The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 24, 1887, Image 4

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Descriptive Account of the New Arm of the
French Army.
Tho Lvbcl rifto, aa the now arm Is
called, was invented hy Lioutonant
Colonrl Lobel, principal of the artillery
sehool at Chalons. Its remarkable
qualities are lightness, long range ami
extraordinary penetrating power. Ac
cording to tho scientific researches ol
the mathematician, Frof. llebler, it
was supposed that tho absolute!- per
fect army rifle should be a weapon
with a caliber of precisely seven mill
imeters. The Lebel rifle has not so
small a caliber, but oilers' the nearest
approach to it ret. made viz.: Eight
millimeters. With this caliber the ad
vantages are: a lighter cartridge; a
greater penetrating power, and a much
less liability of the missile to be devi
ated from its course by a strong Wind.
The ball is so covered with steel and
brass, as to enable it to preserve its
form and to follow precisely the
graves of the barrel. Its initial xe-
locity is exactly 100 meters per second
greater than that of the Gras rifle.
which had an initial velocity of 450
meters, while tho Leliol boasts ft ve
locity of 510 meters. It revolves upon
itself 5,000 times per second always
traveling point first. At a distance ol
1,800 meters its lire is as fatal as within
a lesser distance; and as the line of the
projectile is almost perfectly straight.
extraordinary hits can be made
at immense ranges. To obviate the
shock of recoil consequent upon so
prodigious an expelling force, a special
powder has been invented by Colonel
Hrngere, which detonates progressively
without smoke and with comparatively
little noise. The shooter feels the
weapon push docs not feel a sudden
and painful jar. Three wooden shields
placed at alout Iwcnty-nve yarns apart
wore easily pierced in a straight line bv
one rifleshot the ball traveling on live
hundred meters further without chang
ing its course to strike the outlying
target aimed at precisely in the center.
The movable breech piece is shorter
than in the Gras rifle, but offers a
greater resistance and the recoil fol
lows the axis of the weapon.
On finding themselves in possession
of so extraordinar3" an . arm, it was for
some time a question with the military
authorities whether or not to adopt it
m its simplest form, as the best of
single-shot , breech loaders. IJut as
Austria is adopting the Mannlicher re
peater, Italy the Vitali repeater, Ger
many the Manse magazine gun. it
seemed necessary to make the Lebel
a repeater also; as troops armed with a
single shot rifle only, however good.
would easily become demoralized by
the more conviction .that they were
face to face with enemies armed with
magazine guns English Paier.
How a Minneapolis Honsrkeeper Manage
i to Keep Her Servant.
She pays them liberally and prompt
ly, recognizing the fact, true the world
over, that the employer who beats down
wages always sutlers from the inferioi
quality, of work done, and from lack of
interest on the part of the employed.
Having a practical knowledge of the
business of housekeeping, she can not
l)e deceived, and knows how to direct
the work properly; and. while insisting
kindly, but firmly, that it shall be prop
erly performed, she never fails to give a
word of praise for all that merits her
approval. She never meddles with her
servants' particular ways of doing work
so long as good results arc produced
She doesn't think it necessary to sub
stitute her way for every body else's
She never lowers herself bv scolding.
Her servants are respectful to her be
cause she is respectful to them. No
familiarity is tolerated or attempted.
The private domestic life of the family
is never intruded upon. They have their
own apartments, cat by themselves ami
prefer to do so. 'And yet the mis
tress is not unmindful of their physical
and mental well-being. She has fitted
np a comfortable bedroom, with a good
spring bed and toilet necessities, and
adjoTning, a cozy little sitting-room.
with a stove, table, rocking chairs, etc.
where they can rest as women need to.
And several times a week they are in
vited to the family sitting-room for
half an hour in the evening, where she
teaches them to read English, they
being Scandinavians.
She realizes that, as human beings.
they have desires for social companion
ship, And allows them to have a rea
sonable amount of company. She
allows them as many church privileges
as possible, and gives them a street-car
fare once or twice a week. She takes
a kindly personal interest in them.
helping them to select their clothing
and get it made neatly.
Too much trouble to take for serv
ants," is it? Well, perhaps it is; and
yet she contrives to do it in the inter
vals of a busy life. She savs that it
isn't a quarter the trouble that it would
be to change servants every six weeks.
Those girls love her, and look up to
her, ami work faithfully for her, and
couldn't be driven away from her.
Minneapolis Tribune.
' Contagion or Anthrax.
Anin:als dying of anthrax splenic
fever are liable to communicate the
disease to men who handle their car
cases, even though it be for immediate
burial. The privy council of Great
Britian have, therefore, sent notice to
local authorities throughout the king
dom, and caused it to be widely pub
lished, that this danger exists, and that
such carcasses should not be skinned.
but covered with quicklime and buried
at least six feet deep. Persons who
have any abrasions of the skin upon
their hands or arms should not
touch them or any part of them.
