The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 17, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 1G.
lixacati vrv rmtiAV )
J. II. BTINE & CO Publisher
One Year 2
m.iihIk J a
Three Mmitln t
( r)lI- m ailrauoa.)
lkiiai. )
Oti.aniiAre. fir.1 Insertion . , ,3 1
fcach alU.loual uiarrllun IN
(Ltx M.l
Local Notice. vr line , 15criit
ltejular a.lri'ttbuMwnU tnarttisl ummi liberal tenna.
letter Hr K .VxteiA cM
ml kwvt tHuig rvcA.
t.MUSOX I.OIXSK, iO. 4. A F a A. M : Meet,
l their new hall In Masniito Itlork. on atml
evening, on or liefor. the (all m-sw
J l AssoN. W. M.
LEBANON l.OtMlR. NO. 47. I. f. O. r ; Meet.
untwjr eTeln. iS en.-h weeV. .1 rVll.m. Hull,
Mntn elreet; vision brethren etwItnH) Imttett to
.(ttu.l J. J. fit Alt Lit N. !t. a.
IION'OR LOPOl? NO. S A. O. V. W . I-I..iim.
Orptr.: Mt-ta every ttrt ami tliltt THurett.) eteti.
ln In Hi. uitmtb. '. H. HosiliK. M. W.
J. 8. COURTNEY, M. O.,
Office In lr. Powell'. Ke.Menc.
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt.
!leetl.n ami other btulue. prouu attended to.
f Ntiee mi Main .lievV
Filling ami Extraction Teeth a Specialty.
Ciffiee In resMenee, on Main .tree, neit tloor ikw th
c . B. M.witamie'a new nsmletiee. Ail or wajnuiUf-L
Cbarrfw. rem.lle.
SHavlnc Hair Cattln. aal Shampooing tn tha
latest anil
IV Patronage reatssctrally eollcltel.
N. W. Corner Main ml fchwean Street, two Mock
fcaat ul R K. Depot.
J. NIXON. Prop.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
Room, ami tle lv.t
Commercial m
Accommodatloti. for
VJieneraJ Stag. Offi.e.
Lebaaon. Orrgva,
mvvm kt axu pkm.rr in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
. Whips, Spurs,
Goods in the Saddlery Line.
Haniest and Sdd!e Impaired IYomptly
' and at
iis revivors
Meat Market
it'll I. A KF.LLEBKKtKR.
Fresh and Salted Beef and
Bacon and Lard always on Hand.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Harness Shop!
Manufactorer and Daler In
....And a full line of....
AH work work warranted Hand-made maX.
Caliloruia Leather.
Agricultural Implements
And tl Celebrated.
Main Street, - wo.v, OBECOST.
Lebanon, Oregon
.M ANl r-Al'Tl
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
J3VI3 NlOIJT, l'Ztf.
All kinds of Repairing
Alo keot
Drownsvlllo, Oregon.
Practical . Watchmaker.
Watches, Jewelry,
Lais' aniGsDls'
Rings, Bracelets,
All i4a, .aranteed.
First Dxr Korta of He Citr BjIL Kaia strrsl.
MITCHELL & XEWIS CO., limited.
factory i Ktrlnr, Wi." llraurht I'artland. Or
mm i ; ft j a i5 fss atsf ft? swa in 1 1 - i
Loir. Header and Tru.lca: Damn. Hand and Road Cart: Open and Top
Buggies. Phactonn, Carriages, Backboards, and
Geiwrul Atrcnts for Canton Clipper I'lowa. Harrows. Cultivators. Road
Srrajiera. Oalo Chilled lMovva. Ideal Kccd Mill ar.d Wind Mil'.a, Knowl
tan Hay ltakcs Howe l'owors. Wood Sawn. Feed Cutter. We
carry Die Invest and best assorted atoclc of Vehicle on the Northwest
Coast. All our work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted.
Scud for new IS?" catalogue.
MitcMl & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Oar good arc sold by F. II. ItOSCOE & CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or.
Gr. E.
W ate h maker
Waters, Clocis, Jewelry, Silycr
CtA&xt Bur
BL Naval
o o o o o o
j ftfunnwrst'on
f ' 'frSnSwi iafn'iiTii mi in,. . f
r-.t h. II . . yr'v tia are i
i f a n is- . -.i A.r7 av
-V . it w 3i ar
The New Noble Sewing Machine and Machine Supplies.
