The Lebanon Express. KATITHDAY, Al'Ul L l, lss7. J . H . S 1 I N E . Edl tor.' MEDICAL LAKE, W. T. Mnuh, 12. Mr. Ktlitor: I m-ml you a fv lu-tns from thin jmrt of tin ulloilnj: plums nf tlio vt,nitil ly vny of lutro Uurlion wouM any tlin't tin llrown rittf informant, now Lkmanon K. l'Hs in a woleonu visitor, iw I omr HvhI twenty years in Linn county, iunr ltrownavllli, but jlmkln tlu list till' my wclm (or rnthor t ho iuikI) houu furt't'ii r shut', I itmo to Spokiino; out ns v often, "tln-iv' no p!im like homo," ntUl n fond deslro lln:vn in my Imyhou.. to lu-nr from the old Iiohu'hikI Its grand iiiirovcintita In rtllronla and nianut'm-torlo, nnd see tliootd nunu'n omo no familiar to mo. OKI Bray winter has loosened up his grip on us int imm' and the grass Is uvttint? fireen. The farmers are hrlng ing In their plow nnd gtting them re- 1:irel up readv for hushies! The old en is pinging "Hail Columbia over her now iHvrn ogg, and business Is lHmlng up gvm rally. I'omjH'tition Is so houvy that oggs tm sold from 'Mi ots. down to V2 ots. Hr, nnd Mill coming. Ye have had . much wilder winter than usual, the farmers having plowed nnd nowod up to Christmas. ruor fell January 1st to the depth of Hindu's nnd FeWuury l:ith Inches more fell, making in nil ! inches. The eoldint weather wo had was from February 1st to the 4th, the thcnnoinctor marking 1H IhIow zero. Stoek of nil kinds win tered well nnd with comparatively tin Iors. Stoek horses came through in good tlx without food; and in fact they doeverv winter. Farmers-, n a general rule, calculate to pre arc two month's feed for cattle nnd Mu-op. ICmmigrants from the cast aresteer ing their way for the lUg Hend eoun try to loiite homes when then is to Ihs found an abundance of xoverninent land to lie taken up, and a fair prosjiect tifn branch railroad from C'hecnoy to that country this summer. Medical Lake, the Silvnm of the new world, is situated nlsiut the central part of Sitokan Co., eight miles from the N. 1 lL U., "lioeney being- the nearest point and Id miles from Spokan Kails. The lake Is 1J miles long mid 1$ miles wide nnd very deep, some parts of the Ivottom have never Uen diseoven-d yet. Then Is no kind of fish, exocptin'g a species reseinhlinsr n oron letwecn water dog and a fish. They n from 4 to s inches long, have a head and gills like a fish, legs and claw? on their sides, and their Latin name in Arotott. The Ituthing season begins nhnut May 15th, nnd lasts until August or un til cold weather come. It is estimntcd that about five thous and persons visited the lake last wason. This water has ierfinned wonderful eures on some dieaHs. I'nlikc patent medicines it is not claimed to cure all diseases, hut it is a dead shot on rheu matism, catarrh and ali Kkin diseases, and many other ailments. Then is a heavy pine forest around the lake and it is a favorite place to hold dimpmeotinjr. The 1st Assiv ciation of Eastern Washington Terri tory meet here each year, and during the summer season the shores are lined with camps. There mv 3 general merchandise Mores, 1 milliner store. 2 blacksmith's fchops.l livery stble,2 hotels, 1 restaur ant, 2 meat markets, 1 shoe siiop, three organized churches, Methodist, Hap tist, and Congregationalist, ninl 2 Me dical Lake salt works with a capacity of ondeneing two thousand gallon's jht day each. Spokaxk. MOUNTAIN HOME. March 27. Thing are Just an lively as ever in these parts. They say that Sam Hawkins dug his potatoes yesterday. People an all busy making garden nnd putting in spring jrrain. school commenced Monday March 4, with MissMary Hay, from liairisburg, teacher. llev. G. P. Mead dclivend a very in teresting and touching tennon last Sabbath. We are sorry to say that K. !. Trine leaves us this week t: look for a job at his trade. Clyde had letter not go to Rrownsr vllleany more if he can't come home without looking his shirt. A