The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 24, 1887, Image 3

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Tho Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1S87.
Local and Ganeral.
M. A. Miller tvliiniwl Monday from
a brief visit to Portland.
Mr. t Prince, we are jrlml to mv, is
plowly tveoverlng umkr the euro of Dr.
" Lwk out for the now furnflure stow,
of t II. H weoe & Co. Iltnl-rm-k prlveH
takes the rimmIs.
The lKlee Fur Nloiito etuh will Rivo
dance at the Oiwrn house, Allwny,oii
the oven In jr of July 4th.
J. 1 DoiiTiea of Sweet Homo, cave
us ft eall on Mmnlav. Ho reports every
thing "lively"' in life burp.
U. V. Irvine of Solo, w In town
Wwlnesilav. Mr. Irvine it otic of tho
eolitl prohibitionist of that seeiioti.
The Tielmnon Prohibition L!U:ue
meets tin (Fiil:iy) evenliijr, t 7U5t
everylnnly invited. Interesting pio
(trme. The Lebanon lv.vse team ramp home
Katunlny niiilit, ull mveretl with glory.
Astoria did'nt get awuy with every
thing till elatter.
S:oelal attention is dire-td to t!io
plioe "ad" of Samuel 15 Younur; Al
bany: also that of F. II. Iiieoo & Co.,
new furniture jiore.-
Mr. I. W. Kaup, ppeoial njreiit for
tho Home Mutal Inmiram-e l'o., for
Orvirov Washington and Idaho, gave
u a .call Wednesday.
AYe understand there wa a largeeon
vnitrseof peoole at tho eamninoetlng;
s belli held at wxlaville, under the man
agement of the V. I ehureh.
J. R. Mori-, IV M. of f-'io, aooompan
leil by his wife and little daughter, eall
el at I.obanon a few minute-! on Sun
day last, on their way home from camp
meet lug.
Sweet Home will eelebrite on the
coming Fourth of July. Orator and
waders have In-cn peeuivd fortheo,"
ea.nion, and a good time, isantieipatetl.
Let joy lie unconstrained.
We direct attention to the fbo "ad"
or Samuel E. Young, AHwiiv whHi n p
pears in another column. Mr. Younyr
1 a very ile?ant gentleman to do bus
infs with; eall atul see him.
Mr. A. A. Hnhor, P. M. nn.1 mer
chant of Spieer, pavt- us a pht.Kint 'till
VHlnesday, leaving hi measure for n
"ad'' to which we direct special atten
tion. Call and h? him when you goto
Thronsh inquiry we learn that the
pnow slide referrel to, week In-fore last,'
Is now removal so that teams ean p-ts
eaft-ly. Travel over the Nintiam wmr
on road will unusually ! largo this sea
son, so predict.
There will lie a meeting of the AY. C.
T. U. held ut the First Presbyterian
rhureh, at I-hanon on Fridav evening,
July I, 1X87. The president Mrf. 11. M.
Reynolds, desire a full attendance of
of all menders. lii m nun r the date
W. W. Sunders, who reo"vl his
wwiid trial for t he murder of Charte
Campbell, was found guilty of murder
111 the second decree in tlio Marion
comity circuit emirt. list week. He
given a life term in the p.niitentiary.
Marshal F. M. Miller has entered up
on the duties of his mTioe and is niak
ine some needed inn'mvomcne on the
Brre1. The council did a wie act in
appointing Mr. Miller marshal, s s he
is a man who never flinches from what
lie knows to lie his duty.
The thermometer Indicated 02 in th
fhade on Tuesday last. Were it not for
the refreshing sea brco in the after
noons, these days would be Ktmewhat
depress! n sr. The cool nisrht, however.
lunngHweet rest, and ail thinr- consid
ered, when it isuii-e in the Willamefte
Valley, it is "ju-t too splendid for any
thing," as the girls say.
Rev. G. W. Gibney of the Prlncti n.
Theological Seminary, h.-'.s accepted the
chargeof the First PreshvtcrianYhurt-h
of this city, and wiil hold serviets next
handay. inorninar ad cveninjr. We
take pleasure in extending to Air. (i
ney a cordial wc-liMnw anion ir us, hop
ing his utay hero will le jdeasaiit. r.nd
that his efforts in the ministry, will bo
crowned with euccesa.