Done at Short Notice.
in stork
Optical Goods.
AiHKTllt?iT or.
Cuff and Collar
Chains, Pins, Etc.
All W.rW W arranted.
lliviiMvillc9 Or
and Jeweler-
R IX....
Plated Ware and Optical Goods.
o o o o o o o
All Work
u TH K
BEST. Sold
n Diinrtnal
o o o o o o o
jeweler.), with
xuu nuiulj.
agikt roa.
"O nii not," th maiden erleil,
Miith thlna t tin di ili',
I wl.h yon really wnulil rh wrlph,
Ami from jrour kiiic. would rlt-o."
I run not lirlp till. eoff l.l,
Ki'r tuii have rhllli il m througli;
Tliiiili jrmi t tnn liar, (riven tbo lack, 1
No fulrer Ilour e'er itreir.
Tim onp ha. nl'piwnl swnjr from mo,
'Hint 1 ciin rail yon mine;
Hut If thA lai r-l im r itioiJ
1'lfu.o drop to ma line.
"I'll rle the hlffhett (rraito for you,
r irrlnrt mjr way an fin:
Wh,lirwr plan ftot'a mliiit. tou'H .44
My liunrt will rouml you tarlue.
I not atrlye you to nt'la.
TlioiiKh till. I. blittrr blow,
I .till iiui.t think what mivlit have bran
Hail yuu Dot aaUl In. Ho.
. Frandtt Him
ECTorta Which Have Been
to Prevent Them.
Tli l)y' Lamp and fire I lamp Coal
llu.t llaiif era-'-Shot-rirlnt" to Ul
riar to Kafrr Method of
Tim ntmonphcre of every coal-mine
probably contain iuori or less mnrvli
KA. itlt lioiii; Ii in gome the amount I bo
very amnlL Unit tlie air within them
could ii'Vr Imm-ihho t".xjiloive tiiulcr or
iliniw-y condition. 01 working. I Ihtc
it no doubt 1 1) At en friMiucntl v escape.
dctct-Hoii owiiijl lo t he InijitM-ffcthni of
tho inenii" niloyti for it ifconitioii
If pri'seiit in ffHuin jrojMit'mti tho
tiuu-.h pus Is pcvcnlwl by Iho ftoiiga
tion of the ft nine of the !:ifely-Iiitiis or
by the appearance of what i
known as it Vhii" nimn tho flume.
An experienced eye enn determine pret
ty accurately the relative amount of
the lire-dump from the size and character
of the cup upon a properly trimmed
ft dine; but the left altogether f;til when
the pmpoition of ga fulU Indow two
per cent. This animiut, small ns it may
worn, mny, under eertiiin circuin
stauce. pitv highly danjierons. The
minc-maiiacer and the firemen" re
tptii-e lo use some more delicate methiHl
of detecting; cniiili ipiantilica of liro
dniiip thnn that usually employed. For
titniitcly such mt'tholHre not unknoivii.
Mr. I.ivciiir has det isi'tl a very indent
on indicator, by which tho exl-dcnee
of iniii'li pa can be detected and it
ntnouut estimated even when tho cpiim
lity I a low n a tjimrter per cent
Two lirecifdv "imiliir pieces of thin
platinum wire are simoUaneoualy
lioated to bright retlneM by the action
of a small uiaxucto-clectrie machine
worked bv hand. One of the wires
contained in a Miiall tulie filled with pit
air; the other can lie fturrotiiidcd at will,
ntul in a minute or two, with nir
from any part of the mine. If fire
damp U present it burns round the hoi
wiref which is thereby inereaed in
temperature and emit a more brilliant
1'tjlht. It y comparing the intensitie of
Iho liht emitteil by the two wires by
the aid of a very eimplo photometric
arrangement the percentage amount of
HVo-dHtnp present may be at once de
termined. The apparatus i iiortable
and easily worked, and is well adapted
for use under ground.
Seventy years have elapsed since Sir
Humphrey Davy invented the safety
lamp which is associated with hi name.
It is almost impossible to overestimate
the influence of that invention in the
development of coal-mining in the de
velopment, indeed, of our national
prosperity. It ha unquestionably
saved thousands of lives and has en
abled millions of tons of coal to bo
raised which, without it, could not pos
sibly have been won.
