The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 24, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 17.
(ixtti cvkrt riuiv.)
J. H. BTINE & CO Publisher
On. Vear W
Hit M.inth. 1
lare. Month M
( fa)all la alTauce
Cn atnam. flmt lnrtlm .. W W
r-acfa 4.1IlI.uI MiavrUiin. lit
Local Notice, pet tin. IS crnta
Regular ailTCTthemenU laaartrd upon liberal W-rtu,
All dewrtytlona of Job Printtnt dona on ahivrt nttr.
HtanVa, tlrenlara, Huatuww t'aitt. Hill IliwK
Letter Hnx'l, lMter etc.. executed Ul good tj k .ml
at kw.t uvtni praeea.
LEBAHOX MlttOH, NO. . A. F. A. M : Mceta
ml tbetr tifw hall In Mamnto Muck, on Satunlay
drculnc, on or brtur. the Kill moon
LEBANON IXVfXlF, NO. 47. I. O O F : M.tU Hal
unlay evening of each Week, at IHItl rVllnw Hall,
Main Mnrtj iatUu( fcreUm-n cordially inltml tu
attend. J. J. CHARLTON. Tt. tl.
HONOR LOIMSK NO. A. O. V. W., T-tnon,
lrrM: MrvU every lint and tliinl Ttmmlajr rrii
tua in ill. mouth. V. K RoMIAtti. At. W.
f'WOtRct la Dr. Foa-lle RoMnm.
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt,
Collection, ami other bwlnna promptly attended t-v
OAc on Main street.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
Oflic In re-rf.lmre, on Main street, et done iwwth
ot V. B MnoUpw bow reatdunec. All vurk warrant!
Itiarcea reaaooable.
Sharinc. Hair Outline, anl Ahampooin. In the
latest and
W Patronage respectfully solicited.
N. W. Corner Main and Rheeman Streets, two Mock.
feast of K K. ltv.
J. NIXON, Prop'r.
Table Supplied with the Beat the Market
Sample Room, ami the B-t Aecoeamodatlon. for
vocanmiia. awn.
t.Onrral Mage Ofa .
Ibanoa. OrKB.
HAiicncnrut o tx
Harness, Saddles,. Bridles,
Whips, Spurs,
,...AD ALL....
Goods in the Saddlery Line,
Harness and Saddle Repaired Promptly
and at
Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Beef and
Bacon and Lara always on Hand.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Lebanon, Oregon
Siotes auflTuiware,lM,PMDs,&c.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
Brother Gardner 1'unl.hea a Wretch Found
tiullty of Mealing nn t'mbrvlla.
Previous to tho opening of the meet
ing IlrotWr GHrtlner, Sit Inaac Wal-
k1c and Yaj,lowti Iluhpo were 'n In
arni'st conVt'i-witlion ninuntt the lire!-
dent's dtwk, and Mlirti th triangle
aminiletl It wm pretty woll unili'i tMnl
thnniKhiiiit the room tlmt Hoinn nitiU
trr of grurift liniMii tiuico wft on tin
tapiH. Onn Inillvlilual aoi'iinnl to ft'-l
evi'ii more than a lively tuirloHity.
This was llrothor Pro;e!i Darlji, a
nnml)or of alMiut sK nioiitlm' BtMiiding.
lit) jiunnii'd Iiioist lf into a corner ami
trhnl to appear as uniaU m os11j1o,
and when inquiries worn made nlxjut
hU (tore heel ho let on that he had an
awful toothat'he and didn't want to
talk. Seareely had tho meeting open
ed when he was called to apiiear at the
president a tU-Hk. I ho hnik of terror
Over Rtiven Million A area of North weatorli
Iinil One. Owtifftt by On Man.
Searching for other records In the
ofllefl of tho ltefflstor of Deeds of Craw
ford County, WUcimslii. I cimie across
tho following entries, which moy le of
Interest to many of your readers.
Transcript of a deed given to Jonathan
Carver in 17C7:
"To Jonathan Carver, chief of the
most mighty and potent (Jcorgo the
Third, King of tho Kngliiti and other
nations; the fame- ot win we courageous
warriours has reached our ears und has
been more fully told us by our good
brother, Jonathan, aforesaid, whom we
rejoice to see among us and bring us
good news from his country; we, the
Chiefs of the Naudowissics, who have
hereunto set our hands and seals, and
by these presents fflr ourselves and
heirs forever, in return for the m.inv
which t ame to his fa as he rose " pre,.its and good srrriees done bT th'e
All kinds of Repairing Done at Short Notice.
