The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 02, 1887, Image 3

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    The Lebanon Uxpress.
Local and General.
Clins. Montague is ill ve-v M k.
. I. F. Couh'm card nfM'tirs till Wink.
Mrs. Andrew Trip U ilungvroitHly 111
with heart tlisensi'.
Chim-hlll A Monioith hav ivitlveil
tluilnn the vk a brilliant lot tif num-
Aflw noxt vxk Thk Kxi'iiRwt will
1k t'iuililvl to glvt' more Fpa- to Ioi-jU
mi1 utht'r nov.
The Corvnlli Chronhlo till (lie
Orr-jron I'uelfle It. R. the Oiviron on
"PrtuiH-r" It. It.
A Mountain House t (he name reeent
ly jriven the sehol houu on Kmuuel
ltankey'H place.
A. II. riteliv of (he Yuqulim Mail
nUciI at LclmiiOu (his wk in the lu
, terrtn of that paicr.
M. II. lloyhH of lYrtliuul, nrrlve.1
at this laee with his family, and will
permanently locate.
Clocks can 1h looked upon as among
the most lasting article of personal
projH-rty. They mo rare change hands.
On Friday evening of last week the
Winter sesnton of the Santiam Academy
was c1hhI with lnteresUiigtviemoiiUs.
ISlasts on railroad on the south ide
of Kisklyou, ran ha phdnly heard at
Linkvillc, a distance of over 'forty tniU s.
In Needy precinct, Clackamas coun
ty, Mr. Mckiimey has hst two horses
by the utaggcra and Mr. Jennings one.
Hew Mr. Wooley, of this place, will
deliver an nl.lres hefntv the V. C. T.
V. at Hrownsville this Saturday even
ing. Harry DuTtnUt has inen pent to (he
penitentiary from this county for lar
ceny In a dwelling tor n term of one
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Montcith and
Mrs. A. l Churchill returned from a
hriif visit to Albany on Wednesday
So warm hns the weather Ix-en of late
in Jacksonville that a few of the farm
ers and mitten are already crying for
more rain.
vj C. H. M-mtague is filling up th jqvtec
In hi store heretofore occupied hy hard
ware with a tine toek of dry g.xwls
and clothing.
The Oregonian Hallway (l.lniitet
Ijlne) (inte card will appear next week
with other particulars tmcerning this
Important road.
On account of the scarcity of f,vh
fish. M. K. 1 learn dil not m"t his sujs
ply on Wiiltirs.l:'v. Hereafter, Ik
thinks, he will not e dlss;ipvinted.
Hon T. J. Black, of HaJs-y, has re
aunied business, after settling up nil of
the altaii-s of the firm of Mlack, Porter
& Co. The new flint will be Black,
Pearl A Co.
Mis Mary Montague, who Is now
teaching at the AUmuiv Collegiate ln-
iHuuiu mine ma ihn j-ai-iriay evening
tiio ti-iifiuit it iiii iii-i p:ireui,
returning Monday morning. 1 heprcs
ent tcnn will cIomv' in June.
eorge Smith, an old gintlcman in
Turner, Mail n county, wi s a few days
Killer strickeiusl with partilysis. 'lite
troke at tirst was not tluu'ht to Ik
dangerous, but at pn-sent he old gMi
tlcuian is very low. His entire right
Hide is lieln'i ks.
The i)t-((nian says that there is an
InipreKsion that Hon. It. P. lOarbart, cx
noeretary f state, will le conn-
with the local management of the On
irm A California railnvid after it fhull
have piiss;il into the haiid of the
f:uthern l'aeitle.
A street Fakir beat the pvople f Al
Imny out of many dollars during the
week. The HuHi tin. afur d scribing
the manner, by which tin? Fakir re
leived the crowil of their greenlmvks,
very ;-iisiMy remarks: Never try to
beat a man at his own game.
Wo have received, the programme of
the annual Teacher's institute for the
Third Judicial Di-triet and l.iiin coun
ty, to be held at Allwny, April!!, 7 and
K Judging from the programme it will
! a very interesting WHsion. All
teachers should lie in attendance.
