The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 12, 1887, Image 4

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    The Lebanon Expres
Divn Service
Vill l h'Kl In Lebanon to-morrow
v fumlny) as follows: At the ain.lciny
.Mi"'. Mr. Starr nt II a. m. and "i'lO
V " V,,y ltl V' A Wooloy at the C.
- M ' Vch at the wime hours. Y. 1. I.
I , tuu vjnR nt ti,e ju-jviemy ut :i r.
A. inw -1,,1 t eati, 0f dlo
v. Hun, N'j at tj,e nindciiiv nt 10 A.
. hurt-he nt- MtR(1 wU, ,imu., at Uuf
Tullumii M.-hco -.
ers Respond.
'on department are
. ' .., I.I ....... ..
The I . . pen:.
t.npannfr to give -
.- i..:. . u AYelxlliKii, ami wish
,.Tlt,7? K-rv -"hlier f the late
the atMrvs of every . . , ,
war who was at any " J','1
urisons. If the ol.t w.l. u rs.' u om5
imtler that reiuireiiunt
Hiul wlnwf at-
tent ion is vailed tu this
-"m ill forwar.l
their tiameH to some IS.
they will tie went on to
It. p.-t
To Advertisers.
We would sav for the In tutit
- - - . - - T - ........
cr to the Uroirusri.V'' litformti it liti.m t i t.i-x-i' o! i it;: r.xiui:s, eii
nhles this to lie the liest advertis
ing: medium for the soiith-ejisTern jw.r
li.u of Linn vousity. Thk Kxruir-
starts tmt with luar'tlve htnulred ub
jerters ami the list is rapiilly inrreus
inp. PUiisc make a note oft his. Ifcius
The Vlllard House.
During a recent visit to Ilalsey we
had oeeasion to stay over liiirht with
Mr. A. Luulmer, proprietor of the Vil
lanl house at that pliu-e. To say the
hunt, this house Is tlrst class in "every
particular. The moius are i-apaeious
nnd are furnished equal to any of the
liest hotels in the state. The kitehen
nnd dininjrroom departments are under
the management of Mrs. LauUmr and
a orn ' it help. The hni-se is
ols.!ii,iifl with hot and void watt-r
iffrlas. juul nil ethr modern applinnces.
Mr. Lauhner nevrhx-ts nothing which
ndJstothe comfort and convenience
f his jruests'
Trustees' Meeting.
The annual meeting of th? board f
tm-te;s of the Simtiam academy will
lie held at thencd'.?my Tu -sil.iy Man li
l'.th, at I o'e'.tx-k i i. for the'nuniosc
oi trans;utin.r sutn tiu
legally come lefore it.
siucss as mav
Class of lH-.Jas. Ridsr?wav, E.
Stringer, G. 11. Rland, S. A. Nic ker-
m and t'. H. Ralton.
Class of IS H. John tirlshom, J.N.
McDonald, A. R. Cyrus, Waiter Yates
nd J. A. Powell.
Class of IK!). R.
Rland, J. W. Bell, J
Cliea.lle, J. W
, Houk and C. R.
k A. 11. Cvnus,
School Meeting. m J
The annual selixl mci'tins: of District t
No. 10, Linn connty Oreg.m, w.ts held i
sit the distriet wh;ol house Lebanon,
m Monday March 7th, 1S87.
" Directors present: JwepU Elkins, J
. urKfi;iri ami . n. n iim(-.i
Minutes of annual mt.-etinjr
March 1st, l-8o,read and adopted.
tinffi rvirt nail ana ai;ptet.
The airectirj were instructed t vtako
into consideration the advisability of
purchasing the town lot adjoining the
whool grounds for school purposes.
The follou-ing offieers were el--til:
C. B. MontajruL diitftor. to wrve fer
the terra of three vein's; i. V. Hmith,
clerk, to nerve ne" yenr.
No further business apnoarins the
niLvtiug ad:,ourued. 5. V. Smith,
DL-t. Clerk.
Shooting at Scio.
Vnvjn the Orrtjr;tn we learn that (
Frank Harris, fnni of Jj. Harris, aired I
aliout IS, in an altercation with John !
Craft, a young man alrout the p inie I
iigt', t-hot the latter in the neck with a j
AS caliber revolver. Two of the llarrit
brothers were entraired in a catt'.e trade I
when Heoriro Harris accused Mat Craft I
of stealing cattle. A liirht ensued, and
I .1 1 - - T, . !
in me tneiee i-rnnK Hams orew a re
volver t ml f-hot John Craft in the back
of the neck, the Imll ranging f.mvnnl
through the fleshv part of the neck.