young lady stopped at Mr. llender won's last Saturday night, wanting to ttay all summer with them, and as she was a pretty good hmking girl, and not much of a "talker, they thought they would let her ttay awhile. Mrs. Trine and sen returned home last Saturday. We thought we could not touch Orry with a ten foot jxile after he had In-en attending highschooi but 1 guess he is just as common as ever. We noticed lie jrave some f the Hill girls a sweet smile last Sunday, hut he will now have to pull off his otore clothes and put on his "jcais" There was quite a large land slide oc eurnd last winter on (Jeorge Sylves ter's place. It started upon the side of the butte ' above the Kook Hill nwul, sliding down across the r.wtl into his pastun, some (50 or 7() nxls, taking tncs, fence and everything with it, leaving a hole in the side of the butte about 5 rods wide. IS rods long and : feet deep, and of an oblong shape. It is a very interesting scene. FORKS OF THE SANTIAM. FARM NOTES. Allen Kinder is on a bed of affliction causert by rheumatism. Last week was energetically used by the farmers, as they are mostly going to be very late with their spring seed ing. The loys from Lebanon who are making ties for the O. P. 11. It. are do ing lots of good solid labor, and are having a tat time. Farmers of this vicin ity are complain ing of being lsthercd with Chinese pheasants, and are thinking of devis ing some plan to rid themselves of these pests. They are a fine and loaii tiful bird and are tpuite numerous in this part of the country. From the experience I have had of wing shoot ing, thay fly just to my fancy. We had a very pleasant little hop at 'Uncle Bob's" not long ago. Kvery thing ased off agreeable and a good time was had in general. Two of the. boys, that came quite a distance, got in "rather late, and fed their horses out of the old gentleman's seed oats, but no signs of hostility was shown by the proprietor. "Uucle Bob" must lock over their error as they txk the tem jieranee pledge the next morning for U9 years. Boys, stay with your pledge; it is cheered by many. A Fokkist. The Southdown has the strontest wool ami the Merino the softi-st. Never give a hoist, which Is usually fed oats, a full feed of i-oril or com meal In phut of the oats. Better let It go without. When fowls an kept, let It Ik done In a place- not too near the stable. Horses and e-iws may become lousy from hens, causing gn:at vexation. The sheep Is the voor man's friend, savs an exchange, and can winter on the stnbtile and straw thai the farmer cannot sell, and at the worst requhvn but little grain. The '.K-st soils for wool an also the best for mutton, nnd it Is nceessarv that the land U drv, for damp soils an fruitful causes of such diseases as liver rot, tluke and foot nt. To keep your hired nun g od nut tir ed while milking, call the milking a part of the day's work and not excot them to work in the Held till dark and then milk a dozen cows In the night. Kven two or tluve feeds of ittokcd turnips or potatoc noh week an ln-t-ter than to omit such fond altogether It is a variety that pnunotes health and keeps the stock In good condition. With n'fcivni'o to the quality of wools, it is claimed that clav produces the in-st, sand second, and lime the most In ferior quality. In cold climates wool has a liner texture and a sujH'iior qual ity. . Should spring oen early, and I he grass start, do not U- templed to allow the stock to graze on It, until it Is well undergrowth. Trampling on young grass diM-s mon damage t han grazing It closely. It is said that when a horse stmvs off he Is unusually found wandeiing in the dlnetlon the wind is blowing, thus turnim; his l:u-k to the wind, but with sheep the contrary is the case, as sheep face the storm. Whenever It is noticed that the hogs eat gravel It Is n sign that soiiK'thlng that they need Is lacking. A few pieces or coal, or charcoal, will protmhiy Ik a cutv, while the fod should at thesunie time lie. valid. When farmers generally provide for their cattle warm stables, well venti lated, they will find cost of keeping much 'duood as coiiiimred with the old wav that exposes the animals tocx- tn'ineeold and debiliiatlng storms. Yankee advice: To euro cow of the habit of sucking hen 'If, thoroughly wet her teats with mucilage and then !ilerallv snrinklc with cayenne iK'piivr, ; Itepent this as often, as may Ik arv. The same roniedv "is just the tiling to euro a cair trom su.