The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 21, 1887, Image 3

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    The Lebanon Express.
The following is the programme for
the Linn County Temperance Alliance
to le held at Scio, May 24th and 25th:
Tuesday, May 24 8 P. ar.
1. Music Congregation.
2. -prayer Rev. Huberts.
3. Music Band of Hope.
4. Address Dr. S. 13. Irvine.
5. Dialogue Juveniles.
6. Recitation Mis Belle Meyers.
7. Music Contrreimtion.
8. Address Rev. j. M. Sweeney.
5. Dialogue Juveniles.
10. Reading Mrs. A. H. Dodd.
11. Five Minute Speeches.
12. Music and Benediction.
Wednesday, May 25.
Morning Session 10 a. m. to 12 m.
Afternoon Session-2 r. m. to 4:30 P.M.
Evening Session S p. m.
1. Music Congregation.
2. Prayer Rev. Mr. Alderson.
3. Muic Band of Hope.
4. Address Rev. (K F. Mad.
a. Reading By a Younsr Lady.
. Temperauce Story Mrs. O. V.
7. Kssay Miss Ina I... Robertson.
5. Music Congregation.
0. Reading Bv a Young La1v.
10. Address Rev. C. A. Wooley.
11. Music Baud of Hope.
12. Five Minute Speeches.
13. Music and Benediction.
T. J. Wilson,
Pres. L. C. T. Alliance.
A Serious Blunder.
Almost 'every town in Oregon has
men holding prominent places in the
business and affairs of the community,
who work incalculable injury to the
prosperity of a place by their short
siirhtedness. They do not show the least spirit of
liberality, nor are they inclined to eu--onrage
new enterprises even when by
sr doing it would redound to the bene
fit of their own pocket book. One of
these fossilized specimens owns a com
modious hotel near the depot at Grant's
lass. A few days since, when the O.
O. R. R. changed their time table
the express trainpassed this place at
about the right time for breakfast. As
the passenger train changes -engines
there, by which they are delayed sev
eral minutes, it was a very desirable
ltoint for an eatinjj station this would
nave been a benefit of dollars to
the town. The Basrley House near the
depot was the only hotel large enough
in the place to sufficiently accomuu
date the railroad travel, but the pro
prietor wanted all the railroad employ
ees to pay four-bits for every meal they
took at Wis house, while they got theiV
. meals for 25 cents every other place on
the road. As the hotel-keeper refused
to accede to their demands, the railroad
company established the eating station
at Medford.
Entertainment at the Academy
day Evening, May 27, 1S87.
The programe will consist of music,
select peiccs, and the Juvenile Operetta
Gyp Junior.
At the opening of the Operetta, Gyp
Junior is livinsr with an old Gypy'in
the woods, whence she is sent every
day to beg. She is frightened at two
tramps, who at last prove to le her
father and brother, who have been
searching for her ever since she was
stolen by the Old Gypsy several years
before. The Operetta opens with a
song and chorus by scholars, from a
neighboring Seminary, who are out in
the "woods at play, some of the ch'l iren
have their fortunes told by the Gypsy.
Night ci nies on. The tramps satis
fied that Gyp Junior is their lot Ma
lel go into the hut to secure clothing
to identify her the child is coaxed
away by two girls who have taken a
a liking to her.
The second act opens at theSeinsnory
where Gyp Junior is a scholar, The
tramps find her here, and so does Old
Gyp. The child is decoyed from the
yard by a rabbit and taken captive to
the woods by the- Gypsy. She is pur
sued the child returned in safety and
tlie Old Gyjisy as a prisoner.
Marple Takes an Appeal.
H. Y. Thompson, attorney for R. K.
Marple, convicted of the murder of
Tavid I. Corker, of Lafayette, and un
der sentence to be hanged on June 2,
has filed notice of appeal in the office
of the clerk of the circuit court for Yam
hill county and the transcript with the
t-lerk of the supreme court," and the
papers have been served on Prosecut
ing Attorney Belt. The case will be
argued May 24th. The grounds on
which the appeal is taken are as fol
lows: "First The indictment docs not
charge the defendant with any crime.
