The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 14, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 11.
J. H. STINE & CO Publishers
On. Yuar W 00
8ix Mouths 1
Thro. Muuths Si
(Payable in adranc)
Lebanon, Oregon,
On. square first Insertion
Kaea aUUiltonal insertion
. Local KotlcM, per Una IS cents
f"- adrernsementa inserted upon liberal terms.
. I SO
ATI dMcriptton. of Job Printing don. on short nolle a.
Lecal Blauks, Circulars, BnsiCFM Cards. Bill 11K
L.UW Hwia. Poster, etc. executed in gixxl style and
at knriM nrinc priced
at their new hail in Masonic Block, on Saturday
.ratine on or beton the full moon.
LEBANON LODGE. NO. 47. L. O. O. F.: Meet. Sat
urday .renins of Men Wfv.k. at Odd Fellow . Hall,
Main street; risituia brethren cordially inrited to
attend. J. J. CHARLTOS, If. G.
HONOR LODGE NO. S9. A. O. f. W , Lebanon,
Oregon: Meet. eTery first and third Thursday evto
ins in the month. F. H. ROaCOtL M. W.
t7 Office la Dr. Powell's Residence.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron VVare,
All kinds of Repairing Done at Short Notice.
Also keep in stock
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt.
Collections and other business promptly attended to.
Office on Main street.
Brownsville. Oregon.
Practical . Watchmaker.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
Office In roddence, on Main street, next door north
of C. B. Mrartavue's new residence. Ad work warranted.
Charges reasonable.
S ha ring. Hair Cutting;, and Shampooing in th.
lalst and
MW Patronage respectfully solicited.
Laflies' anfl Gents'
Rings, Bracelets,
N. W. Comer Main and Sherman Streets, two Blocks
tast of R L Depot.
J. NIXON. Propx.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
ample Room and the Best Accommodation, for
ujnuneicisi men.
.General Stage Offl e.
fvebaaoai. Ore from.
Makcrac-rrmga isd duxm is
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Spurs,
....A9D ALL
Goods in the Saddlery Line.
Harness and Saddles Repaired Promptly
and at
Meat Market
WM. WERTII, Prop'r.
Fresh and Salted Beef and
Bacon ana Lard always on Hani.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Harness Shop
Manufacturer and Dualer tn
....And a full line of....
Saddlery Goods,
All work work warranted Hand made and
California Leather.
Watches. Jewelry, Optical Goods.
1 v.kbr?:f'f& J
Cuff and Collar
Chain?. Pins. Etc.
All tioodo Uaaranterd.
first Bxr Nortl of tUs City ML Maia Sire'.
All Work Wan-ranted.
Brownsville, Or
Factor-: Rarlne. IV i. Brmnrh: Portia ad. Or
Homa attain t Mother, your boy will rest,
For a time at least. In ths old homo nest.
How rood to aea you tn your cornered nook.
With knitting or tewing, or paper or book;
The tame meet mother my boyhood knew.
The faithful, the patient, the tender and true
Ton hare little changed: ah well, may b. .
A tew gray hairs In the brown I soa ;
A mark or two under smiling aye.
So lOTlngly bent tn your glad surprise.
"Tt. I who hare, changed, ah mother mine.
From a teasing lad to manhood' prima.
No longer I oltmb on your knea at night
Tor a story told tn the soft firelight ;
No broken slata or book all torn
Do I bring to you with Its edge worn ;
But TH eomo to you with my graver caros.
You'll help me bear them with tondsr prayers
Til come again as of old, an you
Will help th. man to be brave and true:
For the man's the boy, only older grown.
And the world has many a stumbling atone.
Ah, mother mine, there Is always rest
When 1 find yon here In the old home nest,
- AtbU C. McKtr.
Necessity and Benefit of
Abun&ant Exercise.
How to Avoid at Thirty the ofm, a Shawl,
Kearatgla and Nerves What May -Bo
Accomplished by Proper
totr. Header and Trucks; Dump, Hand and Road Carts; Open ana lop
Buggies, Phaetons, Carriages, Buckboards, and
General Agent, for Canton Clipper Plows. Harrows, Cultivators. Road
Scrapers, Gale Chilled Plows. Ideal Feed Mills and Wind Mills, Knowl
ton Hay Rakes, Horse Powers, Woid Saws. Feed Cutters, etc. Wo
carry the largest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the Northwest
Coast. All our work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted.
