The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 17, 1887, Image 3

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The Lebanon Express.
The cnmpmcpttnir under tlio u..plee of the
CumlxMlaml Presbyterian I'hinvh l In eontmcncn
nn Friday, June 17th, at the hour of 4 r. m. at Soda
vlllc A Podaville Is place at public rexort. nil
who on u are Tviuetcd to cmne prei-arvd lo lake
ere of thrmwhT. Convenient palitnnre . for
horei w ill he provided at reasonable rati". A
cordial tu iutltui Is fxtonded to all.
I". A. Wool.fcY.
Vaxwivkk, June 1ft, 0:10 p. m.
J. II. Stink, Lebanon: We Inve
won the wet tort npainst nil other, by
2 1-3 seconds. Oyster mipjmt.
C. C. Hack i.emax.
Local and
Evervhoiiy elxHiM vWt
Batul hall
nextTliurmlny evonliivr.
lr. A. 11. lYterwon has our
feir the Hrst oltorrii'si of the
Toy were delicious, Imhxil.
Dr. J A. M'Allister will Whin nt
Ha ml hnll, l4mnon, on Sumlny, June
ISUh, t 2 oVlool, Subjeet, Theology,
j"" Sufficient nam: for the formation of
, n U. A. 11. Tost lmaticert obtained, nmt
the txKifewill le organized ns wton ns
Mr. Charlo Holt, one of JefTVrson'H
njrrreahle younur men, hns Ihhii omt
tlueting the busim" utfalrn of our tlrujr
sriet, J. A. Heard, during his ulwiuvnt
, 'Our city wna honored a fw wiiinpi
npt hy the pmenco-of (Jov. lVnnoyer.
The object of hl visit ha not been ut
liely known. The few who met hint
gave him a cordial reception.
C A. McDonald, itave a very Intor-
rMittc levturo at the Academy lat Mon
day evening on the Missionary tour of
l'aul the Apiwtle The ruhjeet wum well
handlcrl and reflect great crvnlit on the
-In another onlunin will le iiiml the
report of the teacher in charge of the
public achoola. To Prof. StuhhtcfleUt
and Mis Clrisrgs the i'wle are irrvatly
Indebted fT the Mtovossful manner
lu which thechoo1 has been conduct
ed, during tlie Ki!t year.
A brief call at Waterloo on Monday
evening last informed ui that Mr. J. U
liro, to whom the nnl.lie are indobt
od for many aoenmnnHlutlon, hit eve
rytlring In readinesH for the conve
nience and enjoyment of all who may
visit that favorite rooit this 0ii!ii.
f Each evening on our street may lie
iecn a largv miiiilor of our citizen on
Joying thoiinolve in carriage drive re
liind horse of creditable o-d. Mr.
A. O. Churchill, joined th throng one
evening tills week, in a riiarto'i, that
rank among the finest rlr in the town.
tJ. 1T. Upjrctt, for iwme time jvi.-t hn
lievn Kutterinvr from Intl.iniatory rlieu
luatiHni. Although pume Utter, his
right hand is very much hwoIoii and at
times quite painful. Mr. l.Iirirett is
in hi S'd year, and nxiile from iliis ail
ment Is hale and hearty.
Dr. Watt g:ve tlmnvif hi entertain
ing lectures at Sodaville la.t Sunday,
in favor vf prohibitory amendment.
There was quite an interest tuaiiifcwtcd.
A league was orgnimnl of 72 meinlM-n.
The ifood ixanic of that locality arc in
varneNt ana will reg'ter a strong prt.
tet the S!h day of NoveniUr ntrainM
the liquor trartic ns now coinlueted.
lAt the gootl work go on.
Mr. T.-W. Hryant of Jovian cave v
pleasant will vcnterdav. lie inforu-.a
U- that the prohibition picnic at St:y
t n, wa a grand sneers. AldrcHS4n
were made by Prof. Miller f Portland,
and Mr. Hamilton, late of Kansa. The
latter gentleman completely explained
the idea that prohibition dws prohibit.