-king a cow. If a farmer has oiilv ItNl loads of nut nun, he had letter apply it to a small piece of land, and thus manure it well, than to a laiirc ieet, and thus iminun It imis-rfcctly; iH'cause in the former place, it will nquin less labor to tro ducx. a given amount of bushels than in the latter. Straight backs, broad loins and round Imdics indicate valuable qualities in sheep, but It isonly by t he use of rams of the mutton brood that such inn Ih ob tained. By grading up annually it ro quin's but a short tune to cut inly change a llock. Mr. W. I. t.urni, Clintond:iIe, X. V., authority mi cold stoivp, tells through the 0fc finiiifi tirmr, that only the oaiv'ful and i-.iinstak'n.z in exjHvt to realize b.-iu tit from the system: It will not ripen unriiw fruit, nor heal a l iuisod or Taekt-l liorry, nor roinvigorate mildewctl stems, nor prove nt mould when jnecs exude. As an addition to manure or compost hnips, Hoapstids are most cxivllent, em taining as they do, not only the alka lies if potash, but also much ctletcaud nitrogenous matter, so very fertilizing in (heir proport is. It might safely Is said that as fertilizers the avi rage soap suds from the laundry an worth nioro than the soap from which they aro pro duced. The prosenoo of two much water in the soil k"cps it constantly cold, enns ing the heat of the sun's rays, in tend d to warm the same, to lie exH-iuled in evaporating the water, and thus the plants grown thcroon never nivive that genial warmth about the roots so necssary to their full development. This shows the necessity of proper drainage. Mixing lime with any kind of ma nure will cause dccouiosttiou quickly, but at the loss of the volatile matter It will not le liciH ticial to use Mine with manure, except when alsiut to apply the manuro to the land, for then the soil, which is usually damp, will nnvst the escape ofamoiiia, t-sH'cially if the manure Ik harrowl in or well incor porated with the soil. If corn f. wider be cut and crushed so as to lie in the same condition as ordi nary cut fixsl, and moistened, horses and cattle can lie kept through the win ter in good condition umiu it, but a proixirtioii of some kind of ground grain must lie also allowed, as the corn fodder, though serving to supply bulky food, must Ik balanced by material of a more concentrated character. An experience! poult ryman that the cause of failures in the attempts to keep fowls in larg. liors is due to a lack of can. A farmer will rise at 4 o'clock in the morning to food and milk his cows, will carefully lean out the stalls and propare lied's for the cows, and his work dix-s not cud till late, but he will not do mo much work for the hens. Yet the hens will jay live times as much prolit, in proportion to lalsir and capital invested, as the cows. Remonstrate. In a few days we will have on hand a fine stock of U tter head., billheads, envelopes colored paper for poster work, etc. etc. Give the Exprkss of fice a call, when you want something in this line, at prices in proportion to the size of your weasel skin, which, of course, at this time means very low. thinks many nuni- The following taken from the IhinrJt fraas lihulc, published at Icxuigton, Morrow county, this state, contains s jine facts which certainly is encourag ing to the friends of prohibition: The remonstrance