Send for new 1887 catalogue.
Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Our goods are sold by F. H. ROSCOE & CO., Hardware Dealers, Lebanon, Or.
Gr. E.
Watchmaker .1, and .". Jeweler-
....DEALER IX....
Watctss, Clocts, Jewelry, Silver Plate! Ware ani Optical Goods.
cents for STATER k WALKER
Agricultural Implements
And the Celebrated
Kaln Street, - Lebanox, Oregon.
O O O o
.a T V Vk J -ym
o o o o o o o
Coast 8nr
Y: in IT
; LoooinnttT.
rtiict ,r and
.stailway mm.
are tw-
a. TH K
BEST. Sold
n nrtndnal
cibesA towns
wirs). with a,,
tSui Warranty.
All Work
o o o o o o o
The natural destination of women
oTerthirtv." .ijMr. William Iiiakie,
in an article relating to physical cult
ure, "is the sofa, a shawl, and neu
ralsia " Sarclj a mot discoura jing
prospect to the jrjntle sex. And jet.
it is lanrulr their own fault, for our
ffirl. neglect too frequently the exer
cise which would banish the latent
weaknea that hastens their arrival at
the destination so rraphically describe.l
by Mr. Blukie. In our own city we
and clear demonstration of the theory
of "physical defeneration"; men who
should be our 'ideals of strength and
beanty are small and of almost effem
inate physique. Girls who should be
able to walk miles withmt
fatiqne are completely overcome and
ejood for nothin?; the remainder of tha
day if they walk many square. And so
it is the "whole race is Ijecoming puny
and feeble from lack of ftystemaiic ex
ercise, upou which depeads so tnnch of
their happiness, particularly of the
jrirls. since they se across the "Rubi
con' the sofa and a shawl, neuralgia
and nerve. headaches and temper.
Mis B 'riha von ILUern is a notable
example of what it is possible for a
woman to accomplish by training.
Devoted and successful arti-H as she i9.
her physical cultura is not deemed
second to her artistic a id a portion of
each day is given up to this need of her
nature." And while it is a need of all
natures, it becomes pre-eminently so to
those who jive it its rightful consider
ation. Not only dies the material
comfort depend upon rejtilar. moder
ate exercise, but the mental growth
and development as well. It stands to
reason that vij;utu health influences
the men-al coaditions, and that the man
i or woman who is constitutionally the
must robust will be capable of a great
er amount of intellectual lalxr. Look
at Gladstone as an illustration of the
wwer of the b dv up m the mind. Al
tliough an old man, ha still walks six
miles every ra-miing before breakfast
inc. Tlie result is clear, active brain
and a well-preserve 1 structure, such cm
a man half a century younger might
well envy him. Ha attributes his
activity to the physical culture, whieh
has never baen njlectal daring the
whole 6t his remarkable career. And
there is no do.ibt that if the men and
women of the present would emulate his
txaseple there would ba fewer pigmies
in the world. Julian Hawthorne, who
8 an atklete mentallv and physically,
-hows hi mp'nion of the necessity of
vo-tilar exwei.e for women in the
raining of his owa little daughter, who.
ilthough but eleven years of age, can
valk a mile in seven minutes easily
Imagine what a gloiiou speoimeu of
womanhood she will ba! No shawls or
uerves for h-r, thauks to her father's
superior intelligence.