A!o koep In stock
Brownsville, Oregon.
Practical . Watchmaker.
Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods.
Rings, Bracelets,
Cuff and Collar
Chains, Pins, Etc.
All .l .-iaaraatee4.
All Mark Warranted.
First Doer Hart, of the Citi HalL Mail Street.
I IiowiiMvill Or
Parlor-: Haelae. Im. Hraarhi I"rlla. Or
provetl that ho reganltnl the matter in
a very serious light, and ho nhuflleil up
the long nislo like one (,'olug to an exe
cution. .
'llmdiler Ppocrss Davis," eattl tlie
president In very solemn tones, ."at one
of our weekl3" meetin's last fall, an as
we" war' about to disjK'rse to our homes.
Sir Isaac Walpole dtakiucred dat his
nmbreller was niissin'. It was an um
bivller wid a white bone handle, an' it
was an heirloom in his fam'ly. His
gran'fadder had walked under dat nm
breller, an' it had kept tie rain off his
fadder, an he himself had owned it fur
nigh upon thirty y'ars. It had leon left
in kyars an on steamboats an on de
front doah step;, an' IioIxmIv had ttwik
it. He liatl biung it down heah two
huiulreil times, an' it war' alius wait in'
fur him when ho got ready t go home.
At las' some one stole it some human
hyena laid his desecrated paws on dat
sacred relick an' Wro it off. We made
ebry effort to find it. but de hunt was
in vain. Ien we settled down to wait
for Justice. She uebber sleeps. She
sometimes does a good deal of fixdin'
around, an' dar am sometimes a mighty
long wait between de ackts, but she
nebber sleeps. She didn't go to frleep
dis time. She war' lookiu' fur you. an'
yesterday she oberhauled yon. You
hud Sir Isaac's umbreller under jer
arm. iteaii am tie limn prom 10 con
vict 3'ou! You are de hyena who stele
it, an' you are now liefo' de bar of
Justice! Prisoner, how do you plead?"
Process stood there with his mouth
open and could not reply. The sudden
shock seemed o have paralysed him.
His guilt was as plain as tho hind but
tons on a coat.
Do pusoon who will steal an um
breller nmler any circumstances," con
tinued the president, 'desarvcscouiline
ptinishnienL In tlis ease you stole it
litini a fellow-menilter of a society, an
you atlded do sin of lyin' to your crime.
Your name will be enwsed off our
ImmTs, an' you will enter dis hall no
mo' forelter. De carryln' out of tie rest
of de sentence am left to (
Jones an' Hercules Johnson."
The prisoner was removed to the
ante-room, and altout a minute later
laradie Hall was shaken from roof to
cellar. This was followed by a buni
ing sound on the stairs leading to the
alley, and thU again by the sound of
fee making a rush for life, brother
Process Davis will doubtless remain in
Canada during the rest of his life.
Ik t roil Free iVcw.
rrvttr Kdltorlal Hrnd-OflT foml.inwl
from th. Mnilily Fork. Hugls.
IxST. Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carts; Open
Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboards, and
and Top
Renerat AgcnU for Canton Clipper Mow. Harrows. Cultivators. Road
Scrapers. (Me Chilled l'lovrs. Ideal Feed Mills ar.d Wind Mills, Knowl
ton lUr 1 takes. Horse Powers. Wood Saws. Feed Cutters, etc. Wa
carry the largest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the Northwest
Coast. All ur work is built especially for this trade aud fully warranted.
Send for new 18S7 catalogue.
Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Our good are sold by F. H. ROSCOE & CO., Hardware Dealers, Ibanon, Or.
Gr. E.
Watch maker
Harness Shop
Manufacturer and Paaler b
....And a fiili lino of....
Saddlery Goods.
All work work wursnted Rand made umI
Cuiif urnita Leather.
Watclies, Clocks. Jewelry, Silycr Plated Ware and Optical Goods.
Agricultural Implements
And the Celebrated
Main Street, . now, Oregon.
