The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 17, 1887, Image 4

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    LOVE OR lands:
"I brln no! house, lnmls, or irold.
To ptve, sweetheart, to lliee;
No rUher Hum 1 m of olil,
Am I lo-Uiiy," quoth ho.
In sooth he looked hts poverty,
If ever no did one:
In rnjrs and tatter clntl was he.
Itarehended to the tun I
It m her lore of Ions nm
Who took her outntretohed hand;
"If you are he I ued to know,
I seek not roM or land.
If you but love mo still, sweetheart,
I am content," cried nlie :
"I will share your lowly purl,
for I your bride will bo 1"
"Then, by my troth, my heart Is thine I'
Quoth he at her reply ;
'Thonch rasa and tatters may be mine.
No riror now am I.
I'm rtcher than with avid and land
The proudest monarch be.
With thee for mtnivaml these two hands
To work, sweetheart, for thee!"
Vhntnbir' Journal.
Why the Former Are Preferrod by
Some People.
'I know what tlwtt monns, lirforc
Klsio poos." paid Ruth MuiiUh-Ii, rts the
run vnaiil set the rolls on the luncheon
table, and went off to answer the hell,
"Well, what is it that has turned tuv
daughter into a iiroiheteRsPM said the
atoctor, smiling fondly at Ruth over his
"Why, to-night is the night of l)ai.y
Hammond's party, and it's time my
flowers appeared."
"Oh. you thought you'd 'temper the
wind to the shorn lamb' lv making
pomebody else pay for the iHiVKjuet?
Well, that was considerate of you,
and Dr. Murdoch crossed the hall and
eniereti his oinee lust as l-.lsio re
appeared with along white box.
Uentle Mrs. Mnrdoofc leaned on her
daughter's shoulder as the gill took oil
the tissue coverings which protected
the dainty blossoms from the January
cold. At the bottom of the box lav a
reamy mass of Mareehal Niels, path-
m their first perfection. Mrs. Murdoch
listened for Ruth's exclamation of de
light, but it did not come. Instead,
after a brief look, and a slight but
significant smile, the owner of the box
closed it with a bang, and placing it on
the table, turned to leave the room.
"Aren't you going to put your roses
in water?" called her fnother after "her.
"You may set them in the library, if
you choose. I am not going to wear
them to night," was the reply; and
Ruth went upstairs.
Mrs. Murdoch had been educated in
the daj s when whistling was no part of
a gill's education, so she simply uttered
the giKxl old-time expression of aston
ishment "Well, I never!"" and prweeie
ed to take care of the. roses. The
trouble was certainly no disappoint
ment as to the sender, for Mrs. Mur
doch had caught a glimpse of the card
with the line "Edward lxslie. M. 1).."
engraved in the center; and only last
night she and the detor had decided
that Ruth was becoming too fond of
young Ned Leslie. They had no ob
jection to the handsome young fellow
who had already gathered the next
best practice tu town to lr. Murdoch's;
but they were far from ready to give
tip their only danghtei. There had
been no chance for a quarrel since
Ruth had announced that she and lr.
Leslie were going to this German to
gether, so the situation ..night well
puzzle Mi-. Murdoch's brain.
That the innocent Mareehal Niels
were themselves the source of the mis
chief never entered her imagination.
But such was really the case, and this
is the way it all happened: The night
before. Dr. Leslie had called at the
Murdochs', and the principal topic of
conversation had been the next even
ing's entertainment. As he rose to go,
lie had asked Ruth, with a touch of in
tention in his tone, what color she was
to wear to the German.
Oh. my dress is cream-colored crepe
de Chine, and I must have lilies of the
valley to go with it." she answered
gayly; and since both at home and -in
Bridgeville society her word was law,
she had confidently expected the lilies.
Of course, they must be costly in Jan
nary, and Ned Leslie was not rich like
many of the circlo in which she moved;
but Dr. Murdoch's daughter knew
nothing of the practical inconvenience
of the lack of money. She was more
likely to think that caveful expendi
tures meant meanness a fault which
her generous soul alihorred; and all
her liking for young Leslie could not
cover the dire fact that he had sent
roses when she had asked for lilies.
For a few moments she sat in her
easy chair considering the problem;
then she donnod out-of-door costume
" and went slowly downstairs. Mrs.
Murdoch had a second shock of aston
ishment when her daughter appeared
at the library door, mullled in sealskin
and asked if there were any errands
down town.
"I should think," she said, "that yon
would save up for to-night, instead of
going out into the bitter cold. Let
me send Dennis for whatever you
Unless you have some wants I
have but one errand, mamma, and
.Dennis could hardly do that, Good-bv-e,"
and the heavy front door
slammed behind her.
"That one errand must be a Tery
amusing one," meditated Mrs. Mur
doch; "she looked brimful of fun.
What she's up to I can't make out,"
and she gave a little sigh.
