The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 01, 1887, Image 1

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    i' 'i 'urn ii i iiiinngjrT'''''- lu-mmimw' i r n r r yr-vm
-4 jsv -JJL- w . u jx rvy
NO. 18.
(issued cvkrv mmo'.l
J. H. BTINB St CO. Publishers
On. Yar 00
Bit Monthi 1
Ibrra Months v e5
(Payable ra advance!
(LroAL )
On sqnara, tint Insertion M 00
fcactt aaUUIoual insertion ISO
Loci Notices, por lins 15 omit
Regular aivertimrnt Inserted nptta literal ternta.
AU dear riptfont of Job Printing d.r on ftn irt notice.
I si Blanks, timilm, Biunm farria. Bill Heads.
Latter Heaiis. Ptieter, etc . executed in good at) I ami
at ibtraat bung vrkva.
IF.BASOX LODGE, SO . A. F A. M : Meets
at their new nail in Masonic Block, on Saturday
evsnins:. on or before the fnll motm.
W M.
LEBANON IXIIXiK. NO. 47. I. O. O. F.: Hwtl Sat
urday ereniug of ea-A rert. at Odd FcIIkw a Hall,
Main street; tinting brethren cordially imited to
attend J. j. CHARLTON, N. O.
NO. 38. A. O. r. W . L-lianon.
Oregon: Meeta erery tint and third Thursday em-
Oregon: A
Inga in th.
monta. r. n. nusivt. at. n .
tyciWre In Dr. Powell a Residence
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt.
Collection and other bnstaeaa pr.jenrtly attended to.
Onlce on Main street. '
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
OfBc In residence on Main street, next door nmU)
of O. B. Montague a new residence. A'l snot warranted.
tAarges reasonable.
Staving, Hair Cnttlng. and Shampooing In tbs
latest and
AaT Patronag. respectfully solicited.
N. W. Corner Main and Sherman Street, two Blocks
East of R R. lep.
J. NIXON. Prop'r.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
smpl. Room.
and the BeAt Accommodations for
mmerciat men.
TSt-Oeneral 8tage Ofl e.
LefeaaoB, Orea;oi.
airacTCReit st nctut tx
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Spurs,
-...AHl ALL
Goods in the Saddlery Line.
Harness and Saddles Repaired Promptly
and at
Meat Market
Bl HL St
Fresh and Salted, Beef and
Baccn and Lard always, m Hani
Main Street, LebanoaK Or.
Harness Shop!
laanafacturrr and Eksalsr in
....And a full Urn of..
Saddlery Goods.
All work work warranted Hand-made and
Calif) irui Isratber.
Agricultural Implements
And tfaa Calebrated
ilain Street, nox, OkeoS.
Stoves and Tinware, Irou,PiimBs, &c.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
KV13 WlOlIrr Elo.
All kinds of Repairing
Also keep
Brownsville, Oregon.
Practical . Watchmaker.
Watches. Jewelry,
A C-OMri.rrE
Lais' aiJGeils'
Rings, Bracelets,
All jiod csiat-mntepd.
First Dxr Ksril of ts City Hall. X ain Street.
"actor j-: Racine. M is.
f3 jA-
Ja. i r yA i !-.. j
Header and Truoka; bump. Hand and Road Carta; Open and Top
Buggies, Phaetons. Carriages, Buckboards. and
General Agent, for Canton CUpjier Plows, Hiurrona. Cultivator". Koa.1
scrapero, (iale Chilled IIowh. Ideal Fel Mills and Wind Mil!, Knowl
" ton Hay Rakes Horse rowen, AVoxl Saws. Feed Cutters, etc. We
carry the largest and beat assorted stock of Vehicle, on the Northwest
Coast. AH onr work is built especially for this trade and fully warranto!.
Kend for new 1W7 catalogue.
Mitchell & Lewis C6., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Our goods Are sold by F. H. ROSCOE & CO.. Hardware Dealer. Ibanon, Or.
Gr. E.
....DEALER IX....
WatcHes, Jewelry, Silyer Plated fare and Optical Goods.
o o o o o o o
, Unequalled
1 11 by
the t. bL
- & Vara! Ob
isgji latorr h
Enjnnr Con
Haiiwa y aura Ihtj
5 -
n t c su t tow
The New Noble Sewing Machine and Machine Supplies.
Done at Short Notice.