A few dav ap wc csdlitl at the den
tal office of Dr. A. H. Peterson, where
we were shown thousands of teeth
whieh the Dixor has extracted during
his practice. - Judging from the Biiape
and size of many of them, it must have
taken a long, tough pull to fetch 'em;
hut the doctor is skillinl in the art of
xtraeting, and they come without any
fH.iishncs. He also showed us a 'tum
or whieh be removed, which is no small
Sunday School Picnic.
On Thursday June 30, the Reck Hill
Union Sunday whool will give a picnic
in which all friends of Sabbath sehool
work are invited to participate. Speak
ers have been secured for t he rx-easion
.J 1 .... I ,1... ,1.,. -U Jul rvl..,
ant one one to all who attend
Seriojus Accident.
On Sunday last Frank Craig.a young
man 20 year of age, who lives ek:ht
miles southeast of Lebanon, met with
a very serious accident while cleaning
"""a double-barreled shot gun. One of the
Viarrels being loaded, was discharged re
Milting in very serious injury to Uth
hl4 hands, wliilc ten or twelve shots
entered his body. The wounds in the
hands were of such a nature as to aw-
. fitate the amputation of one thumb.
Two of the fingers were broken. Ir.
Courtney, assisted by Frank Hallard,
amputated the thumb and reduced the
Tract u re of the finerea, and extracted
most of the shot. This is a sa l lesson
for the young man, and another almost
fatal exam- le of tbo results of the care
less handling of fire-arm. The young
man ha our bet wisnes for a speedy
The Picnic at Halsey.
On Saturday last a large concourse of
people repaired to the beautiful grove a
short distance east of Halsey, where
"Colonel Woodford-add resswl the citi-
Kcnfefrom all parts of "Old Linn" on
the Question of prohibition. Tlie Col
onel was at his best and held the large
audience for an hour and a half with
increasing interest. The roll of the
Prohibition League at Halsey was
"handsomely increased during the meet
ing, That the meeting whs fraught
with good results, there is no doubt
whatever. Such indisputable argu
ments as Colonel Woodford uses, must
make friends for the great cause of tem
perance reform where ever he goes. We
nope he will be encouraged to visit every
village, town and city in the state, be
fore the election. We wish him God
peed in his grand efforts to help us in
carrying the state for prohibition.
Everybody, the rum-seller included,
jshouid hear Col. George Woodford on
the irood results coming from prohibi
tion In Karsi and
Th Lebanon Hos Team Secures
Two Prlres, But are Counted Qut
of the Second Prize for the State
Championship, by the Astoria, So
Called State Board of Directors.
Until this year Astoria has had the
honor in getting tiwny with the boodle
at the Mute tournament. At the one
held nt Vancouver, la?t week, the Imit
ation team gt in and won the first
prize on the wet test, and the wound
prize of 100on thestuteehampiiuiship.
They did this, too with twelve men
against AstorlaVtcam of sixteen. When
the contest was made there wiw adill'er
anee of opinions which was Anally set
tled in favor of the Lebanon team, by
a committee of. ton ersons, live of
which exclusively lielonged to the As
toria company, while, In- it said to the
honor of Lebanon, our boys weiv will
ing to leave it tofivediseutoreBted men.
knowing perfectly well the race would
le decided in their favor. The Astorl
ns, nppaiTidly ehngrinned at defeat bv
twelve iiuti to their sixteen, wait till
they get home, and with the state hoard
of diri-etoi"s,eonuos(Hi entirely of Astor
iana, count tin Ia-Imihoii team out, and
steal the $1:i fairly, and stpiarely earn
ed by our Uvs.
To this Astoria, so called state
Imard of director, evidenty lx
longs more honor (') In carrying oft
prizes than the .agility, and good
managment of the ineii composing
their ' companies. Tuke the money,
gentlemen. (?) You ar- welcome to it.
Vou certainly need it very. bail to keep
it miller such straiidng circumstance.
In bis dcriiiion " the raecs, our
wprter said it liad raimnl the nij-ht lie
fore and the streets, were omevhat
muddy, which naturally" put our 'web
foot' boys in their element, and when
Chief Kello'rg gave the signal the Lelt-
i anon team vailed througu Z st-iiunis
ahead on the wrt tes-t, and unt(Uestion
ably sei'im d theseiHMid prize of $100
f for the State Championship. He it
' iaid I : t!ie htm r of Lebanon, her tlre-
man o; aiH-u-it of their gv ntleuianlv
j il orlinent and cimj! display of sevI,
j tine coupling feat-, etc., made h
! best of irieiels during the conn sts.