It is related that when Mr. Huddle,
whose name is well known in the
history of coal-mining for tho
improvements he introduced into
tk ly.itjm of ventilating collieries,
took down one of the first Davy lamps
into a fiery pit and beheld the tire-damn
"cap" playing round the light and np-
paretitly imprisoned within the wire
irau.e cylinder, he exclaimed exult
ingly: "At lat wo have subdued this
Not a year passes, however, without
tho monster' showing us that he is
still very far from subjection; and,
strange to say, the Davy lamp itself
and the very system of ventilation
which wo owe to Mr. liuddle, as de
veloped in these later times, have con
spired to aid the 'monster' in his work
of havoc and disaster.
How this has come about may be
told in a very few words. When tho
lamp was first introduced the ventilat
ing currents in mines seldom exceeded a
velocity of three hundred feet per
minute in the air-ways, and they were
usually very feeblo in the working
places. Nowadays the enormous fans
and other mechanical ventilators which
tre employed cause the air to travel at
velocities approaching two thousand
feet per minute in the air-ways, and cur
rents of more than four hundred feet per.
initiate, are not unfrcquently met with
at the working places. Under these
conditions tho Davy lamp and, in a
lesser degree, two other 'well-known
forms of safety lampr-the Clauny and
the Stephenson lamps become abso-'
Intely unsafe in an explosive atmos
phere. Indeed, tho ordinary .Davy
tamp will ignite gas outsido it if ex
posed to an explosive current traveling
it less than four hundred feet per miu-
The Royal Commissioners, as far back
is 1880, directed the attention of the
Home Secretary to the fact "that the
smployment of the ordinary Davy lamp
without a shield of metal or of glass, in
in explosive mixture, when the air
mrrents exceed six feet per second, is
attended with risk of accident almost
amounting to certainty." Indeed,
merely attempting to blow out the
flame within the lump may cause it to!
igniiean inflammable mixture. Happily
invention has not liecn long behind
necessity, and there are at least half-a-tlo.en
forms of lamp which are safe
under current velocit ies exceeding three
thousand feet per minute. Everybody
will agree with tho conclusion of the
1 loyal Commissioners Unit whilst it
would lo unwise to make a particular
lamp compulsory on the ground Unit
difficulties might thereby lo thrown it;
the way of introducing improvements
In future. It is nevertheless desirable
that soiiio control shoutd l exercised lu
reference to the kind of lamps to beem-
Siloyed In coal-mine, and that only those
amps should be used which nre author
ized from tlmo to time by iho Secretary
of Stale.
Fire-damp, however, i not tho most
foriablable f the causes of colliery
explosion. It is doubtful, indeed,
whether a single on- of the more dis
astrous explosions of modern times can
be directly and wholly attributed to its
action. It is significant that violent
explosions seldom occur nowadays in
very wet pits, although the air in them
frequently contains lire-damp. More
over, when explosion do occur tn such
pits they rarely extend over a largo
area, and the loss of life from them is
comparatively small. Such catastro
phes as those of Aliercarno, ltisca,
Seaham and . IVtiygraig, where
hundreds of men and boys are
killed, and where evidence of the ex
plosion is to be met with in nearly all
part of the pits, almost invariably
happen in dry and dusty pits. It hardly
admits of question that explosions of
this kind are dependent upon the pres
ence of this dust. Dut explosions in
flour-mills have long Iwcn known, but
it is only within the last few years that
Iho action of finely divided coal-dust in
initiating or propagating a colliery ex
plosion has received much attention.
The atmosphere of a deep dry mine is
always imiircimated with more or less
dust. Jt settle everywhere, not only in
the woi kiuir places, but in the intake
and haulage roads. It is not only on
the fli Mir, but hanrrs from the roof
and limber, and is heaped up on the
edina. A violent movement of the air
dislodge it in clouds; if naked flame
be introduced into such a cloud it in
flame with explosive violence and the
concussion f air i fallowed by fresh
clouds of dut through which tho flame
is propagated.
the .muttjr rrain
With .udjrn Ware rtiftu. d Inflame the air.
Milton said this of jnmiiowder; it is
even truer of coal-dust.