In stock
Optical Goods.
Cuff and Collar
Chain?, Pins, Etc.
All Work Warranted.
1 Ji'owiisi vill. Or
Ilranch: Portia Md, Or
i. O
and Jeweler.
o o o o
All Work
BEST. Soldi
at a TH Ki
in prindpal:
Airenta aTleaullnar
Jewelera). wiLbal
ruU Wairautj.
4- c-r-v. m ar. I
Ocean of Wlsilom t'nml.usetl Into llrlll
lant Pearl of Tbonght.
Non of us are 8u gol rn we would
have teoil lelit"ve: but. for that mat
tor, probuhlv iiobiMly W : 1ial a we
ivpi-esont him.
KviU Iwonie 1pm p..tcntotw as wi
appfoacli them. 'J ne roiwt loolhaclii
Tfi!l iftntimt on lilnnlj i-ense at tli
threht)ll tt the dentwifs iloor."
A barking lts never 1 tf, but the
(liflU'tilty Is in f.iloii!in; with niiy de
gree of eT.n-tnes upon the moment
v. hen he shall tp barking nml begin
to bile.
Strange that man should have leen
given two ears mid lint one tongue,
when, a every ImmIv know, he would
rather talk all day than li-ten lire min-uttx.
The evils wliit li Wfall are
Lhe r;flex of our own Mctinnt.
A corn
di mil
will not tppre-i you if you
endeavor to routine it within
onable limits.
The roeking-ehair i a favorite arti
cle tf furniture, and always will be at;
long a tliere are jieople in the worhl
who delight in coirs'ttintly lning on the
move without ever getting ahead.
Io not be too ha-siy to make voni
way in life. The nail goes Htrnlght in
to the witod, ami U readily withdrawn:
but the serew, though it takes a round
nlMtut course, lias got a grip iiihiii Hit-
woimIv libers that is not easily b'i
enetl. No man e-in aetpiire Mli-h ttitliout
rnbbi:ig Hgaint th" sleeve of society.
Put all the blaeklead you will on jour
kitchen-stove, and you !i:tll hare but a
dull and lusterless dirtv black. It lthe
frictio l of the bnisit that makes it
Hotv we nil admire personal leauty!
And yet beauty is oftentimes only a
thin veneer on a wooden head. Who
has not been attracted by the fair out
side of a tempting pic. to lind that tbr
Ibiky crnt is mer.-lv the specious cov
ering of an empty void?
Ma'i has lieen denominated a bundle
of nerves, also an aggregation of ap
petites; but an Introspective glance,
gentle leader.-wKI inform on thai he
is but a convex mirror uhieh lolittlo
the images of nil the great things Is
Nature which fall upon it.
When whool children draw hoiis.-
they almost invariably begin with th
itM.f. Children of a larger grotl
show a similar predilection in the build
ing of their fortunes, and nine out ol
ten of them prefer starting from the
summit rather than from the base.
So long as a dog continues lien' thy
the lleas will s:i-k to him closer than a
brother: but let him fall ill. ami they i
have an engagement j-sew hore. The I
ilea is not to lie dciende iimiii i;i ad
versity, it will lie seen, tiny mora than
fair-weather friends of the human va
riety. It is the fashion of the world todcery
the man who exhibits inordinate self-
esteem. Hut I he worhL as uual. is at j
fault. It Is right ami proper for man I
to admire the worksof his Creator, audi
if man can not admire that work with
which he is most intimate, how ca't lo'
lie expected tolwlow admiration iiwn
those works which lie knows nothing
alMiiit ? Uotm Trantrrij't.
tis,rsmst I'aU rsiios which May
(an.. Considerable Kcrltement.