The meeting was la iwand enthusiastic,
and gxsl results will undoubtly follow.
Ask some men for an advertisement
or some loU they answer they don't
helleve in advertising a naper is never
read. the man lie cauiiht kis.-ing
his neigh hor's wife or ho'.dirtff up the
aide of a building some dark night, and
hta tune change instantly, and if the
printing ofllee is In the garret of a
thirteen story building he will climb
up to the top'to beg the eiiitor to keep
quiet -don't pu hi ih it in the paper you
It. E. Marple, now under sentence of
death for the murder of 1). I . Corker at
Lafayette, is reported to have had a
dream iu which he found hiutsclf in
the infernal regions when he met all
the witnesses who testified against him
at hia late trial. Perhaps Mr. Marple.
if requested, could le Induced to tell
whether his Satanic Majesty is the jer
fumed individual who, by his wiles,
lead people to sin or the cruel jiernon
age who jabs the red-hot tripod into
his victim's ribs.
Remember theM. K. church sociable
at Band hall, next Thursday evening.
M. E. Church. Festival.
The Ladies' Aid Society will give a
festival, at the Band hall on Thursday
evening June 23. Ice cream and straw
berries will be served. A large collec
tion of fancy articles will be on hand
for sale. The proceeds go towards the
erection of the new M. YL church. All
are cordially invited.
Col. George .Woodford.
Col. George Wooodford suddcnlyap
peared on the platform nt a crowed au
dieuce at the Dalles, and as suddenly
the magnetism of the man was felt.
"To your feet, andsingout !' resound
ed from his commanding servh-e while
he gave the loudest example himself,
and the roof of the M. E. church echoed
back the iuspiring words.
'And crourn ITim Ixjrd of a'.:."
Col. Woolf6rd has a commanding
freence; tie is a nolile lMking man,
lis voice and manner Is telling, and he
perfectly understands the art of grad
ually interesting his people, captivating
them first and then capturing them for
the cause he loves. You don't reckon
time while hearing Col. Woodford
ppeak. It goes as an evening bell when
you find from one to two whole hours
fled, and you are not aware of having
drawn more than one whole breath the
while he epeaks without notes and hot
from the heart.
The sequences of his aTiruments, each
perfect in itself, are only broken by the
humorous anecdote, that nnbodv seems
to enjoy better than the Col. "hirnsclf
everything that he deals with is real,
fun and all.
When he comes to this county let the
country folks roll up in waves to hear
him talk.
To obtain Col. Woodford's services ad
dress, Mrs. H. R. Briggs State Presi
dent W. C. T. U. corner Front & Wood
Streets Portland.
Ice-cream, strawberries and cream,
and other delicacies at Band hull, next
Thursday evening.
Brownsville News.
June 1.
V. F. CroR left for -Portland, on Mon
day morning.
On Wednesday hist Burt Sprague de
parted for Portland.
Ballard Tyecr, is suflVrlng from a se
vere ntaek o'f sore throat.
Misses Ida and Sarah Ciwhow, paid
Coburg a visit on Saturday hot.
For watehes clocks, Jewelry, or spec
tacles, call on Plllsbury the Jeweler.
Bert Cable, M. S. and W. J. Titus, on
Siturdiiy Htnrtcd for l.lnkvilte, Oregon.
David Dalgle'.sh, of Portland arrived
iu town on the evening of Wcdnesihty
The Powell school, district No. ti:t,
closed for t he summer term on Friday
the 17th Inst.
O. C. Stannrd left for Eugene on Sa
u ."day last, remaining over Sunday, re
turning the following Monday.
During the past week Phil Oray re
turned from Harney valley. HcrcjiorH
hi p snow on Sand mountain.
On Wednesday last Jiiines Calloway,
of Corvallts, who has U-en visiting
town friend left for PrincvlUe.
WllliaMi Oalbraith father of .1. P.
(iiilbraith, county clerk of Idnn county,
Is visiting llrowiisvillo friends.
Mrs. A. W. Stanard, Missis Idela
Stmiird and Itohie lKlsin, left on
Wednesday for Seio to visit friends.