Strength should be a woman's pride
no less than a man's. Exercise alone
will derelon it, and at the same time
impart that symmetrical beauty
form whieh characterized the "god
like Greeks." It has been too long neg-
tec ted in our schools, as the pais faces
of the childieit will testify. Few chil
dri really take any beneficial exercise
white in school. The hour, or half-
hour, ior recreation in the middle of
the day is passed in studying the les
sons for the afternoon session or in
walkinc up and down the warm rooms
and balls. This is partly due to the
fact that few of the schools have yards
ufficientlv large to accommodate them
In any pleasant pastime. This is to
be regretted, as it is at this period
of a person's life that physical training
should be doing its work. The intro
duction of calisthenic exercises in the
schools several years ago was the first
sten in the rteht direction, and gave
the children a taste ior puysicai cmt-(Xi-e,
which was before unknown 'to
them. Unfoiunately, they must go
through the various movements and
A rills in the school-room, and bo can
r.t inbairt tho pure oxygen, which is
the most essential part of the benefit
The fashionable craze for lawn-tennis
goes to prove that our girls are becom
ing aware 01 ineir ueuuiouiTj m mo
matter of out-of-door sports, and the
.nthiisiasm which has boon developed
in them for tli it rraoe fill and healthful
trame showe that they are not Daiuua
this ae of progression. And we can
hut f.-l nroud to know that we havt
expect to soe "Ho'wv and' eacB suc
ceeding generation will develop a morv
perfect type of womanhood. The new
"Woman s College," which is being
erected in our city, is to ba on thi most
advanced scale, the grounds attached
to it will be for the physical cultum ot
the fair students; a gymnasium will
not be missing from the building, and
every thing" that ean add to the menta
and bodily growth and expansion will
find its place within its walls.
Bat we need not belong to a colleg
class, or indeed, any organization, ii
order to take the exercise so necessary
to us, although it is true that we are
more likely to do it if we have others
to spur us on. Every girl who is bless
ed with moderately good health should
walk a mile or two every day, and feel
all the better for it, while in realitt
most of them loll around on their
lounges or beds the greater portion of
the day to be ready for the evening
ball or germ an. That is the reason so
few of our girls have any "go" in
them they waste all of their energies
dancing before they are conscious of
their mistake, and to are disinclined to
exert themselves by walking, or playing
tennis, or lifting dumb-bel Is. The tri
cycle is the mo-tt delightful means of
taking an airing that is open to the
belles who are too weary to foot it.
Thcse vehicles have found great favor
with the Washington girls, many o
whom can be seen any fine day speed
ing along through the bracing air w!th
sparkling eyes and glowing cheeks to
Indicate their benefit They have an
advantage over us, however, in the
smoothness of their streets, for il
would only be possible for as to rid on
the suburbs shou'.d we adopt the tri
cycle, and then, as somo of our mam
mas woidd properlv suggest, the sub
urbs are not suflicientlv protected
from that unclassified portion of to
ciety, the tramp, to make them the
most desirablft place for exercising. So
I guess we will have to resign the com
fortable invention, and all of us who
are not happy in the possession of t
gentle saddle-horse upon which to take
a run across the country every morn
ing will have to look up some feasibl.
and inexpensive plan of recupera-atlng.
Here Is where the country girls have
the advantage over us. Their uncon
ventional life makes it possible foi
them to tvail themselves of the msn;
opportunities Nature has provided
V hafe a glorious chance the girl ha
who lives near a river. Its resource
are two-fold. In winter she can skate
to her heart's content and thus pet her
self into a fine, healthy glow. In sum
mer what more interesting and bene
ficial than to pull a stroke with some
expert college friend? Base-ball is an
other sport in which the country girl
may develop her muscle without Wnp
considered masculine; and, indeed,
there is no more exoiting and interest
ing p'astime for girls than a game witb
a "good nine. Its tmly drawback l
that it will enlargo the hands, which,
to a girl, is never a recommendation.
There was a Toimg ladies seminary
n one city where a regular nine played
every day at recess, and at times the
came would become so interesting that
the professor in charge would omit the
lessons to see the result Before, the
session ended one young lady had h;r
eye nearly put out another a broken
arm, several b.jasted sprained fingers,
to say nothing of the broken window
panes on the tide of the house facing
vardwards; but as it wan all in tin
physical culture service no one was
blamed. I will not predict such re
sults from the classes just organised.
for it is undoubtedly a good thing, and
it is to be hoped that all of our girls
who can will enroll their names at once.
Selene, in Baltimore American.
Why a Prominent St. 1-ouls Citizen Has No
f'ulth In :cumtantlal Kvl Irnce.