Neither was her state of mind much
liinminated when fvctu itinrnra, mm
an hour later, with a tiny parcel, from
which she carefully extracted six sprays
of lily of the vallev-, and put them in
"One, two, three, four, five, six,"
said her father, who had come in be
hind her. "Is your allowance played
out. Euthie? I might have advanced
you a few cents in consideration of tht
"No. thank you, papa; I am a long
way from being insolvent. Since I gavt
tip caramels I am quite a capitalist;"
and Ruth vanished to take off her wrap
pings. That night when she came down stairt
dressed for the party the carriage was
already there, and Dr. Leslie and the
elder physician were in the library talk
ing about endemic fevers. She had
brought down several yards cf cream
colored ribbon of the width which fash
ion dictated "as the proper one for tying
bouquets. Dr. Murdoch looked on won
deiingly as he v:;trhtl Kuth tie the
huge bow around the lint stein of the
lilies she had bought in the after
noon, lie was about to silently
conclude that this was the latest
absurdity of feminine fashion, when he
caught sight of Leslie's crimson face,
and Kuth's demurely mischievous nlr.
"Will you take my bouquet, please?
I believe I am all ready now," said she,
tendering the ridiculous posy to Dr.
Leslie. "Good niglit, papa, or are you
going to sit up for me?" and the two
people started for the door.
Ieslie took tho flowers and escorted
Miss Murdoch to the carriage. He
entered after her, and shut the door
with a single bang, instead of the half
dozen usually required by livery vehi
cles. "Miss Murdoch, where are your
roscsP" Faid he quietly as the cab rolled
"I took them back to tho florist, and
this is what I got for them," was the
calm answer; and the lilies were held
for a moment in the light from the
carriage lamp. "1 wanted lilies, and
the quantity would mako no difference,
as every body would know who sent
them." There was a very little sti
pressed triumph in tho tone, but
otherwise it was perfectly common
For a moment or two neither spoke;
then Dr. Leslie said slowly: "Kxccpt
that it would seem that I have been
lacking in respect to your w ishes, the
public mortification would matter very
little to me. I wanted to send you the
lilies, Mis Murdoch, but thev asked
twenty dollars for a bunch of respect
able size, and this week I have to make
the last payment of the money I lor-
rowed for mv education. I have Strug
gled hard to free myself from this debt, j
that 1 might honorably offer you my
love. I ought not to speak of this, but
I had to tell you that your slightest
wish was dearer to me than life than
all but honor. Why, Miss Murdoch!
why, Ruth!" in a changed tone, for the
girl had burst "into passionate teal's,
"shall I order the cab to drive home?"
"N-o." sobbeU Ruth. "I didn't
know about those debts. 1
thought you wore nt-mean and I'd
teach you a lesson. I do want
to to " but the sentence was lot in
the noise of the cab, and one seat was
unoet upiid the rest of the way.
When Dr. Leslie met Ruth at the
dressing-room door he thought that she
was lovelier than ever, in spite of the
peculiar appearance of her lashes. The
long riliixm had disappeared, and the
lilies were tucked in her Wit in an art
ful fashion which did not even faintly
suggest that there should have been
more of them.
It was a lH'atifie evening for at least
two of Miss Hammond's guests, and
when it was over there was another
happy half-hour in the library with Dr.
Murdoch. Ruth related the story of the
lilies, and Dr. Leslie told of his hard boy
hood and his student years, how Ruth
had doubled the value of life by asking
for half of the modest income which he
had finally gained. The doctor laughed
over the first story, but was very sober
during the second. At the end he
looked at the cariHt. and said huskily:
l don't know that I can do any
thing;" then, with a smile, "Rnthie has
taken things into her own haud.4, as
usual, and I am very glad that you
sound on the question of typhoid."
- Of course, after a few months. Dr.
Murdoch's old sign was taken down,
and a new one, reading "Murdoch or
Leslie." was put in its place; and of
i course, too. when the junior partner
i wants to please Ins wife he brings, not
lilies of the vallev, but Mareehal Niels.
V. F. O., in Ik morcst's AH
ueer uastronomlcal fcxperimcnts.
A correspondent of one of the tech
nical journals has been making some
experiments in gastronomy, which cer
tainly do credit to his power of over
coming natural prejudices. He caught,
by tho aid of his terrier, two plump
barn rats, and after preparation, pre
setted them to his cook fo be mad in
to a pie. The pie w;fs he states,
lelicious and was voted a luxury by
tonic friends who partook of it unwit
ingly. Ho also says that he can
irom experience safely recommend
i hedgehog slewed in milk as
t real delicacy. It is well known
;hat roast hedgehog is a favorite dish
.vith English gypsies. Our readers
May - also remember that during the
!ast sic3 of Paris its inhabitants were
reduced to such straits that vermin of
' kind were often submitted to simi
lar trial. One writer states that so
palatable were they that long after the
siege, when beef and mutton wire
igaiit plentiful, ra's often found their
way to the French bill of fare, dis
guised alike by c"unning flavoring and
fanciful names. Chambers" Journal.
In Gloucester County, N. J., a few
flays ago, a wife of a man who had an
unpleasant propensity for attending
club meetings nearly every night hit
npon a novel plan for keeping him at
home. Slio secretly applied crotou oil
to his clothing, and tho poor man soon
became so aflLcled w'th sores in conse
quence that he was glad to remain at
homo. His wife, however, injudicious
ly let a lady into the secret, and she,
shocked at the cruelty, told the hus
band, whereupon he deserted the wife.
The wife filed a petition in the court of
chancery for alimony, but tho vice
chancellor, after hearing the facts, de
clined to grant the rclitf prayed.
Two of the largest checks for
money ever drawn in New. York hava
been framed and hung up in the oflie
of the Central railroad. They are both
Vandcrbilt checks, and represent two
generations. One is dated March 2,
18G7. is for $1,000,000, and signed by
C. Vandcrbilt. The other is dated No
vember 23, 1833. is for $3,000,00(3, and
signed by XV. IL Vandcrbilt. JV. T.