Second There was no verdict of the
jury upon which to base said judgment
and sentence. Third Said judgment
and sentence were pronounced by the
court without legal jwwer or lawful
authority. Fourth That the death
warrant'does not conform to the laws
relating thereto, or to the judgment of
the court in said action against the de
fendent." A Word to Correspondents.
In this issue of The Exrress it will
lie noticed that it has a number of
friends who are pleased to assist in mak
ing it locally interesting by contribu
ting to it the local happenings of their
respective plac s. This is right and we
heartily ' appreciate the kindness of our
correspondents in doing so. We would
say further that The Express is the
only paper in Linn county which has
openly announced itself in favor of
prohibition and to this end desires any
thing in the way of contributions
which will be for the success of the
amendment. And alsolct us hear what
your farmers, stockmen, merchants and
mechanics are doing. In short, let
every industry throughout the eounty
le represented in the columns of The
School Report.
The following is a list of pupils whose
names deserve to be placed on the roll
of honor, for the following reasons:
1st, regular attendance; 2d, good eon
duct; Ski, diligence and perseverance in
study, in the Waterloo school for the I
month ending May 6, 1SS7: Matt
Cams, Thos. J. Cafns, Minnie DeVa
ney, Laura DeVancy, Jay B. Gross,
Annie Gross, Hattie Gross, J. A. Klum,
A. J. Klum, Maud Klum, Lillie Mc
Bride, Ira Mcliride, Alice Mc-Tim-monds,
Stella MeTimmonds.
S. A. DkVaney,
' All persons going to the County Tem
perance Alliance at Scio. via the Nar
row Gauge road, will be met at West
Scio by hacks. Those who go by the
o. & u. roao. must leave me train at
Jeflerson, from whence there is a daily
atagc line to Scio.
Local and General.
The liquor traffic must go !
The 6th of June will be a legal holi
day. Rev. Mr. Wooley is at Eugene City
attending the Presbytery.
Vote for the amendment and thereby
help your fireside and your country.
"Frank Ballard hail his foot severely
bruised on Wednesday evening last, by
the hose cart passing over it.
1 We learn that the Albany flrpmcn
are making no preparations to attend
the tournament at Vancouver.
An Amendment league of 114 mem
bers was organized at Jefferson, on the
evening of the 7th ot this month.
Under a $1 (XW license the saloons of
Omaha, Nebraska, have in creased from
72 to ISO. Comments are unnecessary
Dr. J. A. M'Allister will lecture at
the Band hall, next Sundav at 11 o'clock
, . m., subject, Theology. All are invit
Messrs Brunk & Wright tie contract
ers, have turned over to the O. P. com
pany, ties enough to build the road
about 33 miles.
Elder Norton, of Waterloo, called to
see us Wednesday morning. He held
religious services at Sweet Home on
Sunday last.
Workmen in the railroad yards at
The Dalles, are at work to place every
thing out of the reach Of the prospect
ive high water.
G. E. Hardy has, just received a
handsome invoice of jewelry, consist
ing of the very latest novelties in rings,
pins, chains, etc.
Gen. T. O. Reams, of Jacksonville,
the efficient postal Inspector, has re
signed his position on aeecunt of the
failing health of his wife.
S F. M. Miller, of this place has
been selected to deliver the oration on
behalf of the O. A. R. at Albany on
Decoration day, May 30th.
Mr. O. Jennings, of the firm of Jen
nings fe McPherson, whoown and man
age' the Hamilton creek saw mill, lias
our thanks for favors this week.
Mrs. Nellie, wife of Henry Baekensto
died at the home of her parents in Eu
gene City, on Wednesday, the 11th hist.,
after an illness of several weeks.
.Dr. A. H. Peterson dentist, of this
city, is paying Sweet Home a profe-n-visit
this week. His patients wil find
him, throughly efficient in his prac
tice. James Shelton of the Forks of the
Santiam, a few days ago shipped to Col.
