The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 23, 1887, Image 1

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NO. 8.
J. H. STINB At CO Publishers
On. Tnr 00,
Bix Month. 1 45
lhrM Month
( Payable in adnnoe.)
(LttlAL )
On. square, flrtt insertion W d
Etna addi-lonal insertion 1 AO
Local Hoticem, per Una 15 eentt
Ref-ular adverUMnient. inanted upon liberal term.
All dtaerlntfom of Job PrinHtw don. on hort notice.
Lrirel blank, tircul&rs, Burtnt. Onll, Bill Heed.1-,!
unw nwn, wrxmvrr em,, etecawu ui wu hjw uu
M lowed nvtng
LEBANON tODO, NO. M. A. F. a A. M.: Meet
at their new hull in Hwh Block, on Satuniatf
enomi, on or before the full moon.
LEBANON liODCK, NO. 49. t. O. O. F.: Meet. Sat
urday evenlnf of each week, at Odd Fellow'. Hall,
Main rtnet; vidtinc fcrethren eonUallv Invited to
attend. J. J. CHARLTON. A. U.
HONOR LOIXJK NO. 38, A. O. TJ. W , Lebanon.
Orcvoa: Meet, rrerv first and third Thiula even
inc. in the month. F. H. KOOOE. M. W.
a-" Office In Dr. Powell". Residence.
Notary Public and General Insurance Agt,
Collectton. and other bustaea. wotnptlv attended to.
Filling and ExtractlnR Teeth a Specialty.
Office ?n relenee. on Main street, nert door north
of C. B. Montague new rendenee. A work warranted.
Charge, reasonable.
Sbavtnc Hair Cnttinc and Shampooinf In the
latent and
aT Patron- respectfully solicited.
Excliange Hotel,
J. NIXON, Prop.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
9No extra charge for bob with white ablrta and
mbaaa, Orecssj,
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Spurs,
....AID ALL....
Goods in the Saddlery Line.
Harness and Saddles Repaired Promptly
and at
Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Beef and
Bacon anil Lard always on Hani.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Harness Shop!
Manufacturer and Daler in
....And a fall line of....
Saddlery Coods.
All work work warranted Haw&aiade and
California Leather.
Agent, for STAVES a WAXKER
Agricultural Implements
And th. CictatI
Main Street, Lebanon, Obegon.
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware,
All kinds of Repairing
Also keep
Brownsville. Oregon.
Practical .". Watchmaker.
Watches, Jewelry,
nl Gents'
Is, Bracelets,
1 f"'l c I J &! I (J
All a4a tioarmlrril.
First Mr Kartt of tie City Hall Main Street
Fact.rr: Raelae. Win.
jr J feXrtT' iMaiKy. n--worn TtssiSrm-i v --Sr
Ioar. Header and Trucks: Dump. Hand and Road Cart.; Open and Top
Buggies, Pbaetona, Carriages, Buckboards, and
General Agents for Canton Clipper Plow". Harrow., Cultivators. Road
Scrapers. Gale Chilled Plows. Ideal Feed Mills and Wind Mills, Knowl
ton Hay Rakes. Horse Powers, Wood Saws. Feed Cullers, etc. Wo
carry the Unrest and best assorted stock of Vehicles on the Northwest
Coast. All our work is built especially for this trade and fully warranted.
Send for new 1S87 catalogue.
Mitchell & Lewis Co., Limited, 188, 190, 192 and 194
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Our goods are sold by F. II. ROSCOE & CO.. Hardware Dealers, Lei anon, Or.
n. tc
Watchmaker .
....DEALER Hf.
Watctes, (Ms. Jewelry, Sifter
thm IT. H.
Coast But-
teTi in U
& Naval Ob
o o o o o
Kiuari riwr-f Con
trurfiin and otJlfT
Huiwa wen. Tot?
rr 1 'rsg jfj
The New Noble Sewing Machine and Machine Supplies.
V 1 1
t I .
"lJIJ a
Done at Short Notice.
in stuck
Optical Goods.
Cuff and Collar
Chain. Pins, Etc.
All U.rk Warraatrd.
1 Ji-viwvill, Or.
Hranrht rortla ad, l r
and Jeweler.