JVputy ShcrifT ri. Daley left Scio at
five o'ebx-k with panel's for Harris's
nrrest. Drs. J. L. Hill and S. W.
Iocd, if Albany, weresummonad, who
mj the wound is not considered fatal.
A Lively Runaway.
On Thursday last as I. X. Woodle, I
vctenary surgeon, of Albany, aecom-l-aiiierl
by another g"-ntleiu-in, was j
tlriving into iA-bamm from S slaville, j
the neck-yoke broke ami let tbe huggy )
Kle to the ground. This frightened 1
the team and they lit out at a lively i
run. Mr. Woodle in his attempt to i
hold them in, broke one of the bridle j
bits giving the hors-s their freedom. I
In another instant both men were i
hurled from the buggy and the team
came flying into town and in turning
to go down the counts- road, oiF Main
ftrevt, one of the hom-s turned a double
Honiersault, and every one thought the
Kiimal was eeriousJv'hurt. Fortunate
ly no harm lK.-fel either the occupants
f the buggy or the team. Neither was
the buggy or harness much broken.
Encourage Manufactories.
J. M. Mover, of the R. W. M. Co. of
Rrownsfville, went to Portland Wed
nesday morning via. the Oregonian
liy. It was 'our ph-asnre to lie o:i the j
ame train as far'as Ix-banon Junction. I
D.iringa envers.ition with Mr. Mover
we li-arniHl that his company had paid
ut during the past ten months, for
wool, help and other ex pens- inccden
"tal to operating their manufactory,
$40,(100. The most of this sum has. luen
circulated in Urownsville and vicinity.
The people of Lebanon may learn from
this the great benefit to lit? derived from
manufacturing establishments. We
aw glad to say that the initiatory step
ha been taken here nnd with the com
pletion of the ditch now lieing survey
ed, we hojie to see every encourugi
ment given to any one M ho may con
template coming hereto engage in tiny
business which wili aid in building up
our town. Jebanon is admirably sit
uated and all that is req to make
it one of the bent cities in the state is
the continuance of the energy now ap
parent on the part of its business men. the good work go on and soon the
attention of capitalists will tie directed
this way. Lieluuion, we are glad to
Ftate, has no "drones" in business and
don't want any. Live, energetic and
frugal people will nnd Mere as profit
able channels for the investment of
capital as anywhere, nud anyone look
ing for a location is respect fill ly invit
iocoiuc and see for themseivts.
Local and General.
1 tuna ways.
Raby earring's.
Ruild the ditch.
rmmirants are coming.
Lebanon will lioom this summer.
Our exchanges wilt please see notice
athead of Ihxt column on wcond pa-re.
yv. (1. W. Cruson returnel from
California Thursday night much im
proved in health.
tjulto a number of Salt l''rancis- and
Tortland inople have registered at the
hote!s of t his place during the Wtvk.
Asnong Leb.-mon p-irtits who paid
Alliany a visit tills week are Mrs. M J.
Monteithniui Prof. J. V. StubhhllclJ.
i. M. Ralston has let the contract for
the building of his cottage house on
main street to I. F. Conii. The con
tract price !s?l,500.
Ve learn from J. R. Thompson that
theschiMil house, fornietly known as
the Rently school house 1i:ls ln-en
c-hangetl to Tollman.
V". A. Cowan, formerly a rs'dent of
Lebanon, after a visit of two witks a!
this plaee returned to Albany on Wed
nesday morning's train.
I'ho la nr. -st individual tax in Linn
cuT?y -v s , iiv Jaeon Kus, ami
aniouuVs.d t i lb!..'?. repress nting a
projK.ftv'y:!ue of S7t,(iSS.
.lobti Lcedj will sou siart his steam
sw mil!, fourtwiUs Itelow town. He
hns iuite an extensive contract to su;
pl.VlumUT for -the O. P. Railroad.
Rv the completion of another se-tion
of the California ii g n r.iilro al,
statring on the ov -rland roiitt to Cali
fornia is mlucttl to less lhaM m mills.