Hogg, at Albany 90 hames, for which
he received $210. This beats raising
W. C. Peterson, jeweler, has secured
the agency for the World type writer,
for this county. Every one should
have one of these dexterous little ma
chines. F. H. Roscoe & Co. ask all the ladies
to call and see the Novelty Washer a
little, handy anil complete labor-saving
machine fo'r which they are the tole
agents for Linn county.
A grand basket pienie will le given
under the auspices of the Halsey Ulti
matum Hrass Kami, at 1'owell s grove
near Halsey, on Saturday Jay' 2S.
Speeches mid games of amusement will
be the onier of the day.
The sheep owners of Burnt river and
Snake river are making ready for the
spring clip, and will commence shear
ing about the 20th of this month. In
the neighborhood of 50.0) sheep will
yield up their lkece In that section this
The location for the round house, at
Albany, for the O. P. company has
!een selected and work upon its erect
ion will commence soon. As S'.toii as
is j
the weather settles work will le con
mencvd upon the eastern extension of
the line.
f Mr. A. B. Woodin, of Albany has
leased the Lebanon flouring mill and
will at once put it in order to do first
class work, llehnssccurcd theservices
of an efficient miller, and the farmers
can rvU on Jbe mill doing the best
of work hereafter.
W. R. M'Kinnon, the popular pro
prietor of the Canyon Creek house, was
in town ag.'.in this week. Parties who
partake of "Mack's'' accommodations
this year will understand why so much
sulstantial provision is lK-ing hauled
into the mountains by him.
The shipment of fresh salmon from
The Dalles is fairly commencing says
an exchange. On an average, forty
boxes, ranging from one hundred to
one hundred and fifty pounds in weight
are sent east daily from this point. On
some days the shipments reach over
fifty boxes.
The many friends ofG. W. Smith,
Esq., will be glad to know that he is
now convalescing from a serious attack
of neuralgia en 1 rheumatism. The
Squire has been a patient sufferer from
the complications which afflicted him.
In a few days we hope to see him at
tending to business as usual.
Mr. M. L. linsbrouck, sends us his
compliments in the way of a neat card
by which we learn lie is agent tor
Next week the -publication day of
The Express will be changed from
Saturday to Friday. We make the ,
change so as to accomodate our patrons
who get their mail on the south bound
O. Ry. train. We understand some do
not get this paper until the week fol
lowing its publication. This will not
be the case hereafter.
A minister who had just undertaken
a new charge was informed that a
wine merchant, who occupied a chief
seat in tha synagogue, contributed fifty
dollars to the stipend, so he was to deal
gently with the drink question. "No
sir," "was the reply; "let's begin fair.
Take fifty dollars off" my money; I
want to get a shot at that pew."
Senator Reagan of Texas says that he
can vote for the constitutional prohibi
tory amendment, and yet be a consistent
Democrat. We wonder if Senators J.
H. Mitchell, and J. N. Dob h, and ex
membcr of congress and Fast Grand
Secretary I. O. G. T.of Oregon, M. C.
George will say they can vote for the
amendment and be consistent Republi
cans? If you love us a little say so.
Come, gentleman, ante-( saloon) up, this
is a non-partism tight ana proninmon
is bound to win. The amendment will
be all the go in a few days. Prohibition
Under date of May 13, our Albany
correspondent writes: Last Wednes
day evening Dr. J. W. Watt3 address
ed' the prohibition league here. The
people were so well pleased that he was
invited to remain over Thursday night
which he did. The brass band was en
gaged, the Band 'of Hope furnished
music and the doctor delivered a power
ful lecture upon th? subject, " Watch
man, what of We Night? And the
Watchman Answered, the Morning
Cometh." The league is now over 400
stronc and will do its Khr tn.nk
j carrying the county bv Ooo majority
the the amendment.
Frank Bros'. Implement company. "iAV riVL i V
from bU nt'ti avmenr.. in Another oT- 1 ortland; Directors, J.M. SlOJlT, I.
irom nisptn apptars in anotner coi-i n..rUUb Tboa ICmv p v Croft- O 1
umn. Mr. H. is doing business in Pen- )' r,1 J 'j!1'. j ;..:'. : . .Yi ' " "
Brownsville News.