Plated Ware and Optical Goods.
o o o o o o o
All Work
are rtv
mm THE
BEST. Sold
n DiinclDal
ci tiea&to win
by exclusive
irenta i iMiii 1 1 av
o o o o
IfwHers). with a
Full Wairanij. ,
AO INT roB....
If f could hrlnu the lirtijhtost perns
From Nature rli-hest tniaaure mine
Dluiiioml. ruhv ami nnu-thvHt.
Blilnlnir Krls Hint tlin wart, have klMod
1 a Mrtrip inem in one radiant twist
To make my love a Valentine.
If I could tlnd the rarest flower.
That over all Hit" wliio world shine
Tlie eli'lwHl, with trim love (tower.
The alon anil the .piril Mower
The alon ami tne .pirn tmwer
I'd rtliti-k thvin all in nun glad 1
To make my lure s ValutiUiic
If I could i-iilrh the fli-etlnir be
Or liriKlit Aurora', rny. dlvlii
Anil keep the plm of .unset i
I nour
i Hue.
r beam.
. ktf
And hold the rnlubow'i wonilmu. dyes,
I d take the r!iw that In them lie.
To paint my love a aletiune.
If I roalit chntn the llt-htnlni?-. flash
And Miitn it In a ifoldi n lino.
And kevp the .lurry flukes of .now,
I'll bind tln-in with the liirlitumif -Thnt
front and lire alumni blend ami glow
to mime my love a aieuuiie.
But since these wishes mny not he,
Ami notuinit rich or rare is mine,
Flucviit ihv h-rt and lore true.
Tin puiiilnl (lower of ilaint; blue
Blmll lvr them, with the wish that ran.
Will itlwiiys l? my Valentine.
.V. 1. IndtprwttnL
Why They TJbo the Foils and How
They Do It.
An RRertlv Aid to lleautr anil llealtn
I'opularltr nf Fenrlnr In Kurope
Mn. jintry an Kipert In
th Art.
"Ah. mail.-tm, you will nevprmake a
ti'ncfr until von alctndon thwe ahonii-
luiKli' hwl." Ho najinjr the jtnlit'
ffiicin-nmli'r laid aiile his ni:ik am!
poiiitiil hi foil, half oornfuUy, half
sstilly. at tli littl liliK-ks whii-li n-ji-i
tiil fmiu a point lu-nr the iniihlle of
the soli' of his pupil a upper, and
which h:id just triwl hiT up In a
lunge. Even in hT huniili:itinr iiwi
tion for he had toinpU't'ly lot her
hsilunoo the little Bftrvss wlnwe fi.'iie-
ing hn wa thus unspii.xonalile intr-
rupliMl, pnsi'iitd an ii'ii'oniiiioiily pleas
ii'tl picture. Her chwk was lluslicd
and hi-r eye. were hrijrht with the ex
hilaration of tint exercise; the violence
f the I. st limjie atid it disastnms
result had et a fevv lock of roldin hair
free, and the elose-littiiiir eotunje di
plaTetl a firur. everv line of which told
of health and harmonious muscular de
The costume was certainly one which
would have rained tins toiiiijj woman
applause on tiie stasre. It con-i-ted of
a white flannel jacket. dnulde-ln-a'ted
and padded across the clnt to deaden
the force of her nss-iilant s thriL-'ts. A
hoit skirt, with Idue a-el white Rtripe,
n'achinjr ju-st to the knees alloweil the
fullest friH-doiu of movement. A pair
f silk st-x-king. :lov4's wilh long
jrauntlets that protected the wrists, and
Ihe flii'i' i:h the offeiidiiig heels
miplt-W-d the -.attune.
As may In stipposed the pupil did not
have much dlrtieiiltv in tdaeating the
tfeiided master, and the lesson went
on. Isut in futiirw the higli heels w-re
discariled and in their place came slip
era without any ln-els at nil, which lire
the only proper fiot-car for either man
or woman wnue lencinsr. fm tin?
master was aide to say with triumph of
his pupil: "She handles the foil as fnl
urallv as if it were a needle. There nTe
not many of my male pupils airninst
wlmm I would not match her, if she
had their ptrenjrth. It's a pity that
more women don t fence. I like to
teach them. Their movements are nat
urallv more graceful than those of men.
ami it is easier to train them to executa
thrusts with delicacy, but when it comes
to an actual bout with the foils they
lose their heads. Conines mid judg
ment are the essential characteristics of
a good swordsman, and my experience
in teaching women Is that these are
qualities which women do not possess
in any high degree.
