The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 07, 1887, Image 2

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    The Lebanon Express.
J. H ,
8TINE, Editor.
There are some prohibittantatn who
decline to subscribe for a temperance
paper because, they say, they are al
ready prohibitionists and tlou't need a
prohibition paper. This is like a Christ
ian would he who, after conversion,
would sell hi bible. He might, with
the same consistency, say he wsa al
ready a Christian and had no use for a
bible. A Christian who is too ftinpy
to own a bible isn't much of a Christ
ian, aud a prohibitionist who is too
stingy to subscribe for a prohibition
paper is a sorry article. A man who
will constrict his purse strings when a
treat battle is to be fought for human
liberty ought to be forced to live on
thin soup "forever. Wasco, (Tex). Ad
vance. The above Is applicable to some
prohibitionists in Oregon. The battle
for "human lilicrty" has commenced
here, and as yet the three or four papers
which have consented to give their in
fluence, for the success of the amend
ment, find but very little encourage
ment to do so aside from the fact that
they are working in the interest of hu
manity. In our mind the prohibition
ists of Oregon if they do so will see
the folly of constriction in the way of
literature in this campaign when it is
too late. In New Jersey the prohibi
tion party is organizing a stock com
pany to publish a "battery" of news
papers. Neal Dow, at one time said,
the way to make prohibition successful
is to spread the state knee-deep with
literature. As one interested in the
success of the amendment we throw
out these suggestions thinking they are
timely whether taken into considera
tion or not. It might be well to add
that the whisky element will not "con
strict their purse strings' in the battle
against human liberty.
Recently the Spokane Falls Iievciw
gave utterance to ideas we like to copy,
substituting the name to make it fit
here. When a citizen of Lebanon de
sires some article that he cannot bu y of
our home merchants at a fair price it Is
right and proper that he should go else
where to purchase, but the man who
will go or send to a foreign city to do
his trading when he can get the same
quality of goods at the same price of
his home merchant, is doing that which
will not benefit himself and which
does home community a positive in
jury. Every man has a legal right to
purchase where he pleases; but a pub
lie spirited eitizens will patronize home
enterprise first and go abroad if he
must. Such things are wrong not
commercially wrong, but wrong to the
tnterprising industrious home mer
chant who is entitled to your trade,'
and who is prepared to give you good
bargains. The spring trade is ojening,
our merchants are ready to sell. If
they prosper our city prospers. If the
t ity prospers it furnishes a ready mar
ket for our farmers and they prosper.
If the farmer prospers we all prosper.
Prosperity is the ultimate object of all
legitimate enterprises and industries.
Trade with your home merchants and
see if it won't pay.
Gov. Martin, of Kansas, says: "There
is not an observing man in the State
who does not know that a great reform
has been accomplished in Kansas by
prohibition. There is not a truthful
man In the State who will not frankly
acknowledge this fact, no matter what
his pinions touching the policy of pro
hibition may have been; and I firmly
believe that if the amendments to the
law that I have suggested are made and
if authority is provided for compelling
local officers to discharge the duties re
quired of them by law, within three
montb.8 there will not be an open sa
loon In Kansas, and the sale of intoxi
cating liquors as a beverage will be prac
tically abolished.
The Oregonian makes the following
practical suggestions: A narrow guage
railaoad beginning at Portland and run
ning in a generally southeastern direc
tion to Eagle creek and Damascus, in
Claekamas county, thence to Scio, con
necting with the Oregonian Railway,
would pass through a country thickly
settled which now has now outlet ex
cepting the general wagon roads. The
route is practically a level one and the
people would give the right away and
suffcient land for stations, warehouses,
etc Here is a chance to invest in a
property that would return profits from
the start and increase in value from
year to year; and at the same time to
do a great public service.
Things have changed. As now con
ducted, politics Is an expensive luxury.
When Lincoln ran for congress some of
the whigs raised a purse of $203 to pay
his personal expenses in the canvass.
After the election was over the success
ful candidate handed back $199.25. "I
did not need it," he said. "I made the
canvass on my own horse; my enter
tainment being at the houses of friends
cost me nothing, and my only outlay
was 75 cents for a barrel of cider, which
some farm hands insisted I should treat
them to."