May 1ft.
Monday, May 16th, thennoiuetor 83
iu the shade.
The Brownsville Creamery has re
sumed operatious.
Deputy sheriff George Humphrey was
in town on Monday last.
C. H. Cuble p-fid Portland a business
visit on Wednesday last. '
Rt)bt Sanders is confined to the house
by a severe attack of cold.
And now the little busy bee, "im
proves each shinning hour."
George Tycer is confined fothe house
by a threatened attack of fever.
Wild strawberries, in many places,
have 1cch "nipped in the bud," by the
late fosts.
Mrs. J. A. Bishop at present visiting
Portland friends contemplates a trip to
the Sound.
Z. B. Mow, wife and daughter, of
Sweet Home, paid Brownsville a visit
on Monday hist.
A very pleasant call was received
from Scott E. Kreig, formerly of Joseph,
Wallowa county.
Rev. P. M. Starr of Halsey, on Fri
day last, was the guest of his son Dr. I.
W. Starr, of this place.
For A 1 material, sulstantlal work
and bed rock prices, consult Hie "ad"
of A. C. Hausman iu another column.
Miss Sarah Coshow on Tuesday last
returned fromCoburg, having complet
ed her dutiesof assistant teacher at that
Mr. and Mrs. Rozen, on Thursday
last departed for ( 'leveland, Ohio. This
leaves Brownsville without a merchant
Mrs. L. M. Curl of Albany, also Sirs.
C. W. Curl of Grass Valley, Wasco Co.
are the guests of Mrs. R. II. Curl of
this place.
F. F. Croft who departed for Port
land on the morning of Monday last,
will shortly return with a fresh invoice
of spring good.
F. F. Croft, G. A. Dyson, and E. Els
wlek, representatives to the Grand
Lodge I. O. O. F. departed for Port
land on Monday last.
The citv marshal is compelling the
"kids" to" report "at home,'' by i M.
This is a bitter pill for the youngsters,
but greatly to their lenertt.
During the past veek the son of John
Morgan was caught by a rolling l;g.
which pass"d over Ins body, producing
some painful but not serious wounds.
The Arlington hotel, under the man
agement of James M"Hrgne, is fast
building up for itself a first-class repu
tation for well supplied tablesand mod
erate charges.
On Monday morning last It. N.
Thompson departed for Partland, hav
ing received a telegram to the etlVs-t
that his wife had been taken suddenly
ill at that place.
Pendant set watches clocks, and late
styles of jewelry just received by Pills
bury. Also a complete line of optical
gisxls, shooting spectacles, goggles, col
ored glasses, etc.
On Saturday last the little son of N.
B. Standish was picked up in an Insen
sible londition, the result of a fall from
the ham loft, a severe cut was m-eived
on the forehead, but f rtunately no ser
ious injuries were sustained.
David Put man, who lias Iwn confin
ed to the bouse for the past three
months, seriousdy affected by neuralgia
ontemplatcs a "trip to Medical Lake,
Washington Territory, w here he will
test the curative powers of the water.
On Thursday last, W. R. Kirk, sold to
Jivs. Sagee of Albany a in ice of proper-
! itv, consisting of d ellingitud twenty-
two aeros of land, known as the Frank
Hyde place. Mr. S igee who paid fl.
noo, Tor the property win remove from
Albany making this place his future
Dikp May 12th BS7, of dropsy of
the heart C. . E. Tt nipletov, ng.d i'3
y irs. Tb' funeral service took place
on Saturday last, at the Presbyterian
church Rev". It. It officiating a deli
gat ion from Dnwal! Lodge No. Iv. of P.
of which the disceased was a member,
accompanied the remains to their last
resting place.
The mysterious disnpjearnnce of Mi
ner Jackson, led some of his patrons to
surmise that our "tonsorial artist" had
stumbled and fallen into a gap in one
of his shaqi razors, but Minor has re
turned bringing with him a young wife,
and says, that as he now intends to
to lwanl at home, he can afford to give
Bix ftrt-class shaves for a doltar.