The Snate in one of its lat secret
sessions, onlcreil th- executive journal
o be published for the forty years from
lSJ to 1SG'.. B it one publication of
any part of the Senate' a eci-et piiM'eeil-
njj has ever iMen maie. 1 hat in-
luded the period from the lirst Co:i-
pres. to lf21. Very little of the flesh
and blood of the secret life tif the S;m-
ate can be had from its journal. It j
Joes not record the debate over treaties
mid appointments, and the eloquent
lcochc. the w itty retorts, the ipiar-
itds and mad" Mru-rles will not be I hands. It gave France a new frontier,
found minutely and faithfully pictured j and a very open one; a frontier unpro
inlhe forthcoming printed journal. The I tin ted by any very great natural obsta
secrct sessions of the Senate are made , t-les, for the Germans now held both
so for the reason that there must Ik op-
porlunity to speak freely alxjiit men
whom the President aud his advisers
think lit to hold o!ii-e. J he Senate I
imply converts itself into a big com
mittee, silting with cloe. uoors, and
everv one is at liberty to tell what ho
thinks or knows about the particular
nomination up for discussion. Not li
ng of those deliberation! told by any
Senator theoretically. A a fact, how
ever, a good deal is told, and the news
paper are usually accurate in their
rcioiL of .secret sessions. There is al
ways a good deal of curiosity among
the Senators, and among other folks as
well, to know how their secret proceed
ing became public. It is simply a pro
cess of itiqui ry and addition what lit
tle one Senator is disposed to say is put
with what half a dozen others may
saj Sometimes a Senator who does not
approve of secret sessions rashly gives
away all he can remember of a session.
The journal to be printed will show
how near right the reports that leaked
out alxmt secret sessions during the
war were. The theory of the Senate
in making the record public now is
that no harm can be done after suffi
cient time has intervened between the
events which involved the names of in
dividuals and the present. There are
a good many now living, however,
who will bo affected in a very lively
'way by a publication of the secret pro
ceedings of the Senate as recent as
1869. The work is to be thoroughly
indexed, and each volume will contain
five hundred pages of the journal and
about a hundred of the index. There
will be six of these volumes. Half of
- hole work will tie devoted to the
ar ; riod. dnrins which thousands
ui o i thousands of army officers were
confirmed or rejected by tlio Senate.
h'tishinyton Car. Chicago Mail.
A Fashion That Promises to He-rome Pop
alar With Smal!la rarents.
It is a notable fact that the fashion in
the names of women has very decidedly
changed of late. Instead of long favorite
diminutives of Mamie and Minnie, and
Birdie, nml l-arrie, and Lily, and Lulu
mid such other common pet names, it
Is now the style to bestow upon little
gir-ls rlie stately and dignified names o!
Kll.atwth, Catherine. Harbara. l)rot!i,
Eleanor ami others which have. long
Veil out of favor as old-fashioned.
Moreover, these are iven their full
length and sound. Nit such abbrevia
ted s as Katie, and Lizzie, and Mollie,
anJ Hollie, and Maggie are allowed to
le good form.
Three pretty little baby girls, we
know of. will jrmw with the plain
name of Margery in all its rotund full
ness no Madge, Maggie or Margie
lioingso much as permitted. Two other
little blond-haired damels are named
respectively IMrothy ami Lli.abeth, in
all their length and breadth all nick
naming or shortening lieing utterly
forbidden bv their mother. Another
little tot Is dubbed Marguerite, and woe
lie to them who attempt lo use any such
nbbreviaaion as Maggie or Daisy or
Itita. Mr. Whitney has expressed her
preference for "Il.irothy" a the nam"
of the Cabinet baby, instead of Frances
rolsonu as asiuouueed.
The wife of the President objects to
iteing called by her baby name of Frank
or Frankie, and writes her n:im in full
Francos Folsom Cleveland. The
fahi::i thus set has Itccn generally
adopted. And it i not only sensible
and dignilied, but useful and nppro
pi iate. to incorporate a woman's maiden
name with her married name, since it
maintains her identity and keeps her in
recognition by those who knew her best
under her old name. Miss M tud Howe,
the writer. Mho was married recently,
will still be recognized as Maud Howe
Fiiliott Ella Wheeler was not obscured
m hen she became Klla Wilcox Kleanor
Stuart is not lost to memory when hoi
name apitoars ns Eleanor Stuart Hamil
ton. And even if it were not more use
ful to thus mark one's identity, women
t ho have family pride in their names,
whether for ancient renown or lec:iusc
famous or historic, are loth to iuk
them into utter obscurity. The Princess
lmise tint not lose iter iieronalitv in
the title of the Marchioness of Lor:ie.
Our first lady fallowed her example
when she -signified her desire to le
known as Frances Folsom Cleveland.
Ami the custom grows more ami more
The same reaction from diminutive
ma names U extended to the names of
Imos. It is now considered common t
call a boy Willie, or Johnnie, orf.eorifie.
or Robbie, (iood form demands the full
name, and that nicknames shall bi
This change of late and style as re
panls names Is certainlr for the ltter.