Relative to the indictment found by
the United States grand jury at Port
land because of the alleged frauds in
swamp lands in Oregon, Commissioner
Sparks, of the general land office, said
that new developments have recently
been made, and the department is en
deavoring to break up what he termed
a ring of robbers. Sparks added: "I
think, too, we shall have some of them
In harness before long."
The next Congress has not a Robinson
in it. The tempers and temperments
are represented by Gay, Bland, Crisp
and Wise, There are also Oates, Rice
and Berry, Bacon and Hogg. The col
ors are represent '.-d by White, Brown
ami Gray.
Ex-Oovemor Routt, of Colorado, says '
that the days of fancy cattle glowing
in the far west has gone by.
Rapid milking is an advantage if it
is done without hurting or irritating
the cow and she is milked clean.
The profits of the Chicago stock
yards are said to have retvched the enor
mous stun of f55,000,000 during the past
ten years.
Every hen can le made to hatch two
broods by removing the chicks an soon
as hatched. Renovate her nest and
give her fresh eggs.
It has lieen suggested that farm horses
le sold by weight, in addition to other
qualities, so as to induce farmers to
raise larger and belter horses.
It is generally believed that the
tariff upon wool must be raised, says
the Cleveland Leader, or the raising
of sheep in this country be substantial
ly abandoned.
In northern climates gardens and or
chards should be screened from the
cold winds by good hedges. The pro
tection thus afforded is" much better
than high walls.
Early gardening lengthens the grow
ing season and permits at time of two
crops on the same land, as turnip may
follow peas, and time is thereby gained
for putting in late crops.
Use the soot from the stovepipes and
chimneys. It ia excellent for flowers
and young plants. Mix it with water,
about a neck of soot to a barrel of water,
and apply with a watering pot.
National legislation for the suppres
sion of pleuro-pneumonia tinallv sim
mered down to a simple provision in
the agricultural appropriation bill,
which gives $500,000 to be expended by
the commissioners of agriculture for
that purpose.
Farmers who are. buying cheap nur
sery stock simply because it is cheap
will see the folly of it later. The right
thing to do is to shut mireyes to the
price but keep them wide open to the
quality, instead of reversing this rule,
as mauy farmers do.
One gobler and ten hens is an average
flock of turkeys. The old hens make
better las'ers and mothers than the
younger ones, and iu selecting the
breeding stock this should not be over
looked. Always procure the gobler
from a distance. In-breeding has much
to do with the difficulty usually en
countered in raiding your lurkeyi
Farmers in some sections of Pennsyl
vania maintain the fertility of their
soils by applying 100 bushels of slacked
lime to the acre once In five years. It
is said that fields which have been sub
jected to this treatment for the past 100
years are as productive now as when
the experiment was first tried. This
application depends for its value much
upon the original character of the soil.
Back ia the pedigree of every first
class horse w ill le found ft good sized
service fee. We do not wish tobeuu
stood as saying that by simply paying
a large service fee a farmer may 'con
eider himself sure to secure a gotxl colt.
We do mean that the service of a first
class, shapely, well-bred animal is
worth ten times as much as that of a
scrub. There is no law of nature that
can enable scrubs to produce anything
but scrubs.
An enthusiastic dehorner is convinc
ed that the removal of these ornaments
will save one-fourth of the feed needed
by cattle, and an equally enthusiastic
water warmer is quite as positive that
stock water at 90 degrees will save an
other quarter. This makes one-halt,
and it moves the editor of the Farmer't
lieriew to advertise for two other
schemes that will each take the place
of another quarter of the daily ration,
so that cattle can be raised without any
food whatever.
It was an ugly cur, of the kind which
you see in alleys and waste lets, feed
ing on garbage. Wag did not feed on
garbage. The gate keeper's wife at the
prison was a kind-hearted Irish woman,
who feed him well.
"He's none of mine, zur," she said
to the warden. "He come one day
with the wife of one of the prisoners,
an' be crept in with her, an' saw his
master just behind the bars,-an' here
he's stayed ever since. She couldn't
get him away. 'He knows John's here,'
she says to ine, 'an' he's waitli' for him
to come out.' "
"He's an ill-conditioned cur," said
Mr. Botts. "Such dogs ought to be shot.