Tribune. "
"1 cau not tell it in this foolish
Japanese tongue,"" said one of the first
jouverts in Japan to the missionary,
'and I don't believe I could tell it if I
liad your tongue, nor if I had an angel's
"tongue; but one poor heart" putting
his hand over his own heart can feel
it all." Buffalo Christian Advocate.
Ki-CCMMul-Oeneral Itutli-r's Opinion of
Knnl and Itt Uoveriunrnt.
"Are there not a good many Jews
in Russia?"
"Yes; one-half of the Jews In tho
world live In Rtis-slu, or about three
and a half tuMlioi of people. If you
impose tliftt the United Slates U full
of Jews you should ami ll'issltt. Tho
public feeling there Is against them.
They are the only pimple in all Russia
allowed to emigrate wherever they
choose. ' Nobody else Wi tho country
can leave it; tho understanding is
among aW tho component races of Rus
sia that they b long to the country,
and every subject must have a pass
port, like every foreigner. rm subject
can pack his traps and move to Amer
ica or Germany except tho lLdirews."
"Are the Russians a patriotic peo
ple?" "Yes, thoroughly so. Thero are
some elements In Russia which halo
the dominant Russians; the Finns and
Poles particular- come under this de
scription. I did not go to Poland, but
tho most beautiful women I snw In St.
Petersburg writ Poles. 1 had re
marked to an American friend that I
was disappointed In the beauty of the
women, and he told mo one evening to
tome to a Polish ball, where I would
see the Finest women of the capital. 1
went there, and hardly ever saw more
LtzjiUng beauty. The Finns werj con
quered front Sweden by Rusla, and
lliey aro a highly Intellectual l in e, with
gentle natures, vho pay more attention
to education, ami their wo.uen nro
moro beautiful. The Russian women
havo splendid forms, but their
faces uro n't to ngrrcable.
Nearly nil tho Russians
have turned-tip noses, and when you
sea a regiment oi iiusstan gunners in
lino you might think they were Irish for
that reason, llioltussian women have
bill' eves and whl'.ish opaque skins.
Tho evorovi(vi of the nver:'ro Russian
Lice Is suucii nti.t nar.i; ui.-y are not
people of much wit or gavetv. Rut
there are om j things ah. nit t'icin very
peculiar; for intanc th.'ir religion. 1
iicvur saw such religious p,op!e in lhi
world, but, as in all cases where re
ligiou is fiercely f.irinu, it does not
embrace their morals. I have 'ii o;i
the 11 oops of til ir churches otlieers of
their army and nobles kneeling bowed,
with their foreh -ads on the floor.
bv the hour. nen the common
people pass the church thev tak
oil their hals, nnd if it should
ba one hdtlvlivd feet wide th
keep llieni off until th.y have
gone by. The clas of priests is said
not to bo very intelligent, exempt III
higher dignitaries of the church, who
were taken from the noble ela.. Tiii
priests marry, and the governni'Mit
stimulates them to marry. Hut. the
lies over all Russia the impress of one-
luait power. Ihe Joop!o themselves
accustomed for generations t tinder
stand that there is but one man who
rules them, only revolt in a hard, b I
wav, which ratner turns me svmnaiiiie
of foreigners against tli-ni."ti I
went out there I Miievrelv svmp-ilhized
with the peoplo n;ainst the despot.;
but after I got sou; e understanding of
the Russian character I began to think
that, perhaps, their rulers knew better
than we did. If you should have a Rus
staii servant ami show" nun some
wrvilitv or familial it y, insteal of
appreciating it he would presume
ii)on it. ion ran ta'k to r
French waiter, for instance, for mo
ments as if he were your equal, and he
will resume his place as a waiter after
your conference is over. Hut tho com
mon R issiaii who serves and waits
would lecoiu insubordinate if you re
leisted toward biai. Therefore, tho rule
of that realm, somewhat born from
the race, is jwwer not unmixed with
cruelty. I saw no instance of cruelty
myself, but heard of a good many.
"Did not the assassination of the late leave on lin-i i a tuvp impres
Yes, it did; but I do not think that
Nihilism is tho power it assitm -d at one
time to Ik. I understand that thero are
still Nihilists in Russia who meet, and
that they hardly ever meet but theeu
are secrejt agents among them. They
,lo not punish them, but keep them nu-
ucr surveilance. Invert now and then
the government conies down upon them
like a boll of lightning; the offender
.lisappears, and the supposition is that
he is taken to Siberia. That is the cud
af hint.
"The liee system of Russia is enor
mous. 1 doubt whether tho ruler of
the land himself knows how many
jerson"s are in the pay of the police.
lou seo police ami military every
where. Nearly every large house or
hotel in Russia is under the survoil
tnco of a character who supplier it
with wood and coal. His business ii
to watch that house every night; no
matter how freezing cold it is, and the
thermometer is often forty degrees be-
iow zero, you see him sitting out there.
and if you undertake to enter, though
he may appear to lie asleep, ha will
Mine forward and look at you to s:-e if
you belong to the placs. If you visit
a friend in Russia he may let v-ou stay
3ver night without logking at your
passport. But next morning he wi'.l
:e.I- you that if he does not present
your passport he will be fined; and you
::in not leave tli3 country without
wenty-four hours notice before re
covering v-onr passport. uain, tn
Cincinnati Enquirer.