The contest for the clerkship of the
miprcme ciurt has tinally Ih-cii dvcide I
by tlic sclwtion of Win. H. Holnu's, of
Salem. All the disapointcd asp'r.n t
vill heartily oin in congratulations, as
Mr. Holutes it a pound lawyer, jvopular
and desierving. He will make a good
The Indians arf fast lKciming civil
ized. The other davaneloj'meiit took
place up in the Sjvikane country, with
all the eclat of the b'.test fashion of
the white people. The dut-ky maid n
who thus took matters into' her own
hands, as it were, had only seen thir
teen summers.
The following named persons have
Iwen; appointed attorneys of the swamp
land' lioard: Morrow county, Heonrc
"W. Wright; Multnomah county, B.
Killiio; Cmatilla county, Thomas Fitz
gerald; lVniglas county, John Hamil
ton: Klamath county, J. W. Humaker,
newly created ofHcer
The store of K. O. Chanmcss at Cor
vallis was broken into the other night
and $5.00 stolen. The C'lronirfc also
nays that a few nights ago the money
drawer at the O. P. It. It. depot wa
rifled of its contents. The thief secur
ed a few dollars, a silver watch and
skipped with his booty.
'A Mc-Minnville paper says, one of
the mt disgusting spet'tacles we have
jn upon our streets for a long time,
was witnessed Tuewlay. Si veral young
jdrls from l(i to IS ycurs of age wi re re
turning from the college, where they
are attending school, with lighted cig
arettes in their mouths.
The census of the Umatilla reserva
tion Indians is completed and foots up
over a thousand of all sorts entitled to
land. The commissioners think the
average amount to each will lie alxiut
eighty acres The Indians have been
considering their choice of the reserva
tion, and say they mean to have the
best of it.
f Fanners and citizens generally are
warned to look out for a man calling
himself Mose, who is traveling around
the country swindling farmers by niak
imr them airents for a Iouble Duplex
Jiay 1-orKaiiU-curingtneir.signaiun-s
. . . . -
which are transferred to a negotiable
note for ton times value received. Puss
him around.
In Morrow county the heaviest loser
in sheep was Thomas Matlock, who
had 2.AM1 perish by starvation and
storms. 2io miitter how favored a
country may be, wisely says an ex
change, stockmen must make up their
minus that they must prepare to take
care of their animals in the winter, and
to provide tshelter and feed in abun
dance. A few days ago we heard some in
quiries made regarding the Umatilla
reservation as to when it would proba
bly be thrown open, for settlement.
The La Grand Gazette says, the loeal
land office officials at that place, have
as j'et received no instructions in regard
to the disposal of the Umatilla reserva
tion lauds. It will lie some time yet
before anythiusr is done.
Mrs. A, It. lUggs, rifsldent of the
W. C. T. ir. will lecture nttlie Fliht
1'rcnhvterlaii church, Lebanon, next
Tus"sday evening, April fit It. Ijcctiire
Strange Freak of Nature.
SK. Ws Smith, Ks,,., r (his ell y Is (he
owner of a cow, which gave birth to a
line heifer calf on March 12lh, and to
another one on the Suit, Jusl 17 day
after the first one ciuiie. The latter
calf, though small, is well developed
and the cow mid calves are all doing
wen. ii i ms cow Keens nirnisiiiiig a
calf every aevetiteeii days for a few
years, the Squire will nodouht go Into
ine siocK iiiistiHxs. losav the least,
i n is is ccnniuiy an unusual occureiuv
Divine Services.
Itev. (J. F. Mead will preach at Mid
die Hidjre school house t. morrow (Sun
day at 10 o'clock A. v., and at Hock
Hill Hehool house nt .'l.Jtu p.m. Hev
Starr will nil his usual appointments
in me Academy morning and cvcnliu!.