Mover Bnt. are laying acontlumitlou
of piVa, carrying the water to the resi
dence of O. P. Coshow, Jr. "PimI"
nnist Indleve In the prohibition fluid.
Mover llros. have resumed operation
.at their logging enmp. a crew of men
left for that place during the past wcek
Joseph Hume and Dr. U. II. Curl on
"Wednesday last, left for the upper Cal
Ipooya, 111111 fishing and hunting trip.
A. W. Stanard, on Monday last at art
el for Prineville to look after his stock
Interests, and bring In a baud of horse.
On S.iturdav la-t O. A. Dys n. N. B.
Standish, and J. Moore started for itlue
river, on a general hunting, fishing mid
pr.wpecting tmir.
F. F. Cr-tt . B. 11. Morel.s k left for
Portland to attend the auniuil nui ting
f the tirand Chapter of lioyal Arch
Alasons of Oregon.
Not wit list indinp the late frosts which
were thought t have shoitened the
crop, cherries are quite plenty, and are
Wing retailed at '2- cents p-r gallon.
On Sabbath lst at the M. E. church.
Hev. Clark Smith a returned mission
ary, delivered ton lartro attendance, a
lecture on equinoctial Africa, its na
tivs, prist net a, wages, Vc.
F.i tin r J. 1 Vnuis on the evening of
Wednesday last at the M. E. church,
d-'liveicd al's-t un,suliject "Topic and
Event of the 1 lav," also treating on
"Fools t h:it think tltev are Wise.C.uns,"
& '.
The discloles of Ismic M'alfnii ntv
ims'tinvr wiiTi gissl sufCSs;theCal!jss
ya Is at the riitlit sta f"r mf ss.'iit
ti-h!ntr. anl daily large strings of tine
:veklod Is-auilcs are brtuht into
low u.
On Friday nlitht a team of hN'i
hitched toa hack, the pr p'rtv of O.
MeKinney while standing Isfore the
pi-t ellUv, Iss-oiiiing frightened startil
to run ami suet-eedul in overturning
the baek lcfov they stpj'l.
Henry Archibald of this place has
leased the Find Icy ss-i s;'rmir for a
term of two year. Many iniprovtueuts
will U made on the preiuls. ami giu-sts
at the hotel or campers, will te trcatesl
in a iiun ti-oin innnner.
The Misses Archibald avoinpanii'l
by their brother Henry, who leas -d the
Findley sd i spring- st.irteil fr that
place on Wednesday lst. It l-i the
intention of Mr. Ar.-hilvild. to thorough
ly renoviit;' and reni'sl l this summer
resort, making ample provisions for the
comfort of all visiting ihe place.
On Thursday 1 isf at the llrow nsville
creamery, a t-vt trial of the improved
Drake churn took place. In eight min
utes I. niter was produced, of a tirm so
lid texture, the cells unlr k n, as wiv
shown by examination w it h a magni
fying glass. The churns are en cxl"..i
tinii nt thestoix-s of t. A. Dvson and
F. F. Croft.
On Saturday June ISth, the Prohibi
tion Iague, of Halsov, will nt that
plact' give a teimv-raiu-e nieni
in p..w -
i ll s grove, a Uelnre will ls en vereii
bv t'ol. (t'orge WoMlfortl als other
tlitinguished apenkcr. The Hal.y
and Tangent brass bands will given
grand open air concert, there will Ik?
singing, also a lase ball match game.
A. Fitzgerald, who has )ss-n' turning
his attention to raising i-ereal. has
thoroughly demonstrate the fact that
the soil iii this locality ts well adapted
to the culture, all varities of vegetables
and fruits, of which he is nt present
reaping a full yield. For the past two
wivks he ha supplied the town demand
with straw!errics, that for size, color'
and palata'de flavor, arc hard to bvat.
For sale at C. K. StanardV.
