths' Cloth
ing. All the Celebrated makes of
Bright New Fresh Goods,
And as honest, fair and square
dealing is our motto, we ask the
public to call and get prices.
C. B. Roland & Co.,
One door West Revere house, Albany.
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in the postottice at Lebanon, Oregon,
August 1, 18S7:
Anderson, John V. Herueberj? Jos.
Hadger, Mrs Ta via Inman, John
1U.11, It. V. Laftin, Cora
Carlyle Mrs Hal-tic Porter, A. A.
Conner, J. 1. Staley, Nerva
Dickens, Jesse Stephens, Fannie
Elliott, Henry Turpin, Dick 3
Fitzgerald, Ilachel Williams H. 8. 2
Persons calling for the above must
give date of advertising.
E. E. Montague, P. M
Insure you property in a home come
oanv The Northwest Fire and Marin-
Insurance company, of Portland Ore
gon. A. li. Cyrus agent, Lebanon.
Go and see the new gilt brand table
ware at Montague's.
Dealer In
Boots and Shoes.
Bought Exclusively for
Cash from the Manufac
turers. Every Pair Warranted.
For Ladies. Hisses, ft Children
Grocery Department.
The prettiest thing yet In bakinu powder prizes
in the crytlc 'rHlT clwovue that we arc trtvlng
awR- with or KilvL-i star oaLing powder; a piece
with each can.
Hat and Cap Department.
Our fall Miek just In this week: new and nobby.
lu.k Into our windows will convince you that
we are leaders Iu tuii Hue.
Crockery Department.
Our new lino of dmlowarc has arrive! and Is
reudy for sale; this is someting new, ladies come
in and see it. .
Op., j
J. A. B E A
Druggist and Ap'
Drugs -:- akd -:- Medici
-.jJm Paints, Oils and Glass.-1
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushe
Arid Fancy Toil'
Main Street, Lcba
Mairaiacturer -:- ot -:- X urniture,
Coffins, Caskets, Trimmings and Burying" Robes
Doors, Window Blinds, Locks, Hanging-Nails, Etc.
Main- Street, nl-tt JjEraon, kku:
Closing Out Sale.:
Harness. Saddles! Whips, Bridles, Spurs
Offer my ENTIRE Stock at a BARGAIN,
' C. F. MEAD, Lebanon, Or. .