At the Methodist church on Sunday
last, S. P. Willson, presiding elder, de-
uvere:; to a large atienuance, a very
eloquent apiieal during morning servi
ces. At 7 v. m. the prohibition amend
ment with Its attending Ltenentn was
most ably demonstrated, the lecture
throughout leing a master piece of ora
tory, intersiH'rceu with many interest
ing and historical events, and scienti
fic fact3.
Affile annual meeling of the stock
holders of the B. W. M. Co.. the fol
lowing officers were elected to serve
indebted for the following figures:
Amount of money paid out in Brown
ville during the past year, $44,000;
cash paid to operatives, "?23,7S7; value
of goods manufactured,? 127,3.V; amount
of wool consumed in production of fab
rics, zsi,yM lbs. i. . i
Waterloo Items.
May 17.
Very fine weather.
Everybody feels gissl.
Grand preparations for gardening.
Henry Saltmarsh reported getting
Marion Glass while cutting brush for
Robt. M Cuilock, by some mishap, got
a very severe cut on his head causing
the blool to now lively.
The front string of fence at the school
house, is about finished. One week
from Saturday has lxen set to complete
the fence and clear the grounds.
School Report.
The following is an abstract taken
from the school register in District No,
!2 for the month ending May 13, 1NN
Is'o. of boys enrolled, 7; No. of girls
enrolled. 4: "total number enrolled, 11
No. of days taught. 20; No. of days
attendance, 214; No. of days absence, 0
average o. lelonging, 11; average
daily attendance, 10 -l0.
Miss Emma Druhy,
Teachers Examination.
The regular public quarterly exam
ination. under the new law. will be
held at the court house in Alltany, Or
commencing at noon on Wednesday,
Mav 25. 18S7. Applicants for examina
tion will please appear promptly at the
above named place ami time.
1). V. S. Rkip,
County School Sup't.
' .1 i i . : . . . . t r
i ,rin7 , j i ., jHTivini , 10 noiii ,1 nil
Albany Notes.
May 19.
Wheat is selling for $ 1 per bushel.
The OakviP.e picnic has been post
poned till Saturday June 4.
D. B. Monteith has g me to the Cceur
d'Alene mines to invest in property
Born. Wednesday, May 1, to the
wifeofO. AC. agent, W. L. Jester.a son.
Wcdncs ay June 1 there will be a
stallion show In Albany, to which all
horseman are invited.
Mr. F. P. ('aylucss and wife have re
turned to Albany. Mr. Cn vines was
one of the early settlers of this city.
The regular public examination of
school teachers will le held ntthe court,
house, this city, Wednesday May 25.
Charles Muller has gone to Portland,
to purchase machinery for a fruit can
nery to Ik started at once In this city.
Mrs. Henrietta Brown, Mrs. J. H.
Townsend and Miss Lib. Irvine have"
gone to The Dalles to attend the W C.
T U.
O. B. Burd, an eloquent temperance
speaker from California, will lecture at
the court house in this city on Friday
eve May 27.
The juvc
ship of Pr
uvenile band, under theleader-
rof. Pierce, Is making rapid
progress, ami is ready to receive con
tracts for furnishing music.
Last evening Rev. E. R. Pritchard
was regularly Installed as pastor of the
Presbyterian church. The ceremonies
were long and quite impressive.
A switch from the O. P. has lieen
built up to the O. & C. depot and pass
engers will soon be saved the ineon
vcinee of the long walk between the
t wo dciot-s. ' -
W. F. Crosby the wheat buyer, has
nturned to Sail Francisw. While here
be purchased nearly one million bushels
of wheat, nearly all of which was shin
ned by the Yaqiiiua route
Pendleton luiv ws Kent nut Mnn-
dn. for a load of wood, ml returned
We nesday. It would be a saving of
time if he could get the mail contract
between here and Lebanon.