Hev. Wooley will till his appointments
ai rviuiii nrownsviiic '. church
morning and evening. H-.-v. Itowersox
will preach at Sweet Home this (Sat
urday) evening and Sunday morning,
and at Independence cchool house in
the afternoon.
A Big Suit.
There was filed in the United Static
supreme court a few days ago a tran
script of a case which M ill come up in
due season for argument, In which the
t'liltml Stat-s Is KUing the Northern
1'aeitle railway company for fl, !,
IHHI. It has lieen brought to the hu
prenu court of the. I'niied States on a
writ of error front the western district
of Montana territory, and it Is Intend
ed to test Jthe right of the company to
cut, or allow to Ih cut, timlicr growing
on non-mineral lauds lying along the
line of its road, and wt'lhin the limits
of its land grant, where the lauds arc
still being survey tl. HW.
At the meeting ml led for the organi
zation of a Prohibitory Amendment
league, In this city, yesterday, the fol
lowing otrvrs were eb-ctcd:
Pit.!d. nt 1. A ml rews.
First Vice PrvNidcttt J. 1 1. St lite.
Second Vice President Jas. Marks.
St-ervtary A. It.Cvrti.
Treasurer F. It. li'dlard.
l'.xi-cutive Committee ii. F. Mead,
Williams. .Mrs. jas. .Marks. K. i
Montague and J. L. tiilhert.
Mot-ting adjourned tomcat at First
Presbyterian thurt-h next M-nday eve
ning April 4th, id TtftO o'clock, .ill are
Invitcl to attend.
School Report.
LTlu f
Uowiter l a oirreot report of
the primary st hool taught In district
No. Hi foi the term commenced IK-
eemU'r i and cnditl March 4:
n. mmi'i -T Miniif,t (n
Ih;, imiti'n r
!'lav nuiiil iiiv.
(rti!i.'-- ,
'J. V
TIKWK NriTllKK AII-JNTihTKIV ll KINti Tllnilll.
TU"n: W !) AVKtlK.I H !' IN f-MN KT!H t NT.
Hi'iir)' t'twiufti, Kny kuhi-, Jiminv Vr-wit.
..Hrvii' r-: r, .'MtH iiitun, riin(tv K.t-r.
Mrtttic IV.!.T. f.a s.-auilliui.l. MaikI Hurk.-r.
Mining II-M.ini--en. Kva lb -, MitirKle sien
nil. I Lulu li:-k::iii.
TIKt: IVIil! Him UV
Jelmtiii- I: Kie'i. J.i. v- Knviiinn. Mt-lvin .Vnx tl.
.Irtkvu Ri-!n-. Tumiiiy Ki-.itmu , I-.-mimI Ariit'll,
Ondi llnrkno--. N.'iu "l okh Ii, Kninkif lluiktuin,
Kot.- li.'yii.l-ls Kua Cark.T. Hi-c.i? Ilvii-trit'si.
Au.'.r n.i.l t'uit-e HUla-'l.
HliWK AVI.i:lil ! '.).
1k'.-)it sirlnyer. .I-I-.' lirlim, 1 vll K.Cm.
Muliif lMM'in, arri I nei r. Nuia, nml Klerw
land Kntoti. iillnrt Slriiijrer six! Jeluiny Fes
TIlosF AVKR ,.KIi .
flmverllttotli-tittin, W.mlev. tvp HnmM
nl Krvl llKr. Kami (inna ,
Two Sides to a Question-
The Salem AY itrxnt'in, a few days
ago, published a letter from Dr. A. C.
Kinney, of Astoria. In it he "pioted
the tcrtimony of Gov. Martin, of Kan
sas, and James G. Blaine of Maine, who
assert that prohibition in their rcsHct
ive states has Ix-en of immense tieiietit.
In an cditiorial the paper asks ir the
doctor orai.y one else could explain
the fact in Leavenwort It, Kansas,
LNHi saloons are open and defying the
law. Believing that to beau old news
paHr rport, a tcnicrancv man at oiuv
st. nt this dispatch:
T llu' Mrtyor. 1'nx'onworih. Knniip:
1 our now.-imiKT rnv; -KI miIki iiiicii !e:
fj'inar U-?
