The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 21, 1887, Image 2

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The Lebanon Express.
8 ATU RD A VT MAY 21 , 1 87
J. H. ST I N E, Editor.
The Allliance which meets at Beio
next Tuesday and Wednesday will
have some important work to do. Now
that the Amendment campaign has
opened, it will be well to arrange for
the great work which is to le done be
tween now and the 8th of November.
It is to be hoped the different temper
ance organ izat ions throughout t he cou n
t y, as well as all other bodies entitled
to send delegates will be representated.
Iet there be a full, and enthusastic re
presentation which will tend to show
the opponents of human liberty, that
the good work is to be pushed to the
entire abolition of tbe whisky trattlc.
The temperance people of Oregon
will do well to consider the influence
the whisky dealers are using against
the success of prohibition wherever and
whenever brought to Issue with it. In
Texas they sought to combine the politi
cal party in the majority in their in
terest; in Iowa, Rev. Haddock was the
victim of their hate; in Michigan pro
liibition undoubtedly carried, but was
counted out by them. In consideration
of these things, the question certainly
very naturally arises: AY hat of Ore
gon? First, in our mind, is organization.
It there le an Amendment League
instituted in every precinct throughout
every county in thestateand put under
the management of enthusiastic men
and women, who will work for success
in November. Second, let all per
sons In sympathy with the Amendment
meet with the different organizations
and with their presence and voioe make
these meetings interesting. This is a
campaign, the issues of which are of
more vital importance than any one in
which the people of Oregon have as yet
been interested. It is for the over
throw of the greatest curse known to
the human family. It is for the pro
tection and advancement of every thing
that Is good, against the demoralizing
influences of liquor in all its ghastly
forms. It is for the preservation of the
church and every institution which has
for its object the elevation of mankind,
against the misery which follows in
the wake of the rum power.
Iet all who attend the Alliaueeat Scio
next week, go there with arguments
and practical suggestions for carrying
on a vigorous and successful campaign
agaiiftt rum power in Oregon, and it
will be a meeting fraught with noble
Judge R. E. Bylee, of Portland, pub
lishes a letter in which he charges the
officers in charge of the work at the
Cascades locks with being in collusion
with rail road managers in delaying the
important improvements at that point.
He says that $ 1,000,000 has been spent
on the work, for which there is
anything to show, and adds that one of
me most successful contractors in the
state oners to contract to finish the locks
now for SoOO.OOO, and would have con
tracted for the whole work for $600,000
at its commencement.
The Northern Pacific is experiment
ing with steam heating appliances for
passenger cars. Upon the St. Paul and
Duluth trains the coaches are heated by
radiators, two, being at each end of the
ear, and by pipes enclosed in metal box
es running through the ears, the heat
lKM'ngeontrolled by register. The steam
is supplied direct from the locomotive
boiler, but in large trains or extreme
weather the plan contemplates the use
of a special boiler or iron car. If this
system proves successful it will be used
on all Northern Pacific trains next win
ter. In response to the general demand,
the interstate commerce commission
has suspended, subject to revocation, for
a period of seventy-five days, the fourth
or long haul section of the law. It is
thought that during the seventy-five
days vf the suspension most of the wool
of Oregon and Washington can be ship
ped to an eastern market. The im
pression prevails in Portland that a
rate of $1.50 per hundred on wool to
Boston will be named.
From the Orejonicin of the 13th we
learn that the contracts for a mill for
the Columbia River Paper Company,
to replace the one burned on the 6th of
last November at L.a Camas, were yes
terday signed by J. K. Gill, president.,
and S. Ii win, secretary of the company.
The brrck work was awarded to Ca
nute & Zanelle for S3,oC9, and the stone
work at $4,000. The carpenter work,
tioor,trusses for roof, windows, etc., was
awarded to Messrs. S. J. Kgbert, L.
Tidland andThos. TeesonofLaCamas,
for f 4,400. The roof of corrugated iron
containing about 230 squares, was
awarded to J. C. liyer for S1,6S5. The
building is to he completed bvJulyl,
and it is hoped that the manufacture
of paper will be bugun bv August 1.
The machine room will be 56x156, and
the bleaching rooms and wood pulp
mill 80x132. with two 12-foot stories.