An enthusiastic New York dentist
recently said in an address that if all
the workers in woods, metals and clays.
molders, porcelain workers and decora
tors, painters and sculptors, "were sikI
denly and simultaneously destroyed
those arts would not be lost, for in the
ranks of the dentists could be found
experts in every one of them; and if in
the same grand catastrophe all the
scientists of certain classes were cut off
the same sciences could bo fully taught
by dentists.
As a protection to trees against
mice, rabbits, borers, etc., a screen
made of common window wire is rec
ommended. The'wire is cut into strips
about six inches wide across the end of
the roll (which is usually about two
feet in vvidlh), and the strips wound
around a broom-handle. When placed
around trees tho 6pnng of tho wir
holds them in nla'eo. and thev tin nor.
I bind the trees. Albany Journal.
. t j
1. O. Mills. Whltelaw It-Id's falher-ln-
law. has ulven 1M0.MI for the nurroso of
ereci Insr a new bu'ldiiiK on the uroniul of
Ihe lielleviie Hospital. New 1 ork. to b)
used a a training school for male nurses.
When the appetite falU and the sleep icrow
nut leu ami tu refrculilnic, tin re Is trouble
alieul. Tlio illKcallve ortrann, when lieallli)',
crave fooil. Ilio nervuus njattin. t lien vluornaa
a ii it tranquil. Hives lis pomiujnur no uni'Kslnesn
at iiIkIiI. A ton In, to he etrW'tlve, should aot
tie a more aic llzcr, nor are the nerve to be
at retiKt honed and soothed by Hie unaided av
ion of a sptbitlve or nnreolle. What Is re-
iliilrrd la a nit'dli'lua whlrh Invigorates the
Kloiiiaeh, and iirtmmtca aimlmilatHiti of food
iy llui aynn-ni, by nlitiUi infati me nerviiuj
tHlt'io, aa well a iilber iit ur lli luiyalrnl
organism. ni atronullii'iii'il. 'I ho am the
rilCl'lJI til 1 1 ll H IH T 1 f-uiiim-ii ,! I". W ,!-
Inn m illion n iiilotli)l Is IiiiiiiUi'iI tit nil jr In
iiiblln riiittlili'ln i and w hich ihi lrlaiia colli-
iiit'lid for Its toule, anti - bilious and olhcr
iimpcrt le. It I used with the bent re-tilts In
fever und bhiih. rheumatism, Milui'jr and
uterine weaknr and other uinliidltm.
Over fl ve thousand ohllora are said to
have deaerteil from the IJritlsh army dur
ing the past few years.
The Unlit that Ilia
In woman's eves "
Is a ray of heaven's own brlfthtneaa; but
It la, aiaal often dimmed or quenched by
aouie wearltiK dle.o, perhaps aiieimy
borne, but taklrn all comfort and enjoy
ment out ol life. That Hunt oi tne House
hold ran be rekindled and made to glow
with Its natural brlnhlness. Dr. it. V.
Pierce, "Favorite 1'iesrrlpHon' Is a po
tent specific for most of the chronic weak
iieac ami diseaaea peculiar to women.
The Dank of Sea In clToa to lease
tiovernnient'a tobacco monopoly.
That dyspepsia comes from torpid liver
and rostiveneas.
That you cannot dijjest your food well
unless your boweU and liver act protH'rly.
That your bowels require thorough
cleansing when they do nut do their duly
iiv your tittreation.
1 lint your torpid liver need t In.ulal lnr
In order that it may act as nature Intended
It sliou'd.
That IlHAKitHKTH a Vl l.s taken (n doses
cf ono nr two at niizhl for. say ten ilrtys.
wlil reeulate the boweia, stimulate the
liver, improve the diKestipii aud drive
away dyspepals.
Mra. M. A. Dauphin, of Philadelphia, is
well known to the ladies of that city from
the great good alio has done by means of
I.ydla I". Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
She writes Mm. Pinkham of a recent In
tores tintf raae. A younR marrie J lady
ratne to tne sutler I mt with a severe rase of
lroIarMus and Ul eratUm. She C'un
iiienred takimr tho Compound, and In two
months was fully rttUarrtf. In proof of
this she anon found herself tn an interest
inir condition, influenced bv foolish
friends fche atlemiito.i to evade the respon
aibilittes of maturity. After ten or twelve
itavs she rauie to me anin and she was in
deed in a most alnruiintt state anil suf
fered t'-rrlbly. I Kve her a table stiooiiful
of the coniimnnd every hour for eltiht
hour until she fell asleep, she awoke
niurh relieved and evl teutlr better. She
roulintied taking the Comt ouud, and In
due season -J'e became the mother of
tine heallhv lioy. Hut for the timely
of the medicine, the believes her life wouil
have tieen lost.
Your Inislt ban the Cxmpnnt- tl 1" bottl.
Two Vnite.l
ntitted suicide
Stutes otlicer
it Monte Carlo.
Have coin-
laiunK or miitdie-aiicd men
auflVrlnsc frvm nervous debility or other
delicate diseases, however Induced, speed
II V and erniancntly cured. Address,
orlil a l hwpensary AledicH Association,
uunaio, r. 1 .