against a whisky saloon licing established in Lexington is being extensively signed by lovers of gr.od order and good morals." It is to Ik hoped that no low den like that which, fortunately for the town, went up in smoke hist fall, will lie permitted to exist hero. Since wo are without a whisky shop Lexington has lioen quiet and orderly, and has gained the respect of good citizens at home and abroad. Tt is true that whisk v haslieen brought here in bottles from lleppner by young men on a jamboree, nut the supply soon gave out ami thev wore compelled to tolicr up. It may lie likewise true that whisky ran lie procured in Lex ington occasionally, but this we can not help, and liquor-guzzling is now a strictly private transaction, as it should lie. It is not against liquor-drinking it self that the Jlunchgra J'lade pro tests exactly. It is against the opening up of the vile stuff public-ally where idle men, who do not need the liquor, congrogate and drink for sociability '. c. telling smutty stories, gambling and sending their money which they ought to use in paying their debts or in supporting their families. Lexing ton is respected now. Keep these .. l,: I-.. ........ j .1....... :.,i.r .....i uiraiv.y utijiuil itH il liiiiV, iiuu 11 , wi'l continue so. The president has appointed the fol lowing Inter-state commissioners: 'p. M. Cooley, of Michigan, six years' term; W. It. Morrison, of Illinois, live years; A. Schoonniaker, of New York, four years; A. K. Walker, of Vermont, throe years, and W. H. Bragg, of Ala bama, two yean. In this ease, like many others the president has Igno mluioiisly Ignored the norlhwist. The great corporation of the coun try are pooling their capital and form- lug powerful syndicates for self protect ion. The Knights of Lalsir movement is seggrogatlng capital, and the Issues coming upon the country will so hi Ik strictly pronounced, capital on the de fensive timl labor on the offensive. What the outcome will be no one can foretell, but capital has the superior advantage. An unusual n-eurronoo Is thus com mented upn'l by the New York Shin The steamer Illinois, which arrived at this port yesterday, is the llrst Amer ican steamer that has entered this port fio-.ii Kunqie within twenty years. She is entirely American, sjioits a nil. white and blue ensign, was constructed bv American lahorors. Is sailed by a Vankcecrow, and is owned and con trolled by native Americans. Andrews & Ilacklemnn, W.LDOUGLAS'r $3.00 SHO WAR RANI tQ -Mr BCST OTTO vSOLE AG1CNTS, LEBANON. OREGON. 'XUl 'XII V 71 jim!cc.i oti ti A"l.iwr (1113 JIMM.W II.) VM AO 'sAep-inves TP sApsaupaw no sj mioisn.i oj p.)Aj.M iwj hi w ippLW '301 NI aHMOVd ci:iAi:-.iotiM 'MSKr MS? I Mv-I ) Vn UB 'Is!" "ij 'j p.ut!d.ud .won tun l 'ijsii 11S9J3 "qsij iS3Jj I. F. CONN, Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Plans & Specifications KCRNIS1 1 KH OX SIIOKT NOTICE All Kinds of Carpenter Work Done and Satisfaction Guaranteed. I 'rioos 'ery KonHOiitiblo. Lkiianox, OliKio. CD o t O DC 1 1 7 c- a) O CQ z 5 DC c m .-3 t I a 3 b O , CO J. O . Ro I. . X 13. IKllANo.V, OKKXiOX. airf.5MAXi-rAm-r.i:tt aku Imi.kii inC'-Iu.. Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Spurs. And all Goods in tin Saddlery Line. Harness and Saddles Repaired Promptly, AND AT LOW TRICKS. not tf LEBANON MEAT MARKET. William Werth, Pi'op'k. Fresh and Salted Beef and Pork. MUTTON, rom:, SAUSAGE, BOLOC5NA, . AND HAM. Bacon and Lard always on Hand. Main St., L'JjMiwit Orcron. G. T. COTTON, Denier In- MEAD'S Harness ShoP. Munufuetitrcr and Dealer In HAHNKKS, SADDLKS, WHIPS, Sl'UUH. Ami a Knll LliK'of Saddmcky cooi)is.l:oreiii and Domestic All work WHiraiiti-il Hiiinl-muile ami Fruits. Groceries & Provisions TOIIACCO AND UKJAHS, HMOKKHH AUTICLKH. Culiroriilu l-utlur. Audit for Slaver Ik Walker C ON Kl CT ION ICR V Aricultunil Implcnicnts. Queenswaro and Glassware, Ami