Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, July 23, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
NO. 13.
$1.25 THE YEAR
One Hundred Millon Bushels May Be Constitutionalist Chief Announdes That Difficulties in Getting Away Brings Laugh Ragged Remnant of Troops Present ;actories and Enterprises Providing Pay­
He Will Confer With Representa­
—New Government to Assist by
rolls For the People and Other
Arms But Darkness Veils
Kept Back—Organizers Find
Interesting Items
Puerto Mexico, July 21.—General
Puerta Mexico, July 18.—Unwil­
A streetcar line is to be built
lingness to leave behind any friends Victoriano Huerta, former Presi­ from Baker into the, Eagle valley.
who want to accompany him into dent of Mexico, left his country last
The state press is fighting the
exile, and failure to select a vessel night and is on his way to Kingston $1500 exemption for “eyery person”
to carry them beyond the reach of Jamaica.
as a sipgle tax measure in disguise
Accompanied by Señora Huerta that would further complicate in­
the constitutionalists, has resulted
in the postponement by President and their unmarried daughters, vestments irt Oregon and drive out
Huerta of his departure for perhaps Elena, Eva, and Zeila; General Blan­ capital.
quet, the ex-minister of war; Señora
several days.
A schooner arrived at Marshfield
With contemptuous disregard for Blanquet and their daughter, Gen­ loaded with skins, tusks and oil of
his enemies in the interior, who eral Huerta boarded the German sea lions, a new industry on the
would shove him off Mexican soil if cruiser Dresden shortly after 5 Oregon coast.
they were able, General Huerta o’clock last evening. Two hours
Congress gaye $150,000 for the
shrugged his shoulders and laughed later Captain Kohler gave orders to fish hatching stations on the Oregon
at the difficulties which will force get under way.
Unless some unexpected compli­
him to remain in the country some
The Fremont hotel recently de­
days longer, but most of the mem­ cation arises, the remainder of
stroyed by fire at Salem will be re­
bers of the party showed much dis­ Huerta’s friends, relatives and mili­
built of brick, to cost $20,000.
appointment because they could not tary officers, who fled with him
from the capital and elected the . Free factory sites are being offer­
get out before tomorrow.
ed on Coos Bay.
A message received late tonight existence of exiles rather than give
The bridge across the river at
from President Carbajal refused the their active support to the pew
use of-the Mexican gunboats for government, will also be at sea to­ Salem has heen condemned and the
two counties and the city will erect
that purpose. The message explain­ day.
ed that it was not deemed wise at
General Huerta referred to Presi­ a $200,000 structure.
this time that the Mexicali warships dent Wilson in a conversation with i , The old Long Placer mine near
Miss Verda Wood, of near Sweet should be used for such a purpose, the newspaper men just before leav­ , Cottage Grove is to be worked for
Home and Mr. Samuel L. Knight, but said the government would pay ing shore, but true to precedent ¡gold.
of Elgin, Oregon, were married in for the use of any vessel that Huerta was noncommital in all his remarks.
A Federal court and postoffice
Albany by Judge McKnight last might charter.
He professed deepest regard for the building will be erected at Medford.
Monday. The newlyweds will make
Huerta spent a dull day, the i American people, characterizing the
A test case has been brought in
their home in Elgin, where the greatest break in its monotony be­ statement that he was an enemy of
Marion county on twelve grounds to
groom is conducting a prosperous ing a call -on the captain of the the United States as a “lie.”
test the constitutionality of the Blue
transfer business.
German cruiser Dresden. A small
It had been originally planned Sky Law.
crowd gathered to watch him alight that Huerta would review the troons
Fruit packing will start August 1
J. T. Pugh and Miss Katie Fox, from the train and go aboard the on the day of his departure, but
of Holley, were married this week. cruiser lying a short distance out, there was no review. It was expect­ in the Rogue river district.
Labor Commissioner Hoff decided
The editor of the Stuttgart Both contracting parties are resi­ but when the stubby old man in ed that he would make a sort of,
the bridge crew on the Grants
Schwäbische Zeitung, who was
plain clothes, accompanied by Gen­ farewell address, but there was no
Pass railroad could not be employed
thrashed for five minutes Sunday a “pension widow.”
eral Blanquet in full uniform and address.
over eight hours. The men got
by two women, can get even with
three members of his staff , walked
a day and overtime, but were
the sex by taking it out of his wife,
The inventor of the phrase, “It’s to the landing where the Dresden
Hunger Strike in Walla Walla Jail $3.20
stopped by Hoff, claiming it was
if he has one.
just one darned thing after another,” launch was waiting, there was no
public work and that an emergency
must be a native of the Gulf region. evidence of emotion other than
Walla Walla, Wash., July 21,—
existed. The time was Cut to eight
A number of the members of our With the dread of yellow fever curiosity.