I have little fa:th in e'reumstanial
evidence, having seen so many instances
where it was in error. In direct testi
mony a w tness may distort the truth,
but in circumstantial evidence he has a
doub'e opportun'ty to lie, and no way
of tripping him np. I remember a case
In Mississippi, happen'ng when I was n
boy, that has mailt; me chary about
using circumstanfal evidence since 1
have b -en engaged in Ihi pract'ec o!
law. This v ctim was a oor man, wht
came there from the North, got hold of
a small farm to cult vate, andco :struct
-d a log hut down bvtlieriverj in which
he lived all alone. Near him res'ded 8
rich planter. Around h's but the coun
try was very so;t and swampy. . It wav
oil' the ma n road and was not seen fre
quently by travelers, l.u: a bridle-patt
leadinz near the hut was use;l consider
ably by people around there to cut ofl
the distance to town. Th s rich planter
one day, in closing up h's season's crop,
went to town to;-ettle up with h:sagents.
and it was expected would have consid
erable money with him on h's return
T he time paa-ed for him to return and he
did not come. . Later h.s horse arrived
home, rider'ess. A search was insti
tuted, and ra-ly the next morning th
body of the planter wis found n the
swa'mpy land off the br'd'e-prth. Hb
pockets had been r Ted. and it wa
s ear that the murder had,been commit
to I for rol bery.. B side 'he brdy was
U nul derr nger, wi:h the name of th.
occu v lit of the hut engraved on it.
Lea ling to the body fro:ii the hut and
'rom the bodv bck to the 1 nt were
well d nei "tr: cks. At the hut tht
man was found sleep n r. the mate t:
she derrin er by his side, h's shoes
miiddr. and h's hat filled w th paper
aken from the dead man's poclie s
Die fitted th.- traces n ca'y, and n
very strong case of circ jm'tantial evi
dence wit trade o:it. Fie was tr'ed.
conricted and hanged. lie protete )
h 8 nnocence .o stronglr ou the scaf
fold tha th slur ft" t'.elajed the per
formance of his duty. i hin twelve
months after that a hard case in tha
co nt y w mortally worn 1 d, an l on
his death-bel he r-o-ife soil to having
committed the mur.ier, ani gave np
money aid pap rs hi had se3 ;rcd. He
a d ne had crossed from the rond to
he hut n his 'tock'ng f et, had put on
tin poor jmn s ,hocs armed himself
w'th h's derrin rer and laid n wait for
he planter, and after comm tt ng th
trurder had fi ed the evidences of gu'lt
Around the still f4.fp!ng occupant of
the h t. Tito. B. Uarteu, in St. LouL-ilobc-Dcmoaa'.
a lao ao INT roa.
The New Noble Sewing Machine and Machine Supplies.
Snc-sjeatlona Whoso t'nlversal Obaerraneo
Woold Add to tit. Joys or Kara! Lira.
Keep a serene temper. Fretful.
cross, ugrir tempers are contagious.
Don't letyour cross-grained boyt break
your colt or steer unless you want a
polled animal. Kemember that a
pleasant disposition is very catching.
while an open heart and smiling coun
tenance permeate the whole household.
You can get double more work from
man or beast (except the mule) by
kindness that you can by force. You-
wife will always execute your wishes if
you treat her as you did about
the time you were married.
Her righteous indignation is
justly- aroused while trying to iron your
shirt bosoms with nothing but green
wood in the stove, especially if she had
to dig that out of a snow drift yet she
should not put a libel on brute creation
by calling you such. Look well to the
comfort of all that is surrounding you.
See that your cattle and horses aro not
breathing noxious air or sleeping on
wet st-aw through your negligence.
for it certainly is not theirs. Don t
yard your sheep and cattle together if
you can possibly avoid it Bear in
mind that if you treat your swine nog
gish. they, too, will be hoggish in their
returns. Give your fowls a warm
breakfast, well seasoned with red pep
per and a little salt and they will pat
you in the egg basket But don't for
get that an innocent-looking cuicKen
will bear watching, especially when
headed for the garden. Oor. Ohio
Mrs. Muggers And so Miss Flighty.
intends to marry oldOppulence because
he can't live long, and then she and
young Niccfellow can begin life with a
fortune. Mi's. Y lggcrs mat seems to
be her idea. "I know a cose of that
.fen Who liar to Work Hard Except I"
Iftn of War.