Tlie number of women who handle
Ihe foils is larger than is generally sup
posed, fcven in ,cw lork where feno
mg has become a popular amusement
onlv within the last few Tears, fencing-
masters find plenty of female pupils, al
though these are gonerallr actresses.
Actresses are credited probably justly
with taking more care of their beau
ty than any other class of women. Now,
women who are really careful of their
iM-auty should not neglect their health.
and no exercise is more healthful than
fencing. It makes the carriage erect
and graceful; it gives piippleness and
elasticity to the muscles, it has tho ex
hilaration that makes exercise palatable
in fact, if a woman prizes a clear
skin and a well-rounded figure, a foil
and mask will prove her most ef
ective aids; and this the voung women
of the stage have not been slow to dis
Then again it not infrequently hap
pens that iin actress is assigned to some
part that requires her to make a dis
play of swordsmanship on the stage.
Then she g'oes to a fencing-master and
after a few lessons she is able to make
a graceful exhibition out of what would
otherwise have been a bungling and
uncouth scene.
In Continental Europe the women are
more fully awake to the advantay-es of
fencing than they are in this country
The Empress of Austria, whose daring
honiiansliip, love for dogs, and general
sporting proclivities are so well known,
idds an admirable proficiency with the
oils to her other accomplish men ts. All
ihe fencing teachers of Paris have their
eminine pupils, who are by no means
restricted to the actresses. Young
women of the highest classes in society
;'ence as regularly as they rule or dance.
in fact, if it were not for a fencing lesson
in the morning many of them would feel
less inclination to dance in the evening.
INo actual luel between women is on
record, notwithstanding the notorious
painting of "An Affair of Honor," which
ornamented the Paris Salon a couple of
vears ao. Nevertheless no one who
knows tlie vagaries in which the women
pf the V i-nch Capital sometimes indulge
would bo fltirpiised to read of a sao- I
guinary encounter between a pair of
them at Vineennes or in the forest of St.
I rememlier when I was a young
provost In one of the big fencing schools
in Paris," said the same teacher quoted
before, what n sensation it used to causa
when the hour for the ladies' lessons
came. All tlie men except tlie master
and myself were put out, but how they
did beg to be allowed to stay! But the
master was inexorable. He was an old
soldier and believed in discipline. But
they used to hang about the ibiors and
Hk through the keyholes. One young
fellow hid in a closet nice, but he was
found out and ejected in great disgrace."
KegisSenae.the genial fencing-master
of the New York Athletic Club, said
tho other dav that he never hail so
many applications from women who
wanted to take lessons as he has since
Mrs. Langtry Iwcame his pupil. M.
Senac is not her first master; she ha.i
taken lessons in London, and is now
more expert in the use of the foil than
a woman often becomes. The writer
was allowed to lx present at one of her
lesson not long ago. M. Senac comes
to her house in West Twenty-third
street every morning while she is in
town. He is due at ten o'clock. "And
I." said Mrs. Langtry, "often don't rise
until he is announced; for yon can
imagine that sometimes it is a struggle
to get up for a lesson, after having
worked hard the evening before. But
I find that I am the better all day for
the exercise; so I summon up my cour
age mid tumble into my costume.
Mrs. Langtry s costume consists of a
chse-fitting waistcoat of white buck-
kin, large baggy trousers of white
flannel that descend to the knee, and
white stockings. Site is tooexeriencd
a swordswoman to think of indulging
in any extravagances In the war of
heel. She wears buckskin gloves, but
if her master were not an extremely
careful man she wool 1 be obliged to
wear a heavi!v-padd'-d glove, at least
on her right hand; for one sometimes
STts a rap with the foil over the knuckles
hat maki-s the whole arm tingle.
Tlie first half of the h-ssoti was juit
over when the writer was admitted the
ther morning. Mrs. Langtry had
thrown a wrap over her shoulders as
protection after the heat of exercise.
while Senac was pacing the floor in all
the glory of a black Telvet costume.