They ntdy had morefriendsat Vanwuv
icrthan any company of the a?siH-ia-
tion. It was ndniitti d by all that
j Pet bier m ude the tinest'eoupliiig dur
i ing the tournament.
! XT)!i thi'ir return honfeSaturday even
i iiyr t!i- boys, wore met lit t he train by
I the Lebanon comet l.aml and eseorte,!
) to tlie St. Charh b.otel where they
! were biiUijU'Hed bv 1. A. An.lrewstiiid
! M. A. Miller. Judge F. M. Mill, r in a
j few appropriate remarks j-engnmitrited J
; t'i' ia mii thesuiHi'S) tin y had achieved.
! whieh was thankfully neUimwlcdgod
j iv tlie e'-ni"l and enterprising captain, t
) Mr. C. C. Ha. kteinan
Af'er pat taking of tn gtwxl things, j
and rev iving many hearty cougratula- j
j tions, the Imys ntiifJ to rv innoeeiit i
j of the fact that there wat a villainous (
i eiiemo on tmn in Astoria to rob them
' f their honest y earned launls.
From Fox Valley.,
June 17.
j As you are Interested in lrnliitiiiun,
i 1 thought jei haps a few items from t he
f hImivc mvntioiHsl valley, might be of
Lsome in ten at to your reader.
The Hon. County ComnussloncYs'
etiurt visind the prop-wed lx-idgi s-ite
at Meliama, n the North Sautiam and
the meniliers ,f the court, as well as
Mr. Martin Panic, of Albany, w ho ac
companied . them, were favorably im
pressed with the hvution for the bridge.
On' Saturday the people of Fox Val
ley having bi-en previously notified that
there would l? a pu!lied":suss"ion of
the constitutionality, as well as the
practicability of the propessd constitu
tional prohibitory amendment, at t he
sen.K.i noi se, ai o;ci.jck p. m. i lie i
:' ."" . m !""'"-' j
Mr. Mills chairman. After which Mr.
J. Trak called on the Hon. T. P. I food- i
man to explain the object of the meet
ing, hut Mr. G. expressed himself m
!eing a spectator only, Hon.'Alexand r
Dow ning, formerly of Marion county,
Ix ing present, w as culled Upon to ex
plain the object of the meeting but de
clined as be was thereto r.pi'xvso the
amnicndmeut. whereupon Mr. Parker
being called for, took tlie platform, and
f.r:doi!t forty minutes toured fourth a
stream of elixpionce whieh from his
manner one would have supjsmsl he
thought be had annihilated vory'hing
but reformed drunken democratic pro
hibitionists. At the close of this peora
tion, Mr. Iowning, gave nsan addr-ss
that did honor to his antecedents ns an
nnti-tcmeran.H politicain both in the
republican and democratic parties. Mr.
H. F. Darby made a short, s'ns;tlo
speech in favor of nrohibitiou nnd there
was a great inteMost manifested, which
went to .-how that the p opio in Fox
Valley ai-e wide-awake, with their
shoulders to the wheel, helping to roll
for prohibition, with the great temper
ance army that is marching on to a
glorious victory in November next.
L. H.
Pear are more plentiful.
Gardens are doing splendid.
Bad colds is the order of the day.
Plums and apples are almost a failure.
The cherry crop is U low an average.
The mvnt rains is making the farmer.-,
more hopeful.
m L. 15.
The Gotxi Work Progressing.
The meetings inaugurated at the pic
nic at Halsey on June lsth, continued
with unabated interest during the Sab
balb, reaching tiie climax at the clos
ing meeting last night, t'ol. Wood
tonl will inevitably make Totes for the
Amendment wherever he is heard,
a:nl neither IiChanon or any other
town in Oregon Ciiit afTord to fail td
hear him. The friends of the Amend
ment need not, le 'afraid that the sub
ject will grow stale before election day.
Col. Woodford will kindle so deon and
earnest an enthusiasm that it will in
cvitaWv arouse Others, rather than die
itself. L. V. W.
IIaijsev, June 21, 1SS7.
Roll of Honor.