The blood, stable litter, fodder, ma
nure, etc.. should be carefully removed
and burned, and the stalls, of course.
thoroughly disinfected. American
The connection between phrenolo
gy and farm work has been demon
strated by an Ohio farmer who has
sent a demand to Castle Garden for a
farm boy, "a Protestant 'Irish boy of
from twelve to fourteen years old, and
wish him taken to a phrenologist to
have his head felt." N. Y. Herald.
A Few Sensible Comment nil th- O m re o
lleliif on 1" in.
The cross offenses committed a gain a'
the acknowledged laws of good sociotj
by those who would resent with th
deepest indignation the implication ol
ever offending, simply proves that the
gods withheld one of the educating
forces when the gift "to see wesel'i
as ithors see us was withheld.
A course of lectures Is being de
livered Saturday mornings at an East
ern college. Through the kindness ol
the lecturers, professors and tutors ol
the college tho lectures are free. Th
hour for tho lecture, as prominently
announced as tho subject, 11KX).
Promptly at that hour the lecturer
on a recent morning . began. For
twenty minutes after that time the
stragglers came In. singly or by twos
or threes. The hall is small, and after
tho first late comers ha I filled tho few
vacent scats camp chairs were carried
through the aisles. Tho lecturer had
a strong voice, but even it was unequal
to the task of drowning the footsteps
of half a dozen people, tho rustle of
garments, and the necessary confusion
attending tho seating of those, people.
Courtesy demanded that the guest!
should have been in their places at the
time designated by their entertainers.
Certainly there can be no justification
of their tardiness. Closed doors should
greet people who do not know the value
of time; they certainly can not gain
enough to coniponsalo those who give
time and talents to enrich their minds,
if they can not bo on time to meet the
lecturer's first words.
Punctuality is a grace of character
almost as far-reaching in its influence
as truth. Ho who steals my purse
steals trash, but he who steaU rtiy time
robs me of that which I can never re
gain, nor any human being be enriched
by its loss.
The laggards are tho impediment a of
life. Too much stress can not 1m laid
on the obligation of keeping engage
ments on time. And in public connec
tion but the rarest occurrences would
excuse the disturbing of an audienc?
by entering the room after tho specified
hour. "It is an evidence of thoughtless
ness that does not speak well for char
acter, or of ill-breeding that shows
lack in nature and training. christian
This. According to a Chiearo Judge, Is
the Chief Lack of Our Time.
One of the circuit judge of this city,
who has on many occasions presided
over the criminal court, and has had
ample opportunity to "know what he
is talking about," spoke the other
Since I have been on the bench I
have 'seen go down to darkness and
doom hundreds of youth of tender
years, men just ripening into manhoYxL
and those who have grown gray in
ciime, and have learned from the lips
of many of them that iu their youth
thev were thrown rudely upon the
world and never learned tho meaning
of tha words, common honesty.
In their peculiar world, the ideal man
is the cool and intrepid explorer who
lays tribute upon costly goods and
wares, who can nnloek all known com
binations of safes and bank vaults, and
who can face death unmoved ; or he is
the polished gentleman who has re
duced lying and deception to a fine art ;
and these gloat over their skill and
reputation. these are thieves.
How high does the standard of honesty
among mankind reach outside the court
of justice ? Here is the jail, and yon
der is the State's prison the one is the
gymnasium, the other the university of
crime. Lying and deception seem
to lie recognized av legiti
mate in the marts of com
merce, and fraud and misrepresenta
tion are among the most ordinary mat
ters for investigation in our courts.
The standard of public and private in
tegrity must be elevated, or all will
be lost. I give it as my candid opin
ion that the greatest evil with which
modern society and modern govern
ments arc afflicted is want of common
honesty. tho world has no
idea of economy, and extravagance is
but another term for dishonesty. The
words Conscientiousness and Common
Honesty ought to lc engraven on the
dome of the Capitol and on the diadem
of "Liberty Enlightening the World."
Chicago Journal.
Why an Arkansaw legilator Object to
the Constitution or Ilia State.
In the Arkansaw Legislature. Mem
ber from Duck Bayou "Mr. Speaker:
I rise, suh, to ax cr question of privi
lege. I have tried to do my duty to
my corn-stituents sense I come down
here, an' it makes me mad to be
projiked with. I sec here, suh, that
the editor of my county paper says that
I am cr fool; yea, er blamed fool. Mr.