So far New York's State ca pi tol has coat
A 1 u 11
9 I I ,1 V.
Coiilluiinllou oi" it t'nugli
for auv lenrtli of time causes irritation
of Ihe I.nniri of some chronic Throat U
ease. Jirotrn Uranrnntl lr-n he arc
an ' fleet it l Cough Remedy. Price 13 ct.v
ioitl only tn botes.
Hronchttts Is cured by frequent small
noses oi l imo a iVj re lor l oasumptton.
If afltleted with Sore Kyes. e Ir. Iuo
Thompson a Kjo atcr. lruinnta sell it- 3c
Try Gkruea for breakfast.
Skiii StScalp
Quti cUt
all comparable to tho Ci Tii i ha Kkmkiuks
in tiieir marvellous properties of fl-lvaiismic.
purifying and bt-auilfyiuic the skin ami in
curinK lorlurmir. clistlituring, itrhinH. scaly and
ptinvly ilisonsi' of the skin, acalp and blood.
it t loss of hair.
C'CTicfKA. the great Skin Cure, and-Ct"i l
ci'kji SoAr, an eMiuisite tkln Hi-autiiicr, tire-wn-it
from it, externally, and Citici ha lift.
holvknt. tho ne HIimmI Purifier, in'ernally.
are a hs1Uvc cure for every form of skin and
blood disease, from pimplrs to scrofula. t't'Ti
CCH Vit km raUKKarc absolutely piireunit tlienidy
iuralltt ld Hkin beautitters and blood purirlers.
tSold every whero. lrico: 'ctici ka. Silo.; Uie
aoi.VKNT. l: How. S.'kj. 1'n i-arr.l by Ihe 1HT-
r;pni1 'or How to t ore Skin I
jOSoil an dove's Uoivn, and as hue, by
10 UMiiiKCVTlcl KA MtKUMl tl) tfoAC.
war ex
.ivrv .
Hi ""
One bottle taken according to directions
will give better results than a gallon of
Sarsaparilla, or any cf the so-called Blood
Purifiers with which the market ic glutted.
At Druggists, price $1.00 per bott.'s.
will bo paid for any caso of Rheumatism
which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad
ministered, fails to relieve.
Iu a review of the ICugltsli translation of
a w irk by the Justly celt bratcri i'rofeaaor
of Medical Pathology to the Faculty of
l'ans, M. Jaecoud, entitled "Curability of
Consumption," etc., it la announced Chat
' the curability of puluioiary consumption
at every stage fa now a well-established
tact." The anther's conclusions are cited
Xo sum up what has Wen slated, pul
monary imiiHumpllsn la curable In all Its
slam's. This is tho prolific notion that
preeliii'8 over Ihe whole history of the dis
ease, and which should unceasingly In
spire and direct all medical action. The
Incurability proclaimed by Laeniicc and
his immediate successors la tils proved by
pauiuiogical anatomy and ninirui observa
tion. Noiih should, therefore, allow them-
oelvea to be inliiieiiced by such a con
demnation, which la but a historical
sou vi-u I r. V hen the existence of tuber
cles in the lungs fa recognized. It should
uut be inferred from that moment that tie
who ha tliem Is doomed to death ill con
sequence of their presence, (should it be
found thut the tubercles sullen and a
caret n forms, it should not te believed,
ou this account, thai all is lost. It has
been shown that this Is not the case, and
the. natural tendency w hich tubercle has
tu fibrous transformation that is. to re
covery fchouhl not U) forgotten. He fore
IkIiiK oiacouraged, the physician should
search and examine Incessantly whether
Ihe patient is in the requisite condition
for -iiicii favorable evolution to occur. If
all f:opo of absolute recovery must be
abandoned, a relative cure should be
w lotight, and every exertion lie made to
place the patient in such condition that
he cau live, liotwitlistuni lug the k-stons
which are now Irreparable; in a word, the
plan adopted should bo to strive and
strive always, with the unshaken couli
di'iiie wltbli may tie drawn Iroiii.llie
notion that recovery la possible. 'ihe
cm m j- run be conquered, 'this ts tin-
liie.t uiat should engender ami sustain
every effort. It U certain that this con
viction is the first condition cf success.
since 1, la absence of faith In the possibil
ity of a ruiu which prevents the adoption
of all therapeutic treatment.
Among Mia latest additions to the list of
remedial agents that of Professor Dtijar
ill ii takes tiie lead for the cure of puimou
ary coiikU million. Aud this end la
attained, but by im ilK ines which aim by
themselves to cure, but bv so inviuoraiinu
and lengthening the ) stem ah to enable
liultue to iliel tins nirua ireiisforina
tiou from which alone ran a cure be ei
iK-clcd. It acts by enabling nature to
replace the unhealthy by hraiiby tissues,
and by supplying! the elements oi nerve
ioree susimns and invigorates the whole
body. Dujariiin's Life Kssenre otters to
the consumptive, the sick or feeblepatienl
the best means of restoration to health.
IJiiinburyh Medical Journal.
II. .VI tier bottle. At all druggists'.
S.n i.l. I., llKtTMiu & WoonAUii, Wholesale
A Ke in a, Jt'orlland, uregon.
I'rlcra ItesIiirrU upon leads, slugs,
riaes. MjuiiIh and printers' specialties, by
1'Al.MKH it ISKV.
'I'lie only sleek of type, presses and
printing material will be found at l'aluier
6c Hey a 1 ortland house.