No student of law. physic or div'n ty.
no e'ty clerk or shopman, no skilled
perat ve or handicraft -man worss a
hard, or for as many Lours daily, as
does a Lrentecant in any branch of the
Jerman military scrvic. says tLe Lon
don Teteyt aph, mak ng a statement
wh'uh will seem ncred ble to those who
know these officers only by their smarl
appearance, l i tlie I terai fense oi me
expression, he is a slave to duty. It is
more espec al y in t'me of peace that
lis labors know no intermis on save
dur ng the tr'ef intervals allotted to
him for h s meals between the hours of
-even in the morning nud nine at n'ght.
War time he regard- as a compara.ive
holiday, the rela tio:is of which would
be altogether d-l rht u! were they not anied by t e urgent probability
i,f getting shot." As lon as the Father
hind continues to le on friendly toim
with its no ghbor, t; e German subal
tern's life -week n. week cut, from the
op.'sn; to the c!oe of the year is
wuat air. iuamaimi wouio nave caneu
"ona dem'd horrid grind ' of teaching
his men eve-y ile:u of tl.e:r daty
in barrack and'l'eld. Tl-e constant de
mand thus made uion bis t nje, intelli
gence and professional aptitude is the
necessa-y outcome of the Cerman com
pulsory tdiort fervice system, which
only keeps the con sir pt two years and
1 .,..!.. ... . , U 1, A.!.rS Kill
seven months with the colors but re-
. u'rea that he shall le converted into a
perfectly efficient soldier by the exp;rs
tion of that pt r od. To achieve this
end his oilic rs have to le at him all the
t me. They drill him. ins met him in
the construction and use of his weap
ons, indoctrinate h m to a certain ex
tent in tactics, inspe t h'm n many
t veral ways with relation to his d et.
habits and general conduct; in short
look after him w th benevolent severity
from rosy morn to dewy eve. With
such a we gut of dutv and re'pons'b l
iiy ever hanging to tlieir shoulders it
may well be u dcrstood that - hey have
no time for rcc'cnt on, and that thni
dny's work done, they are only too glad
to seek in well-earned slumber a br'ef
rest for the'r we tried bodies and m nd.
Yet these ore worked men are not n
ouslv the b st mil tary oflicers in the
world, al hough with respect to pay,
leuve a- d promotion, they are at a ds
advantaee compnred with their com
rades of every Furo-ran iim.-; to
whom, however, th-v.r untiring devo
tion to tho r co ntry's service and
splendid s lf-sacrifice. sel an example
which, we sincerely trust 1-r t'sh subal
terns w 11 not he itate to follow. Liv
erpool Olobc.
How One of the Rare Delicacies of
.Eastern Markets is Obtained.
Though it had long previusly been
enjoyed by the shore towns in New
England, the introduction of the scal
lop as an edible into the New York
markets is as recent as 1858 or ,b9.
Now the annual product of the fishery,
which is restricted in area and subject
to much variation, amounts to some
thing like 75,000 gallons in all, worth
from twenty-five to thirty thousand
dollars at first cost; and New York re
ceives and dispenses about ; three
fourths. The species of scallop in question is
Pectcn Irradians, which is common in
suitable places 'all alofig our coast
Besides this there are half-a-dozen
other varieties, living at more or less
depths in the Western Atlantic, one of
which, the great Petten tenuicostaius of
the coast of Maine and the Bay of
Fundy, was formerly highly valued by
the people of that region, but now is
too scarce to appear on the tables of
even "the rich" except at rare inter
vals. Scallops are caught by hand-dredging:
from small sail boats. The dredges
are about thirty inches in width, have a.
scraper blade upon the bottom, and in
favorable weather several may be
thrown over from each boat In shoal
water an iron-framed dip net is some
times used on calm days. It is pretty
hard work, and entails exposure to very
severe weather.
The .only edible part of the scallop it
the squarish mass of muscle (the
adductor) which holds the -shells
together, and this part is skillfully cut
out by "openers," who have their
houses at the landing places where the
dredgers take their cargoes to be sold.