The reply came:
I.KAVKMVCIRTM. K.e.. Mnn li is. 1H7.
J. W. Wki'.ii. Sali ni, r.: V.Hir li li rrMni ntviv
cA. There i urn H jikm in ljuvviovonh.
K. S. Nku.v.
The ih-rroiiiiiH and Stafrmnan tell us
prohibition don't prohibit, upon the
statement quoted from the Milwaukie
Sfntinrl and other whisky organs,
against the interest of the pecp'e in
general, yet they claim to Ih the p.ipcrs
of the people; yes, for j atronage only.
S. S. G.
An Undesirable Change.
On Monday morning last the Ore
gonian Hallway commcm-ed carrying
the mails front Portland to CoUrg.
While this change will make it con
venient for many places on the line of
the road, under the present schedule,
it will work greatly to the disadvan
tage ot others escci;illy Lebanon and
Brownsville as to communication be
tween thi-so places and Albany, requir
ing, as it does, four days to get an ans
wer to h letter sent to our county a'at.
From this view of things a petition was
circulated in Lebanon asking that the
service lie not changed, which received
the signature of nearly every jiersoii in
the town, when it w'as placed in the
hands of G. W. Smith, Ksq., who went
to Albany w ith it, were we understand
he secured some 4K) names. This
should lie sufficient to induce the post
office department to either let the t-
i.. ... ... i ....... ..ii- CI lit. tl
vice remain as it is or change the sehcd-
ule ,imet?0 as to have the train reach
Spicer s at, say three o'clock p. M
ing north ami connecting with
moi ning tram on the O. &
: C. road go-
ing south. This would iriv
mail to Albany, which is of the utmost
importance. Brownsville and Seio will
both say amen to this.
Regarding the new Oregon codes the
Portland World says: "Hon. Vm.
Lair Hil is in town, en route for his
new home in Oakland, Cal. Mr. Hill
rejsirts that as soon as hearrives in Cali
fornia he will send in the laws passed
at the last session of the Legislature,
and as soon as this is set up the Oregon
codes will be published. At the time
of the burning of the Bancroft building
t he codes were burned, ami Mr. Hill
had to do all the work over again. It
was quite an undertaking, but it is fin
ished Ht last, and Mr. Hill feels glad
that his tatek twice performed done."
In places the ground Is getting to dry
to piow,
F, F. Cofl visited Albany on Wedm.
day last.
Liliert Cable on Monday last, took
charge of the Powell district school
V. M. Brown, of The Dalles, is visit
lug friends In Brownsville and vlclu-
John M. Bendy, Sheriff of Umatilla
t o was lu town visiting friends during
tne past. week.
"Don't forget" that Plllsbury keep
only the liest and latest styles in watches
ciocK ami jewelry.
Alter i no first day or April, you can
eat eh trout legally, that Is if they bit
N. B. bait should ho used.
Mrs. C. II. Bone and Mioses Arm I mla
and Lillle Bone of llalsey vUited
Hrownsvllle on Wednesday last.
Mrs. Joint Br iwii has for the past
wcck uuuergono great physical Miner
ing from a severe attack of neuralgia.
The contemplated change in malt
route took lililec on Mondav lust, nil
mail matter now gtiing via. the P. &W.
W. T. Banpassert of McMlnitvllle,
has hccti appointed )Mistal clerk on the
P. W. V. lty., liotweeu li tlund and
v onurg.
Chinese phesantn are lnHHimlng plen
tiful! In this section. During the past
week a numU-r have been ween, with
in town limits.
Thomson Waters have during (he
past week, thoroughly renovated, re
modeled and repainted their store, giv
ing it a very bright, cheerful look.
Mr. M. L. Hamilton.Mlsses Florence
and Mlllv Skinner and Miss Husie
Alexander, of CoN-rg, paid Browns
ville friends a visit on Friday last.