EteiiieiilKr that the only large and
ccmp'tte slock of printers' i.iaterial is
kept by 1'ai.mkr & Hi:v, Portland.
(In V .o v . while freights are low- and
stock large. You can save money if you
purchase vour gojils from 1ai.meu&Hkv(
l'iilnii'r Itey arc the only live, and
energetic type founders upon this coast.
You ran obtain any thin it required In your
omce irom mem at lowest rate.
Ilon'l liirjii'l that you ran always
r'-irchase tve, presses and material from
'a'mer & itey, Portland, lower than from
any other hoioc.
lr I it lev I nli.-.I'iililixhers whoare
not liuvine tlimnith lalmer& Key are los
tin money. We sell Jol, Hook ana News
Inks at mannfacturets' prices.
AIiiiim.1 every printing oflieo In 'the
Nortliwent purchased their plant front
rainier & Key. Tliry keep a full line of
hatiil picws, cylindioa anil Jo" hiiiK mate-
M e rnu disrnnnt anyprleesand terms j
Hiioted hy any other firm. The immense i
volume of our business enable us to odor!
I his Inducement to urrhaer. Apply to
1' Hky, l'riuters' Supplies.
Bono Mcuil
J1JW V ll I!'-'-
$1 jo t 100
rannnt make
, snrrras Mlfh
V holenle and
poultry wltboat tnem
ill nl Kmlth'M ah more. II and
117 4 lay MriTl. Mum r rssriwo. Cel.
In Im. stl tv nrti.-rwt".
tlioro !
Hop off your most and tabucrflie for
(l'oei.TBT Jol-RSlM
buiiela colics, 1(V; ; three m mtli 2jc ; fcLUO rr year
fit ailTanoe. KtsiupstHK iu
Haniple 4'o.v. Juno iiwne, ,nt l cvt-ry ISarlw!r
Khoi sn'l Mi:Jiui;ry Hturw on Pacitto C'irit. Ask u ae
it ai;rv Wjmihi. lilt l'ii, Zra. tat uut
fit. I I 1'iue Mtrert, Kau I ruiielxeo.
ss Stay !
j he only DrafiBttiy tuthovnrliL Abf.lutly unliresk
r.Itlo. l'nca, lo ciliU licr aol. Vol afe (-veriit-re.
Also, Jtit marol for ttia niaj-ki-t, tirw. , lraut 8atin
I'orored Fea'.!ii:rl'UP, rea,ly f-r st;a'luiir t,i tho tinint
llrjato. 1'rli-, 25 ounla i-r yar.L 'olora: Black.
Whit-. Uluu a-il Pink. If r"r tl.slt-r has not
wcuril )t.anrai2ionntdi1sirel will Nit. ioKtnnil. on
ri : !. 1 t ,-rlti-a. A ililna V l!Ut: I I: 1 lli:U
BOE t'O-Jl'tW. Three nl.. Mirbluau.
IS IV Till:
8x12 and Wxl5, with Throw-0
and BEST
Job Press
in be Market,
tstoek. kept by
A. full
Oyster Shells
$IM MO t! s.
aaasBaasaasiBaaass-aawasBaMBaaasai -a m msm bibs
& Jap. m Food i
. . 112-111 Front St. . . P0HTLAITD, 0B.
Ueaeh has aecepled a challenge to row
Trickett for the world's championship.
The hugs, drastle, itriplng sickening
pill are fast being ftiperseiled by Jlr.
Pierce's "Purgative Pellets." Bold by
Iledemptlon of trade dollars to date
amount to aliout $7,W i.OJO.
A iol lre that Is a Job press is the
"Old lleliab'e Gordon,-' Hxl2 and 10x15.
The cheapest, best and strongest In Ihr
market, liny no othe. Kept only by
Palmer & Hey.
When Dabjr was sick we gave her Caatorla,
Wl en aha was a Child, aha cried for (Astoria.
Wlit a aha became Mlaa, aba dung to Castoria
YVl c a die had Chlldro.ahe gave them Castoria
Ktt mn ih! wnrnan wnunm trr ohU on tftln IS tart.
that la artiictl with mt r dlntitw, nn mat trr ht, timt
thflr fttintlf ihviiMati lTi tnit utiltrtri'l, t rnirn
run-. hMi)l writ! a full lrr1t1tft "t thit trmtM U
Ir tuften, or H n th Iritlti aini t liim. II"
vilr-I witti m-ry litstniniMtfc ttf watf. m"1 Ui lt
itMltflitMi Ut I hiwi fr tnmrf. 'mtilttl(mt frw.
ImmmIkwh ntnrtijf citinti'-nttitl KiciaM ntMfnp. An-ir-fl"
V It. HiKlr N. M 1 : ortiet-a. (L Kaiitl 1-', Jut
Rupture Permanently Cured.
A'Mr-M I'm F"KIKS' M TM Kit. ptfl , H Ii,
Flmi Nttliotial Hank, I'ttrtlaiHl, tmijott.
KidneyLiver Medicine
Cl'RES alt Diseaaea tf th Kidneys,
Liver, Madder, anil t rlnary Orcans;
lrpy, Ci ravel. Diabetes, Wright's
Ulseaae, I'alna In the Hark,
I.olns,or Side; Itetetif lonor
Kon-Keteotlvn of I'rlne,
Nervons Utseasea, Female
Weaknesses, Exeesaea, Jaumllee,
Illlioaaness, Headache, Soar Stomach
Dyspepsia, Constipation, anil l'lles.