"Jim. nnd 'Tom,' and "Bob." and I
"Sam." and uch. are destructive ofl
dignity mid outride of the home-circle
and intimate friends are augestire of
the familiarity that hi-eeds contempt.
Think of treorgie Washinjrton, and
Billy (ihuUtone, and Sonnie Bismaivk,
and Harry Beocher, ami Johnnie Sher
man. But in the passion for the return
to the dignity of old-style names, it is
t be hoped those of the Puritan period
'. ni;ly be included, when Experienos
' Mchitable, and Oood Faith Jeniha,
j mid Charitr Temperance, ami Praise
; c;IMl Barchoncs, and Have Faith Vir-
j pins, and Jeremiah Zcrnbbabcl, ni;d
. Aiwa vs-tHlie-IVaisMl Potts, were of fre-
i nueut occurrence. Pittsburgh Ditjiulch.
. o
rrmn. .... Rr,.,h.nrrf and Fortl-
ned Her Military frontier.
The cession of Alsace and Lorraine
I placed Mctz and StrasburjJ. the keys of
j the old French frontier, in German
j sides of the Rhine, and the
passes of the Vosges (the pusses by
which the French armies used to march
to tl 10.io3 under Napoleon I.) were
well within the new Gorman territory.
Moreover, this naturally open frontier
might be said to lo wholly unprotected
y art. once Metz ami Strasoiirg were
gone. 1 rue, mere was uie lorircss oi
Belfort on the extreme right, guarding
the well-marked vallev ln'tween tho
Vosges and the Jura, which French
Seoiiraiilicr call in iroure ue neijon.
lut Bidfort. shattered bv the successful
siege which was the last act of the war
was only the wreck of a fortress, and in
anv case its works were not of such a
character a to lit it for its new position
.01 the verv frontier line. Taught by
he hard lesson of defeat, the French
Government at once set to woru to sj
the new frontier into a thorough state
:f defense. Successive War Ministers
'lave steadilv worked uimhi the lines
iriginally laid down by the engineers
?harged with the task in 1871. Money
nas not been spared. It has been spent
lv millions, and now, after the labor of
sixteen years, the work is done.
Probably so vast a scheme of military
iiigineering was nevoid before planned
.tnd executed in so brief a time. The
French engineers have not been con
tent to erect upon the new frontier
three or four first-class fortresses to
serve as points of support for a defend
ing army. They have closed it with s
double line of works, linked these to
gether by an elaborate system of rail
ways, and, besides rcfortifying Paris,
they have constructed two other great
fortresses ia the heart of France to
serve as bases of opeVations for her
armies if, as in 1870, the barriers nearer
the frontier were again pressed by in
vading armies from beyond the Rhine,
Xational Beview,
A Colored Tarty to Which Nona But
Kloet Are to Ho In,lte:l.
"YTy bress me. Miss Simmons, you
'peers to lie htimpin' j erself. What de
cause id yer hurry dis niornin?'-
"It" right yer is. Uncle Mose. 1st
got a jxiwer of t tend tot We'
gwiue ter hab a pawty down ,to Ui
house, an' I want you fr ter com."
'.II right, chiK I'll Ihj dar. shuax
Who's gwiue ter be inwited?"
'O, every body wat's got any tenshun
ter being fust-class. All de elect am
gwinter be presenL"
"Boliver Smira folks?"'
"Hain't I done tole yer none but de
elect am gwinter be dar?'
"Boliver Smif 8 got a horse an dray.
Ef he don't b'long ter de elect, who
"He nster b'long ter de upper class;,
as yer says, but de hos am down wid
de glanders."
"I hadn't heerd oh d.iL How aliout
de Wheatville gang?'
"O, yes: dey'H be dar."
"An Capreshus Jfdinings?"
"Xo: dey's hT out."
Huh! W.'v. Miss Simmons, how's
dat? Don't dev b'long ter de stockrai-v?
Whv's dey luff out?"
"Cause dis vere pahtr's gwine ter
lie seleit. an'.oney de stoeraoy"s gwiue
ter be 'vited. We can't 'low too much
mixin' of low-down darkies wid de fust
family blood, nohow. D.'iu Johusings
warn't nuthin but common fiel" bans
fore de wall."
Yes; but now dey owns a 'later
pato.i an a cow.