It is a noteworthy fiici that in our
town business men, mechanics and la-oort-r
all cm to be busy and prosper
on, all who come flud" employment,
nil w ho are willing to work are s hloui
Idle. It is also a happy state of affairs
that the generality of ur citizens pay
strict attention. to Sabhath oliscrvaiwvs,
the churches arc well aiten1el, great
interest is evinced iu Sunday school ex-
erci4, the average attendanc1 at the
Baptist church numln'ring 123. For
over n year "His Honor' ha not held
court, no case of "drunk and disorder
ly,"appearing on the board. Cu HI anise
remains untenanted, and the town
marshal's duties are light. Ditto, fees.
T. S. P.
Whereas, in view of the loss we
have sustained by tlie dii-ease of our
friend and associate Fireman, Henry
Saltniarsh, and of the still heavier hiss
sustained by those who were nearest
and dearest to him; therefore, Is? it:
J?rxohnl, Tliatt 1st ut a just tribute
to the memory of the ilepartol to say
that in regretting his removal from our
mid.t we mourn for one w ho w as, in
every way worthy of our resis-i-ts, and
regard: and.
Jl'-m'vrtl, That we sinoen ly condole
with the family of the deceased on the
disjx'iisation. with winch it has pleas
ed Iliviitc Providence; to afflict them,
and commend them for consolation to
him. who orders all things for the iM-st
and whose chu.sticnierits arc meant in
I j. V . LHl'KOX,
A. It. Cvkus,
Dry Good. Etc.
X. II. Allen & Co., Albany, Or., have
in stock the most complete'line of line
dress gfssls, silks, velvet, etc., this
side of Portland. Also wash fabrics of
all kinds, and late novelties in every
line. Ladies, when in Albany, call on
Allen fc Co., and inspect stock and
prices. Samples sent upon application
when desired. noS-Siu
Standard mowers and sulky rakes
excels all others. At
F. II. R'Xcok & Co's.
Scio and Vicinity.
In a conversation with the curly set-
tiers of Linn eouiity, there Is none of
them but what would refer with pleas
ant recollection to the hlMorlcal wene
and associations incident to pioneer
days concerning Scio, Lebanon and
ll-.. ........ .III.. 'I'l..... Il.nui H1..III 1.
M f in , 1 1 1, t ,1, rv iiiiiv iiiiimj
towns cinne into prominence, us we
understatKl, at a bout the name time
In 1M.VI and oii-upy positions In the
most fiitile iMiiilotiN of the gulden
county of the state.
"The f.iiks of Ihe Santlain, or "Can
ada," cuihraccH the finest agricultural
and grazing lands to lx found any
where Iu Oregon. The foothills con
tain a large population of jH-ople prin
cipally engaged In -stock-raising and
lumU'i'lng. Thcue two Interest Is-ing
more prolltable than raising wheat nt
oOnts inr bushel, the foothill resi
dent bus Iksmi, a a general thing, more
rospcroti than those w It li large farms
11 Ihe valley; and Ibis, to a gretit ex
tent accoutiiit for the prosperity of the
towns above n-ferreil to.
The principal Kubject of this article, Is
lieaullfully situated oil the bunks of the
middle fork of the Santlain river, w hlch
at this place furnlshi's a most clllelent
Wider iMiwcr which Is being litlllzeil by
uuinufactui'ing entcrprim's of diilcretit
The citizens of Scio are n most hos
pitable, kind and highly respecti'd pH
jde. Their hospitality on every H-ea-siou
for the public w -11 fare, knows no
tMiunds, as all w III tstify to w ho visit
them as coworkers for gixwl. They
are a frugal, economical and indus
trious Hsple. The town and surround
ing country assures the visitor of these
most agreeable trait of character: nice
ly arranged residences, U'liulltul How-
cr-ls-deckis! and profusely shaded i
vards, llrt-clas churches and sehtsd
houses, and an abundant supply of
clear, health giving mountain water,
and other inspiring evidence its met our
high appreciation during a recent visit
there, would certainly give any one a
very favorable opinion of this pro T
011' little f.HM.IIiill city.