Now there are many conditions in the
l ordinary working of a coal mine which
may occasion incse vioiem movements
, 1 .1 !
oi mo air, aim ciin i amon litem is
the prevalence of what is techni
cally known as "shot-firing that is.
blasting by means of gunpowder. I.un-
powder is used in the mine either for
bringing down the coal or for removing
stone, in order, for example, to make
roads for the passage of horses, and for
enirine planes, etc A hole is driven or
drilled into tho coal or stone, into
which a certain quantity of powder, to
gether with a fuse, is introduced, and
tho rest of the hole is "stemmed" or
tamped" that is, tilled up with small
stones and earth or, too frequently.
with small coal itself. Jlio fuse is 12-
nited and the workmen retire either in
to a "refuge hole" or round a corner
until the blast is made. Occasionally
it happens when the charge of gun
powder is to larsre, or when it is mi
perfectly stemmed, or when the rock is
unusually hard, that tho powder blows
out the stemming and there is a violeut
concussion of air, and from the month
of the drill-hole there issues a flame
tho length of which will be greatly
increased if small coal has been
used in the stemming. Indeed, it is
not necessary for the shot to be "blown
out" to produce either the flame or a
I concussion vf air sufficient to dislodge
tho inflammable oust. e nave Here a
condition of things which may be high
ly dangerous in dujty pits. It has been
proved over and over again that shot
tiring has been the immadiate precursor
of some of the most disastrous colliery
explosions on record. The influence of
dust in at least propagating an explosion
is now generally recognized by mining
engineers and colliery malingers, but
it is still a moot point with some
whether it is capable of initiating an
explosion or, indeed, of propagating it
in the absence of fire-damp. There is,
however, a considerable body of evi
dence to show that whilst the explosive
character of a dusty atmosphere may
bo greatly augmented by the presence
of fire-damp, dust alone may be suffi
cient to bring about the most disastrous
explosions. It is known that explosions
have occurred simultaneously with the
firing of shots in stone, and certain of
these sliots havo been fired in a dusty
main intake-road, and at poiuts where,
currents of air of over 20,000 cubic feet
per minute were passing. It is almost
inconceivable, except on the theory of
the sudden outburst of gas at places
where it is in tho highest degree improb
able that such outbursts could occur,
that such air could contain any sensible
quantity of fire-damp.. The concussion
of air would certainly dislodge large
clouds of dust from the roof and from
the floor, and this once ignited, wottld
cause an explosive wave which would
travel throughout the pit or so long as
the ignition was maintained by fresh
clouds of dust.
Of late years the use of explosives in
coal mines has been considerably re
stricted, and some people have gone so
far as to demand their absolute prohi
bition. Explosive agents are, however,
much too powerful auxiliaries in colliery
working to be readily given up, and in
deed if they are used intelligently there
seems no reason why they should be
discarded. Ia the case of gunpowder
much may be done to minimize the evil
by watering tho roadways and roofs,
aid by preventing as far as iMtsgible the
accumulation of dust. In the haulage
ways and enjfine-plane tho dust is
largely duo to tho action of the air cur
rents impinging against the broken coal
in the tubs, which frequently run from
ten to fifteen miles an hour alonz the
roads. A variety of methods have been
suggested for keeping down tho dust.
but nothing hociiis to have been at
tempted on a sufficiently largo scale.
I his much seems certain; if the continu
ance of shot-firing by'menns of gun
powder Is to be permitted, this quest ion of
lust wll hare to be more seriously
grapnled with than it lias been hitherto.
The Royal Commissioners have rejiorteil
that they are convinced, from extensive
practical experiment carried out by
themselves and others, that the abolition
if the use of powder in dry ami dusty
mines will not generally involve any
formidable inconvenience. There are
other methods of getting conl than by
the use of gunpowder, and some of
these ai'o quite as efficient ns, and
scarcely more expensive than powder.
llhiting by means of lime has of late
years licen extensively practiced. In
this process the expansive eflect which
follows the slaking of quicklime, fmely
powdered and pressed, by hydraulic
power into small cylindrical blocks, is
nitdo list? of. It is the opinion of the
Commissioners that in some coal seam
tfce lime cartridges will perform work
quite equal to I hat accomplished by
powder, at no. greater cost and with
absolute immunity from risk of explo
sions. Dynamite, tonite. and explosives
of this class can also safely bo used in
conjunction with water for blasting in
stone, or shale, or coal, even in dusty
air containing lire-damp. lucre are
also various mechanical appliances
which will do efficient work both in
ooal and stone, and in which blati3g is
altogether obviated.