Speaker, I put my announcement
in that feller's paper an' done ever'
thing I could ter he'p him erlong, an'
now he calls rr.c er blamed fool. I am
willing', not ter say anxious, ter stan'
my shcrc uv the abuse that nachnlly is
heaped on cr body like this, but I don't
think I'm called upon ter tote more'n
toy sherc. Mr. Speaker, I move you,
suh, that the sargeant-at-arms be di
rected to notify Jim Hanks not ter
print his 'temptible sheet no mo'."
Speaker "The Legislature has no
such authority." Member "All right,
if it hain't, but cf it has, I want the
benefit uv it' an' want ter take this
ercasion to say that I'm tired nv bein'
hampered by cr constitution that ain't
broad enough, an' I hereby move that
the constitution be patched upcr little,
an' in the meantime I want ter say that
any fellow that whups Jim Hanks befo'
the eend uv next week ken git five dol I'm ergoin' ter make it
dang'us fur er feller to call me er
blamed fool." Arkansaw Traveler.
The meanest man iu the country
has just left the Black Hills region.
He entered into correspondence with a
young woman in New York, whose ad
dress he had learned through a matri
monial agency, and finally proposed
marriage. She accepted him mid went
to Dakota to be his wife. The night be
fore she same he vamoosed. When
last heard from he was running for the
wilds of Montana.
They Change with a Much Frequency aa
the Style In llaU and Bonnet.
It Is probable that if it were as easy
to discard an old suit of furniture and
procure a new one, as it is for those
who have the means to order a new
dress, our houses would never wear a
homelike or familiar look, for no sooner
would we become acquainted with the
vagaries of the chairs, bureaus and
other articles of furniture, and each
angle and protuberance be so well
known that they could be avoided lit
tho dark, than we would have to ac
custom ourselves to a new arrange
ment and map out a new chart. As it
is, a suit of furniture which five or six
years ago held a leading position In
fashionablo circles, is to-day looked
upon as out of date. It requires nlmut
five years for tho accomplishment of a
complete evolution in style. This,
perhaps, is a vety judicious arrange
ment, for the young couple that
have their house newly , furnished
when they set out together mav
have their home refurnished iu tlio
latest style when the fifth anniversary,
known as the wooden wedding. Is cele
brated. What will they do when tho
tenth nnniversary arrives? By that
time they should have money enough
to refurnish their house if they wish to
do so, or sense enough to care nothing
tortlie rules of fashion, rive years
ago about the only wood used in
the man uf art lire or furniture was
black walnut. Occasslonally a
bedroom suit in ash or white wood was
discovered, but such an object at
tracted as much attention as the wear
er of an India helmet would in a walk
down Broadway. To-tlay black wal
nut still holds a place in society, but
has been outranked bv mahogany, oak
and cherry. Bedroom suits made of
dark cross-grained mahogany are tho
chief attraction in furniture salesrooms
to-dav, and articles of furniture mad
of thi wood.comniand a higher price
than the same designs made up iji
other fashionable woods. There are
many purchasers, however, who prefer
the honest, sturdy-looking oak, or the
bright and warm looking cherry.
Mahogany was the most fashionable
cf all woods about a half century ago.
and no doubt there are stowed away in
cellars or attics, or still doing service
in the second or third generation, many
a bedstead, bureau or parlor suit which
is just sufficiently antique to meet the
prevailing demand. Mahogany will
take a high polish and will wear for
ever." as the dealers say, as it is very
tough. We know of one suit of furni
ture made of this wood which has sue
cessfully withstood the wear and tear
of two generations of boys and has n it
as mauy scars to-day as the boys them
selves. Oak furniture does not take aa
brilliant a polish as mahogany, black
walnut or cherry, but it has a business
like look and is preferred by many be
cause it has a more genuine nntiqne
appearance. This wood is but little
used in the manufacture of bedroom
suits, but for dinner chairs, desks hat
trees and chiffoniers it is preferred
There are marked shades in oak, and
in the manufacture of desks especially
a very pretty effect is produced by the
judicious combination of these shades.
Cherry is useu for almost every pur
pose and is selected generally in the
manufacture of Sleepy Hollow and
other more or less comfortable work
ing chairs and easy chairs. A. 1". Mail
and Express.
Sagar-KIng- Rjtrerkela f.lve Some Farts
About ,fie Horrible lMaeaae.
Clans Sprockets, the man who is sup
posed to own the Hawaiian Islands
among other liille things, is here, and
is one of the most noted men in town.
Spreckels is a stout man, with white
hair and In-ard. His most striking feat
ure is his eves, and such eves thev are.
They are gray ami blue at times, and
Mem to look right through you. He
speaks with a flight German accent
and uses gestures freely to emphasize
his remarks. He said to the correspond
ent: "I am at a loss to understand tho
apathy of the people of the United
States towards tho Hawaiian Islands.
