Intermountain tribune and Linn County agriculturalist. (Sweet Home, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1914, May 28, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
NÒ. 5.
$1.25 THE YEAR
Convicted Man's Counsel Announces Basis Resolution Favoring Action is Adopted Superintendent Jackson Mails Blanks to Washington Asserts That Meditators Have Merchants Close Store, School Boys Aid
Reached Satisfactory Work­
in Work and Ladies Furnish
District Officers With Calls
by the State Body at Mon­
for Move- The Court Ruling
ing Basis
Picnic Banquet
for Annual Election
is Attacked
mouth Friday
Washington, May 2fi.—"Satisfac­
About one-half of Sweet Home’s
The annual school election will be
Monmouth, Ore.. May 22.—The
New York, May 24.—Martin T.
Man ton, chief counsel for Chas. E. abolition of the State Senate, recom­ held all over Linn county on June tory reports from the Mexican citizens accepted the invitation of
Becker, ex-lieutenant of police, con­ mended in a report of the legislation 15, at which at least one director mediation conférence at. Niagara the county court and with pick,
victed for the second time of mur­ committee at the State Grange here will be chosen for each of the -130 Falls today increased the hopes of shovel, ax, rake or grubhoe hied
der in connection with the killing of today, was .resolution districts and one clerk will be the Washington government that themselves last Friday morning to
interventional warfare can be avert­ different portions of the highway,
Hermann Rosenthal, gambler, an­ form later. W., S. U’Ren, of Ore­ elected.
with grim determination to give, at
Notices for this election are being ed.
nounced Saturday an appeal would gon City, was here throughout the
That a satisfactory basis for work­ least, one good honest day of labor
be taken, based on the admission of day and was active in promoting mailed out to the various districts
the testimony of Mrs. Lillian Rosen- the resolution. The movement was today by County Superintendent ing out the international dispute for thè betterment of our public
burg, widow of “Lefty Louie,” the supported by C. E. Spence, Statè Jackson for posting. Blank bonds between the Huerta government roads.
The hill in the southwest portion
gunman. Additional grounds for Grange master, and a portion of the are also being mailed out and blank and the United States had béén
the appeal request, it was announc­ members. They presented befbre’ financial reports which will be filled reached was asserted to béa fact. > of town on the road leading to Hol­
No assurance have come from ley and the Main street through
by the school board after the elec­
ed, would be the ruling of the court the assembly reasons as follows:
“Our senate is an imitation of the tion of the expenditures of the past, General Carranza, chief of thé con- town were the principal scenes of
in refusing to hear before the jury
the argument on the admissiblity of British House of Lords, which repre­ School year of 1913-1914, ending in stitutignalist forces, that hé will activity, though some attention was
the “Dago Frank” Cirofici confes­ sents the nobility. We do not■ have June. From these reports Superin­ send representatives to the media­ given to other portions of the roads.
On Main street seyeral wagons
sion and on the justice’s charge to the nobility, therefore that reason tendent Jackson will make his an­ tion conference, nor has there been
nual report to State Superintendent flat refusal on the part of Carranza 1 and numerous men and boys, gath­
the jury to which Attorney Manton for our senate does not exist.
to consider any form of mediation ered the loose stones from the road
“It is claimed that two houses Churchill.
took exception in court.-
and carted them to the rockcrusher.
According to Mr. Jackson, the at­ proposals.
Becker in his cell at the Tombs are a check to hasty, ill-considered
The point is made in some Quar­ The unsightly trash was carried
today saw only his attorney and legislation. They serve as a check tendance this year is the largest
to as many good measures as they ever known. The average daily at- ters here that even should Carranza’s away and burned. Four teams at­
Mrs. Becker.
In a’letter to District Attorney do to bad measures. The demand iehdance will reach 'close to 6000 forces complete . the triumphant tached to the road grader, with
Whitman today Mayor Mitchell of the age is efficiency. We wish pupils in Linn county. In the 133 campaign by capturing the seat of drivers, added mqch to the appear­
to. know how to do, and not school houses > of the county, 275. the Huerta government in Mexico ance and comfort of Main street by
“I have just heard of the outcome not do.. The initiative aridreferen­ teachers have bèen employed thé City, such a climax would not pacify smoothing it up.
Prof. Geil marched his entire
pastyear. Last year $112,500 was Mexico and there still would be
of the Becker case. The whole com­ dum provide a better check.
band of school boys down from the
“The two-house legislature doubles paid to these teachers, of the total nefed for mediation.
munity is under obligation to you.
With the cause of revolution tri­ public school and aided materially
the opportunity for trading and expenditure fund of $223,000.
Your work has been splendid.”
' Over 1Ô0 of the 133 school houses umphant oyer Huerta, there are in removing the loose stones from
Becker will be sentenced Friday logrolling.
“The one-house legislature, will and the 100 Which in most instances many who believe that the strong the road. Neither were the ladies
and soon thereafter he will be re­
turned to the deathhouse at Sing make an end to passing bills in one are doing some of the most credit­ men in the revolt against Huerta idle. When the noon hour had ar­
Sing. The appeal then will act as body and using, every means to kill able work, are thé “little red school would realize that constitutional rived, they had a sumptuous ban­
houses,” all one-story buildings and government müst be established in quet spread under a grove of plum
them in the other.
a stay of execution.