The limits f this paper will not allow
os lo go into these matters at greater
length. It will bo sufficiently evident,
however, that wo are rapidly dispelling
much of the obscurity which has hitherto
surrounded the origin of many colliery
explosions. There is gfd reason to
hope, therefore, that the time is not far
distant when in the light of this fuller
knowledge and with the more intelli
gent supervision which should follow
from it, the frequency f these disalers
will be very greatly diminished.
Walter C. Smith. J). I)., in Oood Word.
Th tntaaatil I'lark aal Iocllitj of Arab
aafl feralMn Itor.ea.
Ihc ceneral run of Araus nre, no
doubt, lirst-rato horses, so far s they
go, for military "piirises, but they are
too small to mount satisfactorily any
but native cavalry. There are, of course.
exceptional nin.Tials which have nzc
and power enough for any thing, but
they are so few What that they may be
left out of the general estimate which
we take of the race. For any soldier
whose wciirht is such that he can w
mounted on an Arab he will be foumi
the hardiest, soundest and most docile
of war horses. Ho will do an enormous
amount of work on very little and Terr
indifferent food, and will always bear
himself well and handsomely. In
ono iMiint only is he, nre than
other horses, susceptible of disease, and
that is his eye, which is liable to cata
ract. His great characteri .tic is Lis un
daunted pluck, which is never more
clearly shown than when by any chance
he is ill, when all veterinary surgeons
will allow that he is a most admirable
patient, resisting and throwing off the
effects of illness or treatment in a way
that no horse of another race can equal.
Persian horses have always been found
among the most generally useful re
mounts in India, and they take their
place both in the ranks of cavalry and
in gun teams. They have more power
and size than Arabs, with much of tho
same constitutional good qualities, and
a matter of great importance to iho
State they are generally cheaper in
price. VUickwood' s Maqazine.
The Heat Way for Farmxra to Fight Dealers
lu Adulterated Oooila.
Prof. A. J. Cook points out the fact
that while comparatively little genuine
maple sirup is made, it is well-nigh im
possible to go into any of the thousands
of grocery stores in this country with
out finding plenty of jars marked "Pure
Maple Sirup." It is a story of fraud
anil adulteration as wicked as that
practiced by tho oleomargarine people.
Glucose sells for less than 20 cents per
gallon. Mixed and doctored with a
little maple flavoring, it is sold for
11.00. This glucose is made from corn.
The grain is ground, the starch washed
out anil heated with sulphuric acid.
The acid is afterward removed by the
use of lime, out tho consumer never
knows how complete this removal is or
whether any of the acid remains in the
rlucose he is called upon to cat. When
poorly prepared and the consumer
never knows when tins condition oc-.
curs glucose contains a virulent poison
which will surely injure the system
Makers of pure maple sugar must con
vince their patrons of their honesty
The sweet they prepare in its pure state
will always command the highest price.
for it is a delicate luxury. The best
way to fight the bogus dealers is to war
rant every can as strictly pure, to ob
serve the most scrupulous honesty and
to advertise in an attractive way.
Rural Atw Yorker.
The New York Sun enthusiastically
Indorses Hannibal Hamlin s suggestion
that Lincoln's birthday should be a
national holiday like that of Washing
ton. -
A f'rrtljr riant U lilrli Attfart anl faptl-
vaU-s r.Vfrj Tiling ThntAjfroa hr It.
One of the best known of these jn.
sect-entlng plants found here, as well
as in Lapland and Scandinavia, is the
Sun-dew (lJrofcra), discovered ii'ut a
century ngo. Another plant, the so
called Flytrap of Venus (l)ionrrn) of
America, which was brought to Eng
land ono hundred and twenty vents
fgo, has received the name of Venus
for tho reason that, like the Goddess of
Reality, it attracts and captivates every
thing that heedlessly approaches it. At
the bottom of the plant tho leaves flus
ter like a rosette; from the center of
Ibis arises the flower-stalk. The edge
f the leaf, which is nearly circular, is
over-jrrown with strong bristles, while
ts surface is covered with small glands.
at either side of which aro three long "
hairs. A fly approaches; carelessly it
settles on the leaf and perchance it
touches one of the six long hairs: sud
denly the leaf folds, tho bristles inter
lace, ami the Insect is caught. Often
times the whole tragedy takes bill ten
second. The sensitive hairs have r
formed their duty; now begin the
work of the gland. These discharge a
arge quantity of a colorless iicid sliino
tho digestive fluid, pepsin and
tho closed leaf changes at oneo
into a stomachic organ. After a lupso
of eight or nine days the leaf reopens.
the infect lias disapjiearcd, tho prey
has leon consumed. The aliove-ineii-tioniil
facts constitiita the main features
of the process of digestion, but in con
nection with it many questions arise.