It is the buyer, not the dredger, who
"opens" or "eats oat"" the meat and
prepares it for market In some places
men alone are employed in this work,
at others women and girls for the most
part and they will earn from eighty
cents to $ 1.25 a day. The work is per
formed with great dexterity. The
motions of an expert opener are but
three after the scallop is in hand. The
bivalve is taken in the left hand, palm
up, with the hinges of the scallop
towards the opener's body. The knife
a simple piece of steel ground sharp,
and with one end stuck in a wooden
handle is inserted in the opening of
the shell furthest from the breast The
upper eye" is severed through by this
movement A flirt at the same moment
throws off the upper shelL The second
motion cuts the lower fastenings of the
eye to the upper shell and takes the
soft and useless rim off. The last
motion pitches the shell into one barrel
and the soft and slimy rim into another,
while the eye is thrown into
a basin of yellow stoneware
holding a gallon. They are then
poured from tlie basin into a large
colander, thoroughly washed, placed
in clean boxes and shipped to New
York and Brooklyn. As little fresh
water or ice is placed in contact with
the "meats" as possible, asit is thought
detrimental to their firmness and flavor.
As this is altogether a winter operation,
the helo of ice in transportation is not
usually needed
There is, or ought to be, no waste in
the scallop fishery. On Long Island
the refuse is taker by the fanners as
manure. The sea-faring agriculturists
have always been accustomed to re
plenish their half-exhausted lands with
the scrapings of the beach, and with
the menhaden and other seine-fish which
could be caught plentifully enough for
the purpose in the offing much to the
disgust if every stranger who found
himself to leeward of their fields. This
demand failing, there is always sale for
the refuse to' the regnlar fertilizer-factories
scattered along-the shore.
.The shells are preferred above all
otliers by the oyster-planters as
"stools" or "eulteb" to" spread upo
their deep-water planting-beds as ob
jects upon which the oyster-spawn may
"set" and grow. This wise preference
is due to the fragility of the scallop
shell, permitting it to break into
pieces under the strain of a growing
cluster of oysters, each one of which
will be benefited by the separation.
which frees it from the crowding of its
fellows and gives it room to expand by
itself into comely and valuable rotun
dity, instead of remaining a strap
shaped distorted member of a coales
cent group. All their shells, therefore,
can easily be sold by the openers to
the oystermen at from three to five
cents a bushel. Ernest IngersoU, in
American Naturalist.
Excavations in Rome.
Friendship's Truest Gain.
. . , tj-u;. . r.wwi kind, but the rich old man lived for
laieiv svarxeu iu ajuunnwiw
I twentr Years, ami then left ail tno law
culture nass tut s""' w..".. - - - .1 ..,i,
?fk tv. lTrtr.lrins Tin veraitv. or rather wmiui .mow i ufy
under its kindly patronage. Instead
of listless white-faced maidens, we may
Tlie truest gain of friend h'p is in
being a fr'end, rather than "n having a
friend. Only he who knows how to re
a friend unselfishly and unswervingly,
knows what tru-? fr endshipis, or knows
what a true friendship is wo th. " He
whose c'iiefest cry is, I mu; t have a
friend! is not likely to obtain his w s'i
in th s d rect on; nor is ho rrrbnbly
worthy of be ng loved as a friend. But
ho who sayswnh all n s Heart, i win do
a friend, whatever it coMs! is likely to
compass his heart's desire so far; and
he may a:so gain a friend far worth'er
and dearer than any he ever dreamed
of. 2'imes.
The Roman archaeologist. Prof. Rn
dolfo, has had for the past sixteen
years the absolute control of Roman
excavations. Speaking of his work in
conversation, he said: "Ihe excava
tions in Rome are now being conducted
by the-national government the muni
cipal government and private citizens.
Hundreds of statues and busts we have
found, some of marble, others of costly
bronze, many in perfect preservation.
The Government' has spent within tlie
last twelve years not far from $1,000,
000, but it has been a remarkable busi
ness investment for the valne of our
finds is placed at $4,000,000. So rap
idly is the work going on that we are
almost unable to store properly from
day to day tlie results of excavation."
A". IT Post.
"But did the woman's lover wait?
"Yes, and married the daughter."
A half dozen r'ch young men in
Now York have banded them elves to
eother by n ows not to wear overcoats
this win ttr. X. 1 MuiL
George Pancake, of Anoka, Minn.,
with his dog and gun, started to walk
to a lumlier camp. He met two men,
and leaned on his gun as he talked to
tin-ill. His dog jumped upon him, hit
tlie hammer of the gun with his paw.
the gun was discharged, and
w&s shot dead. N. 1 Sttn.