The walls and floor of the lower story
will be of stone, and the upper story of
"brick. As only the upper floor and
.roof trusses will te of wood, the build
ing will be nearly as possible fire proof,
and there will be no dry stock kept in
it. The building for rag picking and
cutting, 30x60 feet, is of wood, and is
situated 50 feet from the main.building.
The bleaching and washing of straw
will be done in a separate building
forty feet from the main building.
The mill will be fitted with the latest
and most approved style of cement
chloride vats and draining rooms, a
hydraulic elevator and all necessary
labor saving appliances, and will be
equipped with an 84-inch Fourdrinier
machine, a 54-inch double cylinder,
and four wood pulp machines. In ad
dition to other precautions against fire
perforated pipes will 1k stretched over
each of the roof trusses, which bv
turning a valve, situated outside, the
building will Ihorou-ltlv drwb the
wok1 work.
Abuse kills, kindness saves.
Keep accurate accounts of your deal
ings. .
Keep bees and Increase the yield of
small fruits.
Small collars makes balky hors sand
large ones sore breasts.
Burn the weeds now, and as far as
possible without moving them.
Beekeeping is a profitable industry to
those who are adapted toand thorough
ly understand the business. -
It pays to manure the cabbage land
liberally. The more manure applied,
the better crop may be expected.
Study what yoursoil and the crops
you grow need, nlul then, as liest you
can, feed so as to make apechd manures
to meet the demand.
Crapes grown on trees are free from
disease and yield plentifully, riant
them a rod away from large "trees and
train them up to limbs and they will
soon run through the trees.
The best way to use bone for imme
diate effect is to keep a barrel of lye on
hand and put in this all bones. (Soon
phosphate of potash will be found,
which is one of the best fertilizers.
Now that spring is upon us; look out
for dampness. If the floor of the poul
try house is not perfectly dry, look out
for croup. Board it over and cover it
with dirt and ashes. Keep an eye on
the chicks. Keep them perfectly dry.
Road work should be done in spring,
the earlier the better. Soft earth will
pack hard if drawn in while wet in
spring but if left until summer or
autumn it will become mud after every
rain, because it does not get settled to
that compact condition necessary to
shed water.
If you want some strawberries, the
first of May is t he best time for setting
the plants. If set earlv and well they
will bear a small crop this year. Select
land as clean, of weeds as aiiy you have,
that which is naturally rich or made so
with vegetable manure. Animal and
mineral manures are not good for the
The proper covering of seed, after
they have teen deitnsi ted in the drill
or row, has much to do with the suc
cess of the crop. If in covering, the
seeds are buried so deep that t he germ,
the little plant within the seed, cannot
reach the surface, it dies. Though the
seed may have been perfeetley good,
there will be no crop.
In sowinsr mixed grasses for hav ref
erence must lie had to their periods of
ripening; they must be ready for the
mower at the same time. Red clover
and orchard grass do well together in
this respect, lull meadow oat grass
also ripens at the same time as the
above, and may be advantasreously ad
ded to them.
If we were setting a large patch of
strawberries, we would set them In
rows three feet apart each w ay, and
tend them the first season with a horse
and cultivator. They will lie thick
euouirh the second year, and vou save
a great many plants and any amount of
hoeing iv having them so w ide as to
tend with horse and cultivator.
Much depends upon the suitable
plowing of the garden, so that we can
take care of it with as little trouble as
possible, and so that the early croj s
may oe loiiowed bv late crois upon
the same land. The market gardeners
know how to do this, and get twoero8
from nearly all their land, and some
times even three in a seaon. There is
no good reason why their methods can
not ne copied much more tiian they
are m Kiteiien gardens.
Firming or pressing the soil closelv
about seeds of all kinds is a point that
t'eter Henderson renews each year wuh
ever increasing emnhasis. This firm
ing is more important the dryer the
sou Is. ;ot only will the "hrmed '
seed come up quicker, but the plants
will keep stronger throughount the
whole season, that is, provided the sea
son proves a dry one. t auure to "itrin '
seeds. Mr. Henderson thinks, is at the
bottom of many failures that cost mil
lions yearly.
More harm is done to public and pri
vate roads about this time of year tnan
at any other time. The water from the
melting snows and heavy showeis car
ries awav the soft dirt and leaves bare
stones aud deep gutters. However, if
each farmer would take a littie pains lie
could prevent much of thedamngedone
to roads in this way. Take a hoe and
go out and turn the drainage from your
barn yard and roads into the medows.