For several days two of the employ
ees of the Southern Pacific railroad
have been in the city taking views of
our sv-enery and collecting statistics of
our climate etc., for publication.
Last evening while endeavoring "to
tieat the record at standing Jump, F.
P. Nutting, of the Jk'tnw-rat, threw a
weight into one of L. II Blain's large
show windows: result no record beaten
and twelve dollars gone.
Mr. Dureoop, of Portland, has receiv
ed the contract and is. now engaged
with a force of nu n in laying a stone
pavement, Shillinger's patent, along
one of the blocks on Kirt street. The
pavement will l 15.5 feet in length aud
eits 4.2-5 H-r foot.
TheO. A C. Railroad company has re
fused theO. P. tlu'privelegeof using Its
switch on Front street and will not sell
an interest Under the present state of
ircumstances the only way the O. P.
can reach its warehouses on that street
is bv boat.
Friday evening. June 3d. the Allwny
Dramatic Company will produce at the
Ojiera House, for the first time in the
state,the Scholistic society play.N lagra.
UK) yards of new scenery has been pann
ed for the play and an orchestra of
thirteen pclces will furnish music.
Yesterday afternoon Dora Davidson,
a crippled girl, swore out a warrant ac
cusing her father of assault with a
deadly weajsui. Davidson wss arrest
ed and upon examination w:s discharg
ed. He was re-arrested for simple as
sault to whi' h he plead guilty and was
led f- ami costs, amounting to?20.
He languishes in jail. Ukpuktkk.
SodavMle Notes.
May 19. -
A dentist could do very well in this
Sam Wilson has just returned from
visit at his. uncle"s Mr. A. Isjge,
Hock Hill.
Illvirkeiidalt has been visit lug friends
and relatives in Portland dining the
past week.
D. C. Weaver has just arrived from
Prineville, and will take charge of Mr.
Wm. Korker's new pork packing house.
Mr. Wm. Wilson's wife and two
daughters have just let irned from an
extensive tour to Los Angles Cal. and
intermediate points.
IS Capt. John Davis of Astoria, has pur-
4 ..i i i i . . i . i i . i.
eiiwsri . rijii iuib iiri i iiui iiiji 1 11. jiiim
montli. 1 be t ant in ii tlimks tnat tins
place will soon be the leading summer
resort or tlie state.
Mrs. Susan Tucker, strickened with
paralysis alsiut a week ago, is convales
cent under the skillfull treatment of
m. vtonie,
of Lndiaiu
SW. W. 1
in the neai
Dr. Coble, homeopathic physician late
iaiiasli, Ind.
Parrish contemplates erecting
tr future, a small "full fledg
ed," flouring mill on his excellent wat
er power near hi re. Success to him in
Ids energetic venture.
O. Fry, sr., has sold his fine bred
chickens to Mr. J. S. llackus, late of
The Dalles. Mr. Hack us is a veteran
chicken raiser, and contemplates im
porting some of the best Eastern fowls
Dr. David Kecnan, vctenary sur
geon of this place has been having great
success here in treating sick horses.
having lost but one case out of 2-'f treat
ed. Dr. Keennn practiced at his pro
fession several years at Jacksonville,
Oregon, and comes well m-oineiided.
m. Souire's earn pond is well plan-
Tlie water is to be sunplbd from
Oak creek. He is soon to commence
work upon it. It is not intended as a
profitable investment, but for homo
amusement. Tourists and pleasure
seekers will lie charged a nominal price
for the privilege of angling in it.
- Fountain.
Pendleton Notes.
May 10.
Oh, the alkali dust.
The water works are fully completed.
The May term of circuit court is
nearly throu gh griding law.
During the past few days the weather
has Im-cii warm aud grain and grass is
growing very fast.
The prospect for grain and good
grasses is very flattering to the bunch
grass farmers. Some have already con
tracted their entire crop for 00 cts. per
Stock men are busy on the round up
and report cattle and horses in splen
did condition. Already several large
bands have leen shipped to the eastern
markets and more are lioing purchased
and will be started next month.