Naturally in the course of time they
would liccome a part of the domain of
this country, and they will, too, if we
would only take some interest in the
great projierties owned by Americans
there. It is the most glorious climate
in the world. The temperature never
varies more than eight degrees and the
sou will grow every Hunt? that is known
to the earth. The people arc splendid
specimens and of excellent disposi
"How about leprosy"
"I can tell you as much about leprosy
as any other man, but really I do not
pretend to understand it. The lepers
are banished to an island, from whence
they arc never allowed to return. No
Ixxly has ever been aide to learn
how leprosy originated or how it
can be cured. It appears in the
most curious ways, ami leaves men and
women untouched who have suffered the
greatest exposure. The most striking
instance of this fact is the case of the
present Queen of Hawaii. The King
is her second husband. Her first hus
band was a leper, and her two children
by him 1mUi died by the horrible dis
ease, and 3-et she is a perfectly healthy
woman. Nobodj- knows how leprosar
is communicated. The most eminent
authorities who have looked into tho
subject contend that it is not contagious.
Several years ago a white man was
condemned to death for a murder
which he had committed. The au
thorities allowed him to choose be
tween being executed or passing into
the hand of a noted German physician
for experimental purposes. The crimi
nal cheerfully chose the latter. He
was inoculated time and time again
with leprosy, but -the disease had no ef
fect upon him, and to-day lie is as
healthy a man as there is on the
islands. Leprosy does not often attack
the white race, for out of the thousands
of cases there are to-day only about a
half dozen Caucasians. These are facts
beyond dispute. In mv judgment
England will take some very aggressive
measures to obtain possession of the
islands before many years. The native
race is rapidly dying out, and it is a
question of a very short time before tho
country wilt pass under the control of
a foreign power." Washington Cor.
Susanna Salter Is quoted as an Illustra
tion of the pottHihililieN (or women In Kan
sas. Mie is Mm wire ol a prosperous law-
vex, the mother of four lusty children.
Mayor of the town of Arcrona and only 27
years old.
When the appetite, fall anil the aleeifirrow
restless and at refreshing, thi re la trouble
ahead. The aln.ntlve oricans, when healthy,
crave food, the nervous system, when vigorous
and tranquil, gives its possessor no uneasiness
at nlnht, A tonic, to be cflVctire, should aot
be mere appetizer, nor are Uie nerve to be
strengthened and soothed by the unaided ac
tion of a sedative or narcotic. What Is re
quired I a medicine which invigorates the
tomach, and promote amlmilatiun of food
by the system, by which means the nervous
system, aa well as oilier arts of the physical
organism, are slreiiKthcned. Tticsj are the
ell'ccta of Hosteller's rilomach Hitters, a medi
cine whoso reputation in founded firmly Id
pun lie commence, ana wmcii pnysicutns com
mend for its tonic, anil -bilious and oilier
properties. It Is used with the best results In
fever and affile, rheumatism, kidney and
uterine weakness anu otner maiaaies.
W. H. Green, the only colored man In the
Signal Service, has been removed.
"Paid Aaron to Moses
Ijel'a cut off our noses."
- ........ t.. lun m ,, FT. f mm
..t...l. Tlia itnamtMlInn wliii.H . I rr K
produces is often Hufllcient to make people
continue suffering just aa if no such cure
. 11, 4arpA' f,liirrh Itempflr evinted. It
Cures every cane from the simplest to the
. , ! 1 1 1 I 1 . 1
niont complicate", aim an cuunc-
quences of catarrh. A person once cured
by Hr. Satre's t atari h Itemed will not be
apt to take com attain, aa ii leaves wie mu
cous membranes healthy and strong, liy
n. - trVl I- ...II I ii a 1. . ... luuin MniloM
homeless by the Hood at Johnstown, l'a.
White Tlains, N. Y., April 10, 1890.
I have received many letters in refer
ence to my testimonial, lately published
commending Alixock's Torous Plas
I cannot spare the time to answer them
In writ Ins. therefore would aealn sar.
t.hroiicli the rtress. that 1 have found Al.l--
cocks l'oRot'9 Platkks Invaluable a
cheat protector and shields afraiustcoutths
and colds. Furthermore, 1 (have found
Au-twK s Plasters uneqaied for pains
in side, back and chest.
T10JI U tiHlUAbO.
n-mnlzrd 1H71. Una in ( J members. Paid
to benetleiariea over t.Tio.UO. No annual dues
and nn Mwne after minimr cceit to ear -
scssmrnta as deaths occur. The benefit of life
Insurance furnished at actual cost. Theavei
afre expense for last fo'SJ- year to members 40
years of ntre toca-ry SiniW oi ly i! 1: V MU
cost PH Mi per year. A limited number of Non-
.Masons between Hi ana ts years oi aife win oe
received when recommended by two .Mason,
members of the A'sociaiion. . . A.
lien. Agent lcincloat. 3 California sU 8. F.