FAIL, aa It acts directly and at onee on the
Kidneys, I-lrer and Bow-els, resturlnif
them to a healthy action. HI" NTS I: KM ED Y la
a safe, sure, and speedy euro, and hundreds hars
been cured hy It when phicuun aist friends
had given tbem up to ale. Du not delay, try at
Bend fur Pamphlet to
I'rovMence, It. I-
Ak your drngslut fur lir NT'S UF.SI F.I1T.
fskn no otber-
Cores all Diseases originating from a
iisorderei stato cf the BLOOD or
LIVEE. Eheumatism, Kenralia,
Boils, Blotches, Pimples, Scrofula,
Tumors, Salt Rheum aad Mercurial
Pains readily yield to its purifying
properties. It leaves the Blood pure,
the Liver and Kidneys healthy and the
Complexion bright ami clear.
J. R. GATES A CO., Proprietors
417 Banaome 8t-, Ban Franclsctx
Wholesale an4 IlUll Deakm In
Guns and Sporting Goods,
Fine riahlnj Tarkle.
AmU f tb
Fire Crackers
Ajtriita lor -
XTKiwl f r CatJicaj
MvX T.
165 & 167 Second St, TorUiad, Cr.
SSASCIt stobi:
fsuuAv.J$pokancPalla.W.T. lrttatc8t..S.v!om.Or
lasmed Kept, ami BlarcJi,
, each year. Bi- 3l pases.
f4 x 1 1 leae,wna orer
3, BOO Ulnstratlona a
HBOM rinaw uauriy,
CilTKS AVholesale Price
dirrct to conmumrr 01a all poods foi
personal or family uae. Tells bow to
order, and gives exact cost or evrry
tnlnz yon oar, eat, drink, srrar, or
nave fun with. Xnese IXVAL' ABLE
BOOKS ronUIn uifornstlon jleneil
from the markets of the world. Wo
wlU naU a copy Itfc.K to any ad
inn npon receipt of IO eta. to defray
expense of maUlna-. It na hear from
yon. Kcapeetfnlly,
2T Ac 22S Wabash Irene. Cklcaa, Ul,
Sick Headache,
The sore Dvspf.i-sia people feel.
However liirlit mar be thtir meal,
Shou'd ne'er lie eulbirvd to repose
And brceil a train of trraeer woes.
When I'EHKKiT iiKALTii thev inav secure
Through 1 AEBANl'S StLI 2r E sfe and sere.
if t
The Grandest Display cf Choicest Yooiens ever shewn in the Citv,
Enlih, French, Scotch and German Fabrics in endless variety for Suits to measure.
One Thousand litlerent Patterns to select from.
Pino a&H-'Wool Suits to Order fron - - $20.00
Fine AU-Teol Pants to Order - - - - - 5.00
. Only Wliitc tabor and First-Class Cutters Employed.
126 First Street. Portland, Or.
Absolutely Pure:
T. ' Fwt?r mtn . A rsarrst ct pra'-iy,
jentn and iln M-iw seononarsl .
6-; kin, u d oann-A hi tn.d In eor-p-JJk
int wKh ti BivH'.tO'te of tow t, ahrsi : srr;
.-ii or tt.! I) pcwisM. only Ja .
2.-7 as es-sa iizm- Cx uj Vail aSjwt. H. T. -
from a common tllofeji, or Inptloit,
to tlie worst Scrofula. Mil-
I fieimi,
ui'nr.Mr(i.H mealy or
ii on a it
Mi I ii. In snort, an
fliseaw-s eauseil ly bad
l.lf..wl urr ciiiierel ljr tills iioworlul, furt
fvliiK. nn-t Invia-orallnir !iMli-irio. tiral
lfltlna l.ll'Cr nijniij i: k, iif,.,. ii. -nis-ii
iiilliK'nw. rlMlnllv has ft iiumlfestea
lis ni r m eiirins m .m-
lloil, nrbuin le, More . yea, Srrof.
Inittt IHsenae, WIillo Svllli.a,
liollrr, or 'S'lilrlc Nri h, and l.nUri-d
Inlands. piil ten -ms m h-.iuhk "f
litra- tniitfe"-. v.-itb eolonil fh:U-. nn Hlcln
liuu-niir-s- ur tlie ime aniOimt fir a truutiso
OH ScTOfillous A tfix-t 1mi.
Tin; ii-ooi im Tim i,irK.'
TlKirwiBlilv innse It by usinif Ur. Plerec
;li1rii nrdirai aicoery,Hinmw
dlaeslluii. a lair skin. Into) nut spir
it, awl vital trugtU,wiU be-t-atubusueo.
wlileh fs Serolitla of (be ctinen, Is er-
rilN ami eur-il l.y Uns ren-ly. if lafci n
bire tie- lnt ftiufi of tlie disease tn n at IkA
Irnm its marvelous iiowrr mi-r this
fiitiil disiiise. whin first otTi-riiiir tills lwvf
wk bron-'l reimly t llJ puUle. Ir. I'ibimh
tlmiisrlit itIi!kIv f callnifc' it bis "loa,
nmptloH ( nrc," Imt r.!ii.nlnod tiint
tiHim- e to limit -1 Tor trmiMirie wbleh,
from iis womW-rfol imLlnuil'm "f tonfe, or
sirens- tieninir, nib-rat ive. or bl'il-li,isin(r,
antl-l.iUon". rtoril. Rii'l nntriiivo ner
ties. Is uiH-wiuik-1. tint !- ra a ri-mtijy for
eonsninliim. but lor all tUroulc
enses i,l the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
If Tiru fpel dull. t3row:r. l-l,IIHatei). liav
sallow olor of skin, or yi llowili-lrowii sijts
on fac- or Ix1y. Irep-nt bf (uiiielie or ilizzi-lii-s.