Among the manufacturing enterpris
es ut Scio, are the extensive and favor
ably known
Now the property of lloU-rt Pent land,
E., which are under the efilccnt
m.-iuagemeiil of M. F. Bityeii, as miller.
TIuih mills were erected in K1 and
depi'tid almost allogethcr on the local
tjade. '1 he water power I more than
ample at all times and the mills
arc kept in constant ojcratioii, produc
ing u splendid brand of all kinds of
tlonr. Mr. Pcntluml and his excellent
w ife are highly cstecnu-d ly their hosts
of friends throughout toe county, al
ways U'ing idelititled wit hi very "good
Are the 1 ropcrty of Mr. D. Mycin who
i extensively enganed lu the luuilsTitig
business. The saw mill is located ouie
distaniH up the river in the mountain
w hiie the planing mill is at the tow 11.
He makes a siss-ialt v of all kinds or
1 . . ...
rough itiul ilrcMil I11111U r, mouldings.
sash, etc. The litisiiu'ss is under the J
.at 1 . . ... ... 4I f f
ciitcc'iii iiiuo;igciiieiti i .ur. ji 11.
Myers, one of Scio h live, energetic
young businessmen. Since the oera
tion of tin s mills U gutt a new sclusd
hoii and M-vi-ral other sulislatitlul
buildings 111:11 k the enterprise with
which they arc doing business. The'
himln-r thev tin- manut'aeturing i prills
e'pally yellow tlr mid cf n tlrst-e iass
THK fAlttXlT 81 top
Of William Ablsitt, Is another of the
enterprises -f Scio worthy of favorable t
mention The proprietor Is mnuufae
turtug a vrv nnv line of furniture mid
doimr varlou.s other kinds of work. We
'I I ill iMI,l t'llll 1 niuni Ul
are glad to know this tdu-i I n
a g.MHl pntronnire, as u!l home
fact arit s should.
Of Seio are- in the enjoyment of a gtsxl
trade' Their stores are large and well
stM-keil with goods, anil those with
w hom we became acquainted were very.
1 agreeable and lils-nd, not only iu their
! liu-ouc.-. but also in manifest lin; tle ir
! strong detcrniinat Ion to hel in every
giMMt worK fortlie IkiuIU ot tuctrtowii
and community.
joiinsox SiiijxroN
Have a coninnslious store well stocked
with general merchandise, which they
are lisH.iiig of at a small murcin.
They are well and favorably known
throughout the county, and hemv en
joy the confidence of the people and a
good trade.
w. k. rmi K
Is also extensively engaged In mer
clianisiug. He carries a large stock,"
dealing heavily ami liberally in cloth
ing and dry good., and is a plenaut
gentleman to deal with.
3. S. MOHKtS,
Druggist, is the accommodating post
master and proprietor of a neat store;
k"cps a well assorted stock of drugs,
! paints, oils, etc. Mr. Morris, as a geii
! tlcniaii iu every way worthy, luu our
bes-t wishes for future prosperity.
Are sueecssors to Mr. Villa in the har
ness and saddle business. The' nro
lth i-ompcteiit, energetic vising men
and will no doubt -ueeccd in their
new venture.
Hardware merchants, are doing a good
business, and are also agents for all
kinds of farm machinery. These gen
tlemen keep in stock a large assort
ment of everyting iu their line.
Is under the management of William
Brenner, a young gentleman noted for
his genial and accommodating quali
ties. His house has a good patronage
and we congratulate Mr. Brenner in
the success he is attaining.
There are number of other businesses
represented by enterprising men, but
as this was our first visit to Scio, ami
ls-ing quite busy during the short stay,
it was impossible to get acquainted
with them all. We close this sketch of
Scio and her good citizens and busi
ness enterprises, with many pleasant
thoughts concerning our initial visit
among them.
The Sheep Law.
Wm. Iteod purchased eight head of
sheep over in Linn county the other
daj', says a Corvallis naiwr but there is
nothing strange about that. He start
ed to take them over to Corvallis, but
according to the new law, sheep cannot
be moved from one county to another
without a stock insjiector'a certificate
setting forth that they are free from
any infectious or contagious disease. It
will cost Bill just three dollars for a
certificate and it is a question whether
or not eight head of sheep are worth
three dollars more in Benton county
than iu Linn. The river still divides
Bill and his shevp.