The following is tlie roll of honor of
the Waterloo school far the month end
ing April 3, 1SS'7. Kaeh -one Whose
name appears lelow, stand on the mer
it of 100 in scholarship, attendance and
deportment: Matt Cams, T.J. Cams,
Minnie DeVaney, Laura DeVaney, J.
tilass, Nina Glass, Aunie Gross, J. H.
Gross, Ilattie fiross, A. J. Llum, J. A.
Kluni, Maud L. Klum. Alva F. Mc
Hride, Ira McBriile, Lillian licliride,
Stella M'Timiuonds, Frank Rolwon,
Maggie Itobron, Stanley llolon, M(d
dus Robson, Julia Sheridan, John
Siieridan. S. A. DkVaney.
Teieher. ,
Brownsville News.
Farmers are busy cutting hay.
tlooigo Coshow, on Monday paid Al
bany a visit.
W. It. Kirk returned from Portland,
on Thursday last.
Horn June 21, 1SH7, to the wife or
Wm. Hyers, a daughter.
Tuesday afternoon the thermometer
marked lit" in the tdiude.
Miss Lyda Uulbraith returned homo
from Albany on Monday last.
M. it. Crane has established himself
in business at Pendleton, Oregon.
'I he Misses Chessey and Hopkins,
paid Albany a visit on Monday last.
July the Fourth tickets over the O.
Ry. limited, will Ik? sold at half ratio.
Alexander Howe la running the sni
ply wagon for Moyer'a logging camp.
The atrawlicrry crop is weakening.
HlackltcrrlcD are" alsmt to "take, the
At present a good price is being offer
ed for sheep, w hich are scarce, mid In
Mrs. Itoht. Coshow of Joseph, Wallo
wa Valley, is visiting family friends at
this place.
Wool to the value of ff21,(H. vi dur
ing the pat week purchased bv the 11.
W. M. Oo.
Donald Mclhie, and William Thonip
son, during the past week, left for Har
ney Valley.
Prof. Ills. Strange has secured the
Msitioii of principal of the Corvallis
public school.
A. Jack Adams has purchased the re
sidence and property formerly owned
by H. W. Hoddard.
The voungi-st child, of Joseph Saw
yer, a tittle girl, is siiU'ering from an at
tack of remit taut fever.
Charles llishon of the firm of Hishon
Kay, of McMlnnville, paid our tow n
a visit during the past week.
A band of ( Jyseys having three wag
onsand thirtt-li head of horses, ptisaotl
though town on Saturday" laid.
On Friday last, n line mare the pro
perty of LiniHiin Kirk, received a kick
from the t fleets of which it died.
On Thursday last, Capt. James Hlak
i ly, returned from and extended tour
through Missouri and Tennessee.
On Thursday last, A. W. Stanard re
turned from tar,t of the mountains,
bringinjt with him a band of horses.
Miss Kate Cofrhow, u ho ban Ui u at
tending the recent term of the Albany
illegi, returnel home on Tuesday
Prottvt 3'our eyt from sun and dust
by the use .of colored spectaeh-s, and
goggles, f ursale by Pillsbury, the Jew
eler. The campmocting held nt Crawford-vill-
on Siiiebiy lat, was well attended,
quite a numl.r of our citueii.-t w-rt
Rev. Jescph Hiberg of Layfi tte.on
Monday evening at the M. 15. ehureh.
delivered n very interesting wruion, to
a gooil attendaiuv.
For the past week, the little daughter
of Wm. Temnletou. Jr., has I teen at the
resident t' lr. I. W. Starr, receiving
melleal treatment.
The time is rapidly approaching,
w hen the small boy, ruminates on th"
imei'rtabity of the piwsesion of small
coin of the rt alm, wherewith to make
July the Fourth glorious.
On Monday morn'ng, a colt attached
to a road cart, the property of James
Mellargue, Jr,. ran away, breaking the
cart and throwing out the oceujmnt.
(isrge Hitwc, w ho received tin axillery
disliH-ation of the shoulder.
In last wet ks it.sue of the Lkhanon
Kxi'iux", your e'.rresioiident stated
that a lecture took pl.uv at the M. K.
church on the evening of Wednlay
l.tli. Thcstatement wa incorrect as at
the npttointcd time the let-tim-r. billed
as I.uiher J. 1 HnnU, falUil t put in
ap'araneo, having lirs-n nrresteil on
suspicion of tieing a fugitive from jus
tice wiuitiit In ew l ork, for ilerrauil-
lll2 wvmt societies- The prisoner was
taken to Salem in elinnre of the arrest-
T. S. P
Albany Notes.