“In a two'house legislature each with one-teacher faculties.—-Tues­ the wake of military conquest and trees, to which the hungry workers
District Attorney Whitman an­
that such only could be accomplish­ paid ample tribute.
nounced today that he was in pos­ house depends upon the other. day’s Albany Herald.
ed through the good offices of the
The Tribune planned to publish a
session of letters believed by him to Neither house is as careful as if all
powers which have undertaken to list of all the workers; but as the
have been written by Becker to the the responsibility rested upon it.
compose the Mexican situation.
work was carried, on at so many
“In a one-house assembly ¡ the
condemned gunmen during their
Secretary of State Bryan called different points and workers were
stay in the Sing Sing deathhouse. greater localizing of responsibility
attention to the message communi­ coming arid going during the entire
The' letters, it is. believed, were Would expose bad men and reveal
The English House of Commons
cated through the Spanish Ambassa­ day, a correct list is an impossible
The present devious;
passed to the condemned gunmen good men.
has granted Ireland home rule by a
dor from the Hüertà government task. So fearing the wrath of any
between the leaves of books. • The
majority, of. 77 yotes.. The House
that there should be no causé "for who might be slighted, we content
letters are a distinguish^ be far less successful. Candid, open,
of Lords cannot defeat the meas­
alarm occasioned by the activity of qiirselves by simply saying, all who
honest methods would be demanded
ed hand.
Mexican fédérais in the vicinity of worked did well and Went home in
and obtained. ■
. Twa masked men robbed a Salem Vera Cruz. The Huerta foreign the evening having the approval, at
legislature will feel a greater re­ store, early, Monday night. One office exDlained that this movement least, of their own teonsciences,
If two such days could be observ­
sponsibility and a greater , pride in clerk was in. the store at the time. is in preparation for a forward
I want to hire 12 gentle saddle
his work. It will attract the highest They held him up and, after robbing movement of constitutionalists from ed during the year, faithfully and
horses about the 20th of May. In­
capacity and integrity in thè state. the safe of $400, gave him a knock the east coast. Admiral Badger, it well, our public highways would
quire of me at my residence in
We need better men for legislators. on the head’and left by a rear is avowed, forwarded reports that soon present a pleasant and comfort­
Sweet Home. K. S. Mealey.
“The present system is extremely entrance. • No clew to the; robbers constitutionalists were marching able appearance.
southward from Tuxpan td engage
cumbersome, outrageously extrava­ has been discovered.
It is stated that there is but five
California “wets” say that the' the fédérais in thé vicinity of Vera
Governor Demands Olson
gant and woefully inefficient. The
miles, of snow on the mountain
two houses almost double the ex­ state will lose $700,000,000 if the Cruz.
wagon road and this is on Sand
On the part of the United States
Salem, Ore., May 26,—Governor
pense of a legislative session and 'state goes “dry,” this fall. The
un tain and is but two feet in
cost of litigation resulting from loss includes hop fields, vineyards assurances were given that nd more West has issued a requisition on the
v' cKpth.
and property used for brewery pur­ American aeroplanes would sail ^Governor of Washington for N. S.
inefficiency is beyond estimation,”
across the Mexican lines as long as Olson, who, he says, is wanted on
For the purpose of abolishing the poses. .
senate a short amendment was pro7
Pope Pius; of Rome, has named hostilities are suspended. This was petit larceny charges in this and
We Pay Cash For posed. It reads as follows:
determined as a consequence of the other states.
thirteen new cardinals.
“About two years ago,” said the
“Section 32. The senate and the
England has made a final refusal Mexican fédérais firing upon one of
“Olson was brought to
it sailed over a federal Oiitpost.
me by a friend, who stated that
assembly of Oregon are hereby tion at San Francisco next year.
The general opinion seemed to be Olson was about to take a trip to
All provisions of thè
Portland is agitating the instala-
constitution and laws of Oregon in tion of a municipal power and lights that under an armistice an aeiroplane Mexico and asked for a letter which
conflict with this section are hereby ing plant. She now owns her water would not be privileged to cross the might be of aid-in his mission. He
was given a letter, but he has used
lines over the enemy’s country.
abrogated and repealed in so far as system. ' ? .
it in carrying out petit larceny
they conflict herewith. This section
The Polk County Itemizer wants
practices in this and adjoining states.
Come and in See Us
is in all respects self-executing and
Judge Bennett to stand independent navy deDartment not to withdraw Recently the Linn county authorities
immediately operative.” ,
s.; ;
located him in Washington and se­
for governor, nevertheless he. ,was
The following resolution condemn­ beaten by. Senator- Smith for the until there is absolute assurance cured his indictment on the charge
W. D. (Chicken) BROWN
ing the proposed eight-hour law, nomination. The Tribune supported that the army will not be forced of perjury.”
(This is the same party who was
Grant St., Weil of Main
adopted by the Marion County Judge Benett before the primaries, to campaign in the interior of
senteto Mexico from Lebanon in
Pomona Grange, has been adopted but doubts the wisdom of his run­ Mexico.
December 1912 by the Mexican
(Continued on page 3)
(Continued on page 3)
ning independent.
Mines Limited)