From Tallman.
June 13.
Mrs, Wilson has been ijuile sick the
past week.
Mr. Thompson and family arc visit
ing in Stilt in. '
Smith Hammock, cxiect to open
a store here In tint near future.
East Wednesday. parly of pleasure
seekersj went upon Peterson's finite, to
enjoy the pleasure of climbing to Its
lolly height. We left our team at Mr.
I.lgget's barn then each gentleman
art ued himself with a lunch basket, unit
to the order "forw ard march," we pro-ll-edcd
oil font. Sisill our lenders
brought up In the rvnr. Pour of our
numUr thought they would try the
shortest way. and were soon inuklng
their way through burnt logs and
stnni mid had tin1 honor of leaching
the top first, tin rest giiininvr the sum
mit about twelve o'clock Is ing an hour
in tiseelidlng. We were well paid for
our lalsir for the view was grand.
On the northwist and south the prarie
stretches for miles and miles, 11 map
of lieatUlful farms dotted with houses,
interwoven w ith timber, and also six
cities mill towns could Is-seen. After
enjoying the view- for an hour, we (hen
turned our attention to the lunch bas
kets, and dinner was soon announced.
Our "table" groaned under its burden
of good ( hi tigs to numerous to mention.
Jokes, Jef-ts, ac. followt d ami such as
"pass the sorrel cake,'' which was 11
chocolate, but then Jay was mistaken
in the name. The bug, their sisters
and (sitislns, and old tneid aunt, must
have ts-en out on a picnic t; at least
we thought so by the way they impos
ed oil us. Dinner over wc ihs.u beiran
to descend and all vowol wc would as
soon go up hill us down, unless slims
were made larger. To r.pprceiute sueli
a days pleasure w ould Is- to try It your
self. Those wishing a view of Linn
count v, should ascend to the top of Pet-ci-snn"hntto,
fs the mix lee of Prof.Stnh
bletlcld, Jay Swank P. untie Marks, Or
va Tliontii-on, Normaii M'Couuel,
Mack lH-ntiic, and Missis Etta, Lizzie,
Zora and Sadie Mark, Jula and Itova
Swank, l''.lla Tliouis4in and Ella Deli
nie. A i' nt Polly.
Albany Notes.
June 13.
Wool market dr-pned this morning
to 21 cents s r H.iind.
Interisitliia exerct-i with the plant
lug of the clas tree", took place ut the
college toilay.
The rendition of "Niagara" wns pr-iiounis-d
the most successful play ever
given lu the city by amateur.
The pupil of the Sisters Academy
will give an entertainment at .the Opera
j House in this city, 0:1 Tuesday eve
ning, June '21.
Tomorrow the contract will Is-1 t by
I.. El inn for tlje construction of a large
two-story brick budding to Is erected
on Er-t street.
Frank From an sheared 'S-0 head f
shovp which ielded nil average if 8
poiuuN of w.sil each, for which he was
ollercd 'St cents per p uinl.
At the lust tin (ting if the county
itiurt the matter of bri l :iiig the river
i at Mchmn 1 wascoiitimn
!., t ..fl ..i
I. The rcsiij-
nation of John I iuiiu
s sins p iii-ihs
tr, wa acci'ided. and It. Koldcway
was ai'iliitc'l in l:ll tlie vainuey
A. Slinit.the real estate uiaii, ret urn-
from ycstenlay from K:it Pot t hind,
tliil up with st'rinir lld b.-tttdiiges.
Monday ivning he w;t out riding and
the horse Iv'iuin' frllitcni d nd run
uitigaway thivw blm out. He received
m vciv lut temporary Injuria.