They're no good to anybody."
"But he plays with the children,
She did not tell the warden that Wag
tried to creep into the prison whenever
the doors were open, and howled when
kicked out. But his faithful devotion
to the poor wretch who owned him
touched Mrs. Clancy's warm Irish
"TwasGod made the baste. He must
have a use for him," she said, as the
warden went on to the prison.
John's wife "a weak little hody, wid
a big pperrit in her," according to Mrs.
Clancy, came no more to the prison.
She sold the little house they owned in
Kensington, and g"ing to an obscure
New Jersey village, bought a patch of
ground, cultivated it, and mad-? a home
for her husband when he should come
"Nobody knows you here," she wrot
"Nobodv will know of the slip yc
made. "You can begin afresh. A gw:
begin afresh. A rood
carpenter is much needed, and I have
an your tools."
It seemed the host course for her, but
it would have been wiser if she had
stayed In town and kept up her influ
ence over him. He was in the compan
ionship of thievesand drunkards, worse
men than himself. It Was easv for
them to persuade him that the cnance
of a decent life was over for him in the
world. Their horizon included only
guilt and misery, and he was living iu
it with them.
His term of imprisonment was for
three years, but on account of his good
conduct he was discharged a few
months earlier. Mary, his wife, did
not know this. But his comrades in the
prison knew it. Two of them, who
were discharge! a week earlier, arrang
ed to meet him as soon as he came out.
It was in the evening when he laid
off his convict garb, and resumed the
clothes he had worn outside. There
was a society in the city for the care of
discharged prisoners. The agent spoke
to him a few hopeful, kind words, and
gave him a ticket to carrry him to the
town where Mary lived.
"You'll find your wife there, and a
new home," he said. "Begin a new
life' with God's help."
John walked down the corridor and
across the ? rison-yard, with no hope
in his heart. It was long since he had
seen his wife. She could not love a
miserable jail-bird! He would not go
to this place where she was respected
to disgrace her! He would not bring a
taint on his babby-girl. The men were
waiting for him across the way. He
had no mind to go stealing, or to any
kind of crime, but a few days' hard
drinking, or a plunge in the river
would end it all, and take him out of
everybody's way!
The gate unclosed. He passed
through, and was a freeman ngain. In
a street not far away was a brightly
lighted drinking-shop. His comrades
were there. He stopped, looked at the
ticket in his hand, and then crossed
the sireet to join them.
Just at this moment a dog rushed out
of the Jail-gate, and jumped on him,
barking, and licking his hand, fairly
mad with joy.
The poor prisoner stopped, trembling
from head to foot. "Why, it's Wag!"
he said; "it's poor old Wag!"
With-the sight of the dog enme back
his home that he hud disgraced and
ruined: Mnrv, and the baby in its cra
dle. A sick longing tilled his heart to
see them again.
"It's my wife it's my little girl!" he
thought. He stood irresolute a minute,
and then walked hastily to the station.
"Come, Wag; we'll go home,'' he said.
This is a t rue story. John Dash is
living now, an honest citizen, and the
old dog still sleeps on his hearth. The
gate-keeper's wife was not wrong when
she said that God has u use for all things
that He has made. Even a poor cur
may help, with its faithful love, to save
a soul alive. Youth' Companion.
Relating- to KstuMishment of RoaI District, n
' pnititmcnt of R(-l mxl Ktiwt Supcrvtaur, hl
outls, the itsK-sstnent, levy ami rollertton of
poll mitl property tax for street oml roal pur
pose within town limits, ami the repeal of onli
rtanco No. 14 and orilituuicu No. 'JO n-luliug there
to. The People of Uic town of Lebanon do ordain as
Pm-nosc 1. Thnt the corporate limits of the town
of lUtnon shall Ik? and fcf hereby constituted a
pirate road dl tr.ct.
sk-. 2. That the town coant-ft h:tll appoint a
suitable person at live first ivgulur rueeliiiR in
March of enrh rear iw rond and ftrvet supervisor,
w ho shall hold his oilice for t he period of one year,
hose duty it xhnll be to eolhtt all taxc for road
and street purplses within the corporate limit of
the town of Lebanon, and expend the same there
of tinder the direction of the town council, who
may le removed nt any repulur meeting of the
town eounril for direclietioti of duty.