The Raptists of McMtnnville have
It-en holding protracted nn-tings at
that pbwe fur some six weeks- Over
twenty-live accessions have liven nwde
to the chun-h. i
J.Me.wtry. of Swett nVnn-. pas;d
through Lebanon on AVedntlay, on
h"s w.iy t Wificwntv, wtu-fe he
will lie engagfd with his brother in the
luml-ering busim-ss.
The terms, of subscription f -r Tin-:
ExiMtK.-vS re as follow: one year ?.iv:l;
six montlis, tl.--: thn-' months, ti."i ls.
Sirivthi in ftirtttif?. Thiwe hohnve
snlvsvrilied will please lake notice.
Mr. T. J. Alley lectured at th C. P.
chmvh last Tu.-sday tdaht on proh:h
bition. Mr. Alley is nil enthusiastic
worker in tbe tcmismt-? cans'.' and is
doing g!vol work for the amendment.
During the p,st few days all of our
merchants have 1h'U receiving thir
sprin r nnd sunimcrsttwk of in v giKMls,
ami the show-windows of the several
stores present quite attractive
Ati at'-m;t nude, by sonc evil
disposed prso:i t break intoll.-.I-'oley
residemv Thnr-day night. A then
are some susj ieioiis l.mkiiig individ
u.ds in town, it may lie will for people
to In- watchful.
A li'tb n of Jnhn tirinn s iivinr
near Har.iburg. U 11 i:st tif the barn
one liy lat we-k and fractured his
arm nlyo til- i!iow. The fracture
was an iiiin one ati.l m dilin-u'ty
was had In adjusting the 1miih-s.
Ov yt-iian: A large nuniM-r f im
migrnits arrived h .-re y.-sterd iy by
the Pa!fic express, more than'have
cime in on any one train for two year
Hast. The nrosin-ets ar. irood foraverv
large immiiiiv.tii.ti to this s-.vli-.m t his
V. H. R-si-i(. ft the linn of Ibisctie
Co., returned from Portland a f-w
days air and the lvsi!t of his visit to
the motrop il;s van le se n in the im
inen stink of new hardware and f.irm
implements now living vxp-w-til to tiie
j view ot ciist.mieis.
tjSWl J. tiny is fitting up the building
opposite t!ie St. Cli.iries h itel. f irm-.-rly
i iccupiid by J. Y. S-anland. in stikhI
i shape, while the latter gentleman is
! cng.igi-l in tx tittingtht buibliTig known
as the old butcher shop, where he w ill
soon c immeiifv tiusin:.
( From The IVdles voms the fo'.low
I ing: The snow whicli has 1h--ii on the
j hills for :iiv time has li mr nil dis
i .ippoar-d and the spniiir rains have set
in. 1 his is a welcome change to f.irm
crs and stock men as there is but little
grass in the country and stm-k is in
pvr condition toi-t:tnd severe wc-at her.
The Ws oistoi-k husahv-ady leviiuite
J. Shea
of Sweet Home, was in town
Wcdnoday, from whom we learn that
the snow has aiiout dis-.ippeM-cd in that
1 section, and the pco-ili- geticially nne
! feeling lietter with tl ittering pr...-ncts
j forgo"l crujs next harvest.' He says
me reiK.iT tnai isriiram 101111 mm
cine liek, cn-iitel some .--insternatioti
up then' but everything is now s.-n-ne
and spring-like.
Mr. Y.. K. Hanimo, k V. M., of Tall
m;;n, has moved into his neat new
house juM -in;pl('ti-d. We understand
heentertainvd his lieiirhlsirs and fi ieinl
at his new nfideiice last evening wiih
an oyster Mipixr. A vety nlei'M-tnt
time was had. Mr. Ilammack i-s fin
e jual partner witii Mr. .Smith in the
Kjileinliil new warchoiiM.- at the Junc
tion. A writer in a Salem pajier says cvery
year that has a seven in it has Ix-en an
unlucky year, and predicts that the
jiresent one will lie hroketi uji hy di5
aters f piileniics and cholera. Jn lif
ferent piiie. s will prove mid
den ly fatal; fruit will blight; many
wealthy and political leaders, will lie
cut down; ami th.- liiiaiioii of the
world will lie disturbed by gn-at fail
urt s.
We are glad to welconi;- to I-banon
Mr. F. Prince v !yni tne knew in the
iiotel busiiK-ss 'ni (JrantV Pass. It is
to lie regretted that he is sunVring from
an attack of asthma, then suit of ex
posure while cmrag.'d in s.-lliug g.xxls
on the line of California & Oregon rail-
He has conn- lieivwitli the in-
t.-ntion of going hito l.n-iners-i. and has
theliest wishes of .-very one for future
health and prfsjierity.