After a few minutes of rest work was
resumed and the famous leauty rubbid
the resin on her so!e. pat on her mask,
and fell into position witlt tlie left arm
gracefully extended all as naturally as
f she had leen brought up in fencin
rooms. ltr motions nao: nono oi mo
wildness and imsii-s which charac
terize the etFrts of a beginner. Everv
maneuver was ch-ati-cut and precise
The plav of her foil was. so small that
to tis M. Senac s favorite simile, it
could have b"en executed within the
ring of a voung girl. After about ten
minutes of this exercise Mrs. Langtry
claimed tho right to another rest.
hen she hail rei-overet breath she was
cloonent in praise of fencing, and told
what it did for her.
"Not onlv do I feel tho gixwl effects
of mv morning lesson all through the
lay." she said, in a general toning np
of the whole system, but I find that my
fencinsr is particularly valuable to me
in mv profession. iLgives me a com
maud over my muscles and a supple
ness that are invaluable on the stage.
M. Senac i as proud as a peacock of
his pupil. lie gives her lessons m
single-stick as well, and an extremely
pretty picture she makes, twirling her
light cane about her head. She calls it
tho art of defending one's self with an
umbrella. Senae wants her to give a
public exhibition with the foils when
she comes back to New York. Mrs.
Langtry does not absolutely refuse, but
she says that if she gives an exhibition
only ladies will be admitted. Probably
a good many men will feel inclined to
put on petticoats for the occasion. A.
Y. Tribune..
A Clever Met hint of Inrrea.lng th.
of Inferior Stone..
Every one. of course, knows some
thing about paste diamonds and Paris
iliamonds and the thousand-and-one
imitations of this gem of great price.
And most people, we imagine, know the
various tests bv which the genuineness
of a stone is established; but the revela
tions made at tho Marylebone police
court the other day will probably be
news to some of us. As to the case it
self, wo need say no more than that the
prisoners were committed for trial; but
certain facts came out during the in
quiry which possess considerable inter
est for the public, or at least for those
of the public who are the happy owner"
of diamonds. That there should be any
means whereby yellow Viamonds, which
are worth about oue-seventh of white
. . . i i
Uiamonus oi uie same oize, can oe
bleached for that is what the manipu
lation amounts to so as to deceive an
expert is enough to cause very serious
disquietude m many a lair bosom. But
Mr. Streeter went even further than this,
for he gratuitously informed the magis
trate that about two years ago a French
man succeded in foisting upon the Lon
don market some 4,000 worth of dia
monds which had thus been chemically
improved. It would be interesting to
know what has become of those dia
monds What has become of their
doubtless numerous successors. So val
uable an invention has certainly not
been permitted to lie idle. SI. James1
Spain has a torpedo cruiser, com
pared with which the grayhounds of the
sen are but as waddling ocean poodles.
This remarkable vessel is the Destructor
recently launched at Glasgow, which on
her trial trip developed the speed oi
about 27 miles au hour.
Th Perallar Ways In Which Rom. Kew
Yorker Maka at Uood Living.
Jew York has not attained the unique
distinction recently boasted by Taris of
maintaining a beggar factory for maim
ing liUle children, so as to render them
objects of pity. Neither has it yet
reached up to London in the possession
of "neceasary stores." wherein every
earthly thing in use by man is kept .in
Bale. There is an audacious Teuton
near Chatham Square who keeps hand-
organs in mischief by repairing them.
He assumes to replenish them with new
tunes, but, of course, that is a fiction.
for no hand-organ was ever heard to
play any but bald-headed and middle
aged music.
Two courageous New Yorkers follow
the useful but unpoetie business of
hanging their fellow-citizens. They
are not prejudiced in favor of New
Yorkers, but are easily persuaded to
hang men elsewhere throughout the
Union. It is always pretended that no
one knows their names and that -only
the sheriff of this county has their ad
dresses. One is a Hebrew, dubbed
"Isaacs," and the other is a German,
caiieu "Minzesneimer; out tne city
always lumps them both under the one
name of Joseph B. Atkinson, and under
that name they draw C3eir pay. They
rig the gallows and finally cut the rope.