In a half-day's work you will save
more road than you could make in a
week; and at the same time you will
be furnishing your grass land with a
valuable fertilizer that would other
wise be lest in the neighboring streams
and brooks.
Hig-h License Illustrated.
Dr. Howard Crosby in making a plea
for high license, used the illustration:
"If I live in a city where a tiger is at
large, and it is not possible to bring the
tiger down, and is possible to confine
him to one-half the city, then I believe
in saving as much as possible of thecitv
from him." Unfortunately for tlie
Doctor, this is one of the parables that
cannot he made to "go on all fours,"
nor even stand on its legs at all. The
principal fault with, the illustration is
that the high license scheme does not
confine tlie whisky tiger to any particu
lar part of the city, but allows it the
freedom of the whole city. It would
be more nearly parallel to'put it in this
May: A tiger is at large in the city,
and instead of making short work with
with it, and exterminating it, an enter
prising showman says to the city au
thorities, "Gentlemen, I will give you
$.300 for the privilege of letting that
beast run at large in your city, and live
on your wives and children for the next
twelve months." Would the city au
thorities lx warranted in issuing the li
cense, even for So.OOO license fee? The
true parallel of the tiger business with
the high license business is this: Home
evil disposed person has turned 100 or
1,000 tigers loose in the city. The citi
zens are getting together to extermin
ate the whole lot, when several persons
say, we wiJl pay into the city treasury
SoOO apiece for the privilege of letting
50 or 500, as the case may lie, of these
tigers run at large in the city and de
vour our boys and girls." Where are
the city officials who would listen to
such a proposition? Yet that is precis
ely what is asked by those who are
willing to sell liquor to destroy both
body and soul of our children, and
break up our homes, and bring the gray
hairs of parents in sorrow to the grave.
Brother Crosby may be a good moderate-drinking
and high license temper
ance man, yet we feel safe in saying
that when he turned his tiger loose, he
certainly stirred up the wrong animal.
The Coos Bay Xetva and the Bnndon
Recorder are kicking hard, jUtit the
annexation of Josephine county to Coos
and Curry counties for senatorial repre
sentation in the next legislature aud
denounce that move as well as the en
tire scn:i(o-i;d rc -apportionment as a
"politi"! job,"
The following are thirty sound rea
sons for the Prohibition of the traffic In
intoxicating liquors:
1. They deprive men of their reason
for the time In-ing.
2. They destroy men of the greatest
Intellectual strength.
3. 1 hey foster and encourage every
species of immorality.
4. 1 tiev oar tne progress or civiliza
tion and religion.
5. They destroy the peace and happi
ness of tens of thousands of families,
fi. Thev reduce manv virtuous wives
and children to beggers,
7. They cause many thousands or
8. They prevent all reformation of
l. They render abortive the strongest
10. The millions of property expend
ed in them are lost.
11. They cause the majority of cases
of insanity.
12. They destroy both the body and
the soul.
13. They burden goiter people with
millions for the support of paiiers.
14. They cause immense expendi
tures to prevent crime.
15. They cont sober people immense
sums in charity.
20. They burden the country with
enormous taxes.
17. Because moderate drinkers want
the temptation removed.
IS. Drunkards want the opportunity
19. Sober people want the nuisance
20. Tax-payers want the burden re
moved. Resolutions of Condolence.
rmiiAS Casti f. Haul.
Hrownnviluc, May li 1S7.
To the Chancellor Commander, Vire clmneellor.
oaii-er and Members of ltowdnU Lodte, No. 10,
Your oommittc appointed to pnnare resolutions
on the death of our Moved brother Knlglit. V. E.
TempleUm. of Ifciu-dall Lodjre No. lii, K. of P., of
I$n.wnville, Or. beg leave to submit the follow inir:
Whkkkas, Knight C. K. Templetoti, ha pnwil
from earth to tin: mipreme lodge a'-ove, to meet
Willi us mo more in this earthly h-phere, therefore
be it
Ickjolyf.Bw Thnt bv the death of our beloved
brother, C. E. Tetujlcton. thin lodge ha bwt a
fniihful and roost zealot) worker, the order at larpe,
an enniei't, pvnint. and warm hearted tnemler,
and his mother and family a tender and luring son
and brother.
lttxit.VKK. That while we mourn Ms liwa. a one
most denr to us. we mii-t bow iu humble mbjuis
sion to Him w how word is law.