O O O O O O o
a -'.-vt i y v- a Bfcjrr. sola
Tfr. In O
'& Saral Ob
1 .ruu-TH .w
Hill ShankM and Lib Hipper waltzed
into the ofllco of onr genial justice of
the peace yesterday, and wcro made
tine man in about three shakes of a
dead sheep's tail. Lib and HUl are
loadinir society twoplo here, niul thev
have scads of friends who join us in
wishing that their married life may be
all lovo and molasses. Bill is a royal
good boy, and them that knows Lib
knows that they ain't no discount on
her. Sho Is the most accomplished
young lady in Muddy Forks, anil one
that any man could bo proud of. She
killed two bears with a club, one day
last spring, aud can slap over throe
acres of iraifie-sod with a yoke of
oxen any day. Sho can split more rails
in a day than any other j oung lady in
these parts, nnd there ain't many men
that boat her on "cord-wood. Lib Is a
dandy when it comes to fancy work of
litis kind.
The blooming young couple left yes
terday on foot for Kansas City, on a lit
tle wedding-tour anil honeymoon-speculation.
They will bo at home in their
own dug-out after tho 10th. I'id-Iiits.
. .
Answers to Correspondents.
r V . . 1 1 . . ! .
d. a! Maggie. i. iiu; a enow mihii is huv
J e aV e I e T. suitable for street wear unless you have
it dyed. 2. You should always nng tlie
door-bell when visiting, and not use a
A. U. C Trim your velvet skirt
with flounces of white llanjmrg edg
ing, and slit the waist up tho back, so
it can Iks buttoned in front.
Daisy. White chalk is gid for red
elbows; also stove polish. If wo were
you, we would have tho graduating
dress made with sleeves to como to the
wrist- This will prevent red elbows
attracting attention.
Clara 11. 1. No; seal-skin saeques
will not be worn all summer. 2.Sash
m 1.1 mi slionhl lie n vard wide, and all
Guaranteed wool. 3. We do not answer imperti
nent questions by mail. Lije.
said Jonathan to ourselves aud allies.
give, grant and convey to him, the said
Jonathan, ami his heirs and Rssigns
forever, the whole of a certain tract or
territory of land, hounded its follows
to-wit: From tho Falls of St, Anthony
running on the east bank of the Missis
sippi, nearly southeast as far as the
south end of Lake Pepin, where the
Chippewny River joins the Mississippi,
mill front thence emtwunl five iliivs'
travel, accounting twent v Knglish iniltT i wicked
per day, and thence north sis days'
travel at twenty English miles ier day,
ami from thence to the lulls of St.
Anthony in a straight line. We do, for
ourselves, our heirs and assigns for
ever, give unto the said Jonathan,
his heirs and assigns forever,
all the Raid laud, with all the
trees, rocks and rivers therein, reserv
ing to ourselves and heirs the sole
liberty of hunting aud fishing on the
land not planted or improved by said
Jonathan, his heirs or as-dgus; to which
we have affixed our respective seals at
the CreatCave, May the 1st, One Thou
sand Seven Hundred and Sixty-seven.
"Hawnopawjatin - Turtle his X
'Otehtongoomlishoaw-Siiake his X
"Said deed is in the records of the
Plantation-Onicc, White Halt. Lon
don." Leavens Carver, one of the descend
ants of Jonathan Carver, purchased
the right, tit 1.9 nnd interest of some of
the other heirs prior to 1.')7. The 10th
of July, 137, a deed was recorded in
Crawford County, whereby the said
Ieavcns Carver sold tho one-half of
all his right, title and interest "to
James Ilaxter, of Stanstead, in the
Province of Lower Canada, Member of
his ltt'itatiuie Majesty's Legislative
Council for the Province of Lower
Canada, in Ilritisli North Atricrica, and
Wright Chamberlain. E.. Lieutenants
Colonel of Stunstcd County militia."
Consideration for the deed was five
hundred thouaiid dollars, lly act t,f
Congress, approved the 17th day of
April, 128, the Carver claim was ac
knowledged and confirmed.