"Dat s so, Lnele Mose; 1 didn't tink
on itat. Keckon we II sli.tb ter Jet em
in. If dev's got a cow, dat makes a
"How about dem Clacks?"'
'Huh! Dey aiu"t got no cow. is dey?"
No; but dey's talkin alxmt buyin'
a goat."'
"Dim dat si-ttles hit. Dv can't
come. I tells you. Uncle Mo-e. s'ciety
got ter p'lect itself."
"Dat's rigiit. Miss Simmons; ef de ole
ciillud 'stookraoy didn't lMk out nnui
sus eert. de fut tingdey knowed dey'd
hab Mime oh de poor white trash comin
to deir pahties. GikmI inawniu'. Miss
Simmons. Be mighty keei-ful about
ilom inwites."'
Te gtfiue to. Uncle Moe. We has
got tor make a "stinctiou somew'ere.
RM'kou. we'll draw de line at de goats."
'How alxmt Jim Webster?"'
'He don't In'long ter de bote voley."
"I)edoce lie don't! He am an artist.
Ue paints de landscapes wid a white
wash bruh.'
"Dat's a fae. IH inwite him. too.
G.xkI niawnin"."
Good mawuinV Teia Sifting.
The Marvelous Phonopore.
There sems to le no end to the
marvels of electrical science. We have
long known that, inexplicable as it
seemed, messages could lesent through
a wire in opposite directions at the
same moment. But now we have Mr.
Laugdoii Davis utilizing for telegraphic
pnroes a form of electric force which
can Ihj separated altogether from the
ordinnrv electric current, and which
can pass freely through insulators im-
uissable y currents. The new instru
ment, termed a phonopore. can be at
tached to any ordinary telegraph line.
as-was done a day or two back in the
cae of a line from London Bridsre to
Folkestone. The result was that it was
Ntssible to send a phonoporie message
ivcrthe heads, as it were, of the usual
operators, who could continue all the
hue. to work the line from either end.
or at anv intermediate point, and in
both directions. Moreover, when the
ine at either end was disconnected, so
that there was no closed circuit, and
telegraphic messages were therefore
ntirely impossible, the phonopore
worketl as sueecssiuiiy as ever. it.
Jam?' Gazette.
Adulterated Spices.
"I know a man." remarked a gentle
man this morning, "who is so consci-
ntious that, after starting in the spice
business at considerable expense, he
sold out at a loss rather than continue
manufacturing concern that could
only lxmade profitable by adulterating
the manufactures nnd selling impure
goixl. There is uore adulteration in
spices, he told me. than in any thing
rise, and the making of the adulterating
agent is also a business in itself. Why,
it has not Ix-en long since there was a
mill over in Camden where fruit
importing firms here, and those that
manufactured piopared cocoanut. sent
their cocoanut .hell, which were then
ground into powder ami used for adul
teration. I believe the method is to
liiul out what you can get lor your
spices and then adulterate them so you
can make a profit at the figures named.
The strength and pungency of the spice
are usually made to correspond with
its price." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Most All the Same.
"Hello!" called a female voice through
the telephone at jxdiee headquarters.
"Yes, who is it?"
"Same woman who has telephoned
you before.'
"That same husband of mine has
taken that same jewelry and gone to tho
same saloon to pawn it for whiskv.
"Well, this same woman is going
over and raise the same row about it-"
"And what do you want of us?"
"Nothing, except that you notify the
officer on the beat to keep his hands off.
He may not be the same man." e-
troil Free Press.
m . sw
A machine has been invented that
orints the sidp9 and ends of boxes at
he same time at the rule of 2,500 pgr
hour. ...
The Art of Adapting the Prevailing;
to IndisKtoal Kr.nlrcnr.ta,
The dressmaking of to-lay is very
different from that of a few years ago.
It is now the work of an artisL Every
seam, every curve aud line , must- bo
perfect in Us form, and be on the latest
approved mode as to shape and garni
4 nre. but the individual iigure must be
at it lied as a whole, each Kiint sepa
rately, and the chosen style a laptd to
the form. Neither can the same style
ofdrajwy be adopted by all jiersoin
and equally lKoomiugreiilts expected.