Hop yard men are bulsly engaged
plowing and cleanlnir out 'their lion
patches. In some locality the ground
is getting almost too dry to cultivate.
Thos. Kay's Imiiortcil bull. Tornado.
aged two yearn, tipped the beam at l.oUO
nw., on Saturday last. A heifer of the
same sloek, fourteen months old, weigh
ed 7T0 ll.
Thos Brandon passed through town
on Monday last, with his iinnortcd
Norman Perchcnui stallion, a beauti
ful! coal black, 17 hands high, weigh
ing I.IO) 1 1 IS.
The little damrluer of William Tem-
pleton Jr.. who has lieen s unwell,
that her life was for some days dosiuiir-
ed of, is tending towards convaleHivnt,
strong hoiKi U'lng entertained of her
Dr. I. W. Starr received front Phil.
tlrny, of Harney valley, a letter stating
that the snow had entirely disappear
ed, in that locality, that stock were do-
inif well and had p;.sse through the
winter with ut ixlra care or fs.
Theol.l maxim. Is "earlv to ImhI and
early to lise," but If you wish to raise
bread, cake, etc., Ill ii manner equal to
40,001 lbs. of hvdratil'c prosure, to the
square inch, call on i p. frort and
purchosc m Miund of Far Wint tiak
uig jHiwder, prh-eiVi cts, sample frie.
OuroilalnHiw mi'iii", to have merged
Into a tliinir o the part, antioue, mus
ty an I in n dy for want f use, no
more "drunks, ' no more disturbers cf
the piMi1', halls of the blind goddess,
JudiC', a o deserted, ami the marshal's
fees n-i nihility. This soeika well for
the m irality of our town.
Sablmth ervicsat the Baptist ehur h
were comlucted by Hev. Carpus Sjierry,
who preaebed ellictivo sermons morii
ing ami evening. Sunday school exer
cises at S, i. M., were well attended:
at 0 P. M. a yotiud iicople's prayer meet
ing, in which much interest, wasevin
ivd, was succi'Ssfully held.
On Sat unlay evening April 2nd the
W. C. T. V. will uive another fri-e en
tertainment, to which all are invited.
A very interesting pmgraine has U-en
prvpanil, eoii-isling (1f invitations,
songs and choice musical selectluns.
Hev. Wooley of I.eoanoii and other
eloquent sjieakers will address the niivt
1ng in f.ivor of prohibition.
It will tic rent nilvml I your readers
that some time past the ttrrfonUitt
made mention of a young lady who hail
arrived at Portland in search of a young
man who had Is traycd her atlcctions
ami taken the advice, of Horace tin el v,
"gone w-st." On Suudy hiat the
search of the young lady was rewardiil
by finding the truant a short distance
from Coliorg, where a miinciliatiou
was atl'eefed, and a wrong made right.
Inciters nivlvinl from Wallowa val
ley state that the loss of stock Is not
not as heavy as anticipated, the quar
ter loss IwMng confined to a few Isolated
bands that were overtaken by storms,
lefore shelter ami feed could bo sii'iir
isl. H. II. Coshow lias removed from
Ijosticu to Joseph, when' he will enter
upon the duti-s of sheriff and locate
his office. The family if K. J. Forsy
the have tnooved to their ranche. Wal
ter Jack succeeded in saving 400 head
of sheep.
' The Ifrratil-DiHHrmiii'itor of March
2 made mention of the mysterious
disappe.iranceof Sehuclcr Ford", a young
man '21 years cf age, who recently had
built a house int'oburg for the saloon
business. On Sunday March 27, die
remains of the unfortiiDate voung man
were found in the Willamette river,
tlme milcM lxlow Harrisburg. The
skull was crushed in, jaw broken, and
from all Indications Sehuclcr Ford lias
lieen the victim of a murder and rob
bcry, as from $700 to a J Kkhi which the
deceased was known to have upon his
person, has disappeared and has as yet
lieen unaccounted for.