It seems nlitioKt incredible that less
than one hundred and twenty years
ago the vast area covered by the Carver
deetl was transferred for such paltry
considerations. Three large cities are
now in this territory. How many of
the inhabitants of St. Paul, Chipjiewa
Falls and Kau Claire know in whom
was vested the first title to all their
real estate after the Indian title was ex
tinguished. Kven the Pillbury miils at Minnc
hh;Hs must stand UMn this grant. In
Wisconsin the counties of Pierce, Pepin,
Clark, Kau Claire and Taylor, aud
parts of the counties of liuffalo, Trem
ealeau, Jackson, Wood. Marathon,
Lincoln, Chippewa, H irron, Dunn and
St. Croix are within tlie bounds of the
granL lit Minnesota tlie valuable part
of this grant is to-day the city of St.
Paul. It would be an item of interest
to know what Jonathan Carver's heirs
rccievod for this enormous domain
over 7,(XK),(KH) ncres of land. Cor.
Chicago Tribune.
The L'ttrrly Hopttlra Condition of th.
Orrat Majority of the liar'. Suhjert.
The condition of the Russian peas
antry, w hich has been long and steadi
ly deteriorating, has now become so
utterly hojielesB that only some special
extra pressure is required to make their
deep discontent break out In rebellion.
The "nioujik" knows nothing of "con
stitutions" or "political freedom."
Ho sighs for none of these things. He
hates the Niliililts, for they are innova
tors and the declared enemies of the
Czar. He has a great patriotic ami su
perstitious regard for the Emperor, as
the head of his Church, the fountain
of all good gifts, ami the representa
tive of an ancient national institution.
Hut when firmly established in his po
sition, one Czar satisfies the Russian
peasant quite as well as another. The
Kmperor Nicholas was quite as good to
him as would have been his elder
brother Constantihe, hail the latter not
been put out of the way, and the Em
press Catherine, a foreigner and a
woman, was quite as good as the hus
band whom she disposed of. If his
grievances become too great the peasant
will not hesitate to attack the Czar's
officers, tax collectors and others, and
he will maintain a comfortable theory
that the autocrat is unaware of his
sufferings, and that he is the victim of
nobles aud officials who
have combined to persecute him
and to deceive the Czar. Before
the peasant was emancipated he
worked under his master's directions,
he mid no taxes, he seldom .had any
money, and he got but little "vodky."
His master guaranteed his subsistence,
and he had no particular cares or anx
ieties. W hen emancipated he was
made a present of some land, but he
also became resjwmsible for his own
subsistence, and he became subject to
a land tax. He remained, however,
thoroughly careless, and his only so
licitude was to do as little work as
possible. Circumstances for a time
favored him. Good land was abun
dant, the price of corn in EurojK? rose,
railways were made to tmnjMrt his
grain, the money rolled pleasantly into
his poekeN, and tho Government
kindly alsdishod the spirit monopolies,
ami brought "vodky," plentiful and
cheap, to his door1. Times have, 'how
ever, changed iiow;1iis land, which he
never troubled to manure, is exhausted;
the once of rrain has fallen; America
and India are convicting with him; his
sons, his laborers, are taken away by
the conscription, and the land tax alone
remains as liefore. Remissions of the
tax are made from time to time, but
only where the arrears have become
so heavr that their collection is per
fectly hojndess. Naturally tho peasant
is on his last legs and any thing but
cheerful. He is slow to move, but with
a little extra pressure, a cry against
any of his recognized enemies, the
Jews, the "tchinovniks," or the nobles,
will start him on a career of violence
w hich nothing but grape-shot will stop.
And this is the great danger which will
smil Russia from within under the in-
uenee of the stress of a prolonged
war. Quarterly Ilerietc.
o o o o o o o
by ezeltutTa
Airenta llaaln.
Jeweler.), artta a
mi matraniy.
All Work
o o o o o o o
The New Noble Sewing Machine and Machine Supplies.
The farmers of South
have concluded that they can no longer
raise rice with profit. It is very diffi
cult to obtain reliable labor for the
rice fields. During tho last few years
several other cereals have come into
use in the placo of rice, nnd the de
mand for it has increased. Cincinnati
Winter Ncene. of Interest on the Frosen
Canal of th. latrh Mrtropolla.