Four prosperous citizens earn . their
livelihoods as doctors for the lap-dogs
of rich women. As a rule the only
medicine they use is starvation. They
fl'mg the dear pets into barred boxes
and deprive them of fiod for four days,
having found out that the usual trouble
wilh pet dogs is that they are fed ex
travagantly and improperly. Just east
of the Bowery in a tenement bouse re
sides a man whose business is to rent
himself and his Punch and Judy show
to children's parties in the brown-stone
wards. A person on the Bowery keeps
six or eignt gins dust training wreaius
and pictures of tombstones, whereon
are ' set forth the virtues of deceased
New Yorkers. He follows where the
death notices in the papers lead him
and works upon the feelings of the grief
stricken families.
Another man is making a fortune by
carrying off all the waste and refuse the
city will not remove, such as builders'
leavings, dirt from cellar diggings' and
so on. The builders pay him to take it.
and then he sells it in the suburbs for
tilling in sunken lands.
Only one man in town pretends to
keep photographs of all the notable
persons in the world. There is not
room for two in the business. Another
citizen sells to public men and corpora
tions clippings from all the newspapers
that mention them, at five cents a clip
ping added to a subscription fee each
Yet another citizen hunts up eoats-of-arms
and pedigrees for all who think
theirs have been overlioked. or that
they may get them from families of ths
same, or nearly the same, names aa
their own. This is quite English and
therefore popular. It is said that the
carriage-makers are giving away coats-
of-arms like chromos.
The trade in painting black eyes with
a mixture of six parts white paint and
one part red. now boasts several estab
lishments. It is not popularizing the
black ej-e, because it only covers up the
scandal without producing forgetful-
One New Yorker has posted himself
alxtut all the unclaimed estates in
Christendom, and tiius profits by a
weakness more general than most folks
Another New Yorker searches the
streets at night with a lantern for
coins and ' purses dropped during the
A woman near the City Hall takes
care of the babies whose widowed
mothers have to go out to work, and
who check them, like nmbrellas. in the
morning and call for them in the even
ing. Many women in the East Side
tenements take care of a baby or two
for their neighbors, but this down-town
one is, I think, the only regular safe
baby safe deposit company or storage
warehouse in town.
There is no matrimonial agency or
husbands' exchange newspaper here
just now. There have been many, but
all have failed. That scheme is not as
profitable as that of a man I met the
nther dav, who told ra i he trained valu
able dags to coma straight back to him
as often as he sold them. Julian Ralph,
in Philadelphia Pre.
Deslrns Which Might iilvo a Sober Man at
Case of Jlmjams.
A pair of old castaway boots veneered
with gilt make a pretty wall ornament.
To add to the effect put patches of cot
ton wool on the legs, to imitate snow.
An old pair of corsets ornamented
with creeping vines and pretty designs
in leaf, make a very elegant ornament
to hang over a bed-room door.
An old coal scuttle tinted with deli
sate shades of scarlet and cerulean blue
furnishes a unique relief for a dining
room wall. To brighten the effect place
several selected vegetables in the scut
tle, allowing the tops to be seen at a
distance of half way across the room.
As an ornamental design for a front
hall take a dozen tomato cans and paint
each one a different color. Tie a bow
of pretty satin ribbon of various shades
about each. Run a gaudy string through
the lot and hang them on the wall close
to the ceiling. One can hardly imagine
the divine effect of this exquisite collec
tion. Au old tin water sprinkler covered
with a halo of gilt stars and pulverized
jrlass diamonds and suspended from a
parlor chandelier is very attractive. A
large pink satin bow arranged over the
jpout adds very materially to the effect.
Whitehall Timet.
The Thrifty Inhablrknt. of the Oldest Re
public In the Mew World.
In Central Mexico not Terr far from
the capital lies the oldest republic of
tlie New World. It is Tlaxcala. the
proudest c ity of all Mexico. It is purely
Indian in origin and government. This
strange people remained unconqnered
until the Spaniards forced their en
trance in 1519, and then Cortes treated
them as national allies rather than ene
mies. He turned their indomitable cour
age and wonderful skill in his favor
nd against their hereditary foes, the
Aztecs, and was thus enabled to finally
ubdue the Mohtezumas. The friend
ship of the Tlaxcalang once pledged is
nvincible. and the Spanish relied on
their promise to convey timber for his
ships over the mountains to Texeoco
Lake, and thereon he built the fleet that
gave to Spain her great American pos
sessions. Tlaxcala is perched up among
the nigh mountains and rendered im
pregnable by nature on three sides and
fortified by an enormous wall on the
fourth, which defied the attacks of the
Aztecs in many wars. The people hare
the air and manner of freeman and are
Inordinately proud of their ancient and
honorable lineage.