Printers' I nW. Publishers who are
not buvinir throush Palmer & Iley are loa
Inn money. We sell Job, Hook and News
Inks at manufacturers prices.
''or Throat IMMeawew nail
t'oucbm use "Zfroirn's lironchinl
Troches." Price 25 cts. tol'l only in bojres.
The flood in Hungary have inundated
iu,UU0 square miles of land.
Use the surest remedy for catarrh Dr.
Stanley's erpedttion is making slow
protrres in central Attica.
Don't roruel that you can always
purchase type, presses and material from
Palmer At Hey, Portland, low er than from
any other house.
Relief is Immediate and a cure sure.
riso Kemedy for Catarrh. 50 cents.
Try Gkrmka for breakfast.
a Positive Cure
for Vry forrrj of
bKn and ulood
SfS- from -
Pimples U Scrofula.
slant'r relieved by a warm Imth with Ct'Tl
cm soap, a real Skin BcauUlier. and a sinttle
application of Citiccra. the irreat Skin Cu-e.
Thi repeated daily, with two or three dose of
CCTICVR KKMoi.VEXT.tne Mew mood l Tinner,
to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pare
and uulrritattnir, the bowels open, the liver and
kidneys active, will speedily cure.
Kcsema. tetter, rinitwoim, psoriasis, lichen,
pruritus. seal 1 head.dandrufT. and every species
of torturiiui, ilif flmirinir. iu-hinir.scaly and piin-
Kly diseases of Uie skin and st-aln,.with toss of
air, when physician and all known re medic
Bold everywhere. Price. CCTtCT7RJt.50c.: Soap.
tSe.; Kksolvknt, l. Prepared by the Pottkm
UHl-O AND CHIslUL C., 1VISTOJ, ill Ana
S-trSend for ' How to Cure tkin Insease.'
Pllf PI.KS, blackhead, chapped and oily skin
11U prevented by CCTICVHA .Medicated Hoap,
It relieve pain, promotes a regular and healthy
recurrence of periods and Is a great help to young
girls and to women past maturity. It strengthens
111 back and. tho pelvic organs, bringing relief
and comfort to tired women who stand all day In
home, shop and factory.
" LcQCOrrhcra, Inflammation, Ulceration and Ills'
placement of the V torus have been cured hy It,
as women everywhere gratefully testify. Regular
physicians often prescribe it.
Sold bj all Druggists. Price $1.00.
Ura. Pinkbam'a "Guide to Ilealth" mailed to any
lady sending (tamp to the Laboratory, Lynn, alass.
Cores all Diseases or ig-i Ratine from a
disordered state of the BL00S or
LIVER. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying1
properties, it leaves tne Ulood pure,
ine .Liver ana Sidneys nealtny and the
complexion bngnt ana clear.
J. R. GATES A. CO., Proprietors
417 Saosome St., San Francisco.
lanwd Sept. and Martli,
, eaveki year. - 3151 pases.
I B lncIe,wluovcr
' 3,BOO Illustrations m
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Price
aUreet to consumers on all good foi
personal or fWmily vac. Tell how to
order, and give exact coat ot every
thing you vac, cat, drink, wear, or
naya fun with. These INVAIAJAMLK
BOOKS contain Information gleaned
from the markets ot the world. We
wtt nsU a, copy PRKK to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray
expenae of maUtng. Let ma hea from
yon. Respectfully,
82" V S2U WTaJMtab avsaae. t'alcaae. 111.
A syndicate of (iennan capltftllots Is
trying to secure a monopoly of the iron
industry of Canada.
Siy many a sufferer. " I have the 'blues'
frightfully: 1 am troubled with headache
and dizziness: 1 have lost my appetite;
mere is a nan lase m my mouth constantly.
What la the matter with me?" We will
tell vou: v ou are "bilious." Tirt a bottle
of Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dlscov
cry," use it faithfully, and you will soon
ue a new man again. Ail druggist nave it.
A wink In lime' strengthens the soda
When Baby was sick we gave her Castoria,
V1 en she was s Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Mlaa, aha rlong to Castoria,
WLen the had Chlldron.ahe gave them Castoria.
I in or At Iter are the only live, and
eneraelic tynn founders upon this coast.
l nu ran obtain anything reuuirea in your
olllce from them at lowest rale.