June 21.
Sixbn n thousand tt's of wool was sold
here Sat unlay for 'St cent n-r lt.
The entertainment given at theOera
house by the iiiis of the Sisters
vchool, was a splendid success.
Yesterday Jay Hlain bought of Mrs.
Royee, twenty-four acres of land ad
joining the city at f Khi ht acr,'.
Yestenlay was the longest and also
warmest day of the season, the ther
inometer marking 1D0 In the shade.
Col. Woodford, the distinguished
temerntnV orator, dtlivereil a very in
teresting lecture at the court houso hud
Judge Strahan. will go to Salem to
morrow for one more day's work with
the Supreme Court, afterwhich they
will adjourn till next Octolier.
1. H. Monteith in ex-eted home hv
morrow from an extended trip to the
mining camiw in Idaho. While abmuit
he made investments in pn-perty and
and mining stock.
The funeral of Mrs. V. H. Spencer
took place last Sunday afternooit from
the Presbyterian church, a largo con
course of friends following tlie remains
to t:ieir hist resting place.
Yesterday a team lielonging to Peter
Riley, lieeame frighteiuil and ran
away. A young son of Mrs. Ferrell
who was in the wagon, was thrown
out and seriously injured.
On July 1st, Chas. Pfcitrer will again
assume control of the Revere house,
having sold his interest ui the priming
otlice. He has already leaseil the bar
room to J. Williams now of the Ituss,
for a term of three years.
A family arrived in town yesterday
from Prmevillc, having come ovor the
mountains. They report about twelve
to fourtetn feet of mow. Mr. Haekle
iiian's land of cattle had not reached
Upper Soda when they met them on
The occupants of what is known as
the Cheadle property on First street,
are moving out as about July 1st the
buildings will all be moved and Judge
Flinn will commence the erection of
one of the finest bricks in the State,
outside of Portland.
More building is 'being done and
more improvements being made in Al
bany now, than in all the past five
years combined. Mr. S. E. Tommy is
"having the plans drawn for a hand
some brick, to be erected on the corner
opposite Senders & Sternlierg's store.
Last Monday evening Mrs. Surles of
Scio, met with nn accident that may
prove fatal. While she and her hus
band driving in a buggy, were ap
proaching the Cilapooya bridge at the
high grade, they met a team and in
endeavoring to pass, their vehicle was
overturned. Mr. Surles escaped unin
jured, but Mrs. Surles received a severe
fracture of her right leg; in fact from
tlie knw to the ankle it was littcrally
ground to pieces. She also received in
ternal iiijuri'f.
Sobaville Note.
Mrs, N. P.
Hriggs, of Corvullis has re-
jWe have n lltst-i'lass i
meat market,
Lansing Peterson uroprielor.
Mlsa Aimle Smith paid Us a living
Smith paid us a
James Aohcson Is stopping with his
cousin John C. Worth lor his health.
Miss Nettle Pitman King's Valley's
brilliant vocalist, is rusticating at Soda
Ville at present.
Miss K K linn's music class now meiii-
X'n twenty member. Prof. Suther
land Is assisting her.
Mr. 1 . Galloway. Is erecting a catidv
and fruit stand near the camp groimi),
and will M-ll during eaiiipnioetiug.
Mr. Isaac More of Corvallls w hu has
Isi'ii stopping here during the jmst two
Weeks returned home last Tuesday.
Mr. A. 1 laekleuiaii drove his band of
faille through Here Inst week, uuniiicr
inglJUO head lanind l"or"l!unch GraaH."
Mrs. Hilda Spcrrv, who tins been vl-
itiug her parents here dining the past
mouth, has returned to Prarie City,
Grunt county.
y 1 '.i I ward Powers, A. I'., lately from
Ijowcll, Mass., has la-en engaged to
teach our public nclmol during t he tim
ing school year. Win. Pound has I urn
aplolnted Ills assistant.
Frank A. Knglisb, Ph. I. champion
neorpion tanner is here collecting f-piis.
linens for the Willamette University at
Salem. Mr. I'.nglish wasliorniu Wales
and is very proud of his ancestry and
I), lvlrkendall lias returned from Salt
Lake City, nud reorts u pleasant trip.