For the prominent part taken in the
conquest by the Tlaxcalans Spain con
ferred on them exclusive privileges.
and to this day they maintain them.
None but full-blooded Indians sit in
their Senate, and their Government Is
tempered by wisdom and moderation.
In 1523 Spanish priests went over to
Mexico, and soon the caciques or chiefs
of the Tlaxcalans became Christians
and were baptized under Christian
names, and that is why so many Indians
haTe European cognomens. The Tlax
calans are very exclusive and rarely
mingle with the outside world, and
that is why we were surprised to see
one among the Indian artisans at the
Aztec fair. His name is Ramon Huerta,
and probably is the only full-blooded
Tlaxcalan who ever left his native land
voluntarily. He was born in the cap-
tal city, and in early life served in their
little army of defense, but so seldom
did the waves of revolution roll up
among their crags that he became tired
of inactive military duty and adopted
the trade of silversmith. His phleg
matic perseverance soon mastered his
calling, and he began to elaborate, and
so skillful was his work that it was sent
to Mexico City for sale and this brought
him to the notice of the AzU-c fair man
agement. The Tlaxcalans are extreme
ly phlegmatic and Huerta is no excep
tion.. Since leaving his native eirv he
has seen all the wonders of our progres
sive land, and yet nothing calls from
him an expression of wonder or admira
tion, bnt undoubtedly he will carry
back many a strange tale of his adven
tures in foreign lands, which will sound
like fairy legends to his primitive peo
ple. AT. T. Graphic.
ra-Amrrln. I'rsette Wlileti Should
Reelv-e No Kafoiraitminit
In his recent novel, "The Minister's
Charge," Mr. Howells incidentally
treats the matter of "tips" and fees to
hotel waiters and others occupying sim
ilar positions. Evans, the editor, offers
the customary .ee to young Barker, a
hotel waiter, bnt the latter refuses it
with rustic dignity, saying that "he
doesn't know as he wants any money
which he has not earned." This sug
gests the inquiry to Evans whether he
is not quite as mean for offering the fee
as Barker would have been had he ac
cepted it
This nuisance has grown to be abom
inable and unendurable in the old coun
tries of Europe and is making rapid
headway in the United States. Twenty
years ago it was not known m this
country. To-day its practice is scan
dalously prevalent It is one of those
vices of European monarchy which
have been introduced into America by
the victims of Anglomania. It is a
thoroughly contemptible, pernicious
and un-American practice which
should receive no encouragement
or toleration by any self-respecting
citizen. The American idea always has
been that one should pay current prices
for what he gets, whether it be a yard
of cloth, a ticket on a steamboat or
railway car, a meal at a hotel, or what
ever else, and that that should be the
end of it Also that whoever hires any
one should pay him fair wages for his
But of late this theory has been
crowded to the wall, and a system of
perquisites, tips and fees has grown up
which in some lines of service has at
tained such proportions that persons
can afford to pay for the privilege of
serving employers instead of being paid
by them for the service they render.
There is one way, and only one way.
to break it up. Let every offerer of a
tip or gratuity feel that he is doing a
mean ana humiliating thing, and that
his honesty-and self-respect command.
him to withhold the proffered alms.
Let him make a matter of principle of
it and stand out stoutly against the
practice. A public sentiment can thus
be created which will nip the vicious
custom with a killing frost Chicago
Journal. '
The string of pearls worn at the
spera in New York by Mrs. William K.
Vanderbilt attracts more attention than
the singers and ballet It consists ot
S46 oriental pearls, set . in a golden
?ham. wihch belonged to the Empress
Eugenie and which was recently pur
chased for 180,000. It was worn by
Mrs. Vanderbilt over the top of her
head, thence down the back of her coif
fure to her neck, which it encircled,
with enough left to hang down oa her
bosom. sV. 1". Post, .