Evict nitn and woman ymns or old. nn this Ciext.
tliat U a!1ltrU-! with atijr tliwatie. no matter what, that
tlwlr f&jiiilv phrxlctiM tit- n arub-ratucul, r aumot
cure, kImmiIJ write a lull l-crl.tln t their tmiiM,- to
llr. ronlfti, nr get no the trln ami vilt hhn. He im trw-viilt-d
with every ItiMtrmm-nt uf surferr, and the best
nmllrllM-s to be hiul for TnoiK-v 'iniaullatiorui fm.
JlMM-ttHtiloDlw-n: rrawjimtile etiarffwa. Ail wim
Hwlencr strictly eunriilttiuiu r.nrj. munp. na'irnw
Ll' . ii 1 1 L' V , - a U n ...I I i EM
uoual llauk, r urtlaiul. omsou.
rt . ri'iii'i.i, ot. iti , in. . v, u, . w a . u .
Rupture Permanently Cured.
Hn Minrnr Work ff-vt-r (lar Curti Kuartuiteel.
Ari'lrrai lrm. PORJiKN a l.l'TH r.R, ptilces 8, 9 ana li.
Vint BaUuual Hank, l-urtlaau. un.
lrlo ItednrtMi noon leads, slues.
raxes, stands and printers' specialties liy
ft hatL
0n bottle taken according to direction
will giro better results than a gallon ef
Sarsapan'Ha, or any of tho to-called Blood
PuriKera with which tho market is glutted.
At Druggists, price $1.00 per bottle.
mill bo paid for any case of Rheumatism
which Dr. Pardee' Remedy, property ad
ministered, fails t relieve.
Plan's Ttpmnlv for Catarrh is Hie
Butt, JbasHstt to tse, and C'lieatwet.
Hoi J hy dmmrits or wont by mail.
K. T. llaaulune, Yt arren, l'a.
How She (Spared Her Husband I'aln bj
Keeping Tales of Woe from II tin.
H. E. Adam, of this city, la in posspssion of
letters writh-u ty Mrs. Henry Ward Ikwbei
in 1KS1 and lsv'J, In which situ speaks of tlx
trying tiling growing out of the Beecher-Til
tou scandal, tlirir own poverty and Mr.
ileerher' arduous duties. These let ton
prove tier sublime self al.i:oirntlon.
Under dato of Feb. , lvl, Mrs. Beechet
wrote: "Vou should see the immense pile ol
Uiioited lettor.-t Ix-foro me, tho punishment
for a two days' nlmeni-c f rotn the city. Nearly
nine-tenths are addressed to Mr. Ueccber, but
ho never reads letters unless there is some
matter that ho alone can decide, which is not
often the rasa. Thousands come to us tbnt
ho never sees, consequently they do not
trouble his brain, or, wbnt would bo more
rioua, grieve his tender heart. All rorrespon-
ilcnce to k-ft to ino, one of the cheerfully ac
cepted but onerous duties resulting from be-
iiiK the wife of such a num.
On Juno 7, 18SJ. she writes: "The pitile
blackmail persecution to which my husband
was subjected a few years ago turned our
heads white before our time and nearly broke
my heart at lust. Thnt trial cost us 100.000.
We wore not worth K),(!Ul. The impression
seems to be rencral thnt he is a wealthy man.
Ho never wan, but when comfortably well off
his overllowiiiir ceneroaity enabled him to lay
by nothing of any account. Sometimes now
if 1 did not discreetly purloin thn contents of
his too liberal pocket the household expenses
would remain unpaid. He cannot help re
turning moneyless because of the talcs of
woe that seem to lie in wait fcr him opon the
street. Biuco that tcrriblo trial bo has worked
incessantly, to the detriment of his health,
preaching, lecturing, writing, hoping to lift.
uie neavy mortara from our home here (Co
lumbia llcigbto, Brooklyn), but it bad to be
ola in the srii-ine.
On Nov. 7; ltftU, Mr. Doecber allude to
tho "two or three bushels of letter that have
accumulated during Mr. lieecher vacation,
to say nothing of all that followed iu into the
country." She sjnaks of the Innumerable pe
tition for help, and exclainia, "Oh, that
the wbolo world could know that we are
poor, ioor, poor in everything but the ability
to grieve for wo. wo have not the power to
aid. From the letters I hare classed as
genuine I find that tho sums so pitifully
pieodea tor orrirrecato over K0.000."
Referring to this subji-ct in another letter,
she says: "What enn I do but half break
my heart over sorrows thnt my dear husband
could not alleviate were they known to himi
It would nmko him til to read the letters.
This suffering I can spare him."
In her self abnegation sho makes no moan
"because this suffering is vicariously visited
upon her." in a letter written in December,
18S2, sho speaks ouco more of that "infamous
blackmail scheme," and adds: "I am confi
dent that history will refer to it as the most
cruel aud conscienceless of thi or any other
century." Detroit Special in New York
" Fruylng to Death."