With the coining of spring nil things
begin to assume a roseate hue, th
chronic grumbler who has lieen on the
coast for the past twenty years, and
"never lie fore exierietieed"such infernal
weather, as the past winter has been,"
has dissolved pardnership with the
stove, an as he absorlis the warm ravs,
of "old Sol," inhales the balmy spring
breeze admits that life is liearable,even
in Oregon. Nature is putting on a
bright green mantle, and all life wel
comes the invigorating spring weather.
Iu business circles all is activity, and
merchants confident of a "good trade,"
are receiving large and assorted stocks
of goKls: business is as good as can be
expected, farmers are more confident
of good crops and even the doleful
bleat of "Mary's little lamb" has as
sumed a more joyful note, now that
"feed" is more of a certainty
p A retrospect, cf Brownsville shows
that " die past year, the town has
sieaouy grown and improved; some
new industries have lieen introduced,
anumlierof new buildings have lieen
added to the town and many substan
tial improvements taken piaee, most
noticeable of which are the following:
The B. W. M. Co. have received from
the east a number of improved looms,
and a stationary engine has laen added
to the motive power; new buildings con
sisting of tailor shop, bleaching house
and store rooms have bwn completed,
many of the old model looms have lieen
condemned, making room for new ami
improved machinery, placing the B.
W. M. Co. in a position to fill nil neces
sary demands upon their manufactur
ingindustry. Mover Bros, have placed
in their saw mill a complete set of new
boilers, n new stationery engine, new
gearing and pullles have built new ad
ditions to the mill ami now have In
their sash and door factory all iictiw
sary Improved planers, moulding ma
chinery, and meeliiinli al appliances for
I lie complete System Of Wo ld Working.
The Brownsville creamery which was
operated during the past 'summer, h ts
proved hsuci'ohs, iiiainiiactm Inga large
amount of choice butter, which met
with ready sale at over average prices.
Operations will again commence lit a
short time. Dr. H. 11. Curl lias built a
twostory business house, which Is hand
somely ornamented and completely fin
ished, the lower portion of which is oc
cupied us a millinery store, and the
upper jMUtlon i-onsl'stlng of a suite of
rooms, provide. I with alliiciN-ssary ap
pliances for the print lee of deutfstrv.
Pet', r Hume has erected a business
house 20x40 feet, two storh-s In height.
The ground Hour Is occupied as a furni
ture store, the second story being used
for ornamental, sign and carriage paint
ing. The lower portion of the Odd
Fellow's building fiiirthcn leased by F.
l' Croft for a general merchandise
store, and has lieen greatly Improved
by a new front, show windows, count
ers and shelving. J. 1). Arthurs has
built on the old place a large and com
modious blacksmith shop. The ston
property of J. F. Wittier has U-en re
modeled and Improved by the addition
of a new front. The resilience of H. N.
Thompson has undergone a great
change in appearance, hy the addition
of a balcony and a thorough painting
Inside ami out. The n sideliee of W.
H. Kirk has received a new roof, and
Iki ii reconstructed by carchtcrs and
painters. On the east side of town new
n-sideiiccs have Ihh ii built bv J. A.
Bishop, C, K. Stamird, T. S. Pillsburv
and W. Byer, sidewalks built jmd fruit
and ornamental shrubbery set out.
Fast of and near the B. W. M. a nniii
Iht of now houses have lieen built, and
iroiorty generally Improved. A how
fruit nnd confectionery stand has lat n
oienod for the benefit of the young ami
grow ing generation. The new bakery
is quite an accommodation to the good
housewife when the supply of bniul Is
limited and the yeast "fails'tocoiiiiect."
The Misses t'hesuey and Hopkins have
within the last mouth, opened millin
ary and dressmaking rim. In South
liniwnsvllic Hugh Fields and John
Itrown have built hriro nnd commod
ious dwellings at a ist of many thou
sand dollars. As soon as the'snrimr
rains i-ense and the weather sett lis,
work will commence on the new resl-
denoeof W. U. Kirk, m hlch. ludir Imr
from the plans ami siecinVations, will
Ik not only a llrst-clus buildinir. but
also an ornamental addition to the
south-east portion of town. William
Cox will soon build a now house iu the
south-east p irtion of town. T. S. P.