Mr. Kiikeuil ill was scranaded by the
string hand; he w ill cominnur house
keeping soon in his huge dwelling just
purchased from Capt. Duvls.
V While here Sunday the 11 liist.. Dr.
j. w . vaits, orgam.ei a temperance
Ijcnguc which now numliers about ko
niemls'i-s. IntenMing swi-ches were
made by Hrs. Watt-and MAliter, and
J.H.siiiieof the Lkuaxox Lxi-hih'.
AVe were iisvittHl to visit the art room
of Miss t'ora Left in a few days ago.
Among her executions worthy of
sH'eial praise, was a (Minting or "Christ
healing the sick," and "Pilgrim's Pro
gross." Miss Loft in a very talented
artist. 1'otNTAiX.
Waterloo Notes.
Jun'j 2.
Grain and g-.irlens lu.ikiiig tine.
John Gillilund went home last week.
His hand sirms to Is lietter.
RoU'rt M'Culba h has about llnishcil
a large pole barn and t-hed, w hich is a
valuable addition to his farm.
KUler A. H.i.wa was down from Sweet
Home a few days since, trying to ar
range for a house in which to hold
At the Close of th" theological dfhnte
at Sweet Home, of which mention has
heretofore Nrn made, everyone seemed
highly elati d over I he result.
William and Jncoh Schmidt, essisted
by G. W. Klu nt aiel I S.ilt;ii:irsh, air
raising their ltr;i and putting under
new fills mid otherwise repairing it so
thev can put up plenty ol feed. This
is right, as pi-oplo who fail to put up
plenty of feed lose money every time.
JiH-1 Vail and wm completed their
contract of .V,'Mki t, t of logs for the
lab.ncn paw- mill, and exjti-t to go
to t heii Iwmrd and fWfngle camp in a
few day. Any oni needing cither
larls or shingb-s, -an In- supplied bv
sending tin ir orders a lew dnys nhemf.
I do not desire in speaking cf thin
lilai-e, to call att 'utinil to the soda
spring' hero, for every (wrson in the
c UTity, and in fu-t in the State, knows
of it iiud its medicinal proerl ii-s; but
I dcsji-e to inform your many readers
that, as heretofore, Mr. Ghosh is pr--pared
to accommodate all (h rsoiis de
siring to visit t h's place for their health
Hem prepared to furnish eanicrs with
auythiiig in the way of groirries,c.-iiine-l
fruits, meats, etc." Tourists will find
the b.'.-t of food and other accommoda
tions. All comi rs will tind the table
snrmiil with everything desired by the
most fastidious. M rs.t ; rofs' cxperlciur
an a i-ook at this place has Uught her
how to please the taste of pi rsons who
are, or nave lrn sick, and for this
reason the public cannot find a It iter
place to spend a few weeks than here.
Any person d siring to visit Waterloo,
who will notify Gcarge Gross by mail.
In-fore arriving at lA-baiuei. will ts
met by him and conveyed to hi place,
at rcKsntiahlc rates. FiPitKit.
Col. Ceorgs Woodford.
Col. George Woodford suddenly ap
peared on the platform at a crowded au
dience at The Dalles, and us suddenly
the magnetism of the matt was telt,
"To your feet, and singout!" resound
ed from his commanding service while
he gave the loudest example himsvlf.
anl the roof of the M. K. church echoed
back the inspiring words.
"Ami crown him I-or-t of n!i:"
Col. .-Woodford has ti commanding
firesonoe; he is a noble looking man,
lis voice and manner is telling, and he
perfectly understands the art of grad
ually intcrestingjiis (tcoplc, captivating
them first and then capturing them for
t he cause he lovt s. You don't reckon
time while hearing Col. Woodford
sjtoak. It goes as an evening Isdl when
you find from one to two whole hours
lied, and you are not aware of having
drawn more than one whole breuth the
while he ieaks without notes, and hot
front the In art.
The sequences of hisarguments, each
is-rfect in itself, are only broken by the
humorous anecdote, that noliody seems
to enjoy la-tter than the Colonel himself
everything that he deals with is real,
fun and all.
When he comes to this county let the
country folks roll up in waves to hear
him talk.