. The sheep men ani busy shearing and
report the clip very good. The condi
tion of the wool market Is not the best,
but several large lots has changed
hands and among the numerous wool
speculators, who have shown up here,
tliere was to be found the smiling faces
of Grant Johnson and Peter Mclntire,
formerly of Brownsville, Or.
The present condition of the town of
Pendleton denotes a general boom in
real estate ami general business. The
contract for a railroad from Pendleton
to Wallula junction has Ist-u let (y Mr.
Hunt, a noted It. It. contractor and
the work of grading has iHfun, ainl
the Walla Walla brunch is bringing Iu
a large trade to this center. The build
ing season has commenced and the
stone foundations for three laige bricks
are most completed, and the excavation
for lliree more is iwing pushed ahead
with all energy. The buildings ore le
lng moved from I be ground iftwoof
the Is-st building sites here, mid on the
vacated ground will ls erected two
large and substantial bricks by theDes
pain estate. There will In expended
near 15ii,iM)0 this season for the build
ing of brick buildings alone, and about
$.50,000 for wooden structures which will
include some mat and tine private resi
dences. UrNCH Git A 8.-4.
To the Laalos.
Mrs. A. E. WesTTof Portland, will
to-morrow ojk-u a splendid assortment
of millinery goods at Mrs. Usher's
dress-making parlors, where she will
!e pleased to show the latest and
choicest styles iu the art of millinery.
Those who have visited Mrs. West's
handsome store at No. 47 Washington
street. Portland, will not fail to visit
her while she remains In Lebanon.
See "ad" in another column.
New Deal.
A. B. Woodln, having leased the Imit
ation Flouring mills, propose to put
them in first-cliiss order and under the
efficient management of John Unger,
guarantees to give satisfaction to all
who favor him with thepatroiiage.
Call and try him.
Boot and 8hoc.
When in Albany call upon N. H. Al
len fe Co., if you need anything in the
Istot and shoe line. They have In stock
a full Hue of H. J. Holbronk & Co's.
fine shoes, for ladies and children the
ta-st in the market. A No C. M. Hen
derson & Co's. line shoes for gentleman.
None better made. They guarantee all
goods as represented. " uo8-3m
Dry Qoodt. Etc.
N. H.Allen & Co., Albany. Or., have
in stock the most complete line of fine
dress goods, silks, velvets, etc., this
side of Portland. Also wash fabrics of
all kinds, and late novelties iu every
line. Ladies, when in Albany, call on
Allen & Co., ami inspect stock and
prices. Samples sent msui application
when desired. ln8-3iu
Jimt received at Jillt r's drug store!
JK gallons pure is tiled oil.
Something New Tho Novelty Washer.
Undoubtedly F. H. Roeoe Co. are
interested in the welfare of their cus
tomers. While they keep all kinds of
hardware and agriculture goods for tha
use of farmers they have not forgotten
the ladies, as they have got the sole
right of Linn county for one ot the best.
Most Complete and Cheapest Washers
in the market. We would adviecvery
body to stop at their place of business
and see for themselves. Price, 3.30.
.V. A. .Viller will sell stationary
cheaper than anylmdy.
The Escort.
Lebanon was visited Thursday by
Wm. O. Irvine, Northwestern Agent
for J. It. Pae Tobnceo Co. Richmond,
Virginia. From tlie amount of sam
ples of Escort Plug, chewing, lie pave
away we think they have eery confi
dence in the brand. To our taste Es
cort Is siuiplv fine. All our btonsare
getting it.
yi. A. Jiller now lias the fullest and
coiupletest lineof drugs, and medicines
ever brought to Lebanon.
Churchill & Monteith will pav the!
highest market price for wool. 100,tXJO
pounds wanted.
Itepniring nf clothing done neatly by
Mrs. Iteyiiolds.t of the school house.
Call on Cyrus and see those fine mow
ers and other machinery.
One hundred thousand
pounds of
at tlie lugliet market price,
Churchill Monteith,
(Limited Line.)
CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver.