Seo. S. The town recorder shall" cause within
three dayn thereafter a certified copy or notice f
such apiintmcnt as road and street sup.rvtstr to
he delivered tothe !.ron so appointed, which no
tice or order shall be evidence of the authority
of such erson to act as such and that said n;H?r
vior shall al-o tile with the rectwrter an oath sub
scribed by hint that he will faithfully and honest
ly discharge the duties of s;tvel and road isuperrts
or as required by this onliuam-e.
Sec 4. That each mule resident of the town of
Lebanon between the aies of twenty-one and ftfty
years, except active firemen of any company for
one year prior to the assesine of road taxes, shall
be required to pay the sum of two dollars as poll
tax each year to the street ami road suocrvUor. the
tame to tip applied on the street and roads n ithin
the coriMrate limits of said town.
Sec. 5. In addition to section four (4) of this or
dinance there shall I a levy of two dollars for
each one thousand dollars as a street and road tux
upon the assessable property within the town
limits, the same to be expended on the roads and
streets within said town limits.
Sec 6. It shall be the dntv of the road and
street supervisor, on or before tlie 2:h day of
make out In alphabetical order a complete list of
ail persons subject to poll and property tax, for
street and road purposes, residing within the cr
porate limits, ami tile the ame with the recorder.
nitn-R. or eacn vear. 10 ooiam tne names inn
Ana it snail tie tne amy m tne recorder, wiinin
teu days thereafter, to ascertain by ae-cnient tlie
amount of poU and property tax fiWstreetaod road
purpiwes, tne same bcl'iift entered in a book, de
nominated the assess-tut nt lxk, and atlix to each
name the amount of such poll and properr tax as
provided In section four 4 and five (.i)of this ordi
nance, of all person rt-sidintr ill or who have
jrperty within the town limits.
Six. i. The assessment tii real and personal
prirtjcxty, for street and mod purjwes, by the re-c?-(!-:-r
shall be, unless otherwise provided in this
ord!:i:nr-e, the same as provided in ordiuanee No.
thr.-e reir.tkut to the duiie? of tow n recorder
aud as prvilcd in ordinance No. five (.M relating
to the assessment, levy and collection of town
Sw. K It shall he the duty of the town council
at the first refrular meeting in April of each year,
following the assessment made by the rectmlrr to
carefully examine said a-sewmeht made by the
recorder, to carefully examine said a-SM-ssnient as
entered in said aeA-nnent book. and to correct all
errors and irregularities in said assessment, and to
hear all or any complaints by any tax payer either
In person or by aireiit or attorney and to adjust the
same, and otherwise clianpe and alter mid assess
ment so that all persons ami property may licar
their just proportion of tax for road and street pur
poses. Skt. 9. When the town council lias ri wJ upon
said assessment as provided in the pris-crtinK sec
tion. It shall lie the duty nt the recorder to make
out a complete list of the names of all jiersons on
aid as-s-ssment book with the amount which each
Is liable, fr poll or irtpertv tax, or both as the
case may be. and d'-hrer said list w ith the amount
under his hand and town nl tothe rd and
street supervise, authorizing ami commanding
said road and street us-rvt-sr to collect the
amount set opposite such name for rad aud street
purpose within the corporate limits of said town.
lnvided further, that should the name of anv
portv subject to poll or proiertv tax be omitted
fmro said list it shall be the duty of said supervis
or to insert tlie names of all so omitted with the
amount of prorierty and poll tax asrninst each as
prn ided in this ordinance, and collect the fame
which shall be as teiral as though said assessment
was do:te in due time.