Among certain simple Melanesian tribes
the curious citntom cullirtl "praying to
death" still exists. A man trho has a
feutl publicly aunounc3 lis intention to
pray a, pertain, enemy to death. In these
cases the victim as a rulo makes no re
sistance, but quietly arranges his affairs,
withdraws to his hut, lies down, and in a
few hours, awl without manifesting any
sipjn of illness, dies, purely and wholly of
Ids own imagination. " "
V i
Absolutely Pure.'
Aila iiIji, naiei m9sa A ?narvsl el wafttf
Btoetitrth and wholesomeaess. More economical trtsg
tr-e ordinary kiut), x& eacoaSj be sold In eou-.p!
tk with the multitude ol low tert, short wesjb
aiom or pe.asuh&te powders. 8 Did only In caesi
ttOTaBBixaierev&aavxh urn v?au sacs. - .
Tiwliiiiir rJric?llo,
Ease Ball and Lawn Tennis Goods.
New Store, Largest Stock,
Finest Display,
Bead for Catologne and Prices.
ii T minenil KIHHT BTHEET
n. is nuudun, ron-runD. cm.
f 10 y ioo p.3.
f lo y luo lbs.
Voa eannnt alike n nneernn -with
nnltrr wit Heat Ihfm-WhslrMli- aa4
Hetail at Nnllh's 'ah ore. 1 15 and
117 4 lay 4lrert.Haia a- raaielwee. 4'al.
The oat It slorU of type, presses and
printing material will be found at Palmer
& Key's Portland house.
Ml Lli. thorel
la Hop off frm most and snbscribe for
Sinl eupiss. lOe : thna bi Kitfas, 35c : LU0 per Jt-mx
In telvajiea. Htasops tax- n.
aaaaale f Jnn lstt. seat to gsqy Barker
Rbca auti UHlinery HUM rn P&nSe t.'r St. A&koar
IV iuiw W.S.VTKIV Rta lajf. RuJ 35a lor out
fit. 1J rise atrret. t'raaelsea.
TfcM) OrlarlsiaJ as Only 0bsjId.
Prf, sb4 nn RHsM. awsisnf sjasllilj IuiIlsUiws.
ls4l9nnaM LADIES. Ais r UrsnM c
i.-kjtrart Exilili n4 t H -. r in 4e.
tmmv.' m It. t-vueetsrt m tMr h. rrtsn-a asalb.
NAME A ?f,VMUA'Sri-fc
BM T )ilt rtnt mhtwv. 'klHkes
tor's .gti.I- ljnl 1-U1. IiUstsM,
C. liss ttfeen ihe In ta
ffHe ui o 1- . r c I... uf
tin Ijiu. sail to ft"n
SimoSt SAtVCMAl Sllf.tSl.1.
'sIlTRFHY flR1
Oksises th .( r
fhe pvViK bskI jnw rtaka
1santf the Icadts Si lis
I inn fltin tyUirm.
A. 1 SMI I1L
ScMt7 Dnqnrsls.
Tils BKLT r Kes-aentarM
SAsds sssfvasl fur u of
T,r i 'an f ih. iwrttM
rllM, Ths eontBSMS HTfM
r KLECTajrITT rani
tavcft tw ns ssas rmm
ihriu tobsitx,ystsu DBS
msmUmmA this with KIcCrfc BI1S
ad .1 Use ta Car. sllllls ffvi
and MM. ItUfor tfc OSS
V elrstilsrs ttBf t1t ta
fartfaasMimChwmlil trte aI C., US WsssJaxtaa
Sum. Cbjcsf, Id.
I -- - I
owm a a miss is i sssssssssssssssssaaaaasasasaaaaaaisss-M laaWT s ill as
Oyster Shells
o-1 Jap. Egg Food 3
M .CsTSSlSt f
Vo'iTixU-?'"1' M
The Grandest Display of Choicest Woolens ever shown in the City,
Knxlfeh, French, Scotch and German fabrics in endless variety fiir Snita to nieaaur.
One Thonaand 1 Afferent Patterns t- elA from.
Pino jH1-"Woo1 Suits to Order frcm - - $20.00
Pino .tUl-'Wool Pants to Order ----- 5.00
Only AVIiik' Lalxir and First-Class utlrrs Employed,
126 First Street, Portland, Or.
3VT ATtTjijj Magazine
For 1st, m ansll now, sll bn. TKs Smml ssoKiar
y pwrwwwl, m IM ssly Milnlyty Ml. rin. ea turn Mrlff
IALIi4HI OA1J.KKT. sportivo avo TARr:rr nu
JlMnbd CMsk.fw. UAltLI.X 1'IKE ABU
for Infants and Children,
"CaatotUsowell adapted toehndren that Castoria enrea Colic, CtsMrttpatrrn,
I recxmiBMnd U aa auperior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, lharrhoe, Eructatkta.
kaowatome.' H. A-Aacaxa, M.D I Kills ateep, and promote dt
iU So. Oxford Stn Brooklyn, H. Y. WUhou.0iAjurioaa medlcatioo.