W. F.. Wilcox, .f Ileuna Vista, Polk
county, has a new invention which
will lie of practical use to hop growers.
This invention consists of an attach
ment for n cross bar, or bracket, on hop
ioles, whereby one pole will answer
the purpose of two. Prominent hop
growers have also examined the at
tachment, and claim that the exicnse
of pr.lueing will lie less than one-half,
and the yield increased one-third. The
in veti tor has applied f ir a patent on
the same, raid expects to have it pre
pared fur the coming hop season.
t. ii- a xr. l, .... ...,,Jl
Tto A1bniv. overlain! from California.
among other things, rejiorts havingex
jiericnccil the roughest stage trip on
record. The roads are almost impass
able, and of seventy miles' staging, he
and the other passengers walked fifty
miles, the trip requiring two days.
One woman, Nellie lloyd, was com
pelled to walk twenty miles. The
.-ornpauy arrived at Ashland very in
dignant at having to walk over the
muddy roads. When the doctor left
Ivos Angeles thirty-scvui cases of small
pox were reported.
Miss Sarah Coshow is visiting Allmny
On AVwlnesday the thvrmomoter
stwwl 7.
Alln-rt Davis is suflerlng from an at
tack of bilious fever.
Rorn. March !)th. 137, to the wife
of Alf Frum, a daughter.
Miss Ida Cehi)w Is visiting her ulster
Mrs. J. Franen, at Coburg.
(ieorge Gross, of Watcrlix), jaid this
city a visit m Tuesday last.
R. N. Thompson paid Portland a
business trip on Ttu-Hday last.
Charles McDowell, of Portland, paid
his relatives a visit the past week.
P. Y. Starr paid home friends a visit
returning to town on fcviturday last.
Thomas Morgan rvsld ing above Craw
fordsvllle is wiillering from lung fever.
On the owning of Monday last the
IVMos-s family played to a very til in
Married. Man-h 2.1. 17, by Rev.
Carpus Sperry, T. C. Isone and Miss
Mira Mclxtwvll.
Charles Rishop, of the firm of Bish
op Si Knv, McMinnville, is vUitlug
RiownsviUe friends.
Mrs. Harvv Stanard has liven vx
tnmcly III fvir the past week with
strong symptoms of lung fever.
Miss M.tud Hume who has hevn at
tending the Alhiiiiy college, returned
home during the pad week.
II. V. Gad htrd, auditor of the P. A
W. V. Rv., was in town on Tuesduv
. last on business of the R. It. company,
j F.M.Jack, Peter Hume and R. O.
I CiH-bran have Ihi h ilr.ava to serve as
i jurors if the term of ciicuit ourt tHn-
vcning March 14th.
Mrs. J. Templeton, of Jiwiph, AYall
owa valley, nei-ompanied by her sm
and daughter, are visiting, friends in
the vicinity of town.
The heavy rain of Friday night, nnd
Saturday, rapidly melted awav the
snow in me mountains, mm win pnn-
I he Jt. N . M. Co. have this week re-
. wiveil from theCompton 1mhii Works j
j at W'ol Chester, Mass., t woof their latest I
1 1 1 . t . ..... I
imiiioxou onsiiKti 4. tuns cosimg h. :,st Tu-sda v on a ch ir of hois -steal-j
Win-at and anon in this seethm is i jng, an d w.'is br uib.t up t Polk voun
I looking remark sbly well totisid.-ring ! t v t answer. Two v nifetlenites turn-
the previous bad weather. Present
prosjuets are favorable for a gHid crop.
Tiler.? h is tie ;i a e 11 'et ' '-'l tn j of
r ii:!ove4o.i the P. A XV. V. Rv., the
fiitiiliar fa 01" the old
h ni ls, have
h iving been
1 Ls-i ; 11 H-arvt I, a t:e w crow
apHintvd. Allen, -u Tuesday niuht at-tcmpt-d
to " paint the town red." As
an artist tieorge wsis a lailurt, as he
mixed too much corn juoe with his
paint, ami now occupies the cooler.
Time, ihhr and a half days.