It i n-ported a iinnnariy of east
ern cupitativt li:i piirehtisxl all the
outxtandinK Uiud of the ). P. ruil
rMil, and Unit all neewsary 111-nicy will
Im furnUhed at once to nuidi tie- work
forward to it Juiictii 11 wit 1 1 tlie Chicago
Jt Jort liw-tcru at IVilsoCity.
I.a-t Sunday aflernimn IV-n Jones
and Sol m.m !, ivo traveling men frvm
1'ortland, hired :t l tun nt a livery t-ta
ble and drove to f orvalli. When in iir
Unit city tin-tel. in Ik came frighlcticd
and run aw:iy, overturning the veiiieU-.
throw in;; t he ecup:int. out ami then
sui:.-)iiuc up things gciicrnlly. Dam
age atiout -sl.
Jeftorso.i Notes.
Mr. Prlvett's youngest child is lying
very ill w it It the fe er.
Mis Morris of Swext Home, is iu the
city visiting friend and relatives.
Miss Fva Lyne hn returned home
from a protracted visit to her sifter's at
I Mil in Mr.tbni.
Our Temperance league visited Mil
ler's Station on last Saturday evening.
They r port h-iving a good time.
Mrs. .1. A. Heard of Lebanon', Is in
town visiting friends while her hus
band is at Vancouver attending the
Firemen.' tournament.
The hru-k makers of this place are
not having very gisrl success with their
new brick nmehine at present, but
think tin y will h:ivc it in running or
der in a short time.
Bailey & ftobison has tli? contract of
repairing the bridge across the North
Santhim river, and are having their
timbers sawed out so they can go to
framing them immediately!
The jH'ople of this place are making
great preparation for the Orange pic
nic which will commence June ITJd,
lasting three days. TJicy purpose
making this cne of the grandest ntl.iirs
of the kind ever held in this part of
the state. Ik-t all attend. II. C.
Jury List.
The following jury was drawn to
serve at the June term of the eireuit
W () Stanard. farmer, Brownsville.
James Williams, farmer, Scio.
II L Itudd, farmer, Halsey.
A It Thompson, farmer, LHierty.
It (J lass, merchant, Craw fordsville,
U W Davis, merchant, Shed.l.
I Sunierville, farmer, Harrisburg.
T J Philpott, farmer, Brush Crock.
Thomas Brandon, farmer, Halsey.
W K Temple, farmer. Center.
M B Crane, shoemaker, Brownsville
H Farwell, warehouseman, svracuse.
W W Parrish, tarmcr, Waterloo.
Jacob Newman, fanner, Waterloo.
Win Cyrus, frmer, Franklin Butte.
It Anderson, fanner, Halsey.
Thos King, manufacturer, Brownsville.
J It Smith, farmer, Lebanon.
D Morris, merchant, Scio.
W A Paul, farmer, Santiam.
MUM'Donald, farmer, Franklin Butte.
A L Cannon, farmer, ifalsey.
J M Marks, fanner, Lebanon.
F M Munkus, farmer, Scio.
James Dixon, farmer, Lebanon.
John Gains, farmer, Santiam.
I S Ames, fanner, Sweet Home
Thouias Palmer, farmer, Halsey.
Boots and Shoe.
When in Albany call upon N. II. Al
len fe Co., if you neeil anything in the
hoot and shoe line. They have in stock
a full line of II. J. Holhiook & Co'h.
fine ahoea, for laities and children the
Ix-st In the market. Also C. ii. Hen
derson Ut Co'w. ftne slim s for fientlentan.
None hetter inade. They ''ttaranteeall
j goods as rcnrewntctl. no8-3ui
Closing of Publio School.
At I ho close of Ihe pi 1 Mia school 11
written examination was held m ri
quired by law, with the following re
sult. n, DWstttAPit v.
Walter Miller HI, I Ida Elklns 80,
Willie D'tnuca 71, Maggie Ittnkhait 5,
Maude Eaton 3!, Nellie P.urronghs 33,
Ikitle Smith i'i'Z, Maggie Houk r,'
A. U i:ol It A I'll V (AliVAM'KII.)
It. Montague 07, Mary Taylor 02,
Mert Burroughs U2, tJeorge Efkln 01.