Set. in. On rcceiit of said list by the road and
street supervisor as provided In section nine of
this ordinance, it shall be his duty to proceed In
d'ie time to collect from each party the amount
found on said list, eivine to said party a receipt for
the amount so paid. shMild any perwm fail or re
ruse to pay to the road ami street supervi-or the
amount of poll and pnerty tax for strict and
road purposes, as provided in this ordinance with
in three tays after the demand for the same by t lie
supervisor, sai-1 person shall incur dmible the
amount of said poll or pr.ierty tax to he added
thereto, the same to be recovered by acttmi asninst
sakl party by the suis-rvlsor, in the recorder s
court in the name of the town of Ielianou. and the
judgement, if rendered iu favor of the town, shall
be fi the amount of tax penalty and eo.-tsof said
action, which judgement may be enforced the
same a juseuietit by tine in a criminal action.
Sec. 11. I! shall be the duty of the road and
street supervisor, within ten day after eollectinff
said poll and property tax for road and street lir
sves as provided In this ordinance, to turnover
all moirfvs received by him to the tow n treasurer,
taking the treasurer's receipt therefor, which
money shall be kept by tlie town treasurer as a
setwrrte fund, to 1 denominated the mad ami
street fund, to be expended npou the roads aud
streets within the corjxH'wte limits of said town.
Sec. 12. The road ami street supervise r with
the consent f the committee on streets and mads
of the town council o the town of Lebanon, may
upon such terms anl conditions as may seem best
for the public's interest, enter into a contract upon
ten days' notice, previously given w ith the lowest
responsible bidder, lor workiuu anil graveling and
otherwise improving the rids and streets within
the corporate limits of said town; provided, that no
contract shall be entered into w ith a non-re-idc'it
of the town, w hen as good terms are proposed by
a n-sjsmsible resident ; and provided, rurtlicr. that
in ease said road and street work is contracted for
as in this section provided, said contractor shall
give i reference to all lalxirers aud teams within the
town limits who mav apply for work ou the roads
and streets. Ally violation by any contractor of
the provisions of this sectiou shall work a forfeit
tire of any contracts so entered into and be held
null and void.
sn:. is. It shall be the duty of the mad anl
street supervisor, in case no contract Is entered
into as provM-d in section twelve 121 of this ordi
nance, to employ men and teams for the jairj"
of working the roads and streets within the cor
porate limits of said town, giving preference in all
cases to residents of said (own. Any iwrty so em
ployed or who may furnish any material at the re
quest of the mad ami street suiwrvisor, shall fur
nish to the supervisor a statement of the time em
ployed, the material furnished and the price of the
swine, which statements, if found correct, shall Is?
endta-sed bv the supervisor as correct, and said
supervisor shall draw a warrant on the road and
sfrect funds in the hands of the tow u treasurer for
the payment of the same.
Hi; -. "14. If any road and street sujiorvlsor shall
neglect to perform the duties required ol him by
this ordinance or who shall under any pretense
whatever, give or sign any receipt for road and
street tax unless the money shall have been pafd.
or jxiy out monev to any person for lalsr or ma
terial, or shall fnii or refiise to pay over all moneys
revived by him to the town treasurer as required
by this ordinance, shall be HMcd not less than live
dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and
every oftense. t'omplaint mav be made by any
tax payor before the recorder tor violation of this
ordinance by the road and street supervisor.
Sw. is. Said street and road suiorvisor shall re
ceive for collecting the poll and property tax for
mad ami street purposes, five j-ercent. of all sums
so collected and imid over to the town treasurer,
ami in addition thereto shall receive for each day
necessarily employed in superintending the work
ing of the roads and streets ami in discharge of an
other duty required of him by this ordinance, the
sum of two dollars ami fifty cents ir day. Said
suiervlsoe shall at the first regular meeting in
August and January of each year, make a full and
complete report of the amount of money collected
for road and street iMirposes and turn over o the
town treasurer tlie amount paid out. to whom paid
ami for what purpose, together with a true
statement of the amount due him for the proper
js-rfonnancc of his dnt tes as by this ordinance di
rected: and if said bill is found true and correct
Hie town council shall allow the same and a war
rant shall be ordered dfawn on the road and street
funds in the hands of the treasurer for the same.
isE lfi. That ordinatu-e No. 1 1 relating to estab
lishing of road district, appointment of road suior
visor, his duties, and the assessment, levy and col
lection of ioll and projs?rty tax for street and mad
purposes, ami ordinance No. tweuty (3)) relating
io firemen are hereby repealed.