To obtain Col. WixwlfonPs services ad
dress. Mix. H. R. liriggs. State Presi
dent W. C. T. V. corner Front & Wood
streets Portland.
Dry Good, Etc.
N. H. Allen & CV. Albany, Or., have
in stock the most complete line of tine
dress goods, silks, velvets, etc., this
side of Portland. Also wash fabrics of
all kinds, and late novelties in every
line. Ladies, when in Albany, call on
Allen fc Co., and inspect stock and
prices. Samples sent upon application
when desired. noS-aui
Standard mowers and sulky rakes
excels all others. At
F. H. Roscoe & Co' s.
Money to loan, by Curran
teith, Albany, Oregon.
Boots and 8hoet.
tf "When in Albany call upon N. H. Al
len & Co., if you need anything in the
boot and shoe line. They have in stock
a full Hue of H. J. Holbrtiok & Co's.
fine shoes, for ladies and children tlie
best In the market. Also C. M. Hen
derson & Cy'.s. fine shoes for gentleman.
None better made. They guarantee all
goods as represented. noX-Sm
II tl:i;ls. ,Vt rnrlhi-. X. V.. en .lira- !, I7. of
t-oniaiiiUiiii. I'll on I A, llAlim-.aueil -1 )'fcrs,7
IihiiiIIh iiinl Ui ilni .
fii'iW'itci-il tun Inirn 111 I n!,iili"U. I.fnn iirtuitjf.
fltvjioit, lull Bt-iil Hit; mt!l f liln ji-urw In Alhmijr,
uberitliU pun-uu ii iM l hn In i-IrIiUyii
moiithx elil. ( lUia.K mil- tl-if Jauiifl iiurf
t:. A. Iliu-ils. who n-!i'n.l in Albnny until llitir
ill-Sill, NHIK1 J-ltlllK nt-o, It HVl!l l;!lll Mini lo nt In t
ulillilrea nriluin. IiiJiiih-, 11, Iic.uik) b!s imtli
er iciil sbier we n! tn CuriliiiKi'. nhcre liln Irtilu r
ri-lutivcit riwlilc. Aiu-r tv. . yearn lie n iiirni'.t in
lbuuoii mlicre li reniiilm il uiitil lii'-l Jjnnmry,
111 health liiltliiK hlui, mid ri ulizlnu tlml his llim;
on rth uiu-t ! shun, lw hail nit eitnu ft ilcilip to
H-f ht. liriither iin-1 iti-r, In- n uinipd In 'urllidHc
In Fi liiniiy 1x87, wlH-tv h l.-mnlmxl until himli-Bth.
Hi' nii!ilsiiii; omiiB mmi "fhrlsfhl lihVlb . t.
nml uiiil-imluliiiliy. lit; united Mlth Uit-riril I'll-
l.yl'Tioii eliui-i li irf Ihl- it, nut i-ar ntta.
Th' n!iJi- I o! thi,i millte a nuid-.ir4 of J.
W. Hell, mid u ni di of tir. nml Mr. H1-, .f
llils ilu e, with uhotu lu uimle lit-li.nnr w h!l-lirn-.
IVw-e In hii n-waini.
sMit'Ttt. In I'nividctH'i- ).n-citit. I.lnn nnmir, tir..
Jun 10, lH7, tif .i:iil it i 1 jienri iliwit-n-,
Noma, yimiiui-t duuKliier of Julni mid Auim
SnJi; nrfi.-,! . tumuli- Hiid t-ilit days.
Tin; little inn- nn iiii. ilv iu the rrnvl-
U-m wmetcrj , hen- lt n-main were ilt-ios-ltl
by tender huudv. Si rvU wi-re eutidui lisj hjr
Her. Mutter and was uttiiulid hy a litrstt nuin
Im t of frletiile wlxi i-Ikihii! !,j their tear tho f ta-j'Hthj-ectinli-d
the l-reat-, imn-n's.
AHiHiiy HtN'n U-- coii-. L. B.
Moore's Hair Invlgorator.
This excellent preparation for the
hair, may be found on sale at the fol
lowing places: M.,A. Miller, Lebanon;
Starr & Stanard, ti. Osborn and M.
Jackson, llrownsville; F. A. Watts,
Shedd; C. tiray, Halsey. Sample bot
tles free. Call and get one.
Lok out for the New
Furniture Store
-In Lebanon, Next Week.