What hapieii, for instance, if a non-
edible object irritate the hairs, perhaps
a stone or a piece of wood? 1 lie leaf
close with the jrreafest. possible swift
ness, but soon discovers its mistake.
and docs not discharge the digestivo
juice; after n lapse, of twenty-four hours
it again unfolds, ready for another
capture.' This does away whh the.
mark of distinction (bus far generally
accepted, namely, that "plants live,
animals live and feel jilinlt rtvunt,
nnimulia rtvunt tl entiunC). for the
Diotiica distinguishes quite readily, by
taste and feeling, that which is digest
ible from that which is not, I5y exjeri
menf, it has been ascertained that nitro
genous nourishment is preferred by the
Diomra; hence every kind of meat
(beef, pork and veal, either raw, fried
or stewed) is digested by the plant;
also albumen and cheese; the latter,
however, causes disturbance during
digestion, and the leaf easily ails. Dr.
IJ'uhl, tit 1'miular Science Monthly.
Slorr of Home t aster. XVftnao Feat One
Astonished the World.
The fasting feats of Succi and Mer
latti had their rivals in the fifteenth
century. An ancient lxk, by one
Panoriuita, quote Ta faster named
Picentini. or Picenta, who died blas
pheming Christ and the Virgin. This
Antonio farted for forty days, and filled
Italy. Sicily and Spain with the fame of
his sanctity and abstinence. He was
shut up in a cell and guarded. It was
thought that angels brought him food
and coirversed with him every day.
The truth is that he had in his cell some
large candles. These consisted of an
outer coating of wax only, which cov
ered hollow reeds containing farina,
bouillio and a mixed hash of pheasant
and caiion, seasoned with aromatic ex-
ract and herbs. He is also said to
ive had in his girdle a tube contain-
ng hyppocras.
.x.neas Sylvis, in his commentaries on
thisltook, cites a woman of Padua who
listed forty days and nights. He also
itesa priest who came to Rome under
Nicholas V. from the remote part of
aul, and who was said to have eaten
nothing for four years, except at rare
ntervals, when his Bishop forced him
to swallow a morsal. He Hayed for a
long time in Rome and was. regarded
as a saint, but was finally beaten with
roils and exiled; since every prodigy is
The Canon of Noyon is stated in the
Novon Chronicles of H10 to have ab
stained from food for three years. He.
dabbled in astrology and alchemy,
scraped skulls of the dead, boiled
lizards and adders and distilled poisons
and made a "liquor" ' to stave oft
hunger. He was summoned to Rome
by the prcdecessorof Nicholas V., Pope
Eugen IV.. who confided to biro, the
charge of his kitchen. He reduced the
expenses in that quarter ninety-five
per cent., but finally the servants
made such an outcry that the Pope had
to send him back to I ranee. He was
an agreeable guest, and talked pleas
antly while others ate at the dinners to
which he was invited, but on his return
home he complained of stomach ache
to his servant, arising from the smell
of the viands, like the Mussulmans,
who think that they break their fast by
inhaling perfumes. The legend says
that the Canon of Noyon got so thin at
last that there was nothing left of him
but bones and skin, and that he was
blown away one gusty winter evening
and never seen again. StberLand urul
Pertinent Brevities. ;
Just out The spring chicken.
Visibly affected A blind mao-
A gentleman of polish A boot-blaeK-
An active member A circus acrobat.
A marked change Trading for a
branded horse, .
A stern-whccler An austere person-
age on a Ijlcyele- - -
A parting injunction "Right down
the middle, barber."
"A soft answer turneth away wrath"
Few of us care to kick a fool.
Hard to discourage the banana peel;
the public has always sat down on it.
Detroit Free Press.
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