Sue. 17. That this onliuan shall be In full force
and effect from and alter live duys after publica
tion and posting.
lMssed the Council Mav S, 1 . Approved May
4, 1K7. i. W. FtrsOX, lTcsidetit.
(Attest: R. S. Roberts. Recorder.
Lebanon. r., Mnv TalT.
Dealer In
Groceries & Provisions
Foreign and Domestic
Queensware and Glassware,
Main St., Lebanon, Oregon.
IUIIIIUlimm.millmiij.i, 'HHF
Leading; Grocers
Geyserite Soaps.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
R. CAWatkms, '
REpalring of All Kinds at Rea
sonable Prices.
Shoeiug all around, new shoes, f 1.75.
Having lex-afed to stay I ask a share of
the public iatronage.
Andrews & Hackleman.
ii.uuuuui.nuM r. ' s
Lebanon & Sweet Home
Stage Line.
H. Y. GIBSON, - Proprietor.
Carrying U. S. MaU.
Leaves Lebanon on Momlnyx, WcdiwoUr ami
s-atunlays. Returning nunc Any.
Lebanon to Snlaville or Waterloo.. SOrt.
Lebanon to Sweet Home... .S100
Good New Hack and other Ac
commodations First-class.
rartie def irinp to po to any of th above named
points on intervening days will be trcmnmo
dated by applying at my residence in
H. Y. GlliSOX.
I bet? leave to announce to the fanners of Linn county, that I am still in
business at the Old fcUand, ami have jut reccivctl from the E;ist a .
Large Stock of Wagon Timber, During the Cat in Freight Rates,
Ami I am willing the farmers ami ptnple generally should have the
Bamc. Any one wishing Wagon Repairing done, will please notice my
Killing all Uliids of wheels, per set - - l oo
" xvlieel - 3 to 4 co
New set of -vvlieels ------ 20 00
Bolsters, Sandboarda oml Tongues, each 1 00
Hlclcory Axles, each ------ 4 00
Silngle Spokes and Fellows, eacli - - so
Everything else Jn Proportion. All work Warranted.
Remember the place one door south of Aithur A IJishop's blacksmith shop
W. C. Peterson, .
V atchmaker and J eweler,
Optical Goods a Specialy. King's Celebrated Spectacles in Store.
and Clocks.
All kinds of Repairing Neatly clone and Warrant-
,.ed to Suit.
Loljri i ion , Oregon.
Transact a General Bank
ing Business.
Accounts Kept Subject to Check.
Bew Tori, San Francisco, Portland and
Albany, Oregon.
On Favorable Terms.
Harkness & Mayers Bros,
Lebanon, Okjxjon.
Horse" Shoeing and Gen
eral Repairing.
Prices to Suit the Times.
Saw Mill
A Double Circular Water
Power Saw Mill,
Capacity about 5KK) per day. Also
16 acres of land on which the suw
mill In located.
. PRICE, $2, GOO.
Also have a large titock of
First Quality Lumber
At lowest market rates for cash.
G. W. WHEELER, Lebanon, Oregon.
apri.9 3tn
I Foreign and Domestic
j FNerioclioalS
Lebaxiix, Oregon
Contractor, Caqienter and
Plans & Specifications
All Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
I'rioesa Very Reasonable.
Oils, Etc,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, & Glass.
A Complete Stock of Stationery,
-Q 1 ,
5 Prescriptions a Speciality.
Dry- Goods Clothing
Boots and Shoes
Cigars, Tobacco,
Crokery, Hardware,
Notions, Etc.
in Supplying the Wants of the People of this Yiciuity, ena
bles me to offer
nl-tf. C. O. NIontague.
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drugs -:- and -:- Medicines
-Paints, Oils and Glass.
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Slrccf, Lebanon, Oregon.
Manufacturer -:-
Coffins, Caskets, Trimmings and Burying Robes.
Doors, Window Blinds,
Main Street,
Boss of the
: Alv for Tliem and Take no Otlier.f
M erchandis E
Hats and Caps,
of -:- Furniture,
Locks, Hanging-Nails, Etc.
- tf.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Road Overall