As Amsterdam is made up of one
hundred little islands, formed by the
intersection of numerous canals, the
click of stetd-clad feet is heard all
around the tourist. The grandest view
of humanity on wings cati; be had in
the environs of Amsterdam oil a Sun
day afternoon. Upon nn ice-covered
space of more than six miles square.
created by the union of the Amstel and
tho Y, tho inhabitants of Amsterdam
and vicinity are out in force, and to see
a gang of 20,000 skaters is nothing
wouderful. Rows of tents, used as res
taurants, billiard saloons, theaters.
etc., meet the eye everywhere, and the
tired skater has always a place on hand
where rest and a supply for the. inner
man can bo obtained. Gazing upon
the flying assembly, the eye is drawn
to a couplo who, hand in hand, execute
the most difficult feat of scientific skat
ing, or who, in company .with others,
go through the iectiliarly intricate
movements of the quadrille. Farther
on, a space of two hundred yawls long
by fifty broad is lined on both sides
with spectators to view tho swiftness
of competitive racing. Roth ladies and
gentlemen indulge in these races, and
every season prizes are offered by tho
city authorities for tho swiftest skater.
Crossing this skating place, you are
nearly overrun by a joyful band of rosy
cheeked lads and lasses, who, believing
there is speed in union, have supplied
themselves with a gaily colored pol
twenty feet long, and placing it under
the right arms of tho skatrs, ranged
one after the other, annihilate space
with the velocity of a race-horse..
Jewish Mes$ewr.
1 ts Otorovery and Area and Aeqnlsltloa by
the l olled State.
When Secretary Seward bought
Alaska from Russia he abided to the
United States a territory of much larger
area than the States of New York.
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois. Iowa,
Michigan. Wisconsin and Missouri to
gether, and nearly nine times larger
than England and Wales. The terri
tory stretches out so far to the west
ward that Sitka, its capital, is only half
way f roni New York City to tho most
western Alaskan island. Many of the
details of the formation of Alaska read
ike quotations from fairy tales. It has
a volcano 8,000 feet high. The Yukon
iver is at some points from fifteen to
wenty miles wide, its entire length is
2,000 miles and it empties with such
olume into the sea that the ocean is
said to be fresh water for ten miles out.
The temperature does at times fall as
low as liftv-eight degrees below zero.
but as a rule it is mild, on account of a
sort of gulf stream known as the Jap
anese current It was Peter the Great
who set on foot the expedition which
finally discovered Alaska. It was in
172o that the explorers set out to cross
Siberia, toward the east, and one
of their leaders was Bchring, a
Dane, who had been long in
tho Russian service. He did not
land in Alaska till seventeen years
later, and died on one of the islands off
the shore, which bears his name and
where his Itotly now lies. Spain, Eng
land and France also sent out explor
ing expeditious, and Russia established
a trading company, winch soul the furs
of the region, lint in 18b7 Secretary
Seward effected a purchase of Alaska
for the United States, which paid Rus
sia f7,2(X),000, and a little more than
two years ago it was organized as a
civil and judicial district, of which A.
P. Swinefoiil is Governor. At present
the chief industries are carried on by
the fishery and seal fur companies. In
1880 the catch of salmon was 8,000
eases, in 1883, 36,000 cases, aud in
1885, 65,000 cases, at about $5 a case.
The magnitude of the fur operations
aiay be seen from the fact that between
1871 and 1883 about fo.000,000 was
paid by the company to the United
States Government as rent and tax.
There are also mines of coal, lead, cop
per, silver and gold, an l a vast growth
f fine spruce and cedar, which will
some day prove of great value to the
people of the United States. It appear
to be clear now that Secretary Seward
tcted wisely when he negotiated tin
purchase from Russia, San 'Fraiieise
Tralta, Mtnmn and Dreaa of th Various
Order, of Hrahmln.
To study Hrahminism, its mysticism.
Its almost fatal influence either on its
devotees or upon those wretched peopld
who are not of that faith, and who from
that unfortunate circumstance are ac
cording to the Brahminical theory no
lK'tter than dogs, one must go to South
India. There one will learn that the
Brahmin is an autocratic aristocrat and
that neither merit, nor wealth, nor
bravery, nor talent can place any man
not a Brahmin on the same pedestal
on which crouches the meanest natured
man of his divine origin. And whether
he be Vishnu or Shiva the Brahmin is
an aristocrat One recognizes that
whatever may be his other qualities the
Brahmin is a gentleman a cultured
and intellectual man of the world, who
recognizes none as bis superior and a
great many as his inferior. ;The Brah
min is a striking example of the supe- '
riority supposed to be due to the acci
dent of birth, and the further south one
travels in India the more marked is this.