I sit I bvte hi mouth. Intel mil lies.t or
tliilU, liiternntrtiff with bot flushes, low spirit
anl trliMmiy fon txAJirifc-vi, ii r piiliir ai tite.
nmt eHit1 t'Muro'-. Jon Hre nsff'-rifiir from
lndie4lloii. IIim pln. (.nil 'I or pll
Liter, or fil I Ioiiuii-m." la many
ea-9 only part of tlx-sn svmi'toras ere exo.
rifOcel. As a yircilv tor nil suelt e"ea,
Ir. IMeree's (.'olden ?Itlical Illaa
eorerr t unurjn:l.
tor IVt-nii I.nnst Splfllnt of
Jt I iot. stiort:iesH of llrculli. itrc?u
lii(l, A mil ma. Severe otiiclif-,
kiii'ln-1 atrcelioiis. tt an efficient imi'r
s-.i.o nv lini'uois-r. t el.oo, or el
iim-. ft (i.vv or eu
BsriM'! r
tferel t n rents in taui for Th-. FJeroe'S
book oti onu!ii!iion. ji'l!re.
World' JHiensory Pleillral Annom
elation, Oil Main Mrect, l;i u alo, '. V.
isf Is nffered by tho proprietors
of lir.Pairc s I atari ll lUtiK-dy
i'r a rase in cwjuto vrnita
:J ttiry cannot cure. If you
lnvf" a distcbarre frf-m tbo
nosn. offensive or ntbtrwis". artial 1- cf
imi'll. :. fr btrinr. -rrak -vri. duil paia
or r.rvwsnr" In head, you have Catarrh. 1 Uou
aanis f'f oin t-niimt in cumaiinii-tkjn.
Ir. Hiiro's f'ATAitnH Htsror rnn-fi the worrt
caw-aff Catarrh, "fold In the Ilead,'
and Cal7rr!tcl Ifradache. Ui tt-nu.
O I CI 11 n I ) i;ab!er. Uoenish WaEos: Car
del Organs, band instruments, laivest stock
of Sheet M mio and books. Bands supplied at
kastera prioes. II. OKAY.
VH Prist street fan Krancist o.
Tho Orla-lnal and Only Oenolne.
! alwaya Srl'i-R--raar varthlns IsHaitaes.
I pi-miW. la LADIES. Aak Ttnsr BnRht W
kk-atwter'a EaTlli fae a otkrr. or ttmit tc
tfrr.- u b r i.rinHr, la ittr T r-tora mall.
NAME PAPER, t stelM hll ,
K31 S 11 galaia t asm. I'kilmd, Pa.
aM ar Praasl.ta rrerrarfceen. fr -('klvhea. '
tar's a.-gli.- 1'eaajnval fills. laa saauwa.
f wica ... tl r ,
' wua. aa4 fciaa givea
"4 w.:.l-. ali.ra,
r--ii. Ter
C h won ths l"l t4
the tj..ut an4 km rsaka
'jBMK :r. tearfisr Mfflfc
r m m. ' i the ol'V-ra.
StoMT TVarTta,
J'ic Sl.uu. .
TMa BKI.T ar Cfa" atialarta
si axprwa; f... l&o ear. -f
araasf-els cf laa,
ryac. The eo!aseaa atrrtz
af ELECT aicltY pvatia
hrou.J tho frta Bat l .M: t
ca tobArMta. Elaaca
eon f oat. (I u.ialth kiartaBeHS
a4rerlita la ec, ait i' lrta
till fanuattiB.adda
rJI I ,r'" L ' 1 c&. 1
iiaal -Suast- Caieaca,
aea.ltala. It l I llta
rlraolara afrfaa fa?l l-
r-t ca. lev 1
Caieaca, IO.
The Van Monciscar
Tonne. nie-acad asd
old. single oz c-.ajmii naca
sad ai! fibo wnSitst ir;ta
Justtous aJlHiiiyt toparm
trrtM, Hanitu.1 boars.
Sexuai Oeoair.FailinrMeBl
orr. Wtal Exes. Laek nf
iiklneriy. aiao likiod -ard
6k:la Diatsasii. brvbillia.
ii.5vf i","6 '"r.n Srm Ibr-oat, Tleera. El
.g.-a .rs. . alld BUdd Trouble,
Weak Rack, Bnrniiij TJrioe, dinonlwi, fliraa. SuricV
w prompt relif and core for life.
Bath Mexes lonxalt t'oofldeutlsHy
OFF1CB 132 A 134 TEJRD ST.
n. p. x. u. xo.isi-s. vvTsinr"
J&J I'aiiia la Sa
A7J'l IO 0AT8.j
AJCaaria a an
Ci3 Sanaa Sirteun. "
kvf VrtaalaO
t'ltriSa Oxskll
1 .Biw erflRl Z
1 -'