"F. H. Homh' A o during this week.
purchased from C. B. Moutauue. his
entire stisk of .hard Wan-. Thcac gelit-
lenieii now haven very extensive stock
of all kinds of goods in (hts lino Isoldes
carrying all kinds of farui uire hlnerv,
waiputM, etc. The public w ill lind these
gi-ntlemen very HU-ral in all their deal
ings. Churchill A Mouleith have just re
ceived twenty or thirty doeit plow
shin's, to which they call (be attention
of tanners. They are certainly the
I M Mb.
For pure druirs and me licln-s call on
M. A. Miller, at the city drug store.
Go to Cyrus's for the hi-st churn hi
the market. For sale cheap.
All tM-rsons knowing themselves In
debted to F. H. I .', on bla kmitli
ing ace iunt, will please call and iay
Immediiitcl v, and save costs. I must
have inv money.
J list ivecl vs I a I a rire i 1 1 vo! ce of a irr leu I-
tnro giHsIs, barlssl win;, Mitchell wag
ons etc.. nt F. If. H A Co's.
Call and V. II. Hoscoe A Co. for
liargans in all kinds of hardware.
Money to loan, by Currnn A Mon
tcith, Albany, On'gon. tf
For a giMwl meal, go to the City Hcs
taurant Albany. Mi als 2 ii nti. (f
Horse hills neatl v and protntlv prinl
eil at Tun ExntKssuffitv. Charges mi
soiiable. Local Market Report.
Wliont THr pi-r ta"ln'l.
hits .W K.r tm-lu'l.
Klir-.".ll t Imrn't.
I'oiHt.x- Sl .miw SI Z't jht llll'lll'l.
Y.uic I'll' HT
Iluitcr i'x- t Ih.
sr pt r ll.
AephK. mi'ii Kk pT I u-Ik'I.
AeU'!, flrliHl iW" ht Ih.
I'liiins, iIHihI 7- r Hi.
lnim, lrtol He wr 111.
Illllll-". l'.".,p T III.
SluHiMer-' .r t Hi.
Kiiiiiii '. per ll.
t'4i iiill.."ii ier5 irullon ran.
Leading Grocers
j pott THK
i CelebrateD
3 Geyserite Soaps. I
3 Al.nAXY, OKKiaiN. I
The undersigned, on account of ill
health, oilers for sale the following
Ten Acres of Land within five min
utes walk from Lebanon, one Good
Slaughter House, Corrals and every
thing pertaining to a first-class butch
ering business. Also Residence and
Meat Market on Main street, Lebanon.
A Good Sausage Factojy, Brick Smoke
House and a Good Barn. Also Two
Horses and one Butcher Wagon, and all
other property connected with the
business. Kverythlng new. For par
ticulars and terms apply to
meh26-lm Lebanon, Orkcjon.
4f acres of jrood fanninK lunl. one-fourth mile
wed of Stiiitiiua academy, Li'Uinoa Ures"a; crop
Price, $50 per Acre. One-half Cash.
For particulars enquire of A. 11. t'.vru.s of of J
N. JKJX.iuil'l 011 nrciubes. lurcUI J-Uui
Office Iu Ir. l'owelt'a lU'sldems-.
F. M. M 1,
Notary Public and Cenoral
Insurance Agent,
(olUi'lloiiii nnd oihcr hnxIncMi priii!iilyntlvn(1r'1
In I'lllcc on M11I11 street. nollf,
Mt. A, 11. I'KTKHHON,
Filling and Extracting Teeth a
Otllc In rlileint, on MhIii 81.. m-xl door niirth
of I'. II. Moiilnune'a new reklileiicr. All work
immune. I. t 11 wi., I(i.iimhi k. noltf
nit. j."a. lamiikksonT"
itmiv In, i,.4t-(le Oil. I Fellow hall.