I'nele Rilly Hunter and wife who
have bwn visiting theirs 111. A Howe,
on Thursday last departed to S.h-m on
their way to Riparia, W. T., where
they will permanently remain.
Oil Sabbath hist Rev. C. A. Wo. .ley
j h--!a m .ruing an I evening serviees at
, t be lVes'.yt -ria'i ehu.fli.S :i?h li mivih-
ville. S-"rviee w er? also luld ut the
I M. E. church, R -v. Sweeny p;vs".ding.
i N. Mathvson now has vhaigvofthe
j P. & W. V. Ry. otlin- in place or E. S.
Phillips, resigned. Mr. Phillips made
I many friends during his sh irt stay
here'by his oartejui a;i 1 prompt at
j ten. ion to business.
j Jam -s H.irtly arid wife f irm -r resi
1 di nt of I'oiiliac, 111., who arrived dur-
1 ing the past wet-K wi:l Incite ami
:e past
ntlv r.'
p r
Mr. mane:
m i:a In"vi!!.
Hurt ly is a nephew of Tit ts. Iv ty, sr.,
sup't. ot of the is. . M. L.
A temperance lecture was delivered
at the Raptist church on the evening
I or Ja.t, wnicii juiiuing rr.uii
1 the demonstrative apoiause of the
'.younger liorlion of the audieipv, was
I "by them, highly
i Mrs. (!. A. Dyson oil W.slnts.lay
: morning, -jiarted f -r Roi tland tojoiit
j her bush 1:1. 1 win ha return -d from
i the Wood river mines. Mr. Dys.m has
made a wile .if one of his claims and
; will shortly return to Rrownsville.
i At a meeting held at City Hall.N'orlh
! Rrownsville, on Mareii "th, lsr, F. F.
j Cvolt was vl.-vlcd t'l serve as di-jn-ctorfor
the term of thr.-e vears. C.
j K. Stauard was elected school clerk fir
i the term of one year. A proposed
; tax of S.'I'hI was voted d-.wn.
j On Siturday I t J. II. Wilsm
! while handling a heavy ls.x of ma
i chin. ry for the R. W. M. Co.. caurht
; the little linger of the right hand le
: t ween the Imix and the roller, hivvrat
' ing it so iiadly that thvneiH-ssarv ntnpu
! tat ion f the end was performed by Dr.
j I. W. Starr.
f On the eveninff .f Mnr-h Tth. the
many friends and schoolmates of Claud
: liH!i.ti ni. it.fHomlileil :.t tin r.-siilei.e:
! of hi mother to celebrate his eleventh
birthday. I he little folks icirtook of a
bountiful supper, deniolishmgthegood
things in a manner most sati.-fm-tory to
themselves and their entertainer.
Merry laughter and sparkling cy.-s told
plainly that a happy time was being
passed by the friends uf Claud, who
presented him with many pivlt. pres
ents as n memento .if t he occasion.
H Ne ll. MLl lINii.
The T.iwn Jinard met on the ov.-iiiiig
of March :il: ail memlK-rs )ireM-nt. The
following bills were Allowed:
W. liver, marshal fees, fli-Ml: R. W.
M. Co.. l.')0. i
A sidewalk wes ordered built on
Kav's addition; also a cr.iss-walk on
Mill street.
S to poll tax was collected and pai.l
Into the trcaserv by the marshal.
The a.-wessor's report shows 1 l-,4-i
if taxadile town pr.ip.Tty. T. S. P. r
! Spring weather.
Our little town is very quief.
The disensv- among the hm-scs seems
: to be abat ill .
! Henry Saltmarsh is improving. R.
j MeCullm-h is also improving in health.
; Marion tt lass has the agency for the
i liest washing machine in the state,
j Mr. Morel, md, in the interest of TltK
j Kxi-im-s, passed thioilgh here a few
days ago.
Success t Tin: We will
do all we can fir it, and you may ex
j pect news regularly.
We hi-jH- to hear that our county
I commissioners and judge will manifest
i sime interest in a bridge at this place.
J. W. Cams against the world for
fishing. He has caught several fish
out of the Sauiiamthat would weigh
from 2 to 2 His. each.
i. W. Kluni and wife nnd Mrs. J.
W. Carns went over to st lvlwar.1
Mills, who has Ik-cii very sick, but we
understand ha is improving.
Geo. J. tiross and wife went to
Prownsville yesterday to Bee their
daughter Ada, who is stooping there
forherhcalih and medical treatment.