Knwu.VKii, That we endeavor to emulate his
many virtues, so that when we are railed upon to
lay down our anus here, it ean be truly haid of
u, a of our departed brother, "well done thou
brave and valuta Kniuht," That this preamble and thee roln
tions be spread uion the journal of this ldire. and
that a copy thereof, duly entroew'd. lie transmitted
to the family of the deceased brother.
Yon -:- Certainly
Of Clothes
this spuing.
Why don't you go to 11LAIN, the
Leader in Clothing.
From Eastern Factories.
Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap.
PARTMENT. We are confident of Pleasing you. AH
we ask is the opportunity of
showing you
Through our Stock.
The Celebrated Brownsiille Goods.'
L. E. BLA1N,
Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor,
Albany, Orkoox.
Churchill iv: Montetli's Space.
Owingr to Constant Crowds
Of close buyers at our store we must
postpone the pleasure of entertaining
the public with a column of reading
matter, until the busy season is over.
Alk your retailer for Oi Orltrlnnl 93 Pho,
Beware of Imitauona.
anleaa bearinfftlila Stamp
9 VV ovin, j DPXIXIIIM iu
imrxuniiy,vcnnjrt ana Afy
pearonc. A postal card ftont
to am win oring you imorma
v ssv won now vo pei mis noo
lX 'SV, InanyStateor Territory-
Boston. iUfi.
This sho Msnda higher In the estimation of
Wearm than any other tn the world. TVmnaniU
Who wear It wlU tell you the rca&ou l yon ask them.
Churchill & Monteith
Li:hano.', - Oregon.
The Weather Will Now Permit
The wearing of Lawns and other light
fabrics. Montague, with his usual en
ergy, Is offering nn elegant line of sum
mer dress eootis, organdieK. cable cords.
etc. Ilis stock of parasols comprises
:iv elegant shapes, and of splendid
lit v. These as well as his Increased
stock of general merchandise were
bought for t ash aud will Imj sold at
popular prices as Inaugurated. by Mon
tague. I am Sole Proprietor
of "Montagues f 2.00 shot?" for men's
wear. Kveryltody prefers them to any
others iu the market. Ik) not buy any
others until you have seen them.
The Farming Community
Have been annoyed with price lists
sent them wherein apparent bargains
are offered. The unwary are some
times caught with this kind of chaff.
Montague promises to sell as low as the
lowest of these lists, and give .1 per
cent off for the cash beside. IJuyyour
gttods of Montague. He I demonstrat
ing in u "practical manner what low
prices will do.
Montague Buys all Kinds
Of merchantable produce and will give
you the highest market price either In
cash or merchandise, at his remarkably
low prices.
Montague is Opening Up
A fine line of mens', lys' and child
rens' clothing, of the celebrated Oregon
City goods. These goods were bought
Rt heavy discounts, for cash, and are
marked away down. I'alt in, get a
good suit for yourself, then have your
wife bring in" the boys and Montague
will fit them out in lieat, durable suits
at mai velously low rates.
The Ladies are Particularly
Invited to look ovr Montague fine
line of soring and summer dress mods
Thev are bought verv low for cash and
will lie sold at rates "that trill ttri)ri
ot." tStKsl goods at low prices is the
motto in ins mammotn casii store.
Montague Has a Large Stock
Of mens' and lwvs' hats and cans.
Ma ii v of theatvles are something en
tirely new in Iebaiion. txo md see
Montague Does not Import
If in p-iwhU from anv eastern villant?.
His stck is fresh and new, and he pro
poses to sell them at such moderate
pricts as to defy competition. He
nromists the lmbUe here and now that
he wilt enter into no combination to
keep up alleged "yrVyi." He will al
ways use his lest endeavors to buy
goiids at their very lowest cash value,
and he will invariably give the buyer
the benefit of this, winch, coupled with
Itis long experience and business capac
ity, will make his mammoth cash store
tlie place for man, woman and child
to trade at. He will not le undersold
by any merchant in Linn county, and
he cordially invites buyers who think
they are paying too much for goods tit
other point to call and examine his
stock and prices. It trill jttty you big.
It is Said Straws
Show which way the wind blows.