It. ( I H A M At A It.
Mary Taylor On I Ida Elkln07, fleorgc
l'lklns li.'t, Minnie Entou lid, Maggie
Hurkhart ), lit rile Smith r,H, Maggie
Houk 44, Willie Dotutca At.
W. Cyrus M, (leorge Elklna 72, It.
Montague 03.
H. W. Cyrus t.
1 1 is to Is regit tli d Hint several pupils
left school Just before examination,
thereby losing this valuable drill.
J. F, Sli iiiii.i.Kii:i.n, tcucht r.
Moore's Hair Invlgorator.
This excellent preparation for the
hair, may ! found on side at the fol
low mg places: M. A. Miller, It'lmtion;
Starr At Slanant, o. Osborn and M.
Jackson, Brownsville! F. A. Watts,
Shcddj C. Oray, Hulsey. Suniple bot
tles rice. 1 till ami get one.
Money to bum, by 'tirran
telth, Albany, Oregon.
F. If. Itosooo & Co. will not lc un
dersold by any hard ware house this
side of Portland. Come and see for
Look out for the New
Furniture Store
In Lebanon, Next Week.
We will Retail at
One Carload on the Way.
P. II. R0SCOI- & CO.
CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Receiver.
On nit'l for Mny l' l"T. hikI mil! further iv-tn-c
irnliw will run iluity -vt-t nuihI;i) iu It.J.
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r.M.,' Arv.
I.v , I.V
-Dealer In-
Boots and Shoes.
Bought Exclusively for
Cash from the Manufac
turers. Every Pair Warranted.
For Ladies, Misses & Children,
Estray Notice.
Onebrowa ranro. bmtuU'il J P on left fhoutder;
12 on loft hip. One two-ye ir-old buy roll, witn
kiiikII Marin forcheml; both hiud fwt white. Al
one dark brown lilly. t'pon application to this
office, and paying for this notice, infonuation will
he given as to where these animals ran lie found.
From the farm of Mr. A. W heeler, span of
nninll hors-s, lielonging to lr. I teuders, ot" Al
bany, Oregon.
A sinn of dark brown, well matched, almost
exactly alike, llmnds linnided on left shoulder
with a Miiall V each. The near hop: Is also
branded jtit over the V with ihe fcctaclc brand.
Weight l.tWO potitKls each.
Anyone pivius; liil'ornui'ion concerning the
ume will be liberally rcwurded by notifying K
Skmiki:s or A. Wiikm.kb. Albany. Oro;;n.
Al.U.v'Y, W., Juuv 1", 1b.
Do You Want
Then Is no use of yonr going elsewhere,
Home. v e wount rcapuiituny can your atuntion to our large KtooH T
I3uilder and Contractor.- Supplies,
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Axes, Saws, Garden Tools,
Our stock of
ArrrmiiiTitioii and Kilning Ioclclo
Is Complete, and will be sold at Price that defy Competition.
Farmers w ill Ami (his the Headquarters for
As we carry the IScsl gKsls In the market. We keep In sbs k the
Collins' Cast-steel Plows, John Deere Molinc Plows,
Canton Clipper Plows, and the Celebrated
Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras for Each.
Barbed Wire Sold at Low Figures.
F. H. ROSCOE & CO., Lebanon, Oregon.
X. C. I HI IO 1111,1..
W. " B. DON ACA;
Groceries and Povisions,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups.
Country Tfroclue taken It 1 Exchange for Good 9
Vomer Brick Store,
DrT-Goods,Clotliing, Boots & Shoes,
-feG ROCERIE S,-4-
Gents' Kiarnisling Goods
Popular Hosiery Company.
Ham5ss, Saddles, Whips, Bridlers, Spurs, Etc,
Offer 'my ENTIRE Stock at a" BARGAIN.
G. F. MEAD, Lebanon, Or,
Hardware 'i
when you can buy your Hardware at
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
The Celebra
ted - : - . BARGAINS I
Out Sale.
L. Douglas
W . .l