Our school meeting went off splen
didly. J. B. Henninger was elected
dira tor for three years and W. Smith
i for one year; and we re-elected Mr. 1.
! Saltuiarbh clerk by acclamation.
Ha3' In worth $UI per toil n McMinn
ville. All the parties vonnveted with the
recent tnigedy at 1'eiidletou are in a
talr way of recovery.
Hay in Heppnerann Orand Romle
valley, Or., lsselling from to$ jn-r
ton, and in Montana for ? in.
Rev. F. M. Culp, of Ros.iburg, whose
misdeeds were lately published, has
lieeu heard from at Kansas city.
At Roseburg A. Oreen, while intoxi
cated, tired a revolver at Alex. Flour
nov, and is now under &h0 b inds to
wiiit for trial.
In the vicinity of Ileppner the sheep
are said to lie ho famished as to vat the
wimI oil' each ol hvr's sides, and hoi-scs
vat each other's manes and tails.
Allan Raker, of Indian valley, who
was indicted for assault with a danger
ous weap in, was tried at ITnioii this
week and found guilty of simple as
sault and fined $7..
The vase of Mr. Le-ro'e, whose hus
band was killed by itenuctt, against
the estate of the hitter for ,0n dam
ages, was compromised last week, Mrs.
Legore being allowed -'h) t.
Win. Pat ton, of Lake county, has
killed over:t,MHi rabbits this wintVr.and
has spent ?7t for amitnition. Tin? rab
bits are nearly starved now, and collect
around hay.-laeks in large numlicrs.
Malheur vonnly is unf.ntunalely
starling out un-1 r unfavonible vlrvtim-stancv-s.
Twocrimina! c:l v 1: re already
tn hand whieli w.ith the ne:-C!;s.iry i x-
In'iises will raise the Indebt-.tlnesw id a
ive rate. ' . '
A little bah- of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Jacobs, of Ashland, about a year old,
had its shouldcrdislocaled one day last
week by its bttie sister pulling its arm
around backward while the baby was
fastened ill a chair.
William Holltngsh -a l, of P.ilk coun
ty, w hile in ptet of "coon," trapped a
log th it was alive with skunks. After
a great le;l of en-liire'iee he sueeeeileit
m ,.rtpturin" nine
He savs thev are
Corvallis HazfUr.- Ed Thurman, a
sr.loon keeper of Rucnu Vista, l'olk
ennitv. was arrested at iV-Minnville
ed state's evidi-nee and said that thev
j had bet n viisram-d in h-r-e stealing for
j five years. Thurman' wife was great
( ly surprised when her husliand was
arr-steJ, anil protested his innoovnev.
I The value of selection is
' frhown in a marked manner in the
: Clydesdalv bitH-"! if horses. They are
sact to have oeen cultiviiteil as a sepa
rate not more than fifty years.
They were originallv a low, sliori cart
horse, little exceeding fifteen hands.
Ry judicious selection they are now
brought tosixt -en and seventeen hands
; hisrh and big in every way. Clydes
I .Isles have the gn-at merit'of ivtssvss
l ing, on the nveraw, sound, will-shai-
ed legs and fi--t points which have
had the speehd intention of rscoteh
br.-e.lers during the last twenty-live
The life of a large steel gun Is claim
cii to be 2 r aitics, with full battering
cliargi-s, and. :ls the gnns cost from f -.-tHllto
;7),nin, accorilinff tosi.c, the
cut of the gun alone is thus per charge
from i?.'t7. to ?1,7..
The subject of the following lines
N'ancv Wau.acs "as a woman if
many virtues and aimable tpialitUs.and
highly vstevmed by nil who knew her.
She leaves 11 liusliMiid. three dauirhters,
nnd six sons to iiuniin her.h-nth. To
the many mourners these verst. are
sy m pa 1 1 let ica 1 1 y h-d lesi ted :
Thr w nn .'uribtv siiirit fiiir.
The ieiir-l. iui.rke.1 it for O.t-ir rtrn.
They lorv i! Fnin mir v.irt-1'l tf run-.
Awl pliii.e.1 it near oir t'alhvr' throne.
V- int-xwr love-1", hut wo toiuw
'.ihIV holy will i. KiMajN tM.-it:
Th-n- is no min. nor toii, nor woe
here her .--irit 1.- at n-s.