It is the succt'ssful adaption of prevail
ing modes to individual requirements
that entitles modern dressmaking to be
elapsed among the fine arts. The new
est modes allow no darts to appear on
the ontside: thoy are made in the
lining. however. in the nsnat
way, and the pliable outer material is
stretched and molded to the figure over
the fitted lining, which gives a bias ef
fect to the lower parts of the fronts
that is strikingly noticeable when the
goods is striped or plaided. Waista
are made ns long as the Iigure will per
mit and are thoroughly boned, so tliat
even a suggestion of a wrinkle is
avoided. In addition to the usual
complement of whalebo.ies many
dressmakers add short ones over the
hips: one placed diajonally from the
front seam of the side gore commenc
ing alxmt three inches above the waist
line and reaching to the bottom of the
baque at the back feani of the side
gore, aud another one placed over this,
so as to form an X. This keeps the
basque smooth over the hips, and
sometimes a second X is made on the
side f rm. The basque, with a long
pointed front and well hound over the
hips, will give a long-waisted effect
to the figure. o this must
lie considered in reference
to its beoomingness. Shoulder
seams are placed ou the top and ex
tended only to the point of the shoul
der, and the arm-holes are shaped and
the sleeves fi.ted with the grsatast
nicety. Necks are still worn very high
and collars artaJiroad and fit closely.
When the vet or plastron is made on
Hie liftsque the collar fastens on the
side. MoHere effects are shown on both
vests and plastrons, and they are often
made of an entirely different material
and color from the rest of the dress. A
vest of pink crap? is set on a costume
of heliotrope faille, and a pale blue
moliere is effective in a dress of dark
bine. Two jshad-s of green may h
combined, and cream can used with
almost any color. The majority of
dresses have a close sleeve, with a
simple trimming at the wrists. Rib
bons are used in profusion for orna
menting dresses, and promise to be
still more extensively employetl as
thinner materials are assumed. Brook
lyn Ettgfe.
Concerning Drilled Wells.
A drilled well should be made deep,
that it may hold considerable water. If
not. it may too easily Ix? puruped dry.
Moreover, the fine sand, generally
present, works its wavviot only tilling
up the lower end of the easing, but
when the pump pipe is set low, and. is
pumping fast, some of the line sand
will be pumped up. and lodge in the
valve, soon causing the valve to stay
partly open, so that the pump will not
hold water, b:;t must le primed for a
new start. If the well be drilled deep
after water is lirt reachi-1. a space can
be allowed for tilling upt-and the pump
pipe need not lrf" placed so near the
bottom. But there l less danger of
filling up if the well lie thoroughly
cleansed or pumped out after being
sunk to the proper depth. This work
properly belongs, to ihe men who drill
the well. andshould never lie omitted.
A great deal of Ihe floating sediment.
if not removed then and there, will be
a source of trouble ever afterward.
Cinrinnati Time.
When the Cuckoo Cries.
In Northumberland one is told if yon
are walking on a hard road when the
cuckoo first calls, that tho ensuing sea
son will be full of calamity; to be on
soft ground is a lucky omen. In the
Maritime highlands and Hebrides, if
the cuckoo is first heard by one who
has not broken hi f aL some misfort
une is expected. Indeed, besides the
danger, it is considered a reproach to
one to have heard Ihe cuckoo while
hungry. In France to hear the cuckoo
for the first time fasting is to make
the hearer an idle do nothing for the
rest of the year, or to numb his limbs -for
the same period. There is a simi
lar belief in Somersetshire. In West
phalia the peasauts on hearing the
cuckoo for the first time, roll over and
over on the grass ia orde. to insure
themselves against lumbago for the
rest of the year. This is considered all
the more likely to happen if the bird
repeats his cry while they are on the
ground. CJiieago Xetr.
Lunatics are not always devoid of
wit and satire. A stranger walking
out about the Midway station, at Mil
ledgeville. the other da-, met a sqnad
of them out walking for excroise, and
asked one of them: "Where does this
railroad go to?" To which the lunatic
replied: "It doesn't go anywhere. We
keep it herj ti run tile cars on." Co
umbus (Go.) Enquirer-Shu.
pears in
following advertisement ap
a recent issue of a Jackson
ville (Fla.) newspaper: "Being warn
ed of approaching death by my phy
sicians, 1 will sell my new f4o0 piano
for $165. I will also sacrifice my or
gans and sewing machines, or rent
them. Also 'American Encyclopedia,
People's Encyclopedia, "General
Grant's Memoirs' and other books. J.
P., Hotel news office."
: V
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