We will Retoll at
One Carload on the Way,
F. II. K0SC0E & CO..
o r t co sTaii rail y a Yo s p as yT
( Limit. 1 Line.)
CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver.
m U"t fi r Mjr I'', l--7. nml iifil ftmlK-r im
tirr train wilt run lu:'.y u s 4 synuy; s lot
im :
I'oliurjf Mull '
. 1..V1 j
Anri-3 i. '
-. :i
! Tottxnl I'.irt-
An l.'.:w
I. '.W
II. .7
II. 17
It ii
II 4
It .
t v t'.i
Ar- in. 30
III. 12
9 4a
V -
! '
r. a
7 17
7 05
I'lM IK Jf.-TX.
1 u!jiir!z l.ila.
l;iiy' tjimtiiiE.
t .''.
1 iu it,-imI.
lu-r.i i
J-!)i-.m'. ?!i!t.
tl'nu H I'rMtri-.
Itt.! Siili-
Wh1"I.i Hill-,
. t- Nlny!tH,
M -t Sj-i-i,
' IYmLim-.
8;tli --nit'.iaiii.
i ILbaim Juiii'tkm.
) t ,vt;,
' H. llvlili.
I inn
t Itniwti-vtlU-,
' Twin Iliiin-.
j MintT"iii-ry.
. l-.r-i.
'Art-. l.v
" 1 1
:t "-i
4 "II
An l 12
I.v t il
4 11
4 VJ
7 Ui
) Itt
samuel e.young,
-IXnh r In-
Boots and Shoes.
liought Kxclusivoly fnr
Cash from the Manufac-
Every Pair Warranted.
For Ladies, Misses & Children,
Estray Notice.
Oticbmwn mnrp. bnindiMt J D on left fhnutdcr;
12 on loft hip. One two-yonr-uld bay colt, witu
Kiaull stariu forelii-inl; both hiiul fi-ot white. Ai-a
one ilark brown lilly. I'ikiii application to llii
oflipe, and paying for thLv notice, information will
be Kivt-n as to when; these auimals can lie found.
FroTn the farm of !r. A. IVheeler, a spun of
sinnll ltores, bclonsius lo Mr- L- Seniors, of Al
bany, Orcein.
A pnn of dnrk browns, well matched, alnvvst
exactly alike, linutd. bramlefl on left shoulder
w ith it small V each. Tlte near horve is also
branrtetl just over the V ith the spectacle bran.1.
WetKht l.iKKl ixaiiidscach.
Anyone piviinr information coneerniiiB the
aanio will hv libemllr rew anh-d by notityiiitf K
I-.KIiKHjS r -. WllEKI.KK. AllitlllV. OICJ.'HII.
Atr.v.w. i:...Jniic in.
Do You Waul IljtnUvarc i
There Is no uif of ybnr Koing -ls wh re, when you ean buy your Hardware at
Home. We would rwiioclfully call your atk-ntuiti ft our largo stock of
JfJuiklerx unci Cont ractors'S ii pj') I less,
.Table and Pocket Cutlery,
Amiii mi Titioii on I
Is Complete, otid will be sol 1 at
l-'urinerH will find tliis the Hea l'p.tarters for
As we carry the Ikd goixls in the market. We keep. In stk the
Collins Plows, John Deere Moliue Plows,
Canton Clipper Plows, and the Celebrated
Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras for Each.
-0 "
Barbed Wire Sold at Low Figures.
A. V. IirR"IIlI.t.,
r-. tour o r ;
.-- : tvB!S.lT Y J
5l . ST,,Lt - V
, . !: r , .w. C. 'jti f5
W. B. DO N AC A,
Groceries and Povisions,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups.
Country rroJije talceii In 12xoIiarg for Good
j Corner Brick Store,
Drr-Goocls, Clothing, Boots & Shoes.
Gents' Kurriisling' ' Good:
Popular Hosiery Compaiw. .
Closing Out Sale.
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Bridles, Spurs, Etc.
Offer mv ENTIRE Stock at a BARGAIN.
G. F. MEAD, Lebanon, Or,
Axes, Saws, Garden Tools.
sba. - k of-
lissliii $ Tackle
Prices that defy OanjiotiUnn.
Lebanon, Oregron.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or,
dmM Ce,ebra--
jSpjw- $3