Ths Cbdtaob Coao-AST, 183 Fnltoo Stress, K. T.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Guns and Sporting Goods,
Fine FfMhlas Tswkle.
Agents for tha
Fire Crackers and
Agent lor
7Send fr Catalogue
165 & 167 Second St, Portlind, Cr.
ekakcu sroaas:
ersids Ar. Spokane FaUa,W.T. 48lteSt..Salra.Or.
One Afnt (Xrrvlinnt wit? wTlff ftt ryrT town for
We believe Tour Tansill Punch" 5-eent el-
gar to be the best ht America for the money.
Address, R.W.TASSil Vfj ;Q,'lilfaT.
5 I till fin I, uabler, Koenish Ptanoe: Bor
det Organs, band lnstmmeota. Largeat stock
of Sheet M usie and Books. Bands supplied at
Kastern prices. M. UKA i.
an ronaiRei, naa inuicwm
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Instituts
Htair ot EteMeea EisTrkscrs aw MUU.
Wul Pkralelsusa asMl llsufsi,
Patknta treatl h-re or at their boitk Man
treated at boiue. t Itroug-li ewrresptifwlc-ncs', aa
sucorssf ully as if here in persnn. Come and
f-e ua, or s-til ton wnt in stamps for ttur
" InraUds' Gmde-Book," which sires all partic
ular. AiMn-es: Wohu's Imspessart Menu
CAt. Ak;iatio, GUI Main St.. Buffalo, S.Y.
Tar " worn -out" - run-down.- debilitated
school teachin!, millfwrs. seamstresses, bouse
keepfTS. end overworked wonvn sjenerallr,
Ur. Pk-rce" Favorite I'reieTiiJtion 1 the o-se
ot all roratrVe tonics. 1 1 is not a rure-aB."
but admirably fulDIH a einirir-ness of purpose,
b'-ina' a most pot-nt SpcotOe for ail thoeo
Chronic TVi-nkness and Disenses peculiar to
womm, Tho lritment of many tboisands
Of such casnsj, at the I nralids' Hotel and Surg
ical Institute has affordc-d a fatrire ezperienoe
In adapt ins; remedies for their core, and
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
ts the reatilt of thi vast experience. Fwl
Internal tonrrtlion, Inflaaimallon
and ulceration, it i a Speelfie. It
is a powerful s-tK-rnl, as well a utine. tonie
and nervine, and imparts Tifror and (trrnfrth
to the whole system. It cures weakness of
stomach, iinliaition, btoatinir, vmk back,
rtfrvous prostratioti, exhauMkHx. d-lility and
Floepk-swK'sMu either ex. Favorite Prescrip
tion is sold by dnireHta under our potilito
guarantee. Ee wrapper around bottle.
PRICE $1.00, 80.00.
Send 10 cents in stamps for IV. Pleree'e lanra
Treatise on Dieeas- of Wnm n ( 100 psires,
paper-covered . AWr. World's Dispejs
mrt Medicai. AssociATiOK, 6t3 Uiun ttreet,
BuAalo, N. V.
Inaa nnt
BIMoas Ileadaene,
Diazliieaw, oiitipa
lien, ludlaresfioHs
and Bilious Attacks,
promptlv cured ly Ir.
Pierre's Meaaant
ParfallTS f cllet. 25
Cents a vial, ty Iruggieta.
The Van lilonciscar
Ywfc ariddls ased sad
oM, slEie or married asea
a&d ail who mlftr wtth
Kemma DefetHtr. Spcasaa
toirhea, 8esahksl Losna,
Scxaai Deos, Faiiin Meas
or. Weak Mfm, Laofe ef
Ki-rgy, also Blood and
SUa Maeaaes. Sn-hSiis,
Krapsiooa, Hair FsJIias
Boa Pains, 8 wolling
Sr Throat, I lor-rt. 5
tecta of Marrary, ajdawS
um! BladW- Tta.klM
weaa Kaea. Baroinc frioe. unonsis,
Hath Hexes) Onsslt aafleatlll-
proiDus. rauec ana enr ffrw inc.
N. P. K. V. So. 135-S. F. X. V. No. SG2.
TilU nad.
J lu. .Vew II
area, Cau -i4