Having severely cut her husband hours.
High School Band went up to Cas­ gone, bubonic plague comes .as a
Someone lifted up his voice in a and two of his companions with a
The Union Oil Co. will build a
cadia last Sunday.
distressing element.
thin “viva,” but the answering call pocket knife Saturday nig ht while
$10,000 storage *plant at Eugene.
was thinner still. The spectators trying to persuade her spouse to go
W. R. Scott, general manager of
were the idle element, and they home, Mrs. Cal Davis kicked,
6500 miles of the S. P. system on
were- there to see and nothing more. scratched and bit three police the Pacific coast, says railroad earn­
officers who took her to the city ings will soon be on the upgrade.
jail, broke several windows in the
' •'
city hall with her shoes and jammed
Roe Smead’s team took quite a the lock on her cell door in such a
spin Tuesday afternoon. He was manner that it took a locksmith
hauling hay from the north side of several hours to open the door.
the river and in coming down the Now, transferred to the county jail
MYERS & ROSE, Props, :
hill the brake gave way and the the woman has gone on a hunger
heavy load crowded the horsrs into strike. County officials say they will Clean and Airy Rooms and Beds.
a run. In making a turn the wagon not use force in feeding Mrs. Davis.
TKe wish to announce to the
The tables are supplied
was turned over. This freed the
public that we are now locat­
with the best the
R. W. Van Fleet Reemployed
horses and they never stopped run­
market affords
ed in our New Home in
ning til they were nearly fo Foster.
the Booth building on Main
The directors of Union High
Aside from some injury to the hay
Street, where We will be
rack and harness, no damage was school No. 3, held quite an extend­
pleased to meet our friends
ed session Tuesday afternoon.
The principal business of the
and customers.
The Coast Bridge Co., of Portland meet was the employment of a
got the bridge at Yamhill for one principal for; the coining school
dollar less than the Portland Bridge year. R. W. Van Fleet and a Special Orders—Special Prices
Co;, its closest competitor, $4,469. gentlemen from Idaho were the
Feed and Livery Barn in
A. B. Hammond of San Francisco,
After considerable discussion, pro
connection with Hotel
says ships costing $1000 a day to and con, Mr. Van Fleet was em­
Prices are Reasonable.
operate will soon be sailing from ployed.
The date for the opening of the SWEET HOME
Astoria and a railroad will be built
school is yet to be fixed.
down the coast.
Topeka, Kan., July 18.—Kansas
farmers will hold 100,000,000 bush­
els of wheat this year, or 25,000,-
000 bushels more than the entire
crop of 1913, according to W. H.
Mitchell, National vice-president of
the Farmers’ Society of Equity.
Mr. Mitchell is organizing the
farmers of Kansas and urging them
to hold their immense crop for
higher prices. Sixty-cent wheat in
Kansas has become the rule and has
turned the thoughts of the farmer
to the possibility of holding his
grain. When the organizers arrive
in a community, they find little
opposition to the idea of holding the
grain, Mr. Mitchell said:
“I do not believe mrve than one-
fourth of the wheat grown this
year will be sold,” said Mr. Mitch­
Grain bins of frame and cement
construction are being rushed all
over the state, and in many places
wheat is being piled on the ground
by farmers who refuse to accept
present prices for it.
The Farmers’ Society of Equity
is campaigning for dollar wheat,
but the Kansas members will sell
grain for less than that figure, it is
generally believed. Most of them
are preparing to hold for higher
prices tlian the 60-odd cents now
offered, however.
Washington, July 20.—Consul-
General Hanna at Monterey report­
ed today that General Carranza had.
definitely agreed to meet the three
commissioners being sent to the
front by Provisional President Car­
bajal to arrange for the transfer of
government at Mexico City.
General Carranza, Counsel Hanna
reported, has agreed to suspend
hostilities pending negotiations with
Carbajal’s commissioners.
Secretary Bryan was confident a
peaceful agreement would be reach­
ed soon between Carbajal and Gen­
eral Carranza, for the transfer.
Mr. Ryan conferred with Joseph
Castellot, personal representative of
Provisional President Carbajal.
The Jatter brought official word
of the restoration of San Luis Potosi
by tha federáis.
Sweet Home