A I home iti-y m! hrr .en't-r 1 f
ll-rileath V tf-ii-f lomnoy fri.-:.l-i
Hot oh! in ih:t te.'il .vo'iii ii.Htve
Nolove i- Irienlr hip ever t-ll'ls.
HoW'-vermel oem-'Jlip mi's
It'iHt-ver lilile e.'in iho .ni;i.
How n.v.-el lo think our l nrful
Hill leeii our lovil oiu-, nerfeet tain.
We know lie felt le-teep in ;fl.
So Mire the I'niih h r M i-xre-.e';
tier lonii iilme i- 'm-Hih 1 he mI.
Her i'ir,l i" w ill. him nt ret.
Si up u ill eherk the rihiK lour.
An I -till I he orn.w in our h nn.
For we .nn nu-i-l in ilmt hriulit s-!tt-'-
Whin- triemlM re never .loonie to jrt.
Aftlteti'it hiihteiit! ffprn no imo-!
Thy ilArhni; now i1- with liie lkt;
Sh" is nt li.l. Inn torn- Iteiore.
Wheri'i-wrlh fn-i 'l iirtln;tl re-t.
T."l Tn,"T
1 When theiinrt .urthiv m. fno.
Slow ..v.vel 10 tiin-l lii.v 'larline tlu ie.
IWiir lM'.ii:?iir ivr-p i-.i.; fr ih-iin
1 liat .il h)'.- i;ik-n tr-mi xti-ir hiatl.
llor tnKi in i-iirin wri1 iini! tl-.M,-
Allll sill' h:l Ml'.l'llt l!u-K'l'iT l.lll't.
Tin- lnn:il? thai :i!inl ymi nn i-Mrtli. "
Hai' c1:i-.im1 ill.- i(:ilir iii'inril- nov-.
Tin- livi",l viii'o in:r- with !n.ivi-iily m:rtfi,
A i-rnwii ul ptiiry iiv k- Iiroii."
Shi! win-, wi'i'ji not o'i'r h-rimivi:
Sht-iMllv sh-t'I.. Il- i 1--.H i,-;l-l.
Itlit unto liim i!ii'i);im1 titni.-,
Ymir miitlii r mm hns P,.m1;
l.ire'n Ki-nry li'ii'ili i- tint a )un,
A fi-u- short yi -lrnnul ii jui ! :
When mill itM-.'-iit!. iM'iti linn.'
lour luutht'r yon i-ati mii't at la-it.
J. V. K.
....,. v .....
M ,n-h -i. i-7, r v
nn .iMiii'iiim. I. mil
I.i 1',
Miiu:n jilton, Maiiy
HrNlEK!OX. t Ku-.i-ii-'City. imnty.
ori-jrun. Miri-h :':h. l-7. Makv K., ilo m I Jr.
W, V. Ih'mlorson, hkim! -.'I yours.
IIik'.-um'i1 iva-i n iliuiiihtorol" lioJu-rt u:il Mr
If'in't J. MilkT, nf thii i-nunly. nii't u Mt.-r tu Mr.
M. A. Miller, nf Ia'Imiiiiiii. slit? ent the irrpntcr
mrl nf Iior life nt her fnrin honn nt-nr Ia-Iuihoh,
where nhe highly otwnu'il hy nil who knew
her. She leave u host of friemls nml n-latives
Imth in lA'linnon ami Euii-ne City who ilii'ily fi-cl
her loss, ami heartily synipmliizc with her many
Smoke the Cliiimpion (he liest 5
cent cigar, at Beard's drug store.
In the show-windows at Andrews &
Haeklenian may Ik-seen a fine assort
ment of those celebrated $:t Douglas
shoes, for gents; also Hawley & Co.
Day sewed Indict' and Misses shoes.
Stop nnd see those Canton Clipper
plows at V. II. Hoscoe & Co's.
f'hurchiil & Monteilh will rn'll vou n
suit of cloths ftr $7.00, and $10.00.
All W.Hll.
(Jarden tools
Roscoe & (.'o's.
of all kinds at F. II.
4ft aen-s of trood funtiiiin 1anl. otic-ronrth tnik
west of Santiiim aeiulvray, Lehanoii OrcKim; eruji
Price, $50 per Acre. One-half Cash.
For part lenlars pii-inire of A. K. 'yrns nf of J
N. McUuuiil'l 011 i-rvuii cs. uux'hl'J-uiii
J. 8. COURTNV. M. I).
Office in Dr. Powell's Residence.