tin tVKIirutcii I i LAMPS AND LAMP KIXTITKKH. M'tin St., Jjt fuinon, Orcfjim. Main V., l,rtianon, Urrfon. -i"-"G. W. SMITHS Lei if 1 1 n 11 1, C)r.mii, -UKAt.Ktl is StoYCSTiiiware, Iron Pumps, &c. M AM'KAtTl HKIl OK- STOP 'I STOP! STOP! Do Yon A'jint Hardware ? There In no nw of your p'liiu elm win re, wlieii yiu can buy your Hardware nt Home. We w ould rejM ctfully eull your attention to our large xtock of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, 13tiikloi-H nnd Contractors; SuppHes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Axes, Saws, Garden Tools. Our ftH,k of - Ammunition r-incl Kisiliinpf Tackle. Ih Complete, and will Ik wild at Price that defy t'omjictition. Kisrnieni w ill And thin the HcHdijuarter for AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, A we carry the Uetd gmtn in (he market. We keep In stock (ho Collins Cast-steel Plows, John Deere Molinc Plows, Canton Clipper Plows, and the Celebrated Oliver Chilled Plows. Extras for Each. AGENTS FOR THE BAIN WAGON. Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Ware, ICaVo Spout, ICto. AM. KINDS OF KI-PAIKINT. DOM- AT SHORT -NOTICE A1M KKKl IN ST1K.K- MAl . "X "V r .. - -X T -T k 1 1 nt? woven wire jueci. Real Estate Agency Of A. R. CYRUS & Co., LEBANON, Or. IIAVK A I. WAYS OX IIAMi . Choice Bargains in City and Country Property. lntcmliiiii; Purchaser will Find it to their Intt rot to (Jive u a fall. Barbed Wire Sold at Low Figures.'- YOUK PATUONAUK IH HOMC'ITKI). F. H. ROSCOE & CO., Lebanon, Oregon. W. B. DON AC A, -JH-.i.kk ls H H A tiKSKHAI, AIIKM'Y lllflXK8, Indildiiiir Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. u z I o o z Ixl T3 C in "a. ex in H . 'S, to m 2 o O I z m CO a x 0 ALSO AUKXTS FOR ALL KINDS OF AGRICULTURAL I M PLEMENTS, ixn.nwxri tiik Celebrated Morrison Plow and other Implements, in their Season. Doors and Windows Furnished on short Notice. comi: as j) si:k rs, a t iya".v olh stash. J. A. BEARD. Druggist and Apothecary, IIKALKK IX Drugs -:- and -:- Medicines Paints, Oils and Glass.-- - Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. tPKRKUM ERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Main Street, Lebanon, Qrrym. W. C. Peterson, V atchmaker and J eweler, Optical Goods a Speclaly. King's Celebrated Spectacles in Store. L Eli AX ox. OREUOX. -AOKNT FOH AI.L.- ALSO Standard f. Jpzjfcte 'a Machines, Watches o vSHx'- ' Needles, and Clocks. Zr Oils, Etc, All kinds of Repairing Neatly done and Warrant ed to Suit Groceries and Povisions, Tobacco nnd Cigars, Confectionery, Crocker)', Glass and Plated Ware, Pure Sugar and Maple Syrups. AGENTS' FURNISHING GOODS.H i Country I'rorltic-o t r 1 1 o 1 1 in ICjcc-lintiK for Gotxl. . -GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES," IS MY MOTTO. (rnrr lirifk Store, Main Strrrt, Isbanon, Or. M. A. MILLER, I'KAI.KIt IX Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, & Glass. A Complete Stock of Stationery, LADIES' TOILET ARTICLES. o 1 Prescriptions a Speciality. NKXT POOK TO W. 15. POXACA, - - LEBAXOX, OKEtiOX. Manufacturer -:- of -:- Furniture, AM I'KALKK IN ; Coffins, Caskets, Trimming's and Burying Robes. ALSO Doors, Window Blinds, Locks, Hanging:Nails, Etc. Main Htkkct, nl-tf. I.khaxon, Oreuox. BURKHART & BILYEU, Proprietors Of Livenr, Feed and Sale Stables, LEBANON, OREGON. DAILY STC.B LIME TO ALBANY. . ... Parties Carried to any of the Country on Short Notice. TKKMS KEAKOXABLIi T. S. PILLSBURY, H110WXKV11.1.K, Okeoon. FractiCoiL WatchmakerR. PKAI.KK IX Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods -A COJPLETK AS.SOUTJEXT OF- Ladies' and Gents' JEWELRY, Rings, Bracelets, ROYAL ALLOY Thimbles, LADIES' aiff and Collar SETS, Chains, Pins, Etv., Etc. Rogers & Bros.' Silver Ware. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. ALL 'WORK WARRANTED llest Dove north of the fity Halt,' Main Strcil, DROWNS VI LLK, OK.