Montague never complaint of dull times.
His mammoth cash store is crowded
with close buyers every day. No long
faces about his establishment.
The Wo,oI Clip of 1887
Will soon lie coining in. Moutague is
fully prepared to pay the highest prices
as usual in cash, for all wool offered.
Wool growers of Linn county generally
know that Montague nays a little more
than any one else for good wools.
Drop in 'and see him liefore you sell;
it will be to your pecuniary advantage to
do so.
Go and See Montague's
$2.00 shoe for men,s wear. It will com
pare favorably with any $3.00 shoe in
the market When you can stive $1.00
on a pair of shoes do it and you can In
vest It in something else to your advantage.
J. !.. COWAN. J. M. lSAl-Sim-." J. W TSfCK.
LeljfUioii, Oregon.
Transact a General Bank
ing Business.
Accounts Kept Subject to Check.
Mew York, San Francisco, Portland and
Albany, Oregon.
On 1'civornTblis Terms.
Foreign and Domestic
Harkness & Mayers Bros,
Lebaxox, Oheoox.
Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Repairing.
Prices to Suit the Times.
S ci - w A I ill
A Double Circular Water
, Power Saw Mill,
Capacity about "ii fict per luy. Al
10 aciT s of laml m hh-h the saw
mill is locate!.
AIo have n larirc stK-k of
First Quality Lumber
At lovest market rates for cash.
G. W. WHEELER, Lebanon, Oregon.
Andrews & Ilackleman,
$3.00 smf
ST T r w?Ir 4
. "
Leading Grocers
ivu rut:
Celebrutel.) E
Geyserite Soaps. I
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
R. C. Walkins,
Repairing of All Kinds at Rea
sonable Prices.
Shoeing all around, new shoes, $ 1.75.
Having located to stay I ask a share of
the public patronage.
Forty aeres of goxl farming land, one
fourth mile weft of Santiam Acad
emy', Lebanon, Oregon. Crop
Price, $50 per Acre. One-half, Cast.
For particulars enquire of A. It. Cyrus,
or of J. N. Mc Donald on premises.
iT3 U V
Boss of the
:-: The Best in the Market. :-
for Them nod Tle no Oilier.
. - -1 -
' W. C. Peterson,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Optical Goods a Special. King's Celebrated Spectacles in Store.
and Clocks. mMsg&pr Oils, Etc,
All kinds of Repairing Neatly done and Warrant
ed to Suit.
I bes leave to announce to the fanners of Iaim county, that I am still in
Lusines.- at the Old Stand, and htre just received from the East a
Large Stock of Wagon Timber, During the Cut in Freight Rates,
And I am willing the farmers and xeople generally should have the
same. Any one wishing Wagon I Impairing done, will please notice my
Killing all Uiiicls ofwheels, per set. - - S i- oO
" " " ' " wheel - 3 to 4 co
New set of wheels - ' - - - - - -J 00
' Bolsters. Sandlxjarcis antl Tongues, each J oo
Ilielcory .A-Mles, each ------ 4 Cxj
Sllngle Sfoles and Fellows, each - - uo
Everything else in Proportion. All work Warranted.
Iteim-njbcr tlie place one door south of Arthur & Bishop's blacksmith a
Dnigs Medicines, Paints, Oils, & Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery,
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drugs -:- and
Paints, Oils
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Strrtt, Evbuuon, Oregon.
Manufacturcr -:- of -:- Furniture,
Coffins, Caskets, Trimmings and Burying- Robes.
Doors, Window Blinds, Locks, Hanging-Nails, Etc.
Main Street, nl-tf. L.euaxon, Oreuox".
Lebanon & Sweet - Home
Stage Line.
H. Y. GIBSON, - Proprietor.
Carrying U. S. Mail.
Leaves Lebanon on Mondays, Wednesdays and
yaturdayn. Returning fame day.
Ibanon to Sudaville or Waterloo. .SOets.
Lebanon to Sweet Home........ JS100
.Good New Hack and other Ac
commodations First-class. .
Tarties desiring to go to any of the above named
points, on Intervening days will be accommo
dated by npplyuig at my residence ia
T H E4
Road Overall
a Speciality.
-:- Medicines
and Glass
Contractor, Carpenter and
Plans & Specifications
. o .-
All Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Price9 "o Reasonable.