On anil after May 10. 1MT. and until further nr
tl't trains will nm laily icjui pt Sunday) as fu -itw
t'rK Mail
From INirt
laiul. 1.35 PI NDEE Jt M-T.V. Ful'iuartx I.dir. j
i.T St. Paul'". j
J.Vi Franch Crairio,
S.ns , Foix I
WiicMllnirn. 1
.t Tom nviul, !
: .McKw, 1
a.H llamn s
K.r.2 ! . M. .vi,gvl,
4.01 i Ikmns.
Arv 4.12 --i -
Lv 4.-J2 ' Suvertmi.
4.40 j .Mm-nin's Mill,
4.14 i liinvt'll J'raire,
4. 2 I EaiKt SMe Junction,
h.2 j Miic.Ichv.
5.2.1 j Wul.U. Hills,
5. -IO ' .Yumvillo.
5.59 Went Slnyton.
6.10 Non Ii Santiam,
B 'i2 : Scio Juno,
( Wrst Scio,
. 13 . CraMrev,
6.."'7 !j South Sunt mm, .
7.31 it Lfrlmnoti Junction,
7.10 ; I iwnn,
S.07 1 BcHville.
-. )j l.inn.
8.4.r ! ProvnvilU
y.iw Twin Unties,
H.'27 MntitRonicry,
!.44 lYii-cliorn,
Kl.tH Wilkin,
lO.liS t'OlU'K'i.
Ar. P.M. Arv. Lv
Cohurx Mail.
Toward Port
husl. I. 15
I 1.00
Arv li.'W
II. 47
I.v 10.40
An- 10,:-0
i 9.-10
I S.-25
! S.09
i 7.f
! 7 .05
! 6.27
i 6.11
r. is
! 5.26
jl i-.m
ii 4.S0
A. M.
To Remain One Week.
Will To-day Open
. Dress-making Parlors, a
For Making Up the Same.
a. c. tiiriit-nnj-
G enera L
New Goods ! !
We arc now receiving an Immense stock of -
Spring ancl Summer C3oodss,
Which is the Largest, Choicest and most complete! line of General Merchan
dise ever brought to this section of the Willamette valley. Our stock of
: Dry and Fancy Ootids embraces all the newest de igns in Patterns,
Styles and Qualities, In Dress Goods, including a fine assortment of
The Celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods,
Iu new and desirable colors, which have just been opened out for
your lnsicctiou.
Our stock of White Goods is Large and Complete.
Includes all the Newest designs and Novelties in
Hosiery, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Ribbons, Jerseys,
Ladies' Underwear, Gloves, MittsEtc.
Ladies' and Childrens' .Shoes and Slippers
Which in Just arriving, is the largest and most complete line ever pur
chased by us, and at prices that Defy Competition t
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Window-Shades, Wall-Paper
Highest Market Price Paid
-Delkk Is-
Groceries and Povisions,
Tobacco ancl Cigars,
Confectionery, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware,
Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups.
Country I 'ri k1 vic-ti tolteii in Exchange for Goods.
(brnrr Brick Storr, Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Do You Want Hardware ?
There is no us of yonr going elsewhere, when you can buy your Hardware at
Home. We would respt ctfully call your attention to our large stock of
13uilcler and Contractors Supplies,
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Axes, Saws, Garden T00I3.
Our stock of
Ammunition and Fisliing Taclcle
Is Complete, and will be sold at Prices that defy Competition.
Farmers will find
As we carry tlie Best goods in the market. We keep in stock the
Collins Cast-steel Plows, John Deere Moline Plows,
Canton Clipper Plows, and the Celebrated
Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras for Each.
Barbed Wire" Sold Vat Low Figures.
F. H. ROSCOE & CO., Lebanon, Oregon.
Dry-Goods,Clotliing, Boots & Shoes.
s--G R O C
Gents' Ktirnisliing Goods.
-AGHJsrs ran
FopLilar Hosiery Company.
New Goods ! !
Kinds of Country Produce.
this the Headquarters for
E R I E S,-s-
"old heliable"'-
C el eb ra
J(aw- L- Douglas
. S H O E.