In Tanjaze, which is termed the garden
of India, Maddura and Tinnevelly, does
the Brahmin most repay study. Here
under their vast groves the Brahmin
seems not to have heard through the
dense forests the bustle of an enterpris
ing world. His world is yet the tiny
hand-swept village, with the school
house where the pupil learns by rote
Brahminical nonsense and peculiar Eng
lish phraseology, for the Brahmin
kno-vs that unless he learns English
there is no chance for hint to wear the
Government livery, which alike to Eu
ropean and native is the highest aspira
tion. The way in which to distinguish the
devotees of Vishnu and Shiva is not
difficult, for men of Vishnu wear on
their foreheads a mark similar to this
, while those of Shiva carry in the
center of their forehead a round sandal-wood
dot, which is used by Hindus
tani women for the same purpose as
are the tiny black sticking-plaster dots
upon the fair faces of our ladies, called
"beauty sots." The Vishnuites and
rrhivites also carry a distinction in
their names. The former take the af
fix "Iengar" to their names, while the
latter have "Iyer." Not alone this,
tho characters of the two are also dif
ferent. Tlie Iengars, it is declared,
are a self-sufficient race, and are noted
for their cunning, while the Iyers are
said to be humbler, more ingenuous
and more scholarly inclined. As the
women's names are never known to the
outside world, and - as they carry no
distinguishing marks on their faces,
they are known by their dress. A
woman of the Vishnu caste wears the
folds of her paijama tight across her
knees and thus displays a shapely ealf '
which may be envied by any woman,
though it lie hidden by the petticoat.
The Shiva woman, on the contrary, has
a loose fold hanging on the side of her
right leg, below the knee. The mate
rial from which iter garment is made is
of a silky texture, yellowish and red;
it is but a single sheet, and forms the
entire wardrobe of a noble Brah
min Imly, thongti her possessions
may be vast, her jew.Js the envy of
many an European royal family, and
her descent more illustrious and more
ancient than that of any of the crowned
heads of Europe. Many a Brahmin
can trace his ancestry for a thousand
years, while the family of Udaipur have
records showing them to be over two
thousand years old. A Tclugu woman
wears her dress differently from either
of her TAmil sisters, for she wears a
close fold in front. Tamil girls who
have not attained the age of puberty
wear a single petticoat, and as the
Brahminical law ordains that a woman
has to marry when she arrives at puber
ty, it goes without saying that with
marriage the single petticoat has to ha
exchanged with the dhoti, or man-form
of dress, and that she also has to wear
underneath garments. So rigid are the
Brahmins in their sumptuary laws that
they compel all other castes men and
women to wear the petticoat, so that
the most casual observer may be en
abled to distinguish at a single glance
a Brahmin. The Shivite and the Vish
nuite alone wear the dhoti kind of dress,
being equal in all respects, both having
sprung from the face ot Bruiiia, the
creator. There is also another sect of
Brahmins called Rangi, who live on the
Canarcse coast, and are declared by
both Tamil anil Telngu to be lament
ably superstitious and ignorant. It is
among the Canarcse ttrahmins that the
English have made less headway than
among any other Brahmins. Cor. San,
Francisco Chronicle
A Deserted French Village.
There is a charming Arcadian village
called La Tour, situated near Privas, in
the southern departnicntof Ardeche,
which has become uninhabitable owing
to the number Of crimes which have
keen committed therein of late. A
short time ago a widow named Roche
was murdered there by her nephew and
niece after she had made her will in
their favor, and on Wednesday two
small farmers quarreled with each other
over a small strip of ground which each
claimed as his own. The dispute was
adjusted by one of the improvised liti
gants kicking the viscera out of his an
tagonist and leaving him for dead on
the field. The inhabitants of La Tour,
justly terrified at the epidemic of crime
which has swept over their once-peace
ful hamlet, have leit their homes in a
body and migrated to less bloodstained
regions. One may well ask where were
the gardes champetres, or the gen
darmes, while these crimes were being
perpetrated. Rural France has of late
had an unenviable notoriety for crime,
land all its villages have hardly been
like those blissful abodes depicted by -i
Florian. Paris Cor. London TtUaraih.