Notary Public and General
Insurance Agent,
CNUretlri! mill ntlirr ltustn-K r'riti.i'!y nttcii'lod
, Ut. oa:i-o 011 Mala Struct. " imltf.
Filling and Extracting Teoth a
0"tl'-c la rvt'ti-iii-o, on Mnin ... next ior nortli
of '. B. MoiiIi:kiip"s lie u- ri'Mt'iit-e. All mirk
ttHITlllltCil. t'HAKI.m HK..-mN.lll.K. llllltf
titfirp 111 ri iilcncc, Oi-jKn-ili- )!! Fellows hull.
i 1 malii' R "jx-i-inliiy of tn-utlnu n'.l k!ti!. cbrt n
1 I Iran i pi: . a!r ill-i am: tj-i-iKlly !it:i'!h-r nml
! tii.'Hii triMiiilei. tt iiritic. e-. I tim
itiii-il M itii iniKl'-ni a.lirin'- n:.l lii-iriou-riis.
sj-ii:i ititi'!iuiti l'im'M 1' m-rt :i:s f--.rinic ill 'ii .-H
!'V i!--.-if;'t!y. cils H:iufrt-t -r..Titjtiy. day or
tili;Ut. t'tiAKa- i:KAoN.ti n.
Lkano:, OttKiiox.
Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampco
ing in the Iiatest and
J. NIXON, Prop.,
I.I.IiANOX. Ol'.KiiOX.
Meals 'Si ct-nt-s, Lnlging 2-.
Tables Supplied Itli tie Best tlie
Market Alfords.
No Extra Charges fur Men with w hite
shirts and grip-sacks.
X. W, 1'iirarf Hutu m:ii! Shenusn StrcWw, t
ntixks fjisl of I?. R. In-t.
J. H. P. HOPE. Prop.
This II u W r'.r.'-c' in a'.l it a;ip-iicinenl.i,
tn-ii!R new am! through!;.' n-iierit-.l.
The Tables SnppHed with the best tbe
Market Affords.
Sample Rooinp and the Rest Accom
modations for Commercial men.
1 .fi.-nerat STnpe nol If
j Foreign and Domestic S
Lekanon, Okikjo.v.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silver Plated Ware.
Impairing n S'lieeialty. All 'Work
Aii Ai;i:sr KiR
The New Noble Sewing Machine and
Sewing Machine Snpplios
Harkness & Mayers Bros,
Horse Shoeing- and Gen
eral Repairing-.
Prices to Suit the Times.
J. I.. (XIWAX. J. M. KAI-STOX. J. W' fl'SK'K
Lebanon, Oregon.
Transact a General Banking-
Accounts Kept Subject to Check.
H:w York, San Francisco, Portland and
Albany, Oregon.
On lavorctLde Terms.
New Goods ! !
-We are now receiving nn Immense utock of
Spring and Stimmer Goods,
Which i the Largest, Choicest and most complete line of fjeneral Menrhan
dise ever broiiglit to this section of the Willamettv valley. Our stock of
Dry and Fancy Ooods vmhraccs all the newest deeigns in Patterns,
Btyles and (iualities, in Dress Goods, including a fine assortment of
The Celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods,
In new and de&irable colors, which have just been opened out for
your inspection.
Our stock of White Goods is Iarge and Complete
Includes all the Newest designs and Novelties in -. . '
Hosier)', Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Ribbons, Jerseys,
Ladies' Underwear, Gloves, Mitts, Etc. t
Ladies and Childrens Shoes and Slippers
Which is just arriving, i.s the largest and most complete line ever pur
chased by us, and at prices that Drfy Competition !
Carpets, Oil-clotiis, Mattings, Rags, Window-Shades, Wall-Paper
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Country Produce. -
Dry Goods, Clothing'
Boots and Shoes
Cigars, Tobacco,
Crokery, Hardware,
Notions, Etc.
in Supplying tlie Wants of the People of this Viciuity, ena
bles me to offer
nl-tf. C. 13. XI ot itfigtio.
Diy-Goocls,Clothing,Boots & Shoes.
shC ROCER1E S,i-
Gents' Ptarnisliog Goods.
Buckingham &. Hecht's Boots, and the Cele
brated W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe.
F'opciltir Flosierx' Company,
it, 1. MOKTK1TH.
New Goods ! !
Hats and Caps,