Iliinknn HHH-litlll!r of IrPMlliiB nil lilu.Uof rlinm
Icno.l t I me I !-,--; i-.i-IhIj lUiierNii'l
iiicrlne irniilU. AnMl . l- of nrlin. He I am
-ti.ll.. t lh tmxlcrti n.'lliii.K nnil lliKlrlllMffila.
S-cliil nllciiliiiu trixeii In Ircmtns ehnmlcill-afax
liv elccrlcliy. fall Hinseriil .nn.tly, ilay or
1 1 Ij-1 1 ( . I IMIH.IJ. UK II I I..
Shaving, Hair Cutting and Hhampo
ing in the latest and
lxchan(;k H()Ti:L
J. NIXON, Prop..
I.HIANON, H!ti:iiiiX.
Meals li" i itts, Lodging 'S.
Tables Supplied with the Best the
Market ACords.
No F.xtra Chnrgow for Men with white
shlrtMaud grip-sucks.
N. W, Corner Main ami Slicinian S'trcetn, two
llh k Kt irf It. R. ih !.
J. H. P. HOPE, Prop.
ThU It mi- Ii rlriMnnxi In H l( a.p.nnlni.'nt.
Iielii new ami lliroushh n iiitvaliil.
The Tables Supplied with the best the
Market Affords..
Sample Uoonm and the llct Aeciit
iiumIuI iiiun fur Commercial men.
3 . 1
1 Stationery
OV AM. Kf NfW.-
Foreign and Domestic
Lkiianon, Okkuon.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silver Plated Ware.
Kepalring a SHialty, All Work
AlJX) AliENT Koh-
The Kew Noble Sewing Machine and
Sewing Machine Supplies.
Ilarkness & Mayers Bros,
Horse Shoeing- and Gen
eral Repairing:.
Prices to Suit the Times.
J. I.. COWAN. J.M. KAU-TOX. J. V Cl"Sll'K
Iveljariori, Oregon.
Transact a General Banking-
Accounts Kept Subject to Check,
Sew York, San Francisco, Portland and
Albany, Oregon.
On KeivoriAijlo 1'eriais.
A. v. rui KriUM.
GenicraL M kkchandis B
New Goods ! ! New Goods ! !
W'v arc now receiving on Immenitc nba k of
Sprltift and Slimmer Goods,
Which Ih the Larput, CholcvKt, and niont coiniilcto lino 1 Oeneral Merr-han-die
ever brought to thiit wctlou of tho Willamette vallov. Our utook of
Iry and Fmicy U.mhIh ombrac.-H all the newest do ign'a in I'nttornn,
Stylet ami Quullt le-, In I)ren (..Ih, Licludiiig u fine aiMortiiient of
The Celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods,
In new and dcIratlo color, which have juxt lieen opened, out for
j our Iniootion.
Our stock of White Goods is Large - and Complete.
Include all the Newest ilcalgitfl and Xoveltie in
Hosiery, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Lnres, Ribtwns, Jerseys,
Indies' Underwear, (Hoves, Mitts, Etc.
Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes and Slippers
Which L jut arriving, i the larpot and riMt coniph to line ever pur
chaw d by ue, and At price tliat Iicfy Competition t
I Carpets, Oil-cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Window-Shades, Wall-Paper
Illghrwt Market I'rlco Paid for all Kind of Ciaintry Produce.
G eneraL
Dry Goods, Clothing1
Boots and Shoes
Cigars, Tobacco,
Crokery, Hardware,
Notions, Etc.
in Supplying the Wants of the People of this Viciuity, ena
bles me to offer
,,1-tf- C 13. Montnguo.
Dry-Goods.Clotliing, Boots & Shoes.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Buckingham & Hecht's Boots, and the Cele
brated W: L. Douglas $3 Shoe.
Popular Hosiery Company.
if. J. MO TKITlf.
M erchandis E
Hats and Caps,